Joey Logano wins stage 2!

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:01:34 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: joey logano
two laps to go here in this stage and once again it's getting aggressive keslowski getting a big push there from Lano cronley it's side by side for the lead between Kyle Le there in the five and BR kazlowski in the six kow's teammate is there on the bottom helping Le and then legano there in the 22 helping keslowski on the top another big push there coming keslowski now ahead we'll see if he goes down the block or not he won't yeah but he definitely can if he feels like it I believe he'll probably have enough room to block here as long as L do yeah there he goes now he's going to come down to block that's going to leave Joey Lagana leading that Top Lane oh another big block there by keslowski one left to go here in stage two oh well never mind and now of course now L has helped from his Pensky teammate of Ron blay and they're going to go in and Soldier head great run there by Todd Gil and there in th they're in the pickle the pickle call the bright green cor they're on the top side give me a minute go not love you buy going to have a run we'll see if he makes anything w kesas g going to have a run he jumps to the top here we come I don't think they're going to get that 22 big run there by K he can get to him Joey loo wins stage number two here at dayt

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