Rebuilding Sulfuriyon to Counter Stone Skin | RSL Live Arena

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:54:24 Category: Gaming

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all right guys hello um so I do have some news uh we got a rebuild on to sulfuron after I realized just how good he is was really enjoying using the scallion live Arena so I've actually got him up to 350 speed and 380 accuracy not that much accuracy but um the speed is substantially higher but he's not in ston skin anymore but the thing is the Strat in the times in which I was using him it was in scenarios where I was almost trying to ensure I would go first and then he was breaking ston skin and then we were going to town um so especially like with Wukong or something I think he's probably great so we do have uh a new and better reasons to use Wukong and sulfuron is absolutely excellent uh and I'm excited to use him so let's hop in he can definitely still be built better but there's no there's no Advan running in which I would want to build up gear no artifact enhancement event is what I'm trying to say there's nothing like that going so okay especially when we get arm mon I do like to try to go first because he's such a big threat as well okay so he's trying to do the same thing okay let's do this because I can do last pick of Valk and we'll go Wukong here okay so we'll go Valkyrie ban the Arbiter then we need to remember what's going to happen here tormen or something similar let's do that okay let's see there's no way his Champions his c will go all his Champions lose a ton of turn meter I go go he gets locked out sulfuron goes think I feel pretty good here unless with the cify San's not going to get to burn through the block debuffs I don't know we'll see what happens yeah I feel pretty good about this yeah nice decreas his turn meter he really goes now really I could have just put the shield on wait what what the fck okay should have done the Bel I I I was the turn meter was both just overfilled so the idea was I think pretty obvious from me decreas his turn meter by another 10% so if sufuria was another turn meter Champion like more gain I don't know if there's any that I have built there's got to be some I think we could have won that think so I've got her but she's super slow I've got um Padre he's pretty fast I think the surion and then the plan to pick Valk and not b i yeah I think that was wrong the suon and the plan to not ban cify and to pick Valk doesn't compute and that's something I didn't really learn from last time didn't think about that didn't come up more than once last session of 20 fights even but um yeah I should have banned SEI and actually even still picking Valk is still pretty fine because the the lizard puts a ton of Buffs okay this dude I don't know why he would pick warlord there don't know how he plans to go first what not even worried I'm not even going to ban the warlord because I can then unlock out his whole team also no uh he has no polymorph at all team does not make any sense to me these Warlords really slow too yeah this guy's still playing I don't know why it's got to Locked Out Wukong I've got Hara you want to waste your time by all means what is this guy doing mhm why did you wait another 30 seconds after your whole team was dead I don't understand especially when Wukong got polymorph I don't know why he played it out after that that was definitely very strange 39.99 I get a lot of people at that soing doesn't get picked by anyone so okay H I got harima no not that um what do we want to do here wukong's probably still pretty good uh Ronda is good I could ban her and pick the rat that's a pretty good idea okay he doesn't have a speed or either really does if he's going to go before one of mine oh my AR is over 400 speed with theora okay if he can A1 have at it don't know how she's going now but okay because we just got double turn meter filled and as shiffy went and as she went I got more turn meter but okay doesn't really matter okay she's going too that's okay really interesting so you can go and sleep yourself go ahead and sleep yourself that'll kill me K in the me time really would like for the freeze to go on to to siy from torman but it went on my own Champion okay stunned her own Champion okay cool what is happening I guess she's resisting a lot of stuff but how is she resisting the Mak is that even possible yes sleep your sfy thank you I've never seen anyone build aist cfy this high up I've like literally never seen that so weird also don't know how like a bunch of the KE debuffs aren't going it's a 75% she's like not been stunned by mikage she's only been slept once or twice torine has not been able to freeze her maybe she's resisting I didn't know you could resist the uh didn't know it worked that way resist your own team debuff because I thought it was her resistance right it's not so it's not her resistance okay how did she not sleep herself it's irresistible so confused but okay nice thank you he sleeper please or weakener that's good that actually increases bomb damage I don't know how I keep getting Frozen it's a 75% chance for every debuff and I keep getting Frozen and she's not I guess it's not her resistance or her accuracy it's not the ability is not checking her accuracy it's literally they're debuffing their own teammate I don't understand how does he keep that's the second time he's resisted what am I fighting against bro what I guess the hex is gone though okay what did I ban toi I don't know how is it a resist tormen that's one-shotting my team or has he just literally gotten two 3% resists what is happening okay this so stupid dude of course he's like Perma resisting m team but whenever the Buff's supposed to be getting thrown he can't like it's just not happening torman is A1 killing my 990,000 HP AR Arbiter and 70,000 HP uh what's his name oh my gosh I'm just GNA leave I'm just annoyed this I'm just not going to think about that and talk about it anymore should have ban the stiffy I suppose never seen a resisty though I thought I absolutely had 0% chance of losing but I'm learning a lot of lessons the hard way in Gold Arena I've never seen a resist sey in Gold Arena they're just as fast as possible and and the resist and their HP is never a concern because they're trying to go first oh also if I hadn't picked the round I could have won too that was kind of dumb I was thinking about um killing the Hera because of her passive I was thinking about that but I mean I had so many turns in a row that I could have just killed her with like any nuker at all especially Ronda blocking her passive I could have just killed her no problem at all there is one four star Polly I'm gonna okay I'm definitely I do that just ban her or ban uh not learned my lesson right no Nish shak's good here he is wait why am I picking still fair enough I'm picking Nish Shak I mean there's like 28 Aura [Music] 18 I don't I just literally don't think he can go first oh but she's Spirit too yeah maybe that was the play but I ban is f fastest speed AA I'll see what happens wow his Champions are slow okay nice so that was the gamble I forgot the crix have removes debuffs I actually forgot I literally learned that at the hard time last time I got got away with it this time that was that was lucky well was 270% I didn't weak hit the crixa I guess she could have resisted she could have a lot some cricas do have a lot of resist so yeah actually that was stupid and I should have done that try to learn my lesson also don't know if I need to pick I keep picking Yuma I don't know if I need to pick her if uh I'm also getting surion okay I might want two nukers even if I guess they're probably never going to ban arons yeah I don't like what is you you go there literally through her thing to reflect the debuffs okay it's a big uh Aura there I think I have to ban her although I'm not getting a speed AA I don't so what are you Banning I don't understand okay I guess I did get a speed or I don't know why I have was allowed to get a speed AA what is your Georgia G to do when I have harima don't quite follow turn meter is really full uhhuh yep nice dude oh her cleansing ring actually proed this guy's got a lot of Champions and a lot of stuff but not a lot uh sense huh lot of empowerment and stuff what the fudge was that arman's went why did Arman go too why did he go first did he Croc is he is he in Supersonic and he got his ter meter fill is that what happened I don't remember putting him that in that much Super Sonic but maybe I did oh my neck I think I can go Arbiter well if they don't pick it Arbiter Ronda and then hide the surion because there's a lot of ways around that right and then if I want I can late pick the yumo too looks like yumo would be something he'd pick though so this guy's trying to throw down the go first Gauntlet I'm going to pick Wukong so I had I have a speed or oh wait I already have had a speed were guaranteed I think it's an okay pick to be honest something he probably want so very on torment the good last two probably ban her yeah ban her can I tell you brother I don't think this crix has getting a turn oh yeah I don't think that crix is getting a turn brother yeah I don't know what I don't know what the expectation was but probably not what just happened my Champions aren't even tuned that well uh well actually uh sairon and arbiter are very closely together but my other Champion still need to be faster but he only had the what's her name oh shoot I picked well actually dude I totally did not mean to do that I don't need to pick sulfuron too early okay think I'm in a pretty good spot didn't mean to do that though I think that was the least impactful ban with what he has and I have there's just no way he's getting a turn unless uh yeah unless his champion are like ungodly fast yeah see you later dude these fast wins are they are something man oh I see why vile hack really leaning into this he has really good speed gear though compared to mine I've seen two of his Champions two of his turn meter boosters are like over 400 like a good chunk over 400 to I think I saw one that was months ago as four over almost four 20 or plus more than that absolutely insane man that absolutely knew the strengths of his account and has played to them and since he's gotten mythicals he's like in the top was he in the top 10 or top I don't know he's high up there man okay this time I will not give him arons does arons really matter that much does he oh that was such a clean easy win I kind of want to pick Arbiter again I'm going to do it again it was it was a genuine accident but knowing how I went against this guy I want to see him respond and change stuff up because I don't think I need to okay so he took the Wukong I don't really [Music] care he's trying to think about maybe Banning Arbiter I'll pick the the thing that he banned last time I a neck G to think about if I really need that if I feel I need that speed Ora I don't think I do he wasn't even close but I could go Valk just in case or I could go her oh I'll go Valk he's probably going to ban the uh n she's really fast oh my neck is so stiff I've had my neck price on and it was uh decompressing it and it helps but took it off for now I don't okay sure feel pretty good about this I don't think that the I don't think that's the ban you needed to do I think you needed to ban Arbiter to have a chance of going yeah wow she actually just freaking killed them oh my gosh I did not I've never seen my count as she's not that strong I've never seen her do that much damage well she's still in stone skin so yeah dude the armer over arman's pick it's crazy because the reason I did it specifically again is that I knew that guy didn't have like a uh like two really fast turn meter Champions like he didn't pick uh like the void Lego that can remove that and she never does it but the one that could remove polymor was her name Shuan he didn't pick like Shuan crixa actually did he pick CIA or was that a different guy either way he didn't pick like turn meter boosters that were really fast so specifically against him I did it again okay I think we'll hide the sfir on a little longer I'm not super concerned I would love actually to go rotos and bait a uh to bait a udk just so he's very slow and then we'll go like yumo the rat yes yes I think that's genius just make him a really slow team perfect perfect he can't ban him unless I'm keeping this guy no polymorph he said six-star Hara without polymorph that's insane UK is not good because I have two answers to him I don't think that was good either pretty sure this guy just kills your whole team I think that's the worst ban you could have done I just don't I I don't see the vision man I just got to say I don't see the vision here leave up armon's it's just like oh dude it's so dumb yeah oh my gosh aotto proed Helm Smasher on both hits that's lucky we are moving quickly up the ranks today yesterday I was just forcing to go first thing today not not as much although I am doing it a good bit still wouldn't say today that I'm forcing it okay he's dead if he got the thing it doesn't matter he can't even kill rotos with it which I'm pretty sure he didn't okay yeah I don't really what what is that guy supposed to do I don't know yo let's go dude going first is good okay I guess I I mean I always knew that but I just I didn't I couldn't I thought I couldn't really Embrace that style but I guess a lot of people up here aren't going him on that either I mean a lot of people when they get arons they definitely try to so Furon is really really good he's really good but you can't pick him early but he's so good like dude you you AR Terminator boost you surion Terminator boost break all their St SK is so broken dude it makes go first like so good again for my account okay Rus no Ros actually doesn't kill that guy right Ronda well okay why do he three nukers I don't know I mean what do you ban I guess I guess him yeah who knew San was a PVP Powerhouse a this team is so slow holy crap okay so I don't have to worry about that okay well see you later oh he didn't get okay that's fine wait why did he not do the other move W he had a chance at killing me okay well I might lose anyway I don't have any Buffs though yeah that was lucky I ran my Buffs on Arbiter she got 90,000 HP and he didn't uh to hit me oh wait he kind of messed up though he should have won I didn't realize I didn't decrease the cool down of Wukong or uh I didn't decrease the bombs on Wukong I didn't realize that so it should not have been the rat probably knar is actually pretty good when you're going first breaking stone skin actually he's actually pretty good really good okay finally I don't get arons but I do get Arbiter Arbiter Wukong this guy not picking wuk our armont people think this s they rarely are picking him wow that's a that's a move that seems kind of strange to me Ronda and rotos I would love for him to pick um udk yeah because he I have I'm going to have two ways around them right let's do that I might want to take some my champion out of stone again if I'm going to be trying to pick certain stuff when I go first and I don't know if I need it um and her no I guess the stone skin is still good against torman plus I don't know I always want to do this go first thing here has been effective this session last session it was bad I actually had more losses than wins okay she goes first but I first off that's very strange but second I don't care oh wait what am I talking about of course I should care well I guess I lose she's over she's like 400 speed that's insane try to remember that I don't think I'll ever see him again most likely though remove the debuff oh okay yeah I should have been okay well I never have seen a champion like that at that much speed I had a bigger speed AA and my Arbiters and my absolute well actually she could be a little faster if I give her some my UMO gear which how much I'm picking arbit I might do that now but um interesting so he's got a specialist turn meter Feller that's still crazy that I guess because my Champions weren't all in stone skin okay I'll do that my Champions were all in stone skin actually came back to bite me there because otherwise I would have still gone next it's just really hard I don't have very fast Stone skin and it also doesn't give you any speed so I just go torman he's actually kind of a nuker and uh if I ban her annoying I probably just ban the morane though to go first also two Champions that deil stone skin is really nice how fast you think this Moran is probably should not B the Rocka over Moran won't get locked out but they're going to get killed wait what ah my my tune is not super correct he's Frozen though does torman not Counterattack when he goes or right now or something oh her her cleanse doesn't put block debuffs he could re he could freeze Champions that aren't Frozen by trying to cleanse here wow okay he's GNA wait for hers how is this happening there's like over 350 speed I'm never seen people make cleanser so fast in Gold like to what end oh and he actually he's actually like DC too it's not uh yeah it's not okay yeah I was going to say he he totally could have won that it's yeah he he didn't give up he actually did DC okay well that's all that should have been a loss I did not expect yeah I do need to make my nukers faster I might have to take some of them out to do that but I might be able to make them faster and higher damage I see why some people don't run ston skin as much okay I'll do that so ban her Ronda can block his passive got just go for it got to ban her I can't let him go first all right insta lose and I might still lose anyway it's a pretty crazy account okay we are faster didn't get like any turn meter from that literally polymor from the first person so on this to TA us so annoying okay I this what what am I more likely to win any other way no this is definitely the most likely way to like win this was it I think I just leave I got on me being sheep might give him enough time to come back okay yeah is he faster he is faster than Tas oh my gosh I almost left didn't you and G them holy CP dude okay I'll leave all right that was still my best bet that was still definitely my best bet I'm not being that team going second I have any of the quality Champions he does maybe not what was my last pick maybe not whatever maybe not the Ronda maybe teros I don't know dude had plus the other guy G here it's like they both are probably not getting tormin Frozen and I'm pretty sure they both can cleanse it and they both can revive so okay ouch see how this goes okay I mean I can't not try to go first I've already picked myself into this scenario that's three supports what else can I [Music] do might be able to still go first ban the CFI last pick torman and then what's my what's my other pick here like a Valk or something to fake him out what would I pick here I think that's that's the idea it's a lot of polymorph playing a dangerous game okay just got to go for it oh soiron plus the gizm unless this is still bug because I saw that in biohack video it was um soiron plus gizm um it's supposed to give me turn Mater so it's supposed to give me even more of a boost here as he burns me at the start yeah okay oh it's actually I've got protected Buffs too also the rat is uh oh dude yes really was hoping to stun him but that didn't happen oh we lost I don't know we'll see probably lost if he transforms now wukong's have to wake up on the next turn or right now okay yeah I mean again accounts like that it's it's like dude how am I winning going second I still have to go for it if you go first you always have a chance right if you pick the right stuff and you go first you have a chance it's a lot harder because he had arons so you got to ban the Arbiter I'm not going to be as much of a go first Andy forever but I probably I probably will stop leaning into it so hard this that was last episode I don't need to do it anymore there are some vites this play through that might have been better to do something else because I do have a six-star awaken Hera I've not been picking okay suon and the and what let's try nogar he's he's actually built pretty fast too and he can take them anything tanky I've never really giv him a shot when I'm going first should be cool what do I want to ban right now I'm not super bothered by anything could ban the Wukong he's got the highest level polymorph that's an idea I could ban her also takes away his biggest speed Ora yeah I don't I don't does he not know that this instantly breaks Stone skin I don't think he does it activates burn on everyone even if your main target resists like it just activates all the burn okay nice okay give myself some more turn meter nice okay good where did my cooldowns go well he's dead so he's going to break the the thing so annoying oh I lost Ronda nogar was not a I think Ros was pretty good but he had an open slot pretty much um okay dang yeah I mean that's a that would have been five in a row I should have lost this one too so that's a sign that yeah the the forc thing the first pick I don't know we could have just last pick yumo right if he if he's Banning if he's Banning the Ronda because I had Armand right if he's Banning the Ronda then he's still fighting through burn plus arons but uh I got to step away guys my roommate is not feeling well and I'm going to go pick him up uh he was biking a bit too far I need some help so I'm going to go pick him up but thank you guys for watching I'll be doing more soon God bless guys God loves y'all see you soon all right guys thank you so much for watching I hope that you guys enjoyed and we'll continue to follow along join the community subscribe and and be part of the future videos I just wanted to quickly share uh where I find contentment where I find Joy where I find Hope in these crazy times we live in with so much going on in the world so much bad news and so many just things to bring you down and I just wanted to share that I am a Christian and I fully believe as silly as it may sound some people that there is a God that made us all with purpose and although we all chose to go our own way myself included and and and to just reject this God reject this creator that that broke his heart that he didn't want us to be separated and that he sent Jesus to die for our sins and to make us new to make a way for us to be reconciled as a payment for our sin as a payment for the punishment that we deserve that Jesus died and now we can be reconciled to God and not only can we be made right with God and have the promise of heaven but this this life is also filled with purpose as we're able to know him and find joy and contentment through the through the relationship with God that we can invite others and we can make a lasting Eternal impact on others by sharing this truth and inviting them to know him and I would just love to tell you guys more if you have any questions but I just want you to know that God loves you whoever ever you are whatever you've done nothing has disqualified you from his love that he genuinely cares for you more than you would ever know and I've experienced that love and it is just it's it's done so much for me in my life and I want that to happen for you guys so uh thank you guys so much let me know if you have any questions I hope you guys are here and going to join the community no matter what you think or who you are or what you believe guys God loves you I love you God bless guys

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