Pentagon remembers 9/11 attacks

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 01:05:00 Category: News & Politics

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petty officer third class Daniel M cabayo United States [Music] Navy Sergeant First Class Jose o Calderon om United States Army suzan m c and Angeline C Carter Sharon a Carver William E cwell Sergeant First Class John J Chada United States Army retired Rosa Maria Choppa David M charboy Sarah M [Music] Clark Julian T Cooper Asia s codom Lieutenant Commander Eric a Cranford United States Navy adaah M Davis James D deaner Captain Gerald F Danto United States Navy Rodney Dickens Lieutenant Colonel Jerry D Dickerson United States Army Eddie a Dillard petty officer first class Johnny doctor Jr United States Navy Captain Robert E Dolan Jr United States Navy Commander William H Donovan United States Navy Lieutenant Commander Charles A draws III United States Navy retired Commander Patrick Dunn United States Navy petty officer first class Edward T earheart United States Navy Barbara G Edwards Lieutenant Commander Robert R elith United States Navy Reserve Charles S [Music] falconberg and his wife Leslie a Whittington and their two children Dana falkenberg and Zoe [Music] falconberg petty officer third class Jamie L Fallon United States Navy J Joseph Ferguson Amelia V Fields Gerald P Fisher Darlene e flag [Music] and her husband rear Admiral Wilson F flag United States Navy Reserve [Music] retired petty officer second class Matthew M Flo United States Navy Sandra n Foster first lieutenant Richard P Gabriel United States Marine Corps retired Captain Lawrence D gfred United States Navy Cortez G Brenda C Gibson Colonel Ronald F galinski United States Army retired Ian J gray Diane hail McKenzie Stanley R hail Carolyn B hemond Michelle M [Music] heidenberger Sheila Ms Hine petty officer first class Ronald J hemway United States Navy major Wallace Cole Hogan Jr United States Army staff sergeant Jimmy I Hoy United States Army retired Angela M HS Brady K [Music] Howell Peggy M hurt lieutenant colonel Steven n Highland Jr United States [Music] Army Lieutenant Colonel Robert J HL United States Air Force [Music] retired sergeant major Lacy B Ivory United States Army Brian C Jack Steven D jacobe Lieutenant Colonel Dennis M Johnson United States Army Judith L Jones [Music] n c judge Brenda Kegler Chandler R Keller yvon e Kennedy Norma Cruz Kong Karen an cancade Lieutenant Michael S lman United States Navy David W leche dong Chul Lee Jennifer Lewis and her husband Kenneth E Lewis Samantha L lightborn Allen major Steven V long United States Army James T Lynch Jr Terren M Lynch petty officer second class nahaman Lions ivth United States Navy Shelly a marshall Teresa M Martin aah L Mason AER Lieutenant Colonel Dean e Matson United States Army Lieutenant General Timothy J mod United States Army Robert J Maxwell Renee a May Molly L mckenzi Dora Marie [Music] Mena Patricia e mickley major Ronald D milum United States Army Gerard P Moran [Music] Jr Odessa V Morris petty officer first class CL Brian a moss United States Navy Teddington H [Music] Moy Lieutenant Commander Patrick J Murphy United States Navy Reserve Christopher C D Newton con knock NN petty officer second class Michael a knoweth United States Navy Barbara K Olen Reuben s or NATO Diana B [Music] Pedro Lieutenant Jonas M Panic United States Navy Reserve major Clifford L Patterson Jr United States Army Robert peninger Robert R ploger III and his wife Xandra f ploger Lieutenant Darren H pontel United States Navy Reserve Scott Powell Captain Jack D punches United States Navy retired petty officer first class Joseph J piser Jr United States Navy Lisa J Reigns Deborah A Ramer [Music] Ronda Sue rasm petty officer first class Marsha D Ratford United States Navy Martha M [Music] resy Todd H Ruben Cecilia e Lawson Richard Edward V Rowan Judy rette Sergeant Major Robert E Russell United States Army retired Chief Warrant Officer William R Ruth United States Army Reserve Charles E Sabin Senor marjerie C salamony John P samartino Colonel David M scales United States Army Commander Robert a Schlagel United States Navy Janice M Scott Lieutenant Colonel Michael L SES United States Army [Music] retired Marian H serva Commander Dan F shanower United States Navy anet M Sherman Dian M Simmons and her husband George W Simmons Donald D Simmons Cheryl D sincock chief petty officer Greg H Smallwood United States Navy Lieutenant Colonel Gary F Smith United States Army retired Mary Ray supper Robert spiesman Patricia J [Music] starts Edna L Stevens Norma Lang [Music] sterle sergeant major Larry L Strickland United States Army Hilda E [Music] Taylor Lieutenant Colonel Kip p tlor United States [Music] Army Leonard E Taylor Sandra C [Music] Taylor Sandra d teag Lieutenant Carl wtp United States Army retired Sergeant Tamara C Turman United States [Music] Army Lieutenant Commander Otis V Tolbert United States Navy [Music] staff sergeant Willie Q Troy United States Army [Music] retired lieutenant commander Ronald J V United States Navy Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Karen J Wagner United States Army meta L Fuller Waller specialist chin Sun Pac Wells United States Army staff sergeant modelin a white United States Army Sandra L white Ernest M Wilshire Lieutenant Commander David L Williams United States Navy major Dwayne Williams United States Army chief petty officer Marvin Roger Woods United States Navy retired Captain John D yam Nikki senior United States Navy [Music] retired Vicky [Music] yansy petty officer second class Kevin W Yokum United States Navy chief petty officer Donald M young United States Navy Edmund G young Jr Lisa L young Shu Yen Young and her husband yugang [Music] [Music] Jang the sound that our like [Music] me I was lost [Music] now I [Music] to [Music] the Lord has prised good to me his word my hope he will my shield and P as long as life and many to and SN I already [Music] come his grace has brought me sa th far and will me [Music] ladies and Gentlemen please stand for the invocation would you please join me in prayer God of all creation and The Giver of Life we give thanks for the Bountiful blessings you bestowed upon the United States of America the very freedoms that we so often take for granted the leaders both nationally as well as those who lead and serve throughout the various levels of government for the peacekeepers and those who serve to uphold Law and Order we are a truly blessed Nation we pause on this anniversary to remember those who perished on that faithful day in 2001 we remember their names their dreams the families here today that represent them and the countless many others whose lives were tragically disrupted and destroyed by their loss we remember the emergency responders more than 400 police 340 firefighters and nearly 7,000 military service members that gave of themselves in service to our country we remember our country's leadership and all of their efforts to ensure that we would never again face face another deadly attack of that magnitude as we finish the 23rd year since that day we recall the 23rd psalm that even though we walk through the valley of a shadow of death we will fear no evil may we never forget that day may we honor those who died needlessly as well as those who stood heroically on behalf of the wounded and the hurting in your precious and holy name I pray would you please join me in a moment of silence and remembrance of the lives lost on that very minute on September 11th 2001 e [Music] l [Music] [Music] ladies and Gentlemen please be seated ladies and gentlemen General CQ Brown Jr chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff good morning as we stand here on this somber day I reflect on the words by Poet Lawrence bignan best remembered for his World War One poem The Fallen for the Fallen which said they shall not grow old as we are left to grow old age shall not worry them nor the years condemn at the going down of the Sun and in the morning we will remember them today We Gather in the solemn shadow of the Pentagon The Towering symbol of our nation's unyielding strength We Gather to remember them We Gather to acknowledge the heroes whose courage illuminated The Darkest Hours And We Gather to honor the families who have borne the deepest loss carrying an unimaginable weight for the past 23 years our nation this building and the likes of everyone here were scarred that day by an act or horrific violence yet in the face of adversity it also became a testament to the unyielding Spirit the enduring power of unity a testament to our perseverance and to our resilience as a nation Today We Gather to remember the day the loss and the determination the day A Tuesday 23 years ago the Pentagon awoke to a day like any other but at 9:37 a.m. the routine of the morning was shattered by the explosion of fire and steel as hijacked American Airlines flight 77 was flown into the West Wall of the Pentagon those there on today spoke of the acate smell of fire The Great Smoke that permeated its way through the corridors and across the building but many noted an absence of panic despite the horror shock and confusion due the chaos and Terror arose a focused calm among the people trained the people there trained military and civilian professionals dedicated to helping the wounded dedicated to maintain the mission as families waited for a call to hear that their loved one was okay some of those families never received the call flight 77 had departed that morning at 8:20 Bound for Los Angeles five children were on board three of them Rodney Dickens Asian kton and Bernard Brown they were on their way to explore California's Channel Islands with National Geographic a special trip recognizing their standout performance as students and celebrating their fight Futures that laid ahead two sisters Zoe and Dana falkenberg were flying with their parents excited to start a new life Adventure in Australia but at 9:37 those children along with 54 other passengers and crew had their life's journey end just a few hundred yards where we now stand and with with them 125 Sailors soldiers and civil servants people who had committed years of their lives in service of our country people who had gone to work that day not knowing their surface would end in the ultimate sacrifice yet Amit the destruction something profound emerge a demonstration of determination it was the courage of those who ran toward the danger we chose not to flee but to help to save that provided a light in a time of darkness in the 911 commission's report in the section covering the pentagon's response it is apply titled terrorism and horror it discusses the mix of local state and federal entities that work together to contain the fire tend to the wounded and keep the mission going but it does not discuss were the countless acts of Bravery that went unseen and unrecorded the calm determination of those who remained at their posts There Was Fear yes but that fear was tempered by an unyielding resolve to protect to defend and to serve amidst the sadness and the rage the people who remained that day chose to honor those who had fallen by coming together to protect and to serve there are many accounts of people running back into the the burning Rubble pulling people to safety only to go back in and save more leaders who guided their teammates in safety navigating the hot ash and smoke others had to be restrained by security to stop them from going back in once again because their blind Instinct was to run into the Flames with no regard for their own safety to support those that were still in danger and while destruction and rescues continued on the west side the rest of the building continued to persevere relocating watch stations establishing Communications and preparing for for potential Falla on attacks even as this side of the Pentagon collaps into Rubble this building kept the mission going because of the grit and determination of the people there that day so today We Gather to support each other to do what we can to comfort one another to honor the sacrifice made by too many and to fulfill our sacred duty to remember we remember the day we remember the determination but most importantly we will remember the loss the loss here at the Pentagon the loss at the World Trade Center and the loss in the fields of Pennsylvania the sons daughters mothers fathers brothers and sisters who are lost in that day but will never be forgotten God bless our fallen God bless all of you and may God bless United States of America ladies and gentlemen the Secretary of Defense Lloyd j Austin III General Brown thank you for those moving words family members of the Fallen survivors and First Responders our outstanding troops ladies and gentlemen thank you all for being here I'm honored to join you once more more on this day of memory and resolve and on behalf of the entire Department of Defense let me offer my deepest condolences to the families the friends and the loved ones of the 184 Souls who were stolen from US 23 years ago today here at the Pentagon and on flight 77 we have repaired the damage to this building but we cannot repair the damage to your hearts no words can take away your grief no amount of time can make sense of the worst terrorist attack in American history and I know that for those whose lives were changed Forever on 9911 it can feel as if more and more Americans are returning to normal life on each new September 11th but not here not at the Pentagon because we remember the men and women of the Department of Defense remember and we always will every September We Gather here near 184 memorial benches but the troops and the Personnel of this department don't need to come to this space to remember 911 you see we don't just work near a memorial we work in a memorial every day we serve in the only surviving building struck by alqaeda on 9/11 and every day we carry a powerful sense of purpose and that's why there's a piece of the wreckage from 911 on display outside my inner office for every visitor and every teammate to see it is a constant reminder that 911 isn't a part of our distant history it is entwined in the Department's mission and it's captured in the stories of those who were here we continue to honor the Beloved teammates who we lost the First Responders who race towards the Flames the families who humble us with their resilience and the survivors who continue to inspire us all I'm thinking today of Two Sisters Patty mickley and Kathy dber in the fall of 2001 Patty worked in the defense intelligence agency and Kathy worked for the Department of the army and on 911 they began their day as they so often did with a morning talk in the Pentagon Courtyard and Patty's daughter had graduated from the Pentagon daycare sitter a week earlier and she had just had her first day of kindergarten and so Patty told her younger sister all about it and then they went their separate ways that was their last conversation Kathy was devastated by Pat Patty's murder but she channeled her anguish into service by working with the Pentagon memorial fund and Kathy says that was a tie that kept me here and we are grateful that Kathy is here with us today after 911 the staff the family members and the children of the Pentagon daycare center donated a small plaque in the Pentagon Courtyard it honors Patty and Shelley Marshall another Dia teammate slain on 9/11 and her young children were at the daycare center that morning now Shelley Marshall's daughter Chandler is now a lawyer who has helped to care for Afghan refugees and her son Drake is now training at Fort Liberty to become a special forces Soldier they're both here today with their father Don who raised them with such love and the plaque in the Pentagon Courtyard for paty mickley and Shelley Marshall Reeds they are not gone who live in the hearts of others they are not gone who live in the hearts of others after 9911 fear turned to resolve and resolve turned to action and to service in proof of for proof of that we can we can look to the life of Kevin schaer on the morning of 911 Kevin was a lieutenant on duty in the pentagon's Navy Command Center as he watched the news from New York he was knocked To The Ground by the force of a fireball nearly half of Kevin's body was terribly burned but somehow he crawled through the rubble toward rescue and for three months Kevin fought hard in the Burn Unit just to survive and he still carries the scars of 911 you know Al qaeda's attack on the Pentagon ended Kevin's service to the Navy but not to our country Kevin thought hard about what to do next and he raised his hand to serve once more this time as a civilian in 2003 he was selected as one of the professional staff members on the 911 Commission and at his unremarkable government desk in his unremarkable government cubicle Kevin chose to put up the pictures of the 911 hijackers and on the commission he worked to shed truth and Clarity on the evil that those 19 terrorists chose to commit in the wake of 911 Americans like Kevin and Kathy turned grief into Grace and agony into resolve and stories like theirs remind us of what we've lost but they also remind us of who we are we are the United States of America we do not Bend to Terror and in uncertain times our Compass remains our constitution this department does not just defend our country and our citizens it also defends America's founding values of democracy freedom and liberty under law and those beliefs have inspired generations of Patriots to step forward and to wear the cloth of our nation and they still do you know only about 6% of today's troops were in uniform on 911 and some of our troops about 21% of our troops were born after 911 and some of our troops enlisted or were commissioned after 911 as our country came together in sorrow and determination and others joined years later spurred on by an enduring Spirit of service and we are profoundly grateful to them all we thank the military families who make their service possible and today of all days I want to especially thank my fellow Veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and in memory of every American Soldier sailor Airman marine and public servant who lost their lives in the wars that America fought after 911 we bow our heads ladies and gentlemen United States military Remains the greatest fighting force on Earth and not just because of our might but because of our people and we will always strive to carry forward the values of the teammates who we lost here 23 years ago their memory is our mission and their families are our families too you have endured endless sorrow and unimaginable pain with unimaginable strength we stand with you today and every day and we rededicate ourselves to living up to the example and the goodness of your loved ones with a spirit of shared Duty with deep love for our country and with an unbreakable Devotion to our democracy they are not gone who live in the hearts of Others May the memory of the Fallen Fallen be a blessing may God provide Comfort to all who mourn may God protect our troops and may God continue to bless the United States of America thank you ladies and Gentlemen please stand for the singing of God Bless America and remain standing for the benediction [Music] the storm clouds GA far across the sea let us wear a legion to a land that's free us all be grateful for a land so fair as we raise our voices in a s pray [Music] God Bless America land that I love stand beside her and guide her through the night with the light from above the m to the to the wide with bless America my home sweet home [Music] the light a light from from the mountain the [Music] mountain my [Music] let us pray Heavenly Father we pray that as we leave this place we never leave your presence may your spirit continue to bring healing to our families Comfort to those who suffer hope to our nation and peace to our world humbly we ask that as you continue to grant us opportunities to cherish the freedoms and blessings blings and Liberties that we enjoy every day in the United States of America in your precious and holy name I pray amen ladies and gentlemen this concludes today's ceremony thank you for joining us this morning the Pentagon Memorial the Pentagon Memorial Chapel and the Navy reflection room are open until 12:00 p.m. e [Music] e [Music] s [Music] e e e e e e e [Laughter] e

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