Published: Sep 07, 2024 Duration: 02:32:45 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: t1 vs hle
this out stuff you guys have already talked about here far Bing away owners right now the Tristana is the only one that comes as somewhat of a surprise as it is indeed going to be those two peanut Pi the Sani is the next one that's Jers but you got to imagine that there's got to be an early Z priority you know maybe didn't have the most put the performance in they got the the priorities have shifted all cuid Lane that's locked immediately aot of J back long there is of course some Flex potential I feel like smaller in the solo Lanes does feel a lot stronger right now out a at some point I feel like he'll be down for anything and shouldn't come as a surprise very different games on throughout the last couple of years yeah technically could be a you know you're never going to get to so easy to explode him zigs you can unload the from a distance and I mean if zigs does when it means even if you end up with like a range top laner Leona is very good at stacking up the Sani passive as well andig try their best to SN up better than they have in the past and yeah both these ad carries can be left alone obviously we are also big fans of when you play towards the zigs and actually utilizes pushing power but it does flexibility fall in the same vein the B should not come as a surprise I imagine that they're going to ban like and Alis the Top Lane match up could obviously be particular where we had a solid car showing was all right it was it was it was okay 14 yeah 14 and two maybe Daren you think of like a blind could could be could be we'll see obviously this is one of the dangers the entire can really be problematic we saw getting the ve treatment have a poy having control of you want to be blind but you want to hopefully go into a match up where you're going to feel comfortable and really these bands are going to influence that so see if they op to throw another one to the Top Lane yeah definitely an important last comes out would play as some HS coming in fromer to play should be saving counter the Top Lane yeah I I imagine it's the it's the APA special right Captain America showing his face the zigs coming through most likely the mid lane unless it's on your team I I hope not probably not you know smolder you know we're going carry mid lane matter I got to mention it at least but to me this just screams Tower taking potential you know you have a match up but if you get an advantage there if you lay CC onto the bar get some kill leads start taking plates in the bot Lane pretty cool not something we H ranged support player and it will be that ja for Doran being locked in so is Count pick a situation Jack blind okay up bringing out thein is one of the match into a lot of the bullies that normally Z likes to go into and this is a pick that he has obviously been historically great on this a pick that he debuted on and looked incredible on but that's not really what I think you were looking for with an R5 counter pick uh because this still feels like a skill match up that can go either way depending on Jungle intervention feel1 with the Flex of the zigs and the Caitlin coming in want to direct a lot of attention towards the bot Lane and they're fine with Z just having a match of fields obviously the it' be inter to see as well though IAP by the way playing the midn let's go on your team Caitlyn Faker Caitlyn let go one of the best cait that we have in the think it makes sense in Fury right you do outrange but that's that's a gamble that we're taking mid this is the sort of thing you should be doing in game one though you know I feel like we saw this in previous series from T1 didn't always work fantastically but you prepped this experiment you had nine days and they think this is the answer to the smolder and let's see if it can work the faker's got to step up though individually ad carries have not been as Forte but now given a lot of power with this cadin counter pick this isn't going to be easy I I think they are taking a risk for sure by the way I really love that blind Jax for Dorne he's fantastic on that takes a lot of counter picking away from the side of Z we'll see how it works out as we are ready let's hop on the rip for game number one of the lower [Applause] finals all righty here we go team number one and it looks like we're uh face checking some brushes here as Baker he's going to net over the wall has to take a net at level one should have time to recall and get back to Lane but yeah be a bit less pressure on Z so H finding a good window just to force that level one skill up B statement ORS coming out right from the getg go also do not Faker plays it well you really shouldn't be able to uh to get a whole lot of stacks so I do think the fleet in that also you know they've got think a lot the movement we've seen on solo towards grasp is to kind of mirr but I think here you just want when you do end up trading with the Caitlyn being able to trade the Q but you can see here you know part of the thing not having your Q level one Faker is going to lose in terms the early push and be pressured a bit on the tower I think this is one of the things with smaller is he actually hasle K obviously not available at level one but you can just Auto qu the W also a ability with a big amount of AOE and threat so not when it but he is taking some heavy damage there that's with oh a bit of a fight here yeah just a little Skirmish down here goom is still Level one so you know nice little engage from Theona but not going to overdo it as faker's getting in there he does hit the net and it is a pretty good trade here all things considered this is the first time we have ever seen Caitlyn mid by anybody in the lck bringing it out right I was about to say there it is we knew the graphic was coming about this yet the best thing about peanut his how insanely proactive he is towards the early Sidelines as was mentioned earlier this around though only going to get a couple of small crugs but not a lot more is being covered here towards this top side of the map diving like a mini a bre and butter play I would not put it past him to flash some walls and try to get in onto Faker as there's the magical journey Faker does heid [Applause] yeah especially Pina has hex flash so you know as Atlas always likeed to say he just unlocked the hex situation upgraded H and also even though fake obviously flashed away doesn't go down you know you saw how he was trying to establish pressure in the lane there's by the way last to reset TP in and yeah gen watching ready for tomorrow you know what better way to learn than to come down and uh see it all happen in person I don't think they had Caitlyn mid on their bingo list so go also do note in the mid lane both mid l no back Co being bought on one end for Faker Zea is going to have the tier and we'll see to me the flash being down in of itself already useful might make a difference when we see some skirmishes towards the grubs makes it a lot easier for peut to get that jump if they're not able to get the punish then won't end up mattering too much as first gank already successful here and something that we give peut a lot of credit for do note hasn't actually backed yet is just continuing uh to full clear's jungle and probably going to take one soon Dragon about to come up and it is a chem Tech Drake first thank you very much or doing my best he's on theast also like you know being part of that initial is always one these Champions like have there now they are looking for all right take a mean look at him and then run the other way without that information yeah the mega was still little bit gamble but instead just get just get demolish yeah I I think the wallet missed and as soon as that happened they're like you know what you're good you're good well you know the map hovering around mid understandably are about to spawn as well so they might be making some plays for that extremely important uh for both teams just because mentioned very good at here towards top side see if they can get a lane gank as this crash comes through but delight and peanut are both in the area do also that obviously we do have uh yeah this is kind of risky cuz it feels like carrier went top to cover Z because obviously H leing top for the but now wow not only toward the top but Viper also has and trying to that and I think the mistake was carry a showing top I think if you H top then if a dive comes you're there to cover but by showing top you show your cards the was quickly follow really backed hard for them owner [Music] all there [Music] [Music] it's very straightforward right even without getting to slam into the wall as long as Faker isn't able to get towards the wall and E over you're always going to take him down yeah I mean the thing as well the small with the FL flop can easily gain distance on you so much ability as well and the net not that useful Delight is not going to win even a head shot or rather a ace the hole coming in from down the lane Delight just says well flash I mean just a level five bar not really that threatening here is a dive on the FL good job with theultimate and the thing is you're not vulnerable on the side but doesn't even have that pressure on him see but I imagine it was a proactive Flash from Doran towards the top side that forc if he has a flash available maybe there's a way to outplay that to stall until uh you can Counter Strike until reinforcements can arrive but doesn't end up coming through yeah we'll see the replay in this situation TR and that's what makes this dive so EAS easy ult away from the tower gets a stun gets the Q and then carrier comes in he knows kind of strikes down so the Lea full range strike value into a team Sani and Leona is so high if you defensively then you easily prevent them from stacking up S passive or the Lea now TR the don't have much presence on these grubs I mean they're fighting to get one at this point in time maybe two uh with their Caitlyn Z combo and they they should be able to get two unless H Sports have a big plan invested here Doran does have his TP available so he can join but it looks like H life oh [Music] and's was it worth it you know you got the one grow but giving up so much pressure there carrier he'll execute on this yeah he avoided the damage I'm just now noticing as well that Delight is playing Carri a skin cuz that was a T1 uh B ultim I [Music] saw oh boy I mean there's nop's alone there's three people here way out the people where they need to be and peanut on the poppy again finding an opening and you know hle already have a dragon so they're willing to give up the second one and focus on getting gold onto this G infernal Soul yeah you know two dragons actually uh yeah thank you thank you you're welcome thank you for that that's very one those things where if they' lend towards Dragon understand it because really top now two with you know one Farm behind fake who's got the most in the game this J is quickly going to come online kind running around and it feels like you're attacking them with like little pellets and you don't feel like you're doing anything yeah he's just running around reloading and not really doing I would say in this game and that's also we haven't even really mentioned that Zea is just very comfortably sitting here the Caitlin counter pick isn't really a thing and he's scaling out of control and it's such a beautiful set here from t with the as well T1 were forced to push forward and then we have the up in the J Delight was there a follow up there was no way Gooma was getting out and then here Delight sets it up they get the Poke down Gooma is still trying to clear the wave but he ends and not even the puppy which again is the right because they tant Bally sitting a very even here as the first here for Faker C on and we have the uh call for Z's close as well but that's that's a first for for Mid which I guess is first in general yeah I mean we always talk a lot about the super rewarding until well either you get lucky and get a crit or until you got some more items to back up it is the old build right like way back in the day that Caitlyn just you know just go iie and then eventually uh you do matter so maybe Faker digging into those old memories we'll see if it works out for him he will be building more crit of course but yeah I mean Sports in terms of their map impacts it feels like they're counter punch for T1 they're going to get a turret I don't even think Z can really get a lot of damage down with the rest of Hana already on their way power vehicle comes through there it is Viper getting very close towards that rapid fire cannon that second item going to make him really big deal in fights we haven't really seen a 55 yet and imagine that's where T1 and keep Faker and safe because it feels right now if any of Doran or peanut ever get near them they're not going to be able to play the game I'm just really concerned because you know even though the gold Gap and if he's not able to miss with a who has to are really going to struggle like goom's far behind isn't super strong yet and it's just a bust at the moment obviously if he can have an impact in the Sid Lanes fantastic but you're going to have to play for these dragons with being infernal Soul you know you up into potentially a small do a ton a wave clear or a Jax in the side lane both of which I think are fine I am concerned about how T1 going to match up when we get to those 55 and with the dragon in a minute that's probably going to be what we see feels like there's a closing window in that regard as well cuz Z currently at a 132 St that going get up to but obviously from this point is going to go A Lot F and you'll probably be able to get this Dragon if right now think they still particular bacon even ifon does set the vi was second High experi the highest level seen especially not this early in the game Lane andent amount of alone as Welling and as you mentioned everywhere as heally you know try to set up for the don't blame them Ian like Esports wouldn't really be able to approach anything but it's kind of an awkward spot where they're trying to set up a a you know nice little good old feing The Flash from go and they've started to push in and contest his control there still B brush in favor T1 but this line of traps is a lot less intimidating to find not really a direct engage but still getting a really big summer out of the way right from the getg go obviously outs of a can be the mobile as Dragon started up here on they are looking to contest very aggressively look at the narbar foras is full Mega now available yeah and the early pick of as by the way solar FL is Le are going Bren go go go the fact they were first in the river their set for that was a little bit poor finished off the tower top his Mega ran out and then he ended up tping in so you we have [Music] IM and want to flash just as he's about to turn Mega but by the end of that lot of cool Downs lot of Summoners used lot of action continues scal went they got they didn't get as much as they could speak pun is weird do if they don't turn this into something else I don't think that's NE R cuz Doran on the other end of the map getting a turret feels like one of those plays where you keep committing cuz it would feel bad not to get the kill but it's like at some point should have just cut the loss is you lose the tower on the bot side and the thing is even though Doran has no TP even though the support is dead T1 know they can't just send a baron there especially against a Jin smolder they don't actually get to translate that play into really anything yeah they get the kill and they can say hash worth in the chat but at the end of the day we're not going to agree with them here analyzing from the Caster desk and it's not like a a massive win from for anything they do get the one turret it's a kill over to T1 but they're still enjoying their lead at this point in time I mean I get it you see B floa around on the rift pick up the Chimes you do want to kill him right he does he does sometimes just it feels satisfying but yeah I think we agree it wasn't the correct investment of resources the only upside of that play is that T1 got not a kill on Zas so Zas in a sid Lane throughout this summer I don't think he's been very dependable it really arguably throughout this year there's been a lot of I I lock use that as a pressure point Here We Go [Music] Again going to use it this time finally will use it there's bomb from the as Flash at but goings andic he will go for a dragon up in 50 seconds you know both teams would love if they got the opportunity to take the tow with the zigs you can yourself flash again not ideal and they do try and focus onut but they just didn't have the Dage Ava there you know a lot of even dou double trap okay oh oh oh T is back [Music] baby will now immediate you know this was such a good start you're seeing theing power of the zigs and the CIT and there a great portal it's like you're frustrated they got the bar but I guess the plan here is okay carer you soak the Agro you go first and then we're free to follow but it just doesn't work out and now Z and Viper over this allall three hitting and Zea has the stacks he's so strong right now it feels like the call split as well and actually really nicely done by the lighter held his Q up until uh the second member came through I think it was Zas not allowing Gard to do anything Faker was back atege citn Siege mid they only have have a 33 gold bar power play what are you talking about that's that's great ORS good stuff you know another number we should talk about which we already did in team fight but the smolder is online you know we talked about how fed Viper is going to get we talked about how yes zo's just fed but also it's a Jackson the sideline but the smolder is three and zero has two and a half items has his stacks and Zea you know extremely consistent he comes out here here in game one and so far he's playing just as consistent as he played all regular season and if this continues he might really struggling again but I'm struggling to see in these team fights there so much lock down so much defensive peel and then you're just going to get burned through by thiser you see them setting up for this bot lane two aot of now they're going to knock away good crazy good crazy good crazy good as long Lane fight and they could be looking towards the end faker's going to be up in 15 but I don't know if he alone has enough wave clear fight m still here for and it looks like game backing off of the inhibitor for now so they'll just take the free inhibitor after that big fight and back away take the entire jungle they're not going to try to end just yet it's still a bit early based off of how much they got but you know it's not the end of the game but it almosts it oneid that fight and it's crazy on the that t the set up so good you actually see a moment where T1 see a chain opportunity they finally have a window for Z to pop up being quite respectful of the mag they're all making they don't CLP up together so there's not too much colossal win as we are into a mustn fight for T1 if they can get this Soul it's over TR to take out he is going to be caught they get him and they use a lot of their C to down but that is going to give the advantage here to T1 five members to four Now Sports still have their carries they still have a front line and they're still very far attack broken ATT broken kill in the totally [Music] Bren you do this sitation try survive as as he can it's to be the end of game one I mean it's 15 to it is a very onesided start this [Music] [Music] [Music] M RIS with able remember the first draft this really just neutralizes a lot of what Z would like to play in the Top Lane especially from a counter pick side I think from blue side you have a little bit less of that but still I think it's been a really successful pick for the side of Doran was get those lead that we need to put a poity as a surprise we'll see if they go back to the cin again did of course start with last time around is obviously not ideal but have to see ifak can bring itan but still even with how good say supp to feel like picking Camille this early in a draft even if it Goods with zigs is RIS to kill this smolder up you have the reset on this so anything that needs to bear in mind there's a lot of already and that's before even locking in the support jungle who I assume is going to uh accuate that more life Esports if they want to pick for Daren now is kind of the time to get that in before we go to the next B phase looks like that is what they're going to do uh they the know two tanks in the jungle on Top Lane I think that's risky cuz they're going to end up in a two carry compe very easy for them left with one after that that can be really dangerous yeah especially when it's smolder and they might even you know dig deeper just to really you know maybe scario now what is be obiously away that can behind to impactful in the team fight which is definitely not ideal if you're playing a dive composition to this um or the I mean that something that has bolster the engage and provide follow after Sani throws imagine K if this gets locked in is going to go the Alister and then the question becomes what do they want to go in the jungle and as mentioned there is still the flex potential of really feel like that's a no-brainer what is owner going to bring here that is even more dive but that champion has not been doing too hot in the lck recently Zyra is still open but Zyra with a dive composition it just doesn't feel that good it doesn't I think you're all in already at this point of the draft comp needs to do doesn't fit as wellish nice nice nice nice nice top feel thato you play from there tristana's pryo have been substantially nerfed has not looked great on Trana really throughout the entirety of the year and then Zea not only gets his comfort pick but also alongside peanut on Sani which really enables that 2v2 so we're going to have to see if T1 can deal with all these things and then get to a mid game where obviously they are going to be strong once everyone can I will say I feel for Viper though you kind of like okay play carries they have to dive one of us the other can survive that like no I'm playing y they're diving you good luck enjoy have fun D no he's going to go and we'll see how Viper can handle that um this is getting pretty interesting already I I feel like in this in this match up against H Sports you have to figure out a way to defeat one of Peanut's best jungle picks and they leave the sedani open he picks it immediately we'll see if T1 can figure it out otherwise they might be in a bit of a rut in this best of five h b Sports looking on top at the moment but let's see how game number two goes as we hop on the ri right now here we go game number two already beginning as and a bit of dancing from Carri as often does but also the two carry composition for if Z VI behind really struggle to ever get in the air I mean Viper will always eventually be relevant on the [Music] smaller the damage in a lot of these mid game setups so really looking to see how he handles the Lane obviously it's kind of hard to lose Lane on y currently with how you go as as at sish so I do think as you mention it's essential that am of CC and that's available for H life is going to be quite scary given that in the last game they were so good about consistently finding these fights one upside for T1 as mentioned the reason why n came up in the first place way back dur MSI was because her match up into Sani when it comes to the 1 V one is absolutely uh not fun for s p is of course I'd argue our best jungler at playing inter pressure playing from behind but owner should be able to substantially outpace and this time around set up for objectives a lot better I feel like also as well you know a lot of s skirmishing is around the bur from here passive and St extra sustain from the after but that's a big deal though yeah he's being forced off hereid not doing the best actually [Music] the the ofer away but he can heal that up on the so I feel like this aggression at the end of the day is working as we have right now because even though you know Z is competent on the Y he's been having obviously Tristana being a range Champion is going to have the early pressure B Lane T won have an aliser and despite that still have the early pressure and when you don't have pressure lanes and you're playing Sani nly that is when it feels the worst if if you know if you ever the map have support great but you saw there P was just hiding in the brush and he's being challenged by the enemy team and his Lanes can't really do anything to help him out to bail him out and it just feels andse yeah that are getting in [Music] there and there's thee circus this must be some new kind of meme that I'm not cluding on but seeing a lot of circus in some of these fan signs some nice drawings as well um tons of fans have come down here to the Indoor Stadium uh to watch the lower finals so far and it has been uh really fun I feel like all the action from game one was really fun to watch it was a bit messy but you know can be sometimes in the beginning of a uh best of five as we do have the reported peripheral issue or delight and it should be solved very soon yep hopefully get that s out quickly um obviously going into a different venue sometimes has his issues uh on the other side side of Korea actually so you know brought his purles with him maybe one of them a little bit faulty but obviously they have spares and stuff of that but we'll see as you said first game was a little bit Scrappy a little bit messy but going into this one we've already seen the pressure bot and now looking for Zea yeah Zea almost looked like he wanted to go for the kill there but uh not going to overcommit still has a splash I do want to highlight as well zaka has already burned TP so the early Lane play out in way where Faker still has his TP is going to be able to now base and then TP back in and Zea has not been able to get the best trait trying to get this wave shoved in as soon as possible and then hopefully back before Faker can do the same but all ties into that larger picture of T1 which again I think for the reference they do need to start generating this pressure as early as possible and really push it as far as they can get as many objectives as possible right from the get go is Peanut going for some circum ventory paing but B Lan back going to get some CS for his efforts nonetheless I mean the thing is they have such a good comp to do obviously we know about the pace Leon set but they have the bunker Buster duo with theana zigs zigs winning Lane early on can be so suffocating if he gets any free time if Viper who's already used his TP by the way ends up making a bad recoil the tower is going to go low so quickly and as soon as you free the zigs from bot Lane you're going to lose three outers you're going to lose all those play It's Kind funny that you know two games in a row sports even from the blue side you know they say Okay T1 you want to play Z that's fine we don't really care we're going to prioritize or we're just not going to B as say okay we we want to ban other things we want to take the air Rumble Lilia away from you guys so you know we we've seen the power of the zigs has a very large win rate it was 10 and two in playoffs so far I guess now it's 10 and three after game one but yeah Sports showing some confidence playing into the zigs also on to highlight again chch Drake first up for another maybe hex this time around wouldn't be opposed to that level six being hit now across the board and we do see Peanut hovering towards that top side already gets a lot hard say has the lane in a good spot so I don't think that gang ever was going to amount to too much and post six trying to take down a Camille between hook shot and and the ultimate is very very tough grubs should be on the menu here because getting as many grubs as possible but y the team with Trana and Zig that's that's really a classic and I think H life also make the correct call not to try and contest this given the experence disadvantage they're looking at as the TP is going to come through here that's Z Lan swab Z and I think that's fine you you're not going to get doesn't have the damage yet but you sort of lean into territory of cross mapping and zigs always wins cross map scenarios this is not a setup I think H life Esports wants to go into and T1 really are setting the pace of this game so far even though obviously gold still very close it feels like H are kind of just doing what they can on the other side now they are trying to lean towards Z if they bring four members that's where it becomes div and it's down how Z they have three and there's the already is finally going to get that Al off and Delight does tank out the turret that's another turet going into Viper chunking him at half [Music] asally that's still big investment though and Faker is going to be able to get a big shove going we'll see diving aant is always very very tough pretty tanky but there's the Unstoppable taking away and going he not Lev [Music] ases timeful dive at the end of the day and the difference is H had to bring the mid laner in to make the dive work T1 do with three you can see the damage to that mid one more so I think is do we want to get the zigs back as he now is going to go for that back or are we going to have him back towards the B lan can choose to invest I wouldn't mind it I think playing towards the dragon as well could be quite solid here still two minutes before the grubs are up I understand it with it been a chem Tech Dragon you're like oh it's probably going to be a good Soul we should play towards B play towards a dragon was set the pace the game also that top tower being low I mean they have they definitely want to try and get the zigs back up there again cuz it's so close to him just being able to satate and really push the pace of this game forward I'm really glad that there isn't an actual zix passive yet that says please take turrets we have you to remind us every's taking I know so fun it is very obvious it's built into a sometimes we don't always see the teams really prioritizing that but I think sometimes when a tower low the and say hey there's a low Tower you should tou it when you when you take it down you get like nothing else that's enough good job the little Zig thumbs up thbs up yeah beautiful he has his own emote I mean it was built for a reason right like they should uh they should utilize that and uh now we're getting the moment in the game where Guma is a bit scared and TR the side looking to have a much stronger earlier game game number two so hoping that this this one can be a bit closer compared to game one cuz again I do think that this is a situation that T1 should be in and also needs to be in for the composition to really work as the dragon is going to get started again I do think the grubs are a lot more specifically the first last time singlehandedly stopped them time going to bring a couple more people into the freight yeah definitely a different look this time around K still level five kind of awkward for him wants to get engage looking for the maget storm Ang if he can it they will Comm to this one there's the big bomb theine but now they're try to go forward the comes in from they get the Drake up next and say nope we're we're done with this fight we got the Drake and we are out I think they should just give up now1 move towards mid you could actually potentially take the tower there's no one there to defend it and it's zig's trist so who cares about the dragon they are going to put the TP in maybe the minion wave is a bit too small they got another one and I mean they have three grubs already this might just go downish as well if nobody comes I think he going to be in I maybe threat will be enough to push be is away right an auto and a stue from the zigs will take it and now for the rest of the game H has to play Super defense on the mid tier one or it will just go down they want to give creditor to hle for getting an early game dragon uh deflecting an attempted engage from T1 and also making sure that they still getting these Side Lane plates right T1 yes the grubs are big but they're not really able to build a giant lead when it comes to the gold as ends up having the yeah I mean in a one V one situation if you mess up the Satchel so you got to be careful about that one V one yeah so ends up having a B in the flash there does have go back towards mid and I think a big thing was carry had gone bot to protect Baker and therefore wasn't uh in the mid lane to cover his ad carry or I guess AP carry in this situation goom also go in the archangels Rush which I guess if you're concerned about like kante uh D that makes sense definitely should go LeAndre and then we'll just be able to shred through them so we're now at about 12 minutes we have 2 minutes left really need to set up and ideally get both of those Towers you know reminding everyone to take Towers in didn't at at best you're going to be able to flash out of it most likely it's going to end up going down with the amount of CC that's available between those [Music] two next going to be big and when are these turrets going to start falling not just because uh we want to see zix happy we want to see o happy but also because again T1 this composition really way I don't think get a second might of a stretch second one inid what about the mid one yeah one I think yeah but easy that's not going to get better dead by the way it's okay as I was saying I think particular when you have a dive composition and a composition like the no it's very very bacon bacon when you map getting control easier when's mid contested here unless life want to set up the trade available though so maybe you don't want T1 to fully stack them to see what happens as both dragon and heral going to be up in about 45 heral already life but no moves made to take that just yet peanut just uh backing in front of T1 who will stop that that's a lock yeah pean is one of our junglers the jle I think it was actually that went it first he might got been the main believer yeah no no know I just it's it's just it feels to me like such a per no no this item is better I'm just going to build it every time sets with the traps the vision denial it's be Tower and push the pace of the game forwards just the fact they've set up mid and top they've got those Towers bot Lane is kind of like sticking out like a s thumb now so they can lean towards that said the pace is unfortunate it's an ocean soul for T1 I feel like H but I don't think really changes the game plan I think the only thing it might have a that does really feel like right an oil fire yeah that' be Danger get yourself in a lot of trouble in this game there's significantly less action compared to game number one there was a lot more almost still and get taken byan calls or communication coordination whatever you want to call it from their side from behind but from ahead how Sports they haven't made any oversteps you know they're they're sitting they say well we're behind we don't really want to fight right now so we'll just give you the Drake and just continue farming and that's the thing it's always contextual T1 ahead it's about 2,000 SN that Tower went down but how far ahead do you need to be you have tools to deal with him even when he gets ahead but we've seen small do even itemized things like AAS later on that item would really hamper the ability to shut him down and we as opposed to really only have one like going be really tough to deal with but1 both and Baker are going to sh through main running into the not really enjoy way are AV [Music] meanwhile tp's coming in Viper doesn't exist anymore he's not dead but yeah he he needs to back meanwhile this top turret will go down so at least H did get that but bacon I it's long don't but now fying to predict the pull back that's not going to worka eventually just pulls back himself now he's going to flash over the wall and they get away blast help them out getting the kill isn't that big of a deal but getting the kill and getting the TPS and getting away HD got a lot more than they're hoping for just with a pick onto carrier and it's again the sense of desperation that I think we had when carrier went over that wall in Game number one another example here Gumi also really is committing to killing car specifically didn't then I'm going for the LeAndre say we take another look here I I wonder if Z couldn't have uh at the very least tried to as well and knowing that the flash I think he will he Ed cuz he wanted to keep him under the tower but also I think wanted to avoid any followup CC coming in it was a great Flash from Delight to drag him away uh and the CC locked that came in to him out and then here you know carry getting caught obviously not ideal but it's just so many misfires Z completely whiffs uh the hook shot in this situation again here we go begin to take over the map with the help of some of his the St com andani and they are just abusing those S Lanes right now as come down the smolder wave clear works a little bit but it will not stop Z they take out the inner does T1 now H Sports threatening losers on the other side and it feels so unnecessary you know yes Z they're Trading for you in these situations they are getting the dragon but it just feels like they're giving away so much that is unnecessary and it really starts to make you feel concerned you're also you're not getting Drakes that are that relevant as you saw T1 when is was getting Dove or killed there by fre people tur was already gone obviously ocean Drake wasn't even the first thing of their mind if that's a hex te Drake they're immediately making the snap call and now the sidelane Fred of being and z comp if the carries are behind the game can feel Z is Monster fed 202 right now yeah he's going to have it so for the next fight you're going to have a online smaller tools are when you have picks like a Sani and a Cante who lower economy that's the difference between the compositions T1 in you have a z30 Camille that feels pretty bad it definitely does I mean we'll see how good his al usage is later on in the game can he find Viper and click the button that is going to be definitely relevant but the damage is not going to be there he's not going to be as tanky and Viper fing up really well also take over the game espe a lot of ways to get this y going I do like that T1 are still trying to pressure the map still trying to take out as many side turrets as possible even Viper going to call down mom just to clear that wave and stay safe up there and continue to try to that was pretty scary for a moment and that's a big cool down G see if H life want to try and push it further but's about to hit Zea is a complete manness now no flash on the zigs and don't get it twisted guys do not Gamble solid blow if you use too many resources the fight is going to be carried [Music] by for the he's not going to help out that much I mean has a zig is not going to be a fantastic answer to theant in any meaningful way so Flor chipped away at the shield with um obviously it'll be he gets you know four or fifth item but he's not quite there just yet for now so going to be looking at those items as Viper has that could be the wi we know are good at that we have a good am ofage as between I imagine they will keep on the sidel just necessary as the death capap is now done foruma so I don't think Viper's going to have look at that look at that in Z know it's a big issue because if you're going to really index into that totally counters it then your entire win comp your your entire way to win the game is just gone immediately the thing is on a small you have AP rati not as good as the ad but you've completed your core items you've got your be you're doing enough just go defensive and then you're sitting pretty if Camille jumps on you and use ons by the time you come out the Camille's probably dead it's starting to feel like the main angle for unless it's a great Baron setup is is just getting an engage onto Zea as they try to get the door yeah I mean at least faker's going to do the damage but actually it's K in a bit of a rough spot he's going to have to flash away and Doran holds on to his flash so all things considered Sports not too bother this is right [Music] before still a bit early and they haven't totally pushed away Doran andp so not going to matter all too much just yet TP TP is going to come in they also have a good amount of Baron damage with the burn with theight he is looking damage as well yeah if they get everybody up there as yeah no hook shot just yet and there over the wall and now the magnet storm the hook shot buffer to try to get away and coming in Baker try to flash on but it will be disengaged Z there's a way Z can flank with a TP once he recalls they're playing it slow as he has to flash a spere still on the chase but they're Nots are just running away and I think T1 honestly fumbled this delight go down gets the shield for the Dismount T1 they had on a and they all moved to his side so he wasn't isolated as a result [Music] a damage uh oh uh oh damage damage free hit fre free free fre fre got the for you know if they CH iess they upow might here is Cante okay but the the recall from carrier taking the this is going to slow down the baron off T1 but they still have the that's the main thing with couple Towers the the base needs to be broken you need inh Tower at least really do and the in [Music] got to this earli if he doesn't get that and that in theit I think T1 get wiped yeah it was super down the wire and I will say when you have a Nal against Sani you have the Q Smite it is more reliable that you're able to secure it but it still felt close to the Wi that one tow finish bring all MERS Trend here1 to be they toel that LE yeah unfortunately I mean it's just so hard to approach you have the small they firing these qes out denying the waves and look at how h a positioning they are actually confident to look for a fight [Music] opport that Inferno bomb and uh yeah this Baron play is not really doing much at the end of the day it is about 12200 gold in the power play another end of the baron push and that will be a double kill now for Viper great pick found you know nly has on has Z didn't find a window to get it off he'll go down the baron push is ended and H feeling far better about the state of the game I will say I feel like Z not having the bar really their ability to make things happen with that he was the one split from the team and just didn't get anything done now I mean look at the map hasn't changed but now H might get this T1 Tower so as well not only but also behind itation onto Z Z's basically well car really feels like uh you get a little bonus you know when they get it that the bar power play was already at its end and it doesn't end up working out sitting on a small lead maybe they can if you have Zig Trana with soul that alone can be enough to make your siege so much more lethal just isn't the case so those picks onto Zea and Viper still going to be the main Wing I imagine Zea's going to like a ga next and Viper still sitting on that armu guard the fact he hasn't have to use the arm guard and I can't even remember the last time I saw Viper flash he just hasn't been pressured and this composition from T1 you know I talked about it coming out of draft how up with is incredibly strong at this point with the rapid fire as well the right target the impact is done you know gets the AL as well he doesn't have to get up close and personal but 348 Stacks this is a major issue for T1 yeah and uh you know you you're talking about the stuff that Viper has used I feel like we haven't really seen a coordinated fight from T1 where they really Target in onto the wer and here comes folder Viper just flapping over the wall and there's that poke damage coming in lock it going to help against that but now Peanut's in a bit of trouble he's got TP going to be forced from both of them Z going to hold on to his though and he will not be tping fight [Music] they for the I think VI still alive you can't go for it looks like they're just going to go for the dragon but that felt like either team could have taken itating on the KN Edge members going init byit finding the windows super right now I mean they really they at and they have a lead I think we might begin to see some of those fights that actually look like they've got the whole team on the same page as we have a pause going to that fight we had j and z we had the seek we had Summoners across the board I thinkone their flashes Lord r and it probably be I don't see that I don't see a reason again number one they actually [Applause] it's also interesting that we saw the originally come out into the cor specifically right so not having needed to and again I think part of that is also because they were going with a we are I think after game one that's 100% warranted anyway and we'll see if we get a bit more of a spicy counter Pi for Z in the top [Music] I think situation uh lot of things I can interrupt between the Sani the satchel and the aliser the concern is you are squishy but with the warmogs rush that we've seen a lot of times raan you are a bit bulkier but when you trying to go in seem to be an issue before the light on raan goes back all the way to the B days where he was good as the Canon being looked at here I like theot reason why we saw NASA originally is because if you pick it into Canon Canon just doesn't get to do a lot we've also the has very he was like yeah this is same as the comp we saw Lan more mid pressure cor has more early pressure compared to Zer I feel like Z is a better maybe he has like more experience on it I don't know he just looked very comfortable on Zer when I when I saw him play as well so yeah I think honestly I'm a little bit concerned for the side of HS in the situation you're going to struggle in terms of top pressure uh bot lanane you know we've seen the zigs obviously be a menace as he gets further into the game it came down a peanut I feel like him being the early instigator in that game one and I'm not sure he has as much freedom to do so in this match up without the support of things like the ja from Doren and The Bard from Delight yeah we're going to have to see if beut doesn't find some early pavings maybe if they're able to stack a couple of waves in either top or bot crash that while Peanut's there get an early uh Lane lead [Music] late zigs good luck down that yeah no no no no don't get it twisted do not gamble don't get it twisted don't get outside is playing cleans which again I think makes a lot of sense when playing into the more but we've we've seen so many triple TP on either side in this series that might be a pivot we'll see how him and the light are able to use that he as well for the light in caras ignite can always feel a r also a phase Rush from carrier so you can't even kind of Leverage uh After Shock in this situation you can see delight and Viper doing a good job of really pushing them away zoning them out and not letting the what weak early but this is getting a littleit out of back look that look at that immediately peut was on his way to his top Jung able to get out of it does obviously still have the TP available but this should come as a surprise and I think that T1 might have a suspicion maybe just steals a but it could be so much and even this presence is is going to be they and it do maybe jungle doesn't look like T1 will try to stick around for too long although go does get rooted [Music] but that's getting used as well we'll see ifer actually is allowed to take his does have advant but he just walk up see doesn't have a knock effect that P capitalizes on here I think would win out in the extended trade there but reacts to a trade G wrong for T1 in the bot Lane VI Delight should have pressure but carrier makes a mistake ends up getting only to away a but kill the window to suful last time these two you know that this is the first time we're seeing top zeri in the lck specifically we did see it at ewc as I mentioned before and it was Z that pulled it out so it just make sense that he is back on the pick here once again debuting it in the LC as unsurprisingly peanut already spent you're going to have to steal a lot but Top Lane PR firmly in Z's control uh diving around AC is always going to feel bit rough almost has the e and w available wow oh of members of sports are around yeah I think when the poy and raan show up it's definitely time to get out and they know that seen do this countless times followup is there with theight and it's again it's that willingness to just be like okay I was passing for B to top but it doesn't matter I'm going to Lan jity on something that wasn't necessarily expected but just happened to occur in the game now p is leading towards the grubs um it should be setting up for that we'll probably see a trade with owner going towards the dragon in return we'll see if he can set this up I mean delight's about to face check him car around as well car still level three Delight is up a level and Viper just pushed in the bottom wave so they're denying the Drake while also and now we got a one one on the top side trying to lock down a Zer easy task but he knows that you know the enemy Jung is bot and he's got up top side yeah the fact that Z is just sitting on rough foror because that's a pretty big investment [Music] yeah maybe he pulled that back at the last second that looks kind of awkward as ker shows up and peanut says well actually never mind think honestly we're seeing T's Lane struggle a decent amount the fact they weren't able to trade the grubs with the dragon they're try [Music] without think this game fundamentally different yes as you mentioned even with the smolder there is so much ra fire power on the side of T1 with a very reliable front line as well going behind in dragons early on does end up making a really big difference in this for the second one and we have three strong Souls left over in Mountain in fact read it I'm pretty sure gumma also hasn't used his TP yet in this game uh does now have the L Mak sense that they'd be looking to at the very least get a first they just run the map is always going to be a bit big risk as that is wherec the most I think particular with the ability such a higher level of guarantee when it comes to Dragon if we do get indeed a bck soul coming up I it so funny that like theyy re right in one is going to feel a lot hard a lot more reliable is still great trades though because the ones that are pushing in the waves and then it's I know the grubs are coming up but it's this time it looks like we moving Viper dor and Z all over the map possible catch here it's just interesting you track like oh yeah he going to get slowed up he's still flash so he's actually totally fine he is so dead in this one he is able to Valkyrie the wall and Flash actually so maybe he's totally fine have to expend a lot to get [Music] was [Music] [Music] beautiful that imately punishing as soon as the fight starts and then from then on out where they just immediately clap who dashed away after end being a really big Bo but instead so much damage here feels like it's kind of all over the place whereas H all on the same page every and without owner it feels like line is so res the got a lot ofou by so manytimes you know these times I'm like oh he's in a lot [Music] trouble and even the will be out of you really got to be careful uh with that smolder in this situation normally not the strong but if you have Tri for Spike if you're this far accelerated obviously still going to get a ton of value and T1 they were able to get some kills there but they also have to rotate over gum toward the top resp and now this like just getting more and more already a 2,000 gold lead with a lot of that gold be on Ze it definitely feels good where's my peanut come on always trolls herself as a champion because you're like Dov 7v they're and think boies running boobs bunker [Music] H Jam people leave into boobs to the pr himself I after a ling phase it looks very unenjoyable just finding the impact in these skirmishes on the Reon to keep in the game keep relevant actually finish his first item does oh Soul again yeah that's a big one especially with small thein and H already will just the light really achieve much yesing about sending they to send one here on a Viper okay move [Music] and eventually does go down sticking around a little bit too top turret ends up giving kill over to T1 meaning that uh at least go feel a little bit better about his situation but this to me feels very similar to what was happening in game number one where peanut and the light are setting the pace of this game means that T1 is just way ' want to not really getting having prev series saw between those two teams just kind of ran the rift not bad not bad a bed out from car up bit of an awkward spot he is still an Alistar with flash and Al see how long this journey goes and zero you're G give one but that's obviously not going to be the end of the world even more gold these kills and that's again I think P be Difference Maker that fight looked a bit rough K actually splitting it up nicely if Z is there the extra damage from the Zer can really be a big difference maker feels like Esports have this game managed really well will be a trade of these this is the fact he already has the man finished a lot and nowal they mid and just further open up P just going to throw out an ALT but or rather an emote and he's just going to run away from that one go into his jungle and just Farm but um you know you talked about the gold lead for Ze we've seen guys like aiming you know get very far ahead on gold and really stack up the gold but he's also stacking his Stacks his dragon training he is up at 190 already 18 the so this isn't just not really interacting it's I've got five KS I'm super far ahead and I have a million Stacks nobody really answers him right now I mean that's the thing is that you obviously get Stacks from farming on smaller but you can get a ton of stacks from fighting as well if you get like a big old or a w it'sit multiple people so yeah Zea is quickly going to become a problem and you know we said 200 there's a lot of late game threats on T1 but when the smaller is this strong I think if people are body blocking the Sani if carrier isn't allowed access because of the poy that I do think is that eventually the only front line is is Poppy and I know poppy is really tanky but up against sh tank an ultimate they should be able to blow him up the problem is are we going to get to a point where like Z has free items Faker has free or in uh this attempt at oh it can't fail need it uhoh [Music] engan okay we do that there's way [Music] they fer able to get the Kill from and now three drag gold that feeling good I mean what else can you ask for really it's at this point they're just kind of sailing into the mid to late and yeah I I think that cr's point is relevant if we go super late you know the Z's going to be online the got to be online you've got a COR as well but if if they get there and also H sports are so far ahead right now yeah and also the if was feel a lot worse one fo and the sh alone was enough to kill him the as well I mean all three of them just just lines them up and z and Viper knock him down and again it's that I think it's that second shot where the front liner were still there and still they were able run'll needs to be very crisp we we saw in game number one they were able to get basically a miracle Baron and find their way back into the game time Mayim we did see Way Way Back on remember hasn't been a thing for a while youed your set they can look for something but if they don't find an angle they have dragon in 2 minutes 40 and look at what T want to doing this is when you know the game is in a rough spot and I think this is but they're starting to go for plays that might look a bit desperate trying to find picks on isolated members [Music] [Music] he is free as well you talked about desperation that one definitely looked desperate H vports will clean it up easily complete decimation Z's TP gets canell as well by Doran so they The Secret of K at doesn't really end up helping them theer want two item spikes can't join them and life is going to take this that play is going to look like what a T1 doing you know but in this situation they are really far behind they can have to go for something desperate but it's just a really good job from hle Snips them out and then T1 are like look if we lose Faker Baron's probably gone we have to try but they in such a bad spot fake just dies essentially to the damage already done to him and P finish him off carry is locked in he tries to get the light and then goa's like well I'm dead let's try and ult the light uh and isn't able to scare that kill either just it could have just been one pick but that probably would have been any just backfires and gets worse yeah I'm also looking at it maybe Z should have been happy like I think by the time he arrived I don't know [Music] with crushing vict this series Once Again winning on blue side G going to try what he can but there's no way he defends against five here yeah he's trying desperately to clear the but there's not much that he can do down he goes He trains for the life but he will not train Nexes life Esports will take down game number three and R the lead no not not I'm going to wonder for fun but to suggest that being on blue side is a free win does a disservice to that game to which was such a struggle for1 was so close here on three to try but the thing is now it's an opportunity for H to adapt if they really want to and they will ban proba rumble's going to be the third B so it might just be a repeat of [Music] last been having such a great series on this with this this is going to be somewhat reminiscent of that game two with the N Tristana coming in again we already ran it kind of back and then doing that again we're just uh yeah I do expect there to be changes towards the second half of the draft but so far ofar think we were talking about in the break as well that even though his response wasn't great a lot of that to uh execute dearly laning phase well but in the series it is without a shadow without a peanut has just been able to outperform it even in the game that t11 On's early objective control was good but it wasn't the nly performance that I think we hoped going in where you really are able to get more than just a couple of early camps and some objectives and now I concern is cuz you have two picks that are so riing on setup in the zigs andal where your ideal circumstance is they both have CC on their team to set it up Camille's gone though you know the last time they played this composition Das was on that and he had fantastic setup for them when he was able to execute that's not there anymore they can also maybe threaten some of the support picks for carrier and you know if they want to get rid of the Leona they can definitely do that now they get R the alist but still to that from as set up ideally from both top and support to facilitate the rest of their composition a lot is taken away as doesn't make me very excited right I I would have much rather seen yourself T obviously likes to play a lot more aggressive we've seen what they've done in the series thus far the Camille the Zer in last game Lea I think is the no-brainer here but they are going to we don't we don't really know where it's going seen the puy support come out it's probably mostely the Leona go for the top I don't like this because now your only setup is this Leona and there's a poppy and a Sani to run interrupt it's going to be counter pick into this and this setup just isn't there so T1 kind of hoping thats just stand there and let them poke them [Music] the one gute Lea think bot Lane going to be so important if bot Lane falls behind and your Leona is weak she is the person who has to be on the front line in every situation she you're just going to get blown up by the enemy team like how as a Le you're going to go into Mele range of poyani and N behind they'll just one shot you I love that that's expected here by the H Esports fans see you tomorrow and in Europe if you guys missed it whoever wins this series goes to Worlds the team that goes into the L finals here for summer so a lot on the line we're feeling like sports got a big draft Gap we'll see what the game play looks like though as we H the for game number four game number four begins with owner and uh this is what you want to do if you're going to pick the N blind expecting Sani um you need to put on some pressure and you need to be useful and I think they've it's so far been six games in playoffs of peanut really running I think really wants to possible but by the Light so denying a bit of information there but they they should have an idea of where it is but it looks like with owner starting on the red I mean I guess he could start that b side and to move over towards peanuts blue and trying to find some pressure there the light also now late to Lane so maybe T1 can capitalize that on a bit and try and get some some push to help out the jungler we have to see owner is starting on the bottom half of the map and this is again something we always going to look to when you're picking nly you already highlighted it ORS so we are going in here but just some trading back and forth if if you're nly the ideal yeah so when we go back all the way to level one it already didn't start off great I think Faker canceling AO Z was moving in that's a very very early Force TP that's going to enough to come through and we want to remind you that I think T1 are pretty relying on doing well in the lanes because if your lanes aren't pushing this n doesn't get the freedom to play the way that she needs to she needs to be able to invade she needs to be able to pressure owner because you're so much stronger in the One V one also do note owner actually going for phase Rush with which I think into a match up L can make a big difference see the way that Peanut's kind of walking around here he doesn't go directly into his jungle give a little time there's a ward on the blue buff that might spot out peut but yeah owner just going for a clear faker's hopping forward just hoping to do a little bit of harass and maybe hold the wave here Z is like uh well okay I will get some stacks and I have TP and you don't so I'm just going to take my stacks back and then TP back to Lane it's actually so good p because he he was low on Mana he wanted to recall anyway and now he ends up getting a situation where he gets a reset and TP but he knows that is just going to come in and shove it in situation Lane has one of the things with a champion like is sometimes you get these really strong scaling picks when he wasn't showing up the power he has really as well is really wave clear is why he's so formidable because you can't just stomp him Reon buts are eating good here in this early game and I'm pretty sure that they they knew this as well it felt like they were trying to set up a bait with owner getting the heal off but that that was never going to be enough right the ignite comes through the heal very much this is a disr early theer can spear could be something FL FL well it seemed like he had a inkling he was watching his watching his character you know yeah uh very focused there so he's down flash but he doesn't take a bad trade though is still there he feels comfortable taking the camp Oh a little bit too late last5 second of the recall doesn't get cancelled but once again seem to like be very active on the map and we've seen a lot of this Jin zigs this series and it feels like it just gives so much Freedom the going to Beed down he's able to hop away but I'm not sure he's getting away from this one it looks like sports do not want to overchase but again you're a Tristana and mid already losing Lane and you still don't have TP look at this the [Music] wave your back again particularly the way that the light is playing on the map Viper is continuously able to not only have pressure in the lane but also find so many of these setups with his W it makes early game so hard for T1 I think the consistent theme between last game and this one is that if you make any mistake against H life Esports they will pun it so heav because he burn TP early and in the previous game it was K taking the bad trade which me peanut was able to challenge owner and just crush him in here I think the headt just too slow the Top Lane looks like Z is doing pretty well early on into the nasis which I mean it's Corky into melee and the Wither can only do so much early on he's just farming away is storan so that Top Lane not really having a big effect just yet but maybe on the top that's really the one Lan well for them the do a little check Doran at 60 Zea at I think 50 something so Delight is in the area T1 have already taken the grubs we'll see if owner can actually find an angle for this in car always thei 202 flashbacks right when Barrel was just always off on the map doing his own thing [Music] compared to owner yeah it's very true and I think life Esports you know they get every like if you try to make a play delay there and so you don't really have a lot of freedom to do much you guys talked about had much pressure in this entire series I guess outside of game two they are now looking for something might find carry here the is always there and he's B's but I don't know if he's any down reallyy toly this one he's doing so much work and I mean one of the things with like zigs back in the day was people would pick him and be like okay more pressure in the matchup and Delight is getting more impact out of the rooms it's like you're not getting the B and win the this should be the easier one game five when Sid like that should be the hard one and this one's already starting off with a bit of a struggle going to have to see them the very least get the grubs might be able to chain those together if you can get grubs into a Drake start stacking early maybe get them a second doesn't matter when Viper can just set up anden can just get the passive off the CC L was good and by the time the CC end what you y absolutely and just kind of AC good in terms of when he's he can clear waves and angle there not much room to go for he is going to try to flash away and there's not enough stuns coming in here's Delight again again he's [Music] everywhere on the ultimate I think could have used but maybe wasn't sure they had the damage that's no very necessary in their colum Dron and with it being ocean then chch which in my opinion two of the the weakest Souls Viper in a very awkward spot in the Top Lane that's a big one to the face and Viper just walks it off at the same time I mean he's top now the TP was used by Z so he can't really get to this fight either Zea just walks that one off yeah K trying to find an angle to Zea but I think it's big that T1 try and contest this Dragon because if you give two over to hen strong Soul away from being in a really uncomfortable position giv over Soul point so owner is trying to set set up on this now HD hovering around I mean they don't have Vier yet so it doesn't really feel like they can fight the top laner Champions don't have their teleports at the moment so T1 just trying to get this one down and in their column faker's going to take the aggro which actually resets the dragon a little bit T1 feeling the pressure now Viper here comes the helicopter trying to get somebody out of this one it will be carry flying thank you for the Le take the drag [Music] and but you know Jin's going to struggle into devil I need to do something man I think that right now now it does feel like the situation for T1 one of the big things that I'm worried about is we haven't fight yet if this that I imagine at this point is sitting at like what 150 200 Stacks uh all right trying to get on top that's pretty bra but they have enough damage with the just to follow up but Delight is FL FL he reallys to is get atast are able to trade it back okay we got we got to give you sub flag for that one because that was should be able to get first tur as well yes pushes fast but not as fast as a with five I think the problem is though is that H TR Towers but also get so now1 might feel like they need to get this situation but the light is here happy with with that trade with how it pans out yeah I mean at the end of the day it does feel like uh TR but'll but the flash definitely at the end it's so funny cuz Z obviously Dodges Z which is great but the amount of tower hits that a Sani nasis can tank with block it as well they could be under that tower for like you know 20 seconds and keep going I thought you were going to say 20 minutes I would also agree with that yeah probably valid yeah a little bit of juggling but they'll be fine do see T Lang really hard to play out you need to be sure about your engages and this is where I think the puppy really plays a big part because if you mess up an engage like between wither flap uh the ultimate from Viper you're just never getting out your first call needs be the right 2 yeah sure about this I feel like mid would have been better but maybe just they looking forage [Music] and also to do something that was but you also look at the like well I know what I'm doing and D nearly getting the kill and then trading flashes means that there's not even like a flash Advantage gain from this uh so yeah I think H very happy with that trade and now 10 seconds until that Dragon the all important soulle point it is control in favor of T1 uh but they really want to make sure that H can't get closer the poppy is such a spanner when it comes to setting up these dragons on the fact you well played good poke landed they the set first they didn't get hit by [Music] the able to take it down right Horizon Focus Andre zigs will do a lot of damage here and you know things were a bit Doom and Gloom 4 T1 but they navigated that passage of Play From the Start starting up the dragon until taking that Tower perfectly considering TR down losing top tier two they managed to find a good bounce back and really instill some hope over this game yeah as a as a T1 predictor obviously I have at no point in this this game doubted them uh so I I feel like this is all going according to plan guys I don't know what you're talking about imagine how tanky Leona's going to be with four Mountain dragons you know if you don't have any if you don't have any tanks just get mountaina four Mountain dragons and everyone's a tank when everyone's a tank nobody okay a that was get the thing well now that we got that out of the way um I do think you know T1 had the one Drake and we'll see if they'll get any [Music] more they might look for an in they so good in these cross the bot side slow it down I don't think they're going to be able to pressure more on the top side but they're doing a good job of just pushing the pace of the game now there is a smaller still in this game Zea this time around hasn't really been the main character the way that he was in some of the previous games but is sitting at uh about 170 right now should be able to get towards that and this is obviously the luxury do not need to about this they can play either towards you know overc commit towards the objective they can go for Mid push they can try and get the boths side iners so there's a lot of objectives for them they can choose to go towards whereas T1 I think are still prized into getting think a we haven't ANM not so much I mean even though he's an INF stacking in the mid game it'll get to the point where he's going to get shredded and also it's really hard for him to stay on targets like if he Withers anyone apart from carrier you don't really want to be carrier but they there yeah he's a is [Music] that's and P has the back as well we'll see tp's coming in I think home life still want to try and contest this still 10 seconds towards the Drake would be a really big win for T1 if they can get this be able to Dragon but they're being very careful about and it's just so hard to approach and time anyone steps up set up around this one and now horts are going to Take Over Control of this very important brush theage Eng W let's go let's go let's go chase Ste reset reset City faker the dragon is taken by H life Esports this is the problem they don't get the dragon the resets don't come in all the way and with this these low health bars and you know after the dragon secured H want to disengage the Poke starts to come in the zig is massive and then Viper alting to cre get but theeng like not even they could have end had a giant wave already baring towards theeng torand only up and they not going to be feeling too bad about that one I will say though they do lose mid tier one for that and now you can see Gooma pushing in super deep they can move towards the baron Havey control and playing against a composition with so much poke like this vision control is King bouncing bomb thrown at you when you know where they are and they don't know where you are and I think that mid TI one is definitely Ed for a lot in FA of them right now around these dragons or they over the soul and now Z with the stacks just adds to the pressure has hit the stacks slower turn compared to what used to be say year ago they have TP andak Lane hard to engage on again so much potential not only this game but the series and the opportunity for T1 to again face off against gen uh has happened a of times moner monster monster in game losing in I'm just not sure what the game plan there was because you don't have the tank know what they're trying to do you know they're tryage around this bar they don't want to make a 5050 happen around the getting so but it backfires massively and now we see Z picking up the rapid fire a really big spike and peut is's just not going to die realistically as you point out they just don't have until everyone unless everyone commits but at that point you are just waiting to get taken down and if you're fighting into a choke point against the poppy in particular not going to work as [Music] a faker Zab CL [Music] midan 29 minutes into the game and once again T1 try and make a proactive play looks like a decent idea but the backfire hurts them so much it's about sending a message concerned for both of them [Music] 5050 felt like they were in a desperate position after losing the soul but H don't hesitate think and faker's going to be up Kuma's going to be up but I don't know how much of the base they can keep standing and outside of an absolutely ludicrous Elder flip situation I don't know if this going and this is the play that it all comes down to where they feel like with the zix they have an angle but it doesn't end up working out y z have just enough damage and able to C they do something crazy and the game is over unfortunately doesn't go that way I understand the reason they went for it but it just goes from bad to worse yeah and after you lose the bar you lose the fight it just feels like you don't really have much else left going for you H life Esports they taking everything and it was little by little they were getting wins around the map and then finally they were able to find a really big one and again this is for world world seed would go over to if they It Here and Now [Music] useless get PR with the rapid fire baring a miracle it looks like H Al the heavy favorites coming in today actually going to deliver on that going to go up against geni tomorrow and punch that ticket to worlds1 just trying to clear the waves for the time being the wave clears there but it's a struggle against the bar two play around the rapid fire to pressure this one look at the damage oh God and they're going to throw this on top of but problem if they lose trip minut theame over but the opport just broken Marksman Navy usess broken trip they're not going to risk the opport to CL the out we've seen already stacked up might not even wait till then but I think saying like why why take a risk when you can the trip will not will Papa papa1 vict tonight and we will be denied the repat T1 geni finals H going to break up the streak [Music] a [Music]

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