LIVE: Breaking News: NCAA Approves 2-Minute Warning & Helmet Comms | GSMC College Football Podcast

[Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone and welcome back to another edition of the gsmc college football podcast brought to you by the gsmc sports network we have a great show for you today we're going to start talking a little bit about some new rule changes that have just been approved for 2024 the two-minute warning and the helmet coms being the main among them but there are a couple others that were agreed upon that I want to break down for you all then we're going to get into some spring game takeaways we'll get into Michigan Texas and Oklahoma today but we'll definitely continue throughout the week cuz it was a very very busy Saturday around college football then we're going to get into a trans for portal update a ton has been happening around the sport on that front we've had a couple of different uh commitments to different teams we have some Intel about where some Big Time Players might end up and then we have some new players getting into the portal that we definitely need to be watching and then we will finish it off with a good vibes Monday and today we're going to talk about some transfer portal success stories obviously there's been a lot of negative energy around the portal um some coming from myself but uh I think it's always uh important to highlight the good in um that system as well so want to do that today and just remind that not everything is bad uh in terms of the transfer portal but before we jump in I do want to remind you all we get tons of questions and comments throughout the show and the best way for you all to get your questions on the screen we can have a fun back and forth here you can ask a question that you've been wondering about is to use the tip and donation link at the bottom of the screen gsmc podcast. net it's a huge help not only to us here at the network but to you all you get to have a fun interactive experience here maybe bring up something that um I had forgotten to bring up or ask a question that you're wondering about so definitely use that if you want to um leave any questions again that's gsmc podcast. net but let's Jump Right In uh we have tons of stuff changing around college football and obviously a lot of the energy has been put towards conference realignment and all the stuff going on with Florida state in the ACC um a ton of different stuff is going on around the sport in terms of change but these next two are a little bit easier to wrap your head around and we actually know what they look like in practice because the NFL does them so the two-minute warning and helmet coms have officially been approved for 2024 it's going to mirror the way that the NFL works so for the helmet Communications it's going to be one player on either side of the ball for each team will'll have uh what they call the Green Dot so uh they'll have a Green Dot on the back of their helmet which will indicate they are the person with the headset in their ear they will be tied to a coach on the sideline usually the play caller almost 99% of the time will be the play caller and they'll be able to talk to them um up until I think 15 seconds left on the play clock is when it cuts off or when the snap is whichever one of those happens first is kind of uh just the way they go about things so it's one of the interesting things where this was passed and you are more than welcome to use it and there will be plenty of teams I would argue probably the majority of the teams will uh utilize this but it seems like you don't have to so you can definitely make a decision if you you know don't want to use it um even if one team in the game has decided not to use it the other team can so it'll be interesting to kind of see which teams fall into which categories if there's any patterns that kind of form in this because um one of the things that we've talked about on this show uh talking about this and one of the things that has become more and more prevalent as I've kind of gotten into this more and more is this is really going to benefit offensive coaches right there's this ability to be in your uh quarterback's ear to show him how the coverage is changing or you know that safety is coming down in the Box make sure that you are watching the scene because that might be open type of thing so there's this ability to kind of um play sort of like video games uh it's something that they trial r this during the bull games last year and it was something that uh some coaches said I think Mike Loxley was the main one that uh had said a number of times in the post game and and subsequent interviews where it felt like he was playing a video game and mostly because during the Bull game it didn't cut off until the snap so you had all the Time in the World to talk to your quarterback to see how the coverage change throughout the you know even last 15 seconds of the play clock um and it's a very interesting in thing because it makes so much difficulty obviously for the defense because when you can kind of uh when you have someone like Mike Loxley who has such an impressive record of running incredible offenses and now he has even more control over what happens in a play it's never ideal right so I think the offensive coaches will definitely benefit from this the most I think um it definitely does help the defense I think it'll help different defenses um to different degrees obviously but um I would say the vast majority of the help is going to the offensive side of the ball I think having someone in the ear of the quarterback up until the snap is an absolute luxury well not up until the snap until 15 minutes left on the play clock or the snap which is actually something I want to get into because I do think this will increase the pace of play um for the teams that already go fast you know the Texas Old Miss um these really high-powered offenses you look at it and you say I think you know there's there's some change of pace within there if you watch the Texas games there's a lot of differing of you know the way that they're going about business whether it's in between the plays or with the plays in general you know running quick uh pass plays or making more long drawn out run plays or even long drawn out pass plays so I think there's this ability now to not only get the play in as quickly as possible have the quarterback disseminate that information as quickly as possible and then get a aligned and you can do all that while the defensive coordinator is screaming in the ear of the linebacker trying to get everyone aligned because I'd argue that's a lot tougher on the defensive side of the ball than the offensive because you're kind of playing a reaction game in some of the you know coverages that you set up uh you you see a number of times where a defense will have a certain set and then the offense will come out of their huddle set up uh the wide receivers and Corners will move all over the place so I think this does give a benefit to the offense in terms of just being able to look at the game very objectively and have maybe more of a control over it then maybe the defense will under this new rule but I still do think the defense will benefit from this and I think um one of the things that we've talked about a couple of times um as we've kind of gotten into the helmet coms in particular has been this idea that it creates kind of a a chess game within the football game right we I mean we've seen this before you know throughout college football but there's this tendency for really really good play callers and really really good coaches to kind of play each other instead of trying to play the the players on the field or um do anything like that so it it's very much a chess game between those two I think that only increases with this I think you have so much ability to control what's going on on the field that you're almost going to see you know these guys go mono a mono on who can make the right adjustments who can call the right plays at the right times who can push the right buttons and one of the things that might be kind of overlooked in all this but who has the good relationship with the guy that you're in the year of um a lot of these situations around college football now a lot of them are good I I don't necessarily think that there's a ton of play callers and quarterbacks that are at odds by any means but this is going to definitely add some Strain To those relationships it's definitely going to add a new layer to those relationships and you'll figure out kind of where everyone stands with their play caller whether it's you know Quinn ERS and Steve sarkeesian or Carson Beck and Mike Bobo you'll figure out kind of how close they are how much in lock step they are and uh it'll be really interesting to watch not only you know are they able to kind of handle all that uh the player but are they able to handle you know the coach being in your year constantly CU I'm I'm sure they already get a plenty of uh coaching and plenty of yelling in their ear from that coach anyway but it'll be really interesting to see if this definitely if this tests any of those relationships and if we see any uh crack to form but at the end of the day I do think um for the vast majority of college football there is a good relationship between the quarterback and the play caller or the you know star linebacker and the defensive play caller so usually you wouldn't find much of a problem but it could just be that you know the really Elite relationships the ones that are in more of a lock step and have been around a little bit longer might benefit even more from this um and another layer to this that I think kind of goes hand inand with the offense kind of benefiting the most from this was brought up by uh JD pickle over at um on three Sports and he said coaches that were quarterbacks in high school or in college excuse me or in the NFL will benefit uh from this the most and I think that totally makes sense right you have the ability to not only be in the ear of one of your players but one of the players that you know exactly what's going through their head uh as they kind of go through these um defensive checklists that they need to and you have seen the field from their point of view right so there's this ability to kind of get in the mind of your quarterback that might not be there for some other team so when you talk about those type of players you have Steve sarkeesian obviously played at BYU in his uh days Josh hypo was the quarterback at Oklahoma was remarkable there um Lincoln Riley was mostly a back up during his career but was a quarterback and learned a ton during his college career Ryan day was a quarterback so you have some guys that are the you know Elite of the elite when it comes to putting together offenses that are quarterbacks that you know have quarterbacks in their system a lot of them that are experienced or that they have good relationships with so it'll be really interesting to see kind of you know is Steve sarkeesian taking full advantage of this is Josh hyp taking full advantage of this and uh are they utilizing it maybe to a better degree than some other people uh in the game because it's going to be you know razor thin margins as it usually is in the sport especially with something new like this where you're going to have to adapt to it you're going to have to change kind of the way that things that you go about business on a daily basis or go about business at least on Saturdays I think there is this really interesting layer that this will add in terms of figuring out not only who has the most talented players not only you know who executed their game plan the best but who has the best relationships who has the best culture who has the best um ability to handle uh you know new things and and obstacles in their path because this is going to be something that is new for a lot of these kids a lot of these kids have not utilized this some have done it in high school depending on where you played um but some of these kids this is the first time that they're dealing with this and it is something that um will definitely take time to get used to but also will definitely be something that I think they'll enjoy very thoroughly so I think it'll be interesting um to watch you know what quarterbacks this benefits the most does it lean towards the young talented kids that just needs a little bit of help pre- snap um because that's obviously a huge benefit of this is you have the ability to be in that guy's ear and if a Young quarterback is making the wrong read you can call him off that um at least pre- snap you can call him off that and kind of um make sure that he's going about the pre-nap business the way he should where in the past you know it used to be very talented kids would have to kind of wait their turn to learn the offense to be able to make all the calls and not have any uh slip UPS that's obviously less of a concern now so it'll be interesting to see if it's more of a you know the veterans that can handle this type of thing better um really Thrive under this it could be that really talented young kids take over the uh veteran leadership or the veteran places of these quarterbacks just to see kind of what happens um and and see if uh Talent can kind of win out and to be totally honest with you I have no real problem with that I think that's one of the things that um football is about especially from the quarterback position is getting these kids as many live reps as possible as early as possible and doing them in the right manner right and I think this gives you kind of the ability to do that at least on a more consistent basis with young players but um but let's talk about the uh two-minute warning this one is some is one that's uh you know pretty much cut and dry there wasn't much to be done about this and I know people are very very upset about the uh possible new commercial break apparently this is supposed to kind of alleviate the uh annoying commercial breaks I guess you know the classic you score a touchdown you go to commercial you get you get a kickoff you go back to commercial those are insanely frustrating they happen pretty much every Saturday so apparently th this is supposed to kind of alleviate those um make it a little bit easier to fit in the TV timeouts that they need to because sometimes you get backed up and then you get in that situation where you're watching more commercials than you watch football in the last you know 15 minutes so it gets a little bit frustrating but hopefully this will kind of do away with that and uh I think it's a rule that I don't necessarily love but it doesn't necessarily hurt anything they set up the stopping CL you know um with 2 minutes uh left in the half in the game so this kind of aligns with that and it it makes sense so not necessarily going to lose sleep over uh the two-minute warning by any means but some other changes that were approved on uh on Friday by the NCAA um penalizing horse collar tackles that occur inside the tackle box for a 15 yard penal uh personal foul so this is something that to be totally honest I didn't know what wasn't in place in in the first place but uh it probably should be it's something that you know if you have a couple of these in a game you will get you know thrown out of the game so definitely will change the way that um pass rushers go about business you know you don't want to just be grabbing at quarterbacks willy-nilly because if you catch him on the horse uh on a horse Coller you could get 15 yards and be in danger of possibly missing the rest of the game later on so definitely an interesting one there um another one is allowing conferences the option to use collaborative video replay review so I think that's mainly just using their views along with ESPN so they can get as many views and as many um pieces to it as possible which I think is a no-brainer right you know you you never want um any review system to kind of mess up the way that things go about um on Saturdays so I think that makes total sense and then finally head coaches can now conduct interviews with broadcast Partners between the first and the third quarter and this is the one that I dislike the most uh I think a lot of us that have watched you know a ton of different sports have seen this start to happen in college basketball or in the NBA and I just find it kind of annoying I don't think there's any real reason to be interviewing a head coach at that point let him go about a about his business he already gives you one at halftime so I think it's a little bit ridiculous but at the end of the day it's a a small hurdle to get over uh when you're watching these games so not necessarily too upset about that but definitely not one that um I would have voted on if I was in the room I suppose but tons of changes coming uh throughout college football there's tons of stuff happening on the conference realignment front tons of stuff happening with the playoff and just everything it feels like the transfer portal nil everything is moving and shifting as the days go on but these are ones that uh we can kind of wrap our head around um and the vast majority of the ones that were agreed upon um are pretty benign changes like will not change a lot of the game play now the helmet commoms will transform games I I really do think it'll make a total difference in the way that people go about business the way that you see offenses kind of play and I think you'll see kind of the elite of the elite in terms of play callers kind of rise to the top we've had this idea of you know who the best play callers in the country are well that's really going to be put to the test uh this upcoming year if they want to make adjustments in the snap they can do that now by just you know talking into his ear so it'll be really interesting to watch all of this kind of unfold I think helmet coms is a thing that I've been on board for for quite some time and um very very excited that it's finally coming because I think it makes it more about football I think it takes out um some of the unknowns from the game and allows you know the best team and the best play callers to win so very very excited about that I think it's going to be really really interesting to watch but we're going to take our first break here and when we come back we're going to talk about the spring games there were tons going on on Saturday I only have three for you today we have Michigan Texas and Oklahoma but we will get to plenty more throughout the week because there were tons of takeaways from USC from Florida State tons of games going on throughout the country that I want to break down but today we'll start with three and then we'll kind of move from there so stick with us and we'll be right back with that I'm Lo everybody in the worlde Lord me a a feel like I'm mind every Lord me I want to be the greatest everybody on the fa I look around I feel like everybody is the fakest I'm make every day and I'm impatient hoping one day I blow up on the basement St the top is so vacing I don't need [ __ ] that I think is amazing waiting for my day when I'm playing soul that shows are a thousand faces give me that Crown getting my way to be put down in your place all this my to if I want that [ __ ] then I'll get it right now I'm losing it the some Lo [ __ ] stupid you choose to live or choose to dip you choose to fight or lose your grip and lose a gift feel I'm my everybody in the world please Lord Give Me A Sign a I feel like [Music] I'm alrighty welcome back everyone we just talked about the helmet coms and two-minute warning being approved for 2024 tons coming on that front it'll be very interesting especially to see the helmet commoms in action and see which teams kind of benefit the most from that but let's jump into some spring game takeaways we had tons going on on Saturday um but we have three for you today we have Michigan Texas and Oklahoma want to break down those for you and then we'll continue throughout the week catching up on all the games that happened on Saturday but let's start with the defending champions in the M Michigan Wolverines the first time they were out there with Chiron Moore as the head man and overall it was a very very good game I I think everything went about as you could have liked as a Michigan fan and to me the biggest takeaway happened in the first 15 minutes of the broadcast you had Alex orgy come out with the first offense which was expected I don't think there was any question about that he missed his first two throws through one in front of uh I believe Max breedis and then through one uh behind a receiver downfield and then threw a couple of beautiful passes led a very nice drive had a very good touchdown run to finish it off um and then it looked like he was done for the day to be totally honest I thought he was done for the day but then he came back in the second uh half for two drives that kind of stall but to me as I look at it right now I think they have their guy as right as of this second I think if they were to play a game tomorrow he would absolutely be the quarterback and Chiron Moore wouldn't think uh to like wouldn't think a second about it but I think there is still a reason to definitely be looking over his shoulder there is plenty of time until next season and one guy in particular is really pushing him very hard and he showed that on Saturday Alex Warren was very very impressive he's someone that I definitely have not been talking about enough on this broadcast or on this program but definitely will going forward because this is the guy that could actually be pushing for that starting spot he had a couple of remarkable plays probably had the play of a uh play of the day on a beautiful deep ball to Kendrick Bell the uh younger brother of Ronnie Bell the very good wide receiver out of Michigan a couple years ago in the fourth quarter to give the maiz the lead he also had a 49 yard touchdown run so he's someone that has a ton of ability and had executed the offense really really well on um Saturday I think a lot of some of the better better plays uh later in the game came against some of the lower tier uh defensive players on the team but doesn't change that they were remarkably impressive and doesn't change that him moving the offense the way he did was really really something to watch and I think it's something that um Alex orgy you know as of right now he is their starting quarterback I have very little question about that but he's definitely got a little bit of work to do he's definitely not going to be slowing down anytime soon because Alex Warren is right there to take it from him but um when you talk about this quarterback position the future of it is Jaden Davis and I don't think there's any question about that he looked really remarkable on Saturday I think there were definitely some freshman moments there's no doubt about that it's always going to happen in uh the first spring game for some of these kids but he had had some flashes of just Elite ability and we knew that when um he came in as a freshman but seeing him you know in real action he had a couple of balls that um you know missed by a hair but we're definitely really really impressive to see from someone that young I think as long as they can get through this season with good quarterback play from Alex orgy or Alex Warren I think they'll have the ability to uh pass the Baton onto Jaden Davis and feel very very good about where they stand in quarterback going forward um but for the running backs it's same old same old for Michigan to be totally honest Donovan Edwards looks like what he is one of the best running backs in the entire uh college football I think him with Kalo mullings right next to him is about as good as you could possibly ask for especially with someone like Blake Korn walking out of the program so was very impressed with them I think uh both those guys are really really good the o line looks solid losing all five starters from a year ago is always a very very questionable thing but michig doesn't have bad offensive lines very often so I expect them to be just fine at that position obviously you want to be fully dominant with some of the defensive fronts you'll be facing but I think they'll get better and better and um definitely got off to a good start on Saturday um as for wide receiver Tyler Morris is a guy that is definitely going to be the top wide receiver now he didn't necessarily have the biggest day partly because he was on a pitch count cuz you need him to stay healthy for spring or for fall you do not want him getting any injury that puts his season in Jeopardy so he had a couple of drives here and there throughout the game but when he was on the field they were targeting him pretty much every single time they were looking his Direction because he is definitely the alpha in that room he is the wide receiver one and they absolutely need him to show out he's someone that um taking over for a guy like Roman Wilson and someone like Cornelius Johnson huge shoose to fill obviously but he is definitely capable of doing that and he's definitely taken that step forward to be uh kind of asserting himself at least as the wide receiver one in that room now there were a lot of very good things from the offense on Saturday there were tons of things that you can take and feel pretty good about if you're a a Michigan fan but the defense was no slou they did not struggle in this game by any means excuse me I think uh the defense really did well especially the top level defense uh minus that one H drive to start things with Alex orgy they did a great job of like bending but not breaking you know keeping things to field goals keeping things to um punts you know on their side of the field just making sure that these drives that could have been sustained into touchdown drives get stopped at some point so they can get the ball back so a lot of what we've seen for the past couple of years around there and with guys like will Johnson and uh I believe uh Jon baram kind of on a pitch count in this game I think it's a great sign for them and we talk about the back end obviously it all starts with Will Johnson but probably one of the most important players that they're losing across the entirety of the team um you know take out JJ McCarthy uh is Mike sandr he was someone that was absolutely huge for them at the slot position that's the reason that he is possibly going to be drafted in the top two rounds as a slot uh Corner which is something that doesn't happen very often he's just a remarkable player and it looks like the guys that are kind of taking over for him look really solid Zeke Barry and Jaden mcburrows were the guys getting the snaps there and they looked good at that position uh it's been a strength there since Dax Hill was on campus and he was remarkable at that position so they got to keep that going because it's a huge part of that defense it's a huge part of getting everyone aligned and making sure that everything is set when you look around the country you see a lot of the really elite players play that kind of uh nickel position because it's such a hybrid position makes you play so many different ways that um you need a guy that can be versatile and be different and probably be the best athlete in the room so definitely good sign uh there definitely something that that back end needs with a ton of guys heading out the door but I think they should be more than fine to be totally honest on that back end um overall this team is setting up very very well if you're a Wolverines fan I think you have to feel as good as you could possibly feel to be totally honest with you I think there's definitely still some work to do and you'd like to see a little bit more consistency out of Alex orgy and you'd love to see you know this offense just run a little bit more efficiently but at the end of the day you have Donovan Edwards you have khil mullings you have an offensive line that's likely going to be one of the best in the country so the ability is there I'm not so worried about Michigan um in terms of what they can do on the offensive side of the ball because what they've done for the past you know couple of years is what exactly what they're going to do this year they're going to run the ball really aggressively pick their moments and as long as long as Alex orgy can be accurate they'll be okay um so this team team is going to be good the defense is going to be great the margins are just going to be very thin so things like quarterback play will be the absolute decider and I feel relatively okay about that position I think Alex orgy is a good player but there is that theory you know there's too many cooks in the kitchen there's too many quarterbacks in the room where you can't quite figure out which one you want out there on Saturday so hopefully that Alex orgy can hit the ground running in his first game and not create some uh confusion in that room because we've seen a number of times where teams have gotten into the putting in one quarterback then pulling him then putting in the other one and then going back and forth and it it it creates a a lot of problems not only in you know the games but in the locker room it creates some tension that doesn't need to be there so that's definitely some things that I'm watching for them but let's move on to Texas and let's talk about what went on in Austin Texas and I think one of the big things that I pulled away from this game was going into this game I did not necessarily view it as a arch Manning versus tra owing's duel but that's exactly what we got uh those two guys were just incredible uh ERS played two drives to start the game one ended in a pick six from Alfred Collins when Ethan Burks just absolutely Blew Up The Edge and tipped the ball up into the air um and then he had a couple of good balls on the second drive before it uh stalled and ended up punting but don't really need to have the third year starter on the field too much no reason to put him in any Harm's Way and you know exactly who he is at this point if you're Steve sarkeesian so I don't think you're worried about Quinn yers in the slightest but then the show started uh you had Arch Manning come in and really start most of the game with the first offense and then you had Trey Owens with the second offense and they both just went crazy but let's start with Arch Manny he started his day with a 75 yard touchdown to DeAndre Moore on a pretty badly broken coverage which is something that was the big downside of the day that I'll get to here in a second um he had another 75 yard touchdown to Isaiah Bond later uh in the day this dude was just dialed in all day he made a number of really good plays obviously a couple of the touchdown passes were a little bit more open than they will be on Saturdays but did a ton of really really good things there were third Downs that he extended with his legs and made something happen there were a couple where he stayed really strong in the pocket which had been a a worry for him early on in his time during Texas and made a really good throw for a touchdown to Jaden blue on his second one so this guy was really impressive uh three 300 touchdowns three or or not 300 touchdowns 300 yards and three touchdowns um it's about as good as it gets so definitely got to feel really good if you're a Texas Fan he is definitely one of the best backups in the entire country but to be totally honest with you I was more impressed with the third string uh Trey Owens coming in as a freshman and doing that in his first spring game was just Insanity uh he is one of the more natural throwers of the football that I've ever seen the ball just jumps out of his hands he's someone that you feel like you could wake up from a deep sleep at 3:00 a.m. he'll roll out of bed and throw a perfect Corner rout so he's someone that football's like second nature to him everything just looks really really comfortable so he's going to be really good um especially with someone like Steve sarkeesian helping him out along the way this is a kid that could reach insane Heights well at Texas and um they talked about it I believe on on Texas football when they were T when they were breaking down this game you know the Texas quarterback room is not going to lack for talent uh go going forward Steve sarkeesian has rarely had that be the problem so it'll be interesting to see you know Trey Owens as of right now will look like the starter after Arch Manning finds his way to the NFL but who knows maybe he finds his way somewhere else the transfer portal is a very fickle thing and especially in a room like this uh it could be that Trey Owens finds his place somewhere else but for the time being I know that longhorn fans want to keep him around that's for sure um and as you can imagine with the quarterback play being what it was the playmakers all over the field were just incredible on the offensive side of the ball you had DeAndre Moore who is someone that might be the most overlooked guy in this group because he probably had the best spring of anyone in this group to be totally honest with you jonay cook made a couple of really nice plays Isaiah Bond started slow had a couple of drops early but got comfortable and made a number of really good plays Ryan Wingo was probably the most impressive of the group made just insane amounts of Separation on pretty much every single play had the touchdown that ended up winning the game for the second team uh offense and first team defense so definitely a a great game for Ryan Wingo someone that Texas fans have been very excited to watch throughout spring and he lived up to the billing that's for sure um both running backs Jaden blue and uh CJ Baxter had really good days so the offense is what we expected the offense to be at Texas it is going to be lethal it is going to be fast and the offensive line is going to be really solid so the offense is um pretty much clicking on all cylinders I would not worry at all if you were a Texas Fan because man there are so many guys to go to and with Quinn ERS at the helm you got to feel pretty good about the ball getting there when it needs to and being on target so it'll be really interesting to see what happens with that but the defense it was kind of an up and down day um now there were a lot of good things but the back end uh was the down pretty much to be totally honest with you there were too many blown coverages uh poorly executed man coverage You Know cover ones that uh the safeties just took wrong angles on there was one that was um I believe Michael Taff had one on the Jaden blue touchdown young player um Xavier F facil me definitely had a mistake early or later on in the game so it's kind of uh working out the Kinks right now on that back end it was a problem last year so it's something that they tried to address with Andrew makuba coming in um J Baron came back for his senior year which was absolutely huge and both those guys didn't play much uh on Saturday so there's a little bit of uh you know it didn't look great by any means and uh definitely something that they will have to be working on but it might have been somewhat circumstantial they had some guys on pitch count some guys not playing that much so it'll be really interesting to see if this is as big of a problem as it looked on Saturday when the season comes around because if it is there are some teams on Texas schedule that will um dice them to pieces if I'm being totally honest um but the dline was pretty much exactly what you would expect tons of talent and ability on the edge um definitely a lot of blown up uh plays by those Edge rushers uh Colton bassic had a remarkable day Ethan Burke made the play early in the day on um the pick six by Alfred Collins so a ton of really really good players on that edge not enough bodies at the defensive tackle position it felt like the rotations were um very sparing it just felt like didn't have much of a rhythm for when they wanted certain guys to come in and when they wanted them to come out but that's definitely a position they're going to need some help at uh it looked like they took a big step forward to getting that help this weekend that we'll get to here in the next segment but uh it'll be interesting to see how that kind of developed because that was the strength of the team a year ago with tandre sweat and Byron Murphy now you got to adjust so it'll be interesting to see how they kind of do that and if they can be the team that um they were a year ago especially against the Run cuz that was a huge huge part of their game but overall this was a very fun spring game some of these spring games tend to be um a little bit of snoozefest but this was not that uh it was an absolute duel between those two quarterbacks I think um the Texas quarterback room has always been talked about has one of the best in the country and that has not changed one bit uh they might have the best backup in the country and Arch Manning uh Trey Owens showed his remarkable ability on Saturday definitely some things to fix on defense but there's plenty of times to do plenty of time to do that and with some of the guys that sat out I think they'll be more than fine I'm not sure um it will be quite as bad as it looked uh on Saturday once the season comes around and uh obviously Arch Manning is going to get a ton of the talk and he absolutely should coming out of this game um just a reminder Quinn ERS has yet to play a full season where he started every single game at Texas so there's a good chance that uh we will be a we will have to see Arch Manning as the starter at Texas and he looks ready to roll let's put it that way um but let's finish off with Oklahoma here and let's talk about the quarterback there Jackson Arnold was just remarkable uh the dude has a cannon attached to the right side of his torso we've talked about it a couple of times but this dude is just remarkable every time you watch him play football I think um he looks like he was built in the lab to play quarterback and he looked really good in this game made some eye popping throws mainly the touchdown to Dion Burks who was the biggest topic of conversation he was definitely the guy that made everyone really excited a transfer that came in from Purdue that was just kind of looking for that big chance um and he officially got it and he looked incredible uh he was someone that definitely adds a new Dynamic to a wide receiver room that is already remarkable I don't think they were necessarily looking for a wide receiver one when they got Deon Burks but they definitely got one uh he's an absolute beast and it looks like him and Jackson Arnold are already on the same page so huge news out of Norman there um the offensive line was the big time I group that uh people were worried about going into Saturday and they looked okay um definitely the defensive line won the day but when you look at some of the names on the edge and the interior of that defensive line for Oklahoma it's not necessarily crazy uh that they won the day I think it totally makes sense Ethan DS especially is a guy that could make a huge difference for this Oklahoma team next year I think he's an absolute game excuse me uh he's an absolute Game Changer and will definitely be a huge player for them this up coming year they've already gotten some help from the portal which we'll get to in the next segment but o line is definitely the position to watch as we continue to go towards the season um the running back room looks really solid uh led by Gavin Sawchuk he's going to be the um down in down out uh back for the most part but Caleb Hicks Sam Franklin a transfer from UT Martin both looked really solid um if the o line can come together I think they should have no problem running the ball and if they can do that Jackson Arnold is going to take the top off some defenses from time to time um and much like Texas uh the defense was a little bit up and down in this contest some blown coverages um particularly on that Deon Burg's touchdown there was no one just no one really picked him up as he came uh down the seam so definitely some things to uh fix on the defensive side of the ball but the front seven looks really strong it looks like the front seven that uh Brent venol has been picturing ever since he showed up in Norman and uh feels like that team is becoming more and more what uh Brent venal had in mind I suppose so very exciting stuff happening out there this is a team that has a ton of variation for what their season could look like it really does come down to the o line and Jackson Arnold's quarterback play which in large part comes down to the o line so I think that's going to be the position to watch it'll be really interesting to see how much of an effect they can have because if they're bad this offense could really really struggle if they are even competent this offense could you know take the SEC by storm so it'll be really interesting to watch the defense uh will need to get more discipline on the back end and definitely not be exposed to deep balls but at the end of the day if they can force some turnovers that they can get home especially with the edge rushers they have they'll be more than fine um I think this team is right on track right now I think they're doing exactly what you would want them to do if you're a Sooners fan and Brent venables is slowly becoming more and more his team which is always what you want for a coach so much more going on uh throughout you know the next couple of days with these breakdowns because there were tons of games to break down we have USC Texas A&M and more teams coming tomorrow but that'll do it uh for this segment and we will take our second break here and when we come back we're going to talk about the transfer portal tons going on in the transfer portal we officially have some commitments for the first time so I want to break down where we sit and kind of uh what could be happening in the next couple of days right after this so stick with us looking for your daily fix of Sports Talk without having to pay for it gsmc Sports network is available on YouTube just search gsmc sports network get your fix of daily Sports talk shows on YouTube absolutely free NFL college football NBA MLB MMA UFC fantasy football and so much more gsmc Sports network has shows running all day long with new sports shows starting every 2 hours just like on your favorite Cable Sports channel except gsmc Sports Network is absolutely free just search gsmc Sports Network on YouTube to catch one of your new favorite shows like the gsmc college football podcast Chip Shot football podcast hoops and heels women's sports podcast gsmc basketball podcast and so many more check it out for yourself gsmc Sports Network now available on YouTube absolutely free search gsmc Sports Network on YouTube right now all righty welcome back everyone we just talked about some of the spring games and some takeaways from those games we got into Michigan Texas and Oklahoma but we'll be continuing those throughout the week uh but now let's get into some transfer portal updates there has been so much going on in the transfer portal and commitments have started to happen so wanted to break those down for you and then we'll get into some Intel about the uh transfer portal and then some tidbits towards the end here but let's start with all the commitments the big time commitments at least that have happened throughout the last little bit we had Colorado get a pair of Big Time commitments as well as another one that will definitely help out in the bunch uh Deon Hayes is probably the biggest one here in Edge rusher from pit was a big time player at a big time position of need for them adding him to someone like BJ green on the other side is going to be quite the duo so very excited to see what uh happens there they're doing exactly what they did a year ago with uh the Buffalo they're definitely upgrading that Talent more and more around there and uh it continued with pton Kirkland and off of lineman from Texas a guy that genuinely probably would have started for Texas next year um but decided he wanted to get his chance earlier on I would be not surprised at all if he was starting for them week one because the athleticism the size the ability is just off the charts with this kid so very excited for what he can do um they also got Ryan bule a guy from a d lineman from Ohio a guy that definitely adds some depth to that position and absolutely helps with some run stopping which is something they really struggled with a year ago definitely need bigger bodies in there and they'll take uh pretty much anyone that can produce at that uh level right now so definitely some good additions there they also hosted dalon Hayden the running back from Ohio State Elijah Herring the linebacker from Tennessee so definitely a lot of things going on in Colorado like they always are Dion is going to do what he does and uh he's executing the way that we've become accustomed to in the transfer portal right now but uh some other teams that got some help Oklahoma got a big time o line help Branson Hickman a transfer from SMU an all AAC selection a year ago so definitely a guy that you need if you're Oklahoma we just talked about the offensive line being the thing that is going to Define their season so definitely needed some help there and I would be surprised if this was the only guy they brought in I think they will be more active especially on the offensive line and maybe some other positions as they see fit but uh definitely uh that's the main focus for them uh another big time commitment was Graham Nicholson a l Rosa winner uh from the from a year ago from Miami of Ohio he has committed to Alabama definitely something they absolutely need we talked about how that position was kind of up in the air after their spring game will rard moving on to the next level was a huge part of that well they replaced him with one of the best kickers in the entire country so I think everything should be fine if you're a bam aan right now you should feel okay about that kicking game so uh definitely a much needed addition and you got to feel great if you're a Bama fan about that one and then greedy Vance Jr a DB from FSU has committed to USC Trojans continue to build out that defense as much as possible obviously it is going to take time but they look pretty good uh on Saturday so we'll def definitely break that down tomorrow and break down how greedy Vance can kind of help out this group that is uh seems to be slowly improving out there in Southern California um but let's get to some Intel about where some team or where some players might end up in this uh portal window and I think the biggest news that has happened since we last talked about this was Jaden rashada entering the portal the guy that was in the center of the nil debacle at Florida then spent his first year in Tempe with the sundevils and Kenny Dillingham he has decided to enter the portal and he has his eyes set on Athens Georgia it looks like he will visit ug on April 30th and May 1st and he is definitely someone that I think ug is leading very heavily for I I would be surprised if uh the wind shifted so aggressively that he went somewhere else it feels like he's kind of on the Dante Moore track that uh a lot of people have talked about where you know that you're not quite at the point where you can fully realize your ability at the top level but you can sit behind someone that has in Carson Beck or in Dante Moore's case and Dylan Gabriel and learn so much and then hit the ground running so that feels like kind of what Jaden rashada is thinking right now if that happens Jaden rash against gunar Stockton for that starting job next year will be something to watch that's for sure um Auburn and Mississippi state will also get visits it seems but uh ug is the heavy favorite and if they add him to that quarterback room it would just be insane uh Penny Boon is another guy one of the best running backs in the portal he actually entered uh the portal in the winter cycle went to Louisville from uh Toledo he was the Mac player of the year a year ago and then transferred right back out in the spring uh portal window and some interesting things have been happening around him he's been reached out to by pretty much every team in the country he definitely has a lot of uh Talent a lot of ability and tons of teams are looking for running backs but it looks like he might find his way back to Louisville there's been more and more smoke around him possibly just sticking with the Cardinals and uh moving forward with them which would be very interesting but kind of the reality of the transfer portal we live in today um he did mention early on in his recruitment that he wants to play in the SEC but we'll see what happens uh definitely a commitment to watch because behind Daman Martinez he is definitely one of the most uh if not you know behind Damen Martinez the best running back in the entire portal um but let's get to Damen Martinez he's still very much up in the air and I think he's going to take his time because this is a big decision for him obviously you're moving on from a place where you felt like your NFL future was just a little bit shakier than it should be and I think he's trying to move to the team that will give him the best chance to have that NFL future that he definitely should have in uh going forward I think I tend to lean that Miami and Mario Cris ball will win out for this kid but Michigan state is still very much in it UCF is still very much in it and plenty more teams are going after him I think uh Michigan state is one that a lot of people are watching because of Jonathan Smith but it feels like uh things are starting to push more and more in the Miami Direction Michigan state is hosting Andrew Paul uh this I believe this upcoming weekend so they could be looking other directions and I think if they did get Andrew Paul him and Aiden Charles would be quite the duo in that back field and would shock some people definitely um this upcoming fall but let's talk about Corman mlan uh he was the guy that transferred from Colorado after a very weird year where him and Dion necessarily didn't uh click the way that you would have loved if you were a Buffs fan and things just didn't quite work out um but he has made some headlines recently by going on Instagram live and seemingly taking a shot at Colorado it's kind of you know tough to really know what uh what he was trying to say but he said he really wants to play for a quote unquote real program and he wants to not play for clicks so obviously you know Dion and Colorado has gotten quite that rap you know being the team that is just out here trying to get as many Impressions on Twitter as poss possible um and maybe Corman mlan feels the same way so it'll be interesting to see where he ends up it feels like USC and USF are the teams that are kind of standing out right now but he dropped a top 11 list I think probably six of those teams are not interested to be totally honest with you but at the end of the day I think this is a very talented kid and if he pops up at USC or USF I think he could have a ton of success and hopefully he'll be able to um thrive in a new environment cuz obviously it just wasn't the right fit at Colorado um but let's finish it off here with the Intel at least talking about Texas uh there has been a ton of talk around that defensive tackle position something that we talked about in the spring game definitely need more bodies there and they've been doing a lot to fill that void Bill Norton and Jay to TOA are two guys from UCLA that they are going after very very aggressively they added Johnny nanson who is the defensive coordinator at um or uh Arizona excuse me both these guys are Arizona I don't know why I said UCLA um they got Johnny nanson who is the Arizona defensive coordinator a year ago so definitely a huge Plus for them to snag those guys up and if they can do that I think they'll feel much better about where that position is right now I think they have the top level Talent with Alfred Collins and Vernon Bron but definitely need some more guys to stand up very very quickly um but some other transfer news just to add in here we had Adam kosi a Clemson freshman who just enrolled he has decided to transfer and he wasted no time he is committed to PJ Fleck and the Golden Gophers the kid is 68 on but only 235 so definitely has the length if he can fill out he could be an absolute game wrecker someone like Ethan Burke at Texas who 67 has kind of become that player where when he came onto campus he was very lean but has slowly filled out and become a very very good player for them so definitely a huge pickup for Minnesota there um along with Jaden rashada leaving Arizona State Elijah Badger the top wide receiver for the sundevils has decided to leave definitely someone that they were expecting to be the number one wide receiver on their team this upcoming window and uh it has not been very kind to Kenny Dillingham these first uh week or so in this window so definitely a lot of things to answer over there in Tempe but definitely uh not the blow that they wanted to take that's for sure um and then a couple of LSU F uh Defenders have found their way into the portal we had Ryan Yates safety Christian braithway a linebacker and Jeremiah Hughes a corner all finding their way into the portal now not really sure how big of a deal it is to be losing Defenders from uh the team a year ago because we all watched that team and it was not pretty at times so not really sure how big of a deal this is I think they're definitely going to be trying to upgrade a lot of those positions and uh it'll be interesting to see what they do in the portal but all of the stuff in the portal has been very interesting thus far we've yet to have kind of the big moment right uh I think a lot of people including myself were worried this would be one of the craziest portal Cycles we've had and it's had its moments don't get me wrong but uh hasn't quite had the landslide that we were expecting hopefully we can avoid that definitely knocking on wood but uh it'll be really interesting to see what happens in the next you know week we still have plenty of time for kids to enter so it could get wild pretty quickly but for the time being it's been at the very least as quiet as you could have hoped I suppose but um we are going to take our final break here when we come back we're going to talk about a good vibes Monday and we're going to remind you that the transfer portal isn't all bad uh there has definitely been a lot of bad publicity around the transfer portal since that has kind of joined college football but there's been plenty of success stories as well so I want to break those down for you guys after this so stick around for that for the best and latest podcasts available anywhere go to the podcast app on your cell phone and type in gsmc to access free content Rich podcasts on health and wellness book reviews Sports entertainment relationships social media movies technology finance and even weird news subscribe and download the gsmc podcast Network's family of shows available everywhere podcasts are found all righty welcome back everyone we just talked about a little bit of a transfer portal update gave you guys an idea of where everything sit commitments have started to roll in so definitely a lot going on we'll definitely keep you updated there but let's continue talking about the transfer portal but not the ones that are going on right now we'll talk about some of the success stories we have seen in the portal I feel like a lot of the discussion around the portal right now has been very negative and I have t taken part in that quite a bit uh there is definitely some parts of the portal that I am not a huge fan of but definitely there are some parts that make it super important to this game and definitely something that uh is vital to the future of this game and I think the best way to kind of contextualize that is break down the quarterback position because that's the one that you know we're all putting a lot of energy into that's the one you're watching and there's been a ton of really really good transfer quarterbacks that for different reasons have found their way to a new program and have become have become college football legends uh very very quickly but let's start with who who personally in my opinion is the best quarterback I've ever seen play in college football Cam Newton he was someone that started his career at Florida before finding his way to Auburn and uh his decision obviously was not totally his to leave Florida um definitely made some mistakes over there in Gainesville um but he went on to have a fantastic career at Auburn and did remarkable things had one of the best individual Seasons that anyone has ever seen um went on to win the Heisman won a national champ Championship went on to have the remarkable career he did in the NFL so I think obviously you know definitely not the circumstances you want him transferring under but he was able to make the most of his second chance and I think that's one of the beautiful things about the transfer portal is you give these kids who maybe made some decisions they could uh they wish they could take back uh the ability to you know get that second chance and find a new place to play and uh hopefully Thrive and Cam Newton did that to an Absol T and the other guy that did that um maybe even better than Cam Newton did was Joe burrow um he spent the vast majority of his career in The Scarlet and gray up at Ohio State actually graduated from there was in the middle of a very heated battle with Dwayne H Haskins uh someone that was just remarkable for Ohio state has unfortunately passed on now but um they were battling for that starting job and it was very very close uh before he broke his foot so Joe burrow was in a position where um there wasn't a lot of options right he he probably was not going to be the starter at Ohio State anymore he was probably rarely going to get that shot just because of the remarkable players that were rolling in and out of that program during that time so he found his way to LSU uh Ed oraron took a chance on him and his life changed forever uh he led probably the best offense that we have ever seen in college football in 2019 LSU he did just remarkable things and now is in the NFL one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL so just a remarkable Story another example of you know whether it's you made a poor decision and you had to leave the school that you were at but you were able to land on your feet like Cam Newton or you had some injuries that got in your way and you had to find a new place to play like Joe burrow both those things are great ways to utilize the portal hopefully um you know you the kids that do it that way can find a good place to play and land on their feet so uh both really great examples but it doesn't stop there by any means you have Baker Mayfield one of the best stories in college football history in my opinion started at Texas Tech before transferring and walking on to uh the Sooners definitely something that is a daunting feat for sure you're going in conference but having to walk on having to um just lay it out on the table and uh you know do the work that's necessary to become the quarterback that he was capable of being and he went on to become one of the most accomplished quarterbacks in college football history uh recorded over 1,200 passing yards almost 900 rushing yards 137 touchdowns in three seasons so went absolutely insane won the 2017 Heisman Trophy obviously he never got the ultimate goal of a national championship which is obviously really tough but if you look back at those games I think you'll find uh it wasn't quite Baker Mayfield's fault in the majority of those games so definitely one of the most uh at least statistically one of the most accomplished players in college football history one of the most impressive stories in uh the sport and uh definitely a guy that utilized the portal in the perfect way and found his way to Lincoln Riley which we'll actually get in into here in a second um but the only story that actually I think Trump's uh Baker Mayfield is Stetson Bennett uh he is the guy that started his career at ug as a preferred walk-on before making his way to Jones Community College for a couple of years played some really really good football there then made his way back to Athens as a preferred walk on so this is he definitely wanted to be a bulldog definitely wanted to lead this team and he went on to do that uh lived out his childhood dream LED his childhood team to back-to-back champ uh titles became a Heisman finalist and one of the most accomplished players in college football history so just a remarkable story definitely one that I think a lot of people identified with and a lot of people loved because it was just wild to watch a kid that looked under siiz looked like he didn't have the physical tools looked like he wasn't a starting quarterback for the University of Georgia become one of the best players if not the best player in Georgia history so it's just remarkable to see that type of thing happen obviously you know you have guys like herel Walker that were better football players but in terms of accomplishments I mean no one really touches ston Bennett in the ug history uh and then you got guys like Kyler Murray you have guys like Jaylen Herz Caleb Williams all using it in different ways but finding the same guy and Lincoln Riley so maybe that's the the secret sauce that everyone needs to find especially if you're a quarterback just find Lincoln Riley in the portal you might win a Heisman you'll uh do right uh by yourself but at the end of the day I think all of these guys while you know Caleb Williams was particularly the one that people were very upset about I think a lot of players commit to coaches a lot of players commit to um offenses and that's something that Caleb Williams definitely did he wanted to follow Lincoln Riley over to USC and he did that uh Jaylen had a very interesting time at Alabama was one of the most admired really college football players I've seen in quite some time just because of the way that he handled that last season at Alabama found his way to um to Norman excuse me found his way to Norman and became a Heisman finalist did some remarkable things and then Kyler Murray obviously finding his way from Texas A&M didn't necessarily work out there the way that he had hoped um but did incredible things at Oklahoma so it gives you an idea just how it's kind of impacted our college football world and how you know some of these stories you know you might not love uh the transfer of Caleb Williams you might not love some of these guys uh decisions that they made but it was the best decision for them which is ultimately the goal in all of this is to make sure that these kids are set up the best way that they could be uh and playing the game they love in a way that they love it in a place that they love to be at so definitely really important stuff um there but if you want to go even more recently we have Quinn Ur shadur Sanders and Travis Hunter all guys that utilize the portal and will be top players in next year's draft and then in this year's draft you have Jaden uh Jared verse Jaden Daniels leati latu all guys that used the portal for different reasons um and all benefited greatly and will be uh first round picks in this upcoming draft so the portal has been a very very interesting entity if you want to go a little bit further back you got guys like Moss Roger stach Troy Aman Russell Wilson so tons of guys that have benefited greatly from using the portal and it being a thing in general so while I totally understand there's been a ton of stuff happening around college football and its impact on college football has been negative in a a ton of different respects and I'm not necessarily arguing uh that it hasn't but it's given these guys a second chance and I think that's something that is super necessary for college football it's super necessary for kids in general right uh I've been um in their shoes been a young kid at 18 years old and you don't make the best decisions at times and I think uh giving these kids the chance to learn from stuff and maybe find a new place to play Maybe um things just didn't work at work out at the first place maybe injuries were a part of it whatever it is just having the ability to get back into football get back into a new Rhythm and a new place and um reach your Highest Potential is always what we should want for these college kids so while there's definitely some decisions that you don't necessarily love uh during this time it's a a super important part of the sport and something that if we did away with I think you'd be doing a huge disservice uh to the kids that are currently in college and kind of making their way into college football but um as we get into this portal I I think that's something we should all be looking for the stories that are the good stories not necessarily highlighting the guys that might have left for the nil deal or might have left for the wrong reasons we start highlighting the guys that are leaving for the right reasons whatever those are I I highlighted Daren Brown the last time we talked someone that has gone through a slew of medical um troubles throughout his time at Texas finally got back to a healthy place and can play football again is in the transfer portal cannot wait to see where he ends up hopefully he succeeds immensely in his future you have guys like cam Ward and Damen Martinez who while you would have loved for them to stay up at Washington State and Oregon State you got to play on a bigger stage especially if you're that talented especially if you're those kids in particular so don't necessarily blame them for that I think there's certain um kids within this slew of kids that you might not fully agree with and within this system that has is mostly flawed there are definitely some stories and some beautiful things within it so I think this is a a time of year where a a lot of people talk really negative uh talk down on the portal and while I fully understand that and I participated from time to time I think it's always important to kind of look at the pros that we're getting from it and the uh ability for these kids to learn from mistakes to bounce back from injuries to do the things that um they should deserve to do right uh so there's tons of stuff going on with the portal there's going to be tons going on for the next week that I'll be talking about I'm sure I will will um not be too nice about the portal uh in future shows but for the time being I just wanted to highlight some of the guys that have really benefited from it and why I think it is a super important part to uh college football going forward and college sports going forward in general so that'll be really interesting to watch but that will do it for this edition of the gsmc college football podcast presented by the gsmc sports network your support means a lot to us so please remember to subscribe to the show and leave a positive review it does make a huge difference also follow us on Facebook Twitter Tik Tok Instagram for all of the content and updates we have so many great people doing incredible work across pretty much every sport you could possibly think of so definitely tune in to all of those shows to see what happens there but thank you once again for listening and I will see you guys [Music] tomorrow let's go

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Headline Wrap-Up: Connor Stalions Doc Out & DeMarco Murray Suspended | GSMC College Football Podcast

Category: Sports

All righty welcome back everyone we just talked about all of the rest of the games that we didn't get quite a chance to really get into throughout the week that you just got to keep your eyes on there are a couple of upsets that could be happening especially that south dakota state oklahoma state game... Read more