Adam Sandler’s warnings and advice for teenage daughters as they take on Hollywood

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:02:12 Category: People & Blogs

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Adam Sandler's warnings and advice for teenage daughters as they take on Hollywood ladies and gentlemen this is buzztone times Adam Sandler's two teenage daughters are getting a big warning from the legendary Hollywood star they call Dad on Tuesday the actors Adam Sandler love you debut on Netflix and Sandler advised Sadi 18 and sunny 15 not to watch the special due to his foul language I do curse a lot he told E news at the premiere of his comedy special I apologize to many many people out there especially my family they don't need to know those words exist they can see a couple parts of it I don't throw it on for them too quickly in fact they're not coming tonight they'll see me at the party after but I said you don't need to see this one the murder mystery star has also given his daughter some fatherly advice when it comes to their acting careers in 2023 Sandler opened up to people about how his daughters appeared as voice actors in his animated film Leo at the time the comedian revealed the words of wisdom he passed down I tell them to make sure you feel good about what you do and how hard you worked and you judge yourself Sandler told the outlet don't let too many people try to get in your head if you feel like you gave it your all that's all you can ask Sandler's wife of over 20 years Jackie also had a role in the animated movie it's always fun to be with my family he explained it's kind of what they're thinking about getting into in their passion and so it's good to learn with them the Sandler Family appearing in another film together is not off the table you never know but but we had a great time at that bat mitzvah movie and this one we started doing this four years ago and they grew up a little bit while doing this movie so it's been really nice he told the outlet in August 2023 the Sandler started Netflix is you are so not invited to my bat mitzvah right before his youngest daughter's actual Bat Mitzvah the film's director Sammy Cohen told people at the time what's really funny is right before we started prepping for the film Sunny had her actual Bat Mitzvah and said so I went to that service and we got to do the real life Bat Mitzvah and then left to make the movie it was a really fun life movie moment follow Buzz toown times because we keep you updated

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