🔴 F1 CREATOR SERIES - ROUND 6 - Fan Voted GP 🔴 - Sponsored by EA Sports

Published: Jul 12, 2024 Duration: 03:06:40 Category: Gaming

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening everyone and welcome back to Creator series season 7 for the fan vote Grand Prix tonight at interos my name is Dan field on your screens for for the first time in Creator series and tonight I'm being joined by the one the only Jake Sperry Jake hay in tonight I think we're in for a real treat tonight I'm doing quite well but I'm sure these drivers are going to be sweating this is a race where they have not had the ability to practice it's a fan voted Grand Prix it is been chosen by you and because it's been chosen by you what are the drivers going to be thinking it's going to be all about raw talent here tonight and who can adapt as quickly as they possibly can who is going to find themselves in the best position towards the end of this 100% race they've got to put that Graft in from the very very start and uh yeah as you said they're going in completely blind here this evening it is going to be a sensational ride and of course being a fan voted Grand Prix surely this is the most you know sort of anticipated race of the season because it gives the fans the chance to interact with the Creator series and pick what circuit they want to see you've all chosen interos me personally I think that is a fantastic pick maybe not so much for the drivers 71 laps it is going to be a grueling slugfest for these guys tonight but they are of course Very used to it here in the Creator series certainly going to be a sensational test tonight well this is one of the great circuits out there in terms of battling every single part of this track gives you an opportunity to attack be into turn one at the center s's be it down at turn four at Desa deago and you've even got a chance to battle out of the SK theago for as long as you want through the very tight and Technical middle sector which we've seen so many times over and over again through the years I think this is going to be a true test of who's going to want it and in a series that can be as close as it's been over the course of the years and into this season I think this is a great Showcase of who is going to get what and as we all know with Brazil you never truly know what's going to happen when you look up at the sky absolutely the weather can be a critical aspect in this Grand Prix and of course that ever looming safety car it's just about being in the right place at the right time we'll see who's going to benefit the most from that and as you said Jake it has been an incredibly close season thus far with five races down we've already had four different winners the only repeat Victor is of course ELR gri the championship leader in this coming into this race currently ahead of TM Muk by 22 points who's a further two points ahead of Alex Gillan so one good or bad race for any one of those top three it could see themselves shuttled into the title fight even closer to the Aston Martin or slipping from that Brass Ring we'll just have to wait and see the fan vote Grand Prix is going to be so very fun and in terms of the championship standings I mean you don't know which way to look ELR gy of course with that Advantage but we know how talented and experienced both t m m and Alex Gillan are we'll see how they can cope tonight we certainly will and I think the key to why LR giri is up at the top of the championship is purely consistency yes he's got two wins and the most wins often means that you get the championship but it's never always the case because you need that consistency to go along with it and two second places over the course of his championship run in round two and round three have certainly helped TM MX have been on the podium for each of the last three rounds if you exclude the Sprint race results out there so you've got that sense of they're doing what they need to do Alex Gillan is the driver who needs to find some form running into the week's break that we've had he was the driver who was struggling had a horrible Spain after making contact with t Marduk looking over at round five it didn't go the way that he was hoping for his Rivals behind in the form of Nera and GB 68 were also able to make some progress too but those three at the front at the moment are the three keys to this Championship one Spaniard one Australian one Brit and only one place in P1 so I guess the key here is what are they going to do around Brazil and how comfortable are they going to feel in their battling amongst each other knowing that one driver has got a lead to defend and the other two will feel like they've got nothing to lose at this midstage of the Season absolutely still plenty to play for at the minute despite being a healthy 22 Point ahead of TM Marduk ELR G he cannot afford to rest for even a second he's got to be on his toes he's got to keep notching in these fantastic performances of course in Spain 14th position oh sorry no I believe that's 14 points apologies I've not got the the positions on my uh on my right screen here so I'm going to struggle a little bit uh with this point system that I'm not all that used to but a disappointing you got to say 14 points considering his consistency so far this season it's going to allow for the likes of T mm and Alex Gillan to catch up so he's got to remain in fine form we are getting ready to head into the lobby of course full qualifying uh 71 laps as well we're not quite there we're just waiting on one more driver to join we were uh supposed to have uh yper I believe you say his name that way joining us here this evening but unfortunately uh he has not been able to make it here this evening so Jack socials will be filling in his spot I believe that is who we are waiting on at the minute but we should be heading into the race or the qualifying very very soon and it's going to be an exciting one let us know everyone watching at home who you think is going to be uh the strongest driver here this evening who are you rooting for who do you think is going to be standing at top of the podium Jake any early predictions before qualifying even gets underway I I think you got to look at L garyi and say you know it's the obvious one his worst finished this season is fifth place he's got two he's got four podiums two victories I don't think you can look past him at the moment as the driver in form but this could be anybody's race and this is what you have to really learn and understand about getting into a race like this and understanding what's going on because you're going to get a lot of drivers who want to try and put themselves forward and say they've got the ability to go through you can never count on any given day what Tom 97 is able to do on his day he can be the fastest driver out there and he can can make a push what a beautiful rise over the course of this season for Nera who's got a second and a third in the last two rounds and it's really proving that after a season where he's gone through he's never had a Podium before he's now got two podiums in back-to-back races so you got to look out and say Nera in that Mercedes might be a driver just to look out for especially on a Level Playing Field like tonight absolutely you've got to watch out for every single driver on this grid because this title fight Still Remains very close especially throughout those sort of mid to lower top 10 positions one slight mistake and you could see yourself slipping possibly from fourth in the standings all the way down to 11th or whatever uh other the stipulations here this evening it's just so much excitement really building up I cannot wait personally to get in to this race I mean uh Brazil such a fantastic circuit so much history in Formula 1 and as you were talking about Jake before plenty of spots to overtake I think I got to say one of my favorite spot on this circuit pinino that slow long- winded left-hander if you're side by side through there it is some Sensational racing and hopefully we're going to see plenty of that here this evening well the thing about the pinho being an overtaking opportunity is that you have to line up the two corners before it up the Len Hena uh as you go through so fador into the lenina you then got to get the essay correct and if you're still side by side at the essay if you're on the outside of the essay and you've still got an angle just throw it down the inside of the pinho you've got a wonderful chance of making that move stick of course you've definitely got that opportunity or I like to call it the clapback when you get all the way over to Boco depat the tightest corner on this circuit and it really gives you a sense of actually setup nightmare that these drivers are going to have because you can very easily build a car that's perfect for being being out in front and gives you that wonderful chance of planting down the middle sector and saying I'm the fastest in the middle sector I will build that Gap if you've got nothing on a straight line coming out of Juna up through Ary Bank Das the skad boxes and over to the center s you've got no way of Defending on the straights so drivers will realize that when it comes to their their setup that they're running under Park F A conditions they're going to need a car that needs a little bit of top speed otherwise they are going to be pretty much idling on those Straits and they're just targets during the race oh yeah I mean this circuit so much variation which is so incredible to see there's a lot of circuits where it's just whack the whack the wings as low as possible and then hope for the best throw it down the streets whatever don't care about the corners but this circuit you've really got to think about where you want to be quickest and how to balance that setup of course I have no personal knowledge of how the setups work on this new f124 game I'm sure Jake you're a lot more knowledgeable in that department than uh than I am but I know from you know downloading other people's setups on Steam that um it can be very difficult to actually be quick all throughout the circuit and you've got to really fine-tune it to the the best of your ability to really have that uh that advantage and of course coming into this race blind these drivers Jake they're going to have no preparation of what they actually want to do they've found out I believe just yesterday uh that this is the circuit I know that Rasen chai who's not been here for the past few weeks he was uh running a few laps in in time trial literally just 10 minutes before the Stream So these drivers really are being thrown right into the deep end here well it depends on how much these drivers actually spend time around the Formula 1 game I absolutely love it in terms of the Showcase that it brings so you really get the understanding of what do you need to get out of this brilliant inter laga circuit and the answer is you're going to need straight line straight Line's going to give you the opportunity to overtake in the race there are two very heavy very long DRS zones where you're going to need that slipstream and they happen immediately one after the other so you're going to definitely need that as a way to try and Rush forward with the way the race is going to work one thing that often gets forgotten though about in terms of setup creation is the track characteristics so this is a circuit which is built into this fantastic Bowl in the suburbs of sou Paulo so you get this understanding of what is this circuit this circuit has elevation Chang and it has it pouring out the ears so you're going to need a car that's going to be very settled when it's going down through the corners and up through the corners and this circuit has it in space of course when this track used to be created back in its very very early years it was a labyrinth to try and get through it would turn back on itself four or five times over the course of a lap but here in this simplified effort I think there is no greater circuit in the world for racing I still believe that this circuit should be a championship finale circuit in every every Championship that you find it that excitement from the 2012 finale that I think that might have been one of the last times that Brazil was uh was the finale of the F1 season that excitement that that race provided unbelievable one of the best races I think little 8-year-old me however I was uh watched one of the best races really a 20-year-old me has ever watched so it could be a very exciting race and I think you're absolutely right even though the drama from Abu Dhabi certainly does uh live up to what a championship finale should be but at the minute you're wondering it's 12 minutes past 6 where are the cars we're still here in in the intermission scene just looking at mine and mine and Jake's face you want to see some action don't you well I can happily say to you that we are finally into the lobby nice sunny clear skies here in inter Lagos getting ready for q1 we were waiting on safo to get into the lobby I can confirm the Alpine has been able to make it here he had some boot sorry they had some boot issues heading into this one so it's all sorted and we got cars now we absolutely do now this q1 I think is going to be really interesting and it's going to be multifaceted so you are going to have not very long out there try and set a qualifying time and you might see a couple drivers out there on a wet Tire which snows the intermediate you can get one Championship point if you set the fastest lap before 7 minutes remaining on the clock if you do the fastest lap on intermediate tires so that's going to be something to keep in mind that extra Championship point and we have seen the likes of Alex Gillan TM M and Nera all go out and make that happen that's some soft tires out there at the moment for pay on the out laap so some drivers will choose to do it other drivers will choose not to because they're just looking what they can do for their race remember this works the same way as full qualifying we've already got GB 68 out there on a set of intermediates so it's the bottom Five drivers who are going to be knocked out of this one at the end of q1 absolutely those bottom five they're going to be kicking themselves if they get themselves out early especially with how close the racing can be it's going to be very difficult for them to make their way up the order P looking to go out very early in the v carb now this is my first time commentating on f124 I'm not used to saying vcarve yet so Jake I know for a fact I'm going to be hitting us with a lot of alpha toes probably some alphao as well but we'll call you now into the full screen so you can see p get this lap on the way in towards the center SES downhill breaking very easy to lock up through here and you've got to get the car rotated for the second part of the S's and then into the curad El so where you got to take that straightest line down the ACA thego one of going to be one of the best overtakings B into that second sector at the minute 17.5 for peria not too sure if that's a good start to the session but it is purple for the vard well be purple in this first run and this middle sector I think it's going to be rather crucial up the hill through fador and Len Hina in through the sa and down now at the pinho corner you're always trying to plant the car as much as you can to get drive and then uphill turn and break at the same time the trail break needed for the bco depat it's very underated how difficult it is and then Mulo which is where you need all of the aerodynamic grip to bring the car down onto the road Jun very underrated in terms of how difficult that corner is because it sets up your run here for this lap and you're going to get a lot of laps around here because of the short nature of this circuit but what you have to understand as well is that drivers will have a lot of room to go out there p sets an 83 as that first time that guy Vince only just finds a way through with the likes of 68 only a couple seconds off the pace on that intermediate Tire Skyy ning himself into the very top of the order 108.0 to1 the time to beat as it stands we got Mr Dale coming across the line he's vowed that he's going to finish this race of course been a very difficult season 7even for Dale so far this season a 110.0 51 a disappointing starts qualifying especially on that set with his soft compound of tires El G your I ship leader across the line 10773 a fantastic start for the Aston Martin yeah L garyi there with a lovely lap to put things together that should give him some confidence to maybe not feel like he has to go back out there again in q1 I think that's going to be an element of focus that's there there's shaf show only going then 14th so I think that was an out laap leading onto a flyer in terms of what's going on Matty D13 over the line goes 11 s fastest then with his lap time in the half so I wouldn't feel comfortable on a 109 I probably wouldn't feel comfortable on a 1085 I think that's probably going to be where we've seen the cut off when it comes to qualifying I think that's where that scramble is going to be got a couple drivers out there CBS I believe was trying to go as well for a lap he's just done an 86 out there on the board I'm very interested to see who's got what in terms of those intermediate tires I believe it's still just GB 68 who's been able to put one down looking for a bonus Point yeah seems like he's the only driver to settle up on the intermediates it's looking like the cloud coverage is beginning to form here in sou Paulo so I wonder are we expecting rain at any point in this qualifying session we mentioned it at the start of the stream how the weather can really be detrimental to these drives if they've not got the car set up for the wet weather conditions they're really going to struggle when it goes to dry especially if it's dry in the race they can't is the wet setup in qualifying due to the park F regulations so we'll see how this pans out for all of the drivers here this evening well I I tell you what I think that actually is quite a very telling point that we haven't seen more drivers go onto that intermediate because I think that might suggest near the end of the session that it might rain or it's very close to rain and I think that might just indicate that drivers want to put a bank lap down cuz what happens if you get stuck on a laptop trying to get it sorted out there and it's not going to pay off the way you want it to cuz you can't get a lap on dry tires done because it's raining you're going to be behind everyone else on the curve and you're going to have to start from the back of the field that's going to be the Panic that a lot of these drivers are going to be running into and that's why maybe you've only seen one maybe two times out there to 97 abandoning that lap which I think for all things considered I I think just perfectly says that GB 68 is going to get get the extra bonus Point here absolutely he's the only driver to put a lap in on the intermediates in the dry conditions as a a h in the middle of the grass down at pinho corner lovily he's been able to get back onto the circuit but I wonder as well with the rain possibly iment I wonder is this why we're seeing so many drivers so quick to come back out on an out laap we've got unstopped Rob Mr Dale GB 68 and Jack socials I'd say four drivers who are not entirely safe in this qualifying session if the rain hits before q1 ends they're going to have no chance whatsoever of getting themselves out of the Bott part of qualifying GB has started that flying lap on a set of the softest time and there it is the reain has started to to fall down down at turn number one this lap is going to be critical for GB well think about who it's critical for you've got GB 68 you've got Tom 97 and you've got the Gara who are all in trouble right now on the outside looking in everybody wanted a bank a lap down because of this scenario right here right now where it's raining and they're going to be losing that grip and this lap is crucial for GB 68 to improve right now he's got to jump above a 10 0 to get 60 but it's a 91 which he's got to beat which is guats at the moment in the McLaren the G goes 13th fastest on an 87 I would say 87 now is the cut off and GB 68 struggling down through Mulo right now going to need a hope and a PR oh dear so difficult sliding the car through that final acceleration point it's a straight line almost in towards now the start Finish Line keeping it tight hit to the left hand side what's it going to be for GB 68 it is a 1 minute 9. 652 and in that drop zone and with the rain pouring down and the track getting wetter and wetter I'd see no opportunity for anyone in their bottom five to get themselves out of that drop zone which means guats gv68 Mr Dale Jack socials and Tom 97 I think the most crucially here out of qualifying Dale's already retired Scott decides to call it quit in the pit Lane and I believe that q1 is going to come to a very Swift end now it's an 18-minute qualifying session that's been decided in 8 minutes which is quite startling actually in terms of how everything's been put together Tom 97's going to desperately try and put a lap through but he is struggling with the Tor of his vub his Visa cash app racing bull and just like this you can see they're still allowed that DRS but he'll come straight back into the pit he'll have to start from the back of the field if there is any track that I would say start at the back of the field this is probably the one where you can get away with it more than others out there you've got a wonderful opportunity to overtake around this place and especially if there are adverse conditions during the race Strat card is going to be very heavily played over the course of the racing but that's a big qualifying session and there are some big names on the wrong side of Lady Luck absolutely GB 68 another one who is I'm very surprised to see going out here especially with his teammate ELR gri at the top of qualifying one the only driver in the 1 minute 7 so far he appears to be A Cut Above the Rest at the beginning of this session interestingly enough now we've got Rasen chai out on a set the intermediates getting the practice in I'd say for the next part of qualifying DRS has now been disabled so I think that is the final nail in the coffin for anyone in that bottom five who wants to at least try and get out of q1 but I really heavily do doubt uh that that would be possible you know who who knows at this point I mean f124 such a adverse game not saying it's going to happen but we know that this grid can be very exciting so we'll see Jak now ring on his Outlet to see how he can cope on a set of the intermediates yeah so this will be a little bit of information gathering right now for Rasen chai he doesn't have to necessarily do too much out there in terms of improving time he knows he'll be safe with the way that the track is but these drivers won't know what the session conditions are going to be necessarily so they're going to sit out and try and do as much they can there is one driver uh currently out there that's GB 68 who's just poed it actually over at after turn five out there and he's just been disqualified from the session for being parked in a dangerous location so just like that he's had enough of what he's needed to do knew he wasn't going to qualify knew that there's going to be no way of improving so GB 68 knowing he's out takes the easy way out and decides to get himself disqualified but you do get a sense that the speeds are different and there is a look at what makes this circuit so unique is that you get a sense around this track that not necessarily shown as much here in uh F1 2024 but this is a circuit where when it rains it puddles down at the bottom of this circuit the rain runs down the hill and it creates very very unique tributaries around this circuit making life incredibly difficult when it starts to rain it's been raining less than 5 minutes at this point here in q1 and already the track is completely soaked and Hoodie Pete brings up a very uh very funny uh but unless you're funny com saying intermediate a long time when he came out on the softs it ended up being intermediate conditions now he's stolen the the clickbait title from Tom 97 like get himself disqualified now GB can do that last the first challenge I I I already know it's going to be uh in the back of his mind the last a question mark that is going to make for a very fantastic uh YouTube title yeah and everyone loves a good last to First challenge out there and I think that's the key and I think Tom 97 might want to try and take this one back so he's going to drive the other way around the circuit to get himself disqualify to hopefully move backwards into 20th position you got to love a little bit of fun here in the Creator series he is driving the wrong way he'll get disqualified so the question will be cuz he was disqualified last let let's understand how this game works are you 19th or are you 20th if you're the second drive to get disqualified answer is you will 20 I wonder if that's to do with the uh the AL alphabetical order of G being before T in the alphabet so it's put Tom in last I mean that would be that' be quite an EA way to do it a co- Master's way to do it I'd say but yeah Tom 97 getting himself qualified he'll park up that car we'll see if anyone is on the lap at the minute I believe Jack socials has come out onto the circuit and indeed will get this lap under way on a set of the intermediates no DRS of course in these adverse weather conditions but let's see how different this lap is going to be and I think it's the first time we'll get an onboard shot with the driver and you can see through the centeres jack is struggling this I mean i' say the r we very much could and this is where drivers have to be quite alert to their entire situation of course they will have have a full set of tires to use if they go into the dry because hardly anyone's used a set of tires in the Dy so they won't have many worries about that but if they have to continually run here with these wetter tires and it stays wet in the race then going out then getting some cyle laps it might actually scrub up those wet tires and I think drivers are going to want to have an array of tires available uh to go out there and race with so that might be something where those drivers who decided right nothing really that we can do we're just going to leave it to the gods that's going to be something to keep in mind but also it's not necessarily representative in terms of pace one thing that I am quite interested in is the fact that M Sky Z was third fastest in that initial qualifying session here Dan and M Sky Z is someone who has been right up at the pointy end but since coming to f124 he's not jailed with it and this is the first real sign we've seen of M Sky Z having a turn of pace of the M Sky Z we know in love I mean M sky is actually a driver that I'm very familiar with I believe on F1 2020 the very first League that I commentated on on PC he was in there and he was fighting for the title with his teammate it was a fantastic season of racing and I Know M Skyy is an incredibly talented driver and to see him without that run of form that we used to seeing it's uh it's like it's like a different driver and it's really good to see that now Skyy at least for the first part of q1 granted you got to take this with Ain of salt uh of course there's still Q2 and Q3 and then a whole 71 lap race uh so it's a good start to say the very least but he's got to build on that he's got to continue to notch in the quick times at the very top of the order then come race time got to be at the very front but you're absolutely right M Skyy we know him as a talented driver not quite had the form on f124 but today Brazil the fan vote Grand Prix this could be his Turning Point very much could do and with a couple of minutes left to go you're keeping an eye out on who's maybe made a little bit of progress here today who's opened up and said what's got I do like the fact that Ron has done quite well out there second fastest in the times there Jack social is getting a little bit of Aer and all that is there you got Tom out there at the moment you've also got Nera trying to get a bit of excited there is Riri Cod moving through trying to get a bit of an understanding on the intermediate Tire and of course with a track that's only getting wetter and wetter it's going to be a little bit worse because with no drivers out there running out on this circuit in q1 it means there going to be a lot of standing water for the starter Q2 yeah of course no one is really out on circuit applying that dry line which can actually be quite a common occurrence of course the racing line uh where everyone is displacing the water with their treaded intermediate tires that's not going to be the case which means it will be even slippier in those very tricky traction zones they've got to be careful headed into the second part of qualifying it's only riron out on circuit we've only got 1 minute left to go here in qualifying one I'll bring us back over to the picture and picture screen you can see myself and Jake once again hello everyone watching at home q1 is about to come to an end let us know in the live chat if you are surprised with any of these results and I've got to say Obviously the biggest one that jump out to me Jake Tom 97 and GB 68 eliminated in q1 yeah they've got a lot of work to do in their race they'll have to come from the back through the field charging we've seen that happen before in the real world with ls Hamilton's make a charge up from 20th to second before once upon a time but you really get an understanding of those two drivers GB 68 I'm more surprised about than Tom 97 Tom's not really had the best of luck this season he's throwing away a race win from the race lead at Spain so you're getting a sense that okay top 97 got it all to do he's got the pace he's already 66 points drift so Championship aspirations I believe are over for him GB 68 looking at top five those drivers fifth and sixth in Championship both at the back of the field both work to do there it is then q1 comes to an end LR Yuri is quickest by three1 of a second a fantastic qualif from him I've seen a lot of people talking about in the live chat as well with the Audio issu I sort that in between q1 and Q2 riron second quickest Skyy in third fourth is F1 Scott good start to qualifying for the Sal team verai making his return I believe for the second week uh for the first time and second week in two week lose my words here we got that guy Vincent six at Mar seven per in8 n unst and in 10 you see the rest of results on your screen is gwat Mr Dale Jack socials and gv68 along with Tom 97 eliminated from q1 heading then into Q2 as I'll bring us back over to the intermission team once I sort out the audio issues uh big surprises in q1 but I got to say one name at the very top of the order which does not surprise me at all is of course ELR giri look you got one lap in that situation or two laps potentially to go out there and put yourself in a position where the top 15 gives you that security and there's no safer Place can't be any more safe than P1 out there so that's a little bit of a flex showing this is the sorts of pace that I've got I wonder if he's maybe shown his hand a little bit early here in terms of this qualifying session knowing that everybody else is going to try and go through but because we're in mixed conditions you know having Pace in the drive means one thing everyone else is going to be looking around going well what's the conditions going to be for the the race and sometimes that might even come into mind because if you got to set up the car for a wet Race For example you want a little bit more downforce and maybe some of the drivers don't have as much out there in terms of confidence on a higher downforce set than maybe a slightly lower one well Q2 is about to get underway you're asking questions of what the weather is like in the race one thing we know for sure is what the weather is like here in qualifying and it is tipping it down here in Al poo the rain has got heavier in the short intermission between q1 and Q2 multiple drivers are out on circuit on the set of the wet compound of tires I believe uh riron being the first one out a lot of them still opting actually most of them still opting for the intermediates at this point but wow this could be a very very exciting Q2 session it is because drivers are thinking about where are we and they believe they're at the crossover between the immediate tire and the wet Tire which means that this is going to be a case of do the intermediates clear enough water oh P how whyde do you want to go sliding my boy driving about through at sh sou just demonstrating how difficult it is if you got the wet tires you got more security but it's almost like in a in a dry sense having a intermediate versus a wet it's like having a soft tire versus a hard tire out there very much case the wet Tire can get yourself through no worries at all the intermediate is a lot quicker but it can't clear the water and so you're going to be very unstable around certain parts of this circuit which is why you've got to if your P right now in the Visa cash at racing ball hold the racing line and do not deviate whatever you do I mean this is going to be a very tough minute and 20 seconds for peria here I'd say that's about the lap time we're going to see from the V carb driver as he slides his way wow in through uh this next Left Right hander down at turn number six the corner names they all fall away from me but this is of course pinino where you got to be so careful on the throttle you can already hear that vob struggling to get the power down in through bod to the tightest corner on the circuit then tiptoeing oh dear through the next left-hander of mulio and really struggling on this lap is pi one minute Point uh 1 minute5 in that first and second sector I'm interested to see how this lap time is going to compare with that of the H drivers Matty D13 and riron both of them on a lap is now peria comes across the line it's going to be a 1 minute 19.69 the time to beat both of the hes on a set of the wets at the minute we'll see how their lap compares to the intermediates well you're getting a sense here of how much time they've dropped between the first session and the second that's 10 seconds a lap differ there goes Ras and chai on an 183 first lap out there riron 3 seconds of drift I think the ERS the tire here and we're seeing it Unstoppable robod proving he's Unstoppable right now so he's getting that lap in but I think those who are out there on a wet weather Tire are trying to get a banker lap in L Gary back in the pits wasn't comfortable with that as a wet lap T at Muk trying the wets on an out laap here is a little bit out of sequence with everyone else but you're thinking about well what's everyone showing right now Ines are quicker abs absolutely Matty down in eighth position at the minute I'll take off the tire from your detail there but Matty d113 that guy Vince and uh riron all of them on a set of the what wet compound tires struggling to keep Pace with the likes of unsto Rob it's a great start to the session for the Mercedes drivers 1 and three at the minute being split by rincha we've just had one of the salvas come across the line of F1 Scott we're watching TM Muk on his lap at the minute struggling to get the Run he did have a little bit of slipstream from the Ferrari just coming out the pit Lane I believe that was infatic that helped out the Aussie man as he comes now in towards pinino I think you're absolutely right the intermediates just look to be the Superior Tire for the time being it looks like the rain is not letting up whatsoever and I think soon enough those wet tires are going to be crucial to have well if it gets a little bit too wet it's to case of look at how much T Muk is struggling down through mahula he can't put the power down on the tires and even on those wets he is struggling and that's what we're getting a sense of these drivers working out what's the crossover what's the fastest tire for me to be on T at Muk then 178 is the fastest time but over the line it's an 189 so fifth fastest on the west it's quite comparable at this moment in time and I think that you're looking at it top 10 are going to go through 195 at the moment is the mark we've seen no time from LR giri we've seen no time from infatic but you're thinking about those drives on the B on the bubble right now the kick saers of M skyz and F1 Scott look in trouble Matty D looks a bit in trouble I'd say 119 might be the thing that everyone's looking for even 189 I don't think TM M's safe with where he is I think that Tom is safe as PA has just moved up to fourth fastest yeah absolutely I think oh de's infatic slides through fura there struggling now on a set of the intermediate tires are we at the crossover point where now the wet tires are the quickest to be on the circuit peria did that lap on a scrub set of the intermediates of course when you're actually utilizing this set of the tires you want to fuel up the car a little bit more to go for multiple laps at a time that is why we're seeing plenty of laps still coming in got a yellow flag in the second sector I believe that that is one of the the carb well the only V carb in this session per of course the lone uh Visa cash app racing bull I think I've got that name right as infatic comes across the line in the Ferrari car it'll be a 1 minute 19.4 06 in 12th position and as it stands out of qualifying infatic won't be happy with that in the Ferrari he'll be hoping for a bit more like Ras and chai nice to see Ras and chai here it's first time we've seen him in two races so he'll need to get back on the eighth place and the championship was very consistent in the early phases 12 14 and 12 points respectively with Five Points gained in the Sprint in round three but here is Unstoppable Rob proving that he is at the moment Unstoppable in terms of his Pace he got a lovely result last time out fourth place when it came to Austria so Unstoppable Rob is proving that he's come here to race and right now he looks good at the moment M Sky Z goes fourth fastest with his time and that's even quicker look at that he's 710 quicker than anybody else in the Mercedes well unstopped rob you said he's here to race but he is certainly not here to play a fantastic run from the Mercedes driver maybe a rain Maestro that we are seeing on circuit today we have to wait and see if unstop Bravo is able to keep this advantage in the wet weather conditions One driver we've not seen much of this qualifying session lray giri struggling to get the car turned through pinho corner now but of course toping q1 you'd expect him to be in and around that very top fight in Q2 you can hear by the engine sounds he's struggling to get the power down and everything very difficult in these wet weather conditions what is the second sector time going to be for him a 59.4 54 tell you what Jake that doesn't sound like too bad of a lap and with the rain still clattering down on the circuit I wonder if this consistent running of other drivers has actually formed that dry rating line you can certainly see it visually on the circuit ELR G comes across the line a 1 minute 17. 620 a great time to put himself into second but not enough to beat onstop Rob G be happy with that I would say he's safe with that sort of time but it depends how much the track has been cleared up because drives like T MX found Pace out there Matty D13 now on the outside looking in we were talking about 185 might be the overall bubble it's now the current bubble and I would say that if you're not in the 117s right now you are unsafe in this qualifying session and these drivers have to look around and go well what am I going to find and ftic now trying to climb up the hill and hope there's a bit of pace in his Ferrari out there the scooteria red which is there as trying to ultimately open up a bit of time watch the straight lining over going forward he'll gain one place on an 187 so 6/10 of a second one position not what the doctor ordered probably he's going to need to dive back into the pits get another set of intermediates out and try and go once more this is going to be a tough tough session at the end and the question will be what is this weather doing and who's going to feel safe with what time I mean just visually look at how much rain is pouring down onto the circuit infatic looked quite confident I've got to say on that lap it wasn't a bad run by any means but I just don't think the paac is there in these wet weather conditions that dry line certainly has been formed but is it too little too late for the Ferrari driver his teammate wrest doing a fantastic job up in P4 we'll see how the rest of this session plays out I believe ngira has just begun a lap on a set of the wet weather tires and we've not really Jake at all had a chance to breathe in this qualifying session 15 minutes of Q2 we've just gone down we're about 10 minutes in almost 9 and 1 half minutes in and it has been nonstop action from start to finish and this is this is what excites me about this qualifying session here in Creative series and you got to remember as well with Ricky con rakir con here today with Matty D13 there is a notable absence of an Alex Gillan which means that he will be dropping points today opportunity for ELR giri opportunity for Tat Muk to put some daylight between themselves and Alex Gillan chance to Nar to jump in chance to GB 68 even though he's outside of this first session to jump up forward as well watching the Gara right now in seventh oh he's scrambling so much to try and get himself through Mulo corner and that's where we're seeing it here the moment you've got to try and get yourself through medium to high downfalls it's a struggle down the hill to make sure that you've got any form of grip Nera trying to straight line as much as possible over towards the line on the wet tires that's a 177 and goes third fastest so it's still a bit of a pick and mix here take your pick on the tire some prefer the in some prefer the wets in these conditions noticeably the rain is getting lighter Rin chai comes across the line in 1 minute 17099 that is a emphatic improvement over Unstoppable Rob and I wonder is that time even going to be safe enough peria goes across the line of 16.9 for the vob let's see uh one of the kick salers of F1 Scott is just getting on to a lap now in ftic I believe is coming across the line to complete a run up by 1 and A2 seconds jumps his teammate and into P2 the track conditions are improving and I think it might be a case of who is the last one across that start Finish Line to get your lap underway because you're going to have that the best conditions and by that logic the best chance of putting in the best lap today well they'll be turning the engine modes up trying to get inside the top top 10 right now it's t Marduk on the bubble but also on an outl as things stands there is unstopped Rob there're in fourth position he's gearing up now for his flying lap as he now charges about through the opening sectors on this circuit everybody is unsafe everybody now needs a time and it might just be a case of who does put that best time in they've got two minutes to go and when they do cross the line when the checker flag comes out you may not start another lap but look at the way that unstopped Rob is running he has the fastest first sector of anybody at the moment M Sky Z goes fourth fastest M skyz puts himself into a decent position but there's still multiple other drivers coming across the line starting laps finishing laps there's his teammate F1 Scott going to the very top by about 610 of a second to in second position unstopped Rob has been the dominant figure so far in this qualifying session one of the hes are coming across the line I believe that's mat D getting his lap underway so it will be the Mercedes of unstopped Rob the next up to cross the line a minute 20 left on the clock he can get another lap in here this session everyone is out on circuit all 15 drivers scrambling to get time on the board there's unstopped Rob with a 1 minute 15. 649 blowing Scott time out of the water a fantastic R for from Rob there as TM Muk goes into second and that puts El giri on the bubble and he is only on an out laap curbs right now 18.8 hoping he can get over the line with a good time he goes third fastest on a 16.2 that will put LR on the outside looking in M Sky Z is now on the bubble Rin chai looking to improve here and does goes fastest this track is improving it's light range no R now at this point everybody needs to jump on an inter at this point and charge m skyz is only 11th impr pratic now on the bubble and we've just got 20 seconds left F1 Scott going for another lap who can't improve everyone's got to get across the line now I believe the final driver who will get a lap on the way as infatic struggling at the beginning of qualifying now notches in a onew for Ferrari a sensational run from him there who is up next to come across the line that might be unstopped Rob down on his previous best and unfortunately coming into the pit Lane will retire that car we got riron coming across the line in the drop zone at the minute into P2 and currently safe into the next session TM at M across the line with a 15.17 the fastest in Q2 so far yeah that's brilliant but still watch out for everybody else and the gar is going to be next and he is 14th at the moment there is ELR giri he also want wants to improve so let's see what these two do they are on the wrong side of it Nera goes seventh ELR giri goes fastest Chapo's managed to find his way out so M Sky Z in trouble now Tom on the bubble who was expecting Tom on the 162 to be in a little bit of trouble p goes quickest Nera is now out here in Q2 over the line goes Tom he goes fifth M Sky Z is out in Q2 F1 Scott needs to bail himself out here with this lap and he goes second fastest with that that put Matty through and Unstoppable Rob is out he qualified because that guy Vince is there Matty has done well and ring chai is also G in qualifying a topy Turvy qualifying in a battle for the bottom and how about that at the very top of the order between F1 Scott and peria just 1,000th of a second but once again massive shocks at the end of qualifying two similar to how it was in q1 Ren chai Unstoppable Rob M Sky ngira curbs all five of these guys I would say were quite strong heading into this second part of qualifying and all of a sudden the carpet has been pulled from beneath their feet they are out of qualifying here infatic will come across the line to complete the qualifying session it's per on top but once again big big names eliminated and this is the key you've got to be out there in qualifying right place right time doesn't matter how quick you are at 10 minutes at 8 minutes if the tracks going to improve it just matters where you are and how can you improve that time and that's what we saw with F1 Scott with pea it's Topsy Turvy in terms of those who we expect to be up there like renai like Tom like Nera like GB 68 all of them are outside of the top 10 now heading in towards Q3 and the race and it means that for those at the top the two that have managed to avoid it TM Muk and L giri we'll see what those two are able to do and a track that looks I would say tensively quite nice apologies everyone I've I've I've appeared to mute myself I think uh yeah no apologies there getting used to it once again I do apologize there I was just saying it looks quite dry out here on circuit this evening so I'll bring us back over to the intermission scene just very quickly here oh I'm struggling at the minute everyone I really am at this point in time I'll bring us back over to the intermission team once we get everyone out on to the circuit but Jake I mean q1 and Q2 have been Sublime at the minute surely surely Q3 with these 10 incredibly quick drivers they are going to give us an absolute show I'm sure they will and I'm sure we're going to see a fantastic battle for pole position because we've got some drivers up there who we didn't necessarily expect were going to find their way into Q3 this is anybody's game and not only is it the fact that they haven't been able to have that ability to practice not only is it that ability that the weather's thrown itself down you're now saying right what is going to go forward we've got 71 laps remember of this race coming up and we've got qualifying to try decide who's going to have the best possible chance of winning that race by putting their car on Pole Position this is going to be a tough battle but you're looking around at the sorts of names that are there who are looking for a little bit of something right now saf show you're looking at PA I'm looking really at F1 Scott to try and wake up and go this is what I want to be doing F1 Scott last season was down in f2s Championship he qualified through the playoffs to get himself in and now look at him he's looking for a shot at pole oh yeah just 10 in just 10 minutes time we will find out who is starting at the very front of this Brazilian Grand Prix the fan vote race and it is going to be a sensational ride here this evening safo getting the lap underway now into towards the Cent is still utilizing a set of the intermediate tires but with no rain at all out on circuit I would not be surprised that by the end of this race they're all on a set of the soft going ammer and and Tong fighting claing for that pole position satel with an 18397 quicker than most times that we saw in Q2 in that first sector that is just showing the track is improving it's only a matter of time until we see those dry tires those slicks that we haven't seen since the beginning of q1 back on these cars yeah I wouldn't be surprised to see slick tires come out there and those softs be absolutely utilized in the best ways forward that they possibly can and as we see saf show running through the middle sector it's now about scramble mode and where you are going to be able to find that Improvement out there 56 seconds then through the middle sector and now looking to try and gear up through the hill rain light has to be on that doesn't indicate he's harvesting because he's on wet tires he automatically has the rain light on on the back so there's going to be no real indicator there for TM mik on how to go through 113s we're seeing out there on the intermediates which would indicate to me that as a banker that's great but we got a crossover as pen goes dancing over turns one and two trying to make sure he goes through that lap time quite rightfully invalidated and if you're wondering where PA he actually went back into the pit Lane at the end of that lap that guy Vince splits T at M and S and then disappointing one minute 18.4 already see y he's onest at the soft compound very early call from the Spaniard here tonight however I don't think it's the wrong one maybe he's just a little bit early here I'd say give it 5 minutes time and then those soft tires will be a lot better and already it's a cool down lap by the way he's up by 2 seconds in that first sector I think there was a critical error for the Aston Martin on that first lap and that means lray G has got a lot more Pace in the bag well he's got to find Five Points two on TM Muk to move up into pole position as things stands trying to dance there through the pinho in the middle sector up the hill at the Boco depat drivers looking to try and straight line the pitch as much as they can that's TM mik diving into the pit so 5 Seconds the Difference Maker that we're seeing 574 by Tom who's hoping to get a bankle lap down on the board that guy Vince currently second Matty D13 currently in third position on board with Tom in the Alpine making a run down into the pit so not feeling comfortable there and that's the sign that everyone's got to jump onto soft tires DRS has just been enabled DRS enabled El dur got a lap on the board he's going once again I believe this should be a cool down lap he mean two laps on a set of the soft compounder tires they are practically going to be dead here and yeah 9/10 down so ELR gur maybe messed up the timing just a little bit here that 14.4 is not going to be competitive whatsoever uh towards the end of this qualifying session and essentially now Jake a set of the soft compound at tires wasted for him here riron is down on his previous best lap that might have been just a cool down laping indeed uh up by 710 of a second granted it's on a 14.6 but it's still a decent Improvement for riron see what the hatman can do filling in I believe for Alex and I'm not too sure with with the reserves list and everything I just know one thing is all there sliding through fura that's validated yeah and that would be a shame because he's gaining an extra half a second on the straights because of the DRS so he would have been upper second automatically on the laps just because he's got that DRS flap the drag reduction system gives you an extra 80 brake horsepower in a straight line which is a lot when you consider that these cars are lightning fast here is P right now looking to really get the first representative time of what you can do 117 out there on the softs and I think that tells you all you need to know now it's where the softs are going to shine and you're now going to have to start asking the question here LR giri what have you got he's now going to have to use the set of soft tires that he would have saved by not running them in Q2 D that is just a an option for the race that has been limited for LR giri so it's unfortunate that the qualifying session has gone the way that it has done thus far however I have no doubt in my mind that ELR yur towards the end of this session will be lightning quick of course quickest in the dry conditions it was a 1 minute 7.7 I believe that he set in q1 310 quicker than anyone else out on circuit still the man to beat in my opinion but his championship rival TM mik is certainly going to be giving him a run for his money now on a set of the soft P TI we didn't see much of Ben in that q1 session so he's getting his time in the Limelight here in Q3 DRS wide open as he heads down Thea delaga in towards turn number four one of the best overtaking opportunities that all the drivers are going to have uh come race time 71 laps to make your move stick but it's just one that is absolutely critical for Ben here at the minute now rising up the circuit little bit of a twitch in through fur I think still struggling with the conditions oh de even more through pinho this has been a bit of a torrid lap I got to say for TM Muk he might want to abandon this one come back into the pit lane cuz Jake only 4 minutes left in this session and if Ben he completes this lap he's going to have to do that in laap and then get the car service and then come back out onto the circuit he very touching to go as to whether he's actually able to get a proper lap on the board well it's going to be a little bit close but I reckon he would be able to do it but rightfully so he does abandon the lap and I don't blame him in the McLaren for doing so that was a massive wiggle up through theen Hina over towards the sa corner and just like that he had nothing going down the hill for the pinho there is Tom out there on his flyer we'll see what he's going to be able to do cresting the rise out of Junel through arib banadas heading over to the skad do boxes here which is his small flick left he'll also dive in so not comfortable with that lap either and at the moment sticking himself in ninth position hoping he's going to get something that guy Vince walks into today with just eight Championship points total and comes across the line and now we'll look to start his flying lap and look how desperately he's trying to get heat in those tires I think he's going for a second out laap here because he was wiggling down that main stet trying to get heat in the tires that would have killed his run completely yeah DRS not even open Down Under the seed ofo so he's utilizing this set softs utilizing the time that he's got as well to get some extra heat into the tires and I think that is a clever move as well for team at moduk and Tom to abandon their laps when the track is only getting better at this point in time you don't want to be out too early on a run here because you're not going to have the best conditions towards the end of this session so drivers who will begin to leave the pit Lane now they're probably all going to be stacking up with each other trying to be the last one across the line and Jake I would not be surprised in the slightest if at least one driver misses that cut off and does not get a lap time on the board one thing to understand rain washes away rubber as riron puts an 82 down on the board and says with his money grass that he is fastest out there at this moment in time everyone knows that rubber washes away under rain and so these drivers are going to be looking at well who who's got the best grip conditions out there answer is Last Driver out on track when the clock hit zero has the best conditions out there now here's a scramble that guy Vince is again looking to try and put his tires in the best possible position warming them up for a flying lap around but 108 is what we're expecting at this moment in time everybody in out laap there's two drivers in the pits leaving it as late as late can be one of them is Tom the other one is LR and I think El G will be the last car to keep an eye out on as far as flying laps go don't want to push too much on your outl you're going to take too much out of the tires and with 1 minute and8 to get to the line it's going to be touch and go as to whether or not his tires are going to be the best suited conditions already safo is on this run with a minute left to go in qualifying it's a very early Run for the Alpine essentially only driver in this part of the circuit the closest car to him is TM Muk who has just got his lap underway climbing up the hill for shafo we've got 45 seconds left on the clock now in towards fur and I believe this is sa corner to pinho downhill Leander is this going to be the best time that shafo can notch in I'm not too sure but we'll have to wait and see as now heading in towards the final sector the Alpine will Su come well this is where shaf show is going to be a guinea pck marker for everybody else fastest middle sector he's 3.3 seconds quicker than what he's looking at at this moment in time that will only improve on this straight because he's able to go Full Throttle he's able to open up the DRS he might actually be able to get one more lap after this one should he so want it second fastest with that time on a 109.3 there's the checker flag so TM Muk what have you got on this flyer 4.4 seconds quicker massive kick of oversteer coming out of Juna Corner climbing up the hill trying to get run here that puts him somewhere close enough with his qualifying time and for the moment he'll cross and he'll go fastest on a 79 fantastic lap from T at M but there is nine angry cars behind him putting in their laps F1 Scott goes to the very top of qualifying let's have a look in at elray giri quickest in q1 of course on that set of the soft compound at tires now n in Q3 no one displacing Scott at the minute Tom will be ahead of the Aston Martin coming to to the line Tom is second is it Poll for ELR giri indeed it is by 3/10 of a second LR giri on Pole Position here in sou Paulo the best conditions available to him and the best lap time out of anyone that we have seen today the championship leader is really stamping his claim to this inter Longo circuit the fan vote Grand Prix and I'd say you've all voted for an lray Fury show here this evening a fantastic lap time from him there ahead of F1 Scott in second third place for Tom T modik in fourth fifth is in ftic rakir Con in six seventh that guy Vince eighth is safo peria in ninth and then Matty D13 rounding out that top 10 a fantastic qualifying session that we have just witness we'll soon be getting into the race but how about that Jake ELR gri was it in doubt at any point in this qualifying session I'll leave that up to everyone in the live chat and yourself long live the king long live the king lray garyi putting that one up on pole position and by 310 you are always judged as a driver for how good can you put a qualifying lap down in the clutch and that's something that you look back in history and the best drivers AET and Senna brilliant driver when it came to putting a qualifying thatp time in the in the clutch you often saw it in the mid-2010s with Sebastian vettle he could always put a lap time down in the clutch ELR giri one lap deliver and my word did he absolutely a fantastic run from lray giri but the job is only half done here because of course we've got the race 71 laps here at interos and it's looking like at the minute Jake Clear Blue Skies yeah and that'll be positive for a lot of drivers off the start the ability to run in ideal conditions to go out there and attack I'm sure we're going to be alert to who's going to come forward through the field but it's a Topsy Turvy grid but what a qualifying as well by F1 Scott he's on the front row in the kick salba out there at the moment that screams of a Mark Weber style qualifying from back in the day absolutely a fantastic run from F1 Scott there I believe you mentioned that he was in F2 last season now climbing up to the very well almost to the very top of F1 of course you can't quite beat LR gri just yet but I I do tell you I think F1 Scott and everyone else all 19 drivers are going to be putting their crosshairs on the back of ELR gir's head the championship leader by 22 points in the standings at the minute if it all goes wrong for him today TM ma could well and truly be within a chance of sniffing that title 71 laps approach us here in South poo the fan vote Grand Prix is underway here in South Paulo and it looks to be a good getaway from ELR G an even better one from F1 Scott diving up the inside in towards that first corner on his set of the soft compound of Ty TM M and Tom side by side as they head from the center s's everyone look to be clean through the first part of the lap but it's F1 Scott jumping LR giri with the faster compound of Ty getting himself into the lead at the end of the first sector that was a perfect start by F1 Scott he couldn't have asked for anything better there against ELR gei T Mar unable to make some progress we've still got some side by side there one thing to know that Medium Tire would be difficult off the start round go shfo and a half Spin and somehow everyone avoids it no Williams goes around that's Jack socials Jack socials sent into a spin get the car facing the right way but I think there was just no avoiding that for him there really unfortunate from the Williams driver all the way down in 20th it wasn't a good start to the race for him by any means but he's now 5.7 seconds off the back of everyone else that guy Vince applying the pressure to riron on his set for the soft compound of tires however Pera as well on that Red Bull Tire applying the pressure right back to the red bu gring chai looking from the outside in on this fight what are we going to see towards that first Corner doesn't look like too much of course Jake 71 laps we've got one down 70 to go it is not going to be time just yet to get the mov done well they're going to have to wait for the DRS system to be active which is here on lap two which they're allowed to use it now so this is going to be a sense for these drivers that they're not going to make it on the opening lap but those on the medium tires now are at a disadvantage in the short ter they will know that they can go onto those sof tires if it stays drive for the whole of the race and be in a lovely position to attack lateer on but you've got to in dry conditions use two different types of Tire compound that's why some are on the side and some on the mediums out there and you're seeing possible strategies out there it they think it's a two- stop race here today be it's soft soft medium or soft medium medium so I think it's going to be a soft soft medium style day but it's the sort of day that you arguably you want the soft tires later on in the race when the fuel loads lower and you can attack them a little bit more without the fear of where and L giri doing a really good job with the DRS keep F1 Scott in range however Tom is right right behind LR G heading in towards first Corner harvesting is the Aline and in towards turn of one they go look to be the top three stretching their advantage from T aruk in behind him struggling to keep up on his medium tires Tom is going to have another crack at the whip I believe heading down tooo into towards the next Corner does look like he'll be able to get mov there not too sure about the camera work here uh from the helicopter as the Kon gets through on impr down into that turn number four Jake being to see plenty plenty of overtaking we absolutely are you can see it there in the back wats and the g going at it a little bit here trying to work out what's the best way forward for those drivers there so they were going for it there's a search to the inside from GB 68 who desperately needs to gain in these early stages he's stuck behind guat at this moment and there's some front to rear contact heading up towards the bco depat really trying to lean on that tire and he's still trying to force an angle to the inside room still being given there by guats which is a little bit tentative and look at CH 97 on the back trying to find a way through his strategy there's two different philosophies here use the softs and gain as much as you can or use the mediums and make that happen 1 2 3 and four in a line defensive at the front where do you go it's covered off at the front but T Muk come to racing now he's got the fastest lap which is a bonus point if he can finish the race inside the top 10 lots of moves being made throughout the order M Skyy side by side with Matti de at the minute Nera also in this Frame we got a change at the lead as LR gy goes up the inside that three wide heading in towards turn number four surely this can't end well T at M down the inside of Tom and now look towards the outside of F1 Scott in the span of just two corners F1 Scott's lead has now deteriorated still side by side heading in towards the next Corner this is just allowing for elray gri to stretch his Advantage up the road already 1 second clear of F1 Scott in second who will fend off the onslaught of attacks from TM at M he'll remain in P2 but is the Damage Done is El R too far gone if he's got that one second window there's still a chance for F1 SC well it depends on the activation line it's fluttering here around 9/10 of a second and TM mik had to get out of it a little bit earlier to not afford to lose it looks like they've got the DRS so they're not going to be abandoning it so much but look at how much F1 Scot can close that Gap was almost a second through Jin out back at half a second there at the opening Corner still a little bit of scrambling in the middle of the field this is PA an unstopped R going at it right now and these drivers realize that points are going to be quite important at the end of this race and knowing that these drivers are all squabbling about with each other it is a case of everybody is within one second of everybody else down to 18th at the moment absolutely Sensational racing we're watching here I think maybe drivers just start to think about set into a rhythm you don't want to cause yourself any damage too early on that is going to be detrimental to your ground PRI at the end I see gw's going a little bit wide I think Tom 97 is around the outside of him in it pinino have the inside line for bco dep Pat nice move from the vard there GB is look to follow through as well those two swap positions did Tom 97 and GB who still cannot find a way through on GW at the minute stuck behind that oh yeah what's happened there with Matty D that that's just a mistake very easy to do at Jun Sal he just caught a lot of over steer going through and just like that he's in trouble there goes F1 Scott to the inside they're going to do this all day if it stays dry F1 Scott to the race lead and now you look behind at T M now third he's thinking about how do I start whittling the points Gap away moving over to the inside he's going to have to go all the way to try and make this happen on LR garyi no doubt about it TM m is committed Ben Dy will do that daily Here Comes Tom on the outside Tom around the outside of El I think the Aon Martin is just about going to fend off the attack for the time being Rick hon finds himself in The Fray as well and that is where the experience comes into play when you're in these high pressure situations TM Mar been League Racing for years at this point uh he he has got that composure to stick in the move stay calm in a three wide position and get ahead of lray G but I think LR he is not going to take that one lying down whatsoever he's already right on the back of TM could he go for the move heading in towards his first Corner that remains to be seen F1 Scot back into the lead of this race how long will that last I mean with this DRS train I think you're absolutely right they are going to do this all day well now we' got to start talking strategy yes we're only on lap seven here of 71 but this is where it gets interesting if you are F1 SC and you are Tom because you are on shof tires you have to pit first there's no other way to look about it as there goes T mik down the inside to the race lead and just about covers it off in such a way that lray giri will Scamper on through into second position no room at the in between them as they find themselves through but the interesting thing is F1 Scott and Tom when they pit and actually I would love to be that guy Vince in sixth position right now in the Red Bull because what would I do in this situation I'd undercut them both and knowing how important it is to be in a train and to get fresh tires and to go out there and attack I'd love to jump those two drivers and be the best on the soft strategy going forward Tom right on the cards down at mulio is completely overshot that corner he's lost the position in all of that action he's now down to Theon and that guy Vin is going to just he's on through side by side as they head down the straight ELR gri moves into the lead that's still wheel to wheel little bit of wheel banging down towards that first Corner Tom around the outside of that guy bit still wheel to Wheels they had through the centeres and to is going to be able to hold that position how long will these soft tires last I mean f1's got a ton they have been fighting this entire race so far and the fight still doesn't end TM AR back into the lead oh but this race and that guy Vince after a lot of GRA for about half a lap is just about ahead of time the it's attack will be attacked right now there's no other way around it with rakir con now in third position he's going to stay in range but looking up the hill rasing chai sees that guy Vince through and Tom was third uh fourth even a couple of laps ago he's now back down in seventh which shows you the Cutthroat nature of this circuit especially in the trains that they are because the DRS is so powerful if you're not going to go for it you're going to be sworn and that's what these drives are looking at there's another look from the kick s there of F1 Scott trying to find a way through not being able to find that opportunity to make the pass but now the DRS is hoping riron Falls outside of a second but here comes the king LR G move side t m he's back to the point as now thaty Vince will lose out to a wonderful rassing Shai only for a moment Tire to Tire down the hill at turn two here comes the first penalty F1 Scott's got three for Corner cars very early nine laps into this Grand Prix we've got what 60 or so to go six something like that I can't do mat at this point in the race but that is not a good start to the ground for I believe now start to Mo touch with the medium R going to do everything he can down those streets and he still has that DRS to keep up with these guys cuz in that second sector he will struggle on his set of the softs you know how much they die off in these newer F1 games f123 you certainly felt it I think you feel it even more on f124 and so F1 got that side bits from all of these soft Runners they're going to have to start thinking about um about fitting very very soon they just officially looking at the Tire Distribution the mediums dominating this race 14th all the way down to 20th J all of them on a set of the soft compound tires and I think maybe it's just where the stops are starting to go off a little bit earlier than the mediums but you do have to sit with them in these early stages I think the mediums might just be a better rate Tire here at the moment as Tom 97 finds the move then on himatic has a little bit of a wiggle with frati had a great qualifying but look at how he's been shuffled and there goes l giri once again getting it done on TM M these two have to cooperate because there's riron who's there and in pratic can't get close enough to top 97 to make the move everywhere you look there is a great battle out there on circuit and they will have to try and sort it out with each other as the couple drives a little bit further down Mr Dale and Jack socials after their opening laps there's a look at the other Aston Mar GB 68 I mean GB 68 he has not had it easy so far in this Grand Prix at least for a little bit of consolid uh consolidation uh commiserations for him he's got through on what how he's stuck looking at the rear of M Skyy who in this second sector is absolutely going to be gapping him at this point in time let's have a look at unstop Rob on the back of that guy Vin unstopped Rob very disappointed I'd say with his qualifying considering how quick he was in the early parts of the wet weather conditions T Mar back into the lead still side by side unsto gets through on that guy ver out 10 lap into this round Prix about seventh of the way through at this point in time if you want to put it fractionally wow look at that and f1's got wheel tohe through the cover El so oh my God very close a little bit of contact there between the pair of them and it seems like despite being 11 laps into this round three no one absolutely no one wants to give an in well they don't and here goes Unstoppable Rob who is very Unstoppable in that pass he jumps up now into fifth place he takes advantage of Rasen chai being pushed a little bit wide big lunge there from Tom 97 he stuffed it at the back of this field what a drive he's having right now he's up to eight and now he's struggling against what is effectively the old sister out there of that guy Vince in the Red Bull Tom 97 a fantastic race that he is having thus as far have a look at the positions gain he is up 12 in this B three by far the biggest mover at the minute unstopped R pretty close to gaining seven spots in this race but it has been the top 97 show for the lower end and the Midfield part of this gold PR has now 13 positions gained for Tom 97 at this point a very experienced League racer in his own fight a fantastic job from the to 97 to get himself now into seventh position and knock it on the the door of that top five and just saying that as well the top four have the top three sorry have completely gotten away from the rest of the pack everyone got is once again back dra Unstoppable wrong but you've got to think Jake all this fighting especially Side by Side Up in towards the second sector they're just going to keep losing time to the top three yeah those top three have been doing very well at keeping things together there's a little bit more contact between Scott and Rob out there as they battle and they realize that they are dropping the train F1 Scott is the cork right now and there goes Tom 97 searching at be the and rasing chai not going to be able to find it but they realize 1.6 seconds is very difficult after 1 second the rubber band snaps and you're going to see everything just curtail away and they're going to need to work hard in this race to try and get themselves back to those drivers at the moment who are scrapping as Here Comes Ben Dy to the inside TM M now back to the race lead rir Recon the Mexican doing a brilliant job of just staying quiet in that group there goes Unstoppable Rob into fourth now he's got the unenviable task of trying to chase down 2 seconds it's to be very difficult when you don't have the benefit of the DRS might have been a mistake through the c el so from ELR because he's got riron right on the back of in through turn at number four doesn't look like over move this time by as far back behind the Gap now 2 seconds F1 Scott is struggling on the Styles now lost to spot to in chai got Tom 997 breathing down his neck I would not be surprised if Tom he went for a move unfortunately not this time by but a wide line there from F1 Scott could invite Tom to potentially look in for a move very very soon doesn't seem like at this point in time but I think now Jake this is when the D is they've got to think about conserving their tires but is all about the strategy when it comes down to it you can be as fast as you can a Bast stry you're not going to get anywhere in see so these guys they've got to worry about their tires now they do have to start worrying and you're seeing that drop off and it really is being quite of a showcase and in comes F1 Scott just 12 laps then on the soft tires these hot conditions I think are really telling to today's race and F1 Scott's going to have a lot of work to do there is his teammate M skyz with a little bit of contact and very nearly in ftic finds himself turned around PE running around the outside he's going to pick up one for his troubles potentially on the run down to Des but empatic battles back with a plum brilliantly done there to go through but mediums are looking great in terms of a tire those shots did not last nearly as long as we were expecting to in the hot samb sun absolutely still battled further down the order we got a yellow flag that is one of the McLaren of gwts facing the wrong way what has happened there with him I think that might have just been a mistake on his own accord it's been a tough day for GW at the minute it's been a good day overall for McLaren because of course TM Marduk leading the way at the moment he's actually putting a slight Gap to ELR giri in this gone three thus far still lots of drama left to be had I wonder while the soft run is going to start to think of a pit stop soon knowing that F1 Scot is com to Tom will come in that guy Vince as well will follow through inic p gb6 all these guys further back down the order they are deciding to extend their stin a little bit longer and go for the overcut yeah so this is where you're getting an understanding of how important is the slipstream to overall Pace because if those drivers like uh those of Tom and D go Vin come out ahead of F1 Scott Bingo but here's the issue that you've got right now F1 Scott is going to Leap Frog both of them as they come out of the pit so that's wonderfully done and wonderfully con did but this is where you're looking at those Runners like INF ftic GB 68 shfo P it might feel like a reverse stle day where you want to get the soft tires out of the way because you want to be out there on the mediums which is the better Tire overall and is going to be out there giving you the best opportunities in this race I think that might be what we're starting to see here and those who are on the soft now need to try and coales and work together to make their medium stints work against those who will struggle later on being on a soft tire But Here Comes riron thinking about where he wants to go but he can't go anywhere because look El gir is just going to defend by making the move down the inside of T at M well the best defense is a good offense LR G puts himself into P1 and in doing so prevents himself from falling to P3 D Muk will slip on right through with the DRS a very nice overtake thereon not pry happy with that three I think he might use some of the back three to try and get that one done in harvesting now up the hill lose Pace ever so slightly to the top three thinking about fourth place though Tom 97th starting from 20th on the grid as more pit stops are coming out now at the minute 20th on the grid for Tom 97 now sits on the precipice of a Podium position and he's gaining time to the top three he certainly is doing a great job and Tom 97 has always got the turn Pace on any given day and that's what we are seeing from him a qualifying session where it went horribly wrong in q1 he's been able to battle through the field UNSC and now find himself trying to chase down the group in front there goes Unstoppable Rob into fifth there goes lray up into the race lead rakir con following now into second what a Showcase from the reserve driver riron I think is making a huge claim here to not just be a Reserve but to try and take a full-time SE I mean everyone is well sorry not everyone no one is safe here in great series and rir if he puts in more performances like this I mean he is going to be in the hot seat for an F1 spot at some point because we cannot have this level of talent in the reserves list and not fighting for a title keeping up with the two leaders of LR gy and TM Mar one and two in the standing the making a name for himself at the minute however the the gap between the uh the top three and the rest of the GD has now been bridged to 97 i' say comfortably out of the top 10 drivers who have not pitted in this race including Mr Dale he is the quickest driver on the circuit yeah so you're getting the sense that with that speed being able to jump forward on Pace you're looking at Tom 97 you're thinking well what can he do he's bridged the Gap to TMM at riron and L G because they're train ing so much at the front it's given him the opportunity to pull within a second and now he can start thinking about how do I get to the front how do I start gaining that momentum which is oh so important and that's what all of these drivers are looking around and thinking you got drivers like saf show who's gone 17 laps or 16 full Laps on a set of the softs you got CBS who's still out there Mr Dale still out there on top of Tom with the fastest lap for the race on a 110.4 now there is going to be a difference between new medium and old medium and I think we're going to start seeing it here so so that's going to be quite a question to ask those drivers at the front how much are they able to keep their time together as Scott with the 3se second time penalty which will be added at the end of the race mind you moves back through on Tom Tom is the effective net leader of those who have all pitted oh yeah Tom is definitely going to be I take comfortably in the lead once the time comes for everyone to come into the box the undercut is very powerful on this f124 game if it's anything like f123 granted this is still much first time commentating on this new game however his tires are going to be absolutely cooked in comparison to the leaders speaking of the leaders ELR giri comes into the box riron and TM M doing battle for the lead that is an earlier stop for lray gri in comparison to his Rivals no one really in that top 10 who haven't pitted yet is coming in to the Box t m back into the lead these guys they've got to push like crazy if they want to come out with a fighting chance of being in a similar pos position to LR giri well LR gir is coming out on a hard compound Tire which I wasn't really expecting only Jack socials is back out there on a hard so this is an alternate strategy here by LR giri and I'm not sure that's the right choice out there yes that hard tire is going to last a very long time but you are going to be sacrif you're asking basically how long can I run on that hard tire and how long will that go before I stare around at everybody passing me he's probably looking at trying to save a stint to go back out on a soft so this would be a soft hard soft for him to try and get home and I'm well sorry medium hard Stu so you're looking at this and going what's L garyi looking for the answer is it's the rainbow strategy here Dan absolutely he could try and extend long as stay out come the box I wonder if the strategy today it's just cofy what LR does he's got two wins so far this season I wouldn't put it past them to get a third here today why not just go for the same strategy as LR I'm sure these guys have all got Engineers telling uh you know watching the streams and seeing what these guys are doing and indeed it is hard tires for riron and Nira and so we'll see how they can COPE in comparison to ELR but I think that might just be the strategy today do whatever ELR does well there's no harm in following the strategy of the championship leader and that time the race leader so rakir Con making that call but look at where rakir con and Nera have come out in comparison they're behind that guy Vince they're behind F1 Scott and Tom so El Ray giri has come out and he's got Tom for company right now so this is a crucial moment of this race for T mik how long does he want to stay out there on his tires at this point because it's looking like there's only six laps difference here between the softs and the mediums at this point and Tim will lose the lead to Tom 97 who in 20 laps of racing has gone from last to First Sensational stuff from him there we got a yellow flag in the second sector I believe that is Mr Dale just having a half slide I'd say but luckily he's been able to keep it on the road still out on circuit on 19 lap old sorry well it's going to be 20 This Time by 20 lap old soft compound of tires unbelievable stuff from Mr Dale determined to finish this race here this evening we'll see how that turns out for him we only 20 laps in of this 71 lap Grand Prix we past the quarterway markers ELR gri and F1 Scott doing battle F1 Scott getting through on the former race leader with those medium Tires I'd say seven laps compared seven lap old mediums compared to two lap old hards the pace is going to be relatively similar I'd say I'd still say the mediums have the advantage in this point in the race but as the laps tick by Jake Ray is going to be in a great position to fend off the attacks of the medium Runners behind well he's got a brilliant way of Defending at this point using the form that F1 Scott has just in front but LR G's issue is going to be one where he's looking at what the tire does he takes two takes there going into Juna which indicates to me that he's going to need a little bit of help on that tire because naturally it's the toughest Tire to get activated that hard tire there go Tom hoping that he's going to have an opportunity to go forward this is a draft dependent circuit here in f124 and we are seeing that in Spate at this moment in time diving down the hill Five drivers yet to make a pit stop in this race Tom 97 TM mic Unstoppable Rob and you can say Ras and chai M Sky Z and yes can also say Mr Dale as well hasn't yet made a stop but Mr Dale right now be looking for something alternate 21 laps on the soft I think he's definitely looking at a two-stop strategy or maybe even a one stop today for Mr Dale but right now I'd say it's a race between these drivers sixth all the way back and then everybody else there of the top five that's where the race is going to be it's either going to be one of those top four who wins or one of the next six I mean this is incredibly exciting to watch I've never really been able to commentate on such on a race where the strategy is so dependent I mean if this was a 50% race we'd almost be ending it soon I mean it's 36 left than a 50% race here at Brazil so we'd be getting to the point where you're starting to wind down but this race is only just heating up it is incredibly exciting to watch Tom is on the back of elray g wasn't able to make the most sck Last Time by looks to the outside once again the best defense is offense and he goes through LR gy on F1 Scott we've have once again another change for the lead at the very top of the order TM M thr on to 97 plenty of moves still on lap number 23 Jake plenty of moves throughout the grid yeah and that's what we're expecting a lot of overtaking a lot of jostling for position now we're starting to get a sense of well what are you trading for because you can always make the move and the the easiest way to say it is you are making that move because you don't want someone to pass you and that's why everyone's jumping to the front because you know at some point you're going to have to lose it it's like watching the tour to France today going over the cold of Toray and ending up in pla day for example you are looking at how do I want try and position myself in the best possible way to go forward in terms of this race and right now we've got five drivers who haven't yet pitted out there at the front we've had Mr Dell just dive in on for a set of mediums he went 22 Laps on his set of soft tires but Tim Muk right now the way he's opening up this race he can get himself to about lap 30 if he wants to it's a one stop there goes F1 Scott down to the inside and he is being shadowed along the stet there by Tom who wants to go through too wide too deep and going through the curve of the Soul still they fight in the back rakir con up against that guy Vince rakir Con on the hards is the biggest Challenger for El gir and look at the crossover there in the back riron having to really earn his meat I mean he's still on the inside of that go have the outside line for fura I think fantastic defending honestly from that guy Vince I thought the move was done and dusted Kon is going to have to spend another lap looking at the back of the Red Bull at this point in time and on lap number 24 of 71 Tom 97 T Muk all those guys in the top five still yet to pit I wonder who is going to be the first one to bite the bullet and come into the pit Lane strap on a new set of tires and what tire is that going to be is the har to try and make a One Stop work in this race is it going to be a set of the mediums again to use the soft at the end we just do not know at this point in time as riron could have another crack at the whip on that guy Vince heading in towards turn number one Vince very heavy on the defensive Here Comes riron looking for the outside line doesn't seem like anything's giving at the minute once again great defending from D Vince well if they start tripping over each other here in this group behind F1 Scott they're going to be in a world of trouble the only thing you can say from those drivers staying out longer is look at that Gap when it goes from to 97 to F1 Scott that Gap now sits at about I would say roughly 15 and 1 half seconds saf show will join Matty 13 and F1 Scott with 3 seconds worth of time penalty big Lon say from lray and they say you're not going to get that one sorted because look at that F1 Scott is going to fight through the entirety the middle sector this is not what they want but it's also to be noted the Tom 97 TM m co are all going to drop that time there's a change for the lead as Tim M gets the lead again on the timing Tower but this second group right now they're starting to figure out well what do we want and the answer is you got some firm two-stop strategies here and I would say you're halfway through the stint if you likes of F1 Scott or Tom at this stage and there war right to the pit wall goes F1 Scott hoping for that move and reclaiming that sixth place for now the midpoint of most of these Bon frees is typically a low period when nothing happens what ever but I'd say that the top nine top 10 are giving us an absolute show to watch here as ELR gur is back through once again for the 74th time on F1 Scott Sensational racing between those guys it's quite funny actually looking at this sandwich cuz lway G and F1 Scott they've been swapping positions dakov Vince mcir they've been scrapping it out for night Tom is just chilling honestly he's not really had too much to do at this point in the race of course Scott has that 3 second time te that can be contested in the steward's room afterwards but Tom at minute loving life saving these medium tires I think that is a very smart decision for him we have a yellow flag once again it's Matty D13 spinning around in his pass and with that 3 second penalty and now a spin to his name it's been a difficult day for the has driver it has and that's not what he's hoping for especially when he's got three seconds of penalty still needs to serve so that spin certainly not helping there's the move through no shot shed about that one Tom now starting to position himself with LR G and there's the other Tom who loses out the place Tim at M gets a little bit caught up Tony Hawk Style on the curb there that's not going to be ideal for him out there at that point skateboarding is going to be at the Paris Olympic so you might want to jump in on that one Tom if you're not too careful now puts Unstoppable Robin third and in the place try and attack and again rakir con and that guy vins trading about at the back of this group Riri KH con would really love to move forward in this stage of the race right now Dan I really think at this moment in time he is hoping that he can jump to about where LR giri is and there's another yellow flag out there for the moment and I think that might have been Mr D's lap traffic just getting out of the way of the leaders think that was a nice move for him to allow for those guys to get through he's not going to be uh running for too much longer in these non blue flag condition once again that is mat D spinning I believe at the very same place that he spun Last Time by it's been a difficult lap for him the tires are absolutely cooked they're only 12 laps old so it's not been a good day whatsoever for him as now Tom is the leader of this train and Tom is the leader of the race the two Toms getting the Graft in and this one the Alpine Tom that we're watching here he finally leads this train for the first time in the Grand Prix but l g is going to have a healthy dosage of DRS an easy move should be executed around the outside and indeed back into position well this is where cooperation I think is going to be quite key there because Tom knew that he was going to be overtaken again on the next straight he pulled to the inside allowed that move to happen jumped into line and did not compromise the Turning for LR G and this is what this train has to do it has to work hard and it has to pull through and work together in terms of getting forward in this race and gaining what's needed now the one thing we don't know is how the hard tire is going to work out in this one for those who don't know everyone's talking about being in puncture range so that's 60% where on the tire anywhere above that and you are risking the tire so for someone like LR giri to come in so early you're looking at him and riron and Thea going can you one stop from where you are or are you going to need to have a very quick run forward on a set of soft tires to end this race that's what they're going to be trying to dance with and it's one stop versus two stop out there at the moment and that's another trade for Tom to go through on the run to the center s and this is what we're expecting until we get those on the medium tires to finally decide now is the time to dive in when is that going to happen I mean there's so many strategy choices that you can come up with L G back into P6 card number six makes up six position we have to wait and see though I mean there's so much up in the air at the minute I'm really unfamiliar with how the strategies tend to go here in Creator series Matty D is the first retirement of the day that's in the pit Lane and so there's no need for a safety car whatsoever we're still waiting on that elusive safety car that's always a possibility here in Crea series and especially in these 100% races Jake they can be devastating for you if they occur at the wrong time Tom 97 back into lead at this round three ahead of TM M let's check in on the leaders we haven't done so in a while he's out yeah he's the first retirement of the day so just like that there's a retirement I think that's of his own accord as he just exits the pit so I don't think that's going to throw anything up then in terms of his race right now but it will put yellows in sector one which will mean that drivers will have to be careful as they go around him out there at this point in time and as we focus on these front four at the moment lap 30 this is about when I'd be expecting these medium Runners to come in for a hard Tire any longer and then you're starting to get to the stage of well how much are you really going to using that hard Tire compared to losing time on the medium you can see there on the dash how much battery is saved up right now from to 97 he's got 75% battery sat in these pseudo battles that he's got at the moment he's got everything to play for right now and this will be one of the great Creator series drives if he goes from the bottom of the field to potentially winning this race oh yeah absolutely I mean Tom 97 he's I can I can see the title already in my head last of question mark challenge 0% AI 100% race at Brazil whatever he wants to put in it is going to make a good YouTube video a sensational job of fighting this one out with TM Muk I mean the pair of them have been fighting really all Ground Three at different stages of this race tom7 to work his way through the field TM was fighting for a very long time with both Eli and riron who I think are finally beginning to settle into their it seems like ELR is fending off Tom at the minute Riri Conners through on Scott and that guy vent and so I think little bit of stability has finally cast over these drivers it took them 30 laps to get it all out of their system but now Jake I think we can have a a slight chance to breathe here well remember how that Gap was about 14 15 seconds about 10 laps ago it's now down to 10 seconds LR G is about to catch M Sky Z for fifth place and that's going to be a crucial moment in the context of this one what M skyz decides to do will he pit before these drivers hit one second or will he just have a massive moment at Juna and just give them it why not I mean he's given the position to ELR garyi Thomas stuck behind the kicks Alba ever so slightly and that is the call to come into the pit Lane I think that is a case of the tires being completely shot in this Grand Prix th has actually found the move on LR giri and I'm wondering how is the Titans coping for the top five the top four now sorry because in comparison mgy really didn't have a lot of battles to his name at least of that we know of in this race the top four however especially for Tom 97 and TM Muk and unstop Rob as well actually climbing his way from 11 to 12th on the grid their tires are going to be completely dead they're giving everything to keep it on the road and I think surely in the next one or two laps they've got to come into the pit Lane so the difference here for LR giri compared to these drivers is that these drivers are expected to uh Shuffle back out in terms of their race on their own and that will mean with the me with the hard ties that they're running they're not going to be running at medium Tire Pace to try and keep themselves out of trouble that's going to be something worth coming in look at this though 1 2 3 4 in five formation 10 seconds for TM at mic for speeding in the pit that's a dagger oh right into his heart TM Mar a fantastic race from him today so far and it's all been undone by ever so slightly speeding into the pit Lane there way and a ways behind the leaders of now ELR gy and riron but they're going to be getting all of these drivers by the way they're going to be getting in that TM Mar has a 10sec Time penalty and if he stops again in this Grand Prix Jake which on the hard ties he could try and take him to the end he's done mediums for 32 laps as he's fighting it out with per I think the last 40 or so is probably possible on this set of the hard tires it might be a one stop for Ben and if if there is a glitch that is a very big if then he could get that contested and have it removed but for the time being he will be kicking himself well you've got to get it slowed down it's the one critical moment in the race and look at what it's cost these drivers by staying out too late they're stuck behind paa and Nera they want to use those tires as quickly as they can but being bottled up in traffic is another lap that will help El G and riron who are up there at the front Tom currently in third Scott's got three seconds of penalty that guy Vince still in this race as well has an opportunity to put everything together but those on the medium tires will have the opportunity to undercut the likes of ELR giri and riron and that's going to be the key to this race as well those who started on the softt will they have the ability to go medium medium be aggressive to the end of the race and get the jump on the likes valarian Co paa is going to lose out two places one to Tim Muk one to Tom and now all of a sudden it's can you get to Nera and now can you start putting the building blocks together in frati on the back of this is thinking wow they're having a really good race right now and believe it or not we're only just reaching halfway we're just about halfway through in this BR PR my throat is certainly feeling it Jake I'm not too sure about yours this would be round at a time where I'm finishing a race but at the halfway point you know what loving life at the minute the Creator series Once Again delivering some fantastic drama on your screens here this evening a sensational run for all of these guys here this evening aside from two Matty D of course we already knew that he dnfed and unfortunately Mr Dale in that freay with TM M he also picked up a 10-sec time penalty for speeding in the pit Lane he decided to call it quit in the pit we've now got just 18 Runners left out on circuit Mr Dale he's going to have to wait at least one more week until he uh he will see the end of a gr well Mr Dale's really been struggling here and there's no other way of saying it he needs a bit of help out there uh in terms of finding his finishes and getting a race that just works in his hands out there at this point there's Tim Muk he has dispatched of Nera and next up is only a second down the road that's SAS show to try and get through and they're only about 5 Seconds here off of ELR giri and ridon and that I think is going to be rather telling in terms of their Pace they are not a million miles away from Catching that main group and being on a onstop strategy to the end of the race you're asking ELR giri and rakir con to go out there and Chase down a whole a whole run basically an entire pit stop you're asking Tom F1 Scott that guy Vin saf show to do exactly the same thing there goes riron up into the race lead but you're asking a lot of those drivers to go and make that happen all the way to the end of this race T Muk going purple by the way he'll have a big smile for that absolutely of course with the 10sec time penalty arly he's got a lot less to lose in this Grand Prix which is all the more reason to just give it everything fastest lap for the Australian driver ELR gir back into the lead of this race d m is through on Sato and now he's got a hold those to clear out oh dear something happened with the Alpine and Tom 97 is going to be able to slip through but uh yeah t Muk that was about 5 seconds I think to that guy Vince Last Time by it's now 3.9 someone in the twitch chat noted that the likes of ELR G riron Tom Scott Vince they weren't actually catching the top four all that quickly and the script had been completely flipped here because T at Muk closing at a rate of Nots a sensational job from Ben Daly here this evening so far despite that 10-sec time penalty he is going to give it everything in the latter half of this race if he wants to win this race he's going to have to break Tom 97 away he's going to have to break away from Unstoppable Rob and uh he's looking around Ras and chai's a long way away so he's now got less to worry about that's Tom 97 going through and Tom 97 right now is the Stonewall favorite to win this race from his position right now in sixth position knowing that t M's got 10 that he's pretty much sat with and TM M's going to go straight back he's just going to race and try and see how much he can get because even with all of this going on if he catches L giri and he tries to run between now and the end of the race he could still finish ahead of LR giri by 10 seconds and it could be quite easy for him to do so he's got every incentive to try and run and try and gain some of the 22 points he's down by in the championship compared to the Aston Martin Runner Who currently leads this race outright and you know what Jake I think well I'll tell you for one thing I've got a massive smile on my my face right now I've had a look at the live chat and I've had a look at the skies we right on with Tom 97 look at the cloud coverage up ahead rain in 10 minutes according to the twitch chat that will be another twist in the tale of what has already been a sensational Brazilian Grand Prix here this evening the fan vote GP has not failed whatsoever so to everyone who voted for in Aros I'd say you made the absolute best decision you could have and this race could still heat up here well that's 8 to n laps so this completely changes everything now TM Marduk has got in 8 to n laps to catch and pass everybody in that group along with Tom 97 that's the next key gatz has retired the car he's pulled it into the pits and said I'm not getting anything out of this I'm going to retire it so we're down to 18 Runners here but that is a huge moment in the context of this race because all of these drivers now are looking around at everyone else going well if there's rain in 10 minutes we're got to get our socks on and hurry up and the question being you can't possibly predict when rain's going to come along so the call of rain in 10 minutes who just went onto the hards would be thinking I really could have done with a set of softs or a set of mediums there instead and that would have given me an opportunity in pure dry conditions Tim mm Tom 97 they've just made the greatest call out there throw a bit of rain in the mix nuh-uh I mean and you know what the engineer sometimes he likes to withhold information from you uh Mark is always not the most reliable because by rain what does that mean it could be a little drizzle in one part of the circuit or it could be a massive downpour of course he does differentiate between rain and heavy rain when he's telling you what the conditions will be but we don't know how long it's actually going to take for the intermediate tires to become viable over a set of the Slicks that is just another thing that these drivers are going to have to consider when do they come into the pit Lane normally it's telling around about when the DRS gets disabled that is when you want to come into the pit Lane for a set of the intermediates but it could be slightly before could be slightly after you just don't know at this point in the ground three we're coming up towards lap number 40 of 71 we're getting through these laps a lot quicker than I would have expected and it has been a fantastic ride at the minute rir gone still leading the way ahead of ELR girri at the minute with that lap at the top that that Gap that the top five has as now ELR go moved back into the lead that gap between the top five and the rest of the field that is coming down very very quickly but I think the DRS certainly helping out the top five here well Tom and that guy Vince and F1 Scott are going to be in a bit of trouble now because they're on Old medium tires which are starting to really struggle and they might just drop outside of one second if they're not careful to ELR giri and riron who are looking quite nice that gap between Tom 97 and F1 Scott is now 2 second so if they can just claw down that Gap a little bit more they're going to be right in the Wheelhouse here of gaining that time this is TI M Marik we're focusing on here right now in seventh position he's going to be also someone who's looking to gain from this but this is one something that I think he's going to be quite happy with out there at this point what do you want to try and get out of it now here's something that I haven't really noted I've Just Seen pea come out of the pits on a set of soft tires and that would indicate he wants the fastest lap bonus Point thinking it's going to be wet the rest of the race that's not a bad shout from p and it wouldn't be too surprised at the likes of CBS and and Jack socials who are way down the order really unfortunately without a safy guard have no oh de Scott Scot oh Scott already with a 3se second time penalty in this race now at an additional 10 seconds on to the end of his race time 27 laps uh on those medium tires he decided it is time for a change and it is indeed a set of the S and you're absolutely right these mediums completely done I would say 26 laps 26 La for Tom and Jack they are really really going to struggle to keep Pace there yeah there's some blue flags out there for Jack socials to jump out of the way not a good day for the Williams team out there at this moment but you are getting a sense that drivers want a bonus point out there and Eon Scott with 13 seconds worth of penalties well that's the only positive I think he's going to be able to take away from this race absolutely it's the only few points that he's really going to be able to add to his tally with and it looked to be such a fantastic start to the Grand Prix for F1 Scott in and around that top three with ELR gri TM m i mean fighting out those guys he led the race for a decent portion of the Brazilian gr PR the fan vote GP here this evening and it's just come away from him as riron back into the lead of the gold pre TM Muk on his slightly aged hard tires setting the fastest lap of the Ground Prix in the Wheel tracks of Tom 97 who is well and truly in the tracks of that guy Vince here is to 97 plenty of Factory at his disposal he knows that the Red Bull is harvesting and he's going to sit behind for the time being play it cool play it calm but I'd say in the next couple of Corners Tom 97 will see himself into the top four well he's looking now at farad Dura he's thinking well every single place I can that guy Vince is going defensive there's the line Jesse is the corner he's going to try and get it at but he's now going to go the long way around the pinho he will get the inside for the Bea depat look at the traction difference there and that is as easy as you like from Tom 97 Who's now going to have a Tom onom battle coming up next and LR Gary and Ricon will realize that there's going to be two drivers they did not want to see right now in this group that I go a little bit of a wiggle up the hill from that guy Vince and TM Muk is surely soon to follow and will do oh I'd say riron ELR G they're all going to be begging for the rain to come as soon as possible Tom 97 is through on Tom that's Felipe masassa Felipe nazza type of battle that we just witnessed there very short lived unfortunately for us at home however Tom 97 now back into the podium places here's TM M with a very easy well workor move up the inside and gets himself into key for still that 10c time penalty and will I think with the rain coming at some point Jack socials now our fourth driver as dnf with the rain coming at some point t Muk I'd say he's got no choice but to serve that penalty and unfortunately as he locks up in through sa unfortunately Jake that means there's going to be no chance of him getting that one removed well he's going to be needing to rely on the safety car here if he's got any way of getting himself back into this race that's what he's relying on All The Heavens opening in such a way that a lot of these drivers trip up over each other out there but everyone's kind of condensed so I don't think they're going to have that worry of a double Z or anything of that ilk I'm looking at the top seven in this race and they are seven different manufacturers out there n is going to be the one who struggled but look at this for the race lead off the circuit trying to find the pass Tom will take 3 seconds of time penalty trying to get around the long way what was he thinking there there was no room to go on the outside and he's got a penalty that is going to cost him dearly in this race it was clear cut off the circuit all four wheels for Tom 97 getting the warning he gained the advantage it's debatable whether or not it's it was actually lasting but I think the impatience just got the better of him he's been catching for a long time he wants to go for the lead as soon as he can oh dear almost into the back now of riron really throwing the car into this corner down the inside of pinho forces his way through on the inside Tom 97 a very costly error I don't know if that one could be contested all too easily granted he has had two other warnings which might dispel later in the Grand Prix but very very upsetting for Tom 97 look if you're trying to drive off the circuit to make overtakes absolutely Tom 97 deserves a penalty for that it it's a mistake for him that he will look back and go why did I try now he'll go for the race lead and he'll need to run away to the tune of 3 seconds to LR gei now to win this race outright down the inside TM M will hold the position against car card and soon I would say within the next three laps we are due some rain and we are due a showcase Once More For What will be the final third of this race here in Brazil we're a long way away from lap number one where it was clear blue skies here in inter Lagos then now there is now plenty of cloud coverage above the circuit F1 Scott he does have the fastest lap to his name he's just got himself into 10th position there's TM Muk up the inside of lray gri here and i' I'll tell you one thing actually Tom 97 now putting a slight Gap to TM M of about 1 second if he's able to hold that then he might actually be able to stretch that 3 second advantage that he needs to win this race once again he could argue it was his mistake he could argue it's luck as well that he's now got a penalty to his name I'm not saying that that was unlucky of the move that he made there it was completely his fault but some 97 a penalty ruining this race potentially for him of course it threw away the win last two weeks ago in Spain and so he's just having a very very difficult season and unfortunately he's not been able to pull a gap to T M Muk who's now breathing down his neck look you know you lose half a second on the straight and look at that two lots of DRS he was almost at 8 n10 a second and about five corners later he's lost the move so that there is TM Muk showing just just how on top of it you need to be and everyone in this group now ELR riron I'd watch out right now for unsto Rob in sixth position he might be the contender who wins this race if he can just run the gauntlet gain a place here and a place there and that's what they're going to have to be relying on gaining these places and keeping that range in check ELR giri oh a big Wiggle by reron as well coming out there of the be depat I'm sure right now unstopped Rob is the one driver you look at and go faultless in terms of this race yeah maybe the pace hasn't been there to get right on top of it but rign you in a couple laps and he doesn't have a penalty of those on the same straty if he can get by Tom which he's doing right now he's just got to catch ELR Gary and reron who have just Fallen outside of DRS range I mean I think every driver on the grid is going to be praying to go to the gods at the minute but I say it's a 50/50 split of what they're actually asking for the likes of Tom 97 TM Mar unstopped Rob they're all going to be hoping that the rain holds out for as long as possible and the likes of rir el reiri Tom especially Tom and that guy Vince 32 lap old mediums they are going to be praying begging for the rain to come very very soon because if they have to pit once again onto a set of dry tires only for it to go wet in the next lap or so that's really going to be a dagger right to their heart a gunshot I'd say to their heart and so see what happens at 47th of 71 we're coming towards the Twilight period of this Grand Prix approaching 20 to go but still it is all up in the air of who is going to win this race well it's not just the fact that it's going to start raining it's the fact that the tracks got to get wet enough to change tires and if you're on old tires that don't want to do anything anyway and all of a sudden you're going to put a little bit of rain on it riron Dives down into the pck center he's the first Taker and is the is a bit too early by the har driver here this is going to be a real gamble in terms of what tires now we're going to see what he does he pulls into the final pit box what is he pulling himself onto right now the answer is a set of medium that is interesting very interesting indeed and and furthermore onstop Rob has now got himself into P3 ahead of ELR giri uh so he's found that move once rakir Kong came into the pit Lane I think it's because ELR just couldn't DRS it off anyone riron was probably going to be allowed through from LR and then he didn't have that DRS on stop Rob took advantage and took that P3 position but yes very interesting call from riron because those hard tires 29 Laps on them 28 I think it was 28 for him definitely definitely could have done a bit longer and I wonder is this rain going to come at all we'll just have to wait and see well if the rain doesn't come then that might be an indication of it out there Tom and Tim at Mar realized the gap's only 2.1 from T Muk to unsto Rob as thing stands it's unstopped Rob who is the net race leader in this one over the likes of ELR giri and then Tom 97 theera in fifth position having a good race as well he's certainly proving it at this point and look at those old medium TI is and Tom is struggling and that guy Vince is struggling and safo is struggling right now they are praying for rain and if rain doesn't come they're going to need to jump onto some soft tires yeah I think it's getting to the point where we have to look and see what just watching on board to see the rain falling it doesn't look like it's coming just yet but the clouds are certainly up in the sky ready to downpour on the circuit it will be sweet Bliss for the likes of Tom and that guy Vince but it really is going to be difficult for them to get through these next few laps and we're in that crossover period CU I mean with those tires they they're going to be completely shocked by the end of this stin and I think if they hold out too long wouldn't be too surprised if we saw a puncture coming out from Tom or that guy Vince especially if they're getting towards sort of the 40s range of their Tire life that's when the question marks really do start to come into the air of to how long can the mediums actually last that's a good move there by Nera as he gets past Al re G who I think's now starting to suffer on the tires Reon gets the fastest lap and as such a bonus point in the back pocket so he'll get something there to be quite happy about but yeah if you are going to be out there on the mediums you are risking the tire getting a puncture the longer that you go on so you're you're pretty much asking yourself are we getting this rain can we have some rain if we if if not it's drivers Tom and that guy Vince who have not played this game properly and they found themselves in a world of hurt and they will soon be put under the pressure Believe It or Not Eon Scott on the soft tires who's done nine Laps on them who's looking a little bit smugger right now compared to those on the mediums who have held out for 35 laps he's almost gained an entire Pit Stop on those drivers Nera still in range of unstopped Rob what a great run by these two Mercedes third and fourth but look at the work in the slipstream Tom's natural pace TM m is just Towing himself along and Tom is driving himself into the race lead with the penalty itself I mean Tom 97 is actually clear of unstopped Rob at this point in time I'd say that that Mercedes maybe is doing a little bit too much uh looking in the mirrors here I would say that he's he's focusing too much on theera and ELR G potentially going for a move he's not actually been able to close that Gap he was about 1 1.5 seconds to the r of TM Muk maybe he made a mistake at some point on circuit and uh it's just been it's been difficult this uh these last few laps of the stint for unstopped Rob to wait and see is he able to um to actually get within 3 seconds of Tom 97 and potentially win this race did I see a spot of rain I'm not too sure maybe that's my eyes playing tricks on me J but I do know one thing as this time by 20 laps to go Tom night7 leading TM at Muk unstopped Rob doing everything he can to try and close that Gap let's go in The Time Machine by about 2 hours or so from where we were over at the top of 6:00 we looked at F at Q2 sorry in terms of what was going on and unstopped Rob was unceremoniously the fastest driver in intermediate conditions with the one issue being that of course it dried out and he couldn't put himself inside the top 10 we don't know how quick Tom 97 is and that is rain that is firmly rain and suddenly unstopped Rob might be the quickest driver on intermediates and he's right on the C for 3 seconds to to 97 it's 2.7 he finds himself at at the moment so he is doing everything he needs to this just became a rain race oh yeah now one thing that has just popped into my mind is the park F regulations of course we had a mostly wet qualifying have the likes of unstopped Rob possibly who were very very fast in the Rain from the offset has he fitted a wet setup which of course he couldn't change ahead of the race Nera very early into the pit Lane he oh yeah I mean 32 laps from the hard that should be doable zaso and that guy vce I'd say they have no option but to go early onto the intermediate tires it doesn't look wet enough at all for these tires but I'm just wondering is unstopped Rob on a wet setup and is now is he now going to come into His element as the rain has finally arrived on lap number 53 I think he does and Nera didn't have a choice because the choice of staying out a little bit longer here would be that he'd have to double stack here with unstopped Rob and he doesn't want to do that here he wants to take advantage of the intermediate tires now the crossover is traditionally here in f124 and F1 games previously known as when the DRS is disabled that's when you expect intermediates to be better than the soft medium and hard tires so that's what unstop Rob might be waiting for but it'll be a bit late we'll wait for that Q he might have to go a little bit earlier than that to go forward and make that happen Tom 97 and TM Muk go flying by and they stay out so too does unsto Rob but look at the Gap that unsto Rob is losing right now in these intermittent conditions it was at 3 seconds it's now 4.2 he is struggling right now on the hard tires in The Damp conditions he is really really struggling to keep up with Tom 97 and TM at Muk he'll have to put on a worldly ofer performance curs has retired that's out on circuit safety car has been deployed on lap number 54 four of 71 let's have a look at uh at one of the Ferraris of infract see if we can see the damage to the Williams there's his High completely off the car I don't even see the Williams I think despawn by now but we were thinking about it it's always in the back of your mind when is that inevitable safety car going to come Tom 97 T Mar unstopped Rob that Gap that the top two have pulled essentially nothing now well this is is absolutely perfect for TM Mar cuz those 10 seconds he can now serve under a safety cut and it's a cheap pit stop so it's a cheap penalty by the time he comes in and he takes it so you look at it now T muk's been given a Lifeline here all these drivers now who are out there on tires which are not intermediates will definitely dive in and now this becomes a free pit stop in the context of what they're looking for so wonderfully constructed here now's the question of who gains what in this pit cycle can you serve a penalty under the safety car yes you can TM Muk being held that 10-second time penalty is now going to be taken off of him is he going to be able to come out ahead of ELR giri it doesn't look like it so he'll Le at least be behind LR but fourth position for TM M pretty damn good here Tom 97 I think he'll be feeling the most hard done by cuz he would have wanted to keep that Gap that he had to unstop is notoriously quick in these intermediate and wet weather conditions at least from what we saw in qualifying this race has been completely turned on its head Jake have to step away for just a minute being P she's shouting be back in just a few moments time but everyone hold on don't go anywhere cuz this race has only just begun well Tom 97 has 3 seconds worth of time penalty he leads this race and he was praying that the safety car would not come now he's got to build that Gap up to unstop Rob who is in second position you've got the championship leader in third ELR giri T Muk freed of 10 seconds worth of penalty now in fourth and the Gara is the last driver inside the top five rakon that decision to come in and make that pit stop from being in and around the likes of ELR giri he's now in ninth place at this moment in time not what the doctor would order in terms of this one five retirees from this race Matty 13 Mr Dale guats Jack socials and curves out of this race at the moment but for Tom 97 the brief is simple 3 seconds that's what he's got to gain we are down now as we start lap 56 of 71 we are down to 16 Laps on racing a sweet 16 laps of racing remaining here at interos and you know in a fan voted Grand Prix it is going to be all about who can manage these conditions late the good news for the front four drivers is they have two lap fresher tires compared to Nera but those two laps were run essentially under safety car conditions so there's not really much we that's gone into those intermediat it's from Thea from Tom from sha show from that guy Vincent Co who are all there and all looking around at everybody else so there is still that that they are having to deal with at this point but you're looking around at what unstopped Rob's got he was a driver who looked so quick in the intermediate conditions and he is in the prime position to put Tom 97 in at notice here in terms of this race you've got the championship battle third and fourth what more can you ask for all of this will need to be decided late and I mean late in this race and there is a safety car coming in this lap Tom 97 will back up the field and get ready hold on to your hats we are in for a showcase it's at the discretion of Tom 97 unstopped Rob desperately alongside trying to get the launch trying to get the jump over the top of him at this stage is this going to be where this race opens up Tom 97 goes unstopped Rob can't overtake until he passes the line we're back running here on lap 57 it's close as they running towards turn one but there's no dices in terms of the moves that guy vinc and riron back there having a little bit of a scrap there for position there goes riron he moves through W fantastic racing there I'm not sure why the safety car is still appearing at the top of our screens we are in fact green flag racing here back in into large top s already pull that to stop can he do it in the last 123 and so lap in this race I think definely be liking the fact that El gur's on the offensive down the inside of unsto Rob little bit of contact between the pair of them ELR G got that ever slow so slightly wrong on the back of the Mercedes who will feel very hard done by by losing that position t m all he could do was watch that unfold and already some uh some gutsy racing from these guys we call it unstopped Rob unceremoniously dumped to the outside by LR garyi the king is on a conquest and it is to get to Tom 97 now there is no DRS here at this moment in time so they are going to be looking around and everybody else thinking what do we need to do Tom's got to need 3 seconds he's going to need unstop Rob to decide that he wants to get in and he wants to get busy here with l giri t MX going to have to do a little bit of work here but he runs wide through at turn two which will open up nar's chance here to jump up into fourth position he's up to speed but look at him struggling in a straight line he can't find an angle to make the move into the SK theago really do struggle with the back true in the wet weather condition doesn't make that much of a difference in comparison to the dry weather so the G going have to sit in M for the time being but I think he's intermediate maybe with that slight aware of I think slightly more activated than TM Muk and that is why Ben struggled so much and how do I say that nir go through an Ever So slight slide there he see how this continues to unfold it is a completely locked at the front everyone is within a second of each other and this is what 100% race should be it should be excitement from start to finish 58 laps of pure joy pure Bliss of these guys have given us today and I'll tell you what I think that these last what 12 laps 12 13 laps they are going to knock [Music] all8 well at the moment they might be submerged pretty soon with the way that they're going about it unstopped Rob trying to find a move this will be for the net race lead as it stands if you can find a way past L giri but he's not close enough just yet to make that happen he can only gain half a tenth on the straight so he needs a little bit more he needs a bit of luck to try and get himself through as he chases up the hill the groups now start to open up just a little bit here Tim at Mar at 610 then 610 to the G and 610 to Tom and they're all looking around at each other thinking can we make some progress can we get through this rain has been the great equalizer for what has been an overtake Fest absolutely and I think without the rain from 97 he would have run away with this R there was no shot in hell that anyone was going to be able to catch him TM at Muk would have had that 10sec time penalty towards the end he has now been saved in this round three essentially he's running in P3 he's two seconds to the back of Tob 97 as it stands to will drop down into fifth position which is still a fantastic job from him considering he started right down at the end of the field but I think if I know Tom 97 I know that he is not going to be given up whatsoever he's going for that win as further down the order of two F while he getting through on F1 Scot what a race this could have been for F1 Scot unforunately just unraveled completely with the early penalty then the 10-c time penalty for speeding in the pit Lane it's not been a good day at the office for kicks ala well Eon Scott started on the front row here today and 13th is not what the doctor ordered for him it was a day full of Promise he would have been very happy with the way that he's been going about things and ultimately for what he's been looking for this is not ideal and now that's PA trying to move through up into that 13th position and well he's going to just about scramble through he's got the inside line back as F1 Scott but watch the grip on the outside line it's not quite there side by side still and he'll Force his way through and find it so P takes the place away left one Scott look at the kicks alas 14th and 15th go they're going to be very very upset looking down at the bottom of their caps tonight for them let's have a look at the positions gain and as it stands 197 up 19 places in this bra three unsto from and the pair of them the Mercedes Duo fantastic rce from them both of them up ninth spot in this Grand Prix they are having a sensational drive for the two Salas losing lot of places infatic has lost as well TV has gone up plenty of spots this race looks nothing like the starting grid and that is wonderful to see I'd imagine that sometimes the RAC quite professional but I tell you what today has been Jam pack filled with excitement This Time by is going to 10 laps to go in this race and it looks like Jake the fight is going to be between ELR G the championship leader an unsto Rob with TM Mar just on the outside peeking in well this is where unstop Rob here has a massive point to play in this Championship if he can find a way through and T mmuk can just follow his way through behind this is going to be a wonderful bit of racing but Tom 97 here is The Equalizer at this point for ELR giri he's quite happy he's dangled out at 610 of a second he can just use his slipstream and cover up any move from unstopped Rob from TI met ma can just pretty much cover what is needed on the brakes they'll go nine laps remaining here as they now start thinking about what do you need next this is where you're turning around and thinking what's there little slide there by lray G he's got to be careful about that as he goes through he is baffling out there here in the r and this is a wet weather showcase right now that they're trying to deal with dancing down through here at the ski of Lago which is looking like a l on the circuit as well as off the Jud these car you're not really fighting with the other driv is practically drifting through fura there is LR which simply is actually a pretty fast way to go around an F1 circuit on the f124 game but LR G is not going to be enjoying life in that Aston Martin tell you what mistakes like that effect the to7 be more at the of unop R he is going to be able to just ever so slightly close that Gap back up to the leader however this over one slight mistake completely topple anyone's race at this point in time I wouldn't say that tom7 LR Cur un none of them absolutely none of them are safe at this point in time well six that are clear at the moment Tom in sixth place might still have something to say shao in the second of the alpines is built up a 2.3 second Gap as ril con's just gone through there up into seven you can definitely sense that LR G is sliding the car around the one thing that's going to be doing no good to though here Dan is those rear tires and that's what he's going to be struggling with in the later stages of this those intermediate tires effectively run like a soft tire would and so you get the sense that after about 15 laps those intermediates aren't going to be feeling very good especially if you're rear limited the way he's driving the car L giri might struggle in the last two or three laps with his rear tires absolutely the way he's been sliding in at this Grand PRI it's not going to be doing himself any favors at the end of this race unst as well as been sliding ever so I think might be the most stable driver out on circuit in terms of the tire performance that he is seeing still plenty of laps left to go the top five look to have broken away from the rest of the pack Tom I think he was saved by the sa car coming out he is running in a P6 but losing a decent bit of time he's practically in no man's land cuz he's got a further three seconds back to riron another driver I think Jake who's been a bit hard done by this race this evening he was fighting with El Ray G and TM Mar for the majority of it but unfortunately that's not looking like the case anymore he's all the way down in p7 also in no man's land but you know what p7 it's a decent result for him I don't think he's hard done by at all I think he just did it to himself I think that that strategy called by riron today has cost him the opportunity to fight for the Victory and it's not a hard done by I think he's just simply made the wrong strategy call as you can see Tom 97 dancing his way up through a farad Dura and of course theen Hina now down through this next of road at the pinho and again it is LR G and unstop Rob how long will unstop Rob weight it's 9 and 1 1210 of a second you feel if it goes over a second which it just tips over now that it's more in the favor of unstop Rob and that's what he's trying to do find a way to get through and get through without losing two seconds can he do it this time by or is he waiting for that very last lap to go for the move on l Ray gy and take the lead of this Grand Prix what is effectively the lead with Tom 97's penalty of course unstop Rob not going to go for it this time by apologies I knock my mic there but he's not going to go for it this time by we see if he is uh thinking about it in the next few lck because Jake we are really well and truly into the Twilight phase of this Grand Prix next time by it will be I believe six laps to go in this race when will onstop rob go for it ELR here who seemingly struggling to keep up with to 97 and another question on my mind is where will TM at Mar fa in this battle if ELR and unso Rob start going side by side throughout the entirety of the lap TM Muk is going to have the prime position to uh to go for a move on them and try and make something work get himself comfortably onto the Pod well he he needs them to make a move first and foremost he can't look around at this and say there's going to be a move he's going to find a way through to get that move happening he just doesn't and you just know that t m is waiting on unstop Rob but if unstop Rob can't get there to L giri what's Tim going to do he can only match the pace of the drivers in front he can't get close enough to enforce his will there and if he does get past unstop Rob into third how much time does he give El garyi so late in this race it's such a tough position for TMF Mar I think he's just got to stay with them and hope that unstopped Rob unlocks the move at 3/10 of a second he's hoping he's got something big wide line by LR giri almost a carting line around the curb the soul it's looking a little bit stoden at this moment in time but unstop Rob still not in a position to make a lunge but he is so close to the back of L Ray gri he's been leading this move on for so long now L Ray gri really is struggling to keep up with Tom 97 at this point and Tom is going to be hoping and praying that those that that move from Uno Rob is not just a straightforward uh move unfortunately safo has left the session I think that's a disconnect there from the Alpine driver now we losing plenty of positions as well saying if these guys start fighting Tom 97 might just be able to pull that 3 second Gap and I think another mistake from ELR gri has cost him a further few T because the Gap to Tom 97 1.6 seconds surely unstopped Rob he's got to think about going for it now yeah he's really got to go for it Sasha of course will be driven by the AI to the end of this race but there is unstopped Rob thinking about going in the mirrors but not close enough slightly missing the Apex there goes LR gear and look at how this opens up now for unstopped Rob he needs a run and I think he's just about to get it here how are you going to defend here l g is it left is it right he'll go to the outside contact between the two of them and somehow they will still scramble through and look at the pig that opens up from unstopped Rob and look at the Gap that's opening here needs to be three for to 97 inside still my LR giri 610 for to 97 to take the lead it's not over yet unstopped Rob still trying to find the move on elre gy this is what Tom 97 would have been praying for in that vabb cockpit because ELR giri and unstopped Rob still fighting it out that is another time once again they they've made contact of course it happened at the beginning of the intermediate period after the safety car came in now top 97 just two10 away from winning this race despite his 3 second penalty unstopped Rob he's got to think about the move he's given everything on that last lap ELR Fury did everything to defend that position I'm getting laded in the commentary box here in the heat I cannot imagine what it's like for these drivers racing at home unst Rob there it is he's on the back of him sliding who almost losing the car through the carbel S now TMF hard into the freey around the outside into towards turn number four I think Ben might just about have the move side by side off the exit of the corner fantastic racing and this is going to bring the gar into play he's now going to make the move up the hill here t m mik on the inside will have the ability to defend the position and does so as he now crash the rise into sa Corner turn eight but now the inmates start fighting amongst themselves and you know what that means it means Tom can run run run away and he will try and run for the Border there's a look down the inside at the be depat drive off the X going to be there but front to rear tire contact there between LR giri and unstopped Rob Rob's trying to throw the kitchen sink at it it's pouring like there's a leak but he can't find a way through and all the while Tom 97 who started dead last today right now is running away with a victory absolutely I mean the battling here between unsto Rob and ELR G is providing us with an absolute treat here around the outside unsto Rob still cannot find that move and all did down the inside now in towards the first part of the centeres through now Cur and elol finally finally shouts unstopped Rob he has made up that position but it's not over yet because Here Comes gir looking towards the outside line and towards turn number four TM mod with the best seat in the House El giri around the outside of unsto R almost off the circuit contact now with TMF M slides his way in through the corners how has he kept that on the road TM M thre on lray gy now down into four and that for the first time is TM Mar gaining points on LR giri tonight in the championship he's weighted 69 and a half lapse to say that he can now make a dent into the championship with no Alex Gillan here today with Nera right behind this group the championship poised on an i edge here at the halfway stage of the season and wow we are we looking at some Fantastic action LR giri now needs to strike and needs to strike fast here against Kier Mar we're going to be at two laps to go and the look right now surely is going to paint a picture unstopped Rob has the title picture right behind him oh my word TM mod ahead of L Guru with just two laps to go what I mean I'm I'm losing the words to speak really I cannot think of a better word to shout than wow and I think wow is even get going to get even more emphatic here because here he is TM on the back of unstopped Rob this might be a last lap bout between the pair of them GB is made his way up into seven the head of riron here's TM mod around the outside potentially of unstopped Robin towards farra drifting their way in towards the next corner of essay and I think TM Muk he's got the inside line he'll be around the outside of pinho corner Sensational racing in comes El re giri through once again G there contact again both of them up the hill up be he'll force him off and through will go Tom who's from nowhere Nera now will try and go around the outside suddenly there's two places in between at this moment in time T at Mar it is absolutely pouring as they head towards the final lap but T Muk looks behind and he is desperate for these places Char is his best friend or could be his worst enemy here at this stage cuz he could go for the move down into turn one a look for it on the inside and he'll go for it because he's a racing driver but he gets held up through the Corner Ben is planting the car in all the right places he's got green fingers right now on this track on the final lap and here goes LR giri he needs to clear this space he needs to get past on and with contact between them he goes sliding and he'll lose two for trouble in comes Nera now oh my word Tom almost off the circuit they're sliding there way it's like the Piston Cup finale here in Creator series how have all of these d drivers kept the car on the road absolutely Sensational driving here this evening and while second all the way down to fifth have been scrapping it out one man has had the easiest job of the night Tom 97 with a 3 second time penalty to his name he does not care about that anymore 8.7 seconds clear of unstopped Rob he will come through now the straight for the final time in this race Tom 97 will win from last on the grid a fantastic and emphatic a sensational worldly drive from Tom 97 unstopped Rob will come across in P2 DM Mar in third fourth is Tom Thea in fifth six for lray giri but all eyes have got to be on Tom 97 from last on the grid right in 20th position we thought it was out of the question for him to take the win today but you should never doubt Tom 97 on a last to First challenge it's that sort of day where you look at the conditions you look at the strategy you look at Tom 97 that on his day he can be nigh on Unstoppable that pretty much tells you everything that you need to know about the way he's running and and quite simply put he deserved that one even with three seconds of time penalty when everyone else started fighting against everybody else Tom 97 said you know what you go play amongst yourselves I'm just going to walk away and I will take this trophy with me what a race we have just witnessed there I mean Tom 97 he will celebrate a top the podium ahead of unstopped Rob that was some fantastic driving as well from unsto Rob there brilliant work from him here this evening he started way down in 12th or 13th position finds himself in P2 and TM Marduk a great uh position for him there in P3 we'll have a look at the race results it is Tom 97 from last on the grid taking Victory ahead of unstop Rob DM Muk will round off the podium there it is Tom in P4 ahead of ngara in P5 with ELR gri in sixth position seventh will be GB 68 from 19 on at the grid a great drive from him there makes it an Aston Martin 67 riron unfortunate to be in p8 but it was his own strategy decision unfortunately didn't work out however he has got the fastest lap for an extra point at the end of the day rinchai and Dak gin will round out the top 10 in ftic in 11th 12th ofia safo with a disconnect in 13th 14th for Skyy Scott Cubs Jack socials G Watts Mr Dale and Matty will round off the grid here in what was an amazing Brazilian Grand Prix the fan voted Grand Prix tonight Jake did not disappoint thank you to everyone for voting for this track because without it without your votes we' have been somewhere else and we wouldn't have got to experience a Grand Prix like that one I tell you what that is a race that you sit back down and from start to finish there was always something that was going to be there I think that you sit down and you say what is this Championship you turn around you say to everyone that is is what makes the Creator Series so fantastic and we are going to see it a week from today when we head to the hungaro ring for the next round of the championship and I'm sure we are going to see quite brilliantly what makes this season tick on the second half going forward but I believe Dan we got a couple drivers who desperately want to talk their point of view over the course of racing here today oh yeah absolutely let's drag apologies there for interrupting your conversation let's drag uh Tom 97 and unsto Rob into the VC maybe we can hear from TM Muk at some point but let's start with the man in P2 unstopped Rob first and foremost you in the rain Sensational when it came to that uh wet weather and qualifying you were incredibly quick in Q2 unfortunately just missed out by qualifying outside the top 10 with their doubts in your mind that you'd be able to have such a strong race either today h i mean uh well first uh good good evening everyone uh well intellos is probably my my favorite track ever so I was expecting a good race from my side uh but I was not expecting that pace in the wet to be honest I was quite surprised with the with the in the qual in Q2 unfortunately I made the mistake to not do another lap until the end with the that which which um Cham and and mati did and they overtook me uh but yeah I was quite surprised with the pace and at the end in the race I think we will talk about it a bit bit after but it was quite enjoyable I I was I had so much good feelings today with the with the with the car and the wet condition it was really really amazing and heading into the last few laps of the race you were closing the Gap to both TM Muk and Tom 97 and you were so close to getting within that window of being able to uh to fight for the win really and so uh apologies no no sorry sorry go ahead sorry I was just wondering sort of at that stage in the Grand Prix it been around about maybe 40 50 laps you know you've been in the cockpit for a very long time if you're including qualifying as well what's the mental game that you're sort of playing with yourself there how are you keeping yourself calm when the the stakes are so high well uh I was just like not chilling you know but Tom Tom and Chet were really really fast a lot faster compared to me to be honest but the trains is so powerful in that game uh I I was leaving Tom and Cham leading the train and then I was just trying to keep the the dest train with raising behind and waiting um to to do only one stop uh even if it was not my strategy at the beginning I was about to do like medium soft medium and then when I saw L ping a lot lot earlier than than us I just in my in my mind it was just okay try just to follow Tom and Chet and with a big big percentage of luck they were really nice leading the the train you know so it was just about okay just spending some years to follow and just cheating and waiting the the pit the pit entry absolutely and now with this this your first Podium of the Season we're only at the halfway stage of season 7 of Creator series surely you've got to you've got to set the target even higher more podiums they' got to come uh I hope so I mean on my first race I was I was really struggling because I didn't have the chance to race before due due to technical issue and then when I came to Australia and I saw my P with with finishing P4 thanks to noera and then today finishing P2 of course you cannot think about one minute about not winning One race in the next races uh so I'm going to I'm going to walk hard to try to win at least one race until the end of the season and we will see but my main target uh is still the constrictor stuning because I think with tonight we're in a really really good spot with noera to to be close to the to the first position in the Constructor standings absolutely right I think Mercedes in a fantastic position so really well done this evening that's all from me Jake anything you want to say to unop Rob tonight well there's only one question really that I've got for you uh Rob and that's that you've you've come into this Championship struggling a little bit with issues out there but the moment that you've got yourself going and up and running you've you've proven that from week to week you've been able to improve on that ability I just want to talk that battle between you and lray at the end because it looked like that you had the opportunity to go and make that move you knew you were only going to get one chance to go for it so when you sit down and look at that move how important was it for you to try and get that move clean l in order to keep the victory alive and compared to what actually happened in that race where you really had to fight for it and in the end it costs everybody the opportunity to fight Tom for the win well first it's really difficult to overtake another R especially in in intellos to be honest I was running High wings uh and uh and obviously I was first on the first part under the wet I was just trying to keep my P3 staying be behind the I mean P2 behind Tom uh because he had three seconds penalty and then we had like intense moment I would say with ar who over take me uh and then after that I was just saying okay I'm just going to wait the last few laps and we will see what what what happened and at the end I'm happy that Tom won because it was like he was starting P20 so of course he he had to he had to win and then when I saw um Tom starting to pull away from from from way I in my mind it was just okay just let's try it you know um the some sometimes people are trying like a huge and an intense overtake then I saw okay then you are doing it to me then I'm going to try it I try to stay as clean as possible sometime unfortunately it's not possible and I apologize if I if I was if I wasn't but I think it was OD but fair battles with and and Cham as well was a bit with they behind uh but yeah like when I saw Tom pulling away my main main target was to overtaken away and took that P2 because it was the only thing that remained for me well it's a very strong P2 that was unstopped Rob there from second position Dan uh I believe you found your race winner overall yeah absolutely I mean that was a fantastic job from Rob today I I I I probably want to save Tom for last here but unfortunately has decided to defin so you know what we'll talk to the race winner tonight Tom 977 let's talk first about your qualifying and don't hype yourself up too much just yet it was a disastrous qualifying P20 on the grid you tactically disqualified yourself to get the better YouTube title but uh how were you feeling after the rain came so early and uh and you just weren't really able to put in a lap well first off downfield time we speak mate a long time uh a minute um yeah well the reason I got qualifying wrong is cu I simply I was just sorting out some stream things uh with my notifications so someone in my chat mentioned it was rain but you know I kind of forgot I didn't I zoned out I was just to too focused on on trying to resolve the issue so I was troubleshooting away and I went out with not enough time to get an intermediate Championship lap in so I Bo straight away but by the time I rejoin the track it was raining so I just yeah just a bit of a badly organized session really so uh yeah M my bad pretty much well it uh bear fruit for you in the end because at the start of the race you were on Rails overtaking absolutely everyone I asked same sort of similar question to Robin and and about the composure that you need to make those moves because at some points it was quite dirty in that Midfield but you came away unscathed so when you were trying to make those moves what was going through your mind I think it helps when you know you've got the pace right so it was um battery management was key you when you're going through the field so much you can't just constantly burn battery you do run out so basically there were times where I'd have to like wait an extra lap to get another couple of cars because I'd have to like get a full recharge and just basically you know it's a long race so don't panic just take your time and you know it will come especially when you've got good pace so I didn't really um stress too much and I knew I was confident not ideal I had two warnings on lap five um and eventually got the penalty but you know two of them warnings were just in World of War Kombat where you don't have any track space left so I only really got one warning in that race as well so I kept it you know clean calm just the way it go sometimes and then uh the safety car came out at some point or other I think you wouldn't have been tooo happy about that one there with your 3 second time penalty you had an angry uh unstop R behind you an angry TM Muk an angry LR gy all breathing down your neck uh how did you actually cope with the knowing that you had the time penalty to your name and having those three incredibly quick drivers behind you I consider myself a fast driver in the wet so when it rains I welcome it I'm happy with the rain but I was struggling on the restart in those first 5 to 10 laps where it was on the dry side of the intermediate conditions you know like very light rain uh took a while for Drs to get disabled you know the track wasn't really getting wet wet it was kind of like shiny I just wasn't feeling it but then the minute it started pouring down I just felt way more grip felt way more confident um it all just came back to me that's when I just started to drive away and I had knew had it wrapped up then it was just about managing the storm you know in those initial laps and keeping LR behind cuz I know he's Championship leader so I'm trying to make sure I uh made a cut into the points deficit so um yeah safety car was not a big issue because I had to box for into anyway and I was debating if I'd gone a lap too long if i' pick the right lap so basically it was a g free card so I could you know rejoin the first place so that wasn't good or bad I lost I lost my advantage from the 3 seconds but it did mean I rejoined the P1 on track so it was okay and then it's just about trying to manage I knew I was quick I just for some reason it wasn't clicking in that first part of the intin but eventually got it right in the end win number two Podium number two of the season in the latter half of this of season 7 of Creator series is there a title hunt on the horizon 4 you've got one of your one of the championship Rivals ahead of you at the minute in the call with you so maybe some fighting talk could be in order here Ben you better watch the mirrors buddy I'm coming straight for you um uh honestly we'll see I'm a long way away there's a big deficit I got to make up so we'll just go One race at a time and see how it goes and that's all from me Jake anything you want to say to our race winner here uh Tom you've just completed EA Creator series by going from 20th position and winning this race there is there is nothing else you can do now in Creator series that can top that in terms of an overtaking showcase to go through how do you feel about getting what is the greatest Xbox achievement unlocked um it's good to actually do it you know if we kind of joke about it people often get disqualified or you know what I'm going to try last of first but to actually uh P it off yeah very happy it's it's nice to have that one in the uh in the trophy cabinet even though there's no trophy well you've got that in your trophy cabinet you can be very happy with and just very quickly how are you feeling about the hungaro ring next week not not a fan mate I'm not going to lie to you Chief I'm not a fan um we'll see how it goes I I don't have any expectations for that track I just don't uh I've never gone with it so um last game I think I was surprisingly bad so even like even not competing in other leagues as well so I just want to assess where I'm in this game I think it'll be one of ones where if I can just qualify okay and then in the race kind of learn on the Fly hopefully by the end of the race I'll be confident and I kind of understand where to find the time where to be quick but um I'm not going to get my hopes up too soon on that that one well you hear it here first Tom believes he's on the back foot next week but I don't believe he is because he's done so well in completing the uh EA Creator Series going from 20th to First Position Dan really well done today Tom it's been it's been good talking to you for the first time and what i' been been ages it must be a couple of years since the last time I commentated over Tom 97 Podium even I think it might be the first time you've got a win in front of me so really well done today Tom it was a fantastic dve pleasure to hear from you once again and yeah we'll let you get away and enjoy that one cheers appreciate fellas thank you much I'm 97 for joining us in the commentary box we've got one more interview to get through it's the last one but certainly not the least third place TM Muk here this evening uh unlike your fellow Podium sitters here this evening got a fantastic qualifying I believe it was P4 that you started in how are you feeling in the wet in the qual um it was rainy and quy yes I think it was no wait no it stopped at some point I can't even I can't even remember um Q2 was raining uh Q3 I had it was actually it was wet to it was wet to dry so yeah kind of so um yeah I I feel good in the wet at times it's so like wishy-washy um some some tracks are really good like Spain I was wraid in the wet uh but today I didn't I didn't feel that comfortable um I was probably about fourth or fifth quickest in the rain so um in the dry I never could get a full lap together I just kept fumbling it um that I my fastest La my last lap was um uh one of the first ones to cross the line for the whole field and I I messed up turn one so the potential was there to uh to be even higher so I was kicking myself about that but then um yeah as long as you're at the front in Creator series that doesn't really matter we just got to stay with that late DRS train anything and everything will happen here in Creator series and uh certainly a lot happened for you in that race and I think uh we we'll get this sort of mean one out of the way the pit stop what happened there with the the 10 seconds added to your race time yeah that was absolutely brutal I was on a good rhythm with uh Tom uh we were working together cuz it was our DRS train versus El's DRS train and um I was just in the groove of pushing really hard and I I carried that mentality over to the uh to the pit Lane and I thought I got it right I was I was arriving a little bit hot but I thought I could pull it up but just went like you know 10 cm too late on the brakes and I I think I I sped by 2 km and we had to serve that 10c in that last pit stop so that was that was pretty brutal and we didn't have the track position for the rain and um it's it's I'm finding it very hard to overtake in the rain so that really did cost us we couldn't we we didn't have that chance to kind of run and stay with Tom so yeah got to I've got to not speed next time E I mean that that would be ideal I think but uh speaking of not being able to really over take in those wet weather conditions right at the end of the race you had the best seats in the house to watch Rob and ELR gri go hammer and Tong and uh there was quite a bit of contact between the pair of them a lot of people are not very happy uh with what happened there but you got to see it firsthand were you scared at any point that they were just going to completely wipe you out I mean what was going through your mind there no I wasn't scared I think that's probably the wrong word I was I was I was excited I was uh opportunist when it came to like those two battling I thought all right if they spin off here or they spin off there I'm going to go the other way and get around them um and they did come to blows a couple of times El was sideways so many times I think he was really struggling to uh hold on to it through the middle sector um and and Rob had an amazing Pace I was uh I was really battling to to run with his Pace he was genuinely the second quickest in the rain he was insane it was fantastic in in Q2 as well when it actually was a fully wet session of of course he was eliminated in that in that qualifying but he was at the very top for most of it he ended up P2 yourself ended up P3 it's a good day at the office for you and of course you've made up points on your Championship rival elray gri heading into the hungara ring next week is the plan to just continue to whittle away at that Gap that you know that the ason Martin had to you yeah that'll be nice uh elr's been super consistent this season um today is his worst results of the Season uh we're going to need a few more of those cuz I I think I'm missing a rate or two um so I'll take any points I can get I feel like my Pace in Hungary is very good and uh yeah once again L's consistency is going to get tested I'm looking forward to it so we'll go full sense that's all from me thank you very much Jake anything you want to say to TM mod here Ben you were staring down the barrel just before the safety car of being somewhere in and around dropping about 15 points today to L giri you come out gaining six on him you can't keep getting away with this can you I think I've become the de facto Alex Gillan he's always Super Lucky when it comes to like pulling himself out of trouble so I'll I'll take the crown with that but I again for me yeah I I don't know how we did that I just had to play as smart as I could I'm not the quickest in Creator series but I like to think I can navigate my way out of uh out of drama and and and through situations so yeah I'll take it well you were certainly the beneficiary in that in that final battle there with unsto Rob and El giri so just walk us through the final couple of laps there for you because it took you 69 and a half laps to get ahead of ELR giri in terms of this race knowing that there was no Alex Gillan here this week um an opportunity that you needed to capitalize on and uh you were able to manage that yeah I I just did the best I could I mean I was really struggling the uh first few laps of the rain in the um in the last stent and then I slowly and slowly gained confidence El was losing and losing confidence and sliding more and more um but I was literally just trying to hold on and um I did get past LR when he went for a move on uh Rob and and then I I just got past him and then from there it was just a battle to to keep him behind I I had a run at uh at Rob but then he kept going defensive and more so than what he needed to um and that brought LR back into it and then the drama kicked off so um yeah I was just trying to play around with diff settings break bias different techniques um cuz it's just you're making it up as you go along in the rain um just trying to search for grip where you can and by the end we just about got there well it it was a fantastic Showcase of perseverance here today from you fantastic result All Things Considered with what happened today t m Ben daily there joining us a third place finish here today in Brazil just PE guys see you next week thank you Ben for joining us in the commentary box and uh I mean it's a pretty surreal feeling just getting to talk to there he's the re I I probably mentioned but that man is the reason that I'm into League racing and everything watching him on uh f126 of some something uh in ASR and now here interviewing on the podium what's the real feeling I mean this race incredibly has really made me excited to commentate on the rest of f124 I know the game reception hasn't been really all that what we would have hoped for at the beginning however today's race if we could have more like that consistently week on week season s of Creator series Jake could shape up to be one of the most League racing Seasons not just of EA Sports Creator series but of any League of all time well you just have to consider that this is all about bringing together uh drivers who want to drive who want to showcase and who want to entertain and that's what we got the ability to see today and that's what we've seen for seven seasons is that we've got drivers out here who want to entertain all of you who are watching on all their channels and here on the Creator series channels out here as well it's something that you do not really understand until you're in it and you're working around it and it's a privilege to go out there and showcase and you know what we've got another half a season yet to try and figure out who is the best of these creators out there not just in F1 but in F2 as well and of course that all kicks off next weekend at the hungara ring which I quite frankly can't wait to see oh yeah it is going to be so so fun I mean I I you know hungar ring honestly it's not the most popular circuit it's one of my favorite uh it's one of my favorite tracks in general it is is really fun to drive when you hook up a lap it's actually so Sensational to drive and uh you know I I hope that all 20 fingers crossed all 20 of these drivers here today or anyone who is filling in or coming back they're going to feel the exact same way but for today I believe that this is a fantastic place to leave off thank you everyone for tuning in tonight if you haven't already if you're watching on YouTube make sure to hit that big red button beneath to subscribe and if you're watching on Twitch it be that purple button to follow F1 Creator series and whilst you're there if you have a little scroll in the description you'll see our links to our socials F1 Creator series on Instagram uh Tik Tok and X so please do make sure you keep up to date with F1 Creator series because we have only halfway through the season and if the rest of this the rest of season 7 is anything like we've seen today it's going to be a mustat stream every single week on a Saturday at 600 p.m. Great British time thank you everyone once again so much for tuning in today thank you to Jake as well for uh coming alongside me it was incredible to work with you for the first time what a fun stream that it was thank you everyone once again for watching here this evening to all the raids and subscriptions on Twitch to the people talking on YouTube it's incredibly fun to watch but for now we'll leave off so thank you and good night [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

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