This Just Happened LIVE 😵 - WOKE PS5 & Xbox CANCEL, Concord, Assassin's Creed, Star Wars, GTA 6, COD

Woke Concord shut down by PlayStation so what's going on toxic Gamers we need to immediately talk about what just happened we need to talk we need to talk we need to talk okay I have to blame somebody first of all and therefore I am going to blame you guys because of you guys because of you guys it is all because of you guys like the video If you think they're two genders dislike the video If you think they're 5,000 genders because you see the news today is wild okay you must have heard the story but apparently there is a lot more than meets the there are two video clips that I want to share with you guys and we're going to actually talk about what just happened we're going to carefully analyze it we're going to carefully talk about it because you know something happened today right because of that gamers are now looking like this gamers are celebrating gamers are talking about it and you're probably like yo bro like what happened man I don't know what happened I don't know what happened you know what happened man everybody's talking about it you know what happened okay but there's a lot more than that even if you know or you don't but realistically okay there's probably two people that do not know what went down right and for those two fellas out here what we're learning is that PlayStation is shutting down Concord on September 6th due to poor sales yeah yeah how many we're talking about we're hearing like 4,000 people bought this piece of trash the analysts are saying give or take 12,000 people so they're bumping it up there's a rumor around the street that says that 25,000 people bought it and okay best case scenario if 25,000 people bought about this game what we're learning is that they would have made somewhere around a million to $2 million uh worth of money that's a lot of money man can a brother get 2 pennies but here get this here this what we're learning is that these suers have spent $100 million more than $100 million on this game yeah yeah so they they lost 99% 90 998 99% of their money and get this Concord uh you know all the way back on August the 20th these sers had uh road map at they were like and I remember if I'm not mistaken right they were hyping up season 3 they were hyping up season 1 season 2 toxic Gamers and all that right they were saying that nobody going to stop us nothing can stop us we all the way up nothing can stop us we all the way up I guess you got the point right so they were like hyping it up and they were saying that what to expect after launch uh said August 20th and man like guys look at that man damn man I don't want none of you guys laughing at this situation bro we had a situ situation today we had a situation we had a situation okay these suers had season one season 2 and wait for the video right they were all hyping up season 3 kind of like teasing it you know I'm saying oh you and to she oh you and to she wish out there we're not going to show you psych but apparently one of the biggest psych just went down in the history of gaming fellas give it up for these seconders out here man apparently 44 people are now are now currently playing this game they're enjoying the game that's a small town guys that really is a small town I blame all of you guys out here without your guys support because you guys didn't support this junk they now now shutting down but shout out to the homie yellow flash wait for it I got to show you guys uh the homie asmin as well in a second he was caught whiling out some breaking Concord it's over lmaooo news a game by the way which has dropped to 50 players on Steam as of right now uh wrong 44 right now but I get it maybe later on it's going to get 100 yeah maybe they're shutting the game down the game is shutting down and people are going to get refunds I mean not that they have a lot of people to refund because they only 25,000 to to be honest though these suers can personally message people that bought the game because it's not that many you know it's not that many copies sold and that's an estimate it's probably lower they're shutting the game down you know why they're doing that because they're going to remodel it to go to free to playay mode that's why cuz they have to they have to some of the game is unplayable because it takes 8 minutes to find a match for the Rivalry mode that's if it even get 8 minutes is like on the internet and in terms of like Gamers uh 8 minutes is like 8 years because guess what there's not enough people so it times out they're going to have to go free to play so they can maybe get it up to what a thousand players across two platforms there's maybe 200 people playing on Playstation I showed you that trophy list only like 1,200 people actually got the first kill trophy the most common trophy in the game that's bad so this is breaking right now September 3rd this is on PlayStation block wait for fans we've been listening closely to your feedback since the launch of Concord on PlayStation 5 Concord got fans Concord fans yeah okay so then yeah apparently this game right this game BR God fans okay are any of you Concord fan let me know man let me know and listen man I I'm just saying man I'm worried for dbor out here bro 15 people that's a small building wor of people guys what are we talking about man what are we talking that I'm worried for deathborn D Bor now here I'm really worried guys I'm really worried for Star Wars because they're reporting bad numbers as well the captain BBC you know Assassin's Creed like yeah these suers are racist as hell man always making black people G in the game bro they did that right and on top what we're learning is that yase was not but they still made him uh and they're being racist towards Japanese people Asian people as well so right now there's a lot of fuss about Assassin's Creed as well Star Wars doing too hot either I'm worried for Ubisoft I'm really worried for Ubisoft in PC and want to thank everyone who has joined the journey aboard the Northstar your support in the passionate community that has grown around the game has meant the world to us okay what community however while many qualities of the experience resonated with players we also recognize that other aspects of the game and our initial launch didn't land the way we intended therefore at this time we have decided to take the game offline beginning September 6th and explore options including those that will better reach our players you know what that option is free to play the game's going to go free to play it has to they're not going to make money so they going to expl uh an in-game currency and [ __ ] you can buy with real world money so they can try to make some money this game has lost $100 million as it sits right now they have to figure something out and Salvage this something yeah they they're going to yeah absolutely they're not going to and I'm not a Game Dev and I I don't have any knowledge but all I know is that servers do cost money right Maybe not maybe not now maybe technology has really Advanced I mean when you see the character advancing right I would suspect that even the servers would advance and the technology would Advance right so I I could be wrong but I I believe that servers do cost money right so the the amount of people playing this game and of course the steam the steam steam is definitely going to require some fees right so steam is going to charge fees I I believe that is going to be for if somebody buys the game Sony would get like a cut steam would get their cut right maybe 10% 20% I'm not sure but they would definitely get a cut right uh let me know if anybody any of you got knowledge right and Lara be looking kind of crazy right now okay okay I got to I got to I got to stay on topic at hand okay I'm getting distracted out here but but yes so they're going to charge some fees absolutely Sony of course uh if if it's on Playstation all the money would go 100% would go all the profits would go of what profit there's no profit so far my bad guys my bad my bad so all the money would go towards PlayStation totally makes sense right games 10 years ago games today ladies and gentlemen yeah this is this what we're talking about technology ladies and gentlemen but if it's going to go free to play it still would need some amount of people playing the game some amount of people buying the microtransaction for them to for for it to make sense because I'm not sure if you guys heard this or not but X Define is also shutting down yeah it can shut down I should say it can shut down they are talking about it right and they're talking about cutting support for the game because people are dropping like flies on that game so games like X Define 2o Ubisoft right so Ubisoft in in massive heat right now bro massive because if they don't this was bound to happen I'm shocked though that this is shutting down I called this game the biggest game this is one of the biggest flops in video game history and you're seeing more EV that right now the fact that they're shutting this game down it hasn't even launched for a week while we determin the best path forward Concord sales will cease immediately and we will begin to offer a full refund for all Gamers who have purchased the game for PS5 or PC if you purchase the game for PlayStation 5 from the PlayStation store or Playstation direct a refund will be issued back to your original p [Music] method I love me the refunds on my original paying payment method okay because you know these second would give you whatever concered virtual currency is if it is or not I don't know for example Call of Duty got Cod points uh fortnite got v-bucks right these sers would pay you back in v-bucks so thank God it's not going to be in v-bucks customers who purchased from other digital storefronts will also be refunded more information about refunds from Steam and epic can be found below so steam store will refund players who bought the game over the coming days epic game store will refund players who bought the game over the next couple of days other retailer refunds for customers who have purchased a physical copy at a retailer location outside of PlayStation directly please refer to the refund process of the retailer you purchased it from to obtain your refund you know what that if you open that game you're not going to get a refund that's their policy the policy is uh games that have been opened don't get refunds So Physical customers SC but I'll tell you they're going to pull all those games out of stores now if you have a physical this game it might be worth a couple of bucks it's if they bring it back I don't know but that's yeah maybe maybe they're going to go give you like five bucks or maybe like I remember back in the days when I would bring my old collection I remember like bringing this many I kid you not these amount of games it was roughly around 10 games and yeah those were like PlayStation 2 games I'm talking like years and years ago right to like a secondhand store I I believe was it was it e games yeah EB Games right EB Games is essentially GameStop EB Games uh is I believe in uh Australia New Zealand and Canada it's like the equivalent on GameStop okay so I brought like about 10 10 games roughly right and you want to know how much that guy was willing to give me take a guess you know take a guess $15 and not even 15 USD 15 Maple dollars that's not even worth anything now back in the days it was still worth something but now it's like 15 Canadian man yo man you you want you want $15 you want 15 yeah here you go I'm like yo bro bro like I'm giving you 10 games damn it give me at least $100 man too bad I I wish I could say psych right now so yeah with Concord you guys crazy you really think that they're going to give you like $30 you really think that they're going to give you $40 oh man I would be shocked if they uh I I would be shocked if they they give you like 20 I I wouldn't be surprised I guess like $10 maybe maybe five five or 10 bucks I guess you can get it uh get that and after that you can maybe like get some get a coffee or two right like yeah yeah aounds right wow that's amazing breaking news ladies and gentlemen you're getting refunded this game is shutting down and it's going to go free to play like I I want to I want to show you this okay shout out to the homie asman go roll it this wasn't a big game this was an IP you guys have to understand this like this wasn't just like they were planning a whole world with this this was a whole Asmongold on Woke PlayStation Concord environment they had characters they made backstories for everything they planned on having this be the next big thing and it was it's the next big failure and so yes um they uh have effectively um you know aborted Concord it's we're hearing 8 years in development dead somebody Sony L8 years keep in mind yes this game has been in development for 8 years ironica is the most fitting trophy name for the one person in the world who platinumed Concord living legend okay so only one person actually Platinum dude living legend more like dying Legend am I right wow timate or why am I even bringing Legend what's the opposite of a legend boo boo okay living Boo or dead boo yeah oh rip bozel yeah that's perfect that's perfect rip bozel that that should be the trophy name like I feel like this is going to be like if you have this on your account this is going to make your account worth somebody said living loser okay that's that's better that's better more money this is like yeah this this this account is the account the only one that has the Platinum achievement for Concord the Dead game from 200 what was it 2024 right like 15 years ago right this is the 0.1% right bro this guy is the uh yeah the Flappy Road exactly PlayStation will take Concord offline on Friday and refund all players who purchased the game an important update on on cord firewalk studio and you can see bom yo these n oh [ __ ] I did not know these actually disabled the replies get W go bro yeah man like I I I I feel like that they're going to learn there's no way PlayStation is going to drop another woke ass game like that from now on you know this is such a catastrophical catastrophical failure and it's a good time for gamers it really is a good thing now if these suas drop this game for free which is very likely going to happen and if these Su is going to go crazy with the microtransactions which is likely going to H going to happen but they're going to see the other side of the gamers once again gamers are probably going to turn around and not play that guys we need to keep up the momentum we absolutely have to keep up this momentum I think it's going to get worse before it gets better but it's going to get better it's going to get better though we're going to start to see better games but we need to keep up the same energy right now bro PlayStation muted we deserve better guys Gamers deserve better bro we deserve better man it replies uhoh I wonder why Concord is flat out being taken offline forever I thought a rush to freeto play was nuts but they still might do that but yeah free to play will not save the game people just don't want anything that the game has to offer yeah like that's all there is to it the game doesn't really look like it plays well the characters look stupid like what are you doing like how did you think this was going to work at all so you think about it and they invested so um let's see so you let's say they put $100 million into it sold what did they say like 35,000 copies so $35,000 for $40 uh what is that oh jeez oh man 1.4 mil oh wow that's not anywhere even near it oh jeez that's only one yeah what we're hearing is that it could be approximately like 100 to 150 million some people are probably like exaggerating by saying 200 million but I I don't know okay let's just say 100 million right 100 million and best case scenario 35,000 sales I guess it's safe to say nobody knows the exact number of copies people are taking a gift based off of the the the the people that earned the trophies and apparently a person so far 12200 some people got a single kill in in on PS5 in in Concord right yeah like 1200 people so people are assuming 1,200 people of course bought the game but then you're averaging it out right like how many more people perhaps bought the game too so people are roughly saying 2,000 people and similar number is being thrown around for steam as well so let's just say 4,000 it might be lower than even 4,000 bro it might be lower than that too but then there have been analysts that are saying that 12,000 15,000 people it's all over the place it's it really is all over the place some are saying 25,000 now asmin gold is saying 35,000 now forget about everything right okay best case scenario which I don't think it's 35,000 okay like come on man miss me with that but even if it's 35,000 they're making 1.4 million okay let's round them numbers up real good real good okay let's just say they made $2 million what about the 98 million what about the $98 million that they lost man these suas could have paid Gamers to play their game bro these milon $1.3 million oh wow Jesus and so they've lost 99% of their money so maybe they've recouped 1% of their money that is incredible go woke go broke I feel like being woke is like so it that's not the main reason why Concord like you can't look at a game like deadlock that has tons of representation and you can't look at a game like OverWatch that's somehow more woke than than Concord ever could hope to be and then be like the reason why Concord failed is because it was woke now I do think that it definitely had it like that first impression that people got with it of people thinking it was like a Dei woke game definitely hurt the amount of people it hurt the initial reception right like as soon as people saw that they said oh wow this is going to be one of those other [ __ ] games right so I think that definitely happened right Concords for no pronouns or was and were yeah that's about right it's a little bit of everything but also like the W Stu definitely is a rampant right now and it's not just one game that is seeing that it's like all the big games are now seeing it and people are just fed up with it right and especially what's going on around uh D has also tried to W ify that monkey game that blackm Wukong this not to it Stellar blade they were pretty mad with Stellar blade not being woke so they were also really really mad with that and when people see all that then you got robot in the game having pronouns and people are seeing characters looking like this right they're uglifying the characters and then they see the game play and without the W Stu the game play is pretty mediocre it's worse than mediocre even right so it's below average so game is not looking good minus the wol crab and with the wol crab that's another part of it right so yeah absolutely it's a little bit of everything but the game in general was also nothing special and then you going around and charging people $40 are you guys out of your mind are you guys out of your goddamn mind like let's be real about it like nobody's going to buy I mean I should not say nobody I mean there there are some people that b it right right I mean these some Su is actually bought it and I mean listen like if you bought it you enjoy the game yeah man yeah I'm happy for you I'm happy for you or I should say I'm sad for you that the game is going to shut down man the game is going to shut down so enjoy it while it last play every last moment of the game okay now seriously if you enjoy the game play every moment of it and then you're at least going to get your money back so you know no robbery at least no robbery till yeah guys let's clap it up let's clap it up let's clap it up at least so far no robbery happen on Gamers okay The taxic Gamers okay but and uh to win over Dei anyway I mean I I think that it's a it's another point on the graph for sure uh definitely OverWatch is extremely gay I mean I I I would say that's only the tip of the iceberg yeah and uh they make characters ugly and ugly things don't sell well yeah it was ugly bad and boring I think that's basically about it too no I I I probably agree with you and that's kind of the way that I see it too but it's seven and a how can it die so fast because context IGN gave it seven out of 10 aan gave it a seven out of 10 if these seconds give another game seven out of 10 then I'm going to be like BR am I shut down you want to know what other game they also gave Sam 10 to oh [ __ ] yeah dust they also gave dust more that already anyways guys have yourself a wonderful day man check out this video on the screen they're going crazy with that BBC Samurai situation though yay that BBC Samurai situation raging wildfires once again and and it might get shut down too bro you never know bro check out this video on the screen and I'll see you right there if you already seen it then check out the video on the left because X Define is certainly getting shut down so check out both of these videos and I'll see you there what is going on in gaming man I

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