Mean Tweets with Based Comic | Episode 5: Debate Night Wrap-Up

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 01:10:07 Category: News & Politics

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[Music] why didn't you what do you think I've been doing here I don't know I'm as flustered as you are come on Taylor get in the game I'm trying to get in the game really I'm not really in the game tonight I didn't know what K ha was in the game more than I was and that's really sad you need to give me a clear just give me a clear message when you want me to hit that intro okay yeah I don't don't Mumble you're mumbling but I mean what you tell me some thoughts I mean tell me some thoughts on on whatever we got to I mean I just uh I don't really know what to talk about because there's nothing my brain is so muddled with everything that I've just seen in the last hour and a half I can't think of anything I'll tell go ahead and hit the intro all right all right all right [Music] all right good evening uh Gators I don't know if we're happy or not I'm not sure I am not feeling happy but we survived it right I didn't want to just survive it though you know I really wanted to learn some stuff from this and I really wanted it to go well and I just don't really feel like it did I don't know why I expected anything different you know I'm usually not a big fan of paying attention to the things that Laura lomer says but I couldn't dismiss you know the the stuff about the the medical emergency when Biden had it that turned out to be true she posted a a big tweet about how um KL Harris is like best friends with a major executive at ABC I ain't if I was going to be honest and ask a question do you think that she got the questions in advance oh I completely there's no conspiracy theory here on any of this I could completely see that I felt like this entire debate was rigged from the get-go yeah obviously and and watching it tonight it just it was just it was so frustrating it didn't feel like a real debate there's nothing here that really felt good and if you want to be honest okay I didn't think Trump felt that good either I think that they piled on him and they got him they wanted to make him angry you can almost see it on kamla's face like she just loved it she was just feeding off of it like a pack of hyenas on a kill well because she had um she had ABC doing her work for her but that's so wrong it's so goddamn wrong yeah yes it is I mean I don't want to be so angry about this but is this is the kind of stuff like I really hate I sometimes I just hate this country I hate I hate the people so many people in this country it's just vicious I might as well live in Russia it feels the same no I I kind of know that feeling it's like like looking at her face really had that that me girl Sensation that I remember from high school when they knew that the the game was rigged and they already had the advantage it was exactly like that um because it you know she wasn't having to do the hard work ABC was doing all the lifting for her I think most likely she got all of the questions in advance and was not only got them inance but was probably coached by the team and behind the scenes even worked with them one of the major accusations that was running around was that um he insisted that the the mics be unmuted ABC didn't agree to do that but then they did it they unmuted her mic and then were slow to unmute trumps whenever was possible they just had him muted so he couldn't respond well I don't really put too much stock in the whole questions thing because they all hit the same I mean honestly the questions are what everyone expects from there's a question on climate change there's a question on on the economy there's a question on abortion I mean there's no trick here everyone knows the topics are going to get covered and hit it's it's that doesn't bother me it's the approach there on site once they get it going that's what I didn't like I didn't like why the job of the moderator is to ask the damn question and shut the f up yeah that is supposed to and I don't care if there's misinformation you shut up it's not your job yeah we were all um tearing apart Candy Crowley back when she did that um and everyone was trying to say that now it's just normal so now it's normal now this is just what we do I suppose and so it's just frustrating because forget Trump this is going to be this way for every candidate going for it it's going to be this way for the rest of my damn miserable life and I'm so sick of it I hate it I I just I really truly hate the nature of how this country is just built now on just just cheating on the damn board game yeah I think uh Megan Basham pointed out that uh every question was propaganda I mean you mentioned that I you say that all of these basic topics we were all expecting we were expecting abortion we expecting climate change we weren't expecting to go on a whole journey through every hoax that Donald Trump's ever been accused of like what like um the Charlottesville lie really you didn't think they were going to bring that up are you kidding you can't be that naive well that that's a lot of people didn't a lot of people were hoping I think that the moderators were going to concentrate on issues fools yeah well fools I mean come on I knew that they were going to go January 6th I knew they were going to go whe you thought the last election was stolen now do I think any either of those of those should be covered oh hell no because it's ridiculous but did did you think that they were going to only fact check him yeah I I I this played out sadly the way I thought it would I I was just praying to God that Trump would not get angry and he did he got angry and you just can't you just can't but why why is it that you can't get angry why is it that when um the the tables are being turned and people are are piling on you and they're lying to your face and nothing's being done about it why is it that you can't get a little bit heated because you don't it doesn't look professional at that that point it doesn't look as professional personally I don't care I do not care because I already know the issues at hand I know what matters I could care less Donald Trump could have come in in a in a in a thong I don't care yeah it's not about me and it's not about for you it's just it it does matter for a lot of people that are going to watch this stuff and make a decision and the thing that Trump really needed to be able to do is just he needed to come back with responses that were not that were more targeted towards even like the moderators why didn't he ever ever step up and say man you're factchecking me constantly you never fact check her I mean why didn't he say that I don't know and then but then I'm not even sure if he was really fully aware of what was going on or you're so busy being on the defenses I think that's it I just don't see this is the difference between someone like Donald Trump then a Ronda santis who can pivot so much more subtly that way Rond de santis wouldn't have had those problems no that's true and this isn't like oh my God I we just should have had Ronda sis I'm past all that it's 100% clear that yeah Ronda sis is a better debater but um I still think you know Trump is a really solid fighter and does policies the right way uh it's just he's not always the best at expressing those policies no he rarely is that is probably his strongest weakness is that but everyone knows that including them yeah I mean everyone knows that and it's just like she's really bad at it too it's just they're giving her cover yeah and and I think debate prep and so it just it just comes out I don't know I don't even know what the word for it it's just PA it felt pathetic the whole experience just felt like a big sham for us we're the ones that lose not them Trump Trump's not going to lose out of this cuz he's R well he could cuz he could go to jail and Comm Harris isn't going to lose we lose we're the poor simpleton fools that have to live in this country and put up with this crap and the manipulation David Mur is Rich he doesn't give a flying [ __ ] he doesn't care he's Rich oh yeah he's gonna be fine right I'm just I'm no I it's kind of flown out of my head what I was going to actually it just makes me that that kind of stuff really does can can make me angry because um yeah well there's real this is serious this is not a Monopoly game this is not a GU I'm going to ask is like so when Mitt Romney would really frustrate me by sitting there and letting people like Monica Crawley walk all over him and he would smile and he would take it and he really wouldn't like he'd get fact checked and he really wouldn't argue or fight about it I found that infuriating I think I found that far more infuriating than I found this to be because I I I liked that image of trump um after he was shot with his fist in the air that's the the the best of him is when he fights well it is but that's that's a moment where he that's an ad lived moment and he's pretty good at that yeah these aren't terribly adlib debates aren't adlib they're they're taught to be very prepared for any moment so it kind of makes it you're almost taught to where you can't be very loose about it right neither one of them can be they're always concerned about making a mistake which usually just leads to mistakes right when you just can't unless you're just so good at the naturally gifted at it I suppose so um but let's let's talk about some of the topics that came up so um as we were saying Comm was never fact checked by uh ABC but Trump regularly was one of the things that she lied about is that there are multiple St where there are no restrictions on abortion I actually have that an image that somebody um helpfully posted one of the conservative pundits yeah I can post that that lists all of the states in which there are no restrictions on abortion um so comma says that it's insulting to American women to suggest that any of them are uh carrying babies to full term and then aborting I think that the word full the phrase full term is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence um she doesn't Define what full term means and honestly that's giving um people a lot of trust and credit considering how many you know murders they regularly complain about happen with guns in this country um to just assume that everyone's got good intentions and is always going to do the right thing especially when it comes to murder uh An Inconvenient murder of inconvenient people which you know extends I guess also to euthanasia which doesn't have nearly enough restrictions on it either yeah um and and to be clear like uh on this graph it's the gray states that have no limits because it's a little hard to read the detail not not the red deep red so um so I'm assuming like light red must be slight restrictions yeah it's based off like a length of time and then and no restrictions but um this is this is kind of like the beginning like with uh in the debate where it really started it started feeling like a sham because and you knew they were going to do this with abortion and I don't think it's any kind of I don't think it's coincidence that abortion came up so early do you really I mean how often does abortion come up really that early in a debate uh it was Fring really remember I don't know it was question two let me answer that for you then Taylor it's not question two not usually question two no well I it I in some ways it kind of makes sense because um Trump being most associated with getting rid of Ro be Wade because of the judges that was four years ago let me be clear on this let me be clearer still Taylor and the first question should be economy it was on economy and remember if you will Trump started talking about immigration and they said oh we're going to get into immigration yeah but but first let's get into abortion before we get into immigration that was so infuriating because uh immigration and the economy are deeply linked together there's no yeah but but you're getting you're getting ahead of me my point is still that they they I firmly believe they threw abortion in there you just got done saying you think that they gave her the questions and they helped really prep her this thing was set up to try to get to her best issues in the beginning everyone knows it's abortion and to try to set the stage to get Trump met I'm just saying that's the way it looked to me well he missed out on a really good opportunity to be very clear about what the Florida amendment is actually about um because that's one of the first moments of uh bias on the side of ABC news is they started trying to trap him in this you said this this time and then you said this and now you say this and all of it was twisted none of it was true um he said off the cuff before he listened to the amendment that he thought that um 6 weeks was too short but when he found out what the amendment actually said and he was like well no we can't have that because that's unrestricted and uh they lied about it they just flat outl about what the amendment is yeah but so naturally ABC is not going to fact check thems right I mean but that's that's the point I mean it's there's no point in being all boohoo about the fact that they're not going to fact Che themselves and that they aren't going to just lie I mean I saw people online who are not even necessarily Trump people saying yeah they clearly they're getting they're just making misstatements here right and left yeah and they were but it doesn't matter because it works that's what's angry that makes me angry that just cheating Works cheating Works stealing works why Taylor why am I living in a world where all those things are at this point so rewarded I mean this is why as a Christian I'm angry I don't think you want tired I know and that's but I'm just that's what makes me so frustrated I'm I'm furious about that kind of stuff because I'm really a big fan of not cheating I mean I I hate that kind of crap and well I know you you're really uh you get riled up about hypocrisy up about cheating um totally fair things to get riled up about I'm not complaining just saying that I don't know I I I think that when you were saying earlier that you felt like debates used to be um fairer and that you liked them better when they were more moderate and fairly moderated maybe that tells you a little bit more though about how unip party things actually were uh and how controlled opposition that the Republican party has been for so long in that the reporters weren't too worried about them getting into Power because because they felt like it what they uh what they wanted would basically be in alignment I don't know I don't know I I'm not sure I really want to go down that path because that's just I I don't we have two choices in this one right now and the choices can't be more Stark so like sitting there and wondering what it used to be what bush used to be really like is just as irrelevant as focusing on January 6 well yeah it's just in the past yeah it's just I'm saying that the reason that those debates might have seemed more cordial might not have been so or it could be I just live more in a time where everyone is a massive dick well that's possible I guess yeah okay well you okay you want I'll give you an example you know back in the 80s and the 70s more people used to just dress up and have more classy wear now everyone wears Metallica shirts and ripped up jeans to go to like church or somebody's funeral I mean there's just not a lot of class anymore Taylor there just isn't yeah we we've we degenerated but at the same time I mean class isn't really what the journalists were lacking as far as their appearance goes um it's all built in motives were what they were lacking um I I don't know if I miss the cordiality if it was hiding um Sinister motives all along I don't really believe I'm not buying all that sorry I'm just not I'm not buying all like the this we've just had nothing but nasty Modas for the last 100 years you want to go into that we can but I'm not in agreement with you on that yeah that's fine well I mean as far as I'm concerned I remember what those old Reagan debates used to be like I'm old enough I remember what the first Bush debates used to be like and even the Clinton debates and stuff it wasn't this no it seems like that the Reagan debates that they were more ant the moderators were more antagonistic but I don't know I just I do agree that I think that I don't remember I don't remember that I do not remember that much antagonism I do think the journalists used to put on more of the thin veneer of being fair even though they weren't it's just you definitely didn't have a matter where you had people sitting there trying to interrupt somebody that's actually in the debate to correct them the whole Candy Crowley thing as you pointed out that was a huge huge deal yeah it was and this tire debate was nothing but that yeah it was all that it's normal now I'd say like the worst moment of that to me was when ABC jumps in on Trump to say that oh we called the a city officer and he swears that um they've never had any reports of cat eating they have had tons of reports of cat and duck and Goose eating they have um people have 911 recordings that this uh we're going to show a video later of a woman eating a cat on a driveway they just Gaslight us they just lie all the time and it works because most people aren't on Twitter to see those videos and to find it out for themselves so if you've got people in the media sitting there saying wow that just seems stupid and then they go like yeah you know what yeah it does seem stupid and because it just seems that outrageous we are living in times Taylor where we are living in such outrageous just the craziest [ __ ] happens now that it's just hard to even believe crazy yeah who would sit there and believe something like that would be happening in Ohio who would sit there and believe that like with a whole cloud seating thing and all that who would sit there and believe that the whole JFK thing and all that I would say no one but you know the thing about Aurora Colorado really did make the rounds on Tik Tok the regular people definitely found found out about gangs taking over apartments in Aurora Colorado he should have put more focus on that I mean he brought it up but he really needed to stick to that that was actually more effective than the cats and the problem someone else pointed out as far as the cats go he did not connect it to the Haitians he should have been asking the question how did all these Haitians get into Ohio not just talking about how the cats getting eaten and that's well they shut him down really fast after he brought it up but guys out there yes uh people's pets are being caught in eaten and sacrificed by Haitian immigrants in Springfield Ohio and the neighboring town he's just not articulate with these things and it that's just maddening it really is well sometimes just having actually said it on that big of a national platform gets things more attention because people go what and they start looking into it right like the whole bleach thing I mean come on that really worked out well I mean they they they'll take that stuff and they'll rewar it into like I guarante to you by tomorrow that's going to be blowing up everyone's like well see this is all so fake and all the people who hadn't been paying attention are going to see that for the first time like oh my God it's just like bleach all over again the guy's nuts I guarantee you that's gon to happen well it it helped last time in their favor that Twitter was not owned by Elon Musk and they could lie about bleach everyone that would say support Trump on that would get shut down and have their account suspended yes but all those people are gone on Twitter that's what I'm saying there's a lot of people that left Twitter to go to other things because they wanted it censored I mean that's a whole different thing you're not going to get to that 30% of the American public that had went over to threads yeah I'm just there's a lot of there's a lot of people they tend to choose they're going to be like okay they're on Facebook or they're on Twitter there's I know we we know a lot of people who are also conservative who are not on Twitter and I think a lot of it is for a completely different reasons like I don't understand how it works I don't get it it's not it doesn't operate the same as Facebook I'm able with Facebook all my friends are there well that's true that's kind of the older people have that sort of attitude where they they understand how Facebook works and will get Twitter yeah it's like it's too rapid fire for them or something I think they can't follow it okay another Point okay so uh another point would be um how did [Music] you kamla lying in every possible thing that she lied about so she she denied and not shook her head when he brought up that she pledged support for Trans surgeries for illegals like I know how crazy that sounds but like she's on video doing it yeah she was on video doing a number of things that she denied tonight but you'd have to find those videos to understand that that's the problem and they're going to have cover the only place you're going to get those videos is on Twitter back to the whole Twitter issue yeah again like it is on Twitter um it's usually when she's she's gone and she's spoken to some smaller group and therefore like the Press doesn't give it major coverage and then she feels like she can get away with it but see yeah this again is why Trump's big failing tonight he got angry he just could not get angry it's not helpful he needed to stick on those issues and let the let Twitter verse like I mean it doesn't mean that he can't argue it back but you got there's a way to argue it back without just being really Furious like I am right now yeah like you are right now I mean I I fully admit this is not helpful if I was trying to run for president you can't be this angry but I don't know why people are like that like I that's one of the reasons I called this like I felt called to call the show Mean Tweets is because um I don't know why people sometimes Place civil discourse above every everything like well he's just not nice enough okay but I'll take that argument and just say so what but they do so that's just the way it is they do I'm not sure I even really dis agree with you but I would take the point of like even if I did agree with you it just doesn't matter because you yeah if they want to like squawking like a chicken they just do I mean it just so you got to play on someone on those terms rather than just saying no I'm gonna do it my way and you get on my train and be happy with the way I'm doing it that's just not how it works but so if you were in a situation where um the person next to you is lying constantly and the moderators are accusing you of things all night how would you stop yourself from getting a little bit heated and flustered I'm pretty sure I would I was getting flustered on his behalf you'd almost have to do something like have the whole tack in the shoe thing you got to have something that you that you can deflect the anger too oh my gosh what is the tack in the shoe oh you never heard of that no I have not heard of that what is that where you put a tack in your shoe and then you can stick your foot on it so you're kind of like piercing your foot with a nail oh jeez and it's horribly painful but that's how you get tetanus obviously you clean it okay Taylor obviously you're getting stuck on minutia I don't know I'm just never heard of this before yeah okay it makes sense and um I've seen it done a couple of of times um uh but uh I mean not personally I don't do mostly it's in movies but I haven't seen it done in movies but but it it's it does you need something that kind of deflects your anger away into something else and so you can just sit there and you can then be like you can you you want the Reagan approach the what Reagan would do it there he goes again there that kind of thing and you needed that and um what they really wanted is they wanted Trump to get frustrated enough to a point which he did by the end of just trying to interrupt and go I I need to I need to interject and it's like there's times it got to a point where even I'm like I'm tired of the interjection I just want this goddamn thing over well I don't know it wasn't it was still nothing like that one debate with Biden way back when that was a total meltdown or anything where the two of them just I don't know shouted at at each other in nonse secs and it wasn't like that it was still vaguely over policy um here's one of the the moments was uh kamla didn't either shook her head or just flat out denied that she tried to bail out um black lives matter protesters that did criminal behavior in Minnesota um her tweet is still alive about that I know yeah but again back like so what it's just like you can fact check all this stuff the reason she does it is because she know she can get away with it she's going to get cover don't you remember this was true with Biden and Biden won I mean there was all kinds of stuff you even had the frakin laptop and it was real and now they admit it's real they knew they were covering it up they know that they can cover it up and they can just basically fake it on people it's going to take everyone to just finally step up and go like you know I just don't believe you I don't care what you say I don't care where you are I don't believe you debate 10 times I don't care my mind's made up and that's kind of the only way you're going to get this changed and I I mean like trajectory of the country yeah because they just going to lie because it works do you blame them honestly no I I mean do you blame them it works so well why would they do differently yeah to be honest the only strategy she really has is just a flat out lie because um she is a communist and most of the country doesn't like that word so she has to cover that up she's doing and wants things that are going to hurt people's jobs she wants to do things and has done things that her people's livelihoods like moving all of those Haitians to Ohio um she has no choice but to lie yeah and the only way that that works is if you have something like um you know your best friend's the executives at ABC News and they're just going to lie for you and frankly debate the your opponent for you yeah but people are going to go into this I I'm afraid they're going to go into this and just look at like okay I just can't I'm here to see Trump's temperament I don't actually care if they're like Mel Brooks in high anxiety and and just sitting there and flicking rubber bands at his head to make him aggravated yeah why are we just constantly doing that that's the only thing we care about is Trump's temperament we don't care about how much our grocery is cost or how much our gas is cost yes we don't care it's all about like he's Hitler and he pointed that out tonight I wish he had actually said that because people have called him Hitler he should have said that you guys call me Hitler and I'm not and I really wish he'd actually been that literal I mean on on that particular topic tried to get him killed even if you don't believe that the Deep state had anything to do with that assassin attempt they clearly wanted somebody to do that they would love it if somebody would still do that but see this is the thing this is what's frustrating so they bring up things like January 6th they're baiting him don't take the bait do the KLA Harris thing flip it just go like it's completely wrong they shouldn't have done it and um but that's four years ago and we so focused on things like the immigration crisis and the economy is not where it needs to be that's where everyone needs to be focused on and that's all he needed to say and he completely takes the air out of that question rather than just say like damn it no I've got to argue this one back again for the 50th time I don't know and those are the things that I kind of um I feel with him on because I I actually totally think January 6 was a joke of course it was a joke and I'm tired I'm tired of this like the the right side of things with all of the Republicans going on yeah well you know like what what do you call it when you you just you accept the premise constantly accepting the premise like like a Tim Scott kind of thing well yeah those people dead was bad no but we got to we got to focus on the future no it was a total lie those people have been in jail and Silent solitary confinement for years and it's unfair it's wrong okay you're not going to help those people if you can't get elected you get elected you can actually do something about it just sitting there and feeling bad for him really isn't helping him get out that situation it's just there's a there's a truth problem here and it's it's not never challenged on a national TV he's the only one that ever challenges those truths so if you're the person that's sitting there and always concerned about like gee I uh it's so wrong to steal the cookie I'm so hungry but it's really wrong to steal the cookie and then the other person next to you just keeps taking cookies and then pointing at you and saying he's the one taking the cookies and you get smacked do you are you still good on the truth or do you uh understand how you're getting played like a fool um I'm probably still on the truth I honestly I'm just that kind of personality where you know well then you're going to you're going to get played a lot yeah and it's just it's not helpful the whole fracking thing with KLA Harris that's a complete lie the whole guns thing please holy crap I mean my whole life has been nothing but Democrats trying to talk about I hate guns I hate guns he Biden made the whole comment again about what are we going to do about the gun issue with the latest uh school shooting and all that it's not hard to see but do you think she cares she's going to have to go like I don't I own guns I don't feel that way she has no shame but who cares it's going to work oh my gosh do you think she actually owns any guns does it matter no one can check not to her I'm just curious but that's the you know what probably not but she's smart enough to know you don't know and you're not going to find out so that's kind of where we're at yeah and Republicans just walk into this trap every damn time no no they used to accept the premise all the time and in fact right after January 6 a lot of them continued to uh accept the premise and say oh yeah you know what those people did was terrible but the the that's just there's so much video footage there's so much evidence somebody in in in a national position needs to start pushing back on that on what on on the LIE that January 6th was something that Trump just created to actually take over the government he did the best he could he focused on like I like I said make sure it's um um not violent you want if you want to express your feelings it just doesn't matter they can make the narrative and they have so much more of the control out there to control that narrative so just because he says it does that make you you're going to believe it what about all the different people you know who really don't like them how are you going to get them to believe it just because he says it I feel like that there's a a segment of that though the people that just really don't like him that you're just not going to reach okay but there's also a segment of people that are willing to be interested in giving him another chance because of things like the economy but they'd really like him to stop going down that path of January 6 now they are the ones that brought it up it's his job to shut it down quickly so we can get moving on to the topics that are important like economy like immigration like well we know him by this point he does not shut things down quickly yes but that's the problem and you know I just wish sometimes Republicans could understand Republican party can understand that it's more about winning and if you win then you get to put in all the policies that you want to have but trying to put in the policies or establish policies before you even won is way put in the cart before the horse you got to get in there first I was we've kind of been yes I guess so but it's it's just been even when he's in there people don't hear about the alternate viewpoints they just don't hear anything but one hoax repeated over and over and over again and he's not he's like left by himself to try to tear those hoaxes apart he he can't do anything about that he can't change that that's the that is the the media is so lock step yes that's what that is asie spider here and he was uh saying according to CNN Harris only lied once and Trump lied 33 or more times correct that is literally insane but you can't honestly think be expecting anything less I mean that's that's just you sitting there and like slamming your toe with a hammer repeatedly and wondering why it keeps hurting yeah who really thinks CNN's going to do any different there no it is exactly what you would expect um CNN to do is just if if all of these mainstream sources are in lock step if Fox News is also playing into that narrative and accepting the premise as they had been that yeah January 6 was really bad and it was all you know a conservative fault then no one ever hears the truth yeah no one that I think that's true I think that um the debates at this point are just a pitfall the real tragedy isn't even this debate it's the fact that we cannot have debates that are that are even it's like why the hell can't we have that why and this is what I mean fine have ABC host it but each site should get be able to pick a moderator and if KLA Harris wants it to be um I don't really even give a fig if she wants it to be Rachel matov she wants it to be Keith Overman I do not care but then Trump should get who he wants and if he wants it to be Ben Shapiro great why is that a bad idea it's not a bad idea it's just that it wasn't going to happen because and KLA Harris was just going to not do it unless um Trump just caved into her demands and so how do that work I mean so that happens every year now it's like oh well I'm just not going to do it andless you just do it way I want to and the Republican is like okay I'm sorry you're right I'm bad for whatever reason he just felt like it was more important that he be in front of the American people getting out his message than to say oh oh well you know she's not being fair about it I'm just going to go in there and try but this is no t look take Trump out of it again in four years it's gonna be somebody else it'll be the same thing it's gonna be this again they're going to sit there and they're going to want they're going to complain about the debate has to be who they want it to be there is not going to be any Fox News debate you do not get any conservatives anywhere close to a debate that would just be wrong all these same arguments this isn't just about Trump they'll do this forever well let me ask you uh this question is uh Megan Kelly came out and said that um this is going to backfire in ABC do you think that there is any way there will be any consequences at all from who I don't know two ABC from whatever she thinks backfire is going to come from so backfire on ABC not not backfire on K Harris but we're just talking about backfiring on ABC ABC no yeah for that matter I don't think it'll backfire on Harris either but absolutely not because everyone already knows what ABC is who's going to change their mind at this point yeah I mean did we think that ABC was more fair before well I mean we didn't but I I do know of some people I saw talking in the leadup to the debate who were saying that they thought that ABC would be more fair than this I I know but I did they were stupid I mean were I don't know people in kind of in the middle Centrist area this exactly this but I'm so frustrated this is exactly what I'm talking this is that Pie in the Sky crap that we keep getting like well this time it'll be different this time pinky swear yeah you got a point there I'm so tired of it sometimes I I'm just I almost I I I never want to be those people because they're they're they're so bully-ish on their own but damn it if they aren't better at this we just keep walking around like we're Curly from The Three Stooges it's just pathetic it really is before we go on to some of the videos and talk about things other than this uh this debate let me ask you going over this one more time do you think that kamla Harris got the questions in advance I think I just think it's a moot point I mean I guess if you really want an answer because we're in a debate mode sure but I don't think it matters because everyone knew what the questions was going to be it's more like how were they set up they were set up in such a way as to help her there's no excuse having abortion being the second question that's such a ridiculous notion they might as well just start out with January 6 for God's sakes um and they purposely have this stuff set up to try to just get Trump aggravated and you know what it worked I mean it worked it worked out he but he bit into this that'ss on him I think more on the sight of do you think that that she seemed unusually prepared and she was really good at dodging questions tonight someone would ask her something and she would twist it and then flip to something else just to get away from having the answer she wasn't answering anything right she she seemed like she knew what was coming so that she could Dodge the question I know but this is the thing it didn't matter actually that whether she was actually answering it or not and this is another thing that Republicans tend to just not understand but for a lot of the electorate it does still come down like temperament and do you look presidential and she many times looked more I don't know it's hard to say she looked presidential because she was really smarmy yeah she was hyper smart it was really stupid but Trump wasn't really much better and he was coming off as a little um heated and frustrated but she was coming off as SMY is not probably not the word I would use as like um Superior and uh condescending condescending the facial things was was just kind of nuts but this is exactly what she wanted you could see it she was thrilled this was she was nervous at the beginning and she was less nervous as it went on because she realized like the rest of us going to handle the debate for her that they were really helping her out and again the point of this is not for ABC to help Trump out is the point of this is for them to ask their damn question and then shut the hell up and I don't care if the answer is bad or if it's misinformation that's to be judged later after but you are not to sit there and start getting into the middle of it and yeah you know this would be fine if they had a second debate and they had more of a Republican and they did the same thing but in reverse and then at least it would be balanced but I don't want that regardless of either side this is not how a debate is supposed to be run this is not the meaning of debate this is just yeah it's a roast it came out like a fraking roast oh it did Absolut that's what um they meant when they said that 100% of these questions were um propaganda is because it was really just an attack on um Trump did somebody uh did a really cool tweet where they he said that um the questions go like this uh Trump why are you so terrible and then when it turns over to kamla kamla can you expand on why Trump is so terrible that's really how the whole um debate went yeah well do we have any any comments to look at yeah as spider says that um ABC CNN NBC they never get backfired they're just too large and they have too much control and I I agree I I don't I don't know what consequences those things would really be I mean I think Megan Kelly was saying it might have not have been her but someone else was saying that ABC has thrown all of their credibility under the bus for for you and I though like we didn't think they really had credibility to begin with I don't I just don't think anybody no one really does everyone's already built into the camp of like I think they have all the credibility or they don't already nobody's sitting there on the fence anymore that those days are gone so I don't I'm just not surprised that they did this but there's really a ways to fix this and it's more upsetting that we can't do that it's more upsetting that we can't come to Common Ground of finding a way to try to make these things 50/50 and instead they end up being like 8020 at best and for some reason the 20 side just say they're going I'm just happy to be here this is so great I'm happy to have 20% of the the power holy cow yay jeers mom wipe my nose they accuse the Republicans of being controlled opposition for exactly that reason it's just unbelievable it's just so damn sad it really is I'm so fed up about it all right um you wanted to show a couple things here um yeah other things did happen this week so we thought we'd go over I'm just going to do the ones that are related I'm going to try to hit the highlights of the ones related to uh strip here's a video based off of the whole cat thing because that kind of became an issue we really should see this do why' you kill the cat smile for me go like this did you eat that did you eat it no why'd you kill it did you guys see all this no we pull it up and she was just laying here would did you see her eating it eating she was eating it yeah she was you call the Humane Society see if they'll come pick those cat up it's deceased okay and there you go I mean it was quite clear in the debate this never happened yeah that's I there's not more obvious than that no ABC stopped the whole thing and shut Trump up just so they could say it never happened no yeah and um and I hate it because it works I swear to God that stuff works it just it works to shut it down and it's so frustrating because it's right there we just played it for you we'd be in a lot of trouble if um Twitter hadn't been bought by Elon Musk and no one would know about this except for the people in Ohio who are getting terrorized some of which are having to say like they may have to move out of houses that they've been in for 45 years yeah but I don't know what you I don't know what you do with situation like that where you there are there is actual evidence and you just throw away that evidence for the sake of um just just for the sake of power I mean this is all just for the sake of winning and well I as they pointed out this is um you know a punishment to Ohio for voting the wrong way um they are trying to replace the people of that Midwestern population with a population that they hope will act with just like the Somalians in uh Minnesota um yeah but Ohio is not going to go Blue so not not in this election it's just not so I mean if Ohio goes blue then there's no even point in having an election it's over there was quite a bit of um Evangelical fake Evangelical debate that was running around on Twitter today was saying well you know if you're just not willing to accept every immigrant into this country that wants to come in then Jesus is not in your heart seriously people saying exactly that I I'm done with these evangelicals they I'm sorry I just I'm I'm sick of it I'm sick of their them and their hard-lined abortion stance that that are they going to enjoy KLA Harris's abortion stance you know F you I'm just I'm tired of you but it's it's a whole cabal so it's not really like the the evangelicals is a small branch of them at the top who really are just in In Cahoots with people like like they're right with the Catholic Charities that are doing this it it's not it's all about the the the global order and they don't really care about the people or Jesus or what they're supposed to be really talking about I think there's some of that but I do think that there's ones out there that just follow along with that that I don't think that that's everybody I do believe I interact with people who just are just that dim yeah I mean they just they're just not thinkers they can't think about the reality of like they they literally will have told me yeah I know she's worse but we've got to do this for the sake of h four eight years from now you know when we're not going to be alive in eight years you di with I mean the way we're going hey Paul says that you're supposed to love your neighbor what he's talking about is the people in your community he's not saying or the sojer the souljer is someone that is stopping by and passing on and moving on he's not say that you're supposed to let foreign Invaders who worship pagan gods come into your community and start eating your pets yeah that's not not what love means you're not loving the citizens of Springfield Ohio but I think it's a little bit off track CU Ohio is going to stay red this isn't changing any of that there it's just not the bigger isue is gonna make them more red the bigger issue here probably the bigger issue here is how this is being handled and treated like it's fake and it's not yeah there's no interest in actually trying to verify even if it damag is your own narrative as a journalist that has no business your narrative has no business in journalism it's all about is it true or is it not true period end of story amen forever oh absolutely that is what journalism is supposed to be it's what the I created tailor for is to to be a real journalist and say like this is this is truth and truth is more important than your story and this is an inconvenient story um patience sacrifice animals in their own island country and they're going to come here and do it too and that's that's just not the story that they want you to believe all right here truth here's another one um kind of related so um oh that wasn't actually the one I was looking for but we we we'll go ahead and do that one quick because um migrants are not eating pets doctors are not murdering newborn babies schools are not doing transition surgery on kids nobody is taking away your gas stove you're not going to be forced to drive an EV this moral Panic nonsense is Trump's campaign platform and it's all fake I'm so angry when I see stuff like this is the kind of stuff that makes me so angry because all of this is true and it's happening and he is lying yeah and yeah and I guess it it works and it's just it's up to the people to be informed to decide can I am I going to believe what I see with my own eyes and am I going to be willing to do something different or am I going to listen to the cabal I don't know I guess we're going to find out um but if I was to take every one of these things Point by point it would take all day I suppose but Ian how do you even with a straight face say no one is trying to take away your gas stove when they were literally trying to ban them yeah how do you say that no one is forced to drive an EV when they've already talked about how that they're not going to let them make gas powered cars after 2030 but a lot of people don't know that but why does this guy not know or does he not does easy L well that guy's just like a like that guy might know or not or probably I think he does know I just think he's an agent of sorts to just try to like uh go after people but um I mean that's the way it kind of sounds but I I know people that don't know this stuff I do and and they're on the right yeah we do know people like and they're on the right and they don't they don't know it's Absolution we're um often finding out in the church that there's people that don't know what's going on that are in the right little um anyway let's let's move on Essie spider uh brings up that they're importing Haitians to push out the Republicans so they can turn it blue for the next election uh it would take a little while 20,000 is is as a whole for the Ohio population still you know not huge uh I think they said that they had brought 300,000 total it was either it's 100 or 300 I can't remember the exact number but it's not concentrated in just Ohio that they brought them to um which is unfortunate I think we don't actually know where every group of patient refugees have been again all of that is just minutia the real point is like it's pretty red State I mean it's not pretty it's a very red State it's like Florida red it really is it would take a while to switch it and um the it it's mindboggling that Governor dwine there he's not an idiot no no Governors are true idiots they know what's going on he knows this is happening not only does he know he's totally for it and that's okay and that's on the Ohio people to get him out they really need to get him out you can't have somebody that's doing stuff like that that's literally putting their own citizens in danger I don't care if he's a trump person or a boo the clown or a Snoopy fan he's you can't have that I don't care what your politics are I don't think he's a Trum person okay but he's not he's not an Ohio person no he was he was one of a really bad Governor during Co he was awful um all right next one thank you for that our floor is crap um my grocery bill is $400 my electric bill is almost $280 it's nearly $100 to fill up my tank in Washington state my health insurance is almost $450 a month I don't give an f about Trump's personality or if he has 34 felony counts I need to survive this is really how you need to look at this election cycle if unless I guess unless you're just so damn wealthy you just don't give a care and then you should probably be donating more to charity this should be what it's about this should be all of what it's about this is the most important aspect of this uh because it's not like an accident that the Biden her Administration has us where we are I know that because I had people on the right I mean not on the right I had people arguing with me on Facebook on the very first day that Biden got into office saying that um oh we're for all of these you know sweeping executive orders he was doing which I told them we're going to raise their energy cost we're going to raise their food cost because you raise energy it raises everything else and they told me that I was lying and I didn't know what I was talking about and all of that came true so he did it intentionally he's going to cond I mean it's not him cuz he's leaving but uh KLA is going to even more so do it more intentionally they're not accidentally Banning your gasoline cars they're not accidentally making your energy cost more expensive so they can have more solar and wind farms none of that's just an oopsie yeah so you vote for it you're going to get more of it as in it's going to get a lot worse um before we go further I have to bring up Taylor is there is there an issue with our thing because oh okay it just popped back on I don't know my phone I think there's been some um my phone my phone uh dropped to zero for dropped to one which meant that one of us wasn't even here you know there it's been some weird stuff going on with Rumble studio tonight wow what a shock what a shock there um okay so yeah I mean that's just like that is the main point mhm I mean that's really what it comes down to because there's no Starker turn between these two candidates KLA Harris is going to be four more years of Biden if you like the Biden years I guess then keep going with kamla Harris if you didn't you have no business continuing that on just because I don't know you don't like Trump's hair or the fact that he goes Yugi or what it's just there's that means nothing she's going to escalate it it's not going to be more of the same it's going to be you know but there's a lot of people that aren't crazy about Biden's years yeah alone supp Be and there's no reason she's going to be different it wouldn't even make logical sense no it didn't make absolutely no sense it's a joke when she says like I'm not president yet and I'm not Joe Biden so you know things are going to be different under me you are in office right now honey yeah um all right give me a second um oh right a note from uh Essie spider too many Christians rely on Facebook for their news and too many leftists rely on Reddit for their news that is really scary that people rely on Reddit for anything but they are people that do yeah uh I can't I've never figured out how to really use it okay so Rolling Stone just a headline Rolling Stone promises AR gedon if Trump wins election no after tonight it feels like a big if because I I just don't think Trump did that well tonight I was really hoping for better but the point of this headline goes back to the whole January 6 argument that we were having before and I'm going to ask you now Taylor do you honestly can you tell me with a straight face do you think that if Trump wins this election that the Democrats are just going to sit there and go like okay it was a good hard fight but you know he won and um we'll just we'll regroup and try harder in two in four years no I don't I do you think they're going to go invade the White House when I or the capital excuse me when I can answer your question when I read this headline it sounds like a threat yeah but these are the same threats they've been got that they were bringing up tonight in the debate against Republicans this is exactly the stuff they were asking Trump was like so is this going to happen again um yeah you feel bad about it happening for years ago and what they always say about Communists is that they accuse you of whatever it is that they are doing um this really sounds to me like they are going to you know get antifa rolling and get as many of those U Patriot front Vans as they can get out there and they are going to have an absolute riot on probably right around January 6th time right before he gets inaugurated yeah see it's frustrating cuz this is this is what Trump should have brought up tonight he should have said you know Rolling Stone says that you guys are all going to Riot if I win I I don't know though I think if you actually read the article they're not saying that they're saying like it's just like Rolling Stone is saying that um the stock market will crash and uh conservatives will you know cause they'll be the ones to cause rots I don't think they're trying to say that the left is going to do it but I think that's what it actually means yeah I mean you could be right on that I I did not read the article I'd really much rather stick a pin in my arm read rolling stone these days can I used to read rolling stone I can't believe that I'm pretty sure Rolling Stone is actually Mother Jones with just the title replaced I read it when it was about music I know there's just not enough to say about music anymore that could be it but the the overarching point is still there the Armageddon I mean I I don't think Democrats going to go quietly if Trump somehow wins I don't no I don't know if Republicans will if he loses I don't know I mean it's just me being honest because the start the the stakes are just so damn High yeah that's true and I hate that I hate this BS people love to tell us about oh God son back in the day you don't remember what it used to be like holy cow back in the 50s like are you kidding me I yes you're right I don't remember the 50s I wasn't around was it like this cu the only thing I can recall like this was like 1859 before the Civil War actually started I when you have like States actually starting to talk about secession I don't recall that in the 1950s you Yoko I think it's kind of a guarantee that there's going to be rest of some kind no matter what happens it's just G okay so we're approaching uh the Midnight Hour we should probably wrap all right we can um thoughts on um well first of all fin any final thoughts on the debate tonight from you from you Taylor I don't know I I'm kind of used to The Usual Suspects having a lot of Doom and Gloom about these things and and um some things have surprised me this year I used to be more of a doom and gloomer myself and I was actually really upset that Ronda sandis didn't get the nomination everything changed for me after the assassination attempt and I used to joke about things like oh I can't believe these people that say like oh brothers be flipping like that they're never going to make any inroads in um the minorities the things that some of the people have been posting online you know saying has surprised me I think I'm hoping to be surprised again tomorrow yeah and maybe in the future weeks not by the Press because obviously they're just going to keep doing what they do but by the regular people do you feel like this was much different than that debate with Biden four years ago where he was angry and yeah I think this is entirely different than that debate yeah you you think he was less angry or you think I think he just was even though he was um heated he was far more coherent and the that weird debate when he got angry with with Biden and everyone says like Chris chrisy kind of coached him to behave like that it was like really aggressive and hostile and strange and didn't seem to to focus on issues very much and Biden's responses were also kind of odd it's just the whole like debate it came off like U businessman yells at nice old man and like no one feels like that about kamla like even if we um there's just not a lot of people that are sitting there worried about her uh protecting her in that sense like she's not good old Joe um she's cackle witch kamla who you know let me ask you this because this is something um we we discussed I mentioned earlier today before the debate I said that the chatter was weird and that it felt like the and this is directly from the left was was pointing to like it's desperate Trump is like the New York Times is a poll out showing Trump ahead um and uh KLA Harris is really flailing do you believe in any of that or do you think that was just set up for tonight's debate knowing that this would be the outcome so they can come out tomorrow and basically recreate the Ewok celebration from Return of the Jedi yeah I think a lot was done to try to set the bar even lower lower for her um as they possibly could so that no all she had to do is like not fall asleep during the debate and she was going to be heralded as the winner um but the thing is is that ABC made themselves look extremely bad in doing this and that's going to get a lot of footage and passed around a lot too um people are going to talk about it people are going to show clips and some of that's going to leak over to places like Tik Tok um do you think she wins um the presidency I have said this from the beginning I think that this is comes all the way down to um election Integrity if they can get enough illegal aliens around this country registered at DMVs and voting then they'll have a a credible story to be able to say that she won no actually I don't think the majority of the country is wither yeah well do you think that's going to happen though do you think they're going to be able to pull that off that were they're going to be able to steal with the cheating yeah do you think they're going to be able to pull that off yeah I think it's possible that doesn't mean it's going to happen but I do think it's possible yeah I just um I found like tonight really frustrating because I I I kind of knew what I was expect what I was going to get I guess I was just really hoping it wouldn't happen but I kind of knew it was um it was really miserable to watch I was trying to be a little bit more open-minded about ABC because I knew they weren't putting their top people on this so I always fig like well you you're going to put your top people on if you want to really help out kamla what are you doing you're just giving like second tier people who might actually David is not second tier David Mir was doing like the Evening News he's not second tier yeah like I I I just don't think of him as even a personality and now I do he didn't really have a personality I didn't thought of him having one I he has one in my mind now now I'm never going to forget him but um yeah I um I don't I don't think it went well enough for Trump I I think commo was pretty terrible but I don't know if it really comes down to policies personally I don't think you should be looking at necessarily a debate to make your final decisions on again like if if you feel like the last four years haven't been great then there's really no reason to keep doing this it really doesn't matter if it's Donald Trump on the other side or I don't care who it is Steve Bannon uh Nikki Haley it doesn't matter I mean it should be somebody different than the continuation of this Administration um but um just to kind of like wrap that up I'll just play this um to give you an example of what KLA Harris's president will probably be like enjoy cuz this is I'm just going speak okay so this is it so you know how those Lids on those Starbucks cups they're white right and so if you wear a lipstick they get all over the lid and so then I find myself in meetings if I'm the only woman and that's kind of so I keep taking the lid off and having my cup out so that I don't have that big lipstick mark on the lidd so I said can we do something about the color of the lid so that was that conversation and with that uh we'll bid you all a good night and a farewell we'll be um uh streaming again on Saturday for uh game streaming I guess won't we yeah I just want to say like if anybody is not following us on Tik Tok you probably should there is a massive debate going on right now over our comic where we posted about how um kamla Harris really wants communism and it's it's got some pretty hysterical takes on um some people saying like why is communism bad and other people saying well she's not communist and other people saying uh Communists are awful do you even lift bro it's amazing oh boy so well um again uh thanks for watching I know it got pretty late and uh if you enjoy Mean Tweets make sure you uh hit the like button um many many times and subscribe to our Channel cuz we do this every Tuesday night usually earlier than this yep yep okay um I guess that's it we're out bye get that outro hint [Music] for

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