SteveMillers Gender Studies Orientation video F24

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:22:06 Category: Education

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hello my name is Steve Miller and I'm your professor for gender studies and I'm really looking forward to this and delivering it to you because I find it's one of my favorite subjects uh I hope you can find something out of this for yourself whether it's applicable to you individually or perhaps to your profession or just to round out your overall life experience so this is a gened course most every program that Georgian College offers includes between two and four gen Ed courses and they're really just intended to sort of broaden your perspective so that you're not just getting only the narrow focus of your particular course program so the Gen EDS are offering you a way to sort of Branch out a little bit now there are some things that we need to review in this course before we really get into to it fully and completely and this is what this orientation video is doing so please continue to watch it through to the very end and complete the orientation quiz that will be available for you in several locations and I will Point them out um it's available to you from the 3rd of September at 900 a.m. through to and inclusive of uh September 20th at 5:00 p.m. after September 20 20 at 5:00 p.m. so September 20th at 5:01 this quiz will disappear from you and you won't be able to do it anymore so you have a limited time this is how all the tests and and assignments go there is an open and a Clos date and time so in this video what I'm going to do is walk you through a lot of the things that will help you navigate and complete this course successfully now there are some things that we're going to focus on predominantly one is that we're going to focus on what does the term asynchronous mean to our course and how it applies to you I'm going to walk you through all of Blackboard and show you where some of the additional supports are and where um all the important information is that you need to gather to assist with getting through this course I'm also going to demonstrate where things are how to use them how to post a document how to complete a journal uh how to write a text test and I'm going to demonstrate these and where they are and I'm also going to walk you through how to reach out to me contact me where your eext is so it's a very comprehensive video now I'm not going to try and make it super long I'm going to try to make it kind of brief so I hope all of the information that you need will be available so let's get started everybody now to begin asynchronous is just meaning that we can take this course course any time of the day or the week but it's between semester 1 and semester 14 and the weeks will go through the same as all your other courses that are synchronous the ones that you arrive at the same day at the same time in the same classroom that makes some synchronous this is asynchronous not everybody's going to be at the same place at the same time but everybody needs to move through Week 1 2 3 4 and so on and completing the tests the assignments in the appropriate time frame and completely so that's what we're going to spend a lot of time in this orientation on so while you're putting all of this well let me back it up one of the first documents you're going to need to perceive is your syllabus and I'll show you where that is and your syllabus is like your road map of this 14-week semester what are we doing each week from 1 to 14 and in it are the due dates and the due dates and times of what things open and when things are closed and those should go into a calendar so you'll not forget them and we'll have reminders of when you need to write a test when you need your hand your sliming in and when you need to complete your journals so one of the things you can do with your syllabus is to put all of those due dates in a calendar and then while you're there you can also start to organize your time of your ENT entire semester with your calendar put all your synchronous times and dates in put some time 3 hours per week the same as your other classes dedicated to gender study so that all the work that needs to get done can be completed and you're not rushed or panicking that you may have forgotten something now before I give you this tour of our Blackboard shell there's going to be a few other things that we're going to make sure we highlight is where everything is that you must have your syllabus your assignment in your Journal your e text and how to access that the little blurb I want to give just about what this course is going to be about is going to be looking at um how how we and you can make sense to the extent that gender shapes our life experiences now I'm an old man well relatively old I'm a young old and so I've been around this World a little bit more than you many of you have who have been I'm suspecting younger than me so just age is giving me a different perspective on the world around me than yours that doesn't make it better or worse it's just different my being male and older means that I have a certain perspective or could have and you being younger and maybe female could have a different experience and that's going to shape how we see the world that doesn't make one better than another it just makes them different and we're going to explore how does that happen on the broader topic of men and women and the area in between we're going to distinguish between one's sex and one's gender they're not the same they're not interchangeable sex is about biology the X and the y or the variations gender is about socially constructed what do those people in North America more specifically Canada how do we view men and women in the area in between compared to other cultures how do they vary it so I'm hoping that you feel invited to explore the relationship of gender to personal experiences social institutions and the role of power in society okay let's get started with Blackboard I'm going to be walking you through everything that's there that enables us to be successful we are looking currently we've been staring at our entry point when you jump into gender study shell that's what you're going to see so let's get started and I'm going to take this picture and picture piece out and we'll just go with the let's tour Blackboard all right everybody let's carry on now at this point let's go to the very top here and we've got some tabs now some of these Tabs are going to be things that we need and some of them I don't use in this particular class now we are on content so content has all of the things that you need for the year's work the calendar will have the dates for the due date it won't have the Open dates the calendar doesn't work that way but if we go to calendar there we go and I come to we'll go to the month and we'll go to September you'll see there's the due date for the orientation quiz but the open date doesn't get put in that's not something the calendar does however you can add all of that into this calendar yourself self announcements is a place where when you get in here and you click on announcements the first day you're here there will be an announcement here that will be welcoming you and in that announcement we be including this orientation um uh video and a reminder about the orientation quiz we won't be using um ADM uh discussions this time around but you will be wanting to check Gradebook from time to time to see how you're doing messages is a place that we can reach out to one another in this instance there's nothing here because we don't have anybody in the course right now I haven't opened it but when it's opened this is a place where you can create a message and send it to me or you can communicate with other members of your class analytics I don't use and you probably won't find it all that useful groups we won't need for this course so let's come back to content this will be the first place that you'll enter and like like I said one of the things you should be doing is checking announcements just to see if there's any changes or updates that need to be made that you should be aware of now the first thing we're going to look at we're going to work our way down is co course Essentials now what's in here is a quick overview there will be this orientation video here there will be a small section on navigating Ultra for your benefit and our land acknowledgement there is additional supports here you'll find your student system Student Success supports and Ultra supports there's a lot of introductory components that might be very helpful to get started on in the first week and I'll open that up for you to give you an idea why your first week might be an opportunity for you now this is what I was sharing with you that your syllabus assignment and journal documents and videos are located here most every document that I will post will have an Associated video that explains it so let's have a peek your syllabus is one of the documents that I don't make a video it's pretty self-explanatory basically click on this right here and it will open it if you click on these little dots it gives you an ability to download it I would recommend that you download it and have it available to you at home but for a quick view there's the syllabus now if I scroll down you will start to see well there's your e text some times and dates this is when these are all open and closed dates everything opens at 9 on a date and closes at 5: on another date journals are open for two weeks tests are open for one week your assignment is open from week one until it's due I think and this course I think that's November 15 I'm not positive all right so let's go to your assignment because this is where I have a document and a video there's your gender assignment and there's a video and I will do that in most instances so make sure you download that assignment and in your Journal make sure you download the journal now you have all that you need to get a good start at least as a starting point now this course outline is something that a lot of students don't know whether you need it or not now if you think you might take another program somewhere or a course from another college or university they may be asking you to take a course not unlike one you've taken you can't get an exemption from that other postsecondary institution without this course outline it's kind of like a contract what the learning outcomes will be what we're going to accomplish in the course um what the distribution is for how many tests and assignments and that's what each College uses to compare whether they can give you an exemption or not so this might be a helpful document for you so these documents you must download and have available put the dates in a calendar now some other important information is how to reach out to me so we'll check a look this is a basic little blurb about me I had teach eight different courses so it's important that you really give uh when you email me there's my email that you include your name what subject you are taking from me and fill in the subject line of the email anything that comes with a blank subject line I don't answer if it comes with no name I don't answer it and if it don't tell me what class you're in I'll only respond with with tell me what class you're in because I can't answer your question for psychology or for gender sorry if I don't know which class you're in so it's helpful to tell me your class now for your clarification I make videos every Tuesday and Friday throughout the semester so I will respond to emails every Monday Wednesday and Friday all right let's go up here now you have a required text and and what I've done is you have a link here that will take you to the Georgian stores there we are you put in the course code 11904 and your student number in there and then search that's the book you'll get and it's our book gender Studies by wood you buy it you have it for a year now what I've done in this video is this video starts with getting to there um if you go to the this video here we'll start from the Georgian website and then how to get to the Georgian stores you'll see this page at this link and you just put that number in and that's how you get your textbook now there's some videos that I've made that helps you now these are online support I've made some online success tips for you this is looking at time management how to strengthen the use of your internet um how to balance stuff in your life all documents that get posted in this course get posted as a PDF so if you don't know how to do it here's a video that shows you how to do it whether you're using a PC or if you're using a Mac and if you're not familiar with how to use the calendar in your smart device this video walks you through how to use your calendar because it's really important to keep track of everything now you'll have to do three tests and one quiz in this class each test will be for a certain number of chapters and then the orientation quiz is the first thing you do that's due on September 20th so if we open it up you're seeing all four here now when you get into this in September 3rd you will only see the orientation quiz because it's due it's it's open on September 3rd these are open on different dates so they will not be visible tests and journals are only visible when they're open so that's why it's so important to put those open and close dates and times in a calendar so you know when to come in and check okay let's have a look inside the quiz because it will operate like your tests you get a little information about the instructions how many attempts you get the number of points it's worth and then you can start so you click it gives you a bit of an overview and then click continue and you'll get one question at a time until the test is complete so all tests are this way now this is just your quiz so this is only 10 points your your test will be out of between 50 and 60-ish um and they give you a whole week to do it and you have 3 hours total to make two complete attempts if you so choose at least make the one okay now these tests won't be here but they will operate the same when they become available okay now under gender studies I don't think I've put it here I did this is here all semester until the 15th of November 2024 at 5:00 p.m. that's when it's do at 5:01 p.m. on this date it won't be visible and again you won't be able to see it and therefore you can't post your assignment so you must do it before 5:00 p.m. of the 15th now this works very much like your journals you got some information you have two attempts it will you you can make more of one attempt to put your PDF in there but if you've got a problem please just let me know and when you start the difference here is you can just drag and drop your PDF right in there or click on this attachment and click it will take you to your computer where you can find your assignment and post it there as a PDF all right let's move along now your journals like I said are looking a lot like that but they are a little different you've got five and again you won't see these until they're available on the 16th the 30th October 28th and November 12th but we'll look at one and give you an idea what to expect again you get this little intro whoops there we go you start your attempt and then you get a video I'd like you to watch the video and then read the instructions here give me at least three paragraphs you're only reflecting there's not an absolute right and wrong answer here however most of what I Pro provide are are containing content you may not be as familiar with and I'd like it just to be something that you take it in think about it a bit and just sort of offer up three paragraphs about what did you learn what was different what was the new innovation that you've heard of or what was something that struck you as um this is something I didn't know and what did you what did you gain from it now this particular Journal is open as it states uh it'll be on the 16th and it's closed on the 30th at 5:00 p.m. so you've got two weeks to complete this again you can either type your response of three paragraphs here or you could write type it out in a word or a Pages document save it as a PDF and then come and attach it and attach it there and that's how your journals will work now I mentioned earlier that you will have time in week one to do the orientation video because in week one we really don't have any particular content I start the content for this class in week two but you have a week here to get your stuff in one pile as it were get your syllabus your journal and your assignment put all your due dates in a calendar watch the orientation video which will be posted under weekly content and do your quiz now what a typical week will look like going forward is like what week two we start with chapter 1 and in this weekly breakdown we'll have a bit of an introduction what the learning objectives are a reminder about your quiz and then the first video of content now all the content I make is in video form I don't use PowerPoint or keynote or anything so everything is done for your benefit I write scripts create the assets and create the videos you can read along in your textbook with with these videos make notes and highlights in your text and additional notes and paper to Pro provide you with the resources you need to complete the test you will find that helpful okay now for the the what I do here I just click on it make sure it's HD and Go full screen so that you can see it carefully check to make sure it's HD if not make it HD hi and welcome to well hi that's my winter beard you're seeing only my summer beard okay so let's get out of there and essentially that's what I wanted to accomplish in the orientation quiz so the things that you need for the quiz are watch this video right through to the end and make sure you have your syllabus all right good luck everybody I look forward to meeting as many of you as I can virtually and I look forward to answering questions and dialoguing with many of you so good luck and we'll see you later bye now

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