Andreen McDonald case//MANSLAUGHER OR MURDER??

Published: Jul 26, 2024 Duration: 00:10:41 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: andreen mcdonald
[Music] hi guys welcome back to my channel it's been a minute since I've been here there's been a lot going on especially in our country Kenya but I hope you've been safe and are well it's on Saturday today and I have a meeting my I'm currently in Eldor town so my husband is dropping me for the meeting it's supposed to start at 1 p.m. I think it's 1:50 or something it's 1 yeah it's 150 15 p.m. um yeah I'm going for an education seminar at Sira hotel and my husband is dropping me as he's going to the baba um before I take you guys with me we just from finishing there's a story I wanted to share with you guys we of late we have been enjoying to watch a lot of documentaries with my husband and we found um my hand is it's been long since I was doing this my hand is anyway um we've been watching a lot of documentaries uh currently especially marital documentaries and there's this one we got a YouTube channel it's 48 something I don't know I'm going to taret here and there was this uh act one of the stories that was really captivating of a millionaire they were husband and wife there were called she was called andreen MacDonald and the husband was called Andre McDonald so uh this was a very special couple they really loved one another they were doing very well they were actually millionaires in the states of San Francisco something I'm not quite sure it was s San Antonio San Antonio yeah San Antonio and mysteriously the wife who was Andre McLaren disappeared so uh people kept on checking cuz she was uh she was in charge of her business and she always reported on time like her routine was known she always reported on work on time her routine was um by 5:30 she was in the gym by 8:00 a.m. she was at work every day and if she was not coming in she would call previous the on the previous day and say I'm not coming in today so on this particular date it was past 8:00 a.m. guys had not seen her at work guys were calling her phone it was going through but nobody was speaking nobody could could trace wherever she was so at around 9 something they called apparently the husband the husband uh to report that she was missing but the husband said how can she be missing the husband went and um checked her in the house and apparently her keys her phone was there and um she said she he decided to go check on her at the hospital where she goes and take her m green um medication so when he went to the hospital he asked is there an an and uh and MacDonald was reported here and it was said that there was a MacDonald who had reported and she was in one three so he called them back and said no she's okay she's in the hospital but apparently the lady was not in the hospital the McDonald was she he had found out was not in the hospital so a couple of days later the husband also said I've not seen my wife so it they started reporting of a missing person and investigators came into their home to see what was happening so uh when investigators came into their home they could see a lot of um marks of blood her hair but the husband said no like my wife I left her she was okay we fought the previous night but everything was okay this morning but the secret investigators were still questioning how is her kids still here her wallet is here every all her belongings her Cai is untouched but she cannot be traced so the first suspect was this husband who was taken in as they were doing investigations when they were doing investigations they found out his her husband had bought some equipment like um he had bought a machete he had bought a hammer he had bought some weird spaces and then something funny enough something was found that had been burned at behind their backyard you know and then they found her clothes her jeans inside their garage inside the trash inside their garage that had stains of blood but these were not still substantial evidence to place on his husband as a mother so after some days he was released on bail you know guys I'm telling you guys marriage marriage marriage hey anyway to C the story short you guys go and see that investigation just Google andren MacDonald so uh four years later the the parents were just so Disturbed the parents were so Disturbed but there's an investigation team that went in and so that uh the husband and the wife were quarreling uh because the wife ex was back in the picture and they were communicating and even the wife had some tattoos on her body that was relating to this ex um f fast forward um Andre came in and he confessed that he murdered his wife four years later four years later he murdered his wife unknowingly unknowingly and he confessed this to his mother mother to their family and then he went to court and just go and listen to the whole story when he went to court and explained uh it was he said that it was manslaughter the jury decided that it was manslaughter cuz the way he explained that he didn't mean to kill her like they were fighting all all the time and this time like when he kicked her and took the child up and came back down he just realized she was not breathing and she was like dead he took her body her he took his her body and went and dumped it into her just go watch the story so the place when I was Disturbed I was asking my husband is this really manslaughter or this is Mur this guy had planned to murder this girl cuz he felt threatened because of what they had built together and the love was fading and apparently he felt like his wife was stealing from him and he was still she was still communicating to his ex her ex so there were a lot of assumptions in the middle but my husband keeps on saying it's manslaughter of which I don't know I disagree I don't feel like it was manslaughter Because by the time these two are fighting and their friend who was um in the investigation kept on saying that they they were fight the fights had gone physical and it it was not a onetime thing it was frequent and guys this guy was a major you know like somebody who works in the Army you cannot just even if the the investigation shows that the girl was strong and she used to go to the gym this guy was a Maj girls even if you think you're strong as I don't know who gol you cannot fight with a man because a man can just slam you but my husband kept on saying it might be man slaughter but down I think like it was murder babe why why do you think like it was manslaughter you kept on saying maybe he hit her and he didn't expect like it would result to murder why do you think it was manslaughter uh for me I think it was manslaughter because when you listen to the documentary you realize that um they had fights many fights before fights were not something new to them they used to fight and it just happened that this particular fight ended up in a way that they did not expect so it was not premeditated however much the guy knew that his wife was cheating she had opened a separate company he had not planned to murder he had just threatened to divorce yeah that's why I think it was mon slaugh I don't know you guys just go go and watch that documentary and come back and comment down below and let me see I want to know your thoughts I want to know your thoughts anyway we've already arrived whena I hope to carry you guys with me into the meeting and yeah enjoy today's vlog [Music] oh [Music] m

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