The Alec Baldwin Shooting Incident - Quentin Tarantino
Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 00:06:46
Category: Film & Animation
Trending searches: alec baldwin
he said he couldn't do it he was shooting no wait now before we go on I have to like say I am a big biggest supporter of his [ __ ] case don't you think I mean come on you're a perfect one to ask who's been on more sets than you I mean to how could it be his fault like either you think he purposely shot that cinematographer or you think he didn't purposely shoot her and if he didn't purposely shoot her then it's all [ __ ] [ __ ] am I wrong no it it's it's it's a situation I think I'm being fair enough to say that uh the armorer is 90 the guy who handles the gun then armor is 90% responsible for everything that happens when it comes to that gun but but but but but but the actor is 10% responsible the actor's 10% responsible it's not just it's a gun you have you are a partner in the responsibility to some degree what do you do to test this they show it to you you go you you if if there's steps to go through you go through them and you do it do and there's a and you done with due diligence and you know it's it's [ __ ] for real all right and so like okay here's how an actor can handle it and in in a I'm not talking about what should he have done looked into the barrel or or like sh gotot it one I mean you can't like shoot it because then you're using it if he went through the steps that he's supposed to go through then he's should what what are the steps well it's like okay so you see the barrel is clear they show you that the barrel is clear that there's not anything wedged in between the barrel you actually show you the barrel all right you look at you they show it you the barrel and then uh uh and then you know and then they show you some version of like here are our blanks these are the blanks and here's the gun boom now you're ready to go it's ready for two or it's ready for three and and if an actor is uh if the actor knows he has three hot rounds in his gun and he knows that like okay uh uh uh I'm gonna do a scene blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and he knows he's got three hot rounds as he's doing the scene and then at this point Bam Bam Bam and then he's going to continue on and say a few more things okay if one of the rounds doesn't go off while he does his Bam Bam Bam then he should like cut the scene and say guys uh one of the rounds didn't go off I think I'm still holding a hot gun here okay let me ask you this why can't we just do it this way there's nothing in the gun nothing so when the actor pulls the trigger nothing happens except you hear except that's bloodless okay but can't you put that in in post yeah but that's who that's a that's okay yeah I guess I can I guess I can add digital erections to porno movies but who wants to [ __ ] watch that I don't think we needed to go that far I'm do know it's like but I'm I me there's a no it's exciting to shoot the the the blanks and to see the orange the real orange fire and not add orange fire so we do we we do see orange fire yeah no but no and but but you Al you got to catch it well it's no no it's like a it's like a it's like a it's like a thing it's you got to catch it because the thing about no no no no let me explain it you no I'm just saying I'm not going to argue catching orange fire with qu and Tarantino I get it you're the orange fire no but there's an interesting thing about it though because when you actually fire a gun whether or not you see the orange fire that comes out of the muzzle it's a 50/50 thing okay if you see it on the viewfinder you didn't catch it on the camera if you don't see it in the viewfinder that means you got it on the camera so like so so it is actually something you have to catch it's not just all right what about this is would it be always impossible to shoot from an angle where the person wasn't aiming at anyone so if the worst happened you would just be shooting the wall well okay can I just can I answer that I'm can why can't the camera be here can I answer that from an action movie point of view from an action movie lover point of view please do I want even before I was a filmmaker when I was like the guy video archives I can answer that exactly that's what Hollywood did in the 80s and then I started watching Hong Kong movies and then like chion fat has got the 45 and he's this close to the guy Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam and and it was so [ __ ] exciting it was like movies were liberated it was like oh yes yes yes simp and if you're talking about and I think for for as many guns as we' shot off in movies that we only have two examples of people being shot on the set by a gun mishap that's a pretty [ __ ] good record yeah yeah that is I mean I just wouldn't want especially now to ever be on the wrong end of a gun no matter how much I thought it was safe I would be [ __ ] in my P yeah no no no look that's the kind of [ __ ] up that happens that undermines an entire industry yeah kind of well it certainly makes you nervous yeah but yeah but you don't need nervous people you want people to go for it that's the last thing you want as nervous people you want you know you want no we're all in this together and we're going to do this cool thing and we're going to capture this exciting thing on film and it's a thing that we're capturing but it's the thing to go back Alec Bowen just for one second I I mean and look I have no personal really relationship he used to do my show a lot and we loved him he' stopped doing it which I have no grudge about I wish he would because he's such an interesting guy to talk to but I that's was there a reason that you know for a fact no he's just he's got living his best life he's got a thousand children you know I'm happy he's a free man or at least as free as a man with eight children can be uh and I'm happy it came out well for him but um no I like him a lot I and I saw I mean he and he's interesting I mean as he colored Beyond the Lines many times and he always survives I kind of love that