iPhone 16 PRE-ORDER HACK!! - How to get ONE on RELEASE DAY!

so then guys every year I manag to get my hands on the brand new iPhone when it comes out on release date and today I want to share the secret in how I get one every single year and how you can get one on release date too so that's right guys like last year I got the iPhone 15 Pro Max on the release date I managed to get my hands on it and a lot of you guys say oh it was sold out and it was sold out it was sold out really quickly and some of you guys waiting like even like 3 months to get your hands on a brand new iPhone was absolutely ridiculous but you're wondering how do these Tech reviewers do it Apple can't be sending out all these iPhones to Tech reviewers well I can tell you one thing Apple never sent me any of their Tech to me ever I've never had a piece of tech sent from them to me as part of a sponsor or to show it off I actually have to buy all my own Apple tech just like you guys out there I have do it exactly the same but you're wondering like I said how am I doing it every single time that a brand new Apple product that I get it on the release day well let me share the secret with you now first of all traditionally most of us like what's going to be happening this Friday the 13th of September we're all going to be waiting to get the new iPhones and quite a lot of us what we do is that we actually go onto Apple's website for example in our country and then we pre-order the iPhone the great news is that apple have actually helped with this and that you can actually reserve your iPhone right now via their website so you can get your order all ready get your card details get everything sorted but you just have to be available when the pre-orders actually start when as as it were you turn up to the shop and go here's my pre-order process it please you've got to be available for that and there's a little trick in how to do that and believe it or not it's absolutely nothing to do with the website the website here it sits behind a domain and obviously that domain has to be refreshed to get the latest information so for example what normally happens when when an iPhone release happens let's say it's this Friday and it's specific time what's going to be 5:00 a.m. that's what Apple are saying the actual launch time when you be able to get your hands on the iPhone be able to process your pre-order well what tends to happen is the website gets updated from Apple's end but it takes a few minutes for the domain to refresh actually here so by the time it gets to say 57 a.m. :07 a.m. or :06 a.m. something like that it actually updates and quite a lot the time some of you guys go this is weird I've got to the page and it ready says I'm going to have to wait a month or two to get my hands on an iPhone how's that possible it's just come available well funny enough there's an app from Apple as well what you can get on your iPhone you can get an Android phone and it will actually process it far quicker this is the hack that I I want to show you let's take a closer look at the app on my phone so like I said guys all you need to do is have your iPhone or even an Android phone can do this too and you just have to go to the app store or Google Play Store and download the app what is called the Apple Store like what you can see right here download it onto your phone it can even be on an iPad as well this will work too or if you got an Android tablet something like this as long as you get this app this is official app by Apple and it allows you to buy through their shop so just to show you here for demonstration purposes I'm going to open up the actual app here and now if you've never used this app before it's very similar to say the Apple sort of homepage website it tells you information about all the latest products like we got the latest iPhone 16s and things like this and then obviously we can get ready to pre-order so the best thing you can do is like say an iPhone 16 Pro for example if you want to do that you can click the get ready and you can get yourself all sorted out you can choose what you want so let's say I was going to go for an iPhone 16 Pro Max let's say I was going to go for Desert titanium and let's say's going for a 512 GB option this is not what I'm going for I'm just giving you it here obviously asks you questions like about trading and things like this if you wanted to do that so you can always do this if you wanted to and then obviously you can buy out front you know pay monthly depending what your country offers you with the app and everything like that and then all you have to do is obviously add Apple care if you want to do that I'm going to say no for now just for this demo purposes and then obviously after this you can click ready to pre-order and the great thing is what you can do is you can actually use this app again when you're actually ready to pre-order like I said those times that I talked about that depending where you are in the world like I said 5:00 a.m. PT time or Pacific Time or let's say if you're in the UK like me and then obviously that would be around 10000 p.m. that would be you'd have to look it up in your country that's the times you have to see what is the equivalent of 5 a.m. Pacific time whatever that is in your country you can then place your order quickly without going through the website this is directly linked right back to Apple servers directly you don't actually go through a domain or anything like that that's what websites do CU they take a few seconds for the domain to refresh to grab the latest information from the websites to Apple's main website by this you get as it were the direct line back to Apple and this is where a lot of people struggle because obviously those pre-orders go straight away they're waiting for the page to refresh they're waiting for 5:00 a.m. and then by the time it gets to say 5:06 a.m. it refreshes at last but everybody else who's used this app like here they've actually got their order all completed cuz they've done that pre-order what we've just shown here now and then what they can do is they can just complete that purchase on the actual day with no problems whatsoever and by say 5:02 a.m. for example Pacific time you're complete you're ready and people still on the website are still trying to refresh their page trying to get it all work this is the best way to do it make sure you're logged in obviously on here on this app make sure your car details are up to date make sure your address is up today that is the best recommendations I can say to do right now before you know the actual release time to definitely bag yourself one of the brand new iPhone 16s so there we have it then guys that is my hack that is how you get an iPhone or you get the latest Apple gear straight away just like this 13th of September this Friday like I already told you make sure you get your pre-order already ready and then when it gets to 5:00 a.m. Pacific Time or whatever your country is the equivalent of that time make sure you are ready with a good connection on your phone whether this be a Google phone whether this be Samsung whoever it is out there or even a tablet make sure you've got that app on your iPhone so you can pre-order or process that pre-order right away I cannot stress enough make sure your cards all correct make sure you got enough money in your bank make sure your addresses are correct you want to process it as quick as possible via the app the only one thing I would say is just like how the website may say it's going to be available at 5:00 a.m. for example Pacific time it doesn't come available to 507 sometimes the app doesn't come available to say 501 a.m. or 502 but every single year I can guarantee this it's always been quicker via the app than it has been waiting to go through via the website like I said you've got that direct line straight to Apple servers via the phone where you're going via a domain and then to Apple servers what can actually slow everything down that is why you know Pages hang when the pre-orders come available and things like this if you ever gone through this experience don't do it on the website I stress enough use the hack that I've shown you today and definitely do it via the app on your phone and that is the best advice I can give you to try your best to get yourself an iPhone right on the pre-order day and also at the time but like I said make sure you're available dead on time if you're like on the specific coast of America 5:00 a.m. make sure you set your alarm for I don't know 4:50 a.m. to make sure you definitely get up and ready to do it on your phone if you're wherever in the world make sure you book some time off with your boss or whoever to get that pre-order in the second the first sort of 10 15 minutes have gone you'll be waiting at least 2 or 3 weeks after the pre-order time that will when the actual release is the 20th of September you'll be waiting till I don't know probably like mid October to get your hand on the iPhone so this is the best advice I can give you and with that as well guys it's time to wrap up this video so if you have found it helpful please do press the like button also if you want to hear the latest Apple news reviews and comparisons make sure you subscribe to this channel too until next time guys I'll see you really soon take care bye-bye [Music]

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