I can say that here in the Bundestag and before history, we were right with all our warnings and all our demands on migration. This also makes it clear that the AFD was never radical, never inhumane, never extremist in its migration policy , but simply just thoroughly civil and sensible Ladies and gentlemen, hey guys, for you to take a look again, today it's really getting down to business Dr Bern Baumann from the AFD reveals how the TDU suddenly took over the AFD demand shortly before the election, but what's behind it and then the deputy chairman of the police union Manuel Ostermann also gets involved Feser's migration plans are nothing but promises of teaching and pure window dressing. The federal government is only putting obstacles in the way of the federal police instead of offering a real solution Mr. Union and Ampel are currently outdoing each other with demands on how to stop mass migration, so they all implicitly admit that open borders lead to catastrophic consequences and not to happy multiculturalism. Ladies and gentlemen, in order to limit migration, Union and Ampel are now also taking action the measures that the AFD alone has been calling for for years, the Union is even adopting our central point of rejection at the borders, I can say that here in the Bundestag and in front of history, we were right with all our warnings with all our demands for migration. This also makes it clear In its migration policy, AFD was never radical, never inhumane, never extremist but simply thoroughly civil and sensible, ladies and gentlemen, which is why the CDU is now taking over our asylum policy itself because of which it has built a firewall, so it is evident that the firewall has no substance whatsoever The voters no longer believe the nonsense anyway, ladies and gentlemen, but a central question remains, Mr. March. A central question remains, where does your sudden change of heart come from? Before Solin, there have already been countless murders, as well as Islamists, terrorists, and 52,000 sexual assaults. Have you ever had one, Mr. March? Demanded rejection at the borders, no, that's not what they did , but their current change of heart has only one cause: the electoral success of the AFD, the shift in the axis of power, that's what impresses you, that's why the Union is suddenly becoming flexible and supple, not because of the dead on the streets, ladies and gentlemen, the CDU has long since become nothing more than a pure cold power machine, no matter how it wants to take on positions in the government and reasons, in terms of content, it has been completely hollow for a long time when the left-green zeitgeist dominated, then it tipped to the left, switched off the nuclear power plants, opened all borders and now In the elections the zeitgeist goes to the right and the CDU immediately begins to tilt again, but so far only with words because after every election it still only cooperates with the left-green party, which is why every vote from conservative for the CDU is a lost vote for a real change in migration If you want to, you have to vote for the AFD because we are the forefront of the new conservative zeitgeist and only with its growing power will we be able to talk about cards here in Germany. The next person to have the floor is the Federal Union and the Federal Government are in a dispute over more rejections of migrants at German borders The traffic light does not agree on a model that should lead to faster procedures. It wants an all-round readiness from the police and the judiciary . More detention places Deputy Chairman of the Federal Police Union has clear answers, it would be feasible in terms of personnel if we have a legal basis. Now we not only have no legal basis for this, so we have to apply the applicable law in full, but we also have the procedures referred to Dublin, which means the administration will be burdened even further and You have to say very clearly that deportation detention centers are the responsibility of the states, and the federal government has done so Installing federal deportation detention facilities is once again a flimsy window dressing. At the end of the day we can say that this asylum compromise is a very lazy compromise and it is quite obvious that people are neither willing nor able to act politically responsibly in the context of this migration crisis Disappointed by what the Federal Minister of the Interior announced at this press conference because it is clear that they do not want to deal with this migration crisis and, moreover, it is a disservice to our colleagues. You have to say that quite clearly. After the summit, he was very outraged. Ostermann is raging at the Federal Government It has obviously made it clear that it is not providing any resources to solve the problem and is putting more shackles on the Federal Police so that human resources are further wasted and are missing from actually important legal tasks. Of course, the Federal Police will live up to its legal mandate, of course, from next Monday it will be nationwide checked at every border, that is our legal mandate but for nothing and nothing, it will have no consequences and I think it is a shame that the Federal Minister of the Interior has made it so clear that she clearly does not care about the Federal Police personnel and she has also made it clear that the promise of protecting one's own population, which is constitutional, has no prioritization in the government and with that we have reached the end of this insightful video. What is left for us to say after these two clear statements: the CDU is copying the AFD demand but only in order to grab votes at the same time shortly before the election The deputy chairman of the police union, Manuel Ostermann, exposes Feser's migration plans as pure window dressing, all just empty promises with no real effect. The federal government seems to have neither interest nor the ability to really tackle the migration crisis. It prefers to rely on half-hearted compromises that put additional strain on our police officers while they protect the people population at stake if you liked the video then give us a like, subscribe to the channel so that you don't miss any further revelations and, above all, comment vigorously Let's discuss your opinion in the comments until next time, stay critical and vigilant
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