Grant Ellis is the NEW Bachelor | Kevin Hart's movie w/Will Smith + Blink Twice ‪@UsWeekly‬ (Sept 2)

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:04:05 Category: People & Blogs

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all right y'all let's go black on the inside of Us Weekly September 2nd issue on page six Zinda is pictured in a Ralph Lauren jacket dressed with pumps um white pumps to be exact honey cuz you know I guess it's not label day you know they have that rumor about how you ain't supposed to wear white after label day right is that a rule though cares anymore wear what feels good ladies wear what feels good journey Smet is picture there in a gold button Ensemble by Louis Vuitton as well on page six actress Lupita is on page 15 as what is quoted as a childish cat lady she said that about herself in celebrating um her cat's third birthday is what it looks like Jennifer Hudson is photographed in her white socks gear throwing out the first pitch on page 18 um with Harley Berry posing in um in that dress I mean I'm telling you every magazine has H Berry um in this dress but in my opinion um yeah it just looks like lingerie that you would wear outside page 19 Grace Jones commands attention at outside land the top a 60ft tall skirt originally designed for her 1986 Mo music video I'm not perfect Naomi Campbell is on page 22 pictured having a beach day as well as Zoe kravit yeah cannot get enough of Zoe page 26 sharing even more details in terms of her D directorial debut for Blink twice um there's an entire spread there so if you have a chance to read that be sure to check that out Usher he's on page 29 discussing his difficulty decision to postpone a few of his shows due to an injury which I spoke about on the August 18th episode it was his neck they say but now he's back up and running baby and he's supposed to be going um until what next year cuz he has to also do a Europe European leg um in terms of the tour don't also remember that Usher's going to be coming out with a I think it's a movie actually this fall um in which it showcases his Paris show that he did I think a little bit sometime you know this year y'all and now that I'm a little bit lost on my script let me get it together here page 32 highlights brand new Bachelor um Grant Ellis got to give a shout out though to the girls over at the oo ladies first panel because this is really where I heard about this young man first but shout out to him he's a former pro basketball star and now a day trader is saying that he can't wait for this incredible journey because he's now the brand new Bachelor Jordan child is picture there as well as you just as a reminder to y'all it was actually announced on August the 12th that the court of arbitration for sport denied its request to overrule the controversial decision that stripped Jordan of her bronze medal um although it is also said that she still is going to keep the medal and the USA is still um is still up in air in terms of what the final decision is because I don't think it's over yet y'all It Ain't Over Lenny Kravitz and Tiffany hadin are caught talking about their personal lives there on page 34 and Kevin Hart he's kicking back on page 35 talking family and his collaboration with Airbnb as well as an upcoming remake of Planes Trains and Automobiles which is still in development James Beard awardwinning Chef in Restaurante herea um quame he shares his tips on being the owner of Afro Caribbean inspired restaurant Tatiana makeup tips are also on page 52 with looks of Naomi Campbell Cody Turner Smith and also Alicia Keys then you got Miss Tika stter she's on page 56 talking about the things she is obsessed with including American history teller's podcast and Willie Wonka and the chocolate actor I think she said this one of her favorite movies to put on um and then of course dinda's future is forecasted by Susan Miller there on page 58 as well as the entire um zodiac signs layout of what the future has to hold you can check that out in US Weekly September 2nd issue

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