Celtic & Ireland Legend Pat Bonner joins the Podcast for a special episode | Celtic View Podcast

Published: Jul 23, 2023 Duration: 00:34:42 Category: Sports

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foreign [Music] welcome to this special edition of our podcast I'm delighted to be joined here at Celtic park by not only a legend of Celtic but also a legend of Ireland pop boner only one of seven Celtic players to make over seven 600 appearances for the club 641 80 caps for Ireland and it's just kind of skimming the surface of what was a pretty incredible playing career for you Pat yeah listen I I had had all my career here as a player which is unique I suppose in the modern world but um maybe maybe at the end of my career I could have moved on somewhere probably the opportunity didn't come around but I love my time here I had a wonderful times with a great group of people Players management and I think the staff to the people in the room with the club you know he built up even you know the groundsman I was talking to some of them today Henry away and someone were still here which is unique all this time uh you know since since I was here and you build up friendships with people and and it's in your heart and it's in your soul and it never changes I mean obviously the clubhouse but when I just look at that backdrop it's somewhat different to the Celtic Park when you first arrived back in the late 70s yeah I come over here in 1977 on trial um signed in 70 78 and joined the club then when Billy and John took over Joker just left joke signed me but Sean Falton also a great great man who was probably the most responsible for me coming to the club and he took me in here and that was the old stadium um big big stadium with a track around it many is a day we played out here just below us here on on the Ash and had some great games and then there was the grass but up at the other end so it was the old old stadium but a unique Stadium the jungle was there Celtic game Ranger's end and then the the new stand on that side which is still still there um was there and the old restrooms and all that when I walk around it now and I see the atmosphere I think that the only time I had the opportunity to play in this in the stadium was when we played a charity much and I think was on TV we played Manchester United and that was pretty intimidating I've got to see when the crowds and then it was a full house particularly at the the noise and so on I think it was slightly different in our day even though uh it was still an intimidating place you had to perform and you had to perform in front of the Jungle that's for sure could you mentioned there about you've been joked in his last saying because one of the things when I've interviewed for example Tom McAllen he's about throwing post I've been the only player that joke's been saying twice right and and you obviously have that unique post of of you've been jokes last saying and for Celtic but then you mentioned that you know another gay Irishman and Sean Fallon who brought you know was instrumental in bringing a whole raft of players yeah you know because he was you know he could spot a player and obviously I'm guessing he had the gift of the garbage as well to to persuade you to to say yeah well listen I was over and back to Leicester City on trial uh adapter in the end English at cop did didn't save me thank God and but Sean was going and watching games he was going and he watched me play for the arjit team at that particular time and after the game I remember him coming to me and said would you like to go on Trials on over the Celtic and of course I said I'll be in touch with your club and I was caging overs at the time and then you know the world came true that that he was going to bring me over I came over in 19 as I said 1977 and um I think it was frost and snow and I couldn't really actually even train I played a a trial game for Colt Nash United and that that was I guess East Kilbride vessel by the way so that was the first team I ever played for was called Nash United here in Scotland uh under an assumed name of course and that but after that to be honest I went down to a tournament in Ruby in France uh with the under 18 team and that was a great tournament I didn't think I played very well to be perfectly honest I was Easter time and I said oh that was it that's it gone I think I I'm going back to school I'm gonna get my leaving cert done which I did which I was happy to do and I was suddenly mindset going to throwman college down Limerick to do PE and then working through in May that that jockstein was going to come over or somebody was going to come over to side me and they wanted to sign and I went down to the ballerina hotel and now I think it's changed his name but that's where we went to meet and I was done the next Saint George Stephen came in but Sean was the man and uh he um any time after that you know obviously he had left by the time I I came over there in the summer but I used to meet him in the local Chapel up and praise the King and he wasn't ready to be down to the house for dinner with with his family and he had that sort of kind of warm handshake and I think I think that sort of between his his accent his warm handshake and the way that he dealt with what what Young Players I think that made you feel that that you can almost in the family right away as such and that probably persuaded me um more so than anything else I felt that I was at home when I talked to Sean yeah and that and he kept that friendship up over over the years his family even to this day um uh you know I meet them and they're they're always the same you know as a fewer part of the of them and I was part of of you know of that as a young boy that Sean just had that ability because it's that great I suppose he he's part of that great Irish connection that you have as well and obviously you would have been a whale or you know the strength of feeling coming from Donegal but as a teenager making that generally to over to Glasgow over to Scotland that's a big thing for our young man at that time you know I was just you know thinking about coming out you know there was no phones in the house so why would you know we were lucky we I think we just had a car my dad got a car a couple years earlier but we didn't travel too far I wasn't in Glasgow before I came on trial even though my mum and dad was married in Edinburgh and my mum worked up in Edinburgh um and my dad followed her over here they were they were gonna obviously uh go together and they ended up getting married and they lived down in cup Copeland Road believe it or not hey Brooks and then they went back over about six months later we were born in Ireland and my mom and dad had to stay because of some family reasons with my my he'd lost a couple of sisters not me with Dad look after my my grandmother uh and otherwise we could have been easily born over here but I'd never I'd never come to Scotland even though we were Celtic supporters most of the kids were in there were selling supporters they always had an english team too the next door neighbor had a picture of the 67 team up in the world he knew them all you could name them but you never really uh traveled over and that was the first step nowadays has completely changed you know people are over back in on a almost a daily basis with a deflating the Carrick Fin and 45 minutes and you're done he got all I wish it was there when I was young I'd be honest I'd be probably over back to see the games my first memory of Celtic actually watching Celtic was in bar buffet in Finn Park they came over uh to play in a game for there was a tragedy at home um a boat and accident and they came over to play in the game and that and I remember going up there watching Tommy and and those Tommy Burns and those guys and um playing in a very muddy uh Fun Park I've got to say but uh so that was the connection really I had a great mate also Colonel is no longer what is unfortunately but I remember him giving me a Ronnie Simpson's book actually to read when I was a young boy and again all those things made the connection you know uh from that perspective but um coming here then into a city from a country background because we live beside the sea over in Portland port and you're coming into the bright ladies of Glasgow um very industrial city at that time um and coming out to the East End of Glasgow here that that was really intimidating and you know I've said it many times that I was very homesick at a twin brother at home at a Five Sisters mom and dad and my grandmother all over the house and I was away from home and and those things were traumatic for young people at that particular time and not so I was exactly the same I missed home but I love my football I love coming in here I remember today Sean farnborough beat into that first time in the Southern Park and he brought me straight into the first team dress room and the Danny mcgreens and the Roy Akins and the Tommy Barnes and Pat Stanton was there in time and those Ronnie glav and Paul Wilson and he made me shake they don't write every player they shook my hand they're probably wonder who's this young guy coming over here and then I was in the reserves of Peter Mack he and Bernie godzick and all of Jim Casey all of those guys you know and it was a wonderful but it was intimidating for a young man I had to find me a family family possession put it that way but it's incredible I mean you're listing some of those names you should say yukiman is a young boy you know you're shaking hands with Tommy bonds it was just a young player as well you become like really really close friends by him you know if you like said Danny and like in there to the seven players along with you that are the legends that have made over six under the piances you know your foster parents I think a lot of people would know can appropriately came in St Patrick's Day but even then you make that one appearance which is a great thing yeah you never think you go on to make 641 because that that's a lot of hard work over a lot of years and the ups and downs of football to get to that stage yeah listen uh you know I didn't know whether I was going to make it or not that's for sure as I said earlier I did my leave insert at home and I was quite happy to have that behind me I could almost fall back on it it was something I was my mom and dad sort of kind of put into us a little bit to get your education and and so on some of the girls left school earlier because they had to there was no money in the house and so on but we were lucky at the younger siblings we went to school and we stayed at school and we did our leaving surgery so I always had that but and I want to come to Celtic listen this was an intimidating place as I said those were great players that you mentioned um Peter latchford was here Roy Baines was here I kind of had an inkling that I was I was okay um probably in the first year when they sold Roy beans uh hate to say that against right because he was a great lad and he went down to Morton I think at the time and then suddenly I was second choice to Peter lashford but even then you know I was I had a contract um I didn't know that I had a um the Celtic had an option on my contract which it meant that the next they could take you on for an extra year when your country goes up and that and I remember going to talk to Billy middle one day I kind of knocked on the door he was in the dressroom actually and I said to him I said what about a contract and so we're taking you up in their option I said what does that mean because I can't even remember what I signed uh so anyway they took me up and I was at and then continued um and then making your debut you know Peter was even though I trained every day with them I didn't travel with the first thing we played Reserve football um but Peter was going to maybe a wee Rocky patch with most goalkeepers do and that and then on a Friday Billy said to me um that he was going to put me in you know against motherwell which was an incredible Saint Patrick's Day Bobby Lennox of course was back from America scored a couple of goals in the game there was a very small crowd here by the way when you look back at the records or celebrating Saint Patrick's Day they were probably um but that but then just to go out there and at that time it was incredible because there was a postal strike on there was a communication strike on uh and and nobody I couldn't get in touch with my family to tell them I was playing because with no mobile phones in those days um so I think it was probably on the and some of them found out but it was really on the on the day of the game that they found out so nobody was really here apart from my uncles and answer was living here in Glasgow that was staying much you know but my own direct family wasn't here which is a petty and that and even at that point in time um you know my dad was still alive um and uh that would have been a big occasion for him yeah yeah because it's incredible when you think no you know the way nowadays with those Communications have with any young age players have to make their debut them within 10 minutes the whole of islands out there 30 seconds and it's done absolutely and everybody will be broken up to come over and so on and the problem now is trying to get tickets for them uh and that but no I listened it was a it was a magnificent day to have your debut it goes down in a bit of History also I went back I did a team then for a while and then I played against motherwell again I think a couple of weeks later and in fact that that week my grandmother died at home but Anna couldn't go back because I was playing uh which was again a bit of traumatic for me um and I kind of struggled after that a little bit um we we beat motherwell Angus 4-2 or something away and um from home which is tricky place to go but I didn't really play that well in the night and then there was a team for a while and I think at that stage I was probably didn't know whether you know I had my chance couple of games did okay in the first game second game not so good whether they were going to keep me on or maybe pay somebody and but I've got to say thanks to Billy um who who you know I kind of had a love-hate relationship for many years until he was leggy he demanded of the goalkeepers but we grew very closeness and later on I suppose when we I got a bit more mature and he got a bit older and that but he it was something to give me the debut and stuck by me and times probably then when when I probably should have been at a team Peter got injured then after that and he put me and I had to run the games um and then that Runner games helped me to grow and confidence and I think Dandy could realize that it was I was okay but the game's changed isn't it you know yeah would I survive now I don't know that's the problem well that's always the thing I always think you know it's hard to compare with different Generations because as you see the game changes but to have made it at the highest level at any stage you have the right attitude and application an ability that you then adapt to the circumstances I I think I I think so I think so you know I didn't go into Golds when I was 12 years old really uh and done it also a played out field and I played in the schoolyard and I did all that and I was okay but I started going through a growth Sport and I grew very quickly and I was probably at 12 I was still six foot tall you know so you lose your coordination of bounds and you know with all kids now that's what happens and sometimes people make up your their mind about kids going through that growth department they shouldn't do it they should let them calm down and and just get their get their coordination back again um so I was okay but at the time the pass back came in remember 1993 the Passback came in I was 33 years old at that point in time I had been playing similar to you know Peter similar to Ray Clement Peter Shelton all of the great goalkeepers that I remember Pat Jennings um and and we weren't passing the ballet we weren't we were kicking the ball up the pitch out of our hands and off the ground that was your that was your soul um you know uh job of dealing with with the ball with your feet everything else was still across as defending the goal defending the space uh reading the game uh organization and you built yourself up physically and strong mentally to go out and compete with that but now the games have a composure it's about being calm ball backed here but the players give you options now that's only happened the last 10 15 years but I think back here when Brendan came here the first time I think it was him really that started getting Craig Craig was in Golds and it was almost I had to take time to get the players into positions to allow them to become effective in that thing so maybe I could have adapted I don't know I don't know I tell people yeah I'm going to give you the benefit before we started recording this you were chatting about the you know obviously you've played Wolverine Island for Island but the first couple of competitive games you played for Celtic Northern Ireland well the first one was well we were on the benchmen we played Dundalk I was on the bench it was an incredible game um and and we had one here three two uh I think I was nerdin unfortunately scored an OG for for to to give them a goal so they only had one one nil over in Dundalk and we were out remember we went on to play Real Madrid to think of the next game and that was incredible but they built the game up so so much there and Dundalk you know there was so many people there they put in an extra stand and probably a dodgy standard packing it my my dad was up at the game all my family was up there but it was I was just on the bench and the missed an absolute sitter an absolutely set the road about five minutes to go when it was nil nil and that could have put us out at Bob played across to go I can't remember the name of the player now but he went almost past the internet and can almost missed kicked it and put it wide I only haunted them for the rest of my okay absolutely renowned for it everybody would bring it up to him for the rest of us yeah but but I could have put us out but we got true I remember the night before also Danny went into his leg went into a bit of a spasm he's obviously the diabetes and he uh I think he was the sugar levels went down and so on so it was all dram all over the place you know and and that was it but but it was it was uh really competitive in Dundalk with a big big strong physical team I know some of the guys there and and that was a tougher place to go to over to Ireland even though the levels maybe a football might have been but they were physically strong good Pros over there you know so I was the first my first can almost uh chance to see uh sell the team went over there on a competitive game I went over later of course we played Sharma Grove and nerdy ass again another tough game and jungle was a decent team uh and and we won the game I went through and then the friendlies but but I did say to you that every time I went over there it was always even though it was a friendly I felt I had to perform Celtic of course you know were playing here in the Scottish League there'll be people over there as you know even to this days ah it's an easy league and this and that this is a tough League to play in and this is you have to perform um and any player coming here knows that uh and and they will tell you but the fans over there the ones who are neutral the ones who who are selling supporters but they think they're selling supporters think as an easy league and the ones that support the liverpools and Arsenal all that so I always felt like an over there that I had to perform even though there were Celtic fans there there was Irish fans there too and they didn't see it on the box too much didn't see the Celtic games that's different now of course you've seen every single game but then they didn't so when you went over there you had to really put a bit of a show on and I took it very very serious maybe you know some fans would say I was too serious but but that's the way I felt yeah I think fines would like that because you know that way fans whether they are not for a friendly match or a competitive match the fines are taking it seriously because you always want to see Celtic one so when you see the players doing that I think you relate to that as well so yeah nowadays is maybe slightly because they see them every week and they know how how they are but when you play for Celtic every games competitive let's put it that way yeah absolutely yeah I mean it's interesting you know over the years we have gone over we've played games in the north we'll play games you know played likes of Shamrock Rovers Etc it's there's always a special feeling I think when the Celtic go to Ireland someone once said to me that's probably precious few Irish men or women who don't have an affection for Celtic as you say you know some people will have particularly back in the day when there was a lot more English football coverage than Scottish Football they'll have an english team but there's always that affection wherever you go for football fans for sale that's if it's not the first team it's it's not a lot yeah well listen we know the history of Celtic also you know it was set up and Irish man and and um had always had that connection the tri-colors flying here um you know my uncle always said to me that you know Celtic and when when he came here as a young man um you know way back in probably the 50s uh Celtic was a place for them to come and feel as if they could compete with with everybody in Scotland and and beat them and feel very kind of happy that you were in your own environment here um from that perspective and the history and then of course the history has been about uh you know the Irish common immigrants coming to Scotland and looking after them and and all that charity aspect of the club and that's where the club is really all about it's not about anything else from me um and that remains and will remain forevermore so when you go back to Ireland or this club goes over to Ireland you feel that you have a connection and then the average people feel that they have a connection to Celtic from that perspective yes some of them support Tottenham and Arsenal and Liverpool and that but they always have that weird feeling for selfie also there was and and and they're always wondering how they do you know how to sell to do today you know that thing and especially during my part of the world and don't think well where uh you know people traveling over and back and they have huge commitment to the club from that perspective um and um you know I was I was just yesterday sending a jersey for a young man Jimmy Sweeney his dad Patty used to be over here and around the buses over there and Jamie's and involved he's just got two kids now and I says here coming over this year oh yeah I've got that over me now so I'll be back and he missed a couple of games last year and and that that lives with them you know and there's a whole group of people that have that connection over there and uh and that for me that that that's brilliant in many ways and to keep that sort of history and the meaning of celting alive that that day was sort of you know almost witnessed to my uncle yeah because that's one of the nice things I think about is come back that this time to play with Aviva on July the 29th and Irish maintainer is over is the manager as well which I think is is a bit special but you know to your point about you know the fans heading over every week here so it's nice for the club to reciprocate and then to go over there so obviously people are going to be traveling from all over Ireland but kind of feels like it's home hi I think so I think so I've listened I've been talking about uh to Derma Desmond a few times I mentioned that Peter we should have a club over there we should have a club in the league of Ireland that that we and run the whole thing and that would be a lovely feeder Club in Man City do it all over the world why can we not do it I know you've got a connection with shammer Growers to what Derma Desmond is doing but later on club that would be fantastic wouldn't it uh for me but um no listen the club is special it's special it's got that connection with Ireland that'll never change it's in the histories and the DNA and when you go over there you feel all the players should feel that they're going sort of into a country that that was part of their history uh you know from that perspective yeah it's our well account it country but it's a Celtic country as well yeah absolutely absolutely obviously the Aviva which talked a little bit the transformation of of Celtic Park the Aviva's on the same side as Lansdown road but I mean it's turned a little yeah so it's a spectacular it's a very impressive Stadium I I've been some of the Irish journalists were interviewing Brendan last week and somebody did make the point about the Aviva's going to be hosting the Europa League final this year and I think he was trying to get him to say well that's that's a Target I think it just it was kind of laughing could be a Target it could be a Target but a lovely Target it would be a great Target but I kind of showed you the even just the venue uh you know it's at that standard to be hosting European finals but you know obviously for a game let's say I'll take and against that you know we'll say that Premier League side preseason game but it's good preparation because you're playing on a top side yeah listen I I remember the old London Road you know I met most of most of my games were in the old lands and Road it wasn't uh you know a pretty you know lumos type of Stadium but it certainly was uh a great Stadium to play and with great atmosphere and so on so forth this Stadium now of course is Iconic it's got a design that's that's iconic but the great thing is it's in the same site you know and it's a bit like here well when things have changed here at silly Park and they haven't gone somewhere else of you know those possible sites Elsewhere for Celtic Part I think when Fergus came in it was like well this is where we're building it because this is this is the heart of something it'll be the same for the Viva absolutely and when you look around Salt Lake Park now you look at the outside incredible job that the club has done uh you know credit must go to the the directors and everybody concerned that they have spent a lot of money around reinvigorating the environment you've got to say uh these down the glass go from that perspective lands and Roads a bit like that many ways too it was the old stadium was dilapidated and needed to be done players now need the stadium they need good pictures that's the other thing when I look back to the pictures that I played on I remember one in one in the league here and there wasn't a blade of grass do you know that's interesting because you know your point about could play us from saying you you know how would they compete in the modern day so if you take any of the Outfield players some of the lip balm which they as you see he's playing sometimes on a picture there's hardly any glass the control he has so then you put him on a carpet like Celtic partner he's going to drive of course of course I suppose a challenge for the modern players can they go on to bad pitches and play uh well we could adapt quite easily because we trained on bad pitches we could we played out there and it wasn't the best pitch in the world but I think that's what Brandon changed here he came and he realized that if you wanted to play the way that he wants the team to play the pitch was going to be a a very important tool and that's what he's done there so so the pitch is immaculate Lansing Road is a mackled uh now daviva Stadium should I say um it's also perfect it'll be at the perfect venue for Zelda to go and play and then the opposition is a premier league opposition which which will be a good challenge for them so looking forward to that game and hopefully it'll be a full house which I'm sure it will be the silly fans will travel all over Ireland uh and it'll be it'll be a lovely occasion and it's a good test and you mentioned Brandon come back there as an Irish man you know and and there'll be there'll be people out there listen to the people fans out there to say listen Brendan left and he left in the middle of a season and so on so forth but he is the best manager to fit the profile we have at this moment of time when they look around and if you're going to make a choice he would fit the profile uh and people have got to sort of understand that and the game's changed also from that perspective you know Players management staff people move people move and move for for all all sorts of reasons um it's not they're not you're not going to get somebody that stays at a club 17 years anymore that's for sure I doubt it very much and from that perspective maybe Callum might might get that but that's that's a unique situation so so Brendan's back and and uh he's gone into that and that's a good start from for the season and if he plays the way that the team played in the past the fans will be happy if he won the big games coming up at the very start of the season the fans be happy and then Europe and people know people know that that Europe is a test and it will be a test for him too even if Andrew is sitting here today and preparing for this new season I think that would have been the Benchmark firm Europe to this particular year so so that hasn't changed yeah because those games interestingly that the Wolves game is the first game back home I suppose in Ireland but it's the first time that fans here get get to see the team because they're obviously over in Japan Etc so I think that there's always that excitement ahead of a new season so people want to see the team playing yeah and I think I think listen we were so enamored with the way that Andrew had his team play and they were on the front foot every every pass was more a penetrating pass and and so on so forth uh the intensity was great we all loved that unfortunately near the end of season when the intensity comes off then then they struggled a little bit I think uh from our perspective Brandon plays slightly different a bit more possession based I'll be really interesting for a bit for me anyway uh somebody who works still works in the game and has a commenting on it uh how that change will affect the players or will it affect the players or will it will they adapt quickly to it or will he continue playing the way ants played a little bit more and of course I'm going down to England too when you think on it uh it was a great learning process for for Brandon he had to go in with a lesser team that that probably had to play differently they played more in a counter attack with variety of front now so will he takes some of that put it back into into the Celtic team and make them better who knows so all of that even that moved down to England might have been beneficial for the club now yeah that's that's partly excitement in the new season you mentioned obviously you're a one club man one other well obviously look at Keller McGregor who came through he's been here for over 20 years another player has been here for over 20 years James Forrest and he's also joining you you're one of a select band of Celtic players who's had a testimonial here uh back in 1991 James Wallace is against the Athletic Club who you know they make a big thing or they have an award for one one club man they made a special award for Billy McNeil a few years back which was wonderful James Ford is getting a testimonial I mean he's an incredible uh one of success over the years but it happens so really now so it's a nice thing for him to have of course listen you know when when you get a testimony from the fans um at that special uh I think probably an hour a day if you got testimonial we probably needed a wee bit of a boost financially to continue what we were going to do in life thereafter we didn't get big wages uh but but that doesn't take nothing away from from testimonials in the current climate he deserves it like you know it's great to see a young man who stays at a club all his life that's that's huge commitment when when probably there's other offers there you could have moved and so on so forth James what I loved about James was to see his development over the years too when I remember him as a young boy coming into team he was coming in and out she didn't know whether he was going to really kick on and be become a come a player um and so on but I think again when I look back at Brandon when he came to the club I think he made a huge difference uh to James he can almost meet him into a mature player who had had a leadership quality within the team when he played he was much more tuned in to not just the attack and say but the defensive side he had I think he learned him the responsibility that he had when he was playing an out in that pitch for the team rather than the individual and I think that stuck with him unfortunately he's had a few injuries over the years and we probably have seen more of them I don't know many games he's played but certainly to be at the club all Outland so he deserves everything he gets and I'm sure he'll have a huge crowd and that's a lovely you're right about the team he's playing you know I've heard that before I've listened to their history um you know they come from a part of the Spain that that liked to see players commit to them from The Basque country and so on and stay there so so that's that's a lovely lovely gesture actually for them to come over and play in his testimonial and hopefully Callum will be you know maybe the next one down the road so great great young players and and the other thing I love love about it to see young is coming through the system you know I didn't come to the through the boys club where I didn't come through the apprenticeships you know I came in when I was 18. those kids have come right through the whole system since we're probably 11 years old and to be still at the club and doing well and being some of the leading players in the club I love that and and that must still continue as part of her history believe me yeah because that was even on pre-season it was always interesting because you get the other end of that scale of some of the young players making the step up and training with the first team and again there you're seeing hopefully some of them in the start of their Celtic Journey as well yeah yeah absolutely absolutely absolutely so let's see how it all develops this year and everybody will be very happy I know you do a lot of work with the FBI but will you be will you be back over in Dublin for the the rules game no no I would be um I'm on the board of the FBI at the moment which is which is interesting there's a kind of a um independent director you know not Hands-On anymore it used to be the technical director over there which was which is a brilliant job um I'm away from that for 10 years but now I'm back on the board and we have a big job to do there um the team the ladies team now is of course in the World Cup starting uh starting nardis this week um and uh uh that'll be interesting to see how do you do so the hierarchy most of them are out there so there's no real so I'm not no I'm knocking over uh this week and obviously as you see my fingers crossed I'm sure there will be uh just uh Alexa just from all counties of Ireland down to Dublin for for gaming into it yeah absolutely it's easy enough to get to the only problem with Dublin they're so expensive so you can go up and go down and one day yeah take a take a trip yeah we're looking forward to it the lesson part it's been as always an absolute Joy talking to you and this time on the podcast so thanks very much thank you and I'm delighted to be able to talk to the fans and and we wish them well this year and uh more success absolutely foreign [Music]

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After The Match | Celtic 3-0 Rangers | Three is a magic number as Celtic deliver dominant derby win

Category: Sports

John beting co's time on a dominant derby one for brendan rogers side da maa opened the scoring after 16 minutes kogo doubled the lead in 39 minutes with a superb strike and then the pick of the bunch came with 15 minutes remaining when the captain curled an exquisite shot from 25 yards into the top... Read more

UEFA Champions League Draw Reaction with Celtic's Álex Valle! thumbnail
UEFA Champions League Draw Reaction with Celtic's Álex Valle!

Category: Sports

[music] alex you've been here with the celtic staff watching the the champions league draw what's your initial reaction to the teams that you'll be facing well uh really happy to be honest uh well as we all know champions league is very difficult every every team is so difficult to face but yeah being... Read more

Full Media Conference: Álex Valle can't wait to experience Champions League football at Celtic Park thumbnail
Full Media Conference: Álex Valle can't wait to experience Champions League football at Celtic Park

Category: Sports

Alex welcome to celtic you've been watching the champions league draw what was your reaction to the draw on the teams that celtic will play uh hello thank you um well really happy to be honest uh i think it's a a good group uh to be competitive is an opportunity to be competitive here uh and nothing... Read more

Greg Taylor & Kyogo On The Match | Celtic 3-0 Rangers | Dominant Derby win for Celts! thumbnail
Greg Taylor & Kyogo On The Match | Celtic 3-0 Rangers | Dominant Derby win for Celts!

Category: Sports

Greg congratulations it's a fine win today can you sum up the performance yeah i think uh really really good result um didn't start the game we would have liked but um once we managed to tweak a few things i think we'd pretty much f control and when you've got the attacking players like we do kyogo... Read more

Brendan Rodgers On The Match | Celtic 3-0 Rangers | Dominant Derby win for Celts! thumbnail
Brendan Rodgers On The Match | Celtic 3-0 Rangers | Dominant Derby win for Celts!

Category: Sports

Brendan i'm going to begin almost at the end you're 3-0 up in a glasgow derby have played fantastically well and casper schmeichel is throwing everything into preventing a goal in the final stages does that sum up the mentality of your squad this afternoon yeah i think we've seen that from preseason... Read more

Jenny Smith On The Match | Aberdeen 0-4 Celtic FC Women (25/8/24) thumbnail
Jenny Smith On The Match | Aberdeen 0-4 Celtic FC Women (25/8/24)

Category: Sports

Jenny back to here this afternoon against aberin what was your take on that performance um i think we could have done better i don't think it's our usual performance and we've discussed it at halftime and just there and it's not not enough goals in our eyes and not a good performance but i think we'... Read more

Celtic in Europe | New format for UEFA Champions League 2024/25 | Everything you need to know! thumbnail
Celtic in Europe | New format for UEFA Champions League 2024/25 | Everything you need to know!

Category: Sports

A celtic enter into a new era of european football the 20 2425 dua champions league provides new opportunities and increased competition for the champions of scotland this season introduces a bold new format going to the familiar group stages and in their place celtic will compete in a single 36 team... Read more

ARNE ENGELS | Welcome To Celtic 2024 🟢⚪🍀 Elite Goals, Skills, Tackles & Passes (HD) thumbnail
ARNE ENGELS | Welcome To Celtic 2024 🟢⚪🍀 Elite Goals, Skills, Tackles & Passes (HD)

Category: Sports

[music] [music] [applause] [music] [music] [music] [music] oh oh [music] a [music] [music] oh [music] [applause] [music] [music] [music] [applause] [music] [applause] [music] [music] [applause] [music] [music] [music] Read more

CHAMPIONS LEAGUE DRAW LIVE! Aston Villa Draw Bayern Munich & Juventus! Celtic Battle Ahead! thumbnail
CHAMPIONS LEAGUE DRAW LIVE! Aston Villa Draw Bayern Munich & Juventus! Celtic Battle Ahead!

Category: Sports

[music] hello and welcome to a very special show of all villa no filler we're here to watch and discuss the champions league draw as it happens frankie this is the first time in more than 40 years that villa have been a part of this esteemed club you're wearing the kit training kit i i i bought this... Read more

Scott Wright heading for Ibrox exit? Alex Vale checks in at Celtic | Daily News Update thumbnail
Scott Wright heading for Ibrox exit? Alex Vale checks in at Celtic | Daily News Update

Category: Sports

Welcome to your daily news headlines brought to you by arnold clark i'm patrick kesia top stories on the 28th of august ryan gold has received his first scotland call up since 2014 and speaking yesterday steve clark believes he could bring something different to this scotland squad on on a roundabout... Read more