Mark Vientos a Revelation for Mets & Aaron Judge on Tear for Yankees

Mets 3-1 to start critical 10-game stretch it's the Mike Francesa podcast on the BET Rivers network hello again everybody and welcome to the Mike Francesa podcast on the BET Rivers network brought to you uh by casamigos tequila casamigos tequila is brought to you by those who drink it we reach the second to last really second to last weekend of the summer because for all intents and purposes the summer ends Labor Day night for just about everybody all right there's a couple of Fleet weeks there but not really the Summer's really over and so enjoy the last you know couple of days the fleeting Days of Summer and uh before you know it we are within two weeks from the NFL season College will start up a little bit heat up a little bit again uh right into the uh Labor Day weekend and then before you know it it's wall to wall football everywhere right now we're still concentrating on baseball we talked about this really crucial 10 games that the Mets would face three against the Orioles they won two out of three a pair of walk-off home run wins uh better Bullpen performance went last night to San Diego to start the seven game trip against two of the hottest teams in baseball and the Padre and the Diamond Backs won that game going away so so far they're three- one on this very important 10 game stretch uh they have gotten better at Bullpen eight in the wins eight Bullpen Innings only two runs and the two runs came last night in the ninth inning already up 81 so you can forgive them so the bullpen has been better and it has to be better for them to get to where they need to get to you want to see this separate you want it just to be the Mets and the Braves and nobody behind them that's what you want to see happen here and let that be what the test really is uh maybe San Diego or Arizona slides back to be vulnerable we'll see they're not at the moment we'll see how things work out the Mets can provide a lot of that themselves by playing very well over the next six games we'll see how that unfolds but three in one so so far um fairly good starting pitching some very good some not but the bullpen better um they need to have certain guys pick it up they need to have Alvarez who did hit the walkoff Homer but other than that he's done very little two for last 198 for his last 44 33 strikeouts in his last 100 bats lot of KS a lot of breaking balls uh staying away they're keeping the fast ball away from him he's got to make the adjustment Lor continues to be good if you go over his last 15 games 330 381 133 runs scored in his last 15 Mark Vientos' solid season games that's key he continues to play well he continues to get big hits the other guy is Vince Vientos we've talked about Vientos you know the second highest slugging percentage on the Mets is Lindor 479 then comes Alonzo of 471 ventos is slugging at a 557 clip 80 games 291 bats 20 doubles 20 homers 54 RBI in 80 games he has fit very well under that two hole he has been consistent he hasn't been feast in famine he's been consistent and he's been consistently powerful extra base hits 40 extra base hits in 291 bats impressive 557 slugging impressive so you like what Lindor is doing you know you can get enough out of Alonzo and nmo and JD they need Alvarez to rejoin the consistent part of the lineup and Vientos has been a revelation he really has as they start to go forward for the Yankees well right now they get the Aaron Judge anchoring Yankees advantage of playing the Rockies this weekend coming off a law a win uh last night yesterday afternoon against Cleveland Yanks always do well in afternoon games uh for some reason Day game or weekday afternoon games are something the Yankees just always seem to thrive in but um they get the Rockies right now while the Orioles get the Astros last night that meant another game in the standings right now they're one and a half in front of the O's as the birds have to play the Astros who are right now playing good really good baseball and the Yankees get to play the Rockies who on the road are Dreadful judges J on another tear in the last week 370 six homers 11 RBI his last 30 games this is stunning 14 homers 33 runs batted in 26 runs scored and a 425 batting average over his last 30 games it's Insanity the numbers are staggering Soto has hit home runs you know in his last 15 games Soto's hit eight home runs but he's only hit 218 but he's hit a bunch of home runs including obviously the three in one game they still need better support I mean it was amazing that that game broke open yesterday had a break open broke open on a Stanton ball that let's be honest when he hit it you didn't think he had a chance to get out of the he was off balance he hit it off his front foot and got enough contact got made enough solid contact to take the ball over the center field fence didn't seem like that ball had a chance didn't even look like it was going to reach the track and it just kept going and going and Boom game was Verdugo must do more, thoughts on Stanton, Torres over the Yankees have had a cash in on the menu the question now is how long can they go with ver go now Verdugo gives them a very good left field we know that but it's not just dingz I can see them I can see them in big spots whether it's regular season whether it's postseason I can see them playing judging left and playing chisham in center field Grisham gives you very good defense in Centerfield he takes some of the pressure off judge and if you look at it overall in his last 15 games as an example hit enough and gotten on base enough I mean his on base percentage is 333 which compared to Verdugo is a lot in his last week of uh of games he's got his on base percentage is 353 for the month is on base percentage is 330 you know he can hit the ball out of the park he h seven home runs and 50 of bats plays defense is he a great hitter no does he walk yes can he get on base yes can he steal the base does he play good defense yes you could use him and sit for Dugo it makes some sense and I think against Ry I would bat HIM lead off fugo has just listen I thought fugo was going to hit 35 doubles and 20 homers he looked like that was going to be exactly what he was going to do he's hit a bunch of doubles he has hit one home run one home run since June 6th uh since July 6th rather one home run he's had one two RBI game since July 6th his numbers are pathetically bad do you know he has the of an everyday player he has the worst Ops in the last two months of any everyday regular in baseball he's in the low fives last night another 0 for four for the season he's got 10 home runs like I said he's only had one in the last two months he's got 27 doubles but they have stopped coming the RBI have stopped coming the on base percentage is just going down the batting average is just going down two for his last 28 10 for his last 60 one home run run in the last two months seeven I think seven R eyes in the last two months he has been really bad and you wonder you really do you wonder how long they will go with him does he play a good left field yes is he a threat to take the ball out of the ballpark yes but all seen him now is hit these pathetic ground balls and he really needs to fight out of it I don't know if he needs a couple days off I don't know what he needs you know he's played every day he really has I mean he's already been up almost 500 times he's been a fixture really been a fixture he's played 122 ball games this year he's played every day but his numbers have been staggeringly bad for the last couple of months and you wonder just just how long they're going to go with them you really do wonder about it because sooner or later you have to say we have to get more we have to get more I mean you worry about so many of the guys around the big two and how do you put you know you're going to go with Stanton you know that because Stanton can wreck games as you saw yesterday perfect example where he can just you know flick the bat hit a three run Jack and it's that's it he you know it happens all the time he's got that kind of game wrecking power and you know he has in the past he has hit in the postseason you got to give him credit for that so it's going to be interesting to see exactly how much patience the Yankees have with Lemo how much patience they have with Verdugo we know how they feel about St we know how they feel about Wells they're going to ride Tor as we know that I don't have a problem with that I would not fool with Tores you know what listen I know Tores is going to be here next year but there's no reason not to L let him do his thing you're gon to you're going to give him you're going to give him the season and just hope that you know he does what he can do do has good at bats you know last 30 Games he's hit 277 last 15 games he's at 267 his on base percentage has been in the high 350 almost 360 you like to see him slugging a little higher but the numbers are not that bad and he is capable of a big hit so I'm they're not going to fool with him just like they're not going to fool with vuli whose numbers you know have not been good you know vulpi vulpi hasn't done a good job you know of late he shows signs of coming out of it and you say oh I can see vuli coming out of it now you know I can see that happening right now well you know what then it doesn't happen I mean his last 15 games po he's hit 150 he's picked it up the last couple days but 150 over the last couple of weeks and the last couple of months you look at the numbers they're not good but vulpi Torres Stanton Wells that's not where you're going to make your changes your changes are going to come by putting Lemo on a bench changes going to come by putting for dug onab it things can change especially especially if somebody jumps up and gets hot so it Bears some watching and you wonder the Yankees have had a lot of patience they really have they've had you know the one thing the Yankees show patience in their players maybe sometimes too much but they show patience now as I said we are Caleb Williams & Bo Nix now just a couple couple of days really away from the start of the NFL season September 5th you're into the week three games already right now there's nothing to be excited about even jet Giants is get you excited you know not like the old days because yeah it's just not the same the they just don't approach the preseason the same way anymore we've been through that it just doesn't so you don't look to you know really make statements or make really strong judgments off the preseason I understand you're looking at rookie quarterbacks you hav't seen seen them before and then you say oh well this guy did this this guy want and for the most part you're seeing these guys start starting are you surprised Nick is starting I am not I thought Nicks fit Shawn I thought Nick fit what Shawn likes in a quarterback plus Nicks is not young he's not a baby he's not a kid with very little experience he's been around the block I expected him to start the other guys you know they've been pretty good you see smiles and You Hear About Smiles in Chicago You Hear About Smiles in Washington they like they like what they're seeing from the guys they went out and you know went out and put their put their future in these guys hands they like what they've seen from Williams they're they're glowing about Williams they like what they've seen from Jaden Daniels you know that they they very high on what they've seen from these guys let's so some guys after that but that's fine but Nicks no and that does like I said does not surprise me I thought he could go to Denver and I thought if he did I thought he could definitely start and I think the way he ran that Oregon offense showed that he was going to make a smooth transition he he isn't blessed with the best tools he's not he doesn't have some of the athleticism and some of the talents that some of these other guys have but between the years he's quick and between the years is he's solid he knows how to play the game in his head and he's a cool customer in that regard he will execute he will do and you know here's the thing that's why a lot of people wondered about what would go on there because Shan asks a lot of his quarterbacks it's not an offense you're going to run without understanding some things it can be demanding and that's why I guess some people are surprised but they shouldn't be because this guy you know he's been around the block and now he gets a chance now how complete is that team that's a different story you got some fascinating story lines as you get ready as you always do but you know so much is being expected from say the Falcons from haror in year one because of what he did in San Francisco you that was a decade ago he's been in the league for a decade do I think he makes a difference I do do I think he's a good coach I think he's a really good coach plus I think he works well with the offense he works well with the quarterback you know I watched him play the position both in college and in the pros he was a good quarterback he understood his job he understood the position he conveys that you're going to see a different quarterback with the charges and we all know how talented he is and he is incredibly talented and I think you're going to see a big Improvement there now does that mean they're going to challenge for that Division I I don't think they're ready to challenge Kansas Chiefs even better this year? City Kansas City believe it or not could actually be better this year because remember their offense did not click last year they couldn't get the ball deep they W an explosive in their passing game and they drop more balls than any team I've ever seen that's not going to happen now and that makes them a different team and they clearly have deep threats now which they did not have last year you know won a lot last year because their defense did a heck of a job it really did their defense was cohesive tough deep and led by a brilliant player in Chris Jones so they could actually be better but there's some Buzz teams we'll get into that the teams where the expectations have been ratcheted so high and the teams where there's teams that are just going to sneak under the radar which of the new coaches is ready to make his presence felt do the Eagles bounce back remember how bad they were at the end of the year last year how much of that has been patched up you know there was a a lot to patch up there last year both on the field and off the problems ran Deeper Than People knew that's another storyline that's going to be fascinating to watch there are a lot of them as there always is in every NFL season we can't wait I really I can't I have to admit I cannot wait for the start of the NFL season and I'm very interested in the Jets very interested and we will spend a bunch of time on them in the next couple of weeks as we get into it within a week we will you know make the big transition and we will do plenty of I mean wall to wall we're trying not to do a lot of NFL yet it's coming I promise now before I B you do it has Horse racing at Saratoga been and awful meat at Saratoga they have had the worst weather luck that you could ever have this meat has been decimated by rain now the biggest day of the meat is tomorrow and the meat really throttles down enormously after Sunday if you've never gone to saratan and you always want to say well I'd like to go when it's not that Crow well next Wednesday Thursday Friday those are your days the place is empty a lot of the people who have been there since the start of the meet are gone a lot of people coming back to the city to get ready for the fall get ready for school traveling whatever those couple of days next Wednesday Thursday Friday are great days to go up there if you've never gone up there because it's the place is really quiet you can move around you can have access to everything I would not suggest going there tomorrow I really wouldn't unless you are around the place now they have a terrific call tomorrow and it looks like they're going to catch a break with the weather it's sunny today it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow there's no rain in the forecast they finally going to get a break with the weather tomorrow is a terrific card and we're going to run Reynolds channel in the Allen Jerkins which is a great grade one a very very big race for threeyear olds Seven fur Longs it's a sire making race it's a very important race it's named after the chief one of the great trainers in the history of the sport man I had a relationship with I used to love to talk to it's funny when I talk to him when I saw him all he ever want to talk about was football he was like I don't talk horses I want talk a football he l to talk football and I I had a very good relationship with him um so to be a part of his race is an honor you've heard me talk about Reynold Channel a lot he has a lot of talent it has not come to the four quickly his last race everything finally kind of fell into place and he won an impressive made race in Saratoga it took him a while to break his maiden and he missed a lot of the races because of that I think we also thought early on and I think we were wrong that he was going to be a horse that liked a lot of distance and now we realized he's probably going to be a horse that wants to run seven furong in a mile um he is in a race tomorrow that is as loaded with good horses as any steak race I have seen in years absolutely loaded there are and I am not exaggerating there are 11 horses in the race every one of them is a good horse it's a great group and most of them are stake winners some of them are grade one winners AOS has not run anything but a miden race so far just last race was a maiden Victory it took him a while to break his Maiden we put blinkers on he hated the blinkers we put him in a long race he didn't like that he lost by a nose once he lost by a head once he he had a couple of tough trips he got beat of those in Kentucky uh in a race that slowed us up so tomorrow he goes into the big time and he will be a big price but I'm telling you and I rarely would say this he is worth a couple of bucks because I think he's going to run really well for get his odds he's going to be 30 to one he should be 30 to1 he should be 50 to one in that field because he hasn't accomplished what these other horses have accomplished yet but you might not be saying that after this race because I think he's going to run really well he's been training very well he's already won over the trip he's already won over the track he's been training terrifically he's a very he belongs with these horses he's a very talented horse he's just been a little late to the party we lost our regular Riders because they have commitments with other horses which happens because you know bafford has a horse galphin has a horse uh you know Fletcher has Fletcher has a horse CH Brown has a horse I mean you know Cox has a horse everybody has a horse so we'll ride Rosario tomorrow he's a very good Rider and he fits the horse well we come from off the pace I think will run really well just a words otherwise because he's going to be a big priz now to Travis tomorrow interesting race always the big race of the meat you have tomorrow really it's a long day of racing it's thoughts early in the day okay it starts first race is uh first race is 1120 last race is 6:48 the Jerkins goes off at 5:30 you have five grade ones in a row tomorrow you have the Sword Dancer mile and a half on the turf you have the ballerina seven furlongs for Phillies you have the forgo which we ran in last year with hyoki finished third last year and it hok's just about to come back in September he had a little work done on his ankle he's going to come back and run in the fall um he was third and the four goal last year four go is seven songs grade one and it's for all the horses the Jerkins is seven furlongs for threey olds and I drew a it drew a distinguished field of 11 and then the Travis tomorrow in the Travis you know some horses that you've known before you also know a Philly that has run very well a very talented Philly named torpedo Anna torp torpedo Anna is going to run tomorrow they'll and she'll get a lot of support she's going to try the boys Sierra Le only who's made every dances in the race uh unmatch wisdom corporate power batten down honor Marie who has been in trouble every single race including the classics including the Jim Dan been in trouble every race gets scly owned tomorrow I think she might be live at a big price also to get a big piece Doro who has come to hand and won some big races here and fierceness who big things were expected and then got some Vindication his last race at Saratoga for rollei and you know if you know the sneaker brand Noble and it's funny I was wearing a pair of noble up there and rapole bought Noble and now he has merged Noble with Tom Brady's tb12 so Brady's Fitness company has merged with rap's sneaker company sneak rapo bought the sneaker company Noble and check it out I tell you it's a I love the shoe and I wear it he he you know his box is about four boxes for mine that's Saratoga so and I know rapole youve heard him on the show with me we I go backways with rapi so I was wearing my Nobles one day and he goes are you wearing my sneakers and I said yeah so he goes he gets his rep out and he says have him sent you anything you want golf shoes walking shoes just slipons whatever you want we got all these different shoes he sends me all these shoes he sends Jack shoes and Harrison shoes and Emily shoes so we' become a noble family now all of a sudden I haven't worn his golf shoes yet but they they look very good and I've worn his sneakers and his walking shoes and the greatest thing about them is it's like wearing slippers they are so light you know now you're like putting on a pair of of sneakers now you want them to be comfortable and you want them to be light and Airy and these things are great so check it out and now the second biggest player in Noble is Tom Brady because he merged tb12 with rollei Noble and you know roli sold Vitamin Water for billions sold body armor for billions this guy everything he touches turns to Gold he goes into the horse business he gets Uncle Mo was a stallion he's become a sensational stallion he's won a lot of big races everything he touches turns to Gold he's one of those businessmen who just got the mightest touch so I wouldn't count no out and I tell you I wear them and I thoroughly endorse them because they're comfortable as heck I wear them all the time I only wear white ones I like the white ones I don't like I've never liked diff different color sneakers I like white sneakers I always have and they're so light and comfortable it's unbelievable it's like you're wearing slippers and that's what everybody wants to walk around with now you know you ever see the kids now what do they wear they wear pajamas and those shoes with all the holes in them or a pair of sneakers I think the shoes with all the holes in them are called canes but if you want a sneaker or an athletic shoe or a go Sho check out Noble very very good product I thoroughly ose because I wear it hey I had them before I even knew repo had purchased the company I my kids told me they said you know roli bought company I'm like really I didn't even know that so he says I can't believe you wearing my sneakers I said yeah I've been wearing them for years so check him out no bull and if you haven't had a chance to check out a racing card at Saratoga tomorrow's a good day tomorrow is a good day I think baby Yoda's going to run real well in the foro I think I wouldn't be surprised SI Mar run well at a big price she's been in so much trouble she's a dead closer which is in great up there for those kind of races because the speed usually controls those races the one thing about the Sprint though is the Jerkins has so much speed in it that it might set up really well for some horses coming off the pace and one of those will be Reynolds channel so tomorrow is a big day for him enjoy your weekend your second to last of a summer that is quickly as they all do say getting ready to say goodbye fall and school yes right around the corner we'll see you later thanks for listening to the Mike francessa podcast on the BET Rivers network

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