Published: Aug 31, 2024
Duration: 00:32:18
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: twitter
but then you got to see like crazy nut jobs on like the hyper left side of of Twitter who are like man mve to that transphobic Nazi boy all right chat next piece of information we have here is that mudahar friend of the channel beloved Indian God okay mudahar beloved pit God he has left Twitter he has decided to leave Twitter and it's caused some controversy I've seen a lot of people talking about it on Twitter saying he got bullied off the platform for anti-indian racism saying he's a [ __ ] he's a coward he can't handle it so we're going to see what he said here okay and give my non-biased non-biased Bas take okay I deleted my Twitter account hello guys and girls me mudahar and I made a pretty good decision for myself ladies and gentlemen yeah I deleted my own Twitter account there boyos yep it's completely gone now you might be like whoa what uh what what why why would somebody I would probably recommend if you're going to delete Twitter not getting ready the account because if you do that someone can steal the at I think Twitter just gives the ads away to people if they're old enough now so I'd recommend just like maybe just don't tweet or like put some placeholder [ __ ] there or like be like I left Twitter like H3 did I don't think you should totally wipe the Twitter like get rid of it because people can steal the at and then all the Legacy links like let's say you have like years and years of stuff on your videos right um the link to the Twitter they're going to go to some new account and who knows what could be there so i' I'd be careful around stuff like that you don't know what's going to happen you jump down and do something like that muda now there's a couple reasons for it uh one of them is uh it actually doesn't really do any benefit we actually ran the numbers and cost benefit analysis wise using X was a total waste of time and actually offered no benefit to the YouTube channel whatsoever yeah that's true I mean I've noticed like because people people say like oh you need Twitter for promotion for your stuff right I don't even like tweet out when I post a new video I do it very rarely now like if there's a special video so I will tweet it out to really let people know but like you don't get a lot of conversions from Twitter I've checked before I have 990,000 followers on Twitter right and I'll check how many people actually click links from Twitter generally it's like on a on a tweet with like a th000 likes it'll be super low it'll be like a few hundred clicks maybe um and also Twitter if you so like when you see a YouTuber tweet out a video like when I do it often times you'll see like they'll post the thumbnail and it'll be like link and replies you're like why do they do that well cuz on Twitter if you post a link to an off-site platform they immediately debost your post because you are you know directing traffic away from Twitter onto another site they don't like that they want to keep people on Twitter so they Deb boost it which is why people put it in the replies um but generally in my in my experience like I don't think Twitter really helps as YouTube that much the only real benefit I found is is like you can follow other creators there to like keep up with what they're doing like obviously for my job having a Twitter account to follow what's going on is good um or you can like you know if you're a Creator you can like uh contact other creators through there that's one you know Avenue but you can do most of that on Instagram anyway um as far as contacting other people I think the only real benefit to having a Twitter account which you could easily do on like an anonymous one that doesn't have your YouTube [ __ ] attached is to keep up with what's going on to have a good feed or I guess meme sometimes but generally I don't think it's like I don't think it's that big of a benefit please don't redeem that sir true um actually it's X my bad shout out Gro hey Tom using your email for black hope it's okay yeah of course it's okay enjoy that buddy uh Tom Real Talk how many creators do you think purposely hold onto drama in order to release into the public eye in hopes of holding onto the small glimmer violently still have I how how am I supposed to quantify that not that many a small amount a very small amount I mean it happens sometimes but I don't think that's like a thing that people are generally doing um I mean this happened a few times I can't think of when but it's definitely happened a few times where people like wait till [ __ ] goes down and then like be opportunistic I mean like with Tai or right Ty or posted his video about the Mr Beast stuff when you know it was in the Limelight and he posted his video about his experience with Mr Beast and he kind of lied after the fact he was like actually I wouldn't say kind of he directly lied he was like I didn't expect this to blow up I just wanted one person to watch I like that's not really true you knew it would blow up you waited until the most opportune time to post that video you know to watch it get views and that's not necessarily a bad thing you know opportunism can allow you to you know get what you think you deserve Ty or didn't really deserve that much in that case but um yeah I don't think that many creators do that honestly do elicious finally got up to do a review maybe I think my account's still up I think it's called Ian I think it's just pictures of Asos so I want to start off by saying one of the reasons why I actually really like using that social media platform and it was really just a to interact with you know a fan here and there uh you know communicate with other YouTubers and really get on the pulse of what was going on uh you know in the community right it was a great place to really get news information and really just like you know see things evolve but uh over the last I want to say few months the platform has effectively become forchan X ladies and gentlemen so there's a bit of a speculation forchan X does he mean like the Paranormal board like there paranormal stuff forch X Mr omuda did you get hacked did you have the Chris Chan Sonage alion react on you now I don't I can't I feel like it hasn't become the Paranormal board though I mean not more so than any other thing maybe he just misspoke there he meant something else speak much for black magic but I can confirm that my 17 virtual machines have not been reached and I have not been hacked no I actually went through and deactivated and I probably shouldn't be saying this but they're like killed two Factor authentication the site doesn't even tell bro I was trying to make a new because I was blocked by someone so I was trying to do video research about them I don't even remember who it was it was some [ __ ] but I was trying to do video research so I tried to make a new Twitter account and it was such a it was like too much of a pain in the ass to actually make a new account I just gave up and I was like okay I'm just going to have someone else do this for me have you guys Tred making a new Twitter account in the past while it's like in it's insane it's [ __ ] crazy the two that like the the amount of Capas they ask you do it's it was like to make a new account do this capka usually or capcha whatever you call it usually it's like one thing you have to do to make sure you're not a bot it's like you know select the numbers that align with whatever this stupid prompt says and you do it right on Twitter it's actually insane on Twitter it's it was it was Unreal it was unironically 17 different things I had to answer and it was like listen to this listen to three each one of the 17 things was like listen to these three audio clips and decide which one of them is running running water and I did it and I clearly got everyone right and then it was like you have to try again and I was like I just give up it was unic it was 17 different instances where they were like in a row they were like one of 17 like it was planned from the beginning it wasn't like I got one wrong and then they were like okay you have to do more now it was like they give you 17 try 17 different things and it's like you have to do this yeah and you're right Mia in chat despite that the site is filled with [ __ ] crazy amount of bots it's insane in my opinion the worst part of Twitter recently um is like the S is just filled with Gore now the S has become like [ __ ] best gore like there's there's so much Gore like every [ __ ] day it's nuts I don't even try to look for it okay not this time anyway but I I didn't even try to look for it it was like but every second every single [ __ ] tweet I see is like video of an Indian dude getting hit by a [ __ ] train getting his legs cut off it's crazy tell you oh goodbye you deactivated no we just took away a critical security feature that's a that's always a good sign by the way re real that's wild but uh ladies and gentlemen uh one of the things about you know using the internet is I've come across some real wild stuff you know there used to be a period where we actively browse a deep web every week and now the last Deep Web video I made was about a month ago um you know and I do a lot of tech related stuff virus stuff like I literally was like destroying my virtual machines with like crazy malware this is how I found his channel back in the day the um not the virtual machine bware videos but he had this series called deep web browsing that was really good where he would just like load up the Deep Web I think every Friday or something he would post a video and he just scroll through it and see what weird [ __ ] he could find and it was it was really interesting he'd find like sites where they sell guns uh like fake red rooms where they were like um a red room is like a like a live stream torture site do you find like fake Red Room sites stuff like that um it was it was super the sites where they were like leaking government documents it was super interesting um he hasn't done those in a while I think he determined that YouTube might not like it long term but they were really really good I I loved those videos back in the day where to the point I used to I I think I was like [ __ ] 14 when I started listening to those where are you finding the gore uh my feed is gay Wolverine and Deadpool fan art well if that's what you're into that's what you're into but um yeah I mean it's just it just comes my timeline all the time like I would just see it there I haven't gotten it in in a month or two maybe but I think I just didn't interact with it enough that it went away but there was like a ton of it there was like a decent amount it wasn't usually super brutal stuff but it was like cat falls into a well and gets incinerated in a fire it was like oh thanks for showing me that bro amazing amazing point where I was wiping bootloaders from Windows and all the way through Linux and everything it was insane I made that video like two weeks ago so from time to time I make I make these videos and uh when it comes to web stuff like obviously I've seen wild stuff okay like I've seen I've seen wannabe red rooms I've seen actual uh like fullon racist websites and stuff and full-on racist websites uh like YouTube uh it really felt like the last couple like months on X or Twitter whatever the heck it is uh really felt like being on 4chan poll every day you know when you find I think that's just the internet now I see Gore stuff on Insta without looking for it I feel like the content moderation has just gotten worse in these sites and I don't know why why I don't know why but they seem less concerned with that stuff or if they are concerned they're not doing a very good job of dealing with it but um yeah there is I don't know I feel like content moderation on most sites has not been very good recently even YouTube has had like weird slip UPS fire up your timeline and you see like all this pajet poo in the L get him out of the country boy you know it's like you know when you go on a like fourchant pole yeah you can laugh at it every once in a while but when it becomes like a constant thing it really just sucks all the energy and fun out of it like dog I mean look muda is Indian so I understand his concern maybe how he doesn't like that makes him feel bad but uh I personally when I see racism on Twitter I'm like you know yo you know I'm like yo some of it is a little crazy I will say some of it I'm like you know there's a lot of accounts I'll see that are just like destroy all blacks and I'm like okay well that's you know you're not even that's not even a joke you know but uh I've seen a lot of funny racist stuff on Twitter recently and I've been like h ah enjoy enjoy hash # retweet you know I can't deny it I think it's funny I think it's funny oh [ __ ] I pulled the [ __ ] mic out of the I'm that kind of guy I'm that kind of guy tell the type of guy to enjoy racism on Twitter if I wanted to go to poll I would just go to poll okay and for anybody that doesn't know what 4chan pole is it's a containment board to basically keep all of the most insane [ __ ] on forchain in one board the funniest poll thing was when they had it uh as ml pole for a day it became like a brony board and then it got so crazy that they ended up having um they they ended up having to shut it down because it was too much did they shut it down I actually don't remember I covered in a video at one point but what I do remember is there was a ton of like Nazi ponies being posted it was like hilarious every other post was like oh Fluttershy my beautiful Aryan Princess uh Pinky Pie is Hitler's top guy I thought it was funny I think it's funny racist bronies are very funny it's a very funny idea so people can use stuff like RTV r/ food r/ anime r/ MLP without like Paul is not a containment board everything he's complaining about is prevalent on other boards I don't think it's technically a containment board um it's not as prevalent on other boards though like if you go to TV obviously there are like racist jokes they allow that but it's not as like the the the center of the board is not on um you know political stuff particularly pole has been like you know the altright board I guess you would say for a while so it's not as prevalent I would say for sure like I used to go on auto a lot SL o um you know I used to go on that a lot and uh there was some you know jokes and stuff but it mostly wasn't that kind of thing it was just people talking about cars without a lot of super humor you know super racist humor having some [ __ ] person come in and just say the most outlandishly wild stuff now you might be wondering oh muda why don't you just mute and block it and honestly that was something I was doing for a while but it really just became part of a thing where I don't know if it's like you just scroll by something and it counts as you technically engaging with media even if you don't want to watch it or not where it just keeps feeding you that content and it just became a thing where where you fire up the app you look at it for a second close it because it's like whoo insane like a couple days ago I saw a is r9k a virsion containment board um maybe I mean I guess something like that I don't know if it's a is arank even a containment board I don't think it is I think it's just a board but it does have I mean there's like a lot of Insel stuff there for sure the porn and people dying is majority on Twitter I don't think it's the majority but there was a lot of it I it's not like every single post is that um I actually haven't gotten that much porn on Twitter uh I feel like I got a lot more on my timeline around the time that Tumblr shut down their porn and then all the porn people came over to all like the porn artists [ __ ] came over to [ __ ] Twitter um like I would see these like big accounts following me like they'd be like 300K followers I be like oh [ __ ] you know that's cool who is this person I click on the account and then it's like furry porn and I'm like oh Jesus Christ well ouchie failed connect do be careful with the zins they're making fent pouches Bas sneo post and it's funny because like I I I don't even like follow him and it's like the literal AI image of like two Jewish guys okay it had black dude in the middle and the black guy had his like you know head removed it was kind of like a labotomy or something like that but uh the the brain was replaced with fried chicken what I'm like I'm sitting there I'm like did literally i' see the on pole like I actually on Fried Chicken brain that's not funny actually that's not I don't like that hey hey who doesn't like some fried chicken okay hey ironically see this there and they're like I don't follow Andrew tape but I'm seeing him talk about his recent an arrest okay and it's funny because like you know that's one side I mean I would probably just block them to be honest of the spectrum I dislike but then you got to see like crazy nut jobs on like the hyper left side of of Twitter who are like man mood to that transphobic Nazi boy I will say Twitter has gotten more [ __ ] in the past while I think since Elon took over I feel like the political extremism has gotten way crazier I don't know if that's directly because he's not moderating that kind of stuff as much or it's or or if it is because people just feel more comfortable being that kind of way with Elon running platform but I have noticed like the Twitter political brain Rod has gotten way [ __ ] worse on both sides since Elon came in but I will say I've noticed that it used to be mostly just the left doing that and then right-wing guys would get banned now I feel like there's a more even spread of both sides doing that kind of [ __ ] the one thing I will say that was crazy that I've seen on Twitter is like I can't remember if it gets you banned or if it gets you like deboosted in Twitter or you can't say it but I think on Twitter cisgender is considered a slur and like the n-word is not like you won't get deboosted for saying hard R nword but you will get deboosted for saying cisgender that is [ __ ] crazy furry porner F pouch fent pouches are me and my BF pyrro cynical favorite thing great like I've seen people claim that I've defended Andrew Tate when I've literally had videos like the last video I made on Tate probably about a year ago we literally looked at how one of his cases involved actual grown 30-year-old men victim shaming somebody who is a minor your Andrew Tate's is a gay bald pedophile like it's insane [ __ ] it's insanely wild stuff it's like nobody on that website you can say [ __ ] I don't know if you can you not I maybe you can't say [ __ ] but I did tell someone to buy a rope not that long ago and I got like 20,000 likes and I didn't get banned for that so but at this point I'm kind of just like with Twitter I don't I don't really care to keep it that much so I'm just kind of like you know whatever whatever happens happens I when I when I posted that tweet I was like should I delete this but then I was like n it's it'd be funny if I got banned for that they can do any research and when it comes to politics one of the things that I personally find a little wild is like the toxicity has gotten to the point where it's like people on the website view everyone around the world through this very American lens right like as a Canadian I don't give a [ __ ] about Cala or Trump I can't vote for either or okay it doesn't matter like godamn bro I live in leaf land dog you think I give a [ __ ] so you know immediately go on to the website anybody like right of like Maad dong is like a fascist and anyone left of Adolf Hitler is like you know a [ __ ] kamei okay it's like no actual Nuance or anything in the middle so it's just one of those things where getting wrapped up into the toxicity and the anger it might be okay for some people and think it works for like a channel that's like you know super politically oriented or something or people that are in that I guess you could say culture I will say there is a lot of like the politics brain rot like I said hasn't gotten has gotten way [ __ ] worse um like I've seen a ton of people like first of all you know genuinely encouraging genocides and stuff like that on certain groups and then I've also seen a lot of people um encouraging that like people go and like kill various rich people um you know I assume if you're saying it about Elon Musk could probably get banned with others I've seen like straight up like you know death threats on Twitter get a decent amount of attention without getting banned um so i' I've seen a decent amount of that for sure it's gotten crazier and crazier it's reward because realistically that's kind of where the money is at for Twitter and when it comes for money like even having an account like mine that actually got a [ __ ] ton of Engagement like we are talking hundreds of millions of Impressions a month uh I remember when I was in the revenue sharing bro Elon was handing out $300 checks okay so for a lot of these accounts that are making thousand yeah man I I got to set that [ __ ] up I think I have probably a couple Grand if I had a guess built up over time sitting in my Twitter account because they keep telling me like set up your stripe account to do and I just like haven't done it I don't know maybe I'll do it at some point I just haven't given a [ __ ] yet thousands of dollars they're posting [ __ ] like actual engagement bait like that sneo uh you know stuff that I was talking about earlier or people just share random engagement bait and if it's not engagement bait it's just like literal porn so you have that you have you have nonsense political engagement bait and there's very little actual content that I enjoy in the last all right the doo show why do you keep ignoring my super chats well I don't feel that you are entitled to me talking to you but we'll read this one this guy constantly says he hates PDFs and had a lolly lover on his podcast for years no shot he didn't know people are [ __ ] on him so he ran from Twitter I don't think he ran from Twitter because people were giving him [ __ ] for NU taku if that's you're talking about also to correct what you're saying about Nu to be clear from my knowledge I don't think that Nu was defending LLY stuff for years I think he used it in some of his thumbnails a while ago and then he was like uh essentially like I don't like that anymore when he became a commentary guy to make make no mistake Nu was rather spineless on that issue I don't think you can you know deny that but I don't think it's like I don't think Nu a pedophile I don't think nuck wants to like push pedophilia I think he just was like a spineless coward who like saw that it worked in the animated Community to have like um Lolly stuff in thumbnails and he did that because it worked and he didn't see a problem with it at the time which he should have um but like what what am I supposed to I'm supposed to be mad at mudahar cuz he had a podcast with the guy he didn't like intentionally research everything next talku had ever done what what am I what am I what am I supposed to say about that I I honestly don't think muda leaving Twitter has anything to do with that to be honest with you anyway there you go I read your Super Chat thanks for the 10 but I think you're wrong two weeks of using it my usage of the platform pretty much dwindled to like uploading a couple screenshots from my PlayStation 4 and uh one of the only things that I got excited about literally was like looking at bloodborne like a couple days ago I saw this bloodborne trend on it and I was like oh my God this is actually something I'm excited about let's go to bloodborne and obviously that's where we found out about the progress that Shad PS4 had and then I made a video cuz I was like oh I got to talk about emulator stuff especially if PS4 stuff is as good and I was like man if this is the only thing this app is providing after all this time then there really isn't any point of keeping it now I mean I I agree with the general sentiment that I think Twitter generally is a waste of time it's a funny waste of time sometimes like some of the memes are good um some of the information you can get from it in regards to like relevant stuff is good but generally like the misinformation level is super high so you do have to be super careful like any claim I see on Twitter I feel like I have to like quadruple check it eight times even more than I do on like YouTube you know claims people make because on Twitter you know you can just make a claim with no evidence and it can blow the [ __ ] up um which sometimes is you know funny SL fine I guess but a lot of the time you're going to make a video about stuff like you need to you know really check if the information there is good and true and on Twitter I mean you can lie as much as you want and there's no repercussion right what like what's supposed to happen you know now one of the things that I kind of use Twitter for in a lot of platform you know a lot of YouTubers will use it for is promoting videos the problem with promoting videos on X or Twitter or whatever is that there's not really any tangible translation statistically over to YouTube so for instance one of the video yeah that's true I remember Asen gold talking about this too and how he realized like Twitter mostly is pointless right so like for example like let's Twitter has a lot of arguing and like takes generally it can be beneficial to respond to certain takes and stuff and like make content out of it but on Twitter you don't actually get anything out of it other than like a slap fight so that's why I personally have like tried to just avoid like getting into [ __ ] with people on Twitter sometimes I still do it you know sometimes I can't help myself uh which I should but sometimes I I have too much fun with it but generally like you there's there's obviously nothing you're going to get out of arguing with someone on a social media site right on YouTube it's different because you can make money directly off of it on YouTube you can make like a [ __ ] ton of money directly off of it um for people asking about muda and N taku I've made like multiple videos on the live Channel if you want to go watch those you can see my takes but I can't endlessly retread that um but yeah I made like a ton of videos over there go watch those videos that I made uh the Opera GX video uh I believe I had this one posted on x uh around the time it actually released just cuz it was a landmark video it was sponsored and I worked on it right I wanted people to watch a technical analysis into should you download a gaming web rout now I [ __ ] you not based on my actual like analytic it seemed as if on average I was getting more viewership look at how low X is somehow from than I was getting from like X so if actually I'm curious cuz I posted the Daniel Larsson video on Twitter I'm curious what the conversion was for that for external apps I think I can check it pretty easily hold on uh YouTube Studio content if I go to that video analytics audience um is it an audience engagement reach reach that's where it is right yeah so if I go to portion of external traffic oh this one's actually somewhat High relatively speaking I think um in terms of Twitter but it's still lower than anything else like if I go to the Larson one right here right Google search is 25% of external site uh like traffic or whatever then Discord then Google then Discord then X is is like down there this and this is high this is pretty high I think um relatively speaking from my videos so it just doesn't like there's not a lot of actual promotion you get from using Twitter analytically speaking if I'm somehow pulling more like yeah you're right swamp we talked about that Twitter will debost anything that links to other sites they don't like that I from you can't even post there like I believe it probably got picked up in an article there's more like usage probably you know spreading your videos naturally through something like Reddit or or specifically in like you know specialized Discord communities right for emulation if you were talking about bloodborne for or gaming stuff when it came to the Opera GX browser review so realistically it was like if you do the cost benefit analysis using something like a x doesn't really give you any benefit other than mudar Focus your camera godamn it are you wasting time and basically reading things that I would say aren't really good for your mental got get the Sony Z10 okay we'll do it for you health in the long term and honestly I would rather be focused on you know making more content than I would be just spending time on that website right there's plenty of content to be made this weekend I mean literally tomorrow right we're going to talk about Fury and the hack that happen I get to actually talk about something cool and actual hacking methodology like you know domain hijacking which is still a very real I think the problem is he has his microphone right there in the camera lens like closer than he is so it keeps it keeps focusing on that I think that's the problem scary thing and you know it's something that I can demystify I can explain and even show like you know some example um you know down the road uh you know there's a video this weekend that I'm actually looking forward to I got my hands on PlayStation 2 Linux so I get to actually turn my PlayStation 2 into a desktop computer and I probably won't be able to game on it but I should be able to browse like the web or something on a PS2 through Linux insane [ __ ] um but yeah these are things that I want to do I want to look into like more of these rabbit holes like there was this one Tik tocker that I was looking into where it's like just insane like again the the these like these darker parts of the internet is something that you know I have on my uh work Todo list I have on my like you know diving list and I might as well just keep doing that instead of engaging with this platform the other big reality of it too is like obviously it doesn't really provide a benefit decided to leave it the reason to really make this video is not to a announce the departure at the gate but it's also because this is something where like you know uh people in the community and this is where I'm going to shame a little bit you know you should be messaging my significant other okay that I've disconnected you probably have me on like Discord I think if I can give any advice uh you know mudahar can do what he wants but generally there's no benefit to having a relationship be public online and generally there's no benefit to your girlfriend who isn't a YouTuber having a Twitter uh you know if they really have a lot of fun with It ultimately it's their choice but I I I tend to see it as just like there's no reason to have it you know people will give her [ __ ] they'll harass her um for just being associated with you or being your girl like there's there there's no benefit to having [ __ ] there's no benefit to having your significant other even on social media at all get her off do you think this a genuine Twitter replacement and competitor or these everything social media sites won't ever be viable long term um complicated question and I feel like I'm not prepared to answer it but I'll try anyway since you ask my understanding is that Twitter has never been a very profitable site like I was watching atrio talk about this he was talking about how when he was in advertising like it was commonly known that Twitter was like the worst vehicle for advertisement like lowest engagement lowest visibility lowest return on investment like advertising on Twitter has never been good it's never been particularly good um so like there's that problem and then secondly as far as like moderating a site like that um where like the users aren't really making money the people at the top aren't really making money it's kind of just like a a zero sum game like there's no there's no real benefit to that and once again the content moderation has to be really up to par because when you let people say whatever they want which I you know I think that's cool I think that's what makes Twitter funny you also can get a lot of like crazy [ __ ] that you probably need to chill out on like you know people are just posting Gore right you need to like super heavily moderate a site like that when when it comes to stuff like that um will there ever be a competitor I mean there could be I know Instagram tried threads and I think it didn't really work at all to my knowledge Instagram threads like died in like one [ __ ] day I don't use it I don't know anyone that uses it so um yeah I think that uh I think those sites probably if I had to guess within a couple years there will either be a new site that will cover that kind of ground because like the function of Twitter is interesting right like a lot of YouTubers myself included like we get a lot of our [ __ ] from Twitter because that's like that's the site that's mostly Tech spased social media interactions you know you take Instagram Instagram is really for posting pictures like the captions don't matter that much you look at um Snapchat like that's really for posting pictures I guess uh but Snapchat is really used more interpersonally than for creators apart from like the contract some of the creators get on like the home feed um and like you know then you have like 4chan but 4chan is like the the sort of layout of it is too uh outdated and tough for the average like Normy to use like they don't you know they look at it like this looks like [ __ ] you have Reddit which is like better I think actually reddit reddit is probably more um Reddit is probably better for Twitter better than Twitter at the risk of sounding un-based I'll say that better than Twitter at content moderation I think probably and also like Reddit like has like containment boards like literally where like each subject is its own board so you're not necessarily going to see that unless you like go to that board so you know like Reddit is more for like specific little communities that like go to or like you know subject matters you go to versus Twitter is just everything right the the everything app and it does present like a lot of interesting content but at the same time it's just like super tough to deal with and moderate and it doesn't make any money uh I don't know what that don't know means guge but thank you um my take on it seeing how most of my traffic on sales through Twitter is that it heavily depends on what people are signing up for TB that's not much on how most of my traffic on sales through Twitter are you make you make money through Twitter what people are signing up for okay what do you mean by that what do you sell on Twitter most of the creators the large ones that I actively talk to either have my Discord address or my number and we can just continue talking through there there's nothing really this platform provides and I feel like if I constantly complain about Twitter or x uh I'd be a little bit of a hypocrite to just keep on using it despite all of its problems I might as well just make a stance and say yeah there's problems with the platform don't think it's worth my time be done with it but obviously one of the things is my wife was being asked about this situation and uh obviously she woke up to like a [ __ ] ton of messages which nobody should have to like you should never message somebody significant other for a [ __ ] answer like dog you have my like phone number you can you can just hit me up directly I'll I'll answer and uh that's pretty much what it comes down to and uh obviously you know wonder which creator that has his phone number messaged his wife instead on Twitter I wonder who that was I'm very curious who did that I sell fan merch consc oh okay yeah maybe Twitter's good for that I don't really know I'm going to agree for the first time with r/ YouTube drama the the wildest Reddit out there it's unhinged to contact her in any way shape or form regarding muda unless you are their friend IRL yeah I know I I really I really would expect that her husband is a huge internet celebrity that suddenly disappeared and cut contact off with people I don't know what she expected I think you're really stretching huge internet celebrity boy I'm just a fat Indian guy on the internet who likes to talk about goofy [ __ ] that's pretty much what it comes down to I don't understand this gassing up of anybody I'm just I'm just a pretty unknown Speck in the grand scheme of things but obviously you know one thing that I really saw over here was everyone's making a huge deal for no reason I'm sure you got annoyed with seeing political post 24/7 more likely scenario and that's true not just that but obviously you know obscene anti- pajit stuff going on insane stuff the more scary scenario is something I've been noticing in the last four or five videos muda started doing a thing with his mouth when he was talking I've noticed it only after I heard him gagging since I put his videos on the second monitor after I saw that I went back back a couple videos and noticed he had the same mouth there as well I'm hoping it's not another time he showed up on camera for a week carrying around a second head as an appendix so I do not have a medical problem at all I've actually gotten my checkups and I'm totally fine in that regard so it's not something for anybody to be worrying about but yeah I figured I might as well demystify and answer some questions here and just explain what's been going on and kind of yeah I mean I overall support his decision there's generally no benefit to having a public facing Twitter um it can be fun you know but I don't think there's like a direct benefit you get is kind of a waste of time you know have a little chat a fireside chat with the audience over here probably should have been doing this you know just just having the phone point it up cuz that would have just been a that would have been more fireside chatty but that's pretty much what it came down to nothing super serious but yeah you know it's just uh it's just one of those things go back to form and uh yeah if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe and honestly if you want to you know remain in contact and share stuff and you know make a request and you know bring up something cool for the channel uh you know or some rabbit hole that you want me to cover it's probably best you go to our actual Reddit r/ some ordinary gamers because as psychotic and as you know I've been thinking about making a Reddit recently because I don't want to deal with moderating a Discord that is not that fun I'm considering making a a subreddit would that be good you guys want to how many of you would actually use a subreddit if I made it what do you guys think should I do it I just have to find moderators like for Reddit and I don't I don't know any Reddit moderators the only person I can think of that would help would be smaggle daggle Reddit assemble getting a decent mix at i' say maybe I'll do it maybe I won't we'll see after I get like a hundred other things handled maybe I'll do that get a little Community thing going mud War the Sonu Medallion this is what happens dude I warned him I actively warned him I said get that [ __ ] off that's not a good idea The Medallion I I listen I'm not a super religious person I'm not particularly superstitious but I've seen enough people wear The sonichu Medallion that honestly I'm never going to I'm never going to be in the same room as it let alone put it on my body let alone wear it okay it's just like there's there's no reason to do that do not do it do not do it okay do not [ __ ] wear the Sonu Medallion I remember I made a tweet when he was wearing it I said mudahar will be dead within the month and we've just gotten one step closer so be careful mudahar do not wear The saishi Medallion all right I saw you giving him a lot of [ __ ] for that video it wasn't that bad it was fine [Music]