Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:09:11 Category: Education

Trending searches: sloth virus
what's going on with all my money motivated Stars man speaking of the topic of yesterday talking about the old pandemic and the virus you know what I mean I go online today and I see these folks talking about a new virus so is this the the virus that's going to send the world back into Panic or a pandemic you know what I mean I I really don't think so it could be uh I think it's going to be something uh further in the future it could be this though they saying it's a new virus going around it's not the uh the Boflex 19 it's it's called the sloth virus like sloth like the animal sloth and they say it's predominantly in South America you know what I mean in Cuba but they saying it didn't reach the US now they saying that all the cases I think it's like 20 people that's infected with it in uh Florida so they say the symptoms cause nausea dizziness and it can be fatal you know what I mean you know they can't forg that it's always got to have that fatality in there but it's what I'm telling y'all man they now we know you know what I mean like like I said everything that happened within this uh the last pandemic we should already be prepared you know what I mean don't get riled up by it no matter how many news reports and how many deaths they uh say cuz they they you know they going to mention about the uh the shots we haven't had we uh don't have any shots uh available yet you know what I mean because I'm pretty sure the next uh scared demic that they have they're going to try to wait they they're going to do stuff a little differently they're not going to bring out the uh the injections as quick because they know a lot of people uh caught on to it then they see a lot of our videos they watching our videos like I said that's why that was deleting a lot of my stuff but they're they're seeing what they're seeing the feedback we're giving them off the the pandemic so they're checking out the checklist everything that we notice so they're going to start doing things different that way we got to understand they're going to change stuff they're still going to be diabolical and move they still going to do their uh evil Deeds but they're watching and see how well we're catching on so they can uh move in their next um their Venture that's that's with anybody that's with anything that's supposed to be intelligent once you do that if you lost the basketball game last week once you try different moves or different things if you playing that person again you know what I mean so it's just like how they think with the government the government is Conant playing the same amount of people we they still dealing with human beings you know what I mean even though we not dealing with human beings they still dealing with human beings that's you know what I mean learning and evolving daily some of us on this planet ain't evolving but they looking at the ones who are evolving seeing like okay they notice this this time we got to do this know what I'm saying they they they they they a couple they a couple centuries ahead of us y'all I ain't going to lie they they they they light years ahead of us when it comes to uh plan planning but it don't matter how uh how ahead you are of a person when it comes to planning if that being that you are dealing with is very intelligent it don't matter if you 100 years ahead of me if I can think quick on my feet it's still a chance that I can take you out of here quicker than you take me out of here that's what people got to understand you know what I'm saying it ain't about oh these people got technology these people got this the people got that you know what I mean what frequency are you on though you know what I mean you can counteract anything that that's being thrown your way you know so yeah they talking about you know what I'm saying the sloth virus you going be walk around moving slow here got the sloth virus you know what I mean why all these uh viruses coming from animals man y'all trying to make us hate the animal kingdom that's why the animals don't like us now cuz we blame anything on them you know what I mean and if I all these infectious disease coming from animals why y'all still got us to eat animal why people still eat animals mad cow disease monkey pox chickenpox you know what I mean all this stuff sloth disease sloth virus now you know they say what the uh blex 19 had came from a b at first you know what I mean then they said it came out and L they Li so much with that I I'm just done with that segment of my life you know what I mean that was my last video on that yesterday but all these disease that's what they say the soall AIDS Came From Monkey at first you know what I mean how everything coming from these animals they're trying to blame a lot of this like the like you will think the animals are the infectious disease of the planet you know what I'm saying all the viruses of the planet no they're not if anything it would make more sense if you named it a human disease uh we got obese virus so you know what I'm saying what call because we the only species on the planet that's eating stuff that we don't supposed to eat the animals in their habitat being bothered by y'all y'all going to you know what I'm saying deal with these folks and they eating everything they need to eat so how is they catching viruses before the humans you know what I mean how is we getting virus by way through them it's cap man it's it's nothing but cap they trying to make it seem like cuz I never heard of uh if y'all want if y'all don't want us to go plantbase you makes it seems like everybody going to go plant-based because I never heard of a Roma lettuce virus I never heard of a papaya uh disease never heard of a uh banana virus you know what I mean everything coming from meat though and we defending meat so much so I think we need to stop eating meat you know what I mean if we ain't raising ourselves and a lot of this it can be carried a lot people a lot of people probably wonder how how it's getting carried like most of this stuff you know what I mean a lot of these folks taking it over here but they always blame it on the uh it's another bug they see I forgot what his name but the other bug was mosquito I really feel like mosquitoes was biologically engineered you know what I mean like for real for real I didn't heard it before but it's just nothing leads me to believe that mosquitoes are a natural thing because it seemed like they were created to carry viruses and bring them to humans you know what I mean cuz in my head I'm I'm trying to think like what what species can contract a virus from a animal and not get sick itself and die you know what I mean but it seems like the mosquitoes are trained are are made to go get the virus from something and go take it to a human you know what I mean it's like it's a transporter of diseases but it don't get the disease itself and die you know what I'm saying so it's just like man that's just what it is man they they they didn't biologically cuz what what purpose does the mosquito serve on this planet I cannot tell you just to suck our blood cuz see like the animals don't even kill the mosquitoes the animals can't reach back and do all this it's just like we just killed the mosquitoes you know what I mean the mosquitoes apparently killing us cuz they been known to carry malaria disease you know what I mean I mean so now it's carrying sloth disease it's like y'all just using this mosquito as y' vessel to carry all these diseases the whole time y'all in the lab whipping this up putting this in mosquitoes and sending them out into the atmosphere you feel what I'm saying so we ain't even worri about this man any any plem to come up even if they have a worldwide shut down we already know what's going on y'all will not get us to bow down to y'all will and hopefully the next pandemic get people to come together more because now a lot people have seen through people they BS you know what I'm saying so when it come down to it man y'all make sure y hit the like and share these videos these are the most important videos because these are the videos that's prepping for whatever they come with so if y'all people already know that they trying to hit us with this and they they coming with this I already told y they ain't got a shot for yet you know what I mean are they going to have boosters for that you know what I'm saying all these shots they got people taking man I ain't you know what I'm saying just like just just spread the message man so we can prevent stuff that like this that happened with the uh B 19 nobody wanted to do it everybody wanted to report somebody you know what I'm saying for saying don't do this and do that but look all the SS popping up a lot of people won't admit you know what I mean how they feel off the last injection that they got you know what I'm saying it's embarrassment I understand it's embarrassment you you ain't know you thought you was doing the best thing for yourself but like this time around if you survive you made it through all those injections that you had to get be smarter this time that's all I want to say in this video man hit the like button on this show y'all be blessed on walking this smoke

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