2024 Olympics: Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo looking forward to the Games' '20 years of heritage'

Published: Aug 08, 2024 Duration: 00:05:16 Category: News & Politics

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big day of team sports at the Olympics with women's basketball semi-finals both football finals the day began in the sen where after the women it was the men's turn for the swimming marathon after 10 grueling kilometers it ended with a Sprint hungary's Kristoff rovski edging Oliver Clement of Germany uh to the finish and Hungarian David Bethlehem pipping Italy's Dominico aerena by a fingertip for the bronze France took bronze in the table tennis team event edging Japan three matches to two once again it was the youngest of the lean Brothers 17-year-old Felix anchoring lead blue with a come from behind win following it all for us FR 24's Selena Sykes after captivating an entire nation the LeBron brothers and Simon gy have won on a historic bronze medal in the team table tennis event after coming out on top of a marathon five Setter against Japan France were two nil ahead after Alexi and Simon gy dominated in their doubles match to take the opening set before Felix LeBron came out on top of a tense and close encounter against the tomama Kazu harim with Felix Li coming out on top in the fifth game a t fifth game where he had to come from behind to win that set 32 the Japanese then fought back as both Alex and Simon gy lost their individual matches and then it was all up to the 17-year-old table tennis Prodigy fix to seal a glory for the French and he didn't make it easy for the crowd it took him four match points to get that win for the French but he did it winning uh the fifth the fourth game to win that free one that means that France have a second bronze medal here at the Olympics in table tennis after Felix's individual bronze which makes this the most successful Olympics of for France in terms of table tennis sporting success helping to make these very popular games indeed games that were much maligned before they began Let's cross to France 24's James Andre uh James the end is near for Paris 2024 the mayor speaking earlier can we call her press conference a Victory lap yeah in a sense it was a bit of a victory with indeed an Delo saying how these games had been an enormous success also saying that you know the legacy of these games was going to endure in decades to come that it was an opportunity to give an incredible image of the City of Paris and we managed to interview her with Valentine erba as she ended that press conference this is what she had to say when I was able to ask her a question what I feel is the happiness of seeing my city our city celebrated by the French people including those who perhaps had a fairly negative image of Paris it's 10 years of hard work we've just experienced 15 days of happiness that we will have again with the paral Olympics and then it will be 20 years of Heritage so it's not just a moment in time this is my message James Andre what is that Heritage well what she says uh an Delo is that basically stuff that would have taken over 20 years to achieve were done in a very short lapse of time thanks to the Olympics saying that basically what it gave uh this this this this ceremony and that of course these Olympics was a deadline and this deadline empowered people to react now she said you know it was decided back in 2015 basically to have a bid uh and to try and get these Olympic Games it's 10 years of work and she said for example you know here on the other side of the S this used to be an urban Waterway well now it's a park she said we did that in 2017 and that in a sense is thanks to the Olympic Games she said it's being able to boost pedestrian zones also uh cycling in the city of Paris you said you know 1,770 platforms were modified for buses to become accessible to uh disabled people said that would have never happened if hadn't been uh the Olympic Games and she also said was of course the biggest Legacy in her view is the sen river which has been deep uted and she says you'll see next year we will be swimming in the sen River and that is a result of the Olympic Games themselves now I did put that the question about you know taxi drivers complaining restaurants complaining and basically she said that you know participation this was uh her her Deputy saying that 20% uh up was the visit the number of visitors parison said don't worry this Legacy economically will endure and these people will make all that money back and we'll be talking about it in the final edition of destination Paris that's coming up in a little under two hours time many Thanks James Andre that's it for this Edition you're watching France 24

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