🎾MONFILS vs SCHWARTZMAN | US Open 2024 | LIVE Tennis Play-by-Play Stream

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 03:07:28 Category: Sports

Trending searches: diego schwartzman
W be so long why you keeping me waiting all I want [Music] I why you keep meting [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all I want all I [Music] want you [Music] keep all I want all I want [Music] oh so long why you keeping me waiting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] I so so long why you keeping me waiting all I want all I [Music] want why you keep me w [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all I want all I want we [Music] why you keep [Music] meting I want [Music] I so long why you keeping me waiting [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] I [Music] keep all I want all I want behind you you so long so why you keep me waiting [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all I want all I want [Music] you so so long why you keeping me waiting all I all I [Music] want you keep me [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all I [Music] I why you keeping me waiting all I want all I [Music] want so long so long why you keeping me [Music] waiting e [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello hello welcome back to Quality shot tennis today we've got the first round between Diego schwarzman and lamon gilmont going head-to-head how's everybody doing first round matchup the guys are currently practicing their serves hey how's it going Zera hopefully you're doing good hello hello US Open Uso I had to do this one I was considering doing some of the other ones Jang versus anissimova uh was one that I was thinking about commentating I knew I couldn't do three today I wanted to do at least two um I knew I wanted to do jokic in the night match I am for Quality shot tennis I'm the American commentator here like we don't have a lot of American commentators so I I'm really like the only one that can do the night matches unless somebody wants to do it at 430 in the morning um so I yeah I want to take the joke fish match because that'll be a big one but then also yeah Moni versus schwarzman these two guys Legends uh two of the most uh they have two of the biggest legacies outside of the big three for or I'll say this for for guys that never reached the top five Diego schwarzman and gilmont Fe have a lot of fans like it's crazy how much these guys are loved despite never reaching the top five in the world um because they're both talented guys very down toe guys it's hard not to like him and uh schwarzman it could be his last grand slam he had to qualify into this US Open uh which he did winning three matches which is already a great sign of form and um I I think my I think schwarzman is underrated at the US Open he's reached the quarterfinals here before he plays well here so I like him here this is actually the first time these two guys will play on outdoor hardcourts they've played twice on clay and three times on indoor hard courts uh their first two meetings were on Clay last three on indoor hard courts their last meeting was in Vienna in 2021 schwarzman leads that t 3-2 which is very good for schwarzman he won both their last two meetings like I said both on indoor hardcourts which you would think should favor Gail who who is the bigger who hits the ball bigger than schwarzman between the two of them and uh serves bigger you would think that indoor hard courts favor Gail but schwartzman's won the last two meetings so Gail is the big favorite but schwartzman's done pretty well in this matchup and yeah let's see what all happens Gail to serve here first excited for it and we already got some people head coming in awesome yeah some tennis fans or some pretend tennis fans but we got people sir from Gil that's an ace schwarzman swings at it but can't get it in love some kick on the serve can do good against Diego just is what it is forehand crosscore very good huge from Gail Gail's been playing great recently uh he won UTS which really shouldn't mean anything but he was playing Amazing during the tournament um so that's the only thing I'll say I don't really look at exhibitions especially UTS of all things for anything but the only thing I will look at exhibitions to see if somebody's level is higher than uh either I've ever seen them play or if it's higher than I've seen playing a long time and I would say that that was the case for ran Fe there he was playing he was hitting some incredible shots he's he's in really good form that's another huge forehand from monf so 405 that's really the only thing to pay that only reason to why you would pay that much attention to exhibitions because other than that unless uh the level is just really um notable or then it doesn't matter but I would say the level was notable that he reached a high level that was notable surf from mon forehand of schwarzman forand mon that goes out 4030 appreciate everybody joining joining in um we especially have a lot of people during the ends of the grand slams but um thanks guys for joining into the first round as well um and like I was saying two fun names here Gail definitely with way more momentum schwarzman is is retiring for a reason he's his game is not what it used to be it's hard to play a game like schwarzman the older you get like Michael Chang he really kind of dropped off by the age 30 um you know it's it's hard to play this kind of grinding uh maybe more defensive style at least counter punching style where you really have to rely on your speed and lateral movement it's hard to it's hard to play that style really late into a career which is why I kind of really hope that Medvedev can figure it out at one of these hardcore majors and get another get another Slam in the bank in the next couple years because you never know how long the guy is going to be uh at the level that he's at right now I have a feeling he's GNA stay around because he's just he's that kind of a player he's so good but I uh I wonder if he's gonna be able to if he's gonna be capable of winning slams past the age of 31 32 Etc you know because he relies so much on lateral movement and movement from the back as well also he's just like he's also 6 foot six hey Lexi Dominic team yeah last grand slam match which is which sucks I um dud love team love team the guy's got guys been so fun to watch so that sucks um but yeah I mean it's been it's been tough to watch the last few years though to be honest so I just uh remembering the best best of team and uh hoping wishing him the best Vienna will be his last event hopefully he can have at least a good last match there he he had a great Vienna tournament like 2022 out of nowhere so never know but I'm expecting that we're not really going to see that many more wins out of team I don't even know when's the last time he's won a match I think I looked this up actually but I have the memory of a gold goldfish maybe it was against like marterer in some clay tournament arer who lost his ver today we haven't had a lot of upsets on the men's side so far marer did take a set off zov Buck lost to Shang shout out to Jerry Shang who I got a chance to speak to at the Atlanta open who's very very nice kid very very very nice kid 15 all here with Diego serving um and yeah he's a rising star Jerry uh so good good to see that on the woman side zakary had to retire yam strema lost um so those are some of the biggest stories so far I guess nothing nothing crazy massive so far maybe outside of sacher but she just isn't performing at the slams anyway or in general that's a forehand the net so it's 1530 to Gail not a super fan but it was really sad earlier yeah I I was watching the first set I was happy that team was keeping it mostly close but I I kind of tuned off after that um yeah I was a super fan I was a super fan of Team he was my second favorite player uh for a bit with along with Roger especially after their uh their Indian Wells final and after the 2019 rolling G's final with Rafa I was a I was a huge fan of Team during that period of time I also just love the one-handed backend anybody who has a one-handed back end it's a huge Plus in my book like automatic automatic fan Stan love them you know maybe outside of s they have to have a good one-handed back end can't can't shank every one-handed back end sits boss is the exception no offense to sits boss in general but also yeah outside sit B it's a good forehand from schwarzman so game point here back in monf the back end of schwarzman back in monf going back in backend rally carving out some angle schwarzman pulling mon wide to the outside and the back end goes out from mon solid Rally from from schwarzman there 1 so we know that schwarzman hasn't been having success recently but I kind of want to look at exactly what his recent results have been so looking at his recent results I think his last two tournaments were the qualifying of French Open and Wimbledon maybe outside of Challengers I need to see I'm assuming he played some Challengers or something I haven't really been following Diego's Journey yeah so wow so before this he lost first round qualifying to at Wimbledon to a guy ranked outside top 300 in the world he lost to uh Quinton Hallis in the second round of qualifying of Roland garos uh he got he won he got through qualifying of Rome where he always plays well lost to vukic Lost to Madrid uh lost qualifying to Madrid he has won a main draw match and I don't know how long got through qualifying Barcelona lost to lovic Lost first round qualifying Monte Carlo lost to saulin first round of main draw in Miami I I genu has he won a main draw match all year that's sad man what happened to Diego wow Diego schwarzman hasn't won a single main draw match all year that's nuts I didn't realize it was that it was that dismal that's honestly sad man because Diego is too talented to have fallen off in that way but now it makes even way more sense why he's putting down the racket yeah zero and seven is his win loss record because he just hasn't he hasn't won a main draw match they don't count qualifying wins the last uh the last main draw match that uh schwarzman won this is kind of incredible the last main draw match that schwarzman won was against Francisco cindolo in Tokyo 6461 that's really strange last year Tokyo break point here for schwarzman by the way huge point this match forehand chip return forehand of monies the backend slice of schwarzman forand mon for Diego inside out back in mon for and schwarzman hits over it to the back in the Gale back in schwarzman going back in backand back in down the line forand of gaale way behind the Baseline forehand that's big from schwarzman goes where he gets it 2-1 for schwarzman so he is a huge Underdog in this batch even way more than I thought he was because this guy's zero and seven on the season he's really he's won more matches if you count qualifying and uh I know you say qualifying you're like oh whatever like qualifying yeah skip to the main draw but if you think about it qualifying has players that are inside the top 200 250 in the world so that at least gives you some kind of shred of confidence when you win matches like that he got through qualifying like five or six times lost in the first round of main draw and uh he does play better at the US Open so that's the that's the kind of hopeful argument for Diego but really this is uh this gonna be really difficult I don't expect there to be that much of a difference for schwarzman maybe on his serve compared to his return games but we'll see although Ma has been serving well so who knows lamon cook will feed Farms yeah maybe but it's not it's yeah I don't know we'll see if schwarzman even shows up to uh to an exciting level ruv just obl obliterated his racket isn't he have two sets to love he's playing the same guy who push push him to five sets in uh in Melbourne yeah he's literally serving for the match to win it in straight sets why he demolishes racket this guy's going to be winning 6050 and just going nuts on the court and smashing his racket to to Smither I don't know why he's doing that I don't know I just feel bad for rublev to be honest but is what it is proper Russian the didn't really break just got one heck of a beating do y'all see the mikkelson situation Mickelson Alex mikkelson in the final of Winston Salem hit a ball into the crowd and they just let let him keep playing melson didn't even apologize to the per woman in the crowd really he just kind of put his head down um I don't know there's no consistency tennis is becoming a joke there's no consistency you know like not to be negative but there's been so many situations like that where it feels like there's just such a either a double standard or what like if you hit somebody in the crowd that's worse than like anything else he can do and why why are we looking for the reaction of the person in the crowd to determine those situations I'm just saying to me it makes no sense it feels like there's a double standard there in a lot of ways with a lot of similar situations that went another way like there needs to be some kind of consistency forehand in the ground from Schwarz so it's 1530 Diego versus Stefanos Monte caros semifinal one of my favorite matches Lexi you and I are in the same boat with that one I love that match to love that match to bits um there's a lot of schwarzman matches I loved I love schwarzman versus team at Roland garos in whatever year that was 2020 2019 I think 2020 because that's when schwarzman got to the semi-finals um or no wait hold up no it was the year before that I think because it was team I think who ended up winning then lost to gastan or something because he was so tired after the match against schwarzman yeah I'm mixing up the two years that what a match that was also schwarzman beating Rafa and Rome 2020 it's been some good matches all right it's 30 all schwarzman here serving at 2-1 13 minutes into this contest that goes out from M or look point for M all things consider this would be a really crazy match for schwarzman to win um he's I already won three matches here but this would be a really crazy on paper this would be a really crazy match for schwarzman to win considering how his year has gone for animal Fe the back in schwarzman for and mon putting a lot of height on the ball schwarzman backand for in a mon Fe that goes out Deuce let's go schwarzman do doing well Diego doing well hey how's it going peaches think Q qsd fam squeaking are this matash whe shout out qts hey I appreciate it oh yeah Miss Anthony yeah I'm listen I missed you too I appreciate that it's good to have it's good to see you good to have you on the stream I mean I can't see you can't see you at all but you can see me which is like half of that's good enough forand goes out from schwarzman so it's Advantage yeah it's fun I mean I love doing these streams and having you in the chat talking about all kind of stuff T of stuff hey how's it going ghosts after Anthony and chat how are youall doing yeah I'm doing pretty pretty good I'm pretty tired but doing good um doing pretty good I can't believe the US open's already already here I'll be going to New York for like a five or six day trip I'll be going to the US Open for a couple days on the thir and the 5th so guys if you're going to the US Open please let me know you can DM me at anth like Anthony unor tennis or um on X in particular or you can uh type it up in chat but I'd love to love to meet up or uh especially at the US Open that goes out hits the tape uh off schwarzman back in and floats wide so it's 22 ma gets the break back prediction by the way I got ma in straight sets I've got ma in straight sets looking at their records because ma is playing amazing right now and uh obviously he's uh rolling off the high of beating alcaras in Cincinnati he had to play two matches in one day which was stupid uh because listen he took the first set off of Runa it looked like he was he's been in some crazy four Monies it' be great to see if he could have a great US Open um I kind of want to look more at what his draw is because I mean that's he's playing really well mafis is one of these guys that I I really just never count out he really is there are very few that I just I really just never count them out for me guys like that jokovic Rafa Gail uh Center and alarz like of the current tour like those are the guys I I just never count them out so basically CER ALR the the big three that are left and uh and M he's one of these guys I just don't count out yeah so winner of this one takes on Casper rude as well by the way so winner of this match takes on Casper rude in the second round which is a very tough match but Casper Roode notorious second round loser at slams he either reaches the final or he loses in the second round so listen you've got you've got a 50-50 chance there yeah you have to say you got a 50-50 shot yeah it's 50-50 there round one US Open let's fing go hell yeah oh yeah all right let me catch up to chat because I'm like miles behind and uh I know I'm reading comments that y'all left like 14 hours ago it was the best of teams it was the worst of teams yeah it's sad man Sabbath sabbo Wich just took a tumble he's still sitting on court looks like he's holding his left calf gez sa both wheels just down like he's in pain well the match is almost over no let me look the score yeah Rubble won okay I guess with help of that but tibos ruining His Image ruining the image yeah is oneand and backand yep yeah oneand and back hands are great but Steph is not Steph is not up in that conversation at all team did get slam titles in the record book do you think he'll make the Hall of Fame I don't know what what constitutes making the Hall of Fame at this point I just I would like I would like some consistency on what makes the a Hall of Fame player a Hall of Fame player um I won't mind either way I think uh I think he's been a really notable name in this Sports in the sport um so I won't mind either way uh there are other guys with one grand slam title that I feel like deserve it more um meddev rodic Del poo I would and Tomas moer I would say deserve it more so not all one grand slam title Champions are built the same uh there are some that I think deserve it less like Marine chillit Mark Edmonson although chillit could be in the Hall of Fame but I would like to know where how how the rules apply because also team lost two rolling garos finals to Rafa so you'd have to think and I think he lost another semi-final to Rafa or something so you'd have to think that he would have had a shot at winning three or four rolling he would have won three or four rolling garos had it not been for Rafa uh who's just next level on Clay obvious we which is I mean it's like saying water is wet um but yeah I mean I don't know I want to know what makes a Hall of Fame player I can't I really can't answer that because I don't know what constituted I I almost want to say no and then just say like you have to have won at least two three grand slams or you have to have been world number one or this and this and this or you have to like make a real real real really notable exception like to me like delro is a really notable exception because of all of his injuries but he showed that he had what it takes in my opinion to become world number one and win more than one Grand Slam so to me that's that's my gut feeling to be honest that's what that's my instinct to say that but I can understand the other side too that's my that's my instinct to say that because Hall of Fame is serious like that's like Hall of Fame is a serious thing like that is the people absolutely made this Sport and are at the very top Echelon you could put team there but I that's kind of how I feel all right 30 love here surf from Diego the Argentine that's in the net second surf Gail ready to return backhand the forehand of schwarzman backend of Gail sliding into it and he hits that long off the backand so 40 love for Diego if they won one slam are they qualified for Hall of Fame yeah that's that's what that's what I'm saying Go away Stefanos yeah exactly Diego in the mud then yeah we'll see I just heard from cam we were discussing the one slam of Emma he said big possibility yeah I mean rakano does doesn't deserve the Hall of Fame for example so one slam does not equal Hall of Fame for me I I I I really think that it should be like at least one like at least three slams world number one or a big exception like a re a reason to have a big exception like Medvedev who had to play Rafa Novak in like four or five finals and he reached world number one so meddev does count in but like a big exception would be like Del poo for example I think like he's a good EX ction but to me a Hall of Fame player is three slams or world number one with some exceptions or like great activists or like you know did something that completely changed the game in a really notable way like that could also be an exception that's my opinion to me team would probably slightly not count in as much as I absolutely adore team but not a strong opinion but that's my opinion forehand inside out to the back and mon Fe forand schwarzman forand mon Fe that goes long out the chip forand so it's 33 schwarzman doing well to stay close here do we know why sakur Drew from the first set I don't know I wasn't watching I haven't heard anything sakur had a right shoulder neck injury okay there you go there you go Michelson hit someone yeah Michelson launched a rocket yeah absolute rocket at somebody in the crowd you you just don't hit a ball like that when there are people everywhere like you hit it so low I mean I know people hit balls into the crowd but you can't just can't hit a ball that way to me to me if it's it's the same thing as if you're hitting somebody on the court you're hitting a fan a spectator it's like almost worse like to me the rules have to be consistent and it just seems a bit ridiculous how we're I mean rublev and Shop of Olaf get defaulted for you know these kind of situations for basically like speaking or shouting and then you have mikkelson absolutely launch a rocket really low over the net hit somebody in the crowd they're hurt and then doesn't get defaulted and I don't have anything against Mickelson I've only spoken positive things of Mickelson I still don't really have anything against Mickelson but he made a mistake and I just think that the rules in tennis have to be applied more consistently because it's making tennis look like a bit of a joke in my opinion um first Ser the net from mon all this is my opinion backing schwarzman back in mon Feast going back in to back in that's in the net 15 all R just won hell yeah good see for him rubl might be the goat then yeah I I'd love to see Andre make the semi-final of a slam finally also jpeg uh jpeg Mafia on the woman's side I'd love to see Pula get it done Pula I mean pagul is even crazier like ru's gone to like 20 quarterfinals which is why that's crazy but he's also played like Novak and alcaraz in every single quarterfinal so it's not that crazy um like he's always come he's always lost to the guy who's won the whole Grand Slam biger out wide from a but Pula she's won like three or four Masters she's she's been in the top five for like 150 weeks or something or 100 plus weeks like um I feel like it's even crazier P gouls never made the semi-finals of a slam got to the final of the WTA finals that goes out from schwarzman in that deide corner and it is 4-3 for mon who still serving very very well very close proceeding so far look at some of the stats just to see where we're at but will show good numbers for my Fe on serve yep 64% first serves in 11 for 14 on first serve that's what you want they did both uh they did both get uh break each other so that also happened and uh yeah I mean it's not been exceptionally high level but it's been pretty pretty standard fairly standard fairly fairly fairly standard during the final vers Sano he made it look like he was really sad this lady just forgave him and allowed him to continue to play yeah it was ridiculous I mean listen my I've said my my opinion before um my opinion before uh on on those kind of situations like you know I just it seems like there's a double standard that's all I'm going to say it seems like there's a double standard and I think that that should be a default I'm not saying that none of those situations should be defaults but there you we have to have the rules in place there good turnout for Ru sa Wheels they must remember their Aussie open five Setter yeah US Open crowds know what's up they know what's up all right I'll be right back in a moment well we're gonna get started with 43 game in a second late stages of the set are going to be way more interesting than what we've had so far as well I think no five Setters right boring well we've had no no there's one we had Shang versus bck which was five sets speaking of we can look at what other scores we've had MTI just nearly won a tiebreaker versus musetti there's a close match going on between Pedro Martinez and kakowski whoever that is haven't heard of him but Sendo who has had a really tough season is currently losing to Sebastian ofner who continues to be the best player that no one's heard of um or no one's watched anyway but he's great he's a great player Kei sakova is a great first round match as well which is going on Keys is up 42 Matts and keys had an underrated US Open last year because she was I mean we know I mean if you watch Keys versus sabinka you know she was she played out of her absolute mind up until 6454 when she was serving for the match that she dropped her serve in like under a minute with a horrific game and then uh the rest of the match was absolutely amazing that was an amazing match I love I love great classic tennis matches those are those are so fun to watch Just Just Sports in general when the he the moment and those close battles it's so fun we had so many great matches last year on the men's and women's side it was kind of crazy that's a great serve out wide kind of surprised that how close schwarzman is making this so far to be honest it's a good sign though not for Ru love he one and three yep the lady for G him will respect her for sure but Anthony makes good point about rule consistency yeah there needs to be consistency Bo black Shang had a good thre Setter yep are you staying in Eubanks Hotel I know how you hot landed boy stick together as if I know Chris Eubanks you know he doesn't know who I am just me Benny Shelton and Chris Eubanks in a sharing a sharing a dorm or sharing a uh sharing a hotel room um 1530 schwarzman with a chance here he two points away from taking a taking a break another one ma would uh ma needs to apply himself here because schwarzman is doing well on the return he's making my Fe play a lot I feel like schwarzman maybe's done well against Gail because he's pulled Gail into some of these more longer ralles which might not be Gil's tune I mean schwarzman is just so good on defense that's a great serve out um out wide so 30 all another another Ace for gaale ma likes it when he's uh able to be more aggressive and hit winners and it's just hard to do that against Diego so that could be something first serve is in the net schwartzman's done way better on the second serve return than the first chance here scale goingon to go big he does down the middle forand is very big back in schwarzman gets it he's in this rally now awkward there the wind is obvious at the moment forehand down the line to the back end of Gail forehand of schwarzman the back and mon Fe foran schwarzman the four and mon Fe one of the crucial rallies of this match the schwarzman have the confidence here to go for it he does he's going for it for and schwarzman cross score for on Feast goes back cross score for and schwarzman pulls it down the line but I he went for a little bit too much there ah he could have he had that shot why he didn't have to he didn't have to make it as as tight and as as pretty as he did he didn't have to make as nice and pretty as he did he could have just kind of you know but that's tennis is so small margin like he had that shot he just slightly he just didn't have the right um just didn't quite hit it right all right here we go it's a double fall back to deuce back to Deuce remember when Nick hit the ball to the ground and bounc straight to the kid from the crowd he was forgiven 2,000 AO yeah I remember that playing doubles yep yeah also uh well similar to the when he was playing titos and he was saying listen uh why is titos hitting balls out the crowd and nothing's happening and think don't jinx Casper yeah fair enough I mean listen I'm just saying like he either second round or finals that's his kind of that's his bread and butter Casper if you know one thing about Casper he does he will not play on grass he just will not even really try you'll either lose in the final or the second round of a slim back in M back in of schwarzman is a fantastic volley gets to break point here we go OG schwarzman schwarzman playing another one of the ogs of the game of this era and he's uh kind of forgetting his form of the last 12 months what a volley there from Diego he's got the talent you don't don't even think about it twice the talent on the court is uh rushing over flowing over all right here we go Advantage for schwarzman he's got to try to F get this one right here right now monis will look for a big serve which I don't think he gets there that's a let Rude played UTS before the open I wonder how if he will come to regret that yeah maybe I mean to be too tired but he'll he'll come in with lots of Confidence from that because he played really well he's been playing well obviously with the win over alarz all right another surf here from m a big let's go from Gail huge let's go from Gail as as M gets this serve that's uh right in front of the uh right in front of the service line two guys that fans will cheer for no matter where they go doesn't matter if they're playing in Argentina or France it they'll cheer for them wherever another let's go from AI says he it's a serve that gets return in the net from schwarzman serve from Gail goes long second serve back in schwarzman is a great return for and cross score for and schwarzman back cross score going forand to forehand that goes out from Gail he's kind of over hitting at the moment this is so so so far from get best right now good point about the Hall of Fame yeah yeah I appreciate it yeah what channel is this on Lads um ESPN ESPN the states yep UTS has a YouTube channel yeah love watching UTS I was watching the bock my Feast match I just love it and also in Forest Hills just that mix of like old tennis and the new tennis like the old kind of classy stuff with like the UTS and the and and kind of where tennis is going like it gave me chills and watching on F and Bo like two huge talents like that like that was a blast to watch that love love the sport and love uh love seeing two guys like that go at it in that kind of atmosphere I hope that we see more stuff like UTS I think it's really good for tennis some people a lot of people won't like it but I uh I think it's good for the sport that general direction anyway uh with with some things I mean continue with the ATP Tour and everything that we've got going on but some of that stuff is good I think backhand beforehand of schwarzman for Nel goes big and goes long M just over hitting he's just over hitting ma hasn't been play been playing better it seems he just won UTS yeah he's been playing great so for does have significant history yeah with the um with the finals played there back in the day um the Masters Cup the finals played back in there in the day and the US Open initially um enforced H so yeah it does have a very uh big history no doubt foran foran schwarzman defending way back behind the Baseline for schwarzman might be dropping a bit short that's a drop shot schwartzman's there what a slice schwarzman still got the crafty skills and that's why these guys are love because they play tennis in a way that can be quite difficult but they make it work because they just have that skill what an athletic athletic move from schwarzman there c m off guard he was way behind the Baseline he ran about you know he ran about he ran about 200 feet and uh to get to that shot sprinting from two corners of the court and uh slid into it and hit a great slice that stayed low and it it got through that's a first serve out and I I kind of feel like a break might be coming here M rushing to hit the second serve as well forand schwarzman does make the return foran big back in schwarzman defensive forand foran Schwarz that's in the net though Mai staying tough he gets the deuce Euros sport if you're in Europe cool cool cool yep how's it going I take one has Mafi serve always been this good or has he improved it oh he's always had a great serve he's always had a great serve I mean he's been top six in the world he's he's always had a good serve I don't I don't think it's been I don't think it's been that much improved it's been a great it's been very good in the last couple months I would say um that's part of why he's been his success has uh risen back up um his win loss record because his serve has got into a better place but I I feel like his serve has always been pretty pretty much this good yeah another unforced air from Gail and uh you just wonder cuz Gail is like he's I mean he's turning 38 in like two days so I almost wonder like it could he betired from UTS it's a fair fair question forand chip for mon Fe foran schwarzman backing him on Feast foran schwarzman don't foran to forehand foran down the line to the back in of schwarzman back in my Feast big or chip that's in the net goes back to dece I mean it seems like a bit of a kind of I don't know if I don't know if it's a fair thing to say but it's not clear if schwarzman is gonna win another main draw ATP Tour match I hate to say it but it's not perfectly clear he hasn't won one all year um he hasn't won one since October last year and he's retiring in February um so I mean he's he's in it with a chance here and then he's got Casper in the second round um I hope I hope he can find more success but um it would be kind of crazy if monf ends up like the last win of schwartzman's career uh M kneeling over here clearly clearly tired and breathing heavy it's been a long game m is still the huge huge favor in this match I do hope for a Casper M second round especially if mon is up for it as that' be really enticing wow ma gets the hold and another there 54 crucial crucial crucial stuff there crucial stuff I mean it there's a lot of points there that are worth mentioning the obviously the first one schwarzman goes too big on a forehand return misses it long and you have to make the return and uh M played those break points really well to be fair catchman playing okay nice I don't want to think about cindolo G well what's what's up with cindolo what's the te there Yanks owns a hotel wow I think I think I think ghost just meant where where he's staying at but um wow so Jerry Shang he's got carbas bayen and the second round that's a great chance for uh Shang to make a third round at least could be Jerry Shang versus Casper Roode I'm not counting Shang out from having a bit of a run here that would be amazing to see Shang having a run another Chinese guy qualified in named Buu who uh lost to Casper Roode in the first round a lot of good Chinese men's players all of a sudden Ying Woo is back he won a challenger last week Ying Woo is such a talent it's a joke um he's such a good addition to the tour I hope he stays healthy such a good addition to the tour I love Wu beinging he's great yeah listen the guy is a the guy is a joke I mean he he'll hit a forehand winner from any position on the court just out of nowhere he got he's such a pace generator by the way opela and MTI playing a close match I mean MTI is just not himself outside of the like when he's not playing on an natural surface it's kind of crazy kind of crazy how's Taylor Townsen doing I kind of thought that she might have a uh I kind of thought like she might have a deep Deep Run here yeah she won the first set against Trevis on 62 she's currently down 42 in the second I don't know if she gets through that I kind of think like she might have a run to a quarterfinal in her not semi-final but I uh I just I just really like Townsen at the moment speaking of Georgia by the way got a chance to talk to towns in Atlanta and interview her what a great opportunity that was in Atlanta hope to do more more of that stuff all right 15 all Sak of a keys match is pretty interesting as well a great first round I can't believe syaka is not seated she must be like the she must be like the number 33 there's always that annoying player that's like that's number 33 in the world CU surely Saka is something like that it's a back in the net from schwarzman 1530 I mean this is kind of an obvious kind of um escalation of things schwarzman has his own chances doesn't convert monf gets his own I uh back CAU I back mon right now more than schwarzman to uh put away these chances for hand Ma Ma has not been at his best in this set at all it's not it's not been even close it hasn't been pretty tennis to be fair but but it's 1540 that's another unforced eror from schwarzman so two set points for Gail two set points for Gail see what schwarzman can do to to keep him away I hope that you guys can join in for the jokovic match later as well he'll be taking on Ru albot so definitely join in for that backand into the backing slice of mon Feast forehand of schwarzman that's a great shot from schwarzman let's go 30 40 come on I'd love to see the set keep going I want to see schwarzman really uh put up a fight here we're already 45 sin we've had some long games it's a random face in the crowd of alen fidelina watching on filon fe's uh fiance I believe I don't think fiance maybe just wife at this point okay no they're married never mind I don't know I don't know what I'm talking about never mind yeah they're together that's my bad they are married that's a great serve from schwarzman advantage to schwarzman yeah yeah yeah you're right I don't know why I don't know why I had a brain fart there mixing up with somebody else or something yeah that's right I think of my Feast wins in straight sets this will be big for his momentum oh yeah absolutely he also needs it because we've been talking about but he just finished playing UTS he's gonna be tired I I would think if he goes straight from from uh from UTS to US Open has to play five set matches you know yeah yeah it's good to have you in here that's that's fa on in the chat by the way this town's in from Georgia I thought she was a chic Chicago G A Chicago gal well she resides in ATL and she's practices around here a lot K yakova is that now yeah that's happening at the moment is a lot baby mama yeah yeah towns in practice is a lot in ATL good good from pekk yep G to 55 saves two set points that could have been very uh that could have been situation 47 minutes played long first set schwarzman still in it it's onf with the serve though he'd like some first serves here schwarzman doing really really well on the return into get getting into these rallies maf's just over hitting when he's getting into these rallies ban goes out goes out 30 love he just won the first set six for yep serve for and schwarzman back end forand chip I goes for a Federer there fake fake drop shot the kind of a slice Slice Drive but he misses it wide 40 love Shon looking a bit nervous out there just not really used to this moment I feel serve into the net from mon Feist second serve back in for and volley put away 4015 Keys broken the first game of the second set okay cool yeah she's serving now 15 love one zero yeah key always performs well at the US Open What's Her Like win rate at the US Open I feel like it's quite High obviously she's reached the final here but I feel like she's a consistently good performer here I I don't think she did that well the year after she got to the final I'm kind of remembering that no that's not right okay so she got to the semi-final the year after 2021 she lost in the first round yeah she has a 72% win rate at the US Open which is quite High yeah Matson keys does well out the slams it's another backand out from M and uh schwarzman still getting into these longer rallies and Ma just over hitting this could be tough for M if schwarzman can mentally kind of grit his teeth in this match uh this could be a tough tough one for mon I don't think schwarzman is a great matchup for Gail he win he's leading that t 3-2 he won their last two meetings even though on indoor hardcourts which I feel like is not not a surface which will favor schwarzman more than Gail Gail hitting a lot of these are some poor first serves from him it's not a great second serve either but schwarzman forehand in the net that's a good thing about a 40 love uh lead we can get to 4030 and still just one forehand bad return from the opponent the game's over um and it's 65 so Laver only invites the players from the top 20 sorry labor oh labor cup um uh no they've done players outside the top 20 I mean Roger was way outside when Roger was retiring he was way outside the top 20 so is Murray as well uh um no there's no there's no rules like that but obviously they would prefer to have the top 20 players and I don't blame them I definitely don't blame him for that yeah they'll be in Berlin have the full rosters been announced for labor cup I saw some of them have been announced yeah so alarz ver meddev rude I mean how how is team world even going to compete this tournament is making less and less sense to me it's never it's never that competitive either team world or team team Europe has a huge Advantage I mean look at this alcaras ver meddev rou hbas Rafa it's like the freaking Avengers then the other side you have got demon or Fritz Shelton Paul TFO and tabilo I mean world has no chance I mean no offense to I mean I love those American guys and Demon or has been playing awesome and tabilo is also very superb player but I mean when you're looking at the roster of players you you have to say on paper team Europe is almost like twofold what world is like that's a really weird weird uh roster of players um I hope I'm wrong but there needs they need to find a way to make him more consistently competitive it's a great shot from schwarzman way he's done his whole career it's just uh having that speed and that craftiness that those hand skills that can make shot points tough out of nowhere from really tough defensive positions just craft your way out arts and crafts on a tennis score that's schwarzman forehand of schwarzman inside out a great angle forehand schwarzman kind of a weird half volley shot lob from on Feast that's in tweener from way behind the Baseline forehand m schats in the oh what a rally though that's fun get your ticket get your tickets worth how did schwarzman do that that was a magic act that was a tough tweener to pull off he was he was basically in the crowd hitting that there's no replay yet for some reason but okay here you go everybody wants to see the tweener they didn't even show a replay of the tweener they showed the forehand the net makes no sense to me I they'll probably show it during the after the set is over but come on no he want to see the tweener he wants to see the tweeners that was a crazy between the leg shot way behind the Baseline basically hitting the back wall forehand of schwarzman forand of on Fu it's a wide as schwarzman was hitting a the tweener he looked to his right and he saw Daniel meddev hitting a return of serf he was so far behind the Baseline hitting that tweener is crazy hey Max hello hello three players for each team are invited to labor on ranking then each team team captain has three picks doesn't seem these have to be inside top 20 yeah he'll lend the shoes for team Europe to make it more more even yeah we need something like that or give a let let them only be able to hit one serve team Europe but they can only hit one serve something like that you know or they start they uh they start three zero down every set make it really even you know jumping back end of Gail two points away from the set now two points away from the end the set or a tiebreaker depends a lot on Diego to be honest and gaale who keeps keeps over hitting and hitting unforced SS it just shows that does is is nervous or doesn't want to play in these rallies at all this is this would be a huge first set for monies to win um I feel like he he'll get a lot of energy from winning this set but he needs it I just put it that way definitely needs it for in a month Feast the back in of schwarzman goes inside out four in month Feast for and to schwarzman the back in the month Feast back in the schwarzman back to four in mon Feast four and a schwarzman back in to back in schwarzman keeping the ball low it's a back in it's a great redirect from mon Fe forehand off his feet from on back in Cross Court back in a Gil forehand goes inside in what a rally here forehand back Cross Court for in my Feast an absolute Battle Gear back in crosscourt back in M what a classic rally this that's in the net what a great great great rally there superb stuff from both guy is on his feet and it's deserved what a rally there I mean there's no trick shot the last shot was in the net but I mean it's not going to be it's it's not going to be replayed but what a what a hell of a rally there great stuff from both caring back their years all right let me know in the chat who's win this tiebreaker what's going to be the score I am gonna say that um you know what with just watching this match I kind of feel like schwarzman might take it ah I don't know I kind of feel like schwarzman might might win this set I'm gonna go Diego 74 I'm going to go schwarzman 74 let me know in the chat what you what you think oh what a forehand pass from schwarzman kind of proving me right immediately a little bit hell of a shot there we're on a we're on a heater at the moment I tell you what what athleticism from schwarzman these guys still have it you know you have random Instagram comments please retire you just you should retire we wouldn't be having points like this one zero for schwarzman let me know in the chat your predictions for the score if you got right I will shout whoever gets closest I'll shout you out in the chat I kind of feel like Diego has it let's see Go Diego Go let's see if he has it back in schwarzman for in mon Feast for and schwarzman back in mon back in schwarzman back in m going back in to back in for ma. shank two- zero Ma just hitting so many balls long that there goes Anthony so he can forgive Laver for that yeah that's true they absolutely are we know that Andy and Roger God I miss Andy and Roger that just made me sad maybe sad I really do miss Andy no agian C3 can fit in in there yeah exactly I mean it's it's kind of crazy I I feel like we need more representation off both uh on team World a lot of it feel I mean we've got four Americans in there we could split it up a little bit I would think I mean you do want the highest ranked people but I also feel like we should split things up a little bit more for one country to have four of the six people when it's called team world is kind of crazy um just my opinion I say that as an americ so I'd love to see that I'd love to see it split up a little bit more but I I mean it needs to we also need to have Fair rankings it's just a very difficult tournament to really make interesting in a competitive way while also making it make sense wow I mean my my gut feeling is coming to light here it's four- Z for schwarzman mafis is hitting all these balls long if you look on the ATB website schwartzman's record on the season 0 and seven maish J UTS beating some great players like titos back in return that goes back in the side 4 One 41 now I do generally back myself with tennis predictions I'm not bad at it I'm not bad at it three points away Diego I mean I still get 80% of everything wrong but tennis is impossible all right hour one hour mark on the clock it's schwarzman at the line pek trying to got this done El pek for one backhand forehand on Fe that goes out 51 for schwarzman really dominating this tiebreaker team Europe wins this year for sure yeah that's what I mean listen come on is there's no shot right Lexi there's no shot when you look at the teams it seems it just seems like come on put them out of their misery listen I frit Shelton Paul TIAA like those are my guys man I'm not like I'm not hating but are they gonna be able to pull this off no there's no hope okay let's get that settled first let's get that straight um so here's the thing alarz kind of might not play in my opinion I hope I I hope he does Rafa you never know I do hope he plays as well um if alcr doesn't play suddenly things are a little bit more even especially because meddev might not be in form we Casper might not be in form either tits boss might not be in form zv has played a lot of tennis so I mean you can make arguments but I still feel like there's no shot wow schwarzman with a huge forand Cross Court I I predicted it to be one-sided I didn't even think it' be this one-sided 61 M with the line he has to save five set points if anybody can do it at scale but I think schwartzman's got this set I think schwartzman's got this set SEC second serve a wide back in schwarzman for and aail goes big that's in schwarzman somehow gets that's ridiculous schwarzman getting everything back that's a lot back on his side 62 62 by the way if you are new please don't forget to hit that subscribe button quality shot tennis shout out to all the members and all the you know just constantly returning people in the chat like uh like Lexi and se1 all you guys who keep returning back oh schwen falls on the ground there he's still in this point this is ridiculous that's in the net Sportsman wins that point after falling over no celebration which I love as well he knows that's going to take a lot against Gail let's go let's go Diego listen this is kind of very on paper this is unlikely schwartzman's second to last tournament before the US Open was the French Open that includes Challengers and Futures he's played French Open Wimbledon then US Open back to back he lost in the qualifying of French Open in Wimbledon and he and schwarzman has not won a main draw match of any tournament 250 or challengers since October last year when he beat Francisco cindolo this would be a crazy cool win for schwarzman I still back that uh he's very good at the US Open that he doesn't get credit for how good he is at the US Open he's got a 62% win rate at the US Open he's reached two quarterfinals here if you look at the opponents he's lost to in the other T at the other us opens I'm sure they're quite good I think he lost to Rafa I'm not mistaken at one US Open so year that Nisha Cori reached the semi-finals the US Open 2018 he lost Nisha Corey in four sets that was in 2018 that was between the two quarter finals schwarzman got to 2020 which was maybe the best year of schwartzman's career schwar who' schwarzman lose to schwarzman Lost to Cameron Nory who had just won Indian Wells so that's not that bad either like schwartzman's underrated at this tournament he always plays quite well 2022 he lost to tifo and that was an incredibly good straight sets match it was straight sets but schwarzman should have won that match both players played really well tafa was on something in that tournament 2021 he lost to boic vanan sculp vanan sculp was playing really well Team USA yeah it's more Team USA than team World likes you that's what I'm saying exactly this is interesting now it's gonna it's going to take a while this match if mf's gonna fight his way back it's the best of five format all right we're getting started back up here schwarzman with the first set bit of a surprise but uh you know we know how good these guys are but still a surprise 15 love for schwarzman mon needs to stop over hitting that's something he definitely needs to do he's hitting so many shot balls long backing in the net from schwarzman schwartzman's got to keep doing the same thing he's been doing which is uh return well get M into a lot of long rallies which is basically the way he's done and he's done it very well also these are great serving stats for schwarzman ma needs to find better ways toh win on the return that's the thing that mon surely is probably the most disappointed by to be honest he's not getting enough chances on the return to serve he's also moving not gingerly but not quickly which I mean age is a real thing as well and uh after playing a lot of Tennis Cincinnati UTS then coming back against a pretty pretty high level schwarzman back in back down the middle mon is there schwarzman like a wall getting everything back which is what he's famous for for an inside out schwarzman still there second time I felt like this point was over back in schwarzman Cross Court the back in him on goes big to the foreign chip of schwarzman schwarzman still keeping this rally going he got to be the most annoying person to play four and cross score yeah Ma just gives up on it schwarzman is everywhere ma h over now and we've just only played a set 21 shot rally ma laughing because schwarzman getting every ball back you got to laugh good stuff this is good stuff from schwarzman I'll tell you what serve back end of ma great shot 4030 Madison Keys with a double break on Saka now Jo playing layer today also I need to stay awake for that match I think so that I can cheer cheer for the other guy all right fair enough I like R albot I like watching him play also um I used to spend quite a lot of time on the uh tennis r Reddit and um and he he was also on the tennis Reddit like he he's he know like he he's a user on that Reddit which is quite funny to me that a professional player like was like is on there um so he's quite a big of a fan of uh watching professional tennis as well so that kind of I don't know that makes me like him more for some reason anyway I'm excited for that one just to see how Novak is that Olympics win for back was so freaking legendary and just surreal to watch um hard to explain one of the most iconic moments of the Olympics for sure it was insane I mean just just the the thought of Novak losing in 2008 to Rafa uh all that time ago when people thought that when he had such a good chance for the gold medal there and that Epic close match and then was it 16 years later literally 16 years later that's insane he uh beats algr playing his bet like one of the best levels of his whole career at 37 years old like that just it gives you chills how much Novak locked down to make sure he got the win there um probably one of the most inspirational performances in in a while in sports see how badly wanted that literally broke down in tears afterwards crazy really crazy surreal that that happen but it'll be his first match since then obviously he hasn't had that great of a season outside of that but he's definitely goingon to have a lot of momentum off of it like truckloads of momentum for and schwar is everywhere this is like Peak schwarzman that's in two back in down the line let's go forehand a schwarzman the back in on Feast backand schwarzman gets to it to the back in of Gil for and a schwarzman Down the Line back in of Gil back in slice back in on Feast down the line foren schwarzman I almost got that too gray level right now part of it is to do with the fact that monis is just not able to really buckle down and give his be best best serf performance or finish off points as well as you know he sometimes can or even probably defend in these long rallies as well as usual and do it in an effective way where he can find ways to turn defense to offense in a much more effective way but he's still I mean this is great stuff from schwarzman who's just getting every ball back maa's cardio is GNA be twice as good as it was before this match afterwards it's G to have to be forehand to forehand forehand of schwarzman it's the net goes over forehand down the line back and a schwarzman sliced that goes long 405 I have to get used to the longer streams because this is going to this could be a long stream or it's going to be because it's going to be if ma wins it's going to be four sets we got at least two more to play here back and goes long 1-1 the only way for team World to Win is when Europe decides to play like what they did last year yeah exactly it needs to be something just yeah just teaming just decides they just absolutely can't even hit the ball last year was crazy Novak Yahoo easy win no sweat love it yeah it it will be Alba is ranked to 138 so should be easy pickings for joish yeah it will be I think Novak is gonna crush him I think he's gonna be like 61 62 61 or something maybe a bagel even not gonna lie no friends to albot but it's it's going to be easy back in although I mean Novak first round is slam I've seen I've seen hard ones for no back before but I don't think it's going to be at all back in in the net so love 15 Lamont Bagel third set we will be there okay well what happens this set bagel and the third set what's going on in the second what's been match of the day um it's good question I mean Shang versus bck was five sets and that's that that was pretty good uh from what I the little I saw barely watched it um I don't know I don't know I don't think there's been that that outstanding of a match yet honestly but probably Shang versus buet Shelton versus team was sad so if you like sadness then that that one was the match the day Taylor Townsen got the break back versus Travis I really feel like Townson is gonna get to the quarterfinals or semi-finals here I I'm feeling a Deep Run for Townsend I I don't remember what her draw is exactly though I need to look at that back in the back end of schwarzman back in across Court back in of schwarzman again goes cross SC back in down the line for schwarzman back in MA both these guys have great great shots up both Wings we know that back in to back and such long rallies for cross score the four mon back in schwarzman goes big the back to mon he's there these rallies are never ending back in M pulls the trigger because he just he just can't can't find a way in these rallies ma still a bit hunched over listen this might be an outlasting battle schwarzman can you know keep this this up then I think mon might not have enough if schwarzman can win this set continuing to play 20 plus shot rallies I don't know if Ma has enough in the tank to come back from two sets down Shon can just keep this up for this set then it might be over I don't like to say that with Gail it's not over but he I mean certainly schwarzman on the other side hasn't won a match all year but that's a path to victory for schwarzman I'll just say that keep this level up M certainly not even at 50% of his best but he's not playing not complete completely terrible but it's not not good not great for sure 30 all chance for monf to get a break point forand the back in of schwarzman back in mon goes cross cour the back of schwarzman back in mon going back in to back in M should redirect down the line more than he is at the moment he's uh he's just going crosscourt when he has t chances to pull the trigger he is missing a lot but um I feel like he's over hitting early or he's just falling into these crosscourt rallies like and just never going for a winter period which I feel like both are bad that said he's got break point stve that catches the line backand forand of schwarzman goes inside out back in again forer schwarzman inside out back in mafis forer schwarzman these rallies are so long what is the average rally length 20 shots four and cross score the four mon Fe back in mon Feast down the line forer schwarzman back in my face he pulls the trigger 21 that's cold just a stare at his box that's that's a that's cold move from New York Antarctica huge shot huge shot backing down the line 2-1 great very cool how's it going Cedric busy hit the likes yeah guys don't forget to like hey thanks for joining in Ma and Anthony has to be an epic yeah yeah Sean hell yeah absolutely we're here for it if this goes five sets fifth set tiebreaker that would be amazing between these two guys all right I'll be right back in a moment for e for yeah well here we go bur him on Feast that's a huge shot from Gail 50 all and the net 315 H shot back in slice the four and of gaale hits the net goes over schwarzman runs how's he get that MAF puts it away but what a getap from schwarzman he still got the legs one of the fastest guys on tour we know that for both these guys what a miraculous gut from schwarzman that was really crazy one of the best gets of the day just the fact that he put another ball in play but there's never there's never going to be difficult for M which is part of why it was amazing that schwarzman even attempted that because it was it was almost impossible to see how he was gonna it was almost impossible for it to have anything or uh difficult for ma to deal with s MF big to the back in of schwarzman back in mon that's in the net schwarzman in this game unforced erors monf 34 schwarzman 23 that's a lot from both players 57 unforced errors and we've played um let me think we've played well we're at a set and 21 first of all but um three games we played 15 completed games in a tiebreaker and we've had 57 unforced errors that might be a world record that might be a world record we've had very few winners to end off these rallies as well a lot of them have been unforced errors not particularly forced errors either like I'm sure they're keeping a forced errors count and a lot of these had there's been a lot of unforced Errors down these rallies it's been almost every point it's been like over half of the points have been unforced errors it feels like how many points have we played if 57 are unforced errors I'm curious What's the total points one yeah so 117 so 57 117 it's literally half of the points that's absolutely insane half of the points in this match have been known for SS that's too that's too big for monf love 15 I'm I like Mon's chances to finish this in four sets but we'll see what he's got in the legs Sendo always prefer refers the longer matches G yeah exactly he's he's not the most um popular watch on the tour nothing against the guy but he's not to me he's not a very entertaining player to watch not one of my favorites to see to watch foran for P that goes out 15 all shout out nishioka he's currently playing good see him back in some kind of form but yeah he's up against kit manovich that's that's a good match as well going on at the moment Latka was having a tough match against fich but uh fich is retired as well um yeah Demitri's up on French guy Jack jacket I don't know how to say his name shaket maybe for and cross scor the for mon Feast stay staying really low and that's an that's a shot that's more of a forced eror though because MAA actually made him work for that 57 unforced errors out of 117 points is insane like the fact that that was a stat is insane 57 out of 117 like that's like 50 that's like 49.5% or something that's like 5050 half of the points being unforced STS and I mean it's not like I don't know I I don't think this has been the most abysmal level match I've ever seen it really hasn't been but we've had a lot of long rallies and they've ended on a lot of unforced STS particularly from Gail just over hitting back in down the line for and of schwarzman for in a mon Fe back in schwarzman crosscourt the angles schwarzman can find off his back end are insane that goes out off the forehand though it's 1540 1540 M keeping up the high intensity that schwarzman might not be so used to especially in front of such a big crowd you know it's not used to these moments if he's losing qualifying a French Open Wimbledon he hasn't played at other tournaments in the last like five months not used to this moment monis and what a crowd atmosphere he had just endured at UT yes as well as Cincinnati very similar to here back in mon cross score to the back end schwarzman back in MA down the line for and schwarzman that goes out it's a double break for Gail ma what's the third set gonna hold for us it's where that's where we're heading Mafi is gonna win the set he's up a double break I don't see schwarzman climbing back out this hole so monf in the second set third set could be compelling we'll see uh we'll see if monf runs away with with it which is definitely a possibility or schwartzman's got more left where is Joe yeah I don't I don't know where Joe is I uh I'm I I've been missing Joe on the streams um I I hope I hope Joe is uh Joe's back soon hey how's it going MJ hello hello how are you doing can hear you opening the wine bottle yeah uh for sure we're in for a long match this one if schwarzman can keep it close and and tight Keys got the win over sakova Townson got the win over trevisan let's go Townson what's her what's her draw actually because I said that even before I saw the draw that I said that I say without being specific I said that uh she could have a really deep run at this tournament even before uh the draw came out what's her draw because I might change my mind but um I mean I'll stick with what I said but yeah I mean she's got bza in the second round listen I I like townzen upsetting bza that's fine Kika we'll see it's a tough draw to be fair but Zachary on the other side so that's definitely doable though it's doable I could see Townsen making quarterfinal and then who's she got she's got Coco gof potentially that could be really tough Coco could be really tough but we'll see we'll see how it all plays out Selina could take out coco or Emma Naro or cuk to be fair or blink blinkova who's a nightmare you know sometimes cost's been a nightmare was a nightmare at the especially for the first like three or four months of the year she's been good this year serve goes in for an ace 15 love it's a good forehand 30 Love by the way guys please do not forget to like And subscribe if you haven't already I'm French can congrats it's good to have you in here um I'm just joking around um yeah I'm assuming you're cheering on for Gil muffies which is pretty cool it's good to have people from all over the world in here it's good to it's good to see I I think that's the coolest thing about this is that we get people from all over so um yeah I'm assuming you're cheering on Gail but maybe that's too big of an assumption backand of shortz n in the Nets so 51 for monf let's go Gail doing well I hope Schwarz can make it a good third set though I may buy buy a rubl up match if he makes it to the weekend hell yeah so MJ uh what days are you going because I'm going to the US Open on the 3D and the 5th passing the stadium now on the train nice that's awesome oh rub can reach the semis that's at a grand slam yeah absolutely that's what we were talking about that earlier the fact that Pula and rublo have never made the semis I almost find it weirder for paga but the fact that rublev's reached 10 of them and still hasn't done it is the weird thing especially weird thing about his case um but Pula it's like exceptionally weird but I hope that both of them can reach a semis back in Cross Court the back in mon Feast rub loves is bad particularly cuz he's had like almost all were like impossible draws so you want to see him figure it out with an easier draw or with a tough draw do you know any other languages Anthony yeah so I know Russian I was taught Russian and English at the same time as a kid and I'm currently learning Spanish so I don't speak a lot of Spanish but Russian and English Russian is the other language that I know pretty pretty fluent in Russian forehand I'm on Feast I speak Russian to you know to my parents and sometimes to my brothers but particularly to my parents my brothers usually I speak English but my parents I speak Russian a lot my grandparents as well what because part of my family is from Russia which is how I uh why I know Russian back in slice of schwarzman the back in MA back in schwarzman going back in and back in back in schwarzman back in mon the for and schwarzman for and Ma for and schwarzman down the line back of ma sliding into it that goes out 4030 it is something cool that I have in my back pocket the fact that I can speak Russian a bit um like like do theater like I do like I I do improv on the side like I had like an improv show that I was a part of with my improv troop a couple nights ago which was really cool um and just be having stuff like that is really cool to have in my back pocket because if like I'm doing a scene and then it's funny if I pull out Russ like a Russian accent or me speaking like Russian like that's something that I can pull out so it's cool to have in my back pocket and um yeah it's cool all right two points away is Gail here forand cross score forand a Gail in the net so it's ad advantage to schwarzman hour and 32 minutes into this one forehand Inside Out backing him on Feast down the line for schwarzman for mon Feast goes big down the line again back in schwarzman is there cross score no way what a rally squat shot for them on Feast goes down the line what a ridiculous rally these are ridiculous rallies they're ending off of errors but they're amazing um they're amazing rallies all right 52 for Gail about to serf serve it out e e all right back in him on Feast closing out the second set forign a schwarzman backing him on Feast big the back in schwarzman goes down the line for and Ma for and schwarzman that goes out 15 love forand schwarzman gets it for in a month piece the foreign schwarzman that goes out 30 love big forehand from off Fe gets things right back into motion for what he needed and it is 62 random question have you heard of the singer aliia I'm not sure if she was well known the UK rip to her oh that's terrible I I didn't I haven't heard of her but um she passed away in the last when she passed away oh long time ago okay I thought it was recent yeah I I have not heard of her yeah rest in peace say something in Russian umis bits there you go that's some Russian Russian speaking Diego with the first set this could actually be competitive yeah exactly that's what I'm feeling as well the rallies have been really good I I mean the level's been okay it's not been fantastic but schwarzman has really shown up and uh ma made things tough for mon so feel like it could actually the potential is there for this to be act be quite good and competitive which is great once that all let's go it certainly could yep all right I'll be right back in a moment guys just gonna get quick bite to eat but I'll be right back in a moment for for all right third set let's go let me hear some predictions for the third set you spoke Russian great I appreciate that thank you um spba can be five sets with a MTI and a PO match yeah that's that's an interesting one Runa Nakashima starting up as well which is good it's a good one as well all right love 30 this might might be getting away from Diego though I hate to say it let's see forehand of maist the forand of schwarzman for mon Fe backand schwarzman backand mon Fe down the line forand of schwarzman it's again down the line that goes out for M we're still still a lot of unforced STS happening from both guys um I mean it's it's kind of forced in some ways they're of all the unforced errors they're the most forced ones because they're coming out of schwarzman getting so many balls back you know and uh making maa's likes tired and just really wanting to over hit and finish off the points that's the shot into the net from schwarzman so it's 1540 two break points for Ma two break points for and schwarzman the back end mon back end of schwarzman J stays in M defending like schwarzman now back in way behind the Baseline forehand that Clips the tape and that goes wide and feels like things are getting away from M could be competitive but it doesn't look like it's heading that direction unfortunately schwarzman kind of fading away maybe let's see did Opel have an injury yeah he had like he had like three or four injuries over the span of two years he was looking for different doctors and physios to help him from like all over the country um he even stopped by Atlanta um local looking for a different help to get back on track so it's good to see him finding some success I mean this is where he's supposed to be this is this is where he's supposed to be dude was such a promising player when he came came up um like I know he's a serve bot he's definition serve bot but his serve is so good he's an absolute Ace machine and he moves pretty very impressively for his size and uh he I mean he's clearly a good player like I'm happy that he's back I'll just say that demitro tempting to go up two sets to Love by the way forand the forand of demitra hits a big to the back end of um oh sorry it's calling the calling the wrong match that was my bad um four animon Feast there's so many match is on right now for and mon Feast the four of schwarzman back in mon Feast that goes out so 50 all B goes up two sets to one and has a break in the fourth not sure about injuries yeah right right now there's no injuries right now right now Kei seems great I just looked up her up Max because I couldn't remember that song Try Again was de a hit over here yeah I I don't I don't remember her to be honest but I'm gonna have to look into her something I've absolutely loved doing though is looking at a lot of like Classic Albums I've been I've been just going through loads and loads of Classic Albums like I've been looking at Rolling Stones like top 500 albums and just been playing through some of the best music in history and it's been great there's some so many albums that I just never quite got around to listening to like I've heard songs from I never heard the full album um like Stevie Wonder songs in the key of life I've I've heard I heard songs from that album but just listening to it from start to finish for some reason something I never did um might be the best album I've ever heard in my life it really might be every song is an absolute Banger they just Positive Vibes so immaculately well done the album is an experience um feels very uh trans formative and Transcendent puts you into another place I love that album might be the best album I've ever heard that goes out from on also really enjoyed Sticky Fingers by The Rolling Stones like there are some albums I just never really got around to listening to but I've been Lo loving going back and listening to some classic albums I never really got around to listening to I've been listening to like different albums like every day while I work out or whether I do some other stuff and it's great big surf from on Fe he's got this match back in his control back in his grasp two zero by the way uh check out quality shotten tennis.com because uh quality shottennis has a website and all and I wrote an article on the uh in the blogs and articles section of quality shot.com which uh is a a preview of the draw full preview of The Men's draw extensive preview very extensive preview of The Men's draw at the US Open so you can check that out on the quality shot tennis website and uh yeah I'm happy to write getting be uh getting into writing articles which is fun back in mon Feast the back forehand of Schwarz SMI oh schwarzman can't get a racket on it as uh he M times it whiffs the ball ra R Rasputin lover of the Russian Queen yeah r rastin l the Russian Queen Bon has great songs hell yeah M's up two sets to one sorry guys opel's up three games 11 the fourth yeah I thought that was the yeah yeah yeah so but yeah I mean opela is doing well for himself though back in crosscourt back in to back in back in M sliding into it how is ma still moving that well at 38 years old to be able to slide on hardcourt at ease the way these guys are just sliding on hard courts now is insane it's jovic's influence on the game more than anything else I mean maybe this was always going to happen anyway but he quit I mean it would not be as like everybody doing it if it wasn't for Novak just people learning from him like the way the big three influenced the game is insane massive all three of those guys obviously and Murray as well sir from Diego the forand of monf back in schwarzman the back end of monf back in schwarzman forand schwarzman crossworth for M for schwarzman forand to forehand that goes out from schwarzman M doesn't seem perfectly breun schwarzman should be proud of the effort he's given here but um he will be disappointed right rightfully so if he uh just can't can barely win games from this point onward which is what it's looking like at the moment for and Ma to for in schwarzman for in M Fe how can schwarzman back ma hits the tape that was going out if it didn't hit the tape for in ma that goes long ma got extra lucky there with the net cord because that was one of the I mean net cords are lucky but it's especially lucky if your ball is going well out and then it hits the n and the net pushes it back into inside the court schwarzman great improvisation and really survival instincts to stay inside the set with a forehand chip the forehand chip volley to survive off the net cord it's a survival Instinct like when you're fighting a bear or when you see a bear behind you so survival Instinct that cord hit a forhand trip volley there you have to hit it quick or the ball's going to pass you survival instincts back in that's in the net and we're back to Deuce here schwarzman fist bumping trying to find his way back into the set stay close Bruno Nakashima just started what do we think uh Nakashima is goingon to be tough he was tough in Cincinnati that's going to be a tough one for Runa I say Runa in five sets I think it's going to be five sets I I I think that's going to be five sets Runa seems uh well how did Runa do at the US Open last year was that like first round loss or something or am I misremembering I could be totally misremembering but I feel like he lost in like the first round last year could be wrong yeah he did who' he lose to proud of myself for remembering that one but I can't remember who' he lose to he was the fourth seed yeah Runa lost to carbas bya that's right in four sets yeah he was struggling there big come on from schwarzman as he holds that could have been that could have I mean if he lost that game there it would have felt like he's almost out of the match um even though we're still split sets but uh love that from schwarzman staying close I need to watch the highlights of the Coco match yeah same but listen 62 60 big one-sided score line hope Coco can do 180 at the US Open yeah absolutely I find it funny when someone says he did a 360 when they mean he did 180 yeah I I like that I like Max that you decide to say 180 because it makes way more sense 360 is you you turn your situation around then you go back to where you started it's h it's it's it's getting better just to get just to go back to doing worse again um yeah 180 is way better yeah 360 makes no sense that means you're you're exactly where you were wonder if hoger has already moved on after losing match points with Tifa at the semis and ciny yeah it could be tough I I could see Nakashima winning that one Stevie Wonder is talented you'll have the crowd support as well Stevie Wonder is talented I need to listen to more songs from him yeah songs from the Key of Life is absolutely an amazing work of Music I've also been listening to poris head Beth Gibbons that's amazing as well I love the experimental weird stuff like I love listening to experimental weird weird music Portis set is awesome ma can win this match I think he can defeat Casper really wow I don't think so I think Casper wins I'll be honest I don't I don't have the same faith I think Roode wins Casper beatm feasts in Indian Wells earlier this year no I think we could have similar to that I think Roode wins I don't see mon beating Casper it could happen but I'll I'll I'll I'll happily take Casper in that one we'll see forehand inside out back into schwarzman lob on Feast runs oh he gets there but H It Wide that would have been a great get in a doubles match great lob from schwarzman crowd is applauding mon fisa's effort which I love by the way great atmosphere right now what a what a lob from schwarzman he's still an incredible athlete schwarzman he really is both these guys are even schwar Mon's attempt there was athletic his failed attempt was athletic prowess Schwarz oh what a get these guts are ridiculous these guts are ridiculous good stuff great stuff not to not to sound weird with this comment but I mean they're not old by any means but but combined age of 70 they're moving as well as anybody on the tour they're both moving absolutely phenomenal athletically incredible also shows how much tennis has changed because uh back in the day you hit 3132 it seems like you're going to start towering down no doubt but uh Gail has still been killing it won a title in Stockholm last year and obviously we know about Novak and Roger and Rafa forand chip from Onis that goes out that's going to be an absolute crucial Point 30 all crucial moment here Ser from gaale that's it's in the net from schwarzman what a that was a terrible return it's a terrible return there's not much else you can say about it m wants to keep that terrible momentum from shortsman and go right back to the line back with the serve that was all nerves probably he didn't get another first serve though maies serve into the forehand that goes long we're getting so many long games here how many points have we played every other game is taking forever and the point the rallies have been long yeah we're an hour and 55 minutes into this which I guess isn't that long to be fair are we only an hour and 55 minutes into this feels like longer second set did get second set was fairly one-sided to be fair but he had a few very long games there too forehand of monis goes long and that brings it back to do so many unforced errors the level has not I mean it's at times the levels I mean they're two very impressive talents and schwartzman's been better than we expected expected but overall the level's not been fantastic that's a good forehand though advantage on Feast we haven't seen that many winners in this match especially compared to the unforced but I like Casper Casper is one of my faves Casper is definitely one of my faves always like rune for the guys another forehand winner from monf that could be an absolute crucial hold that return from schwarzman at 30 all that could have uh really determined the momentum that this match goes in the direction this match goes in I should say 3-1 do you think coko win only one slam no very very confident no very confident no uh she's not anywhere near this right now but I think she wins at least four I'll say it I think she wins four to six she's still very young she's got loads of time she had I mean people people like to hate on you know throw ha her away but what she's done I what she 1920 like she's already won US Open and had that amazing level last year on the hardcourt swing she plays well on Clay courts as well like uh if she keeps improving and finds the right direction like in her career like her mentality can be quite good to find ways out of magic even when she's not playing well uh she's got an incred great serve she's got a great backand if she can improve the forehand like I uh um I'm gonna say she wins at least four I'm sad that this is team's last slam yeah dummy Dominic team has my favorite one-handed back end it used to be S wava but I just love the way team's back end looks it looks different than every other one the way he flattens it out is just so satisfying to watch I love teams back in and his matches against Rafa are iconic Rafa versus team is one of the most underrated rivalries of this Century of tennis doesn't get talked about enough Rafa versus Team jokovic Del poo like those are two of the most underrated rivalries in my opinion like they always come up with amazing matches those those two rivalries backand back four in on Feast lob smash put away 1530 team out his prime was wonderful and Bre breathtaking to see you watch him play yeah I wish we could see Team versus ALR just once can we see Team versus alz I don't know why I'm asking as if like you guys can grant me my wish please can we see Team versus ALR guys please please come on but uh but I want to see it is alra in Vienna like is ala is going to play in Vienna is there a possible chance that we could see that I want to see that so bad backhand slice of mon that stays in corner to corner here forehand chip the back and a schwarzman cross score back in slice M this might be winning a battle to win a war but he doesn't win the battle that's in the net for my 30 all schwarzman just keeping it close I would have loved to see a prime team in uh Carlos match yeah exactly I we need it Max we need it we need need it Carlos is not in Vienna right he's not he's not scheduled to play Vienna first serve goes out from schwarzman second serve goes out again off the forehand Wing 3040 by the way opela serving for the fourth set to make it a five Setter versus musetti it's the T back in mon the four in of MTI for in mon back in MTI cross score back in mon going back in to back in for in mon for in musetti ah it's in the net that's great play for mon survives the battle 4-1 for Gail 41 for Gail later today I will be commentating jokovic versus albot that will be at around 8:15 eastern time actually maybe I can make a better predi um es estimation of time that that could start what's the match before that Burell versus Stevens yeah I have no idea I can't I can't possibly guess how long that match is gonna go Stevens could lose 6060 she could win 6060 it could be 76 in the third no clue what how long that match is going to go Clara Burell is dangerous though she she she doesn't mind a big moment like that she's dangerous barell she really is she's underrated hiy highy underrated for talking music apparently Oasis might finally be getting back together that's crazy um I like Oasis I like Oasis they get too much hate they've got some great songs um and not their biggest ones either like I remember listening through o Oasis catalog like a year ago after um a band I listen to covered them on stage um and uh yeah they're they're a great band backing down the line Bandai Listen to 21 Pilots don't listen to 21 Pilots as much anymore but I love them back in the day first serve in the net from Gail second serve coming here it's in the body goes out 30 love from on Fe I have a feeling the score line might read 67 62 62 62 or 63 or something or even 61 62 or something might get away from schwarzman it's hard to it's hard to play the way that he does and really keep it up you know against uh at this level takes a lot especially against a guy like Gil wow what a 4and strike from gaale that must have been 90 plus miles an hour huge off the forehands 5-1 let me know by the way what are your uh who do you predict as champions in the US Open let me know predictions in the chat I've got Carlos and I've got uh for the woman's side I don't even know I haven't really made my predictions for the woman's at all um I kind of don't think sabinka is going to win even though she should be like the favorite I I really haven't thought put that much thought into it I'm not even gonna lie it's it's completely impossible to predict maybe Keys could win one maybe Madson Keys could come out of nowhere and win it I kind of feel like that might happen Coco maybe it's it's impossible to say Emma Nar out of nowhere could Jung could uh back up the Olympics with a win at the US Open definitely possible it's so hard to say rabaka could win it kin Sky could win it maybe I don't know I don't know like it's it's so hard to say like K Jova who was going to predict that I kind of feel like Matson Keys is a sleeper forehand cross score forehand of Schwarz mats in the net 1530 how well has maton keys been doing at recent tournaments I'm not even going to lie I haven't been following the woman's side as closely as usual recently well she retired out of Canada is not a great great sign then her last one for that was Wimbledon where she also retired okay so maybe not keys but also never know she'd have to do like Kim kers though and just not play for a while and then come out of nowhere and win it on a lesser scale for Ana schwarzman the four in a month Feast that goes out 30 all so so many unforce STS in this match it's crazy we've got to be past 7580 onfor STS off of both including both players so many on for aairs level's not been high but it's still been a good watch Ro now 4030 for s not the Lamont Bagel we were we were seated for it not quite not quite happening hoping Carlos can win the US Open it would be awesome I think Carlos is gonna break the US Open record like there's like four people T I think literally four people tied for five us opens um I think uh I think Carlos is going to win I think US Open might actually end up being as winning as Grand Slam maybe Rand garos I think either roling garos or US Open that's my prediction I don't know nobody knows I definitely don't but uh he's he's been absolutely Sensational at Wimbledon but I kind of think that US Open the crowd warmed up to him right away it's the first Grand Slammy won he played incredible to get to win it absolutely incredible some ridiculous shot makinging last year he lost to like meddev but meddev played absolutely out of his mind one of the best performances from any player in my opinion the last three years even five years I stand by that here from on that goes out second serf forehand back in mon Feast goes wide that'd be an interesting list to make best like highest level of uh highest levels that players reach um uh outside of the big three in the last like 15 years like certainly Stannis W rinka like 2015 Rand garos would be up there against jokovic in the final like like the highest levels that players outside of the big three reach during this era like that would be that would be an interesting list to make you'd have alcaraz in there as well meddev Del poo yeah 1530 out of nowhere schwarzman kind of giving himself a chance at least in this game wow what a serve from on Feast 30 all slicing down the te I think sabba can win the US Open possibly EA I don't think either of them is going to win let's see I don't feel it for either one could age badly Sabal link I could definitely see maybe but Matson has to be 100% mentally clutch and not crumble during matches yeah needs to do better than last year medev my Baseline camper was goated hell yeah it was incredible to be honest Med's always goed even if he's losing terrible drop shot for M 3040 horrible good evening Anthony and all I think po palini might do as well as she did recently okay Mike I mean listen she got to the final of both the last grand slams I'm not going to sit here and be like Oh palini is not going to because you've got you've got the receipts you got the history historically you're right this year backand of monf schwarzman suddenly high intensity in these rallies back in monist the back in schwarzman back in slice mon down the line the forign schwarzman forign mon forign schwarzman that's in the net I Like the Way schwartzman's fighting though I mean you know you have to come to expect it TN a grand slam yeah I don't know I'm not feeling it for palini for IGA for sabinka I feel like it's gonna be somebody else I feel like it's GNA be somebody else I mean Fernandez has been doing well recently but I don't think she's got something like that in her not yet anyway back in oh what a shot from ma shot the match from either player one of the few winners we've had period it's been like literally at one point we had played 117 points and 57 of those points were unforced errors 50% pretty much that's basically been the story of the match it's not been horrible but that was a great shot there for in a ma Fe crosscourt forer Schwarz has in the net two sets to one for the Frenchmen but the match is not over it's three out of five one more set to play all I need is that hoger green slam but not happening of course that's not happening that's not happening in the next couple years all right I'll be back for the third set for the fourth set I was already here for the third set e e e e e hey sorry guys uh crashed for a second but we are back for this one uh let me put the scoreboard back up all right here we go all right cool cool all right we're back at it here we go we're just getting started here in the fourth set foran schwarzman the back in mon down the line for a schwarzman that goes out love 30 monf running away with it later on we will have jokovic versus um jokovic versus albot which will be going on later so definitely tune in for that one as well forehand inside out the back in mon Fe cross score back in schwarzman Cross scor the back in him on Feast back in Cross score goes out again love 40 schwarzman with the big upper hand in the set so far there we go that's a break for on Feast at one Z goes into the net from schwarzman one Zer M running away with this at this point nakima took the first set 62 wow wow yeah Runa I don't know he lost first round here last year and Nakashima has been playing great he's been serving great that's that's one to watch for an upset alert but Runa he is really not beating the allegations of just not being in the mix with CER and alarz for the like future you know I don't know because C Al would not be losing 62 to Nakashima but um we'll see how he keeps improving but he is not doing great at this jokovic def federan adal thing more likely it's going to be kind of a big two kind of like sis and Agassi Center ALR that's what I hope for anyway to be honest that goes out 30 love for gilon Fe has he lost a point yet I don't think he's yeah he's not lost a point yet ah that's first point lost in the net with the forehand mon 315 it's not been a great match I'm not gonna lie it's not been great from either guy like I said the unforced AOS has been very very poor um it's not been it's not been a highle match but sometimes you got to win ugly and that's what m has done to be honest um getting through this one schwarzman I was very impressed with this level in the first set but uh it's not been there for the uh next few not been able to keep that up back in slice of Schwarz mat that's in the net two zero four games away is Gil wasn't the US Open where Runa took a set Joker yeah that's true so he had that but yeah I mean he that was that was young uh fetus hogar um yeah I mean we'll see we'll we'll see if hogar can kind of find it find a better way at the US Open but yeah that that was at the US Open took a set off Novak then just started cramping I'm still interested what would have happened that match had he not cramped up hoger always takes a set off Novak though like even if he doesn't win the match he's going to at least make it close real close and uh make it difficult back in Cross cour the back in M back in schwarzman another good angle the angles H goes out love 15 Ma's barely losing points in the set I think he's lost one point yeah maa's lost one point he's won nine if this set was a super tiebreaker then the score would be 91 for mon you'd have eight match points back in mon the four in of schwarzman back in mon four in of Diego that goes out and mon would have just won the super TI breaker 10 and one love 30 H not going to win a slam sad yeah he uh yeah it's it's going to be tough for hoger and I I've I've said this I was I was saying I I still could be wrong but I've been saying this for a while I very high on yanic I've said for a while future world number one he's gonna make many many many slam finals he's gonna win a few slams hoger maybe wins like one slam never going to be number one that's my opinion I still think hoger is going to be really good I think he's going to be a top three player I uh I think he's going to be a pretty he's going to have some big runs in the future but I I don't think that he's going to be anywhere near the level of Cinder and algr and where they get to and where they've gotten to te 30 second point for schwarzman that goes out 1540 I said similar things about Shelton too um we'll see if I'm right or wrong I still think Shelton could win a slam though I wouldn't be surprised if Shelton wins one slam I'll say that whether that's Australian Open Wimbledon US Open I wouldn't be be surprised if it's roll garos it's not going to be rolling GS Wimbledon maybe forand cross score the forand of mon that's in the net 3040 third point for schwarzman rank I don't think so either yeah I mean it's going to be very tough I say Runo wins like one slam one roll in garos maybe or maybe another one I don't know but I say he wins like one slam maybe I think he's going to be in a better way than he is right now but he needs to find a better coaching and Direction he's got he's got outrageous talent and athleticism and a great serve good serve anyway wow lot of uh close line call lines and Nords there and it feels like m is gonna we're going to get a monis caspero second round of the open if you guys enjoy enjoy the stream so far please don't forget to hit that like and thumbs up all that and uh join in for the jokovic one we're gonna have fun that's going to be in a couple hours time unless Stevens and barell goes like four hours which would be weird I love that song feel it still by Portugal the man that's what they're playing in the uh the crowd freaking great song What we what we all know is Greek track winning Wimbledon um yeah well we'll see we'll see uh Wimbledon I wonder if wimbledon's going to be the unpredictable slam of the next like several years like I I it's been so not unpredict like so predictable for the last 20 years with jokovic and Federer nearly always winning it and the big for always winning it um until alcr came along and ruined everything um um but uh ruined the streak but but um I wonder uh I wonder how things are going to um how Wimbledon is gonna be in the next like 20 years alra could dominate Center could kind of dominate I think CER is going to win a lot of Wimbledon to be honest I think he's goingon to win at least three or four Wimbledon back in slice the forand of schwarzman cross score for and of mon four and of schwarzman back in mon slice the back in schwarzman goes Cross Court the back in mon forign schwarzman Cross Court what the this is this is a good rally we we've had a few of these back in down the line for and Schwarz that's in the net it's always ended on an error but we've had a few rallies like that very impressive how these guys can still hit corner to corner and move corner to quarter this might be a bagel fourth set the prediction was just a little bit too early for rank but this might be a bagel fourth set you're right but a little bit early you're ahead of your time that can that goes out 30 love what is the point uh Point win loss differential here it's like it's like 17 and three or four or something yeah 14 and three in points won this set it's not great for schwarzman with three points forand big to the back of him on Feast back for of schwarzman for of Gail back in schwarzman crosscourt that's good depth from Gail just easy power from M from the middle of the Court 40 love 15 points to three m is hunched over I wonder if he's going to have the uh physical capabilities of uh giving a Stern test to Casper I I definitely feel like Casper is going to win that second rounder I hope mon proves me wrong though he's done that before you got to take all the pressure off I think Casper wins that three or four sets but but M has been playing great that's a great for him from off East 4- Zer but uh I like Casper at the US Open what did he do at the US Open last year I just don't remember any of the results from the US Open last year it was a weird tournament it wasn't wasn't the best one on the men's side in my opinion I don't remember having many many crazy epic matches to be honest if anything we had most of the epics in like the first or second round like we had some epic first round matches mulchan demitro was crazy in the first round if you know you know but um how what did how did who did Casper lose to I don't even remember trying to remember who Roode lost to who Casper Roode lost to last year when he was defending finals at the US Open Casper Roode lost a Jen I don't remember that at all I slightly remember that wow yeah 62 in the fifth Jen is an underrated player that lamon Bagel would hit like crack to finish it hell yeah let's see it's love 15 here my face like won like 22 out of 25 points or something crazy like that now not quite that many but backand crosscourt the back off Fe oh he's he's he's picked up the level now that's Prime lamon it's still love 30 great just stepping in and hit your spot wasn't easy to hit a winner off of that position another point for schwarzman fourth point he's won the set gets to 1530 two and a half hours playing this match lot of long rallies second serve from Diego for mon yeah a winner as a Terri just a easy picking second serve especially for Gail who's really found the range off the forehand now Diego was unable to keep that intensity in the long rallies that he had in the first set and Ma's just found a range and picked up his level a little bit still hasn't been a great match from Gail I'm not going to lie but that's in the net to to to too many unforced Js from Gail it's not going to be even close to cutting it against cas but still I mean 62 62 potentially 60 to end this would be a a statement to be fair yeah total points won 19 to five in this set that's a great shot from schwarzman three of those coming in this game gets a deuce Bagel in the bag Lov did his job this US Open it's done pack it up we did enough we've seen enough all we need is that my bagel I love it fair enough that's another shot out from on though schwarzman has officially won more points in this game than he did before this game in this set got a game point that's pretty ridiculous to think about forehand of schwarzman the four in mon Feast that goes out game for schwarzman 4-1 the people in charge of the music they're uh they're play they're playing good songs they're playing good songs I like pleas currently playing The Beatles ouch this Jinx yeah we didn't quite get it oh I don't know what I have up let me get the scoreboard up that's what should be up by the way ranking of these players 44 in the world for ma 244 in the world for schwarzman so yeah Frank you really jinxed you jinx Gale it's all over for him now schwarzman epic five set comeback is in the bag for sure can you imagine that would actually be crazy Diego uh Diego plays a Uno reverse card Bagels ma in the fifth Gail two games away now eight points away however you want to freaking say it 4-1 schwarzman return chipped goes out seven points seven now seven points 15 love Ser from Gail down the T4 and schwarzman four in a month Feast back into schwarzman four in a month Feast that goes out 15 all schwarzman winning more points which is something you know at one 16 for 19 16 out of 19 points one from on Fe in the set shortman at least making it two people on the court in the set really creating a battle out of this one but it also kind of shows how well schwarzman played in that first set but it just shows that it's hard for him to maintain that over a whole match which is part of why he's putting down the racket in February and um it'll be sad to see him go because uh he's been he's absolutely been one of my favorites to watch I think just one of tennis's favorites to watch I think I think a lot of the tennis world shares that um that they they really appreciate schwarzman being in the mix well it's 30 yall M's got to be clutch here schwarzman still playing soccer on his side with h kicking the tennis ball off his feet here you go 30 y Sur from on Feast let's see what schwartzman's got in him on the return first serve goes out second serve for in a schwarzman off the Baseline schwarzman thought it was out because he stopped but uh points still going forehand that goes out what's going on here face might be switching his racket up 30 40 is there another twist in the plot is there another twist in the plot all right let's see appreciate everybody joining in for the stream by the way play byplay of the mon versus schwarzman round one of the US Open I like doing the live streaming gig for the matches it's like modern radio in my opinion so I appreciate everybody joining in for it bit of a watch along all right surf you're from Gail the net second surf forand mon forand of schwarzman backing mon backing schwarzman back in mon down the line for and a schwarzman that's right on the Baseline ma gets it back with a lob another high ball back in schwarzman hits through it back in slice of schwarzman four in a mon feast back and Schwarz that's in the net there this time on Fe who kind of stopped a little bit he thought that schwarz's ball was out so Deuce wer one TI to crazy what did you do schwarzman with the back now no listen I have you not seen I mean come on Frank you've been around you've been around the block you know you know how jinxes work they're real they're re they're real with this tennis thing or Sports in general if you're say if you're just saying oh mafi's got it it's over suddenly no no no no forand of schwarzman the back in on Feast back in schwarzman the back end of gaale going back in back and to back and slice the forand of mon Fe for and schwarzman back in mon Fe back and slice oh what slice for oh for mon Fe gets a long or hit a wide I should say ridiculous slice from shman always always always yep you can't you can't you can't can't put those jinxes in we'll turn the other way all right six points away still mon from the match canny get a big first serve in he does exactly that down the T advantage to Gail already back at the line to serve keeping up the momentum from Cincinnati from UTS I mean I don't know is it even worth mentioning UTS Cincinnati Beat alarz keeping up that momentum second serve here back in mon for and monf the back in of schwarzman that goes wide Four Points four points from the win ma it wasn't it it wasn't always pretty at all but he's uh he's found a way through here and uh he's won uh in these last three sets he's won 17 of the last 22 games which is really good 17 out of 22 is pretty crazy especially after losing the a first set as well serve from the Argentine back in of Gale inside out it's a great shot three points for M who's found more winners from his side and schwartzman's definitely not been able to keep up that same intensity M doing way better on the returner serve now wasn't even a liability for schwarzman the first Set uh really Mafi not doing enough to put away return to serves but it's not been the case for the last few sets oh MAF gets that backand down the line it looked like it was going out the whole way through but lands in love 30 definitely don't forget to subscribe qualy shot tennis please if you are joining in and I will be covering the jokovic versus albot match lat jokovic always fun to watch um history he's history walking in the making off of his uh historic uh Olympics run trying to go for that 25th Grand Slam as well something nobody has done period backend cross score the back end slice of schwarzman forand inside in the outside for on Feast goes for a big one b if you got that then just pack it up pack it up buddy we got to get out of here pack it up leave get your things that forehand hit the line go pack it up rents do we gotta get out of here it's very close two point Ser from schwarzman down the T goes long second serve for Diego the back in on Feast back in slice of schwarzman back in mon Feast back and slice schwarzman again forand on Feast Bak the forand schwarzman gets it forand slice now of gaale back in schwarzman hits the tape back in the side two match points for Gail cing 1540 get into the second round and play Casper rude once again I would say it's like a maybe a C+ or a B minus if even that high for Gail wasn't a great match the whole way through even though one-sided sets for the last three score uh last three sets um maybe B minus is fair he'll definitely want to pick up his level versus Casper but it's enough to get it done today it seems and he's been he's done his best level in the third in the fourth set and that's why it's a bread stick and he gets through Diego schwarzman in a match of two fan favorites who've been around the block a and two of the bigger talents on the tour no doubt good handshake between two legends of the game they'll be remembered both of them they both have quite an impact on the game in their own ways wow this such a great moment what a uh what a uh what a handshake between the two more of a hug than a handshake that's a nice moment Diego might be his last grand slam that's sad man I'll miss Diego I'll miss that guy all right I am out of here appreciate everybody joining in thank you guys oh hey Joseph as well really jinxed it not quite but not quite the end but I felt that lamon bagel from the beginning very unfortunate that means listen that means we're gonna get it against Casper though for rank that means that we're gonna get that Bagel against Casper if you if you're if you're feeling it still we're going to get that one I don't have super eye hopes for rude but he should beat mon yeah I think he should beat mon Fe as well Brad stick is still not bad yep yeah I appreciate you Joseph listen Joseph I'm gonna be doing jokovic versus albot later hopefully you can join into that one I know the times work in their own ways uh hopefully you can join in for that one um it was 6762 6261 for lamon appreciate you guys like always this was a fun one and uh yeah I'll see you for jokovic later on please make sure you're join that later and I will see you guys at the next one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all I want all I want to you so long so long why you keeping me waiting I [Music] I you keeping me w [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] I why you keeping me waiting all I want I want you so long so long why you keeping me waiting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all I want all I [Music] want so long so long keeping me waiting all I want all I [Music] want so why you keep meting [Music] and [Music]

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