Good News For African VAR is Everywhere Now Thomas Partey is Struggling with English in UK 😅😅😅🍚🍗
Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 00:10:43
Category: Sports
Trending searches: thomas partey
[Music] hello everybody thank you so much for always staying here with us at a Unity platform so today is Sunday so I'm home today I am home today and a lot have been going on football matches and so much on but we decided to have a rest today but want to share with you three videos here some of these video is amazing videos um funny and some videos as well we're going to be asking I'm talking about a lot of things right here so let's get into the first video right here and the first video have to do with Thomas party what's your nickname Sagal if you weren't a footballer what would you be Michel I would love to be if you could have one meal every day what would it be chicken favorite chocolate bar not too much favorite chocolate I don't know black chocolate who's your best friend in football 70 years old all my mates finally if you could win one trophy in another sport what would it be ER American wise soccer Okay so my first question here does Thomas party really understand the British English I know I'm not very good in English um but my own is based on the Spanish maybe sometimes but I want to ask if if you listen to Thomas party very um you listen to Thomas party very carefully you you will notice that he's he's he's answering the the the the the question in different way they ask you and something oh it is me guys what's up I know some of you are very very much more better in English so am I getting it wrong I feel like Thomas party is getting all the question wrong here or it is me that maybe probably getting everything wrong here they ask you about if you wasn't to be a footballer what will you be then you say Mar listen like seriously so meaning m is not a footballer why can't you gu say like maybe you be a farmer or maybe you be a nurse or something like that or teacher or something like that am I getting it wrong or it is toas party let me know the second question they ask you your nickname you say so now we all know that Thomas P nickname is Cal I lot of the question ofas party is I feel like he's getting it all wrong I don't know guys let me know let's just have fun today is Sunday Sunday um night so I I am I feel like thas party is getting all the question all wrong right there because youo what's up party let let us know if you need some teacher we are here because um we are here to to teach so if you need a teacher let us know you know and we un platform fans out there there is a lot of teachers out there if you need some help party let us know so let's dive into our um second video right here where's this ref going bro don't tell me they got V bro what is that telegram WhatsApp they got the 4K footage bro what's the call ref shot on go oh that's a handle the V got the H ref you got your answer telling the media team run it back I got to see controlling the game one second I'm take time don't worry I'm keeping time nah this ref is legit bro bro this is amazing he's watching all these they got different angles bro what's the call ref come on we saw what happened that's a hand ball yep yo this is awesome this is amazing V should be everywhere bro they get a v in the Sunday league in Togo Africa and they can't even get it right in the Premier League bro come on good shot for the penalty Basu bro they got to put straight up they got to put V everywhere even in my so yeah guys that is a V and in in Ghana are struggling G have been using the amth talking here and there day out day in that they want to they want to change everything too that is too Sunday Sunday Sunday to you know um Ghana have something like a Monday per something like that Niger Nigerians also have Saturday also have Sunday like youth organizing their to play G like how we call it in Ghana something like that G I don't know if I'm putting it right they have V in Togo s ver and the normally play games and GFA the whole GFA canot get V in Ghana Premier League like the V have to be everywhere what do you think that is not amazing Africans are improving this is the kind of V we want not the English Premier League and always a controversial in the English Premier League in the Spanish La Liga like get W and you can see it this is the type of va we want in Ghana Premier League guys let's let's clap on let's clap on and give this this people thumbs up or what do you think that is not amazing Africa is improving they out day in now we are moving to our third last video right here in this video we're going to be a little bit emotion about um this video this video is not funny but it's something that I feel like let's get into the video yeah let's get in who is your favorite player Bruno fernandz Serio Ramos thara [Music] [Music] edert so so my question here if you notice our the our young Brothers out there all all of them I want to be this I want to be that I want to be this so my question here is why as Africans Ghana produce a lot of football players so even though if this I can say maybe this young kid maybe if you say [Music] I they do not know these people even though if they do not know these people they don't know players like asan retire foot not even quite long ago they don't know players like Thomas they don't know players like Andrea they don't know players like Anon SE they don't know players like a a lot of players out there why most of the time our African we are not proud of what we have why we cannot train our kid to also look up to a player like aan why we cannot let our kid also look at a player like Andrea youu V Bon face with odinga or how they call this player a lot of African players out there why our kids cannot always look up to our own thing when was the last time you will see white people will try to no matter what George OPP was was one of the best players he's the only man who want um what do you call B but when the last time you will see white people try to use judge upon where on their their their name or try to talk about him they will not no matter what how you are better they will not but we always don't want to don't want to look at our own oh I want to be like pus I want to be like I'm not saying that it is bad but I don't think that P is much all those players we have some kind of mindset in our mind that well these people they are not good enough so we are always looking up to some other people different place not our continent of Africa guys do you think that that is normal and what do you think do you think that it is our mindset that we don't believe in ourself we don't believe in the people our own people this is something that quite get me worried because we have Africa have produced a lot of players a lot of stars out there but most every young player that coming up if you ask them they will never men the name of M the name of Dr y k and all these players you will never see our people saying that they want to look they want to be like them what is what is going on I guess want to know thank you so much for always staying here with us at Unity platform right here one have a great Sunday enjoy yourself with your family whatever you may be watching un platform for ciao adios [Music]