Category: News & Politics
A whistleblower from abc news has filed a six-page affidavit claiming that the network manipulated the first presidential debate to favor kamla harris over donald trump the affidavit notorized on september 9th 2024 alleges various forms of bias including pre- debate accommodations for harris a smaller... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Steve ballmer este es steve balmer fue el ceo de microsoft entre 2000 y 2014 lo que le dio un patrimonio neto de 112,000 millones de dólares al ver esto probablemente pensarías que steve fue uno de los ejecutivos tecnológicos más respetados de todos los tiempos pero en realidad es todo lo contrario... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] i kind of want to pump the breakes there because we have a another breaking news story and i'm gonna let infinite umra run this story if you don't mind umbra because you're the one that found it so of course i want you to take the lead on it you're show host yourself so you know exactly what... Read more
Category: Gaming
Fußballfans willkommen zu diesem spiel ich darf sie ganz herzlich begrüßen ich bin auch heute wieder von fuß und neben mir hatte kollege frank buschmann platz genommen und heute geht es bei uns um ein spiel aus der bundesliga vfl bochum gegen borussia dortmund also ich freue mich wirklich auf dieses... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Be alarmist, but we do want to get ahead of this and keep you up to speed on everything that's happening. >> the list of companies impacted by this massive outage is growing by the minute. >> nick cooks up all of that color coverage for us there at the big board. what's going on behind you.... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Visaskandal berbocko schattenmigration das auswärtige amt forziierte die einwanderung tausender illegaler migranten teils mit gefälschten pässen timeline eines organisierten rechtsbuchs da muss ich ja die nigerianische scheißusexerten auf einmal um 360° gedreht haben ne denn hier auf höchster ebene... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Is coming in at an exciting time. >> reporter: there is still a lot a logistical work ahead after the school announced they will be building a temporary home for the cat . the players are excited will get to play most of their home games on campus for the next two season -- seasons as... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Says the new route well for services to an additional 21,000. >>> if you think it is muggy here be glad you are not in central illinois. some communities are experiencing higher humidity all thanks to the corn. it is a process called corn sweats. during peak corn season a single acre can release... Read more
Category: Education
The epa recently approved an experimental use permit to oxitec a biotech company funded by the bill and melinda gates foundation in an effort to fight malaria oxitec will soon release millions of genetically modified mosquitoes in various us states according to the niih website programs are being developed... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Und wir blicken nach frankfurt zu daniel kob daniel es ist ein weltweites problem wir sehen hier auch den flughafen mumbai und den flughafen ber in berlin im livebild an beiden flughafen herrscht chaos weiß was was weiß man zu der ursache und was weiß man wie lange das ganze dauern könnte ja wir drösen... Read more
Category: Gaming
[müzik] ubisoft'un uzun zamandır beklediğimiz star wars temalı açık dünya macera oyunuyla karşınızdayız oyunumuz star wars outl outl adından da anlaşılacağı üzere kanun dışı bir karakteri canlandırdığımız bir oyun olacak oyun kronolojik olarak the empire strikes back ile return of to jedi arasındaki... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Yes and you know they're coming off a great season and the basketball team going back to the ncaa tournament but this time a year ago northwestern was navigating through the negativity of a football hazing scandal well much more positive vibes were flowing today in evanston for the introduction of the... Read more