The Dems are phonies, the new Joker movie is getting mixed reviews, and more Russia! | FULL SHOW

hey good morning guys uh Chris here at the morning Mayhem wanted to go ahead and and get this out of the way put this up front and set it aside from the main show uh I don't do cold opens like this very often I don't like doing them um because it usually means something somber or saddening or or something along those lines has happened uh the only other time that I can think I did it was when there was the assassination attempt on uh on Trump's life and we ended up losing Cory comor in the process of that along with some other victims that were shot as well again not something I like to do not something I want to do but I think it's the right thing to do to to again not have it mixed into the show set it apart talk about it a little bit and move on to the main show um I will say this first and foremost obviously I'm talking about the school shooting up in Winder Georgia and that is about to and a half hours away from me I am in Central Georgia that's um just outside of Atlanta a little Northeast of Atlanta so it's Northeast to me and uh while I haven't had any dealings with that particular school or anything I do have a personal friend who I believe both their sons went there at some point in time and a uh former cooworker who I still stay in touch with good friends with uh her nephew was actually at the school in class when um the shooting took place and she was in he he was in the class when one of the teachers now I don't know if this is one of the ones that was um that lost their life or if this was another teacher that may have been a victim of uh of the shooting um but her nephew was in the classroom when one of the teachers was shot now I don't know what all this this kid saw I don't know what all this kid went through um but that's enough you know that's that's incredibly devastating to a child especially someone who's you know around 13 14 years old so um I will go through this real quick um I don't want to I don't want to uh play the blame game we don't have the facts out there yet I know they've released some more information like now we know uh the names of some of the folks um both the victims and the uh person uh person in custody um of course they're going to throw out the the style gun that was used cuz that's what they do um but I will say that I'm not going to blame middle health I'm not going to blame the guns I'm not going to blame you know either political party or any political party for that matter I'm I'm not going to do anything like that I think that would be incredibly disrespectful right now because we don't know anything we really don't uh the bodies aren't even cold yet I mean that out of respect um you know the the the families haven't buried them maybe haven't even made arrangements to do so yet I mean this is still fresh and uh and again I want to be respectful about this and I want to come at it like any other story I want to have my receipts I want to have my facts and we just don't have that yet stuff is still being released so I'm going to play close attention to it and and when the timing is right I I do plan on covering this at some point um just today's not the day today's not the day um it's a s sensitive topic uh what I have seen and and I want to kind of play Peacemaker a little bit here uh what I've seen is a lot of people from both sides are obviously posting about it be it on X or Facebook or wherever you see people posting about it they are both angry and they are posting out of anger and and they are posting out of love so they've got a a a spectrum of emotions that they're going through so you're going to see stuff blaming Trump blaming Biden blaming the parties blaming guns blaming mental health defending guns defending KLA defending Trump all this and that you're going to see it comma said um a while back she wants to pull these officers out of schools it was an officer that stopped it right um you know they're against they're for defunding the police they're for you know against the Second Amendment and of course you got the right that's all about the Second Amendment Armen teachers even you know all kinds of stuff and those two and I'm not saying which is right at this moment but those two are colliding right now because people are trying to make their arguments and again I don't think they're making the arguments to be hateful spiteful I think they're making the arguments because they are angry about what happened angry that it continues to happen and they they lovingly are posting these things because they want to see things change they they want to see a better safer world and there's nothing wrong with that so again kind of playing Peacemaker here um I just don't know if Now's the Time and I know some strong Second Amendment guys would say it's always the time to defend that one but I don't know if now's necessarily the time to make waves so when you see someone on X or Twitter or you see someone on Facebook or wherever it may be posting stuff like that and you just completely disagree with it you know maybe let it slide maybe don't be in the comments maybe don't be dming them um you know correcting them and and and and throwing all these statistics and and everything out there it's um you know it's not necessarily the right time in my opinion um sorry breaking news just came through Georgia high school shooter Colt Gray's dad is arrested for murder and shocked development after sunshot for okay that literally just popped up on my screen while I was reading this I'm not going into the story [Music] um but that just popped up so definitely more news breaking definitely more PE people are going to be uh getting into this and covering this plenty already have so uh so this is big news I I just wanted to get it out in front of the main show cuz we are going to be talking about all kinds of stuff it is going to be a short show um but out of respect I wanted to be somber I wanted to be respectful I wanted to just have it separate outside of the main show because I think the families deserve that I think the story deserves that and I know people will say again as far as their arguments this is you know all you guys do is thoughts and prayers well you know there's some gofund me set up I believe if you want to give to that I think that's awesome um but for anybody that knows anything about anything thoughts and prayers mean a lot um that's literally the only thing we can do right now like I said other than maybe the gofund means or or do something along that lines there's you can't fix the situation you're not going to make it any better so people that are saved and that have a personal relationship with Christ you know how important special prayer is for those that that don't some of you may or may not know I've been very blessed to have some some folks that don't have a personal relationship with the Lord in my circle that I I talk to on a regular basis and they understand if somebody says that they're going to pray for them they they they get how deep that is they get how meaningful that is and um so I hope you guys do too and I hope that's not a hateful attack kind of thing when when someone says thoughts and prayers I hope they aren't getting attacked for that cuz it's it means a lot it means a lot from that person so um obviously thoughts and prayers for the victims their families for the whole Community for everyone impacted there physically mentally emotionally the doctors the First Responders it's um it's a terrible thing it's a terrible thing not going to you know just gloss over it like it's nothing I mean you almost could because things like this do happen you know more than they ought to but um um it's definitely a sad thing and we'll be covering the story at some other time um let this be a reminder to just hug them babies you know spend a little bit more time with them keep your family close um stay prayed up and um you know you never know they always say it won't be my kid or you know I never thought it would happen in my community and stuff like that and it happens like that all the time so love your family spend that extra time with them I know I hug my daughter a little extra these last couple of days so let that be a reminder to you as well we'll go ahead and start the [Music] show not must admit again to me is that [Music] funny hey hey what's going on guys welcome to the morning Mayhem it's your boy Chris coming at you super excited to be here with you today this is going to be another short show again I did have a couple of things going on earlier this week got some going on next week we do have a break coming up so again it's going to be a short show we're going to talk about that in just a little bit but do want to welcome you guys if this is your first time tuning in welcome to the Mayhem obviously uh we do our shows every Friday morning then we cut the segments out and release them throughout the week and sometimes we have reactions and uh whatnot on the on the moniker Mayhem reacts and uh and I'll release uh uh music video reactions trailer reactions movie reviews stuff like that um plenty of those are going to be coming out in the next two to three weeks o over the course of those two to three weeks so uh so be on the lookout for that if that's something you enjoy I will definitely have some of those and I already got plenty uh on the channel so you know go check them out but uh but do want to acknowledge obviously the uh this this this week this week has been an amazing week um for me for my channel for my people for uh for just so much here I'm so so very uh blessed about that very happy about that um first Monday night Monday night baby was my first live stream first live stream from the channel that's Monday night Mayhem again I said if it went well we may do it the first Monday of every month don't think I'm really set up to do this every single week because it does take a lot to put that together and apparently it went really well a lot of the people were in the chat saying do it again do it again do it again now folks later after the fact were commenting to do it again the people that were involved on the show wanted to uh do it again so we will definitely be doing another uh Monday night Mayhem uh next month I'll announce more details on that as they develop we're not even close to that yet but uh but we'll definitely do that again but this past week uh or this past Monday night rather it was a really great show I do want to give another special shout out to uh Sean from third rifi Robert from the wash cast and spin cycle um and then Biggie and Bluey from the talking nerds so grateful for the four of them for joining me and of course everyone who watched live in the chat and interacted there you guys were great I love it I appreciate every single one of you um also the following night I was on a live stream not not mine I was a guest I was a guest on holy creation Comics show uh called point of view point of view and we talked about the kids uh oddly enough given what else has happened this week but um but we talked about kids we talked uh openly candly and passionately about uh you know that topic which is super important to me you know um the well-being of our children and coincidentally children in in in schools through uh book Bannings through uh school choice and so many other great questions that Jesse threw out at me I I I wasn't 100% prepared for some of those it was a really good really deep conversation really appreciate her having me on to the show I will leave a link to that down in the show notes below so you can go check it out I've got it timestamped so you can get to the beginning of the show she does play like a little video intro that runs for a while on Loop and um while that's well and good I I went ahead and got the time stamp so you can start right there right as we go into the show so you don't have to sit through all that um as though you sitting there watching it live kind of build up for the show to start but uh but an absolutely except exceptional show I wouldn't mind going back on there again if if that's something she wants to do or just have another chat in in some capacity because it was great qu great questions great topics really enjoyed it really enjoyed her and of course uh some of my familiar folks were in the chat so appreciate you guys coming over and watching that again there as well that was a blast as a reminder we all also have the first and probably only to be fair uh Camala Harris Donald Trump presidential debate coming up next week that's going to be uh when is that Tuesday September 10th at 7 p.m. is when our show is going to start yes we are going to be doing a live stream of the presidential debate we'll have a pre-show again that starts at 7 pm which will take us into the debate itself and then we'll have a post debate post show recap of everything uh that will be myself um Robert her is hosting it on the wash cast uh Sean from third reify so you know kind of The Three Amigos there and then we also got Chris from Chris's world I've mentioned him before and uh and and and been on a live stream with him before very very sharp dude um very excited guy and uh and he he's passionate about what he does so he's going to bring a lot there too so excited about being uh on the stream with him again and uh and and and knocking some stuff out together there we may have some more folks joining in as well and uh follow me on the socials I'll make sure that the link goes up as soon as I have it uh that way everyone can join in on the fun there but it will be a good time it is it is definitely I've never done a presidential debate like that but I'm doing my homework I'm getting prepared and that is one of the reasons that Today's show is going to be a little short um as well as just the two live stream that I've already done this week and also knowing that Saturday night of course I'll be on off the rails unless something changes over on third relif I Channel as I almost always am now so uh so we'll go ahead and get into it so we're not you know mumbling anymore uh we'll go ahead and get into our first story here one of my favorite movies in the last few years to come out was Joker starring walking Phoenix and uh directed by Todd Phillips man what a movie right I mean it's I don't keep it too far away um loved it you can see back there got me a little Joker artwork there I mean like that's how much I love it from the story to the acting and one of my favorite pieces was the cinematography and and for those that don't know I myself am a filmmaker um got me a couple couple of little Wars back there but um I'm an internationally award-winning filmmaker for various categories be it the film itself or writing or cinematography directing um or whatnot you know so uh I appreciate all that and one of the one of my specialties is the cinematography so really really really really enjoyed Joker for that they did a fantastic job huge fan I got super excited when I heard there was going to be a sequel well let me back it up a little bit first of all the movie didn't need a sequel I still don't think it needs a sequel but I heard waen was going to be back and he doesn't do sequels soen was going to be back Todd Phillips is going to be back so I'm like okay this is sounded really promising I'm actually kind of getting excited for this Sequel and then I heard lady uh Lady Gaga was attached and I was like well that doesn't sway me any more happy or sad or whatever I I don't know that much of her as far as acting goes I've seen her on American Horror Story for a few episodes I think and uh hadn't really kept up with that show much I know she's done you know some other shows and done great things or or not shows movies but I haven't seen them I don't know she may be a terrible actress she may be one of the greatest actresses of all time but uh but if someone's going to play that role I can see her in it for sure uh Harley Quinn but um but yeah I was like okay all right so we got Lady Gaga on board that's an interesting choice but then I heard why and I heard that it was going to be a musical and I am not a musical fan catch me watching a few musicals that I do appreciate Wizard of Oz um Willy won in the Chocolate Factory uh even grease you know some of the classics I I I I like those for what they are um but yeah I don't I don't particularly want to sit down and watch a musical so I'm interested to see what they do though you know I'm interested to see how much of a like a a true musical this is or um you know how they change it up and knowing Todd Phillips he he'll change it up I'm sure uh we did cover this before actually I think I covered it on uh uh Mayhem reacts I did a review of the one of the trailers that came out um but I think I also covered it here just kind of talking about the the gist of the story so you know I won't go into depths on on my emotions and feelings on that I I I do want to see it though I for sure want to see it one of the best movies I've seen the last few years has got a sequel part of me really really wants to see it to see what they do and part of me is like man I don't want to mess this up I don't want them to mess this up and it's like when you eat something so good and it's got multiple pieces you know whether it's like like peanuts or it's uh french fries or something like that you know and you're eating it and it's oh so good and you get down to the last one the last one's you know the Peanut's a little rotted it it has that dough kind of flavor where that last french fries is a little burnt or doesn't have any seasoning on it or maybe it's really soggy for some reason you know sat there too I don't know but it's like that I don't want it to be like that you know of course I'm going to associate things with food right but Joker left such a great taste in my mouth I I want to follow it up with something that's you know equal as close to equal as possible I don't want to put a soggy potato chip in there that my kid had when she was a baby and put it back in the bag I ain't I don't want that give me something good give me something good I will say though uh we're going to go ahead and get into this they've already got it out at uh I know they showed it at a festival we've already got some critic respon uh critic responses back on it um and it seems to be kind of a mixed bag if I'm not uh not understating it or overstating it here this this from The Daily Mail Wen Phoenix and Lady Gaga's musical Joker sequel hits a few sour notes and I don't know if I can say this still F Folia gets mixed [Music] reviews yeah I don't I'll probably never say it right sorry Joker part two baby all right it says early reactions to Joker um part two suggest a blend of Brilliance and boredom leading to a mixed bag of reviews the film sees the return of walking Phoenix's Oscar winning portrayal of Arthur Flex Joker and the addition of Pop Powerhouse Lady Gaga's Joker's love interest Harley Quin Quinn premiering to a Full House at the Venice Film Festival on Wednesday the eagerly awaited sequel to Todd Phillips billion dooll hit divided critics while some found out or found it superior to the acclaimed 2019 film that's going to be a tough one for me to buy you know critics come in all shapes and sizes and colors and and and visuals and and likes and dislikes and you know all this and that squishy soft hard whatever every every body likes something different so it's such a mixed bag when it comes to critics um I don't find myself agreeing with a lot of them and I do think a lot of them are kind of paid shills to get benefits and stuff but on more on that from Geeks and Gamers and nerd rodic and those guys you can you can go listen to them or one of our Channel's friends the talking nerds they talk about that stuff too link to them will be in the description below as well by the way but uh but yeah I don't know if it's going to be superior that would be a that's a tough sell for me uh while some found it superior to the Acclaim 2019 film and lauded the performances of both Phoenix and Gaga other slam joker as derivative and devoid of fun I think I think people just try to look for ways to use the word derivative I hear it all the time but I didn't always and and and I feel like that's one of those fun words people like to throw around and uh I mean again she's probably gonna do just a fine job she probably is walking's going to knock it out of the par that's what he does I just oh I don't know I don't know man Owen Gman appeared a bit less impressed in his review for variety writing that the cracked jukebox musical had an audacious concept but in a basic way it's an overly cautious sequel Andy wies David Erick took a bit of a harsher tone saying the 138 minute flick we 2 hours okay flick is boring flat and a criminal waste of Lady Gaga adding it feels bad on purpose yet Phillips has created a corporate pop spectacle that all demands to be seen as something else here's a movie that perversely denies audiences everything they've seen or everything they've been conditioned to want from it gently at first and then later with the unmistakable hos ility of a knife to the gut I ain't lying that's pretty harsh right there and and that's where I'm where's it at a couple things that bothers me or concerns me create a corporate pop spectacle you know cuz the first one I hate that crap pops up corporate pop spectacle I hope it didn't get too hollywoodized to corporate to too many Studio heads in there messing with them I mean Todd Phillips took a took a shot in the dark he's like I'm going to make this film let's see what it does it made less than Avengers endgame as far as overall box office and gross um but if I'm not mistaken I believe it was more profitable because of the budget being significantly lower so I'm sure they love that and they're like oh let's make another one and let's make it better and let's get the studio heads more involved and let's you know Tinker with this idea and that idea so it's quite possible and I was concerned about that going into it so here that kind of makes me think somebody else picked up on it the other thing that bothers me about this uh here's a movie that perversely denies audiences everything they've been conditioned to want from it what does that mean you know I know what I'm looking for I don't know if if we're all in the same boat in this but the first Joker pretty much set up the tone if we complet completely changed that up and it's nothing like the first one at all I think that could suck however I will say two films that I absolutely love from one filmmaker Rob Zombie House of a Thousand Corpses and The Devil's Rejects are two completely different films same actors well I mean they swapped out some actors but same characters same concept to a degree of you know the Dynamics of the characters and whatnot but told in two completely different ways two completely different styles and it worked in fact the sequel The Devil's Rejects actually became a bigger hit than House of a Thousand Corpses the original I like them both for different reasons House of thousand corpses still has a special place in my heart but uh yeah Devil's Rejects was pretty awesome so it can be done it can be done for sure and I know there's others out there that you can point to but it's not something that's done all the time to be fair uh let's see and that more than anything else is why part two adopts the form of a classic musical because no other genre makes it so easy to appreciate all the fun you're not having in contrast Alex Harrison of Screen Rant describes joker as a more refined sequel designed to provoke fans of the original film Joker part two has more coherent things to say about fan culture than it than it or its predecessor does about mental illness which for me makes it the superior of the two he stated wonder what that means has more coherent things to say about fan culture I hope it's not going to end up being one of those that's like an attack on the fans kind of like She-Hulk was remember that if you're not familiar a lot of people cover that I didn't cover it again talking nerds nerd rtic gekon Gamers Ryan kennel you know all these guys talked about how the the big payoff of She-Hulk or the big goal of She-Hulk was to basically insult the the fans of of Marvel and whatnot the Nerds you know the the dieh hard committed fans so they wanted to to piss them off which makes sense I guess right they saw they saw their numbers and they know uh they know it's not always a winning uh winning thing to do look I'm not going to read every single one of these as per usual the um as per usual the links will be in the in the show notes below you can go back and read this yourself but as you see here I mean we've already got into a few of them leaning kind of negative you know some positives there and again it really depends on the critic's taste as to what you're going to get from feedback from them so don't know how good it is don't know how great it is to be fair I'm still probably going to go see it and and give it a chance and um you know who knows will uh will you go see it are you interested in seeing it were you ever interested in seeing it from the time it was announced to the time you found out Gaga was involved to the time you found out it was a musical to hearing this is it something that you wanted to see at all is it something you're still going to see or still planning on seeing and if it is is it a trip to the theater watch or is it a wait till it comes out on a streaming platform kind of watch I'd love to hear your thoughts on that you've heard mine all right next up we're going to talk about this one a little differently um the Russian interference okay so we got Russian interference again allegedly I'm not going to cover it the same way these other guys have and in fact everyone's covering it um from good buddy sea third reify of course the quartering even Tim P spoke up and I mentioned him specifically because of the story and where it went um but I I want to cover it a little bit differently if that makes sense so I'll go ahead and pull up the article here that I've got um this is from NBC News it says Biden Administration hits Russia with sanctions over efforts to manipulate us opinion ahead of the election the administration announced a series of actions Wednesday in response to alleged efforts by Russian actors to influence us polit uh public opinion and so so it goes on to um to basically talk about Russia Today right there and I don't remember if this particular article talked about or not but basically it talked to some of the networks that they worked with um and and whatnot one of them being tenant media now I mentioned timpool earlier timpool has something to do with tenant media to a degree some kind of relationship there it's more of Lauren chin if you guys know who that is Lauren chin and her husband I think are the the bigger to-dos there Benny Johnson's kind of involved with tenant media but apparently there's some ties between Russia Today tenant media Russian actors putting out things you know I don't know the whole depths of it so again I'm not going to cover that part of it because I think more of that's being revealed over time so I don't have all the facts I don't have everything pulled together on that one and there's plenty of other people that are covering it so so I do recommend if you want to hear it out of Tim P's mouth him you know himself he covers it he talks about it of course Sean from third REI like I said who I trust anything that he says because he does his homework too he's he's a sharp guy I love him to death U so Sean third reify of course his uh links to his channels will be in the show notes below um he's been mentioned multiple times so of course I got him linked down there but um but yeah whether it's Shawn whether it's Tim himself whether it's the quartering Jeremy over there you know if you're interested in find out more about that story go check it out the part that I want to cover uh or or want to just briefly kind of point out is that we are all about and I say we our our government our our department of justice the Biden Administration or whatever and this goes beyond the Biden Administration I think this is just I don't know whether it's the unip party government or it's just the government itself we will jump over you know hurdles and mountains and everything to go after Russia or China or whomever um if if we think there might be some interference in our election which isn't a bad thing necessarily right what is interference well and what they said with like Russia it's like oh well they're sponsoring ads oh or they're putting out stories that that kind of you know push some Russian narratives that that may make them want to make make us want to vote one way or the other other and you know because it's going to be more beneficial to them at the end of the day and I think about things like that right and I go aren't we doing that don't we have political parties that basically control the entire mainstream media don't we have stories that are kept out of the press because it could be damning to a particular person running for office so you guys know what I'm talking about I didn't have to say it you already know because you're Sharp that's why you're here but the media is running cover the media is owned by them or they do their bidding V ramas Swami the other day went off on um I think it was CNN um or it may have been another one of those you know corrupt networks but basically it was saying it's your job to hold you know our elected officials the powers that be um hold them accountable you know ask the questions you know present these facts and and what you find out to the people instead they're running cover for them they're protecting them if if if they say jump you know the media says how high and they go out there and they tell us that we need to jump that high and it's just it it is is devastating to see where we are right now as far as all that goes but again why is that legal and okay but then Russia or another country you know putting out some stories or you know SP in some ads or something like that that's that's the big thing and we're going to we're going to spend millions of dollars going after them and then we're going to slap tariffs on them or uh sanctions or whatever it is we're doing it ourselves probably on the left and the right I'm not going to I'm not going to act like it's not both sides but you know we we saw kamla putting out the um her administration's got fake news out there about people that are backing her that aren't actually backing her uh don't know if you remember the story about uh what was it the sponsored ads but they made them look like they were legit media headlines speaking positively of of her I'm sorry I can't think of any for Trump right this second it's not that there aren't any or any for any conservative person I'm not saying that but these are the most obvious ones that jump off U the top of my brain here uh what about the quidd pro quo between Biden and Ukraine you know back in the day says you know we're you're not going to get the money and if I don't if I don't get what I want if you don't fire that guy who's investigating the company that my son is on the board of which has you know no conflict of interest there I'm sure if you don't fire that that you know da or whatever you know I'm I'm we're not getting the money that Obama promised you and then son of a bee he he fired him so then I gave him the money it's got to quit proquote that's what they you know accused Trump of doing even though it was allegations of that no proof of that they still got him on impeachment for that Biden did it on camera and nothing happened nothing he bragged about the story and nothing happened to him Obama sending all that cash to um was it Iran and not being held accountable that that seems like that seems like something that we should know about um again with the current accusations from the Harris campaign putting out the stuff uh groups backing on the football team the the image that was out there which I heard some heard some developments on that maybe somebody officially put it out there but it wasn't approved or I don't know um but isn't all that kind of stuff election interference too both the the act of doing those things and the act of the media covering it up or or you know being an extension of that party that Administration or that who whoever you know campaign I think all of that is the same thing so while I don't necessarily have a problem with them going after Russia or North Korea or China or whomever that may be trying to interfere with our elections because to be fair I don't think anybody should be interfering with our elections go get them all right but at the same time when are we going to start holding our own people accountable the answer is we're not but we should we absolutely should what do you guys think do you think there is as much or maybe even more corruption interference manipulation within domestically be it the political party the mainstream media special interest groups or whatever do you think there's as much or more possibly here that fall into that category than there is from internationally from foreign I'd be willing to bet there's more and we just accept it as the news that's my humble yet accurate opinion all right we're GNA move on to our last story here again I told you guys it was going to be fairly short um got a couple things to look I love this story so um here's a little clip we're going to talk about um we're going to talk about Tim and kamla and some of these like who are these people the fact is we don't know who these people are like we can play games say oh well he's this and she's that no let's let's look at let's look how real they are this is uh this is quick right here if you ask me his appeal to this ticket isn't just the record as Governor it's his overall Vibe you know and that Vibe it's Midwestern dad as every year we as a family do something old and something new but then we're going to go get some food corn dog I'm vegetarian turkey then and [Applause] me remember that line we're gonna come back to it he's trying so hard he's trying so hard you don't eat meat well fish isn't meat and turkeyy kind of like fish let's get a cheeseburger so it makes it hard makes it harder for the alt-right to call you a soy boy when you're like bison is a vegetable if you no it's it's it's fairly easy to still call him a soy boy uh putting tampons in boys bathrooms is one of those things that kind of solidifies that but um yeah so let's just GL over the fact that Tim Waltz didn't even know his own daughter was a vegetarian what a what a what an active father he must be but um but yeah I mean here we go right this is hey the altright can't pick on him for this he's a normal guy he's an every every dude dude right he's a he's a man that everybody can relate to um is it this one yeah this is uh there he goes there he goes it says after being roasted by local reporters for refusing to take questions here's tampon Tim once again refusing to take questions as he departs Pennsylvania and of course so many places except for maybe on the main stages he's always got his signature camo cap he's got his relaxed shirt his relaxed pants he's just he's just like you and me right he's genuine he's likable he's so relatable or how about how about this dude this is Doug mhof right this is the first first man is that how we say it right comm's husband he's likable he's relatable he's genuine in fact they they say this guy is a modern sex symbol this guy him whatever teach his own whatever all right um I think I saw somewhere where they said that that uh that their daughter was possibly the most beautiful girl as well and I I don't I don't I don't know who's writing these articles no offense I know I'm not anything to look at trust me I know um but let's listen to him be so genuine and authentic and relatable right thousands of people in in the arena and I'm sure Millions around the country around the world and what did I hear USA USA so USA you can say um and that's yeah so first of all I don't want to go back because we're going to miss it like right on point I'm sure he started the US what did I hear the second he started saying USA everyone else started saying it already so it was scripted clearly script and I'm gonna go back because I I got to prove my point I don't want to just say something and lean on that I I want to prove it listen to when he says I was at this convention and all I heard or what I heard was USA the second he starts before he gets even into it everyone else is already chiming in listen I'm sure Millions around the country around the world and what did I hear USA USA they already started and then you can say it kind of reminds me of the um Jeb Bush please clap it's so disingenuous you know hey we're going to put in the script for you guys to say this when I say this okay cool oh we should have put in there for y'all to keep doing it you can keep going you keep no I'll just move on then I'll just move on but you know remember the these are these are just normal people they're relatable everything's good um Mr modern sex symbol over here um or here's a fun one this is from uh this is from Rob Smith I'm gonna let him just kind of take it away here of course this is a conservative uh conservative dude I'mma let him take it my brother before he does shoot back up here K Harris and Hillary Clinton say uh have the same black accent they ain't in no ways tired and we's going to have freedom black folks follow them to the promised land and I will tell you as a southerner when I hear someone who's not a southerner do the accent unless they're trained really good Australians are really good at it uh the show True Blood was a great show a lot of people on there have Great Southern Accents kind of trained to do it uh especially the dude from Australia I can't remember his name but he played Jason St back house and my wife loved him for some reason but yeah let's uh I don't think I'm going to get all of him in the shot let me see if I can there we go I don't feel no ways tired I come too far from where I started from nobody told me that the road would be easy I don't believe he brought me this far to leave me and you all helped us win in 2020 and we're going to do it again in 2024 see that friends is what we call the black scent and that is the old country black scent that is the black scent that all of these politicians bring out every four years when they want to go talk to the black folks and they need to know black folks you know they need to talk to them with the old southern dialect you know when they talk to the black folks they need to know that they ain't in no ways tied and in 2024 we going to get this done black folks we going to give y'all Freedom black folks we going to give you Freedom you going to vote for Hillary Clinton cuz she ain't know way it's tied and you going to vote for KLA Harris so you can get some Freedom some freedom from these evil folks that want to put you up in change black folks that's what we're doing is that what you're doing I I thought I'd let him say it I mean I can't say it any better than that although I'm going to add to it I will say again and and look I'm open for for for constructive criticism I'm open for debate that's that's constructive and and and not destructive let's let's build something together and if I'm wrong I'm wrong I have no problem I have zero problems being wrong and proven wrong boy that visual right there man couple folks get excited on that one anyways um they do this all the time and when I say they I'm talking specifically about Democrats Democrats do this all the time again I can't think of a time where I've heard a republican Congressman Senator presidential candidate vice presidential candidate anything like that like traveling and changing their accent or changing how they dress or anything right like I know when they go to I is it Iowa to the State Farm out there they dress down at the State Farm I I'm not giving Waltz crap at all for dressing down when he's at the State Farm I think or the state fair rather I think that's perfectly fine I think that's 100% fine but when you're in front of the cameras and you're speaking in any kind of uh capacity in a professional sense when it's that particular kind of job I do think you're kind of play playing into the the character a little bit that you've created and unfortunately I think the character that a lot of Democrats have created for that like he said the black scent it's it's not a good character you you didn't do your homework that is not how normal people talk you could come down here and we sound like that to you because you know you know Asian people Japanese Chinese maybe they sound like to um maybe that was more Indian I don't know um don't cancel me don't cancel me uh maybe that's what they sound like to you but if you went and you talked to them like that they'd be like what are you saying you know that's not those aren't words so yeah I get that we sound like hey we man down there get fish there b bit big trck I know we sound all countryfied hillbilly and everything like that but some of us actually know how to talk and um the ones that don't they still sound a lot better than whatever that crap was so you know I gotta represent my people you know especially my my my black rednecks down here my black uh uh uh fellow neighbors and and and friends and and family down here don't don't play games with them they see straight through it they see straight through it I hate that they play this game I think it says a lot more about them than anything else so um so what do you guys think do you hear the accents do you see the the attempt to to kind of I want say dumb things down but dress down and present differently in front of different groups to try to win votes again I I hate the idea of the winning votes right tell me what you stand for tell me what your platform is tell me what you want to vote for uh uh tell me a little bit about yourself and let me figure out if that's who I want representing me let me see if that's who I want uh working for me to lead this country right obviously I'm speaking of different roles here so either way you're working for for me if you're my Senator my congressman my president vice president work for me I want somebody in there who's going to get it done but this whole trying to win the vote thing is it's it's just kind of sad it's like hey if I'm elected class president there'll be pizza every day I will do away with dress code that's what they do and it makes me sick but that that grinds my gears I'm going to move off of this what do you guys think let me know in the comments are you tired of this crap does it bother you at all am I completely wrong can you think of a time this will be good do and I mentioned this earlier can you think of a time that you've seen conservatives do this I would be interested to look at that I have zero problem calling them out too because I call out the left and the right I try to be fair I just have more material to work with when it comes to the left well guys that's the show I I appreciate you guys sticking around um I do want to go through a couple of U reminders for you before I completely completely cut off of this thing here um next Tuesday night September 10th at 700 p.m. we are going to do the live stream for the presidential debate uh going to be on the wash cast obviously uh Robert's Channel Robert hert joining us will be uh not only myself but Sean from third rifi Chris from Chris's world and I think some other folks may or may not pop in not really 100% on that but we will have the pre uh the pre-show the live fact checking the postow I am preparing for that very very heavily to to try to go ahead and pre-plan what they're going to talk about what the facts are going to be versus what's going to be said so that'll be very very entertaining and uh I think very educational highly recommend checking that out I will be posting links to it as soon as I have those on my social media specifically uh this one right here x I have become very very active on X my ex-f following has really gone up so interacting with a lot more people following a lot more people a lot more people are following me so that's where I'm really getting more uh uh feedback and participation in the stuff that I'm doing so definitely if you if you are on X follow me there I do still post to to my Facebook and and and some of these other places I don't have truth social down here I do have a truth social now too but um but yeah I'm most active on X for sure now and I am at my morning Mayhem pretty much on all these platforms at my morning Mayhem is my handle so you know look me up follow me I will be posting information about that as soon as I have it um and then lastly too again before I close out uh I am going to be taking a couple of weeks off U there's nothing wrong I'm not going on vacation I'm not having any you know crisis or anything like that no health issues you know hopefully but uh been going strong haven't missed a week since uh started in February and uh just with the live shows that that that I've started up or been participating in we got the presidential debate coming up uh just went back to school with my little girl who started a whole new school schedules and it's just got me thrown off I've got a I've got the ending to a film sitting on my computer already shot ready to go that I have not begun to edit yet and I've got to get to that so I'm going to take some time and work on that going to kind of recalibrate a little bit and and figure out how to to find that flow in the in the in the channel here for the morning Mayhem the Mayhem reacts uh Monday night mayhems working with third rail five for off the rail some of these other folks I work with school Church stuff um the real job the the 9 to5 or 8 to5 family life all that stuff so I'm just going to kind of regroup for those few weeks and while I am out I will not have a Regular Show on Friday mornings but I will be recording a ton of reactions and May pop in and update those a little bit over those two weeks if though I'm off um but I may do that just to keep some fresh out there too um but I am looking forward to doing that CU I haven't done any reactions in a little while so I'll be having some coming out very very soon and uh over the next few weeks those will those will kind of take over I will go through next week though so the 13th will be my La Friday the 13th how about that will be be my last uh morning Mayhem show before I take the twoe break I'll do that then I'll probably do the off the rails that that Saturday night the 14th as well and uh and that'll be it I'll take two weeks off come back hit you guys with a uh a show on October uh uh October 4th and then the following Monday I am going to do another uh Monday night Mayhem so October 7 so when I come back it's going to be bam bam we're going to get right back into it very very excited about that that'll carry us on into the election and uh we'll be probably doing some more live streams of some more stuff being more involved posting a lot more as we get closer and closer so stay tuned for all that I'm I'm winded just thinking about everything that's coming up so I think that break is needed to kind of gear up for that so again guys that is the show I want to thank you again so much for sticking around if you've stayed this far and you've enjoyed any of it all of it whatever considering giving us a a like a sub a follow or whatever if you really really liked it and you want other people to see it consider hitting that share button down there send it out on your social media or DM it to your friend or maybe an enemy if you really hated it either way that's cool and I would love to to interact with you guys in the comments the reaction videos are really great for that but if you guys have anything to add to the show or comment or suggest or anything like that throw it down in the comment section below again would love to interact you would love to keep it you know not necessar positive but more constructive and fun uplifting and not so so ful but you know what I'll respond to those twoo because U you know I'm from Georgia I I'm back down but uh again guys don't forget to like share subscribe follow all that fun stuff um and we'll be back next Friday for our last show before the break appreciate every one of you talk to you soon I saw a billboard it said estimated at L jackpot 55 million see I didn't know that [ __ ] was estimated that would suck if you want to go oh we were off by two zeros we estimate that you are angry

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