AEW All In 2024 Last Minute News, Rumors and Predictions | Spoiler Warning

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 00:56:00 Category: Sports

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welcome everyone to spoiler warning I'm your host Tom colu and I'm the wrong color let me just set that right that's not a phrase you're going to hear from many people but it's a phrase that I've just said that has come out of my mouth today so welcome to the show this is of course your Premier wrestling news show and I do well I am aware I should say that this is an unusual title for me I don't usually focus on aew content I don't really watch that much of it but today the amount of news that I have is not just primarily aew it's almost all aw in fact all of the news other than aw news that's come out uh well sorry that I should say that I have to cover has largely come out today or in fact in the last couple of hours so there is still WWE news to cover we'll be talking about Alexa Bliss Ronda Rousey Etc but we're also going to be talking Ricochet we're going to be talking Bobby Lashley and we're going to be talking more wrestling journalists that are no longer popular in the a W Camp so it's a little bit all over the place a little bit crazy and hopefully a little bit fun I know quite a few of you are aew fans and you've been waiting for a show like this for a long time so this one very much goes out to all of you I'll be giving my predictions at the end of the show uh with the amount of news I would imagine that won't go the full hour so you'll get plenty on that let's jump in by starting now that's clarified by saying hello to a few people who are joining the chat as we speak Juan welcome to the show hello Brad good to hear good news pardon me Ethan says it would be good luck for aw to pay tribute to Bray white in anyway again on Sunday to be fair at last year's all in the crowd were trying to get a tribute to Bray Wyatt going aew decided to push on instead the crowd forced a tribute during the entrance from House of black Marcel says hi Tom and chat how are you all doing very well Marcel good to see you welcome Ed as well and welcome to L as well let me know if I've pronounced that incorrectly Michael says hi Tom Bailey says hello Tom Sean says hello Tom welcome all three of you good to see it SP said despite being the baby face on the Rival with Mercedes B Baker has been more the heel especially with her attitude and promos yep and basically fifel made that happen spider boss says they cor the fful Ricochet signed of aew we will be discussing that shortly Daniel says hello Tom hello Daniel SPID boss says when do you think we could see Roman on TV again soon Ethan says I've heard the house of how the block has of black aren't popular anymore why SP nope that's wiggly wiggly says what's up welcome Wiggly nice to see you mate sh gam says hello Tom as we get closer to all in a lot of rumors about the Warner brother's Discovery deal being done and even Tony's hat selection has caused people to think they're announcing at the show simply promo tactics yes yes it is negotiations are ongoing with a number of different sources Warner Brothers Discovery still have an element of first refusal but the exclusivity deal is now up so they're rushing to to make a deal if they do get a good deal it seems like Tony KH might have played a Blinder by turning down the first several offers joh says Scott demore said that only WWE is benefiting from the WWE TNA collaboration I disagree he also said TNA benefited more from working with aew than WWE I disagree with Scott deore wiggley says sting is in London yes he is L gamer says I'm so excited about the Alexa Bliss tweet more on that shortly as an aside by the way for anyone here who is a Twitter member that's the wrong thing just going to get rid of that one of the easiest ways to guarantee a hell of a lot of views and a hell of a lot of attention in a uh in a Twitter environment is to basically piggyback off a very successful tweet so let me just grab this one because so far it's already had 2,319 views that's only going to get bigger as that tweet is shared so I'm going to copy the link I'm going to drop it in the chat for everyone to see and if you can engage with that it might be worth it it'll help the growth this channel it'll help the growth of that Twitter and also hopefully fingers crossed you guys will see some benefit too from that or don't that's also cool happy birthday Juan good to see you and I hope you're having a good one Michael says interesting to see that Mercedes wasn't intending on signing with aw when she went to Orin aw showing her in the crowd was probably a bit risky there were multiple offers on the table at that point when I mentioned it and then shortly afterwards is when I confirmed she's going to aw though I did mention there was uh news on on that previously diar says any news on the TV deal only what I've already mentioned that angel says do you think Sarah will sign of WW after aw contract expires no Steve says what happened to your beard shaved mate shaved I think I look cleaner that says big up Tom could you see hangman getting involved on Sunday yep K says I'll be there I'll be there for all in this Sunday second time very excited hi Tom May hi khed it's an interesting one because I was there last year and so are many people that I've met since we could have had a big party there are 55 people watching and 17 likes if you can please remember to hit that thumbs up as we get going Ethan I've not heard that kin says big mistake everybody reporting about Ricochet signing of aw because Keeping a Secret to be clear when you say everybody fight for the ones that reported it they would want the credit Daniel says what's the story about forbidden door 2025 is it true that it's going to be held in nicely play Daniel more on that story shortly Sean says I saw that too about Mercedes she said she almost returned to WWE WrestleMania 39 until she was invited to all in yeah the original plan was to have her involved at forbidden door last year um the year before so that they could talk to her then and try and get a deal done she did eventually have contact um but it wasn't exactly what they were looking for at the time Michael says Andrew zarion is implying that an aw deal with Warner Brothers is imminent and they'll get a significant increase Andrew zarion he's been saying that for about a year now Steve says I think Josh Alexander runs in to assist Ean Paige at no mercy no SCE just a hunch I appreciate hunches spider says thankfully Mercedes closed the signing with aw if she would go back to WWE WW probably put her on the damage control story line nope it's Triple H mate Triple H Sean says looks like any is going with Ethan paage versus Joe Henry NXT no mercy they are indeed and gam says did you catch Mikey rookus cryptic tweet the spk speculation about Becky I know your reporting says otherwise pardon me but just wanted to get your thoughts yeah my reporting does say otherwise they know how to get people talking there'll be a lot more on that later kin says yeah but I want to see a surprise return on debut not like Roman Reigns this year to be fair when it comes to Roman Reigns spoiler warning is probably not the place if you want to avoid surprise if you want to avoid um news spoilers spoilers it's in the title how could I not think of the word spoilers so news our first piece of news is an aw1 it'll be followed by talking about let's go for the headlines first piece of news as regards rishe then is as regards Alexa Bliss after that we're talking forbidden door and New Japan we'll be talking Logan Paul we're going to be talking Bobby Lashley in offers made Ricky Starks and his contract situation the Ronda Rousey apology a whole lot of big buzz around the main event of a little bit on why the street profits are taking on the bloodline and finally we'll get to our full predictions for aw or Lyn those are the headlines which I didn't read out earlier and I do apologize for it let's start by talking about Ricochet if you don't want spoilers Now's the Time To Look Away Ricochet is in town for aw all in he's already flown in and it's in fact in London that he formally signed his contract it is believed that he will make at least some sort of appearance at Allin in some capacity whoever leaked his new deal is in the doghouse in fact there is a huge inquiry going on right now in aw for how that news got out Ricochet himself is said to be furious and he believes it will negatively impact his debut whenever that debut occurs aw once prided themselves on being media friendly on being much more open to interviews and talent being able to get out there and make things happen but they're now not happy with their two biggest friends in the game that being Dave Meltzer of wrestling Observer and Sha rosap of fightful aw previously has told every wrestler that they hire to follow and interact with both of these men both of them funnily enough that is a tactic that has since changed Ricochet is in town for Orin he's expected to be involved in some capacity it may be a debut it may be the Mercedes money spot oh no that's too close to something else it may be the Mercedes money roll second piece of news we're going to dive right into this one Alexa Bliss is being a tease and that I'm sure does not surprise anyone she's got that John Cena bug where she just she just knows how to rile people up Alexa Bliss tweeted earlier today are you ready for it in gift form it's already had since 36 minutes ago when it went up 108,000 views 372 replies and a reply from myself for 2,700 views it's good times it's good times Alexa Bliss is teasing I'm not aware that she's in town at this point in time I'm not aware there is any intention to have her involved however that does not mean it's not going to happen I just haven't heard about it as I've mentioned before I'm not the most well-informed man in wrestling Alexa Bliss is teasing an appearance tonight to try and get more eyes on the Wyatt six much like Pat mcafe has done previously the y 6 are incredibly popular and wrestlers and talent are doing everything in their power to ensure that they get viewership Alexa Bliss is just being a big old teas let's catch you with a chat Michael says excited to see Rick OA in a I'm very interested to see what name they will go for because Ricochet I do believe is actually um is actually a trademark name we'll see how that plays out Ross says evening all welcome Ross Daniel Barry says Hey welcome says hint if you want to avoid spoilers should probably not watch the show say spoiler warning but also thanks for being here I can see a few people have dodged it this time and I respect it we have a troll can anyone identify the troll can anyone spot the troll point out the troll for me Ethan suggests a gauntlet Match Joey says hey Tom do you expect Ricochet to debut this Sunday which is the news I was already going through Al says hey Tom how are you quick question I'm good mate cheers hope you're good too will Roche still be named Ricochet I believe I've just answered that one as well Joey says have you heard anything of Bobby Lashley being Allin yes more on that shortly Michael says I know you say that Andrew zarion has been saying the same thing about Warner Brothers and aw for a long time but he has a very good track record to be clear when I say that what I mean is that Andrew Zarin has been very consistent with his reporting Michael says did Ricochet give the name to WWE I'm honestly not sure it's a difficult one Joey says yeah fifth account fifth account Bailey says hi Troll and Joey says the troll joined every streamer says the same thing yep typical trolls they have nothing else to do with their lives I'm the most important person in their life right now spider says personally I think WWE put the new bloodline versus a Smackdown tag team division to buy time until the Uso's reunion you may be on to something there also it was really funny seeing it reported earlier this week that yeah they're not doing much with the tag team division because they're waiting for stories really really is that it really Bailey says everyone say hi to the troll and increase the chat rate hi troll bye troll we all know what we're doing this point we all know how it be we all know forbidden door was accidentally teased accidentally teased and confirmed for London by the advertising hoardings outside of Wembley and it was caught aw were not particularly happy with this it was intended to be an announcement during the show that got out early the plan was to announce during the show and have the boards showing the graphic afterwards as people are leaving Wembley it took a long time for people to successfully leave Wembley particularly by the underground last year to the point where they had thousands upon thousands of people honestly I walked past it it looked like tens of thousands of people still queuing up to leave 2 hours after the show had finished two hours after the show had finished there were still tens of thousands of people on Wembley way waiting to be permitted to go and get the train so this was their way of trying to entertain people the plan was to show the graphic after the show but a routine test was left up for far too long and people started taking pictures now New Japan already have a little bit of a um little bit of a foothold in London every year they do the Royal Quest show I went to the second one myself and that was a hell of a time really fun unama fan of Royal Quest and New Japan in general but that also featured names like Jay White kazuchi goard and will Osprey wrestlers who are now no longer with the company in fact when you want to talk star power past the tetsu yitos I don't think there's all that much anymore when it comes to New Japan they've kind of been gutted recently so I've got to ask when it comes to New Japan and the Forbidden door who do you want to see wrestle aw talent because I do think and I don't like to say it but I do think there isn't as much love as there used to be Michael says Mia once mentioned on a twitch stream that it was really hard to get the Mia name back from WWE when she was fired I think it's a mistake to give them the rights to the name I agree with that but unfortunately typically if you're going to sign a WWE contract you sign away your rights so your option is either sign with the biggest company in the world and sign it away or stay in the Indies until somewhere like aw is interested this is why places like aw are so valuable to wrestlers Chris says I'd like to see Ricochet go back to Prince Puma since L Lucha underground is dead dead for now you never can t thank you for sourcing Sean says by Club sh Shay John Cena he signed an extension to remain with ww after his Farewell ends in 2025 it is a Legends contract Joey says if Brian Danielson loses do you expect him to really retire or will it be a fake one more on that shortly even says people inside aw love leaking stuff the same is very much true of WWE there are some prolific leakers fabulous gamer KJ says I have a Hot Topic to bring up to you I just want to see what you think I think you'll understand what you mean most will try and argue about but I'll ask in a minute okay Joey says aw production messed up leaking forbidden door already it was not aw production it was wemble staff wemble staff leaked it ahead of time one says hey Tom according to Dave Meltzer go figure he said that TK is looking for $ 120 to $150 million bare minimum for this new deal thoughts or is this all baloney he essentially at this point Tony khah is trying to make the company profitable I think that is a guess from Dave Meltzer based on numbers that he believes would make the company profitable that's my opinion on that sh games says if you had to bet your money on where Mo Farley signs next aw WWE which would you pick impact I don't think he'll sign a new deal I think he's very happy to not be part of a major corporation Michael says I'm surprised forbidden door will be in London I thought TK said it was going to be a North American show it is 2025 there is plenty of time for things like that to change but let's be fair it may have been a graphical error just as much because there's no guarantee that they put up the right graphic Steve thank you Zack saber Jr absolutely I've been waiting a long time for him to pick up that win I cannot believe I just forgot his name Joey says I kind of feel like the Forbidden door concept is dead New Japan has already lost all their big names not all their big names again Tessa unito and the aformentioned Zack saer Jr very much getting up there Ethan says I feel like Ricochet will do better in TNA I feel like he'd get a bigger push but I don't think he'd get more eyes Steve Sonata taii yasuji big New Japan stars that could make the crossover taii is going through something at the minute sonada they've pushed pretty hard but I don't think I've got past the cold skull element of it all his skull is cold yo to suji Gan blast really give me toriana give me torana KJ says would you say Tony can't overpay some talent and just what he gives M aren't Justified no offense I love Mercedes but she's one of the highest paid women in wrestling ever um to be clear if she stayed with WWE she would also been one of the highest paid women in wrestling ever as regards women's wrestling history Sasha Banks Mercedes money whatever Incarnation is definitely up there with one of the most impactful when it comes to uh paying too much it essentially comes down to what you define as too much you could argue that Kevin Nash was paid too much in WCW you could also argue knew that he's the reason or at least part of the reason that WCW had such a big winning streak so it's a difficult point to debate K says can we see free agent Becky Lynch buy a ticket to show up at Allin like Mercedes money showed up at last year's Allin it's not impossible but certainly get the tongues wagging Michael says do you think there'll be some rev Pro over a UK promotional talent in Forbidden door um possibly there'll definitely be rev Pro Talent backstage at all in thank you guys for clarifying immediately lugan C said anyone lagging KJ Joey kin Bailey and Daz all confirmed that they are not I appreciate that guys if there are any technical issues it's good to get that immediate feedback and that's really helpful KJ says imagine Roy Roman Reigns in the Royal Rumble done SP says personally I think Osprey cooked mjf on the segment of this week's aw dynamite in some way mjf explained why he turned heel Hector says I don't want to Reign anyone's parade but for me Ricochet and eventually Bobby Lashley joining aw was more of a forone conclusion than a surprise which kills the element of surprise like the past Steve says yes suji is an absolute unit also any news on what taii is doing he's going through something oh I see what you done there lugan Crest that's clever one says hey Tom another reason why forbidden door will never work of aw and WWE will also be because both will hoard each other's Talent benefits no one also no intention of doing it no intention of doing it KJ says happy for Ricochet he'll be free now no shackles fans constantly say WWE dropped the ball and I disagree I'll agree this time about Ricochet I feel he could have been a bigger star in WWE I feel he plateaued a while ago and there was simply no intention to go any further no Sean I'm not sure even says Tom do agree Mercedes money is one of the best in ring wrestlers in women's wrestling uh it depends in the match type I think as a wrestler she certainly gets the heart rate pumping more than most Sasha Banks did draw you're absolutely right KJ ke says most of these wrestling journalists are just marks for Dave Meltzer and the wrestling he likes you're one of the few who aren't biased to be clear he's a big fan of New Japan and so am I so that's one of the most debatable points I think you've said but I do try my best I don't want to just re-report whatever whatever Dave melter thinks I want to report news I don't want to report Dave melter thinks this might might be news which definitely tends to happen kvin don't be teasing me with that Joey says to expect Jamie hater to return all in the stage is set but I do feel that will take away from what might well be one of the biggest moments in a history KJ says if Ricochet does go to aw that'll be the first talent to leave ww and go to aw since I believe Edge been a while it's exciting I think so has been a little while I think so but we will see plenty of that this is not this is going to become normal and Ricochet is just one of what's going to be many there's going to be a lot more trading of talents like the WWE WCW days speaking of next up Bobby Lashley Bobby Lashley is currently Fielding a major offer from WWE which is a significant upgrade on the money he was offered by can I say he's feeling amazing offer from aew which is a significant upgrade on the amount of money that he would have been offered by WWE however there are limitations to the deal it will allow him to work other wrestling shows but it is not said to allow him to work in other sports in case he picks up an injury and he's unable to wrestle as such there are some things to iron out if he's going to debut there personally I do not expect Bobby Lashley to debut soon in aew I do think think he would make appearances but they'd be limited appearances and they would be on a handshake deal rather than contractual there are still some contractual issues which are limiting what the likely outcomes are pardon me Daniel says shano M debuting all in report on that on Monday one says good old SRS the enemy also reported Jamie hater and Brit Baker have beef he's reporting a lot on Brit breaker at the minute isn't he spider boss says isn't a week in which Logan Paul does something foolish for clicks on social media more on that later KJ says basically WWE aw making NBA like trades aw gets Ricochet along with possibly Shane and Bobby WWE may get Lucha Bros and Starks yeah pretty much that's going to become normal okay Sean I I get what you're saying the answer is still going to be no Joey says does TK have interest in bringing MVP to be Bobby's manager again it depends if MVP has interest in that Tony KH would benefit and is open about the fact that he'd benefit from a wrestling mind like MVPs however it depends what MVP is looking for he's just looking to wrestle so the idea of bringing in bringing him in just to manage is not something he's believed to be interested in we have 72 people watching and only the 26 likes that's the third of the people watching if you can please remember to hit that thumbs up and check if you haven't already next up Ricky Starks Rick uchino of Sports Illustrated uh someone who I have amazing and major respect for and have worked with quite extensively over the years he's actually on this YouTube channel uh during the debate format I traveled many moons ago with names like Stephanie Chase um Denise saledo and the like I think that might be worth a check out if you haven't already I do want to bring that format back one day but we are where we are he uh spoke at the Allin media scrum asking about the contract situation of Ricky Starks whoever reported that it already expired was incorrect Tony KH has confirmed that Ricky Starks is still under contract so whoever reported that not to be the case was incorrect this is a first hand Source someone who literally writes the contract so if he's going to be the one signing them he'll know when they're going to expire Riu Chino by the way was also joined in Sports Illustrated by um Steven muus the guy who reported that WWE had been bought by Saudi Arabia it's a weird one that isn't it it's a weird one Ricky Starks still under contract with W uh with aew I'm saying the wrong name a lot of the minut it I do apologize Hector says on a recent interview Chris vaner former TNA executive Scott deore explained how a simple text to a friend in WWE turned into him getting a text from Triple H which led to Jordan in the Royal Rumble a lot of people seem pretty happy overall with the TNA deal I'll say that Joey says the Ricky Starks reporting has been strange it's been very conflicting a lot of it has been outright wrong K says not a joke NXT was taping last week I saw the video on report from fightful okay fair enough it's uh it's what I've been asking for for a while then I'm there for it custom mat has made it 27 appreciate you KJ says Tony would probably bring in MVP in a heartbeat because he'll probably throw shots at Triple H he absolutely would I does confirm it was Zero news reporting Ricky Stark's contract ended in June we should have known then that it was not true Kelvin says every time I see Ricky Starks a man looks like the rock man knows how to raise an eyebrow Ed also says Jason Solomon is the one who reported that lot going on here a lot going on Sean says lots of fans don't understand how Ricky Starks is still under and not being used much like Chris Jericho was under contract for 6 months and not used because he was going for meetings elsewhere ah yes on Steven muus also reported Mercedes money would make her a w debut in January 11th 2023 I remember that one he's just been hired by Sports Illustrated Sid says I've never had any interest in watching Ricochet in WWE or in aw KJ says is it possible Tony is lying yes it is possible Tony is lying but as a journalist when it comes to a firstand source your first instinct should never be this is a lie it absolutely shouldn't be Daniel says Tony KH that all in media call he talked about Ricky Starks in the past tense which doesn't look good no I think um as I mentioned on Monday Starks already very much has the um the vibe of Cody's guy Michael also confirms it was Jason Solomon the Ricky's contract expired but he's not a source either Joey says why is TK so secretive with Ricky's contract if he not going to be used he's not secretive he was asked a question about it and he said yeah he still there thank you BL a lovely thing to say welcome to the show Charlotte gam says I totally forgot about the Saudi news debacle the fact that everyone ignores that and still takes dirt sheet reports as gospel is hilarious Hector says yes Tom for me personally the NXT TNA relationship has been so beneficial to both unlike when aw tried to work with TNA Ronda Rousey has apologized for infamously supporting and spreading conspiracy theories about Sandy Hook now I know that uh Ronda Rousey is not particularly popular in these circles what I will say as regards this is that my experiences with Ronda Rousey so far have been positive I am glad to see this apology very glad to see it because it does go there's humility there she's allowed herself to be humbled it's just an apology it's not an excuse It's not lying it's an apology now it's a start and there is a lot more that needs to be done the next step is very important I want to see actions now not just words but personally all I want to say is that I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt for now and I hope that we can be an understanding group including understanding if what happens next under Minds that apology completely hope everyone's cool with that and I hope it works for everyone kin says you know need a fresh start Nakamura go to a different wrestling company bet on yourself I agree I think you do very well in a lot of different companies I would love it if he was someone who turned up a forbidden door I think that would really get the world buzzing KJ say sorry to bring up here but anyone notice how bwe kind of fell off the Earth after all those BS reports you know full well that any of the names that we're now starting to see Pop Up could well be Boozer wrestling we all knew it was only a matter of time I've been saying it here for years Sid says will you be watching all in yes but not live it'll be after the fact Michael says just a reminder to the chat no one is entitled to information to any Talent contract situation which is absolutely true there is because of the nature of dir cheets because of the nature of quite successful reporters like what's happening with Peter Insider and fightful at the moment like what's happening with this channel there is this expectation of availability of information that simply isn't there at no point are we entitled to that information and Michael's absolutely right Joy says did you see Ronda blame Vince for not getting to have a one-on-one match with Becky at Mania 35 I've also reported that that's the case yes Ed says enjoy the rest of the show everyone and enjoy all in this weekend thanks for stopping in Ed always always nice to see you Rogers bought the T-shirt absolutely bro spider boss says ronda's opinion about WWE changes from one week to another Ronda left WWE bashing a bashing WWE how they booked the women's division lately Ronda likes how Triple H is booking the women's division yes time has continued Hector says Ronda just tends to not have a filter considering her Fame the amount of eyes on her soal media she seems to say a lot just because she thinks she can um she can I'm just glad she's trying to be better Bailey says at 44 Shin G Nakamura may be content of a good WWE contract and not starting over which is true he's making a lot of money for his family uh Ethan I'm not sure I I don't have those details unfortunately aled says do you have an update on jayy's return schedule I do not unfortunately on that one and Joey says why did Ronda go back to WWE 2 years ago if she hated Vince that much because she she hates Vince that much now essentially she hates Vince that much now before we get to the predictions for Allin I do want to have a little something extra about the main event Brian Danielson has essentially taken it upon himself to run a storyline in which he's doing the retirement angle if he loses this match he will retire but the reason this about is actually because of speculation that he was going to retire a have taken Brian danielson's lead and essentially allowed him to do whatever the hell he wants and he stood there and said I might retire and since then he's been so dedicated to it that it became a stipulation for the match there is a huge Buzz right now around Brian Danielson and I've got to say the all-in card I think is better than last year's aw you have the potential right now to play a Blinder much like they did last year when Allin was incredibly well received yes the ratings weren't particularly strong afterwards but aw on a weekly basis pardon me tends to suffer on the pay-per-views they knock it out of the park and there's a reason for this the WWE have changed the way we're looking at pay-per-views at the moment it used to be that all the big moments happened on the pay-per-views nowadays in w we all the big moments happen during the weekly programming because ratings don't matter for ples they're all available on peacock and the WWE gets the same amount of money either way if they want to sell TV deals you want your regular viewers your regular viewership your regular TV programming to be what everyone tuned in for aw does not work in that way aw works at Works in a way that the TV programming is designed to sell the p pay-per-view so they tend to absolutely knock the big events out of the park they have a chance to do so with this one and I think Brian Danielson is the main reason there's a buzz around this one Hector says I think shinsuke is a lot happier than people realize the man's getting paid and getting to Surf his heart out which he's happy about and that's what matters the man does love to serve Zay says what match are you looking for to all in looking forward to will ospr versus mjf I'm a big will OSS spr fan I will be going through all of my predictions and we'll be talking about that then SP says so Ronda didn't like to work under Vince but she went back to WWE two years ago got the women's Royal Rumble and the smackdown women's title twice yes Joey says defin Brian will sign a new contract after all in my predictions will be just a moment and Michael says I still want swerve to win these three profits were made a promise by Triple H when Bobby Lash left the company that they would not be forgotten in the shuffle as they were before Bobby Lashley reached out and said work with me let's pitch a faction there is a concern that tag team wrestling right now even by WWE Talent themselves is being forgotten about and tag teams in general are not happy with the way that they're being used Triple H is having to field a lot of angry wrestlers the street profits have a little bit of clout they've been there a while they have Notions they've had meetings with Triple H Triple H has assured them that they will be key to his plans going forward the mat with the bloodline tonight is a way to get this ball rolling tag team wrestling Michael you're absolutely right is struggling in general right now WWE seem to be largely forgetting it aw for a long time were doing better for the tag teams now not so much also quick thing somebody backstage in WWE is having wet dreams over Jacob Fatu versus Montes Forge and when I say someone backstage in WWE it's a lot of people and it includes myself T says I want to see Charlotte return I hope it's a baby face it will be you two Marcel have a good one always good to see you the last thing I want to touch on then is our predictions I'm going to fly through these let me know your predictions as I go through them as well spos says my prediction for Allin is Mercedes beats Brit with some help from Camille I still think Mercedes will make Brit Tap Out won't go that far Steve and Hector says in Tony Khan's opinion he thinks that these huge moments of pay-per-views will help bring in and retain weekly viewers no he thinks that these big moments of pay-per-views will help sell pay-per-views my predictions the pre-show match is a mixed tag match Chris ster and stokeley halfway versus Willow Nightingale and Tom oiro is e Tomy hero is of course is starting that build towards forbidden door I have um Chris dander and stokeley halfway winning this one is is a big deal is is a big name I would be surprised though if this didn't come down to statlander versus Nightingale because the whole point is a stipulation for all out and typically it's Chris statlander who seems the obvious choice to get the stipulation for this one Michael also believes Chris statlander and stokeley will get the win who do we have for the pre-show match the mix tag is Chris dander and stokeley halfway versus Willow Knight and Gail and Tomah hero isy e spider says Willow and isi for the win sh game says defend the rumored Motor City Machine Guns and Lucha brother signings are being done to help Revitalize the Tag Division there are rumored signings and at this point in time I cannot confirm either of them so I won't go further on that one what I will say is if you want to revitalize the Tag Division Maybe user tag teams you've got Street profits versus DIY just keep doing it just keep doing it Al has team Willow does says Chris and stokeley Brad ster a has team Willow and Chris has Willow initi for the win as well mixed results there for this prediction interesting second Timeless Tony storm will take on Maria may this one's been a long time building theyve worked together for quite a while and this is for the aw Women's World Championship I have this being a huge moment I have this being one of those moments that Tony KH simply can't help because this time last year sah for basically no reason won that Championship apart from the britishness Mariah May for the win we have Michael saying Maria Mariah May for the win Ethan thinks statlander Ley Alan says Mari May for the win Brad has Timeless Tony storm chis has Mari May winning King Al says Tony retains does say Tony to retain SP also it's all about Mariah Mariah for the win once of Mariah May for the win and chances I see Tony retaining these are these are much less um one way than WWE predictions I tell you that next up mjf takes on will Osprey for the aew American championship MGF taking on will Osprey one of the original pitched main events for um Allin was Will Osprey versus mjf for the aew world championship that was quite a long time ago before mjf took his break now will Osprey is the one I expect to pick up the win here the American Championship seems tailor made for him but what I really like about a is feuds like this where both men seem like they should be winning but only one can I will Osprey picking up the win and I do think this is a significant upgrade from his match last year where he took on Chris Jericho still a good match to be fair best match I've seen Jericho have in quite a while and since Joey that's not up to TK Ethan says Tony to win they haven't built Mariah good enough Sid says storm to win John says I see Tony retaining and Jamie taking the belt off of her as regards Osprey versus mjf Michael has Osprey spider BOS has Osprey as well Sam says will Roman be on Smackdown tonight probably King AA says mjf retains Allan says I want mjf to win but I think well Osprey will win say says Matt Cardona said he wants to work in the TNA and WWE crossover WWE don't want him D says Osprey for the win Hector says will Osprey is winning by the tiger driver just do it you Ethan says I want mjf to win but I have a feeling Osprey will win Brad says ospre phas and it becomes the intercon uh sorry the International Championship again I got my championships confused there next up Jack Perry versus Derby Allen in a coffin match for the aw TNT Championship all in always seems to have coffin matches Jack Perry this time last year this was the birth of the scapegoat because this time last year he was getting choked backstage by CM Punk so you know this is going to be different Derby Allen is a uh a thrill seeker a daredevil he'll work very well in this environment I think he was in the coffin match last year wasn't he I think Jack Perry takes this one Jack Perry is being built up to be the next major star of aew a major homegrown Star as well much like mjf is their current top homegrown star Jack Perry is being set up to be the next one hito says are you going to Orland I'm not this year no SPID says Darby for the win King says Jack Perry wins allot has Jack Perry as well Michael says want Jack to win but Darby wins so much Ethan says a coffee match is going to be fun D has Darby Allen for the win Hector says Jack Perry is not losing that new title that he literally made using his black Smith skills in the backyard oh I get I get that reference now Steve I watch a lot of tax Master recently says in a way Jack Perry owes his career to CM Punk not his whole career but certainly a help thank you Michael Darby and sting were in a tag team coffin match one2 says Derby and Sting face swerve and chrisy and Cask match last year Alex says I think we see sting in that match and Chris says Darby Allen for the win sting is there to be clear next up for the aw TBS Championship Mercedes money versus Brit B this is not a difficult one so Mercedes her entire intention was to get more women's matches on Pardon Me pper viws and this is a show which features three women's matches pardon me admittedly one of them is a mixed tag but you get what you give them so I do feel that Mercedes money is doing what she promised and getting a lot of attention on herself and that Championship it's one of the reasons she wanted the TBS Championship Camille is in a good spot for her you've got Brit Baker involved now Mercedes money wanted to work with and potentially rehabilitate Brit Baker this is also essentially the new face of aw women versus the quote unquote old face of aw women there's a lot going on here that said Mercedes money is obviously going to win this one no debate whatsoever Rebeca came back to lose and after being somewhat humbled she'll go back into gen pop Brit Baker is there to lose to Mercedes money ju says this all in will be different because TK didn't have a creative team or was pushing many young Talent last year that says Derby will coughing drop off the top rope I reckon Cofe matches it's his thing spider boss has Mercedes money for the win Michael has Mercedes allet has Mercedes money winning King a says money retains H says Mercedes money wins Brad says Mercedes isn't losing D says money to retain Hector say similar to taker Derby doesn't need to win his own gimmick match to succeed he does stff that will always have people watching his match when he to says Mercedes will indeed return but eventually in the following month Brit will win the TBS title that's my opinion I do think Mercedes reign will be around about a year Ethan says I don't think Jack Perry's working as a heel he doesn't get much reaction from the crowd wait for it Michael says it's also great on TK's part for doing his part in Booking the women better yes as I reported a while back he did build a creative team entirely for the women's division particularly after Kenny Omega stopped being in charge of booking it so it needed to happen and we are seeing the fruits of that Chris says Mercedes money wins and Jamie hater Returns the casino gaunlet match is up next the gaun match allows a future aew world championship match my prediction for later maybe a bit of a spoiler here now a lot of people are predicting hangman paage here he seems like the obvious choice I do think this is likely where Ricochet will make his debut but I don't think he gets a world championship match I certainly don't think he's at that level I do think the obvious choice really is going to be hangman Paige and that's why I think kazuchi kardo wins it because kazuchi karda and Brian Danielson had some unfinished business spoiler for my prediction a little later I have kucho carder winning the casino gaet match I do think that the uh the elite come out of this pretty happy overall pretty happy overall Al let says if arder isn't in the gaunlet then he won't be on the card which is shocking Al says Adam paage wins a gaunlet king says hangman as well SPID boss say I think Mercedes can tie Jay's record as the longest awbs Women's Champion she won't tie it one says why did they take Mercedes money stepping in uh stepping up to TK to finally get a creative team should have done it from the GetGo I agree Hector says maybe we see Adam Cole return the Battle Royal and possibly win it if he's healthy Ean has orange Cassidy for the win Chris has Ricochet debuting and winning spider B has Arda for the win Daz has hangman Paige Michael says I really want swerve and Bryan to have a match at wrestle dream in Washington and Juan has hangman for the win now Chris Jericho versus Hook a last chance match for the FTW Championship if hook loses he can never challenge for the FTW Championship as long as Jericho is Champion good Chris Jericho wins this one hook never goes near him again we're all grateful that it's over I don't like that that's what I've got but that's what I've got Chris Jericho to win and retain Michael also has h man for the win n has hangman for this match alled has hook spider ball says send hook hook for the win and King AA has y to Jay which is something he hasn't really gone by in more than 20 years moving swiftly on we have a three-way tag team match for the aw World Tag Team Championships the Champions Are Young Bucks who are very rarely there anymore defending against FTR and the acclaimed and yeah it's not exciting we know young books and FDR can have great matches they've had a lot of them the acclaimed don't really feel like they belong in this company not as in aw but in this the particular company of the young books and FTR it just feels like they're there to Pat it out and make it seem a little different the own books retained for me as I say I do think the uh the all-in show is a great night for the elite and they all leave in a very good position young books to pick up the the win pinning a member of the Acclaim probably Max Caster let's be fair let me just catch up with the chat oh Noob has hook one has hook Dave has hook to win Ethan says the fdw championship needs retiring King a has FTR winning F the Revival SPID BOS say the young books for the win Hector says okado winning means we get more promos which would definitely make me happy because Ard in this corrent role just pops me it's hilarious but also a fret in the ring which is great Brad says the books find away allot has the books returning Michael says give Eminem collection the aw and Ring of Honor tag titles right now please and thank you D has he acclaimed for the win Chris has FTR lugan says I predict that I fall asleep before this one is over sorry even says did the elite book their own matches no but they book it in the ring so kind of we have a four-way London ladder match for the aw World trios Championship the patriarchy that being Christine cage Gil switch and Nick Wayne literally call someone kill switch it's literally your finisher the Bang Gang I get that wrong sorry the gang bang gang Dre Robinson Austin gun and Colton gun House of black Malachi black bro King and Buddy Matthews versus pack Claudio castol and Wheeler UT should be Carnage should be great fun should be very similar to the fight all around the arena that they had last time I don't see the patriarchy losing just yet I think Christian needs to hold on to championships it's Christian he's a wonderful wonderful person gotcha Michael thank you for the reminder Alan says patriarchy win spider B says the patriarchy for the win King AA has House of black winning which is slightly different there Michael also has House of black they seem to always be in the fight for the trios championships Malachi Black's not really gone for anything so I am wondering what's going on there like if you're in one division for about 3 years what is the point Chris Clair says House of black always wins I've got House of black winning that has the patriarchy and in our main event in a move that will not surprise you of given the game away I don't think Daniel sorry I don't think Brian Danielson is retiring I think he's already signed a new deal I think he's going to be wrestling for many years yet I think he's got the bug and the bug will never leave him I think this is similar to The Miz and uh Dolph Ziggler way back when I think sth sth Strickland loses the aew world championship in the main event and Brian Danielson picks up the win there's only room for one swerve in this Main Event let me know your predictions for the main event alled says pack being with the Blackpool combat Club May think the Lucha brothers are leaving that's something that's been mentioned quite a bit death triangle not in play even says I a feeling the house of black are on their way out Bruce says will operate Maria May FD aled says Brian wins John says TK ever for making his pay-per-view shorter are having less matches fans don't want to sit through a 7 to eight hour show which is why WrestleMania went to two nights there are only nine matches and I will say if this goes more than 4 hours I'll be surprised I do think in general this should be a more Compact and enjoyable one Michael says swerve well Brian probably wins Hector says why the real third member of the trio Championship Mrs Wayne not fighting I definitely have the patriarchy winning Mrs Wayne will indeed be there K has swerve winning spider boss has Brian Danielson Steve has lots of jobbers on this card I definitely disagree with that one Corey thank you kindly appreciate that a very generous donation say hey Tom any updates on Motor City Machine Guns or the Lucha Bros and un fortunately while I very much appreciate that donation in Super Chat this is not an area that I have sources in I have no real information as regards the Motor City Machine Guns at any point as regards the Lucha Brothers all I've really been told is that they're looking to leave but they are still technically under contract as we speak so right now the WWE can't really be actively negotiating with them because they are still under contract elsewhere so that's all I really know on that one unfortunately but thank you massively for that generous donation it uh it means a lot it goes a long way to helping the growth of the channel and also goes a long way to ensuring that eventually have a decent backdrop here so thank you very kindly Chris lir says Brian Danielson wins we all go home Happy I'd be pretty happy with that Dad says Danielson for the win spider boss says any updates on Julia Hart's return Julia Hart has traveled that's as far as I can say even says Brian Danielson needs to retire his body is caving in on him say that to Jeff Hardy and see what response he get say that to the Undertaker who still doesn't want to have retired it's Brian Danielson the guy will die in the ring he's made that decision he's come to turns with it Hector says Danielson wins here and loses his defense in his hometown at wrestle dream who ansers Brian Danielson for the win also swer Strickland himself confirmed he's renegotiating a new deal with aew Michael says IM media scrum is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. Eastern on YouTube that would be a 4-Hour show if that were to start on time to be clear Wembley has very clear limitations on how long you can host a show until they will be told if they run over end the match now get out Sean says a talent's afraid to ask to be released from their contracts in aw no Lucha says hello and blessings huge fan of yours from Jacksonville Florida I have friends in Jacksonville Florida welcome to the show good to see you sp us says looking at how WWE book any Latino not named Dominic or Damian think the Lucha Bros should stay on aew kin says you think WWE tampering I would not even dare to speculate on that one Chris says I think Julie Hart returns when sky blue returns from injury and Sid says do you get any people giving your stream a thumbs down probably we always have trolls I just wouldn't be aware of it it doesn't show up for me I only see people who've given a thumbs up and I can see thatth we've had 33 of those which is a good number also thank you everyone all five people who've already given the thumbs up to Corey for that generous donation please do hit thumbs up on the donations as well it does make a big difference Michael says sky blue broker ankle Julia needs to be back way before sky and that's going to be our show we've been live for 55 minutes with all of our predictions and news on aew Allin a little bit of news on the WWE we I'm going to wrap it up I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who's joined us and everyone who's going to be watching for the Monday show Please be aware as well I will be live for the entirety of bash at Berlin there will be some slight tweaks that we're making to that show what I'm going to be doing is sharing a lot more shorts essentially you have the option to download videos on Twitter now so anything that goes particularly viral and is free from copyright I will be using for shorts because if people see a short while I'm live they get told we're live they might come watch so we'll be making some slight changes to what we're doing but it'll still be a hell of a watch party and I hope you all enjoy it until then I've been Tom kue you've been fantastic and I'll see you all very soon

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