Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:11:06 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: sloth fever
all right shalawam first and foremost I want to open up by giving all Praises honor and glory to yahawah bahash yahawashi bahash rash double honors to the apostles and Elders of great Millstone who rule well and preach the truth and truth and sincerity shalawam to the Hope elect and this is the brother Amana Yash from the GMS Indiapolis Camp coming back at you with another quick lesson through the spirit and power yah bahash yaashi and uh today's lesson I have a uh article off the end time headlines app uh dealing with this uh uh pestilence that's on the rise which Al U this this is the first time I've heard of of this uh but as you can see by the headlines it says uh developing it says developing 21 people in the US infected with slot fever which UL that sounds like a new name um hey man hey we understand in these last days as uh our Lord yahawashi return all right it's closer and closer that we will be seeing a lot of things pop off in these last days man okay let's go to the book of uh as always all right Matthew excuse me Matthew chapter 24 and um we'll jump straight to the point of verse 7 and this is these are words and red letters so this is our Lord yah which I speaking it says for nation shall rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there should be famines and pestilences and earthquakes and diverse places all these are the beginning of Sorrows man you know we always like to say that when we see such things as this taking place upon the Earth these are the beginning of Sorrows and understanding that we are in the beginning of Sorrows also we understand that the Lord yah bahash yaashi is only warming up man see cu the times that are to come all right that are going to be much greater than than right now right so when we see wars and rumors of wars famines pestilences earthquakes these very different natural disasters these are the beginning of Sorrows man and these are things that we will see coming to pass in these last days that will let us know that the return of Our Lord yahawashi is closer than we believe man okay so hey man these pestilences man that we're seeing take place in the earth man cuz Hey that what's the name is uh what's the name is still on the table man you got the the bird flu and the impo which was just recently maybe a few a couple weeks ago which the impo just recently was declared an international Health Emergency all right roughly roughly paraphrasing man so amen who's to say that the Lord yahwah bahash yaashi won't kick off all these various different diseases all at once man all right the Lord yahwah bahash yaashi could very well do that man cuz Hey the scriptures speak upon how we coming into a time like never before man so ultim you could you could take the our Affliction in Egypt okay you can take 70 AD when Romans persecuted us man you could take slavery all right our captivity here in the Americas and you could add up all the worst events that took place in history but nothing's going to compare to the time of Jacob's trouble that is about to fall upon the Earth man okay but once again hey we understand that when we see these various different diseases that ultimately ultimately we understand that it's a part of end time prophecy hey once again the return of Our Lord yahawashi is closer and closer man uh the book of uh Jeremiah chapter 28 beginning in verse 7 it says nevertheless hear thou now this word that I speak in thine ears and in the ears of all the people the prophets that have been before me and before thee of old prophesy both against many countries and against Great kingdoms of war and of evil and of pestilence okay and the Lord yah bahasham yaashi has all all always okay set up are His prophets all right before the downfall of the great Kingdom and in today's day and age man the Lord has risen up men all right has risen up His prophets around the whole earth declaring the end of Babylon AKA America man okay and ultim the Lord has is telling our America that what you're going to experience pestilence you're going to experience these various different natural disasters you're going to experience famines you're going to experience all maners of evils AKA bad times man and these are the things that are coming to America and we understand that as the Lord yahwah bahash yaashi prepares to judge our people the Israelites the so-called Negroes Latinos and Native Americans a first Peter the 4th chapter tells us that judgment must begin at the house of the most high all right so UL the Lord is going to judge a lot of Israelites man and by way of pestilence and these various different plagues that are coming upon the Earth man right so UL me he we're out here on the highways and byways through these various different video Epistles warning our people okay of the was to come okay in hopes that they repent that they may be uh protected from from the said perilous times but also we understand that only the elect is going to take heed and repent okay and then ultim we're we're telling America it's judgment man in which America is not going to escape the judgments CU you see the Lord is going to hit America with these various different plagues like the pestilences we're going into okay natural disasters our famines so on and so forth and also the Lord is going to uh hit America with that knockout punch okay that final plague coming in the form of the nuclear destruction man okay but without further Ado man let's get on to this article as we can read by the headlines again it says the developing 21 people in the US infected with slot Beav it says more than 20 people returning to the US from Cuba have been infected with a virus transmitted by bugs in recent months federal health officials said Tuesday they all had uh Oro push pushe virus disease also also known as sloth fever none have died and there is no evidence that it's spreading in the United States but officials are warning us doctors to be on the lookout for the infection and travelers coming from Cuba and South America it says Oro pushe is a virus that is native to forested Tropical areas it was first identified in 1955 and a 24 year old Forest worker on the island of Trinidad and was named for a nearby Village in Wetland and wetland it say it has sometimes been called sloth fever because scientists investigating the scientists first investigating the virus found it in a three to sloth and believe sloth were sloths were important in it spread between ex insects and animals it says the virus is spread uh to humans by small biting flies called [Ā __Ā ] and by some types of mosquitoes humans have become infected while visiting forested areas and are believed to be responsible for helping the virus make its way to towns and cities but personto person transmission hasn't been documented since beginning late last year the virus was identified as a cause of large outbreaks in Amazon regions where it was known to exist as well as new areas in South America and the Caribbean about excuse me says about 8,000 locally acquired cases have been uh reported in Bolivia Brazil Colombia Cuba and Peru which also you got a lot of Israelites over there primarily northern kingdom and the Lord said that in these last days that he will consume all right his people the wicked of his people at that okay by way of pestilence uh Jeremiah 14 beginning in verse 11 it says then said the Lord yahwah unto me pray not for this people for the good also me those that we're not supposed to be praying for is the two the two-thirds of our people the wicked of our people see cuz at the end of the day man their judgment is already set and the Lord said over in the next chapter he s for death to death s it for the famine to the famine s for the Captivity to the Captivity so on and so forth man so the Lord yahwah bahasham yaashi already has certain has a certain number amongst his people two3 all right slated for certain judgments so we ain't supposed to be worried about them all right just like the uh Angel Uriel told the the prophet ezis okay and uh second ezis the 9th chapter and uh go we'll go straight to the point verse 13 and therefore be thou not curious how the ungodly shall be punished and when so we ain't supposed to be worried about the wicked of our people we're not supposed to be worried about the ungodly because their judgment is already said and there's no delivering them from the hand of yahwah bahasham yaashi it says but inquire how the righteous shall be saved who the world is and For Whom the world is created you see because at the end of the day hey yahwah bahash yaashi on this side is only worried about the elect okay so ultimately we should only be worried about the elect because those are the only individuals who are going to be delivered man the elect of the nation of Israel okay so jumping back to Jeremiah 14-12 it says when they fast I will not hear the cry and when they offer burnt offering and an oblation I will not accept them you see cuz Jake is doing all manners of wickedness and [Ā __Ā ] right now as we speak okay as warning is going out okay as the prophets are prophesying we week out throwing the different uh throwing up these various different video Epistles on a daily basis okay but Jake is not taking heed man man they just uh continuing on in their wickedness right so we understand at the end of the day that because Jake refuses to hearken unto the voice of yahawah bahasham yaashi which the Lord yahwah bahasham yaashi speaking via the prophets okay the Lord is not is not going to hear all right the prayers of 2/3 man and I got some going on the stove so um if there's any background noise but at the end of the day he the Lord yahwah bahash yaashi hey because two3 refuse to come back and repent and and hearken to the voice of yahwah bahasham yaashi which once again yah bahasham yaashi is speaking via the prophets what's going to happen man they're going to be consumed all right by the various different plagues and judgments that yahawah bahash yaashi is bringing upon the Earth in these last days man okay let's get something real quick in the book of um proverbs uh chapter 28 and verse 9 it says he that turth his ear away from hearing the law even his prayer shall be uh even his prayer shall be Abomination okay so you see what's going to happen because 2/3 are refusing to repent and come back to the law stat Commandments of yah bahash yaashi you see once once Affliction sets in on Jake that's when Jake want to call upon the Lord and seek the Lord and do his pleasing to the Lord but the Lord he's not going to hear them man because you have all this time all this amp

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