DUSTBORN Limited Retail Edition UNBOXING (I Paid $40 for This)

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:08:16 Category: Entertainment

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hey what's up everyone welcome to a not so release day unboxing I'm a couple days late oops I actually got this game when it came out but uh I didn't unbox it until now I'm actually about to live stream this so I figured I might as well do an unboxing before I live stream it so uh we got a game called dust born which I think everybody knows uh about this one everybody some people might not but it's been getting uh well it's been getting some traction especially on Twitter I've seen uh supposedly it's uh Mega cringe now I saw the trailer for this uh back in like future game show or something like that like a couple months ago and I've seen it before that and I was like eh and then I saw it a couple months ago and I was like o cuz it was like one of those games where just like you know immediately you see it everybody's going to call it woke is it woke I don't know but I've heard it's cringe so here it is I bought it so you can't even say like oh this guy he's over here not supporting stuff like this I bought it I'mma play it I'mma give it a chance you never know anyway uh so here's the box it comes a nice little box I do like the art style I will say so there you go will that Focus whatever it comes with like a bunch of crap uh it's like got a comic book style to it of course the Best Buy sent this to me in a uh on envelope a manila envelope so it got a little dented up you can't really see it it's not that bad so originally I saw it I was like man how dare you screw up my dust born copy and I realized what I just said and I said it's fine anyway I I spent I spent I spent money on this let me just say how much you can look it up I guess anyway so this is cringe I just uh yeah spent a lot of money on cringe any I already arrived it so I'm not feeling all that great got stuffed nose you know anyway here it is without the plastic yeah I it's pretty good art I I guess but I guess that really doesn't matter in the long run anyway if it's bad it's bad so can you see that I guess they're called the dustborne I don't know anyway here's the spine here it is I'm getting massive Saints Row vibes from this [ __ ] uh poster by the way wasn't she perched up the same way as uh as the Saints Row new protagonist was and stuff I feel like is the same with like the characters in the background I don't know I don't know what the hell she's pointing at I guess this this drone or plane whatever better get drone stried I don't who the [ __ ] am I even looking at anyway so there you go that's the Box let see what's inside cyanide I have a feeling I'm G to rather have that than play this game anyway so there everything in the box so what do we got here we got we got some stickers which is hilarious cuz St row also came with stickers I remember that actually I still have them somewhere is that them right there yep that's them nailed it here you go is that s yeah it's s there s stickers there we go that's cool so you got some stickers oh it's on on a postcard oh wait no no no no it's not never mind that was just stuck together anyway got some stickers if you want to look at those here I'll do a better job just case you want to look at them there you go there you go uh here's some uh postcards so here you go Amica the People's Republic of America okay it's like a robot I and then has a little whatever I'm not going to read that okay I'm definitely not going to read it considering I'm a I'm a Whitey uh and I don't know what it says I don't know what you saying uh here's another one oh here this one can read greetings from Chicago in Ward We Trust okay sh that's to Ward I guess dear Mom we made it to the far side of the Rockies into the heartlands and the halfway point of the journey to NS I don't know where it is uh I bought this card from a standard energy something a couple of a days uh oh that's it I thought there'd be more here's a little like map or something I'll open in a second and then oh here's a little prologue thing that's cute so they gave you a little prologue I don't have anywhere to put any of this stuff I guess I put right here here you go here's a prologue book in case no back art here you go oh that's cool it's got like pixel art in it doing the strong lady thing I forgot what it's called uh okay it's like the Puritans there you go I try to build up its own little lore here okay uh some sex sexual stuff in here oh damn oh that's hot there you go this one's fine there you go all right cool awesome anyway uh let me show the map before I open the game let's see this has like a it's not like paper it's a I can't tell what it is actually oh it's actually just straight up poster oh it's like a it's almost like a a silky quality to it oh yeah I can't wait I'm get this framed it's actually better to use something like this I don't even know what it is but my light's going out um oh there it goes again anyway comes with this poster if you really like the game I'm sure that's cool there you go and then it comes with a map of I guess that's the entire Journey that they go on there you go I don't know what the journey is exactly they're getting somewhere and uh and the wacky Shenanigans are going to happen trust me it's going to be amazing can you [ __ ] stop oh now my AC's going off this is a nightmare nightmare can you stop no one's watching [ __ ] off just fold up I can't I couldn't get my [ __ ] webcam go lower too so this is the high I mean the lowest I can make it go so this is like I have to make sure to reach higher so you can see more stuff yeah I didn't get I did not nail this [ __ ] it [ __ ] off anyway next there you go the game different box art I always like when that happens different box art here's the back and here's the spine for that one there you go there's no other version of this game so this is like I don't think there is at least I mean there's a digital version I guess so we got that hopefully that air conditioner is not too loud all right by the way it's rated M4 violence mild blood strong language and Drug reference just one oh not for Resale by the way take this GameStop they will not accept it they will tell you you get that cringe [ __ ] out of my goddamn face they'll say exactly that uh has a background artle I mean the presentation is pretty good I'll give it that uh let me say about well this is cool it's a tire that's cool uh I think it is I'm not going to look at too deeply there oh yeah that's right Quantic dream published this I forgot about that they were publishing stuff anyway here's the background art there you go nice little reversible comic style art there you go I mean again I got to give credit to the art and stuff I mean it's pretty good I just bent the [ __ ] out of the cover right um I'm not going to swap it so it's going to stay the normal regular art there all right so there you go unboxing that that the map the poster the art cards and stuff the outer box stickers I mean I don't know I can't judge the game yet I know everybody else is before they play it but uh I'm going to play in a minute and I'm at least get get a little bit of it so there you go that's it just wanted to do that real quick bye

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