Category: News & Politics
Hey, everybody, welcome. uh you made it through the first presidential debate of 2024. don't know how you're feeling at this point, but we're going to discuss some of the key takeaways here. uh jason wheeler here from uh y the texas political podcast. uh jason whiteley, my usual partner in crime is... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Us president joe biden had a runin with a journalist during a white house briefing after his meeting with british prime minister k starmer here's a snippet from that what some is unusual break batting mr president what do you say to vladimir putin's threat i see you be quiet till i speak okay that's... Read more
Category: News & Politics
>> in recent weeks it's become clear to me that i need to unite my party in this critical endeavor but nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. that includes personal ambition. so i have decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. >> steve: okay. we thought... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Obama kicking biden out so did you read the, the sy hersh piece about how biden was driven out of his job? yeah, so i read a summary of it. i have not read the piece itself. i just read it this morning. here's just here's here's the cliff notes. obama colluded with nancy pelosi in hacking jeffries and... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Now before we get to our guests i want you the viewers at home to know something our team has spent days reaching out to dozens of lawmakers and biden advocates and allies we've had numerous interactions with the biden harris campaign but not a single potential guest was either able or willing to join... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I am so incredibly grateful for uh the ability that this state has done what the he claps too much and spews welcome to wacko walls greatest hits hey patriots and welcome back to another edition of wacko walls' greatest hits tampon timmy came up from the van down by the river to give a speech in eerie... Read more
Category: Entertainment
President of the united states joseph r bid i can't believe they let the penguin out after 8:00 p.m. again so how do you think this speech went welcome back to another uncle joe's greatest hits joe spoke at the phoenix awards dinner in dc tonight and if you can't tell from the opening clip it was pretty... Read more
Category: Comedy
[music] [applause] everyone [applause] a come here what is that about what is that about what is that about i think you understand i'm pretty sure you know a it's going to be good we're going to be good we're going to be fine we're going to be fine we are all in this together yes we are we're going... Read more
Category: Comedy
[music] dana i think the the the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed my values have not changed let's be clear my values have not changed tell me something i don't [music] know we were going to s we were sitting down to to do... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] when everybody does better everybody does [music] better he claps too much and spews welcome to wack of walls as greatest hits now the democrats should know never to send the king of tampon distribution to a beer town like milwaukee because it was very evident that wacko waltz was sampling... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Look i'm coaching football i'm an old straight white guy i'm teaching social studies you're all picturing the damn stereotype here turns out that i'm like opposite well that is just shocking he claps too much and spews welcome to wack of walls as greatest hits hey patriots looks like lil timmy ended... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I was just uh getting introduced to mariah and uh she said uh kamla harris is going to change the [music] world he claps too much and spews welcome to wacko walls greatest hits hey patriots and welcome back to another edition of wacko walls' greatest hits where today we find captain creepy tampon timmy... Read more