Category: Gaming
Intro [music] did you know that modern's band list currently consists of 50 magic the gathering cards some cards on this list have lived there since the format's conception while others are more recent editions some are noticeably stronger than others some are stranger than others and some are relics... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
And scarlett johansson so scarlett johansson i was i i knew i'd come into contact with her mom we had a meeting at the chateau marmont when she was oh she'll remember better than i do you know 11 or 12 or 30 talking about something to possibly do together and and she was strikingly full of talent talent... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Hey salut les copains c'est t et aujourd'hui une vidéo spéciale coup de gueule coup de gueule ah ouais il y et aujourd'hui une vidéo spéciale coup de gueule coup de gueule ah ouais il y avait longtemps quand même ah qu'est-ce qu'il nous font sony mais qu'est-ce qu'il nous font sony ils veulent nous... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[música] imagine assistir a série que parece fazer questão de insultar a sua inteligência a cada cena pois é se prepara porque hoje vamos mergulhar nos anéis do poder onde o entretenimento foi deixado de lado para dar espaço a algo no mínimo ofensivo [música] a segunda temporada de anés do poder começou... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Introduction this is your icon era obviously an icon playing icons zeus the wizard that's right i'm no icon but yes zeus and uh you know i thought it was dr zeus i came the first day with a cat in the hat i'd done my research they said jeff cut why are you rhyming everything in that whimsical way i... Read more
Category: Gaming
I keep wondering if the whole like uh hey we're going to try to bring the old story to a conclusion and have a new fresh start after these three wouldn't lead to them being like hey here's a new engine for like wow to that is my theory and i are getting so much push back on it i made a video about it... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Si tu ne sais pas quoi regarder en septembre 2024 sur les plateformes de streaming ou encore au cinéma et bien rassure-toi tu es au bon endroit mais ne perdons pas plus de temps et débutons ce 3 septembre sur canal plus avec l'ajout du film sorti au cinéma pauvre créature qui a fait évidemment sensation... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Wow guys if you are a christian who doesn't normally watch horror movies i want to urge you to at least consider watching the deliverance on netflix not because it's a good movie which i think it is but because i believe it's a valuable and important movie stick around and i'll explain why i'm peter... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Hallo und herzlich willkommen am [musik] [applaus] telestammtisch es ist freitag der 30 august und es ist ein freitag und das heißt es müsste mit dem teufel zugehen wenn netflix keinen neuen exklusivtit veröffentlicht das haben sie getan er heißt the deliverance ist von regisseur lee daniels und wir... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The new plot synopsis for jurassic world rebirth has finally dropped and in it we get a few clues as to what kind of location the dinosaurs are going to be in for the new film this tropical location is said to be where most of the dinosaurs have migrated or wound up after the 5 years that have passed... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] round one [music] yo what up menards i'm brandon your friendly neighborhood nerdtender and today is a very special episode of the nerd tender uh i am going to be doing a cocktail for our boy kevin over at back to the retro review today and i thought to myself what's more retro than a whiskey... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Hallo und herzlich willkommen am [applaus] telestammtisch hallo willkommen beim t stamptisch zur besprechung der neuen netflix miniserie ein neuer sommer das ist eine eines anscheinend sehr bekannten buches ich habe es nicht gelesen aber vielleicht hat theresia ja getan hallo theresia hallo du und nein... Read more