Renaissance Festival 2024!!

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:09:05 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: renaissance festival
what's up YouTube It's Ian Becket and Roman mom's at brunch today so we decided to take the day and head out to the Renaissance Festival you guys pumped it's a fair Dad it's actually a festival I think I don't know maybe it's called The Renaissance but it's about the Renaissance and we're hoping to see some people dressed up with swords and shields I don't know what else we're going to find probably without shirts and without shs oh yeah yeah when we looked online at the uh at the information flyer it said uh that you were allowed to come into the festival with no shirt and no shoes so uh could get interesting have no idea what to expect but we're almost there so we'll see all here it is this is serious there's a lot of people here way more than thought entrance is a literal Castle so no nobody without a shirt on yet we're still looking and nobody without a shirt still looking couldn't ask for a better day could you yeah couldn't have a hotter day let's get it going you okay 49 bucks for one adult two kids hey Dad can I hold my ticket actually pretty much right this looks super legit dad can I my ticket please going all right look at that the the Armory we got to get to the Armory good day sir how do you do this is awesome the G patience look at these oh dude that dad this looks like a NE from oh yeah this is crazy dad Dragon these are well Dad you can get these and then you can like put them together all right got some KN throwing going here the step with the opposite foot straight back straight forward do not flick your wrist okay ready you there oh jeez that was terrible okay hold on you got the back into the wall yeah okay okay ready the little don't put your hand on the knife you weirdo okay ready just like that y everyone here walk me oh oh okay Roman get two nobody's made one uh-oh come on son don't let us down all right I'll take the last one a no did any of us that was terrible we're not going to defend ourselves with knives maybe ninja stars let's see you give me like pinch it between your fingers step back and straight forward whip it hard oh snap okay okay two okay Roman you to hey can I thr the last if you guys make them both they will have to decide on the last one nice I don't oh he take a step put your strong hand on the bottom he said yep and you want to like flick it yeah like that yep oh dude not bad not bad that had a chance okay Roman strong hand on the bottom strong Roman strong hand on the bottom okay a here okay ready you just do your yours you ready oh somebody got it Jee Oh I thought that had it K come on bro yes yes all right there you goine it bounc and then it hit Becky was aiming at somebody that was laying on the ground in front of him good tactic guys I made one of everything I did start all right hands got to face the same direction so that's this way or this way none of this none of that this way or this way feet stay in the air you can't use the wood to help you or anything like that there's going to be a 10-second countdown before you start to grab the bar two go go okay he's got to hang for one minute it's a long time rip it how long spin 24 seconds 24 [Music] what do you think so far good yeah Roman what do you think good this is scary what do you think what is this called haunted haunted dungeon the haunted dungeon not haunting we're doing it we are doing it here we go boys I love you oh God okay H let's let our eyes adjust first oh boy what do you see B so am I what is that hold Mary Rose yeah oh oh God I don't like this okay oh my God don't do it don't do it we had to walk past that thing moves oh my God what the go okay here we go Dad can we turn around wait we're almost at the end come on okay okay what the what is that oh he's on the thing he's on now oh now it's getting no that was amazing what do you think [Laughter] be at first I didn't know if this was the right way and then I saw the sign and now I realized clearly we're going in the right direction wait yep yep yep yep there you go okay you guys want to stay we at the archery range oh Roman coming out with a four right out of the gate save me one each okay all right Roman Roman's got got four points okay Becka hold on let Becka go okay that was a three okay eight to 10 I have the power you know oh huge six [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right boys before we get on the road what do you think about your first renfest well long enough to run make the camera run out of batteries yeah yeah it was favorite part mine might have been the haunted dungeon the haunted housea what did you think about mine was when we got uh well no probably when I got this yeah your sword let's see your sword where's yours oh it's in the back oh you threw it back there what did you think can't leave without a sword that's for sure that was crazy my favorite part was seeing all the people in their costumes it was wild like at least half the people or more 60% we had like full T to toe costume so I don't know I give it 60 four out of five stars for me what do you guys give it I did huh four out of five four out of five back it no8 out of 10 uh 4 and three4 the only bad thing was the haunted the haunted scared the crap out of you all right see you

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