Who Is...The President? A HARD Jeopardy Compilation

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:15:09 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] hailed 800 in 2014 Isabella ayendi was among the recipients of this medal the highest civilian honor awarded by our chief executive Randy medal of freedom what is the medal of freedom that's it on the calendar for 200 please Harry Truman had stars and stripes in his eyes when he designated June 14 as this annual dat Anish what is Flag Day good Kevin spacy plays a manipulative politician on this series from Netflix Hillary what is House of Cards you are right Claire PR for 200 for many his presidency was a time of great promise Claire who is JFK yes pres for 400 this president was a famous actor before going into public politics Dan who's Ronald Reagan correct uh 600 please this Southerner was a governor before he was president Claire who was Jimmy Carter correct press for 800 a founding father he was a Fran ofile and a friend of scientific discovery Audrey who was Thomas Jefferson yes pres 1000 his military career did much to swell this seventh president's reputation Claire who was Jackson got him on the stamp seen here Monaco oops by putting five fingers and a thumb too on this new deal US president Maya who is Franklin D Rosevelt yes books 800 the answer there is the daily double you and Alex have been looking forward but you got there first how much were you wager two Daily Double please staying true to form all right here is the clue his personal Memoirs completed before his death in 1885 and dedicated to the American Soldier and sailor who is Garfield oh no it was ulyses S Grant we were looking for General Grant back to zero but lots of time left where do we go uh books by presidents 200 Christmas in Plains Alex uh who is George uh W bush no Erica who is Jimmy Carter Plains Georgia yes published in 1866 his administration on the eve of rebellion Erica who is B Canon that's right films 800 here's Jimmy with the clue Alfred Hitchcock always wanted to do a chase scene across the faces of Mount Rushmore that chase scene became the climax of this 1959 Thriller Hillary what is North by Northwest that's the motion picture the Roosevelt's for 600 on accepting the 1932 nomination for president FDR said I pledge you I pledge myself to a this for the American people what is a new deal uh I'll do books by President 600 a boyhood in Iowa we were looking for Herbert Hoover Alex back to you books for 400 a time to heal Alex uh who is Obama no Brian or Erica we were going for Gerald Ford uh the White House for 1,000 he's still the only president to have had his wedding in The White House marrying young Francis fulson in 1886 Zack who's Grover Cleveland he's the president the category for final jeopardy Awards here's your clue the Theodore Roosevelt Ruff Rider award honors influential people from this state including Western author Louie LaMore you have 30 seconds good luck [Music] let's begin with Deborah Steinberger what did you come up with what is Texas that is not correct how much did you wager zero all right you will hold steady at 4200 Gary Hollis what did you write down what is New Mexico unfortunately that is also not correct how much is that going to cost you 8,000 that takes you down to 2200 and finally Ed Hashima what state did you come up with Wyoming unfortunately that's not correct correct response North Dakota Roosevelt spent many years there in the bad lands and what's that going to cost you 5,000 with 10,000 ,600 congratulations Ed you are advancing to the finals on April 25th 1865 six-year-old Teddy watched from a window as this man's funeral procession moved through Manhattan Steve who is Abraham Lincoln correct Roosevelt's for 400 Eleanor's Triumph passage of the udhr got her the first Standing Ovation for a single delegate in this organization's history Universal Declaration of Human Rights Standing Ovation at the United Nations when date and year Congress resolved the United Colonies are to be free and independent states two days before what you might think Jill what is July 2nd 1776 correct built over FDR's indoor swimming pool the Press briefing room was renamed in 2000 for this wounded press secretary Brian who is Brady right uh the White House for 600 please it should be obvious from the curtains and certain accents this is the room where the official Christmas tree is displayed Brian what is the blue room right US presidents who were Scorpios include Warren G Harding and this man who served from 19001 to 19009 that president was Teddy Roosevelt referring to this volunteer regiment and their Victorious charge in Cuba Teddy called it the great day of my life Elizabeth who are the rough writers good let's finish out the roselt for 1,000 before her death in 1962 ellanor made a final visit to the old family summer home on this Canadian Island and that is Campo Bello state capitals that's the category for final today and players here is your clue a 1957 event led to the creation of a National Historic Site in this City signed into law by a president whose library is now there too 30 seconds good luck [Music] all right Randy we come to you first this was a tough one you guys struggled with this immensely let's see if you were able to come up with a correct response you said what is you were going for Springfield and that would have been incorrect so you risked and lost everything you're down to zero now let's go to Claudia she had 13,800 was tied for the lead and she wrote down what is Austin no that too is incorrect and what did it cost you everything now we come to Mike Drummond his response was what is Atlanta the president in question in the clue is Bill Clinton the correct response is Little Rock Arkansas let's see what Mike lost 13,800 we have three players finishing with no money and what that means ladies and gentlemen is that tomorrow we will have no returning Champion we will introduce three new players to Jeopardy so sorry folks see you tomorrow the first White House bowling alley was built for this president in 1947 Brian who is Truman correct uh the White House for 200 on Christmas Eve in 1929 a fire in this section of the White House gutted the Executive offices Jill what is the West Wing correct let's go with Ronald Reagan for 600 in 1966 Reagan's first political victory was his election to this job that was for governor of California Rob your Reagan for eight in 1957's hellcats of the Navy Reagan co-starred with the actress build as this she'd go on to be more than a co-star Rob who was Nancy Davis that's right uh Reagan for th000 Reagan's diary entry for January 27th 1981 reads ceremony on South lawn to welcome these people home Rob who are the hostages of Beirut no Leah who are the Iranian hostages yeah they were in Iran very nice can't lose four by the numbers in 1984 it was Ronald Reagan 54 million votes this Minnesota man 17 million fewer Mata who is Mondale yes Al Haag once said I am in control here in the white house but like this man ha was batting forth Anthony blinkin Ronald Reagan for 200 Ronald Reagan was born on February 6th 1911 in the city of tampo in this state Rob what is Illinois yes uh Reagan for four in 1951 a chimp named Peggy played this role in a comedy starring Reagan Stuart what is Bonzo that's the chimp Jimmy Carter served as Naval engineering officer on one of these Liz what is a nuclear submarine that is right uh president stays for 800 President's Day in Alabama honors Washington and this next president from the south Eric who is Jefferson yes a 2009 Illinois resolution made every February 6th this 20th century President's Day Eric who is Obama no Amanda or Mark who is Ronald Reagan back to you Eric president 2000 this state observes Herbert Hoover day Mark what is Iowa correct in 2022 the light we carry carried its way to the top of the non-fiction bestseller list for this ex- first lady Suzanne who is Michelle Obama yes fact non-fiction 800 there's the other Daily Double hi I'm Liz Cho from ABC7 mosaics in ulyses S Grant's New York City tomb depict the greatest moments in the General's career including the April 1865 surrender of Robert E Lee at this Virginia site Kevin what is aomax yes Donald Trump's secret service code name is appropriately this also something skiers have to navigate Abby what is a slalom no Laurel or Kevin what is Mogul as in business Mogul an Obama era rule that never took effect said a credit card company can't force you into this process to settle a dispute Jennifer what is arbitration that's right and you pick up $2,000 and you're now in the lead with a total of 11,600 but it's still anyone's game Islam for 200 the first is shahada a profession of faith in God whom Muslims call this Judy what is Allah Allah is Right Islam 400 the second is Salat or this which observant Muslims are supposed to practice five times a day Greg what is prayer prayer yes uh rowing 400 please these ancient ships with two or three Banks of rowers kept up their military use into the 1500s Judy what are G yes Islam 600 zakat is this third pillar and is typically 2.5% of your Capital annually Greg what is a tithe a tithe or no Judy what are alms alms alms giving yes Islam 800 the fourth pillar is Psalm fasting and is typically practiced from sunrise to sunset during this Muslim month Judy what is Ramadan Ramadan you got it Islam 1000 the fifth pillar is to make a pilgrimage to Mecca a once in a-lifetime trip known as this Samantha what is the Haj the Haj yes Washington made the very first presidential proclamation in response to a request for a day of public this 30 seconds good luck [Music] we start with Cara at 5,200 and her response was Thanksgiving you're right you wrote it down so quickly you double your score to 10,400 now we go to Ben 88,200 did he get Thanksgiving no that'll cost him how much 7,1 he's dropping down to 1199 as we come to our leader Jessica she had 15,200 and her response was wrong it's not a national day of morning and it cost you 2600 only that leaves you enough 12,600 enough to become the new J the new Champion Jessica

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Historic Names | Final Jeopardy! | JEOPARDY!

Category: Entertainment

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