Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:10:02 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: sharon okpamen
my people no friends for this life oh my people no friends for this life oh the people you be say you take bullet for now there be the best people will celebrate you when you die now there be the same people who will first raise money they will they raise money to bury you meanwhile when you needed their support meanwhile when you they try to promote yourself meanwhile when you try to Live Your Dream these people not will support you they not will share your movie they not will share yourong they not will share your work they not will promote you but when you die now they will be the first to create fundraising for you which kind life with this so which kind life day say we not support our We Day alive that is when is more relevant when we they alive kick out for me to celebrate me when I day alive cook your love for me take give people where they alive help me reach my goal when I they alive take the exit on the wife not be when I don't die you say one foray for for now do this for I don't need them if you cannot celebrate me now now please don't worry about later let me enjoy you now no when I don't die you want go to show the world say now you love me pass love is an action when I day alive show me not be people around me this life is so crazy man I think say I don't see life finished before but every day I they learn new things every day I they learn new things you will be surprised that the people that you want the best for now those people they stab you for back when you die I have learned I have learned that I have to be my own best friend I have learned that I have to be my own best friend and I want you to also learn that you are your own best friend do the the things that makes you happy do the things that makes you happy nobody else matters you come first it's so sad in3 it's so sad life life you can't celebrate me now please don't celebrate me later if you can't celebrate me now if you can't do a song to celebrate me today don't do a to celebrate me when I'm dead if you can't buy me food today don't don't don't don't contribute to me when I'm dead if you cannot promote my work if you cannot share my work if you cannot support my work today don't support me later because this is when it truly matters when I am alive when I'm not sick this life is so deep I'm so ashamed of so many adult people online and sometime I wish I am not from ad those States because we have no compassion we have no love in our hearts everybody sagger everywhere even at death even at death everybody sagging everywhere HH the lady young lady that died recently is not even resting in peace yet we are not thinking of ways we can support the family we are not thinking of ways we can help the children we are just this one say this one say this one I'm so sick of it please is there any way I can I don't know man I think I need to leave social media because it's a lot of distraction man my good people the message is clear be for yourself because nobody got you when you are dead nobody got you man and that's the fact all love my people man enjoy my ride they go do my thing I bet anybody don't stress me at all don't stress me don't stress me now now people are crazy man people are crazy it's so shameful it's so shameful now wow I listen to good no matter what happen to me you go move on if you get work you not will leave your work for one week because of me you must go work because you get bills to pay if anything happen to you I must go work because I get bills to pay you go pay me but 24 hours 48 hours every everybody don't move on even the closest friend will move on so your he your well-being is more important than anything else what you want to achieve in life stop killing yourself because you want build mansion for Nigeria stop killing yourself because you want Drive Tesla stop killing yourself because your M buy gwag you never buy G wagon all these things what would also now vanity because if anything happen to you all your gold all your jewelry house everything where you they struggle for another person will enjoy so make yourself happy is your first priority in life making yourself happy do the things that truly pleases you people will always have an opinion over your life don't don't forget that never you forget that people will always have an opinion over your life don't forget oh hear me so people will always have an opinion over your life never you forget that but it not change anything live your best life how you want to live it because that is all that matters once you are gone hey a wow now W is painful man every day me I the learn new things so I am nice but being nice I need to have a limit of being nice I'm a nice guy I like to consider myself as a nice person I'm not a perfect person but I like to consider myself as a nice person but my niceness is after me when I feel like I have done enough for myself then I can be nice to you yeah when I feel like I have done enough for myself then I can be nice to you it's not being selfish is putting myself first that a new game because social media have taught us that that nobody really give a dam about you when you are dead nobody will be coming out to say you know what this is the way forward this is how we can support your family this is how we can put your children in school this is how we can pay we can come together and raise money to to send the children a scholarship nobody cares you know what they are doing they are raising money to give you a befitting barrier the mindset of the African man need to change the mindset of the Ado man need to change the mindset of the EO man need to change because all we do is after we are dead the people who never supported you with $200 the people who never bought you cow to eat the people who never bought you food to eat the people who never shed your dream we start giving cow we start giving goats we start selling Rapp we start doing all kind of rubbish that doesn't even matter just to bury you the same people will never come on online the same people will never create a group the same people will never raise money to celebrate you while you are alive this is so sad it's so sad for as many of you out there who celebrate people for as many of you out there who constantly check on people orinary check say far are you day I have b i the children may God bless you that one minute of your time that you used to check on your friend is important I'm a testimony of everything I say I randomly check on people I randomly say hey how far how are you how you do just checking on you it means a lot makeup pancake maray Mark cover a lot of pain that you don't see somebody can be going through a lot but look so beautiful somebody can be going through a lot but look so good this is a [Music] fact this is a fact this is a fact please I'm not here to answer any question don't ask me anybody have their platform they can do what they like but I'm just voicing my own opinion they can do what they like even after deaths people are still talking about a dead person gossiping a dead person then you are you that is alive me I'm just taking everything I see on social media as a lesson to me everything I see on social media is a Les matter of fact my own my own story is a lesson to me many of you know me you have seen how people have condemned me you have seen how people have lied against me you have seen how people have tried to break me down you have seen it all but I remain firm I remain firm it is better for you to be alive than to be dead it is better for you to be alive than to be dead it is better for you to be alive broke with nothing don't have a car don't even have a shirt than to be dead freedom is priceless freedom is priceless so let's continue to be free

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