PUTIN'S WAR: Kursk nuclear power plant in Ukraine's sights! "Difficult situation for the Russians!"

and with that we look to Moscow to our Russia correspondent Christoph Wanner good morning Christoph so what information do you have what the current developments in the Kursk region are supposedly the Ukrainian army is advancing the situation is still difficult for the Russians and that reveals the fact that the governor of the Kursk province Alexi Smov is now moving to restricting the access to Kurchatov. Kurchatov is the city where the nuclear power plant is located and now only people who live there or who work should be allowed in and this limitation exists because they Russian authorities assume that the Ukrainians could continue to try to conquer the Kursk nuclear power plant with sabotage troops, i.e. to get a bargaining chip to get a really important strategic object in order to be able to possibly exchange it for another relevant object such as the Saparoge nuclear power plant, which has been there since The war begins under Russian control in the Saparose province, so that's exactly what we've talked about again and again, namely that the Ukrainians have a lot more plans to control in the Russian heartland than just a small corner on the edge and that's why these precautionary measures are important find

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