Published: Aug 14, 2024
Duration: 03:05:14
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: bailey zappe
e e e e e e e e for [Music] what's up guys oh my God how's it going everybody how is everybody tonight I uh something happened with the waiting screen so uh I just decided just to start early instead of trying to fuss with it we only had 5 minutes anyway so what is up everybody how's everyone doing tonight I hope you guys are doing fantastic ready for a uh double-sided Bailey zappy should be pretty good sit back and lurk what up Dean hobby collector got is great what's up uh Justin Smith how's it going guys uh let us know how is the stream looking right now I I said it it should hopefully be clearer now uh red in the building yeah hopefully it's uh better now hopefully it's better uh hopefully we don't have any crazy internet issues like we did the other night uh I wonder if it was because like around 8 or 9 o' it gets a little condensed around here so I really have no idea but it should be uh good to go should be good to go crispy clean beautiful see your beautiful face thank you Dean uh I raised the kilobytes per second so it should be higher you should it should be able to do 1080p if you guys can do that it should work that way or you could down scale however you need to um and I just changed it uh 30 frames per second the only other option is if this didn't work for some reason we're just going to have to go down to 720p and then it should be good to go but you know it's just testing out your internet and your computer's capabilities and just trying to figure it all out um I spiced up the the custom background a little bit there's not a lot there but it's something uh for now until we uh possess it up a little more uh it's supposed to be lurking uh excited for tonight's stream uh so as you can see we have another uh I made another screen so it's just uh face only so you guys can see that uh we have another one that's hands only bam we can give you hands only uh down here uh and then of course we have the Dual combo so that we can see everything together and uh we've got that right there which is what we'll do the actual custom on and I I'll be down here uh and we'll go to work and hopefully everything is synced up well yeah we got it going today man play action what's up dude uh we got it going uh decently uh we added in a couple other really funny features uh we'll see if they end up happen happening tonight uh but we we added some crazy stuff uh so we'll see uh when that ever happens getting a little fancy trying a little bit uh if you look at the green borders around everything uh I did thin them up a little bit they're a little thinner I just made the green there's a lot of really crazy ones out there that are wild and always moving around but I don't need all that I'm not a I'm not a gamer you know so I just kept it pretty simple with the uh with the green frame H hi Ashley what's up Ashley uh I did have some cards I wanted to show real quick I actually left them over here hold on I picked up some cards and I couldn't wait to open them I just wanted to see them because they came a couple days ago uh but I did want to show these to you guys all right what the heck camera are you looking at probably up there uh but you know what I can switch to this one there we go uh so I picked up this Xavier PNY oh God I have to figure this out there we go uh rookie out of obsidian I think I paid 3.99 only gorgeous card now that zavier mckin is on the Packers I wanted to snag up a couple rookies so we got this out of obsidian uh grabbed this what is that blue pulser out of optic uh I think a $1.99 only that's what's nice about defensive players is their their rookie cards are cheap uh so I could I could go ahead and snag a couple of these not bad nice blue pocer matching with the Giants there uh and then I also picked this this is out of 249 but it was the red XR uh scooped that guy up as well I think again that was like a $1.99 only so that's pretty sweet uh just want to snag a few uh few Xavier mckinnes and Justin you uh you hooked me up with the Xavier mckin rookie Auto as well I have uh displayed on the shelf right now so I had to snag a few definitely some good pickups for real low prices of uh Xavier mckin who is who is an absolute Beast so uh happy to have those doam you would have loved uh your last case hit Jordan love and a Blazers Jordan love oh man oh I am definitely jealous of that one that is for sure that is cool definitely cool very nice very nice that would look good on uh one of these stands over here I think that would look great uh I can get I literally have a note written down guys that says mic is off because I have the mic off during the intro screen and then right before I flip over uh I turn it on so I don't forget because that's how that's how bad it is here I I will forget that my mic is off and I'll come on talking for no reason you guys won't even hear me uh ston Cooper what's up ston how's it going man we got ston Bennett in the building how nice of you to join us uh yeah so here why don't we uh start getting started uh right on into this I'm not ripping anything today as you guys know it is a custom Wednesdays so we're going to be making a card for Dan K fall you guys know him he's been a long time viewer subscriber and member of the channel so uh Dan creall if he does pop in here tonight uh he will see we're going to be making a Bailey zappy and I am going to use this Don Russ because I like The Stance and these are easy to cut they come out clean uh we're going to do a double-sided card so I found this uh little bandana for like a dollar right and so we're going to take a section out of this maybe with some of the blue and the stripes and that's going to be the background for one side which is going to have a Bailey zappy on the side I already pre-cut the plastic sheet out and we are using um the plastic sheets now as well uh and I already forgot what the heck this stuff is called uh polystyrene uh thank you hobby collector uh we're using the polystyrene plastic sheets as the base card so uh they are solid and they are they're cheap and they're perfect so that is going to be one side with the flag and Bailey zappy and we are going to be using the Stars uh if you can see see that up there probably not maybe if I can get some light to Wing off of that thing uh maybe not all right well were you we're using the Stars uh let's go hands only I don't know if you guys can see it from there but we are using there it is we're using the Stars uh on there uh internet is lagging uh yeah we're still all good uh five uh six thou yeah we we should be uh strong right now what's up highrisk how's it going man highrisk got his first package sent out the other day so congratulations that is awesome uh but we're using the Stars on that and the stars on the front of bayy zappy here uh and then on the back side I did have one of these uh old stickers I got all these out of like a 50 cent machine way back in the day um at all different teams and I happen to have a Patriots one so we are going to do this on the other side uh because it does fit almost perfectly which is what I cut this to um but I think we're just going to do white stars with this and the Border it should look pretty good and then as far as the edges I have gotten rid of the idea of gluing two together and I now into just using these thicker ones so we're just got to put uh you know a border on either side and today we will be wrapping the borders in and I have some of this white leather left over the football leather uh which is going to look really good uh so we should a football die cut I could do that one day I'm thinking about it I have a whole bunch of these now maybe I will end up doing one of those uh we're going to do white leather wrapped around the outside uh and as far as wrapped around the edges of this I have this really nice we use this on the CJ Stout booklet it's this really nice blue vinyl it's like a navy blue uh and we're going to wrap it in that put the ice over that wrap it in leather holy crap and one more it sounds like a lot but it'll go rather quickly uh and we're going to use this crazy gold foil that I saw for the inner inner uh Edge border like we did on the last one except we got this crazy gold foil uh so that is what we're going to do today doublesided I don't know if it'll go quick or not I have no idea but it is going to be a uh it should be pretty sweet it should be rather thick uh one we done with it uh I said I'll take one dibs on tonight's custom this is Dan Crea right here so this is about how thick it'll end up being if you see the two sizes so it'll be it'll be a thicker one that is for sure it'll be nice it'll be pretty sweet I was just at my local uh card shop the other day uh let's go ahead and uh let's do this I was at my local card shop the other day uh and was looking they have a massive selection of of uh cases and one touches and stuff like that top loaders um but just nothing at the size that I need it uh but they did have giant top loaders so maybe I don't know we'll see if I can find something to fit right you know I'm not sure uh he probably is he usually works late he might pop in a little later but that's all right that's not thick not thick enough that's what you said uh hey I don't know if you noticed but we do have the uh teabag and clam slaming dragon in the background over there uh right next to Jason and you know what we didn't even do this yet it is Wednesday guys and uh I almost want to make it a tradition to have a blue moon on Wednesday do Blue Moon Wednesdays shout out to cool card Collective cheers everybody you know what I really want I really want a drink wisconsinbly neon sign to put on the background uh when we're in our normal camera setup I want drink wisconsinbly in the background cheers buddy we're going to put that back here in the on the I don't know if I like that we also have a water we got a Packers water just in case uh all right here we go guys uh enjoy uh this might be a little bit of a long one but should be pretty fun man throwback to 80s uh Duran [Laughter] Duran all right here we go let's uh get to starting on this thing uh so first thing is first we got to put our backgrounds down now on the one side we're going to do the flag on the other side is just going to be white stars uh it looks like this might have a bit of writing on it so we'll do the flag on this side and let's see where my files are I should have a file uh I just need to kind of file this Edge down a little I will say these are are starting to really get clean and really nice uh just trying to you know figuring out materials and stuff like that along the way uh what to use what not to use I just want it to be like what would feel like a a professional product holding it in your hand I know what that sounds like uh hobby said it best one time I want you to be able to pick this up in a store and be like hey you know this this clearly you know you could you could sell it in a store uh the only thing is cutting around the players is very difficult to do perfectly it's super hard uh maybe the mini scissors will come out today for that this might be a good one for the mini scissors uh Brewers uh and Green Bay logo that'll be pretty cool one on either side the Dual card that'll be pretty sweet but here we go uh we're g to use this side for the flag and now we've got bayy zappy down here the red white and blue so we want we're looking at this we want a a little bit of the stripes we want a little bit of the blue stars as well maybe go a little higher because he's going to be pretty low down there that'll be like the whole top will be that we'll put him right in the middle that'll probably be good right there I need to find my other scissors I don't even know where I put them it's about there so either way if I can just get in there there we go and give give us just a a random cut here we can clean it up after now what's cool is I have a lot of this flag left over and so we'll be able to use uh a whole bunch of this stuff if we want to do more of these in the future if this turns out pretty cool and of course it is a bandan it's not a real flag so no I am not desecrating a real American flag I would not do that there we go I think what I'll do is I'll probably glue the flag down and then I'll cut it from the other side yeah yep all right glue the flag down cut it from the other s side and then we'll put the uh the ice over the top of it all right should be simple get ourselves a little Q-tip here there we go is this a good view from up here it should be be good I remember we wanted to go like that all right watch us run out of glue I'll be sending J Amro to the store to get super glue and I swear I am trying trying not to be messy with these uh the the least messy I am the better that it comes out but I am just naturally a messy person ask my wife I'm just messy I clean up after myself but while I'm doing something I am a messy guy is you you don't have a car seat I'm not going to be able to watch her she can be in here but that's if I need it yeah we might run out oh my my eyes are burning it's my eyes are burning it's Oh no you're fine all right here we go we're going to lay this down wish me luck guys a little guy on the table uh oh we're going to go like this now it is cloth so I'm hoping that it doesn't bleed through and then when we put the border on it it'll really hold it down well too all right oh it's going to [Laughter] through there we go I put a nice fresh blade on today all right there's J Amro oh that cut beautifully I need to get an actual cutting board how about that this is like a kitchen cutting board right here I need like one of those like kind of rubbery ones the actual cutting board that's meant for this would probably be good all right now let's kind of get a little bit closer look at that the little mini scissors came in handy there perfect now in our experience the ice doesn't quite stick as well to this but once you put the Border down it's pretty good and then once we glue the uh the leather around the outside it'll hold together pretty nicely all right there we are there is our background looking nice where is and of course we got to do stars I always do cracked ice uh which I do love cracked ice quite a bit but uh every now and then you got to venture a little bit so why not go stars with the uh you know American flag look should be enough there you know what else I should do I've mentioned this before I should uh find some sort of radio that is all free like free uh you know unlicensed music so that I can play it in the background have a little bit of tunes going uh either that or you guys have your own Tunes going on in the background I'm sure you guys have your own music otherwise if you guys are interested in something like that I could definitely do that drugs are bad okay American ice oh yeah this is yeah this will be American ice really oh that should look pretty cool all right here we go let's just cut that someone's blowing up the phone right now there we go all right there it is uh I don't know if you guys can see any of the sparkle oh yeah we have Starry Sparkles guys James I don't actually do DRS I'm just crazy all right nice so we just got to do the border on this side then uh and then we can do the other side with the ice I think we should do the Border first on this side um we'll do zappy at the end because he's the most intricate we'll do everything else but let's get the uh the Border uh we have to wrap the bo get the borders cut wrap the borders and uh and get them on there so let's find where we put those for oh no I just realized I wanted to wrap this oh that's right we're still good the wrap will be really sticking to this though that's all the super glue all right so we need it to be blue and gold on the inside all right almost got ahead of ourselves GL I didn't put the glue onto the flag here oh man it's got my nose running uh this should work right here it's almost perfect all right so we are going to find our side that we glued down on already we're just G to place that down roll it once for all right we now have a dark blue border we need our gold what's up cool card hey buddy cheers man oh this is some super thin stuff wow wow wow oh this will be crazy well first off let's see uh how far we need to go with that all right so that's going to be a leather wrap so it doesn't matter we like this top side all right so then we want this side to be gold all right we're gonna have to do this for all for all the borders on this side uh so bear with me this one will turn out very nice though oh no no we're okay it's like a gold foil here oh this looks great it's almost like a foil all right there it is we got our foil there we've got blue up top which I have to get that off now there we [Music] go just getting phone calls you know what that was that was a phone call from a uh like a voting pole thing probably wow and that was just one bar to go there holy crap we're doing it we're doing it big the other side will be a little bit more simple for for all right so I don't know if you can see this but we have a blue edge and then we have a foil gold Edge on the inner side this side is going to be wrapped in Leather so that's why it's still bumpy I didn't smoothing it out uh but here we go this should be a should look pretty good we can go ahead and glue this right on down actually you know what let's go ahead and cut our sizes real quick let's see if this actually fits on there correctly and it is slightly big slightly big see if that's better better all right let's cut our sizes then real quick we'll do that first and we will need two more of these for the other side the other side we're going to keep more simple because we want the logo to stand out probably just go uh you know what we could do is we could do cracked ice on the other side side that would be kind of cool to have two different ones keep that for the other side and then we'll measure the other one afterwards let's go ahead and get this one put on there at least you guys behaving in there all right here we go all right we got a border on we got one so you can kind of see where the gold will be on like an inner border just kind of subtle but then it'll have a blue sparkly border with some gold foil this would be good for a trump card too let's do another one real quick where is our blue I believe I had some more blue right here yeah maybe the other side will just go like white ice or something for there we go oh no I look up and see before we move on Ashley how old are you oh Lord what have you guys been saying in there oh no I think Ashley's a good sport hopefully I apologize for whatever they've been saying in there oh no please don't leave us whatever these fools and Hooligans have been saying please be nice be nice to Ashley we don't have many females down in the Stream you know we like to keep them around so so be nice uh anyways there we go this is at least like that so that's going to be our bottom which mean this is going to be a gold Edge uh and then we'll do a Stars Edge Let's do the gold Edge the gold gold Edge was tough pck six what's up P six how's it going man man we got a big package back here from James Prince too that will be opening up on Friday I cannot wait till Friday the old birthday stream it's got to be fun he could go all the way probably filled with Lube oh no I hope not man he just wants me to use that for all them feet picks do we make any money yet on those man uh how old 36 36 am I 36 or 37 I think it's 36 man that's bad when you don't remember uh I believe I'll be 36 yep because it's 24 born in 88 this is almost perfect wow wow that was like perfect unbelievable how cool is that that just saved some time bam the C custom feed card one night only uh only one night only fans feat card pick Uh custom card there we go uh your August birthday your 27th all right the wife always no this is true this is true uh yeah August 15th uh any other August birthdays in here I have a lot of friends uh and family I know that have August birthdays co-workers and stuff like that there I've got a lot of birthdays in August here it's good month good month SV bets in the building what's up SV how's it going man uh 21st we got a 21st August birthday as well very nice all right there we are now we got two gold edges now we need the shorter one just get her size cut for it right away uh wife's was the fourth 59 today Mom is 59 today happy birthday to James Prince's mom don't worry I'll talk to her later just [Laughter] kidding oh I just lost that spot come on now come on [Laughter] now uh yeah a lot of August birthday is here Daddy chill daddy Panther breaks what's up Panther how's it going man custom Wednesday sir we are uh right in the middle of doing the for the Bailey zappy dual sided card the first dual sided card we've ever done I always try to do something a little bit different every time so you know try not to have two cards be too close to the same like we did hobby collectors and because of the significance of the moment I don't want to overdo it with like like Pizzazz I just wanted it to be clean uh and just look nice because you want to really pay attention to what it says more so than the design because it was about the record-breaking moment so I kept that one clean uh but this one needs some pazas for sure uh jazam BR what's up oh we got a $2 tip thank you buddy wait did we get the did we get the hamster just br I don't know if it worked to Amro I didn't look up I didn't notice uh we have a special hamster Sammy the hamster who that pops up because he he's a tip loving hamster we'll call him that I don't know if he popped up or if he worked or not thanks Panther keep those off to the side charge your phone now uh here we go let's wrap these two real quick I'm getting a little faster at this a little faster Pace all right just got two more oh it says one up that's it it didn't work a man you know what I wonder if I uh hopefully this won't go away actually I should probably go be able to go like this I might have to sign into it we're still all good right all right cool I might have to actually be signed in to stream elements for to work yeah uh YouTube alerts is there it should be good to go we'll see what happens happens uh new to you uh new to OBS so um I tried to set up uh some YouTube alerts so like if you guys if someone joins a member you know membership uh subscribes uh tips or anything like that there'll be a little goofy pictures that po pop up and stupid stuff like that um uh but we'll know dude what that's why I think ja Amro tried sending a tip because we got a hamster that loves tips that pops up what are you talking about that's no hamster what what do you mean I don't see anything on my screen so I'm assuming I don't know I think we got the uh the Kool-Aid man if someone becomes a member uh we got some dumber and dumber if someone's a subscriber and then we got a a tip Lov hamster if somebody does a Super Chat looks like a big elephant without the trunk I don't know what you're talking about uh numbers game I don't know maybe we might do one later depends how long this takes but if we do I got a ton of stuff that I can do a numbers game with a hippo what are we talking about right now I don't even know what you guys are talking about what we what is going on uh we might be able to do a numberous game later there is a possibility depends how long this takes really oh there we go a hippo eating oh I think that was what jambro did for his super sticker that was his super sticker so I'm signed in now to a stream element so I wonder it might work now I have no idea but I have like there's like little IM that'll pop up in the uh no where that side up here up there it'll pop up in the corner it's uh we'll find out one day there we go that was a little bit more rough we're going to need some ice for this uh looks like we got another one nothing nope damn what if I go into this copy [Music] URL paste okay then we'll find out I guess I don't know we just keep making just ambro give us more money how about that there we go uh he makes a noise he makes a noise uh maybe the URL was wrong I don't know jao can just keep on paying us it was all a ploy [Laughter] uh it makes sort of a gulp so sound it's like if a hamster made like a gulp noise that's about what it sounds like at least the best that me and jamro could find for the situation of course I put in the right URL I don't know maybe it might work now I have no idea we will find out at one point or another and if it doesn't then I'm doing something wrong I think I watched about 10 different people on YouTube on how to do it uh followed all the instructions all right we can put this one on there now oh man watching seals getting eaten by sharks sounds brutal Dean sounds pretty brutal I didn't even check to see if this would fit barely little bit of gold border right there we could do without that's all right we could always cover that back up no big deal uh let's keep it rolling one more side here starting with the blue which we have some right here h no let's not use that oh fine oh come on really struggling with this one now can we just get the paper off the stream's going to end because I can't just peel the corner of this vinyl up oh got it it's the last one I got stickers everywhere on me there we go game over zro did it work now it's a ghost hippo nothing it's supposed to pop up in the actual screen the video nothing huh not working well I will have to figure that out I really thought it would work today so that'll be the bottom okay yeah I know you guys would have seen some in the top left corner of the actual stream itself we will figure it out or wait jazam bro he's an idiot he keeps doing super stickers I think it's supposed to be a Super Chat and he keeps doing super stickers that's why a super chat it's set up for super chats not super stickers hey there he goes wow hamster sure likes tips oh my god there he goes there's our hamster Sammy it works it does work [Laughter] see Lo tips that guy wo yeah uh on stream elements there isn't one to set up for super stickers it's only for super chats but we did get $8 of just Amro today so thank you we we can go buy a value pack or something with that eight what a nice brother maybe it's because it's my birthday tomorrow I don't know what a nice guy that's a little more than [Music] [Laughter] the he really likes it I mean what are you gonna do you know it's funny I tried searching for uh oh see you did a sticker again it's got to be a chat it's got to be a Super Chat the stickers won't work but I do like the turd face though thank you James for the 99 cent turd y only a chat will work with the uh with the the tip Loven hamster Sammy We're gonna call him Sammy I think it didn't make a sound though it didn't make a [Music] gulp that I do not know there is no spot for me to yeah no there is no uh volume option it should just be on there on 30% volume is was it what it says so yep no gulp sound though hey here we go we got our border going the inner [Laughter] gold that's a lot of there's been a lot uh so here's our border for this side we just got to put Bailey zappy in there uh that's pretty nice and clean uh but we're going to flip over to this side and actually I kind of want to lay something down so we don't just scratch this all up what do we got here we'll do Bailey's zappy after so we just got to do uh I think we're g to do cracked ice on this side we'll do cracked ice we do stars on one side cracked ice on the other let's go grab some Stars I know I got some oh yeah tons of cracked ice I got all kinds of crack guys all kinds I never tried it angled before huh wonder what that would look like well you know what there's going to be a big logo going over the front of it though I should do it angle one of these times uh oh we have Becky in the building what's up hey Becky send a super chat I was kind of telling her about the hamster the other day I wouldn't make a good gay person bye Becky here we go good old cracked ice [Laughter] hey loves tips man that guy loves tips wow wow oh my Lord thank you baby what a good sport good night good night good night oh let me put this knife down byee good night there our nie my nie Haley hey hi your brother Amro hi and just Ambrose is in the building too she's running at me I'm like hold on let me put this knife down all right we got our uh cracked ice side nice and clean all right now this should be a lot easier because I was thinking about just going all white ice um cheers everybody cheers uh going all white ice on this one we'll just do clean white Ice uh and then the Patriots logo will ice as well which will make it very easy to wrap these what's up red how's it going hope you're doing well buddy yeah yeah dude Justin's got the soothing vids guys if you don't already know go and check out uh Justin Smith's Channel started a new channel recently showing some of his collection and stuff and he's very calming uh I told him that he's the perfect channel to put on like when it's time to kind of wrap things up you know go lay lay down in bed I usually watch a YouTube video too uh that would be a perfect one to put on you got such a nice chill voice for it it's perfect man uh oh another another we got another 99 cent turd thank you James so much poop just everywhere poop everywhere oh you just made me snort oh man there we go oh yeah oh you're welcome man it's true it's very true you've got a very calm chill demeanor for it it's it's relaxing it's kind of of nice you could just kind of watch like this this crazy collection go by on the screen as you just kind of chill talk it's cool I like it that's what I like about everybody's channels they're all like just a little different everyone's got a different flavor different tone uh and it's really cool there we go we got a white Ice uh if you can even see the ice on there got some ice uh quick checkin on the stream guys how has everything been going today has it been clear on my end the internet seems to have been running clean so I hope it's been clear for everybody um all the way through and better than last time at least uh that was your 10th super uh on the stream there James thank you buddy uh yeah Justin go ahead and uh I don't know if you can put a link or not I don't know how to do it uh dude you know what if there's a way can I do this from here hold on oh I don't want to give myself a heart should be able to do some moderators I'm gonna make right a moderator real quick because I know red you're really good with those uh doing links and stuff like that if you know Justin's Channel go ahead and uh throw that up there if you could uh also where's Justin on here eventually all you guys will just be moderators but uh you know maybe on Friday's live stream I'll make a bunch of you guys uh and then there you go and Justin you should should be able to put a link up now I'm pretty sure um as long as you are moderator there you go yeah I'm pretty sure yeah you should be able to link other channels and stuff I know red you were like super Speedy with that there you go you should be able to throw a link up there yeah Dean uh Dean can do that too all right there we go enough for now I will I will eventually I'll get all you guys on there once we have more time otherwise this custom card here is going to take all day but um I'll definitely add some more of you guys on there too especially you guys with other channels and stuff too because then that way you can link your stuff there we go oh there you go you got [Laughter] it oh that was mean oh I don't want that to fall down on my feet there we go uh sets and Cooper uh what's your team you might have already told us this before but what's your favorite team what's your uh what's your team dude CU I'm not remembering right [Laughter] now Red's good man uh Buccaneers all right bucks all right there you go uh what are uh what are your favorite players on the buck right now Baker Mayfield's your quarterback right now right or is that where Kurt Cousins went I don't even remember I want want to explore what's up buddy how's it going man a small Channel what are you talking about uh McCoy Evans not a bad choice there sir who's your quarterback right now is it Baker Mayfield I'm trying to remember where kurk cousins went I want to say they traded him to them but that might have been a different team I don't remember oh Falcons all right all right Baker is yeah so cousins went to the Falcons man I bet the Vikings had the C cousins now huh holy crap McCarthy out for the season yeah we like the uh we like Dean's Channel over there how am I doing what and the lost Addison today too what happened injury oh no yeah I like uh we got mean dean he's not actually mean but the attitude is great for it you're not a mean guy Dean you're a great guy and you're funny but the mean dean Persona will be hilarious on there it goes so well ankle injury ankle oh oh all right we got one Edge on yeah Dean does not hold back he says whatever he's thinking it's great it's a nice change of pace we tried to be kid-friendly on this channel it uh I mean in the videos we do pretty good but on the live streams uh it gets a little out of hand oh man uh start your new job uh where'd you start start Man start a new job yeah Sam darnold's gonna start uh Sam darn apparently wasn't good enough for the Panthers at the time uh they got Sam darnold hey man it's music to my ears I was like oh great now all three of our Rivals here have uh you know some quarterback prospects and stuff uh here we go you know but I guess not now we only have to worry about the Lions and that's it it's Lions yep uh not worried about the Bears Caleb Williams okay you know a good quarterback can only do so much you need a good team to go with it and good coaches and trainers and a plan at all would help a lot like no plan no team no nothing there just a great quarterb back who's just going to get thrown into the wolves and they're going to be like do it for us Caleb do everything please and he's not going to be able to sustain that and he's going to get destroyed and fall apart just like all the other quarterbacks before him at least hopefully that's my dream this could be a nightmare where oh my God it's CJ stoud version two and then it's a problem we don't want that his vagina I don't think he did oh great I just got super glue on this and it dried instantly that's actually working holy crap did the extension come in uh do we think the Lions have a good defense uh that's the other thing too is like eh they do they do have some definitely some good parts of their defense that's for sure but they can be beaten um uh the Dremel would tear apart this uh cracked ice part I'm just going to make it less noticeable um it seems like the way our coaches uh he wants to start games with the lead so he wants to get the ball he wants to start a game off with a score and really try to make the other team play from behind I mean what team wouldn't right but that's that's kind of the goal it seems like very very aggressive defense score right away and try and make them play from behind so they can't open up their playbook it seems to be our strategy so if we can do that with the Lions um right off the gate you know it's going to be hard for them to stop uh our offense our offense is really going to be great we've got a great uh run and pass options uh play play action all day um and it's going to be hard because you're going to have to pay attention to both of them you know yeah we have we have like nine good receivers and you don't really and every one of them can run and catch and do short and long and then we have tight ends and our running backs can catch too so good luck figuring out what we're doing it's very difficult if they can all execute then it's going to be tough for defenses to know so hopefully with this offense we will get up right away nice and early and then it's going to be tough for a lot of teams to beat us I'm not saying we'll be the greatest team in the league but we are going to be we should be pretty good should be pretty good guys Reed and Wix H I already got a bunch of Reed and wicks in your pile for you I actually don't have a whole lot of Wicks I'd like more um I don't have that many Wicks cards yeah ners man I agree 100% the ners have been consistently really good for a while um they have been the team to beat uh man over the last few years there's a few games that we had it with them I think even last season we probably could have had that game um and the playoffs when we were with Rogers we played them too and we could have had that game as well but uh you know didn't they were the team to beat and they still are the Niners are good man be able to just cut this around the football there we go thanks Ashley we're going to complete side one here cuz it's going to be fairly simple um just all white ice and then the football oh yeah that looks good with the ice guys sweet yeah we could have won that we had we had we had the opportunity we had the game just gave it up right at the end there so this should fit right in there oh beautiful beautiful man I could just make these that looks fantastic all right we need our skinny sticks so we're going to need about one for sure all right we'll do it second one then we'll do two like that all right you know what I think I'm going to put the glue on the football there we go ah yeah dude I gotta see him in person oh hobby oh yeah the camera does not do a Justice guys it does not they look so much cleaner in person and brighter we'll try and we'll set it up so we can get you a nice view uh when I'm done with the card but so with some brighter lighting I have the lights turned down low right now um but they look so much cleaner in person I'm sure a hobby collector you can kind of get the idea of what this thing is looking like right now just on this side this looks great even yeah even this side looks good right now and you're getting the white ice too all white ice see that looks clean in person right can't see it oh yeah it looks great yeah looks fantastic we got the white ice on the borders what's the back what's the other side so that's one side the other side we've got the flag with the gold crusted inner border and the uh the blue border on the top with the Stars I see you playing with my hair back there you giving me bunny [Laughter] ears it's a little if there thank you I love the white ice all right so our Patriot side with the fo B is done let's go ahead and uh we got a we'll put this off to the side sleeping all right oh you guys can't even see that anyways we'll just put it off to the side um we just got ja Amro hanging out in here right now not for long cheers everybody not for long get out just going to hang out for a little bit yeaha come see all right I heard you say it doesn't do it justice so I was like well I got to check it out in person then oh yeah it really doesn't do it justice at all so is that on thanks senson thank you guys okay it's on that okay yep I don't know if it was this so we're going to do uh Bailey zappy here with these stars to match that star side and we're going to keep the Bailey zappy that's on there because it does look really nice I do like that and then we're going to just kind of go along the bottom of it we might even just keep this bottom part just because it kind of looks cool with the little Patriot's logo and everything I don't know I'll cut it out and then we'll see but it should look clean I want the flag to stand out in the background the most so it should be able to stand out pretty good uh M day three up and rolling all right black star what's up Blackstar we got black star vinyl in the building what's up buddy let's go ahead and get some uh ice onto this thing or ice we're going to do the stars on zappy that's right and again keeping this side fairly clean as well I suppose we could have this just kind of up there for right now for this side if you guys want to see it it's got to go over here I'll find it I'll find it there it is oh no there we go uh Reed of course of course I feel like I could literally just sit and put different Holograms over the top of Base cards and they'd look pretty cool just like that they'd look sweet CU this Bailey zappy on the stars is pretty cool already not bad get that might be able to put something under there there you go you guys can probably hear me puffing on this thing super loud sorry all right here we go let's get to cutting out Mr zappy uh and Dean earlier said zappy has the clappy so there's that I need a new blade that has this rubbery part up a little higher I heard the I heard the go oh the hamster Sammy the hamster oh no black star thank you buddy thanks black star you just made Sammy very happy boy that hamster loves those tips I just hear the gulp from over here I don't know if you guys get the sound but on my side I get like a weird hamster gulp it's hilarious I can't look at that [Laughter] answer don't get excited Dean it's a hamster it's just a hamster we're not going to cut around this helmet flap thing we're just going to cut it right off what time is it it is 8:30 by me right now [Music] [Laughter] no such thing is too much Dean what are you talking about it's water he is drinking water calm down he really likes that water I believe the the Kool-Aid man breaks in the door I'm the koola man breaks in the door if someone becomes a member and Dumb and Dumber high five each other and Miss If someone becomes a uh a subscriber come jumps on uh I made a short today as well in a post uh I'm I'm know you guys are all probably subscribed already but we're trying to hit that 1500 by Friday cuz we want to give away the those two cards by Friday would be fantastic for the birthday stream so I'm trying to put it out there I might make a video to and just link a bunch of hashtags in it to try and get it spread out to to maybe new new eyes and stuff so if you see another video on it again um that is exactly why I'm doing it with a little is that what you sent me James was a little oil might have send me oil in that box behind us for them feet piics oh I just shot that right at the computer give that a rounded Edge too uh do you guys think I should I think I should keep it like this uh okay we got to move this way up and down I think I'm going to keep it like this this just cuz then we get a little bit of color in there we get the logo we get the name I think that'll look good it's a party sized Lube nice sweet all right now we got to trim it up a bit because whenever you go around a curve it might makes like a little like a spike I can't explain it it's like a little curved Spike there we go all right SV we'll be here we don't have too much more to go either oh you know what I just noticed there's nowhere to sign this one I could probably sign it on the leather on the side or just right on top of the uh the Patriots logo when you got to go you gotta go I just think of Jurassic Park when anyone says that all right I think we're all good I think we're ready for filing uh got our pink one here filing little Bailey Zappy's head down when you got to go you got to go oh yeah is that super loud and annoying I could turn the mic down on these parts sounds like a duck call quack quack quack I will say it has been a very smooth stream I'm afraid to say that because it's just going to mess up now but I feel like uh it's been a lot smoother tonight no it's not too loud all right cool thank you which is weird because I upped the amount of uh kilobytes per second to 5500 um and it just made it a lot clearer and a lot smoother today no lagging or anything like that which is weird I thought maybe going high would mess it up but I did a test last night um and there was no issues at all so who knows sounds like a rat trying to get into your chip bag maybe it is oh whoa whoa whoa all right these are pretty clean on the edges here there we go I should be trying to I suppose show the camera here what I'm doing sorry everyone now we got to file up along his thigh over there right around the booty curve G to make the curve of that booty just right almost done with the filing we just put her together and you know what it's still a little early we and I'm off tomorrow guys it's my birthday tomorrow so I took off I was able to get off so uh I mean I don't mind going a little later we can do a little mini numbers game if you guys are in it's weird I feel like I'm filing down Tom Brady right now but it's not you're getting off and which way oh yeah red it is it's going to be a great one thank God it's Friday and it's gonna uh all edges filed nice and smooth looking good I'm getting better at filing them down too nice and clean all right get him on this backside and he's literally just gonna stand right in the middle there and it's going to be mostly flag and Bailey zappy so we need some of our uh thin sticks oh here it is there we go uh can't be in any Live Well lives are I do them at 700 p.m. central I mean I know all your guys times are different so I try to do at 7 CU I know some people it's 6:00 for them and some people it's 8 some people it's 9 so it's kind of like the good time where it's a good starting time for a lot of different people at once it is tough thanks Ashley we're going to go like that and then we're going to do a sideways one too I think and I honestly think that's all we need is just the two I I like to hide these so that it looks like it is floating so you really don't see them that's kind of the goal uh mine is 700 p.m Central Central Time Central Standard all right now we had the longer one actually let's put this one down first boom that is all we should need don't forget to bring your Lube you never know what can happen on this channel and again hobby collector coming through with the suggestions suggested the uh Gorilla Glue gel the gel and it has been fantastic it's been perfect for this all right here we go for placement do I want it low I think we got to let it float got to let it float a little bit just a little and let those stars shine up above boom simple not too busy Bailey's zappy bam got it all right that is what we are looking at bayy zappy on the Stars wonder if I could show it up here if that works it's probably way too dark up there for you guys I I'll get you guys a good camera angle once we're all done here um wonder even if I lift this up a bit and you guys can get a look at it from up here there you go I have to figure this out there we are it's looking clean I have a another light here too I'm not using by the way oh there we are that's a very bright light plenty of the stars in person you can really see the stars oh yeah and it's got the gold trim all the way [Music] around yeah in person you can see the stars very clearly and easily uh and then don't forget we got our other side which is the Patriots ice pledge allegiance to the flag and this is all the white ice even on the border we got white ice everywhere 3D White Ice Cube blocks now we just got to wrap in in white leather guys show me them dogs we'll give you one buddy we will give you one today and again with the uh the the Pumas oh yeah Fe picks for James Prince you're welcome you're welcome all right let's get this back down on the table now are you g to show us that hamster or what uh we could WRA some leather around this thing it's not going to be long enough to wrap the whole thing so we're going to have to do sections you're literally just going to go like that cut and glue [Laughter] [Music] yep you ask for it you get it right oh yeah oh yeah hobby you you had the uh you got the first one with the green leather you got the first green leather border uh Justin Smith got the white leather border on the CJ St booklet it is a nice touch I glued myself uh to myself all right here we go we are just G to set that down all right and now very carefully didn't look like it got through all the way all right yeah oh that's going to look good guys with the white football leather on on there oh yeah got to be nice oh Justin that should be to you very soon I'm surprised it wasn't there yet it's on the way maybe tomorrow we got Pat the Ripper in the building what's up buddy doing some homework but still here all right all right thanks for happing in Bud am I on your surround sound again oh yeah oh yeah that's right you are a patriot secret fan all right press that down normal sound this time all right all right oh this would be crazy on a Tom Brady that'd be pretty cool all right side two clean all right let's hit the bottom all right for the bottom just gonna hold that down take a sip cheers everybody thank you everybody for stopping in for Wednesday Customs I know we're not ripping cards so it uh it never ceases to amaze me to see everybody still here supporting the channel on the on the Wednesday Customs it makes me super happy cuz I didn't know how the Customs would go and uh you guys have been here man you've been here here for it so thank you guys boom there we go oh it stands up too look at that [Laughter] I know hobby that's kind of when you first I think saw the channel was because I made that video that was the first custom I ever made that little the the tunnel um and I started by doing it with a video and I realized very quickly that the amount of editing editing and stuff you have to do to make one of those videos it would be fun just to go live and do it instead and then I I made that first one for red which was a it was a a m card a player worn patch I want to say Joe Mixon and I I wanted to do it live so that there was always video evidence that I did cut it out of a player warn patch card so that it's there and then I sent him the card along with it uh just so it's legit and you guys could tell it did come out of that and from then on we just started going uh going live with it the mind of Dino isn't for everyone a little bit of quick so it doesn't fall apart oh no lube needed with this well depending what you do with it it's not going to go anywhere easily that's for sure H let's go ahead and get a a no on that got nice no on that [Applause] bam and there we have it uh I wonder if we can just brighten that up a little bit there we have it the one side I gota keep doing this there we go Bailey zappy on the uh the stars with the gold border now we have a leather white leather wrapped all the way [Music] around can see the edges onto the other side with the Patriots logo now which is now up side down there we go so uh it does stand if you want to stand oh not there though I'm gonna need something flat to stand it on uh maybe it doesn't stand on this side oh there we go it's Dan you just can't see it there the table is kind of crooked might be able to go like that there we go it'll stand uh did Dan Pop in yet this is for Dan by the way uh I don't know if he popped in yet today uh the other thing is I don't know where to sign it guys I could always just sign it on the bottom right along the leather there it's kind of skinny for my signature though I could do it in silver just on kind of part of the the ball right there too lean up to the light with matches bet I will not bet hey this uh setup would look good uh on a bills card too by the way we could light this one with matches if you would like we got another zappy right there bottom of Patriots Yeah that's what I was thinking with the silver kind of right here that look kind of cool PS love the socks I have uh I have a hundred pairs of these I have red too maybe I'll wear uh I'll wear red for you on Friday huh maybe I'll do red on Friday I have red Pumas all right we're getting the oh everyone agrees here silver right there so make sure it's nice and clean all right little bit longer there we go that one's clean man every one of these has been completely different you guys and every one of them has been awesome I'm loving the football jaami one and one on that side the white ice Bailey happy American Gold goodness on this side boom and there we go man I feel like I could just make these easily just sell them man that is fantastic I won't though I don't know if I'll ever sell these things maybe I will one day but as of right now uh we're just making them for fun uh but man this one with all plastic hobby uh using the poly sirene plastic on the card itself and the borders I mean this thing is sturdy man it is solid dude it feels very solid and clean um as far as like fit and finish and really tidying up edges and stuff like that I'll definitely get good at that as we go like I can tell right now I could probably take a razor blade and trim off that edge and I will I'll go and do that uh after the video and just clean it up but there we are bang see if we can't get some uh angle on that oh might need two I don't know what we're doing here I'm trying trying to get some height on that because I got one of these but I don't know if you guys can actually see that or not there you go you're getting a heavy glare on it though that light is so bright there we can turn that down there we go not as blinding well now your back's GNA hurt you just pulled Landscaping duty all right uh Dan creall if you do ever pop in uh there we go I feel like we gotta do something for Pat you're really not liking the Patriots right now uh I got about a thousand of these I seriously I have so many of these we'll give you Ma Jones all right we're doing this for you buddy does this make you sick sir you said you wanted to burn the Patriots cards one of your favorites James all right I think I got to find my big scissors I was GNA do something for Pat I think he said he wanted to burn the Patriots card earlier voodo right here oh no maybe we shouldn't you guys a lot of you guys like the Patriots I was going to cut it I have about a thousand of these I was going to cut in half a MC Jones card right here for you bud uh just because you had to watch a Patriots card get built all night I think I have 90 of these it wouldn't hurt what is one less you know I would good back anyways what do it just for you buddy nonan voodoo nonan voodoo no no absolutely not it's not America it's ma Jones this is for Pat right across oh god oh no I'll put that in your pile Pat put that in your pile [Laughter] P where the heck is your pile you get a new pile there we [Laughter] go uh Seth SV uh we got to put you on the list buddy if you're not on there already uh Ashley uh I think we will do a little mini numbers game ow I got to go ahead and get the list out oh we got the old list SV are you not on the list well yeah I we've got quite a bit on the list already we can actually cross out Daniel now next up is Brian we got Brian conro for dolphins then we got Michael Zimmerman Haman son Paul Daves flipped it Karen I want to explore Niki two times Cool C car Collective and Tim bisner uh which I did pronounce correctly this time but we could get you on there what is it uh seven right yeah seven all right and either now or you can think of it when when your time comes I mean it'll be one two three four five 6 Seven 8 nine 10 11 weeks from now so you got time to think about it it'll be seven weeks so you know think about two months almost but we'll still be doing it we went through uh a little more than this list already so we got quite a bit more to go uh we'll put uh Bailey over here now now we don't have our normal setup so I'm not going to be able to I'm not going to switch all the cameras over there to do that uh but what we can do oh we got some Blaster test uh Blaster glass stickers and we do have some papers I don't have a ton of stuff at the moment but I do have some we're saving a lot for Friday so we're going to do kind of a mini one we can do right now stack of cards uh so we'll start off with a pile uh it's funny cuz these were supposed to go to Red uh but I sent them different ones and then left the one that said red on the back but these are going to be the stickers that we use um uh Joy vers Taw booklet that would be cool um yeah once we get through all the other ones yeah we can get you back down on the list again for sure uh oh Friday is going to be fun man uh it'll it's going to be a big numbers game too uh these are the stickers for the blaster beer test glass you need two of them to make a proper glass so those are going to go into a pile um I just want to write Justin down again we're just going to put number two also um I know uh play action wanted some a second one as well on the line uh but let's make a little thing here I don't even have sleeves for these ones yet uh no problem buddy uh what's Friday uh it's a good day is all uh tank Bigsby tank we got a tank uh yeah see I don't have a dedicated camera for you guys but I can go like this uh we got tank BBY on the orange right there uh I don't know if yeah highrisk is not on the list we'll get you on there high risk so we're going to circle these because those will be number twos high risk and so you've got time remember so uh Pacho black star for sure man and you got plenty of time it'll be a little while till we get to those ones but we will get to them don't you worry and who knows what we're going to be doing uh ston Cooper yes of course you can get on the list the more the May because this is going to keep keep Wednesday Customs going so yes STS and Cooper now we're going into two and a half months out red you are you already had your first one I'll put you in the number two the number two pile Dean uh Dean number two we have to make a whole number two list but we got to get all the number ones first and you'll have time to think about it maybe you'll want a different player when the time comes who knows uh but here we go let's start with tank Bigby you know what I need I need some sleeves these have no sleeves on them just a mini numbers game today we got another uh we got a Michael Mayer for the Raiders we've got h z flowers on the orange as well the tank is nice Dean tank is nice we've got uh Roshan Johnson Bears color match we got a Clayton tuneup on the orange oh Jason oh Jason Freddy custom would be sweet yeah see that's the thing too guys it doesn't have to be football uh the thing is I don't have basketball cards but like stuff like that like no matter what it is like I don't have basketball or baseball cards but I can print out pictures I can do Jason and Freddy uh I know Pat the Ripper wanted a tiger King card so we can do that uh yeah Freddy booklet oh man that would be cool uh James Prince uh headless Dak 10 of1 who oh no that's so messed up uh we're adding uh Matthew Stafford on the Airborne silver Airborne uh James Prince I don't believe you're on the list are you I only gave you a quickie on a Friday um what else do we got here we got a Jaylen Carter behind the numbers so ones I got a sleeve up think I got a couple autographs behind us too yep it was just a quickie oh yeah you sent it it was the commanders right yep commanders one you sent that today uh Z flowers behind the numbers we got a DK another uh behind the numbers there we go oh the Airborne are nice man I like the Airborne too how about a joey B behind the numbers believe we are there oh nice uh jir Gibbs that one did have a sleeve I'm glad cuz now I can sleeve these up uh TJ watt very nice he's like I just want the tank Nick Bosa oh I don't have sleeves for these yet we'll have to wait on those these might fit actually I do have sleeves on the other side of this computer this might work though oh yeah all right how about Jordy Nelson we got the Jordy Nelson Z team very cool or not Z team class president sorry we got a Tyreek Hill on the Z team nice Tyreek Halloween is around the corner can't wait to uh do that stream I'll probably be wearing the Jason mask the whole time and full costume full costume Gino Smith Z team Rambo vers Terminator uh we'll throw the class presidents down uh we already gave you a bunch of these we'll save some of these oh we got the Bunny Hop how about the uh we got the dots parallel on the clay or not Clayton 2 oh yeah that is Clayton 2 never mind it's not Harrison buter I thought we had the Harrison buter Bunny Hop we got the uh dots Clayton tuneup which I'm running I I'm now forgetting I think that went here and uh what do we got here we'll just keep rolling along couple more we got Illusionist Quinton Johnston on the green green parallel if you can see off to the side Illusionist is in green I do like those uh there is Jordan Addison king of cards and uh oh I like this etm oh there's the Harrison bucker there's the bunny hop and that is the dots parallel there he is uh and you know what he'll go along with Clayton tun you got to have both you got to have both uh and then you know what we'll throw we got Jaylen Herz on the green King Of Cards throw them there we got something different you threw a bunch of those in oh there you go we were talking you said Pacho earlier we'll do uh pachos of approval boom got to save some of these uh we're going to save most of this stuff for the live on Friday is going to get wild there's a bunch in there oh these Crusades are nice though let's add a couple of those I do like the Crusades uh we're gonna throw in Tyreek Hill Crusade God I gotta where the heck do I put this all right there we go Tyreek kill Crusade love the Crusades uh Jamar Chase Crusade and uh Jaylen Herz Crusade love the Crusades guys great looking cards save some of these off to the side and then [Music] uh we should have some oh other oh other cool stuff in here we got some of the stuff Justin's uh sent over we got some rookie cards looks Jason Hill Michael Bush John Beck Drew Stanton Kenny irons Tony hunt uh something different something different uh Michael Huff Demetrius Williams oh uh David irons the Kelsey that's got I love the Kelsey ribs card we got to wait on that and we got some Autos here too uh Eagles we got Kennedy Brooks autograph Colts uh Ren uh Randall telur Auto autograph uh we have a uh kri Willis Colts again there we go Michael huff and puff oh all right I don't know why I felt like we had [Music] more we got more Auto somewhere there is quite a bit more in the giveaways oh uh Dan cre fall slim Rock cool card Nicki two times Panther swaggy duck and high risk all have cards for your pile right now by the way all of you guys oh look we got a couple of these over there too look at that we can throw some of these in there too uh we got Desmond Ritter on the red parallel Jaylen Wadd all red parallels DeAndre Hopkins red parallel Sam hubard Justin fields on the [Music] bronze oh sorry guys yeah you're probably seeing that bending over am I showing you the Plumber Crack sorry everybody all right let's get some numbers down yeah except now you can see me right oh no I got to turn you away there you go oh here we go got the boys the bed over there Pig six uh except now I don't know how to do this you guys are facing the wrong way and one is down here all right does that work guys I know it's different from the side here uh I got to open up another beer um you guys know the rules I need one person here uh James Prince uh since you've been uh so much fun how about you pick a pile and then pick a number uh you know what I mean uh just like the piles are one two and three and then pick a paper one two or three Dan what's up buddy how's it going Dan oh know where's the cap to this glue uhoh I find it Dan we finished your card Dan it is the Bailey zappy America card with gold trim on the inner lining Stars hologram parallel it is LA or leather wrapped in white all white leather all the way around and the backside has has Patriots upside down uh was where we put the one of one all white ice and football ice thanks yep there's all yours Dan I'll go ahead and throw that in your pile you got a Christian Watson uh quickie too from a Friday over there as well so th that'll be getting out to you soon uh probably this weekend I'll get that shipped out to you along with this bad boy what uh definitely one of the uh up there on my top probably my top five it's hard to pick top five now there's so many of them comes with Lube uh Dan Dan James Prince did you uh I said James Prince pick a number you got to pick a oh you said I see four which doesn't exist uh pile one paper three there it is all right all right pile one but paper three all right I gota go get the guitar guys gotta get the guitar oh here we go all right guys you know the rules you know the rules pick a number one through 100 closest wins if someone else picks that number second go ahead and pick another number closest wins you can only win one time per night and go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go a little diddy about Jaz and be I believe that was everybody correct I think that's everyone I don't have the other little screen pulled up to see even how many people are in here I forgot to do that today h I believe I can put it in it's docs YouTube control panel there it is it's not showing me anything though oh well no [Laughter] didy uh all right we got 19 in right now all right all right all right 88 total wow good day good day for the for the old Customs not bad I still just want the tank oh maybe you will win Dean you never know I should put these off over here uh all right here you guys go uh drum roll 51 51 was a number it was a 51 I did write it that way 51 pick six the late 24 but we will count it oh oh oh 51 51 51 is that Dean is that Dean all right de oh the numbers are so far back I'm just going to trust you guys everyone's saying Dean it is Dean Dean you have one sir congratulations you got your tank I'm pretty sure tank is in this pile oh maybe not henen hooker a flowers oh no well maybe you can trade uh tank might be in the second pile uh but Dane you have won this one had DeAndre Hopkins on the red uh Kari Willis auto uh David irons right there Tony hunt John Beck Jaylen Herz uh that's a nice one I know you collect him oh you got Harrison Bucker and uh Clayton tuneup on the dots parallels got Bunny Hop dots uh next to my [Laughter] prostate uh you got uh Jordi Nelson Packers that's pretty cool uh jir Gibbs behind the numbers Z flowers behind the numbers and it was henden hooker and Z flowers and of course the stickers so maybe someone will trade you the tank Dell orange for the Z flowers or the orange hooker he's like I just want the tank Bigsby we'll have to put that there for now all right we are down to two piles Dean uh the tank is in this pile right there Dean pick a pile one or two and pick a paper one or two d rigged rigged rigged that's 15 uh two three two and one you change it to two and one yeah there is no three so pile two paper one I gotcha pile two paper one no numbers yet hold on hold [Music] on all right everybody you know the rules pick a number one through 100 if someone picks your number picking number another or number another number please holy crap and uh yeah that's it if you've won today already once you cannot win again that's all the rules and go [Music] [Music] Chief one too what's up Chief how's it going Chief cheers buddy all right uh I believe that is everyone uh did pick six yep pick six uh was the last one we got highrisk with the 90 uh all right I think we're good I think that is everyone pile two paper one drum roll oh do we need uh do we need Chief onew to pick yep we'll wait wait we can wait 20 all right there we go all right here we go drum roll 25 25 is the number 101 25 is the number pick six oh James six James six oh pick six to the 24 James 27 Oh 24 for sure yep oh so close there James so close pick six with the win nice sir uh and so you've got uh in case you didn't see it you're kind of coming in late uh God have I get used to that there we go we had Justin fields on the bronze you had Kennedy Brooks Auto I think Mr jami's home uh Huff Michael Huff Michael huff and puff right there uh you've got Drew Stanton Jason Hill you got Tyreek on the Crusade uh Isaiah Pacho zal of approval Jordan Addison King Of Cards Gino Smith on the Z team uh Nick Bosa behind the numbers Joey B behind the numbers Jaylen Carter behind the numbers uh you got Clayton tuneup on the orange an empty sleeve and Michael Mayer on the orange all right there we go for pick six and you have a little bit of uh a pile going over there as well six uh it's starting to grow I was going to wait a little bit longer before I send yours out I usually wait till your pile gets a little taller uh and where the heck is it where is pick six oh you're right here see you got the keychain on top oh forget we got your uh we did your keychain last time it's still over there I believe that is Kamar oh oh oh oh oh knocking piles over there we go oh absolutely unlike me and Dino no the poo and the Jay Carter oh yeah uh did he say he wants to give you the Nelson if you do T is yours uh hobby actually I have another one of I have a like a another one of those Nelsons if you want I can just throw that in your pile dude I got another one I have one of my own and then I had I think two extras so all right you'll do the trade I got you all right here we go we're on the last pile here we don't need anyone to pick anything uh but either way uh yeah you guys can trade or I got an extra one I can throw in your pile for sure all right here we go last pile guys for the numbers game grab the old guitar last time is a charm you know the rules pick a number one through 100 if someone picks your number pick a different one and if you've won already you cannot win again but you can trade everybody [Music] go whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe I should put another microphone right on the table right here I don't know why this wouldn't be picking it up it's right here but the mic is faced up towards my mouth so maybe that's why maybe I need another mic on the table who knows it is now 9:30 we have so far had a clean stream the whole time and I'm very happy to say that we have figured it out um a lot clearer the only thing that we need to do now is get actual dedicated uh cameras instead of using the smartphones I think that'll make it even better and then I actually can really get in and adjust lighting um I can do it to where it's not constantly trying to auto adjust to the lighting behind us like I can make it blurred out in the background a little bit uh I can change the Hue and the color and stuff you know I can really make it look nice um it should be nice clean in what way uh I think that is everybody highrisk is usually uh on the lighter end uh and pix six just one so and then there's red so that's everybody it's time for a drum roll all right here we go for the last one 79 79 is your number it's your number 79 is the number black star black star nailed it on the nose dude beautiful sir we got to do something special when we do like a we got to have like a a card set up so that someone hits it on the nose they also get that one remind me to do that when we do that on Friday we'll set up a special card and say if you get it on the nose you get it nailed it black star very nice sir very very nice very cool thank you buddy it's because you fed the hamster earlier I think that might be it that might be it the poor hamster uh Sam hbert on the red uh Jaylen Wadd on the red uh you got Randle teler autograph Colts you have Demetrius Williams rookie Kennedy irons rookie Michael Bush rookie you got Jamar Chase on the Crusade we have uh Jaylen Herz on the green king of cards right there we have illusion green Quinton Johnston we have Tyreek Hill on the Z team TJ watt behind the numbers uh uh DK Mecha behind the numbers we have the Matthew Stafford Airborne great looking card the Roshan Johnson and the tank bsby on the orange right there I think Dean is begging to for a trade right now got intercepted uh James what was uh what was your number on that 65 close put all in the egg and send tank to Dean very nice sir thank you you are a gentleman and a scholar sir thank you uh so we'll get those on in the egg and where is that tank get that in the de right there very cool man thanks buddy uh I'm going to go ahead uh right now and go and put that in the egg actually I got to get some top loaders on these so I'm just going to set it in front of the egg uh and get them in there there we go not a bad not a bad Little Numbers Game there thanks bud thank you we can get rid of that thank you seriously that's awesome man oh uh the the St judee's Egg uh for last month sold for $102 guys that one uh did very well so now I believe we are up to I want to say it's 465 uh I believe I have this screen here if I go to it where is it uh there's St Jude so you can see it was 360 so now it's uh 462 462 so it's 462 now that's crazy guys we are halfway we are halfway to a th we will get there we will get there uh we're going to keep trying to add more and more in there um we try to keep a nice mixture of like stuff that goes in there stuff that goes in the helmet and stuff that goes in numbers games uh so we try to keep it a healthy mix but uh we're trying to add some cool stuff we did add the uh Kenny picket autograph into the into the egg right now the Kenny picket auto rookie Autos in there which is kind of cool uh box for the egg oh man that'd be awesome dude yeah anything that you can send in uh for the egg is cool I just think it's cool if everyone does do stuff like that because it kind it's like a way to sending cards maybe you're not planning on selling you're not they're just going to sit in the Box forever just donate them man donate them oh I have St Jude sending me all kinds of stuff now in the mail they were calling me the other day it was crazy yeah they were uh they were sending me they sent me like weird little random gifts and stuff there's like a notepad and like some stickers and stuff I was like hey you don't have to say me that it's okay uh they called and and wanted me to do monthly donations and I explained my whole Channel and that I do monthly donations already I'm like oh my God that's so fantastic I was like yeah um and if you guys don't know about St Judes and how it works what it is is the it's not it doesn't go towards the cancer research what it does is if some if a a family has a small child that's having either has cancer or a couple other like life-threatening diseases what it does is it pays for their hospital bill so that they never have to worry about having a bill while they're like little kid or a little baby has cancer is going through something crazy because a lot of these times I mean your young parents or whatever it is you know you get a newborn you know that already costs money and then all of a sudden that happens and you're just wrecked you know what I mean and so what that does is help pay for basically their hospital bill so they don't never receive a bill they never receive a bill if you do it through St Juds which is so awesome uh good night Ashley good night thank you for stopping in I appreciate you thanks uh for uh coming in man or ma'am ma'am we like having uh some ladies in the Stream it is nice thank you uh yep she is Saint she is Saints your aunt has cancer what kind or where you know oh yeah dude they have they have a lot they've done pretty well uh and they do it does go towards research to us I guess as well um when you look at the difference between they sent me a chart of the difference between like the 19 like 70s and 80s the survivable rate of all these cancers compared to what it is today it is crazy how far they've come it's really great oh yeah those families it definitely helps because it's a hard time already man it's the last thing you need uh Dean good night we never played your theme song next time we will on Friday oh okay oh all right all right yeah uh our our mom actually has cancer right now she in her vocal and so today she actually had surgery uh and they have to they're removing her voice box and she's getting uh and they have to put in a like an artificial vocal cord basically so you she will be able to talk um and everything and it'll still sound normal uh slight for the most part normal maybe a little raspy but also s normal but uh there uh they did this surgery today and it looks like they didn't spread anywhere so there's nowhere no cancer in there anymore but she's now going to be in recovery for a while um but yeah so it's been crazy it's been a crazy last few months here it's been it's been tough she's recovering right now though surgery went really well so she's doing all right thanks bud yeah it's it's crazy man it really is crazy is crazy yeah thank you thank you yeah dude and St judees too so I couldn't imagine um someone being like one or two years old a little kid going through that it is a lot to go through so I couldn't imagine a little kid going through that and being parents of a a newborn or a young child that haven G through that that is nuts absolutely nuts being brought into the world with that holy crap uh so that's why St judees is so awesome and they are at like the top of the chart when it comes to when you donate money how much actually goes towards uh the charity itself they are like tip top of the list um it is awesome yeah it's bad enough as an adult for real I think my cats are trying to get in come on in I got to open the door a little my cats are trying to get in I think I got to go potty probably I'll go like that there we go B yeah it was bean and Luna trying to get in here uh we can get rid of the hand cam I believe actually we'll show this off one last time here cuz then we're going to end up calling it a night I think but here we go the uh Bailey zappy see if we can get a light on that tilt it up there it is is the uh the zappy with the Stars and really guys the camera does not do uh do it justice at all it really does look so nice in person there's the leather wrap we got Miss Jambi in the building look at zappy hi guys what do you think with the gold and then it's leather wrapped and then look at the other side has the uh Patriots ice on the backside dual-sided card today turned out real good you're welcome Bud yep we got Becky up [Laughter] here well there we go guys uh we're gonna call it a night right now um it has been fantastic guys thank you everybody for stopping in uh it looks like we had 91 total people stopping tonight which is a a really great um 16 right now still uh here for the Long Haul I'm looking for a Time on it I don't know how long we've been going uh 3 hours it looks like in 3 minutes with a perfectly clear stream I fantastic you forgot your Jason cup where in my shoe in the oh I took it out of the car I bring this to work every day by the way uh I'm gonna grab the guitar we're gonna play you guys out good night everybody oh my God got mess oh yeah there's always a mess in here uh all right guys peace everybody have a wonderful uh rest of your night uh birthday tomorrow so I don't know what I'm going to do yet but I'll see you guys on Friday I cannot wait it's GNA be a good time guys good night everybody thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] you're gonna bring a cake all right all right guys good night peace all right reel it this time