Flash flood warning issued for much of central Mississippi / NHC tracking Tropical Depression 7

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:01:24 Category: News & Politics

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a super talk Mississippi media production Toyota of Brook Haven has been voted best new car dealership in Southwest Mississippi 4 years in a row come see the difference exit 40 Brookhaven or online at toyer brookh haven.com great service great savings at Toyota Brook Haven we deliver the National Weather Service is issued a flash blood warning on Thursday for areas in and around Brandon bym Brownsville Canton Clinton Edwards Jackson Pocahontas Raymond ridgland and udica that warning is in effect until 9:00 a.m. a separate warning was issued for Port Gibson Vicksburg and those surrounding areas near the Mississippi River that's in effect until 9:15 a.m. a lot of schools will remain closed today or have delayed start times that includes some universities for more information on that you can log on to supert talk. FM and just a heads up forecasters at the National Hurricane Center are tracking tropical depression 7 that's located west of the Cabo Verity Islands its way out there at this point but as of the 5: a.m. update td7 could become a tropical storm [Music] today a super talk Mississippi media production

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