Published: Aug 23, 2022
Duration: 00:21:49
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: tulsa election results
hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to the local podcast i'm jumping on just a few minutes early i was unable to uh jump on before then this because i had some uh house stuff honestly to get to done but it looks like ryan walters is going to be the next state superintendent for public instruction based on what i can see i have been looking at the numbers the only thing i'm worried about i mean he's got a healthy lead he's got a healthy lead at this point hold on just a second the only thing i'm worried about is tulsa county um but i hear that they are going to call it that's what i hear at least um well i'm just a second whoops throwing it up here and it went backwards of course there we go one second there so he say state superintendent he's up by almost 10 000 with 1364. um reporting and i just want to look at tulsa county tulsa county is the only thing i'm worried about and we've got see we've only got 76 of 251 reporting so that makes me a little nervous just because i don't know where the areas that aren't reporting yet he has healthy leads in cleveland county um and that's 81 of 105. he's he's up 2 000 there tulsa county is what makes me nervous and i know but i don't even know that there's enough republican votes left there it just depends on where what which part of the precincts in tulsa county that are left out pardon me so pittsburgh counties and he won pittsburg county um pusha matois i can't say that i'm sorry um where is the other oklahoma city lincoln county oklahoma oklahoma county he's ahead in oklahoma county oklahoma county and tulsa county here are are the majority of the votes in the state so i hear that the governor is getting up to speak at ryan's event but um i'm not sure that i've heard any other news organization call it yet he has got a healthy lead he's got a head well hold on let me make sure let's go back to view it as a summary yeah 10 uh just under 10 000 or or right at 10 000 just a thousand hundred so 9 000 or so i mean he's ahead of the absentee ballots he was head in early voting and so it's 96 000 to 87 000 90 97 000 to 88 000 or so so again my my worry is in tulsa county which says as 78 now so a majority of the precincts there still have yet to report and cleveland county we're getting closer there and he's maintaining that lead that's okay oklahoma county he's got a healthy lead in oklahoma county um logan that's fine so she would have to garner i think a majority of the remaining precincts in tulsa county to make up the deficit with the votes that are still left on the table that's my understanding but we are going to keep an eye on it let me check my source here i have somebody saying that the governor is about ready to speak at his event but i haven't seen it if anybody's seen that drop that in my chat if anybody's got a bead on ron ron let me know i think he's there i'm trying to get a hold with him but these numbers i mean already it's difficult for her to surpass and well yeah let me just look at that map again okay and i'm i'm a chronic updater so now we went into 85 and he's extended his lead in tulsa county i think that's it he's extended his lead in oklahoma county he's extended his lead in cleveland county so let's look at some of these rural areas he's up he's ahead in latimer county ahead in haskell county mcintosh let's see how he's doing in k county he's behind in k county that's interesting so he's going to lose k county that's interesting i would have anticipated he won k county we need to get up there closer to kansas oh i'm getting some news here hold on just a second i've got ron ron on the chat here trying to get ron to come on so we can talk a little bit sorry about that okay so i don't care about hearing you ron i don't care about hearing you don't care uh janice danforth of moms for liberty might be jumping on here in a minute gonna look here again at tulsa county tulsa county he's extended his lead in tulsa county let me just hit refresh again jump into favorites here auto fresh restart i get a favorite there we go okay so oh he's extended well he's still sitting at about 9 000 votes ahead with 100 1400 i think he's in let me look at tulsa county again i think that's it well see that scares me guys that's scary she'd have to win a majority of the votes but that is in her total if tolls if anybody's gonna vote for her it's gonna be these heavy precincts in tulsa county they're usually the last ones to to report for some reason imagine that okay he's ahead in cleveland county he's going to win cleveland county i still don't believe he lost kate county let's see uh so up here on the panhandle he's losing the panhandle but these aren't big boat areas let me see if janice oh here we go one one's coming on hold on juan can you hear me hold on i'm just throwing a live feed here just real quick this is the the video cast from rob ron at the live event showing us what's going on here ron if you can hear me please uh respond but it looks like a lively area serving his correspondent there with the real ron ron he can't hear me i bet yeah but the uh the the the rural heirs did buy the lie but not from what i'm seeing actually at least not the ones with the real boat total so this is uh let me just see if i can show this a little better here oh that's not working ron hey how are you brother can you see me can you hear me did we win has the governor spoke uh he can't hear me oh janice is up janice is coming in so hey janice the only thing i have a concern about and i'll see if i can throw this up if you can see it uh let me get out of this right here is tulsa county yeah tulsa county's only got 85 reporting right right usually the from my understanding what i remember um the biggest parts of the precincts there are the ones that don't that that go last okay um but he's got a healthy lead i mean i don't know how she would have to win almost every every vote i would think so i mean john uh john o'connor won tulsa pretty good so i don't know if that's and and he lost him he did lose that's right so i mean that could be good or bad i guess yeah well i'm just what i'm saying is is in terms of me making a call because he's winning cleveland county he's got that in the bag i think that's what they he's winning oklahoma county by sizable margin um can can y'all hear me at all yes yes okay yes the governor uh is reported to be here in just a few minutes okay a couple of minutes okay the news crews have turned on all their lights and ryan is doing interviews and he's fixing to go live and do a speech okay do you think you can hold that for us will you uh have they called it there what have they called it there that nobody's called it i okay nobody's called it don't do that but look here i'll tell you this chris have they called it yet you're unlockable what's up chris banning hey chris banning how are you let me let me get everybody in here yeah here's here's the it's it i'm just worried about tulsa county that's all i'm worried about don't worry about tulsa county unlockable don't do it yeah well he's ahead in cleveland county he's ahead in oklahoma county by sizable margins so uh tulsa is the only holdout but it only has 85 85 precincts reporting let's hope that we kicked butt here in tulsa and got enough people to come out and vote against well he's still ahead he's still ahead in tulsa right now that's the thing with the 85 precincts that have reported uh let me see if i can go back to that oh of course i got out of it but with the eighty five trees i'll tell you right now they're taking a bunch of pictures and people are talking to him like he's the next state superintendent well i'm going to be cautiously optimistic uh but i mean look at these precincts man he's got well now he's got over attend yeah he okay i'm calling it you're going to call it hold on a second let me look at this map yeah look at the map let me know what you think no he's he won i'm calling it unlockable he's over 11 000 yes he's over 11 thousand and 107 more than half of the precincts in tulsa and he's still got a lead in tulsa i call him he'll say something to you real quick yeah hang on here's the governor hi governor he's not paying attention to us ryan walks away that's all right i'm calling yeah they're fixing to call it yay that that last match awesome walters is the next state superintendent of public instruction for the state of oklahoma you heard it here first if you were watching just because we made a call but i mean yeah that's an art official that's right it is official it's official brought to you by our correspondent the real writer he just called it hold on we're waiting for ron god bless america that's right i don't know who this is he's hugging babies and kissing kissing everybody yep yeah hello hey ron would you mind um keep it on for us for his speech he's not listening to me hopefully he'll stay on speed yeah see i got a we got a built-in news team here folks we got i know we've got an anchor we got it we got color ryan walters is the next state superintendent of public instruction let's see if we can hear him the governor's about to speak or is he talking to a camera hold on sorry folks for the dead air but we yes sir uh my phone's about to die but i got to go uh politic because we did it yes amen amen that's awesome hey hey uh uh tell tell ryan congratulations for me and uh and uh we'll have you all back on the show here in the next couple of days just to gloat yes thank you sir all right bye brother okay see you guys all right guys so ryan walters is the next state superintendent for public instruction and i would just say this the work is not yet done we are not yet uh done with what we need to do we need to elect him in november but he is the next he is well he is the the republican nominee for state superintendent of public instruction so that i believe will make him the next state superintendent for public instruction but we need to remember that we've got to keep up the fight from now through november and and make sure that we put him in that office because we cannot afford for the democrats to win that seat and they are going to come out for him know that i believe that the the whole april race contingency are going to come out and vote for the democrat because that's where they were leaning the whole time so i will say this let's just look at the map real quick while i've got you i'm going to add this to the stream and just look at tulsa county which is the one i was waiting on tulsa county 107 precincts he's still in the lead there it's over it is over folks looking at the summary let me just refresh this all right yeah 78 reporting he's ahead by 11 000 almost 12 000 votes it's done right walters is the republican nominee for state superintendent of public instruction so guys thank you all for coming and watching and uh if you can get on the news and watch ryan's speech i tried to get us out there so we could hear him talk uh but my correspondence phone died so um thank the real ron ron thanks janice danforth um for being on and uh this is a great win i will just say this this is a great win and and we we cannot keep our guards down we cannot let our guards down we have to keep up the fight because it's just going to get a little harder from here in terms of the narrative i'll tell you that the democrats are are scared they're running scared what happened in norman today if you didn't hear about that i'll just show you that um if i can actually real quick if you all didn't hear about the the teacher in norman uh public schools who resigned because of they violated 1775 well that's what happens but i will say this i just want to say this before we leave the the chat here because right again if you're just turning in ryan walters is the republican nominee for state superintendent of public instruction so but i want to show you this i want to talk about the [Music] uh hold on just a second twitter there okay i want to talk about this for a second which is the teacher that resigned from norman for for breaking 1775 but i just want to point something out real quick just want to point something out this is actually good news because it just shows that there is at least some accountability happening there but they're going to make a martyr out of this person i'm going to make a mortar out of this person for breaking the law but i want you all to remember something right here look at this this is your superintendent for norman public schools this right here is the reason that these teachers are doing this in the first place we cannot move accountability down the line and keep it there okay let's hold our teachers accountable but let's let's let's hold this is something let's hold the superintendent's account i am the most excited about he's talking here about diversity equity and inclusion in doing you know from the time i was at irving as a teacher and a coach to from the time i got uh named as superintendent and if you're just tuning in ryan walters has won the nomination something that's been on my mind the way i grew up um the friends i had you know it's it's always important to recognize who's around who's around you um and so with that this year we were able to hire an our executive director of dei and stephanie williams many of you know her this right here this person right here is the reason why we're dealing with this problem so the reason why we need ryan walters assistant principal of the year principal at longfellow and i'll tell you this look at listen to this for just a very short video i want you to so the reason for all the books is right here also professional development i mentioned he's telling you the reason for all the books is your dei instructor and his administration comes to diversity also professional development i mentioned that she's working he endorsed april greece and all of our principals on professional development ryan walters is the next state superintendent he's the next republican materials we have in our buildings but also general recruitment when it when it comes to diversity so i'll do a little story on that as we go forward but uh thank you all for tuning in i just wanted this to be a little shortcast to let you know that ryan has won the nomination for state superintendent of public instruction and it's now on to november making sure he wins there so we can do what is what is best for our state and for our students so everybody go to my channel please if you if you're watching this go to my youtube channel please and and like that page i would really appreciate that that really helps me out um uh with the work that i'm doing um but now hold on i'll get you a a link here that you can you can click on if you wouldn't mind just going there and subscribing to my channel it helps me out um and you can obviously like like here as well um on facebook and and all of that that is that is appreciated as well and i've got a sub stack twitter all that but i wanna make sure that hold on gotta go to my channel but the the news of the evening is that ryan walters has won has won the primary and of course it's being very slow and i'm stalling but i hope you've appreciated some of the stuff that i brought you guys um i know i can be a bit incendiary at times i know that i can be a bit harsh but i'll tell you this i am passionate about fighting for kids i'm passionate about fighting for students and making sure that they're in the kind of instruction environment they deserve so uh here is my youtube channel jumping into the chat there if you would go there and like and subscribe and share my videos i really appreciate you could also learn some stuff there um but again ryan walters is the next state superintendent for public instruction and he is he's the guy let's make sure he wins in november thank you all so much see you later