well welcome back to further action from the 2024 Irish open we've just seen a fantastic match between uh Alex clay and Adam ranking a repeat of the 2023 final went down to the last end with Alex just getting home so now we're featuring the last 16 of the cup and uh to well the defending Champion Gary mcav and previous winner Joe Bey both from Ireland so Gary's using the black balls and Joe's got the blue balls 12 ends to be played yeah Gary's got a result there Jack pushing back to his ball Shake of the head from Joe so Joe can drag the Jack back uh foot 18 in here a chance to get a three looks pretty good yeah very good he's unlucky just caught Gary's Bowl first if he got it clean could have come back a bit more I think he might be holding to yep Gary kills the end so the r reset go again and you're allowed to kill the Jack twice without penalty during the match see on the third time it's uh three shots away unless it occurs on the final end of the match where it's three shots and you replay the end so off we go again so Joe obviously switching hands looking to make the adjustment from his first ball looks pretty good yeah again could have done with just just without the touch but uh he lies shot Gary just short of pace Adam just checking yeah tells Joey still holds so Joe reaching this now despite holding shot it was always a risk that but obviously the first end worth a try he played it clean he would have got a good two so Gary now just looking to draw up just slightly over the pace good spotl so CH on the back hand I think he might just be looking to sit his ball down here just going to catch Gary's I think he's unlucky so one to Gary first end so just for those watching without sound so good start from Gary the second end it's a toucher Joe looking just to rock it away yeah played at good pace and gets the touch he wanted [Music] so Jo just reach into these now once the Jack yeah good ball another good toucher [Music] so Gary will just be reaching down to this split the balls get the Jack yeah done the job Li three pressure on Joe's third ball now he's looking for the Jack also looks close yeah played it well good ball holding two [Music] [Music] so decisions for Gary here I think maybe he could run the Jack FR try and flick it to the side but yeah that's what he's looking at look he just caught it the wrong side so two to Joe at the moment another ball to come yeah Line's good for this just wants to pull up yeah very good so three shots to Joe good aggressive end from both players just Adam to do the scoreboard 31 to Joe second end yeah both players finding the range early uh chalkers just slightly overplay from Gary there very happy with that you just wanted to be aggressive right thing to do get a bit of chalk but didn't really want to lose his ball out the back Gary's going to run this now it's tight with Joe's bow on the line there I think it's just dead yeah so Gary lying so Joe switching now to the back end looks for a narrow ball yeah he's down under his own think this will just pull up yeah so 8 inches from the ditch so you just push that a little bit Gary played the weight to push Joe's dead sit in its place Joe won't want to leave this too close to his other ball he get right on top of it might not be so bad yeah it's right it's in line makes it much harder to get them out now yeah what a good ball very good so uh Gary picks up one so 32 to Joe after three ends so three4 length Jack for Gary on this fourth end [Music] and Gary just being a bit aggressive just pulled it a bit and for those of you who aren't aware obviously in our tournaments this year you uh can't run the Jack cleaning the ditch with your first Bowl anymore um if your ball is a touch and does go into the ditch it gets removed but that's only with the first ball for each player yeah better adjustment here from Gary not quite enough just just slightly wide from Joe Gary still holding we'll want to get a close one now looks pretty good to me drop around the back yeah Wentz on the face of Gary there didn't really want to be Jack ey it's giving Joe a bit of a quandry now though think maybe forand a better shot here and just push the ball away sit in its place he's reaching it big trying to get in the corner just under it trying to get big put it in the corner next to his other bow here so it'll be two yeah so the rest of the match is going on we're currently at last 16th stage of the cup and uh quarterfinals are both a plate and the shield so Gary 43 up now yes sorry France you're right yes obviously I forgot to mention that if your bow does stay live if you play it the Jack um the ball will remain on the head it's only if the ball goes completely into the ditch area that it will be removed so car play ditro of this yeah Fair result Jo just through here willing it to slow but couple of feet over so Gary to just try and drop on these balls now y it's good enough covers them Joe will want to get a close one here he's just changed his foot position so maybe he's going to just try and half the Jack here yeah he's playing for that just going to hold I think he's unlucky yeah he just took a slight step to his right to make it a straight to ball to play with a bit of weight so Gary holding two his last bow of the end again decisions for Joe think he's back to a draw now y As He adjusted the weight needs to run a little bit I think it's going to be second yeah so one for Gary Adam nearly giving it to Joe he's obviously a generous fell so five3 to Gary five ends so G's just run off to get his cloth sweating a bit it's getting quite warm in the hall now so onto the sixth end Gary leading nor 3/4 length Jack just going to pull up six Ines short says yeah well adjusted from Joe there just added that foot of pace on played it well that's Gary's Target now just going to hold a thing well yeah got the off of it but Joe still holds yeah good again from Joe here yeah very good small run of Applause so Gary's last ball looking to play his own into it here it's close oh yeah might have done that I'll have a quick look cuz Joe's going to come and have a look yeah Gary's just done enough to pinch a shot so good result for Gary for Joey's just going to try and push on Gary shot ball sit next to the jack for two yeah pace is good just wants to hold yeah very good so two it is very good ball from Joe y Joe agrees to the two so we're back to all square at the halfway stage six ends played and five shots a piece yeah so Joe just sitting on a from middle Jack just sat on Long Gary with a front touch up yeah looks good again from yeah got a toucher as well so Jo will be pleased with that so Gary now will obviously look to just drop around these this Jack onto the balls he just dropped that fracture that ball so foot [Music] sure Joe looking for this Gap now again looks pretty close yeah very good he's really finding his range now Joe so Gary want to just edge up through he's just going to Peg a little bit yeah we was good for the job let Dro down this still Joe's shot Joe's uh on top of the Jack Gary's inch and a half two inches off this is tricky now Joe's got to take the chance to maybe just try and Edge in the Gap at the front on the right hand side as we're looking just to have another Bowl in the head might even look for the Jack here try and drag it back he is you know just going hit the ball first that's all right it's another Bowl in the head yeah he was looking to get on the jack there I think and just bring it back a foot or so maybe he did rock it but not enough I don't think it's enough y so one shot to Joe seven ends played he leads six shots to five so we got middle Jack from Joe he just wanting to reach to get a touch and sit past y Gary with a good ball would have liked that to have sat down but uh is inside a foot yeah Joe might look to just overreach this again try and get the Jack clean back I think he's is just going to get the ball need to get a touch so yeah good from Gary here yeah let's change the angle of the Jack now yeah so Joe just trying to drop one round needs to hurry quite a lot yeah just didn't push it through these mats obviously we've just bought 33 brand new wi green light mats they've got a different backing from the uh old ones and being you they're playing slightly sluggish yeah that's a good ball I think he's pinched a shot there Adam Adam will just yeah one down still a chance for uh Gary if he can push that clear back passes other ball he'll sit three yeah looks good yeah could have done the [Applause] job certainly two Joe tively calling for an Umpire hasn't got a big mouth like us Alan brf's coming on to do the measure so two for Gary so yep so it's Gary so it's three shots so 2/3 of the way there and uh car now up by two eight shots to six so ninth end Gary leads off three4 length Jack again yeah good from Joe here yeah right behind it and a touch Gary just want to chip The Jackal The Ball free here yeah very good played that perfect way such a difficult shot that having to play that uh perfect weight just to be able to move the Jack or the bowl but bowling it on the right line uh yes Bill you're absolutely right he should have gone back I did notice that we'll uh just let Alan know to make sure to check the first measure we know what string measures can be like having a close-up view that I did have though I could tell it was uh Gary shot well opportunity for Joe now probably two down two B's waiting though is slightly narrow needs to hurry a little bit Yeah needed a bit more Pace he's got the shot but I'm sure he would have preferred to just drag that Jack back a bit car just having a look now to see if this Jack will where it will go what it might hit just looking at the angle it looks like it will just uh catch the Inside Edge of the Blue Bowl on the right but should go to Gary's Bol this is holding a little bit yeah just held off a little bit so I'm expecting a wide backand now from Joe just try and stay away from that ball and droing the Gap the shot ball is touching the Jack just wants to run good effort need ball short don't think it's in yeah Gary's obviously walked away just to show Joe and Adam's putting the score up so there we go one on the board and Allan uh just coming in check it again so one shot up on the board already Gary leading 87 with this measure to come from this angle it looks like Joe's Blue Ball but I've got old eyes so might not be I think it's worth the measure though [Applause] so so it was two eight shots all nine ends played so three ends to play all square in a match yeah good start from Joe ever some important toucher yeah Gary on a good line yeah very good so Joe just wanted to play bow onto Bowl here or at least push it through yeah that's good takes a shot [Music] oh Gary just slightly through but M yeah that's good actually I just check that yeah so last bow is shot one to Gary so draw Joe on a good draw line here too needs it just a hurry right up yeah it's in for sure Gary's just checking the other two balls there so Last Bow of this 10th end to come two more to play following this so again Gary looking for his bow here close oh didn't quite get them both so w to Joe good game we got here so Joe leads one up to the play n98 10 ends two to play we had a fantastic game in the last match some of you I'm sure were watching as I said earlier repeat of the 2023 final between uh sorry World Masters final between Alex clay and Adam ranking superb bowling from both players and Alex just getting the nod over over Adam and this again a highly good game yeah Joe not happy with that he's Dro that uh 10 in short maybe a foot short it is easy on these mats just to pull a little bit of pace off so Gary lying to Joe will stick to the back end just wants to add that foot of pace on his last ball yeah much better here yeah very good well adjusted really wanted it to drop down they are just standing a bit up on these mats on the wide green lights usually they would drop down but uh they need bedding in the mats a little bit so shot for Gary now just a droping off of Joe's last ball he's going to get caught on the front though yeah very frustrated ah comes out of his mouth uh Joe just asking uh Adam what shot we got a nice view of Gary's ass there I'm sure you'll enjoyed that so I think yeah Joe looking for his short ball here or play the splited in well yeah rolled up nice that's definitely shot now is it one or two Adam just one so Joe's last ball shot and Gary's uh on the left as we look second ball yeah Gary's not going to be short here down the forand well just playing at overdraw Pace looking to drop it back for a three need some help didn't get it so it's uh another one for Joe that's a two shot lead that's what he would have wanted heading into the last end slight buffer defensive look from Mr McNab defending Champion could be on the way out so final end of this uh last 16 match here at the Irish open 2024 live from Belfast and a good start from uh Joe Bey so important to get a bit of chalk especially on the last end just wanted another foot of pace there Gary so Joe Joe's just got to defend a bit now willing it to slow down but that's a good spot there yeah now bit of chalk for Gary it's pretty well hidden as a toucher though so Joe's got to get close to that ball now yeah want yes this is good this very good very good that's the bowl he woned previously it's going to be nominated as a toucher cuz it is leaning a little bit so Joe with final bow to come just need to look check where can Gary get a two from just look to cover that as it stands his shot ball is a little bit exposed if that ball goes out he could lose a three so I think really a front touch is good here can't really see Gary getting a two by pushing the Jack back it's just going to drop round behind it well yeah that's not bad cuz he's now got a bow either side Gary's got a chance to drag the Jack through here obviously his t here so if he brings a jack into this area he'll pick up a two for a draw I think if he goes clean in the ditch it might only be one yeah he's playing to just drag it back just under I think yeah he's got one so that's it defending Champions out Joe BT wins the match 10 shots to nine for Gary good day work but uh fantastic match between these two great players but it's Joe Bey who progresses to the quarter finals other match is just finishing up so you can check out our website for all the results from this session and uh we'll be back with you shortly for some more live action here at the 2024 Irish open thanks for watching