Ted's Race Notebook - Sky F1 - Italian Grand Prix 2024 #f1

hello everybody and welcome to the race notebook from the 2024 Italian Grand Prix and what a perfect season we are having not only is the championship come alive and uh it's a fight between Max must stappen and Lon Norris and the drivers not only is the Constructor Championship come alive and it's a fight between Red Bull Racing and McLaren but also we've got this string of perfect results between you know whether it's leis Hamilton winning at Silverstone whether it's Char Clair winning in Monaco and then jumping into the harbor and then leis Hamilton winning in Spa after George Russell was excluded and then at Monza we have the perfect result that uh Ferrari win completely unexpectedly nobody this morning I've got to tell you was talking about a Ferrari win yes we knew that they had upgraded the car yes the the upgrades were largely to sort of stop the the handling characteristics of the bouncing but what they also did what the upgrades also anymore and I that that I thought was the key Moment The key thing that Fred vesser said that uh with the upgrades came the ability to look after the tires so you know when charl Clair stopped you know he stopped five laps earlier than his teammate Carlo SS and it was se's tires who were completely knackered at the end no one thought he'd be able to close out the One Stop we've got our colleagues from Sky Italy here Mara sanorg are you going through to the for the photo Mara yes in tell minut in 10 minutes well Fred Fred verer has already gone and benedetto Vig has already gone he's an interesting guy he's actually Fred's boss at Ferrari he's the uh sorry charl to Charles's boss no charl is there he's gone through already y we better go we better get going you have to go what if it's in 10 minutes but all of the chief people have gone we should go you have to go too you have to go Ando Ando Mara Ando right well let's go through shall we uh because it looks like if the boss has gone uh Fred vaser oh hoop if if Fred vaser has gone and benedetto Vig has gone uh then and charir is gone then I think the Ferrari photo is upon us now we're going to move through this walkway so uh we might lose sound and or I don't think we're going to lose sound because I've got the world's most uh High powerered radio mic on my belt but we might lose a vision for a bit so if you see a helicopter or of monzo or shot of monzo or a shot of Ferrari celebrating that's the reason so how did Ferrari do it we're talking about this perfect season where they managed to win their home race in Monza doing a one stop here we go it looks like it's on its way Mara was right my instincts were right it's not happening in 10 minutes it's happening now so let's get in amongst it shall we Lee uh are you still with me yeah all works yeah good get in amongst it all right get in amongst it in fact I'm wondering whether it's actually already happened no it hasn't already happened they're just uh they're just uh actually sort of positioning uh themselves so Lee if you want to come here I've got you a nice little spot here uh we got a little gap between uh couple of people here hello right there you go you can go and see that um so that's how they did it is that they had the car with the upgrades to do it they also did it by not being talking themselves into a two- stop and I think there's a sort of element here that nobody's talking about you know engineer speak I sometimes refer to it uh in uh in my reports oh engineer speak you know I I just got the feeling that all throughout the weekend and since the engineers saw the tires graining up they Tor themselves in so oh well obviously it's going to be a two the tires won't make I'm just wondering if there was an option kept open within Ferrari to think do you know what they might grain up they might but this is an option in our pocket McLaren say two stops was never an option for them Lando said the way that we our front tires were the way that they were graining up two stops was never going to work for them Lewis Hamilton's had his say I mean I thought Lewis might give it a go there was that period do you remember when the McLaren stopped for a second time Hamilton hadn't and the Ferraris hadn't and I thought at that time Lewis might give it a go and see if he could go to the end sorry Lee if you're being uh pushed back a bit there is an alternative spot on the other side I'll go the other side but he but Lewis didn't so Mercedes had kind of talked themselves into doing a uh into into doing a two stop but Ferrari kept that option open the George Russell approach to it let's call it so Char charl clir essentially did a George Russell today apart what George did in Spa By just doing the one stop and hanging it out and hoping that the ties last which they did apart from getting qualified which uh heaven knows I hope there's not some sort of twist in the tail that when they weigh charl Clair's car Ferrari car number 16 today uh that it's not going to turn up underweight like George Russell's Mercedes did in Spar I'm sure it won't because we haven't heard uh any technical delegates report from the Fia at the moment that they've weighed the car and they have found that there's something wrong in fact all the cars have cleared Park F now so I can tell you uh having worried you that it's definitely not going to happen um here is Carlos SS just next to me you probably can't see him from your uh point in but caros SS is going up you'll be able to hear a cheer in a second Carlos SS is going up to the toosi to thank them he's going to mount the pit wall and thank them and make no mistake about it Carlos SS had his part to play in this today all right he didn't hold Oscar piastri up for too long but he held him up for crucially enough laps to make it uh harder for Oscar pastri to close up in Charlotte Clair and when you consider that uh charl Clair's winning margin was 2 seconds it was 2 seconds today 2.6 seconds then you reflect that I think Carlos sints very much helped make made this win for Charlotte Clair because he held him up another lap and piastri I think it's fair to say would have been able to be right on lair's tail and probably challenge him another two laps I think pastri would have won the Grand Prix but it wasn't it was enough he had it in and what an amazing feeling it must be for sh for for for Carlos SS knowing that this is the team that said thank you but no thank you for next year we've got Lewis Hamilton coming in but if he can just take this moment to have this uh bit on his phone the little selfie on his phone and have it say thank you he just said Gracia I don't know if you could see him say that uh just have this moment to himself and and say do you know what I helped Ferrari win in Monza then he can be extremely proud of himself now I'm sorry Lee because having said all that you probably lost your place in uh in the uh in the scrum for theair photo but uh you'll do your best uh cuz they're about to do it here uh I can see they're about to have the uh the celebrations so uh yeah it's uh let me tell you what happened with Ferrari so science was fourth lir was first it was a great turn three from charl clir taking advantage and stealing P2 SS was up to P4 Ferrari allowed lir to be under cut by we whoa fantastic there's going to be more of this and particularly apt when the uh when the uh the the sparkling uh Italian wine it's not prco it is sparkling Italian wine that is called Ferrari uh it's Ferrari trento of course so that's what they're they're emptying over each other's heads but um yeah I mean charl Clair's uh argument with the with the guys the strategy guys on the pit wall was that look you know you allowed me to be undercut by Lando Norris here which uh and you didn't give me a tire offset and this is absolutely Fair comment by charl Clair if you know that stopping a couple of laps after somebody on a fresh tires you're going to be undercut then really there's no point in in in allowing yourself be undercut better go long and then help yourself uh to a tire offset uh at the end um let me see we've heard from Fred vaser I am interested in uh in benedetto Vig uh benedetto can we have a quick word as uh as the boss man here we hear from uh the emotions of course of Fred basser but we haven't heard from the CEO the chairman the the COO yourself the chairman is John the chairman is John Alcan but we have had a nice message from John Alan uh today uh I can only tell this is one of the best day of my life really it's three years I'm working in this fantastic company exactly today this is the best gift I could get great team work let's enjoy can I read you the the message from from John elcan uh winning on home Turf in Monza is a unique feeling this win is for all of our fans who always support us and gave Charles that extra push over the line congratulations to the whole team for their efforts making this Ferrari win possible you could hear the toosi did you believe it was possible completing the one Theos the did a great job and the team had a great strategy the strategy on One Stop has been great great okay benedetto thank you very much that's a an interesting uh chat as we go back to uh uh to Fred vaser and uh Fred looks like he's just talking to our colleagues on Italian TV he looks like in he's in the mischievous mood holding the bottle of uh of champ of Ferrari trento so he's actually gone back into uh into the garage so uh yeah Fred who was ready in Miami to uh spray uh Zack Brown Andrea Stella and everybody is uh is Happy enough and shall we say congratulations Lee to Leo your namesake Leo who is here uh don't spook him don't get too close Leo is here uh Charles Leo lir sanm is there with Alexandre in the black dress uh is here to uh to to uh celebrate the moment oh okay maybe we can get close maybe Leo actually likes uh TV cameras so cute just cuteness overload for Leo the little puppy Charlotte cla's puppy but uh yeah there you go so uh uh he allowed himself to go undercut but from that moment it was a case of well why not you know Tire Death Or Glory let's go for it um did they think that he'd be able to go lir would be able to go to the end on one set of tires probably not but they were it was no lose situation they were going to finish where they were going to finish anyway and uh they thought they'd give it a go and knowing about that setup and the Improvement of the tire degradation that I said earlier might have given them or did give them a little bit of optimism they might be able uh to do this so uh yeah uh Leo the puppy must have been yapping himself silly in anticipation and uh yeah wonder if I can interview him Leo are you uh are you delighted with the result give me give me one woof for yes and two woofs for noo he was happy with it great and Leo of you are you the bestest boy in Monza today he is the bestest boy in Monza today apart from his dad nice uh yeah so that was it and uh they he he he he managed to hold off first kastri did Charlotte glair and win by 2.6 seconds uh happy 30th birthday to Carlos SS and um Carlos carof alcara was uh was here uh as well but uh as I don't know whether that was a a good luck uh moment to here um I'm telling us we have to go but I will just have one last word with Fred vesser who's just going in uh going into oh no oh look he's going to go again Fred you in the bottles he's been talked out of it by by his teammate but uh yeah this this this perfect season and uh I was just wondering whether Fred thinks that uh the car that they have at the moment is uh is one with which they can win more races uh for the rest of the year but I think the answer to that is probably yes is Fred going to try and pour more champagne over people well probably he is uh anything else to tell you about Ferrari uh no not really um I think I've told you uh everything you have we've done 12 minutes on the team uh anyway so uh right let's uh go through I think we're about to go through we're going to go through the walkway yeah we go the walkway all right so Lee we are being uh excused from the pit Lane so let's do uh M McLaren as we go Lando Norris was P3 Oscar piastri P2 and only two seconds behind Oscar piastri the win and uh what might have been did they talk themselves unnecessarily into a two- stop maybe we don't know but look let's just look at the look at the difference Lee you with me just here hello you with me look at the difference I mean I know it's a two3 but oh it just looks poor poor celebration is anyone celebrating they normally celebrate a 23 with a load of champagne themselves but that just looks sad but it shouldn't be because they've made big inroads into the Constructors Championship uh lead of Red Bull Racing and they finished second and third so uh uh they should be happy uh with their day um we might have to cut because we're going through the walkway into the nice helicopter pictures of of moner or some Ferrari celebrations or even picture of Lando Norris and Oscar pastri because the story of their day was that Lando and Oscar seemed to control turn one but then Oscar more or less mugged Lando Norris with a great mood very cheeky probably surprised Lando to say the least uh into turn three Lando also lost the position uh to Charla Clair in that moment pitted on lap 15 undercut lir and it really did work Oscar pastri pitted two laps later and uh they were all on for a two stopper as I say they Tor themselves into a two- stop and got beaten by Charlotte Clair today so they did not win the race despite locking out the front row and that has to be seen as a bit of a failure of execution uh today there's no other way of looking at it I'm afraid when you lock out the front row Monza place that's not always very easy to overtake and don't win then uh the day hasn't gone the way it possibly should have right let's do Mercedes uh and then I'll try and get Red Bull Racing in before we take a break Le Hamilton fifth George Russell 7eventh if you want to go down to uh uh to Mercedes Lee um and George Russell forced was he forced he says he was forced onto the Escape Road at turn one at the start by Oscar pastri and in doing that picked up front wing damage and that meant he was down to p7 Le Hamilton had a good start was up to P5 uh piastri came across me said uh said George Russell so George really blaming piastri although there was obviously contact uh but pestre didn't pick up any kind of penalty uh for that but it really negatively affected George Russell's uh race because he had to pit on lap 12 which was a bit early put a new nose cone on that cost him 10 seconds an extra 10 seconds and then he was rejoined down in 16th Place so uh yeah that's really did he lost all the time and talking of losing time after the second stops when Lewis Hamilton made his second stops he emerged uh P5 or was P6 or p7 and he said why are we so far down and Peter bonington Bono said to Louis look I'm afraid to say we lost too much time behind Carlos SS so that explains why Hamilton who eventually was running P4 but eventually finished P5 but ahead of Max mappen that's where he lost that's where Lewis lost uh most of his race time that affected his result but yeah uh the Russell strategy didn't work a bit of a nothing really day for Mercedes and they'll see if they can do better uh in aaban and Singapore there is George Russell as you can see from his body language he's not too impressed with the day today only seventh which is pretty much exactly what you can say about Red Bull Racing let's do them and then we'll take a break Max ven sixth thee of George Russell but behind leis Hamilton obviously and Sergio Perez eighth uh a bad pit stop for Max with dappen a pu power unit problem which meant they couldn't run uh full beans on the engine and both were hard Tire starters ma was stepping up to six didn't get a safety car uh but managed 22 Laps on the hard Tire had a slow stop which is very unlike Red Bull so uh Jonathan wheatle if he's not too busy uh re real estate hunting in henville Zur Switzerland uh needs to get a grip on his mechanics because if he's starting to think about his saber job he's losing the plot as what's going on in his own team uh because it's very rare for Red Bull Racing and they great mechanics to make mistakes like that so Jonathan Wiley needs to get a grip on that Pronto and uh yeah slow stop lost 4 seconds did Max STA and rejoined p8 Sergio opz pitted on lap 24 on the hard Tire two guaranteeing them a two-stop strategy and then Ser pz had a racong fight with George Russell uh which he lost and eventually and Max had a good fight with Lando Norris which he lost as well uh making his second stop Sergio Perez did the usual Sergio Perez second uh second half of the race fullback which helmet marker doesn't like um I'm sure Sergio doesn't like either but um you know he's got to sort this out Sergio Perez because he was only eighth today I know it's a bad day for Max with steppen but it's summed up with I'm just behind you Lee um summed up with what Max with Sten said and this really sums it completely up for Rebel racing if we don't change anything it's all going to be bad all of the races are going to be bad from now on and on that extremely Doom Laden response given that he's still 70 or whatever it is 60 odd laps in the in the lead and is probably still going to win this year's World drivers Championship we'll take a break hi welcome back to the race notebook from the 2024 Italian Grand Prix uh which has been won by Char lir and where Championship Challenger Lando Norris has finished behind his teammate oscar pastri but they both finished ahead of Lando's Championship Challenger Max fappen and I'm just wondering whether McLaren in the back of their head or we should all think do you know what all of this stuff about you know Lando finishing whether he finishes in front of Oscar or doesn't Max is gonna he's going to close out the world championship anyway isn't he isn't he is Max gonna work you know isn't he going to finish I'd like to say thank you by after my trip into the visit to fosy uh to uh to the young lady who gave me uh Martin brindle's friend friendship bracelet which is MB gridwalk um uh the one that says Ted's notebook and if you know what this means you'll know who I need to give it to anyone it's lights out and away we go so crofty MB I've got your friendship bracelets from the nice toosi uh in the uh in the crowd right let's do Aston Martin where are the where are their trucks over there there they are and this is the most painful result I can possibly tell you that Fernando alono missed a point today by not by Tenth of a second because Kevin Magnuson had a 10-second penalty to add to his final race time and uh Kevin Magnuson did enough or Fernando alono did ran out of of of laps to to not get within that 10 seconds so Lono finished 10th Lonzo finished 11th and Kevin Magnuson offset the 10 10-sec penalty to still score a point and so and and and Fernando Alonso had he found 0.193 of a second he would have been P10 Fernando Aston you've missed a point by 0.193 of a second and you've allowed Magnuson in so a I've written in my notebook alono was up one off the start to P10 L strol dropped down to p18 he made his way up to p15 Alonso pulled an undercut attempt and pitted the first of the uh Midfield Runners uh he too stopped L STW was a hard tie starter he actually made another uh stop uh onto the uh soft so he three stopped for a fastest lap attempt which didn't come off and all that guaranteed was that L stroll finished last so uh not a happy day an ARG day with Fernando Alonzo finishing a 10th of a second off a point and a very disappointed day uh for Lance stroll only 19th and Andy cowl uh cannot start soon enough uh with this team to try and pull them up the grid the McLaren comms team making their way probably onto the same flight as I'm getting uh so uh if they're leaving now I'm in trouble uh right let's do um uh Alpine uh because okon is 14th gazley 15th not happy with a race not a happy race for the Milan resident Pierre gazley he had what felt like a puncture but they weren't sure but then they did Pit him early anyway and pitted on lap 12 uh two stopped and uh just finished p15 okom was a hard Tire starter eased past he was eased past gazley and he said the car is making a weird kind of noise but they said carry on and he ran to lap 32 and one stopped to p14 Williams are next uh Al Al Alin 9th colapinto 12th and Alex Alin ran well uh behind Magnuson uh but said to the team you're so indecisive all the time do I race Magnuson or not uh they said that you probably shouldn't and um he stayed behind 13 seconds uh behind uh Sergio Perez um he did inherit the two the the ninth place and the two points did Alex Alban uh but he wasn't happy with the team's directions to him being uh indecisive uh about the whole thing Franco colapinto ran well did his first Pit Stop well uh and uh pretty faultless actually Chas and overtook Pierre gazley ran p15 took advantage of others penalties and finished up to p12 so um yeah that's uh not a bad debut for p12 for Franco kapino but um well on this day in history would Logan Sergeant have been able to do the same or better we just don't know but anyway it's no point discussing it it's colapinto in the car and he's had a very creditable first race clean race did his first Pit Stop well and finished p12 um interesting little stat some people are saying that colapinto was the 781 or 782nd driver in Formula 1 and some people are saying he was the 777th um but if you like your boeings and uh 777 Wikipedia says 777 so I'm going with them then did you know that the 747 747 was Alexander Rossy I know uh right RB Daniel Ricardo and uh he got a penalty for a mechanic touching a car in fact he got another penalty uh for not serving that penalty correctly uh no sorry he that was the penalty the second penalty the first penalty was for an incident where uh he uh he took off another driver which I haven't written down but it's messy messy messy and um yeah 24 seconds Ricardo finished off a point without that maybe who knows Yuki was a hard Tire starter got hit by hulkenberg at turn one and retired on lap lap lap nine Ricardo got a 5-second penalty and are we going to have a driver announcement at uh RB before the aaban Grand Prix in a couple of weeks time we're all expecting it Daniel Ricardo pretty much telegraphed it on Thursday and is that driver announcement going to be that Liam Lawson will partner Yuki Coda at RB next year that's what everybody is expecting saber when there isn't a safety car when not a load of people drop out and nothing weird happens then it's pretty obvious that saber are just going to finish towards the back and that's indeed what happened today but valry botas not so bad 16th for him zangu 18th uh botas with a hard start ran 17th to lap 33 pitted onto the medium and finished 8 seconds behind Pier gazley all good uh probably as much as he could do as well for Z Guang Yu he struggled nine seconds behind hulkenberg with a long stint and uh that was pretty much all Z could do p8 and H have scored two points never have they been so happy to score sorry they've scored one point for P10 but Kevin Magnuson has picked up two penalty points which means that he's got picked up a race ban for aaban which means that Oliver bman who's their driver for next year will deputize I don't know if it's been announced yet it was going to be announced I believe either this evening or tomorrow but that's take it from me that is what is going to happen so uh uh driving for H in aaban will be Nik hulkenberg and Oliver bman but Hackenberg started uh was down six places after the uh the incident with Ricardo it was hulkenberg who Ricardo pitched off who he got a penalty for so that was why sorry I forgot earlier pushed me onto the uh the grass at turn eight hulkenberg pitted on lap six for a new front Wing that really dictated the rest of his race rejoined last after he hit Coda Uh Kevin hit Coda and got a 10 10 Place penalty 10-second penalty uh and uh he managed to actually do a great drive and a great drive to to recover that so still got a point right with bman replacing him that is it thank you so much for watching entire weekend uh I'm going to end with a shot of the toosi and uh say congratulations charlot clir a perfect end to Ferrari's weekend we will see you in aaban in a couple of weeks time bye-bye [Music]

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