The Voice of Australia 2024 | Episodes 1 & 2 | ALL AUDITIONS RANKED

1. The Coaches sing 'Queen Medley' ladies and gentlemen Make some noise for Series 13 of The Voice Australia and for our Superstar coaches returning for an astonishing sixth season multiple ARA wias die Sebastian 48 million record sales and still the youngest Grammy winner in history lean ryes the only artist in the world who's performed at Coachella Eurovision and the Metropolitan Opera Kate Miller Hy and the only man who could fill Freddy Mercury's shoes in Queen International Rock icon Adam Lambert four music legends together for the very first time on The Voice Australia rort make a big noise playing in the street going to be a big man somay got on your face disce kicking your can all over the place we will we will rock you we will we will rock you the street all the you got blood on your face you big disgrace weing your banner all over the place we will we will rock you we're going to rock you baby we will we will Ro you we will we will Ro you we will we will [Applause] [Music] you I paid my d I have the time I've done my sentence but committed no crime and bad mistakes of made a few I've had my share of said kicked in my face but we are the champions my friends we keep on fighting to the end we are the champions We Are the Champions no cuz we are the champions [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hi 2. Reuben de Melo sings 'I See Fire' Dad oh I love it when you hear babies oh misty of the mountain below yes keep careful watch of my brother Soul wow should the SK be filled with fire and smokeing over [Applause] [Music] wow if we should burn tonight you going to we should all burn together watch the Flames burn over on the mountain side I See Fire Inside the mountain I see fire burn in the trees I See Fire hollowing souls and I See Fire the blood and the Bree I See Fire oh you know what our city bur now I see F over home Mountain [Applause] Side yes yes for you just sang that better than Ed Sheron man you are so clicked in like you opened your mouth the first note first phrase was just like it was it sounded like a record it was so otherworldly and and and Polished and amazing musical choices and and very sophisticated approach to it I feel like you're a diamond in the rough you're a star that voice needs to be heard than 100% my gosh that's one of my favorite auditions I think I've heard on this show I would love you on my team I I don't have anyone yet please please I am just going to have what oh no you didn't the ultimate Vlog yes stuck sorry sorry hi welcome to team Leanne you're amazing thank so talented thank you so much for having me new oh that I is all that you given 3. Shannen Wick sings 'Stop!' me you never wor that I depend on you okay I'll give you all the [Applause] love such a great I can't believe it's true oh you better stand before you tell me all you [Music] [Applause] better you better baby St [Music] you better [Applause] [Music] St what okay you you better [Music] yes yes how long have you been singing um since I was 3 years old yeah yeah yeah you can tell that is like in your blood like you're not thinking you're just feeling yeah and when you can couple feeling with with technical facility and prowess that to me is like those are the singers that that are legends those are the singers that are meant to do this and that will go far and you will go far far in this competition thank you so 4. Lana Sayah sings 'Good Luck' much hone wake up baby you're so totally DED wow you up all and lonely if you don't get a bullet in your head wow really good good luck good luck you're looking a new way your is honey where your your me [Applause] down I always have a serious smile more more [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] hone enjy your life enjy your life [Applause] [Music] yes I love old school Soul Jazz I'm an old school girl yeah the we call it like stank face vocals stank that's what you gave me I was behind there going like yes yes same stank face you know what I'm talking about right when when something's so funky and so deep that you're like oh yeah oh my God you gave me the stank face like within seconds so you got it um that was a very cool choice I don't know how many Australian artists you know but I love it when Australian singers embrace our natural accent yeah but I still cannot do an Australian accent let me it I wouldn't even try it's like it's it's it's a tough one to do but the word no I mean no there's like a hundred different ways to say no in Australia it's like nor nor yeah nor there's an r in there that I don't know where it came from yeah now uh Hey that reminds me we've got some gifts to welcome you seeing as we're talking about Australian accents a this is something we do whenever we have new overseas guests I very much appreciate welcome to Australia oh my God this is the best oh a little boxing kangaroo uhhuh thongs we've got thongs yes oh yes if you want to be really aie you call them double pluggers double pluggers oh wait what is this is this a swatter I I think I I think I got yours oh I love this thank you guys that's so kind I think we need to keep this on set I'm going to fight you for this oh yeah but welcome to Australia thank you for S your gifts into our talent it's amazing to have you we're only starting out but you're going to be blown away do you think my sash I think your stylist might have something to say if you want to make very in right now 5. Beau Shearer sings 'Something In The Orange' [Music] ah it'll be F by the side I'm telling you baby yeah these things eat at your bones and drive your young mind czy cool you place your head between my I don't know much there's no way at all to you are just man to me you're all I am hell am I suppos to myself in never you are just man to me or all I am where the hell I suppos to go I'm poison myself something in your me never come home if you leave today I'll just stare out the way s all things around the grass trees and you H I just hate you please turn those head lights around please around so bow 16 from fingle head yeah all right firstly that that's a it's a haircut that would make Andre agasse wish for the days of old it's did thank mom for that one did Mom cut it did you cut it I it's cool I think that's really cool actually thank you I think I think I had those bangs as a child like seriously we I love it combo of of two very famous haircuts the bow cut and a mullet yeah the bullet it's called a bullet a bullet I love it can I just say that there's something about you your essence on stage I think there's something deeply Australian about what you do I think it would be a mistake to go with an American oh yeah because I think that there's something really really really earthy and humble I mean you know there country comes I mean yeah where yeah where country music comes from the one who's done country music birth yeah I mean that that is you do keep reminding us of that youen heard that a lot lean but just amongst other things I just started there the I didn't finish there the the thing is that you know Americans are known for and you know present company excluded but they are known for a bit of arrogance um and they're kind of damn straight a bit loud damn straight I just I just think um you would do really really well with an Aussie coach and I think your dad might [Applause] agree I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] think I'm going to go with guy all right so swe that's cool dude that was awesome 6. Tia Barnes sings 'Life Goes On' thank you so much o [Applause] [Music] words everything hurts love leads to pain I'm already in I'm already in [Applause] oh the waves came turn down as you Flo away I'm reaching for tell me how oh yes how my life goes on with you gone I suppose I s like a stone if you live me now all the storms Will Roll Easy Come hard and life goes [Music] on yeah life go on yeah yeah if you liveing [Music] now all the stores will roll easy Cal hard than [Music] life pretty really pretty lovely wow they seem to be saying what's the so oh in the crowd c in the crowd well I mean you say you know all the word do you guys know this [Applause] song okay I was young and caught in the crowd I didn't know then what I know now I was done and I was proud I'm sorry if I could go back do it again I'd be someone you could call friend believe that I'm nice amazing what a treat what an absolute great 7. Michael & Violeta sings 'When The Party's Over' gorgeous don't you know I'm no good for you I love to lose you call me keep me closer okay and I'll call you the it's [Music] my that like that I like that like it like it like it like that it like [Applause] that I can lie say I it like that I it like that beautiful cute for CH turn wow beautiful a I'm Michael and this is vieta we're a couple on the stage and off the stage Sydney wow you moved me to tears you really did your connection on stage you could just tell there was so much love between the two of you and to see you singing together was so magical this song's actually really special to us cuz it's the first song that we ever performed together and it was on the first day that we met met oh wow wait the first day you met you performed together so the first day that we met Michael pulled me up on stage with him in front of Andrea belli by the way oh my god wow oh what a moment which is a little bit daunting I love that but Andrea belli and myself we actually share not just music in common but um we are both legally blind as well so oh wow so uh it was so special to perform that in front of him with the love of my life wow you got me crying again I mean seriously you this person's up there yelling out every name I hear you that same voice went guy Leanne Kate Adam come on they know they're going to get it ride one way or the other 8. Elias Lanyon sings 'Daylight' right time the last time SP any Mery that you me down on my knees oh pretty yeah deep down way down lord I try try to follow your life it's not time please don't leave me in [Music] yeah there's a darkness in the distance and I'm begging for forgiveness I know I'm un [Music] resisted and I at the same time you and I Dre the from [Music] [Applause] [Music] same love it at the time the same but we love hat at the same time all daylight from the dayl running from the daylight from the daylight running from the daylight I love I ha it at the same time [Applause] I feel great it's exciting oh yes hi sorry I hope I'm not interrupting no not at all no welcome I wanted to pitch something to you okay cuz you've been around the block with this show and it's my first time I'm a newb what do you think about some kind of like Alliance like Australians versus Americans could that be a strategic tool that we use just squeeze them out look I've only won The Voice once it very often goes to an international and I like where you're heading with this but our goal is to bring it back onto aie are you going to stab me in the back at the end no you will turn this alive pink promised that that this is I and clad like this is real okay yeah I like the idea we need to brainstorm details okay call me later yeah no idea is a bad idea okay thanks nothing is too evil take your eyes off of me so I can 9. James Vass sings 'Love In The Dark' leave I'm far too ashamed to do it with you watching me oh wow this is never ending we have [Music] been I can stay this time cuz I don't love you [Music] anymore don't come in closer don't try to change my mind I'm being Cru to be kind I can't love you in the dark oh it feels like we're all there is so much space between us maybe we're already defeated don't think you could say me [Music] James there's three coaches that obviously want you on their team I agree with Adam you are ready so St believing uh including with this decision believe in yourself oh my gosh oh wow I was not expecting this result at all you guys are all amazing this is this is a dream but um I've grown up with this person for like most of my life so I think I'm going to go with [Applause] guy it was good pitching I mean you guys did well it was good it was strong um we don't need your feedback thanks yeah would you like to coach us something what is this is this for a loser yeah loser loser thanks that's all right here you go it's hilarious isn't ITT for Lambert L is for lean L is for Lambert but keep you know you you guys will get some people in your team eventually it's uh I'm here all day if you need any anything AR 10. Ruby Lafferty sings 'Right Here, Right Now' walking [Music] rby so her name is Ruby we love you and she's loved yes she's very loved very loved that's our Clues so far but there's just no living without it I just take it day by day got no regrets oo let it go steping out into my we got know I'm the one who's in control come on I walking along singing my song foll My intuition doesn't need to be a mission and if it goes wrong but let it go wrong I don't need nobody's blessing I can do this on my own I am right here right now right here right here right now I am right here right now hey walking along singing my song following my intuition doesn't need to be a mission if it goes wrong let it go wrong I don't know no no righty righty right now I am right here right now come on I am right here right now right right here right now I am right here right now yeah Ruby um what does singing mean to you singing for me is the one that I feel like I excel in I guess um and it's been the one defining factor that isn't you know based on my appearance like um for my weight I was bullied a lot in high school um and primary school so it was just yeah people are lovely aren't they uh it's just yeah it's cruel but you know I found that this is my passion this is what I want to do and I feel the most confident and the most me on stage and yeah I love it I love it so much um I yeah I got bullied like crazy uh you know I was I still am a weird kid you know and I love being weird it's like you find as you get older like how cool that actually is yes there is pain there yes you've gone through that but what I loved about what I just saw was that I didn't feel that pain when I watched you sing I felt all that light and so you're taking all of that and you're going you know what F you I don't care I'm going to keep and save my light and not let anyone touch it cuz it's mine and it's my creation and I love that I think that's beautiful but light only exists in contrast to dark yeah what I love is just this depth that you have and to me that song wasn't just about you shining your light you could feel that you had transcended something You' fought a battle and won and that's the darkness that I'm talking about you just said what I just said that's in a better way wow I'm pushing the cape block button are you serious yeah I've had it I am pushing it and holding it down Kate oh oh I my [Applause] that's it I like it good 11. Teza McKenna sings 'Rebel Yell' [Music] luck last night little she dance my door last time little angel she came on my floor She said come on you want license for love and if it expires pray help from above become in the Midnight Hour she C more more more with r yeah she C more more she don't like sleep she won't sit and P I'm well she leads me to wow you free I want you to be cuz one set you free I about you here loveing me because the M hour she more more with yeah she C more more in the Midnight Hour will r oh she got more more more more sh thank you IEM my one last request uh my daughter is over there she's got a uh a text is there any way you could sign her arm for her or something like that of course you're getting a tattoo I'm going to get your autograph Ted nice to meet you how are you I'm a thank you scribble away scribble away Steady Hand steady steady hand there you go nice to meet you thank seeing a lot of you guys then 12. Kyle Wilson sings 'Sexy And I Know It' yeah when I woke by girls be looking like d fly been the be walk down the street my that's different this is how I and pants out of control red with a big eye and the light the girl kind girl look at that body look at that body I work out when I walk in the what I see everybody stop staring at me passion in my pants I ain't afraid to show it show it woo I'm sexy in know I'm sexy in know o I'm sexy and I know yeah sexy and I know so wiggle wiggle wiggle so wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah yeah Wile wiggle wiggle yeah wiggle wiggle wiggle I'm sexy and [Music] [Applause] 13. Manawa Randall sings 'How Do I Live' no how do I get through one night without you if I had to live without you what kind of life would that be oh why I need you my arms need you to hold you're my world my heart my soul if you [Music] ever baby you would take away everything good in my life and tell me now how do I live without you I want to know how do I breathe without you if you ever go how do I ever ever [Music] survive how do I how do I tell me baby I ever ever [Applause] Sur how do I [Music] live oh wow I actually do you mind if I get up and actually sing with you cuz I yeah of course I think maybe if I get up here with you we would have a completely different outcome of this song I'm up here for support now you don't have to be nervous anymore I mean actually that might make you even more nervous but let's just like go with it okay here we go me how do I live without you I want to go how do I live without you if you ever go how do I ever how do I [Music] how how do [Music] how my heart just feels for him because I I know we all know there's something there there definitely is and probably the most palpable NSE we've seen and we all know what that feels like oh my God it's the worst feeling yeah just drink yeah out of the water fountain we will 14. Jason Robertson sings 'Horses' fly [Applause] we where the cold and the situation shouldn't give me separated you know the world won fall apart now you will free that beautiful bur that's C in inside your heart can't you hear her when she cried so loud it's too wild know over water and Cloud that's the way it's going to be little TR youing all thees yeah yeah we been the SK Little [Music] T and if you fall I'll pick you up and pick you up that's the way it's going to be little darling we go R all yeah yeah we up in that SK and if you fall I'll pick you up pick you up thank you very much 15. Jamino sings 'Could You Be Loved' yes lovely people how you doing out there how good job [Music] farful come on Could You Be Love then Bel love Could You Be Love Oh and Bel don't let me [Applause] fool hold [Applause] no even D this [Music] schol oh no we got the mind of own so go to but you fig this [Music] right love will never leave us alone in the darkness you must come out to light yeah come on Could You Be Love Oh and Be [Applause] Love How Could You Be Love oh now then Bel [Applause] love love you be everybody say something something come on and say something it it say [Music] something thank Youk you I I feel like we need to hear it again I just want to see it I want to see do you want to hear it again yeah thank you come on yes lovely people are you Could You Be [Music] Love then Bel could you be [Music] [Applause] love love everybody say say W that was fantastic well done congratulations so great that was [Applause] [Music] awesome trly jly [Music]

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