Grant Ellis says Sam McKinney was pretending to be someone else on 'The Bachelorette'

Published: Aug 18, 2024 Duration: 00:01:09 Category: People & Blogs

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Grant Ellis revealed on the vile files that Sam McKinny a contestant on The Bachelorette was not being authentic on camera Grant noted that although he saw good qualities in Sam off camera he felt Sam was trying too hard to present a Persona that wasn't genuine Grant mentioned Sam's Behavior was inconsistent and he was being criticized by fans he hoped Sam would learn from the experience and be true to himself former Bachelor Stars Jason mesnik and Molly melany also weighed in suggesting Sam's Behavior was worse in person and that he wasn't a bad person despite his poor portrayal they noted Sam's edit on the show was accurate but didn't capture all the negative aspects Jen Tran The Bachelorette criticized Sam for not showing genuine love and struggling to articulate why she was a good match she felt their connection was primarily physical and eliminated Sam before the sixth row ceremony Sam expressed frustration with the situation and his inability to fully convey his feelings

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