Category: Comedy
The show ladies and gentlemen welcome to the nate show we're about to get started hold tight [music] k k [music] o [music] oh [music] hey hey hey hey [music] yeah i'm not tired to your yeah i'm not tired to lo i make money till it's s all the nights i'm awake i it at all out of b money buting up to... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome back to another beat the odds horse racing video and i'm proud to announce that we've teamed up with seek whether it's an nfl nba nhl or mlb game se geek has you covered if sports isn't your thing that's okay too seatgeek also has tickets for any concert you want and even broadway shows look... Read more
Category: Entertainment
याद है हमें कहां जाना है भूल गया कहां जाना था अय जी का खालसा वाहेगुरु जी की फतेह फतेह हमारे बहुत अच्छे दर्शन हो गए और बहुत अच्छा लगा यहां आके जिंदाबाद [संगीत] जिंदाबाद और ये देखो हमारे घर में इतने सारे पौधे मेरे पापा को ना बचपन से ही छोटे-छोटे पौधों का प्लांट्स का बड़ा शौक था तो पापा ने इतनी मस्त प्लांटेशन यहां पे कर रखी है मिर्ची मिर्ची भी उगती है और सुबह-सुबह ये फूल कितने सुंदर लग रहे हैं भाई गुड मॉर्निंग गाइस तो सुबह के बज चुके हैं 6:00 कल रात... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[musik] f nur eine stunde zu spät hall einen wunderschönen samstag und damit ein happy bundesliga saturday und welcome welcome zu meinem vlog seht ich bin noch im eintrachtmerch unterwegs das tauschen wir jetzt heute ist nämlich laola für herter spieltag und dann wür ich sagen starten wir das mit dem... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Mariah care's mom patricia and sister allison died on the same day over the weekend people can confirm my heart is broken that i've lost my mother this past weekend sadly in a tragic turn of events my sister lost her life on the same day the grammy winning singer 55 said in an exclusive statement to... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Mariah car's mother and sister died on the same day this past weekend people reported carrie shared a statement with the outlet confirming the tragic news my heart is broken that i've lost my mother this past weekend sadly in a tragic turn of events my sister lost her life on the same day she told the... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] what's going on everybody my name is zachary thomas and i live in my car uh today is new year's day i apologize if the wind is a little uh a little rough right now it's been windy lately so uh and i don't have anything to help with that so unfortunately that's something that i have to deal with... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Let's break down who's winning in the polls nationally and in every battleground state it's been a weird week because the expectation was the dnc would happen and harris's lead would get extended but at the end of the week donald trump got endorsed by rfk jr who dropped out of the race so people expected... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Talking about the polls i'm beating him awfully badly in the polls be hillary ladies and gentlemen your 45th president of the united states is Read more
Category: News & Politics
I'm sure you've heard the news ty mariah ky is facing an unthinkable tragedy the iconic singer recently revealed that her mother and sister passed away on the same day this double tragedy has left her and her family devastated mariah has always been in the public eye sharing her life and music with... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] what's going on everybody my name is zachary thomas and i live in my car so today i just kind of wanted to do a sit down video um i was a little busy this week getting everything ready to move to fulltime this week so i was trying to figure figure out what i wanted to make a video about since... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Usa versus russia a rivalry full of crazy historical moments let's explore some of the wildest facts during the cold war espionage wasn't just about secrets it involved seduction famous soviet spy anna chapman used her allure to gain access to high profile targets even during the cuban missile crisis... Read more