swung at the first two pitches that she saw last night in the leadoff spot she finished one for three with a run scored and an RBI Ella Parker will lead off and play will be the DP tiar jinnings will bat second at Short there's J Coleman in the three hole in center field Alysa Breo will bat clean up and play third base with Cassidy Pickering in the five hole the sooner right fielder had a double and a triple yesterday has that season average up to 378 Kinsey Hansen's behind the plate batting Avery Hodge will bat seventh and place second base with Alina Torres back in the starting lineup at first base and rally Boon gets the start in left field a pitching matchup involving Kirsten deal who is going through her final pregame toss uh tosses and to Maya waiters who the Sooners have hit hard but she's probably done a little bit of a better job of perplexing things for the Sooners because what do we like 49 mph 45 4 5 mph waiters by the way 4 and3 on this season deal 9 And1 those are the starting lineups brought to you as always by Norman Regional health building our community stronger throughout South Central Oklahoma as lir bout strives to the plate Destiny maroy your Riverwind Casino keys to the game I just want to see them stay sharp we we saw them perform pretty well um and and we'll keep touching on it again they've got to score all of the run or most of the runs that they're given opportunities to to score um but stay sharp and I I'd like to see them finish so stay sharp finish strong stay sharp finish strong those are Riverwind Casino keys to the game and as kirston deal rocks and fires the first pitch on a Sunday afternoon is a ball a little low and Away 105 p.m. with the first pitch and you've been listening to The Sooner softball pregame show presented by Walden cleaners in laundry the difference is quality here comes the 10 pitch that's a little bit low two one ball one strike I will say for those that like to give me grief for getting on the umpires too much it was the constant conversation in all of the pregame buildup 20 is pop fou down the left field line it was number one number one on the depth CH the core play not well the core play we got a good explanation of it where they got it right it's it's a it's a tough rule but once the Umpire ruled that it was a catch it essentially becomes a dead ball here's the 2-1 pitch toout swinging a Mis strike too it was more about the Zone in general this weekend one unnamed coach said I'm about to lose my mind I don't even know what to do here's the two ball two strike pitch from the sooner Lefty deal Line Drive left field Boon takes a couple steps back makes the catch that's how we started game three against Houston on a Sunday with a fly out to left one away pulson tax resolution in accounting your tax problems don't care who you are but we do bring you you our opponent preview and obviously it has been a rough weekend for the Houston Cougars though they got a little momentum late last night as Kennedy Thomas digs in first pitch to Thomas inside Corner strike one deal gets the call had the home run in the top of the fourth inning yesterday from Jasmine Rollins they've been out scored 18-2 there's a foul ball by Thomas towards the sooner Dugout but overall Christen Wesley's team who got I almost said fat early off a soft schedule but it's mean they they were like sitting at 13 and0 and 's talking about him but you look back and you realize not the toughest schedule anyone had faced and come crashing back to Earth and Big 12 play the 02 pitch is way up high but you know this much they they're going to fight they're not going to tap out hope troutwine is their pitching coach he also in a very unique move for pitching coaches coaches over at first base here's the one-w to Thomas way up they took the one from Texas when they did that I thought okay Houston yeah then the bottoms kind of dropped out since then Iowa State they took one Cyclones by the way got swept this weekend by BYU here's the 2-2 pitch fouled [Applause] off what a weird Wild Ride it's been out in Ames Iowa where they're coming off winning a series against Oklahoma state only to get swept by BYU Houston by the way 23 and 22 overall in the season 3 and 17 in conference play one of those three wins over Texas 22 swinging a Miss hereon deal showing some emotion in the circle two away today's weather is brought to you by the Trails Golf Club is in Norman you'll experience everything you love about Golf and More maybe hoodie weather little chilly outside out at 58° as the first pitch from deal to the left-handed hitting Rollin is in for a strike will shift upwards in the temperature reach a high of 64 this afternoon winds still out of the north at 14 miles an hour as the 01 pitch misses low and in one and one but not super strong strong blowing in knocking down some balls to right field key word would be some Trails Golf Club in Norman you'll experience everything you love about Golf and More 1-1 good spot right on that [Applause] outer good crowd on a sa on a Sunday few empty spaces not many at least in my vision the one-w pitch little low two and [Applause] two Kirsten D's off to a good start she performed well against Tulsa was that Tuesday night Wednesday night Tuesday nights Tuesday night she did a good job no no four [Applause] strikeouts here's the two- two pitch called strike three frozer on the inside corner inning over everyone stands with one figure in the air as Ella Parker strides to the plate we're scoreless in the bottom of the first inning is the Sooners get their first chance to get their hacks in against Taya waiters four and three on the season for waiters 6.0 erra she has pitched in every game now so far this weekend rander brings it home to Parker and misses outside for ball one she's definitely been the most effective just not a ton of speed it's been I don't want to say tough but a little for these OU hitters to find the right timing with her yeah in fact Parker stepped a little bit early as she takes strike one when you're used to saying pictures of velocity between 60 to 64 maybe some in the 58 but you see waiters and she's only throwing 45 on some pitches that's a big adjustment you got to Make Up and Away ball two it is I say this knowing it's truly not but it is enraging yeah how slowly that ball takes to get to the plate 2-1 add out a little bit more juice inside corner strike two two balls two strikes I mean it's it's even a big adjustment going from a pitcher that throws 62 to a pitcher that throws 58 you're going from a pitcher that doesn't throw anywhere near 58 starting at around 56 and bringing it down there's a line drive base hit down the left field line takes a shot off the wall down the corner and gets enough distance between boute the left fielder and the ball to allow Parker to roll into second base with a lead off double did that actually did that hit off Rollins glove I believe so it looked like it tipped off her glove but she was playing behind third 23 T here's T [Applause] Jennings runner at second jinnings looking for career RBI number 300 and she'll get it on a shot deep to Centerfield oh racing back and making the catches Thomas they had her played so deep it looked like it might get to the wall but Thomas was playing just inside the warning track and makes the catch off a laser from tar Jennings one away Parker tagged up and advaned to third I thought that was going to be career home run number 90 For a Moment tiar has been playing with you plank she's been messing with me first pitch to J Coleman loow in for ball one J out last night you heard coach confirming that she's not hurt I think is the best way we can put she is [Applause] back one ball and no strikes with Parker at third the pitch up high two and I will say this though J had had one heck of a Friday night here went two for four with a run scored in an RBI including the Game ending RBI Sooners had to put a couple on the board in the sixth to secure the run rule Victory on Friday Coleman takes the off speed for strike one J out last night snapped a 228 game starting streak that's wild you don't see that very often in this sport two balls in a strike the pitch to Jada low and in ball three still comes in with a season average of 430 has drawn 36 walks to just three strikeouts this season I got home last night and Cody had asked what was up with Jada is she not doing well I said she's hitting 430 she's fine 3-1 is Ball [Applause] Four home PL umpire tonight is Kaylee young she had been at first last night third on Friday night so tonight she's behind the plate Keith Kierney is over at first today Michael Parker is at third first and third here for burito first pitch right on that inside corner for strike one I first and third what is what do you think coach gasso has on the card here something will definitely be going on I feel like Jada's going to uh take off from first kind of slow up on her way to Second and try to draw some attention and give Ella a chance to score 01 is a little bit in one ball and one strike this be good pitch to do there goes J Coleman off to second base as the throw goes back to the pitcher well it worked to Perfection last night make J Coleman five of six on stolen base opportunities now this season it's a 1-1 pitch to Burrito off speed is hammered deep to left Centerfield it hits off the top of the wall rolls away from Thomas Parker scores Coleman scores burrito ahead for a slide into third it's a two-run triple two nothing Sooners on a ball that left an indention off the top of the wall I think the Sooners are seeing the off speed a little better oh hope chwine out to the circle that is the second second triple for Alysa breedo this week her fourth on the season and she should have been out by a mile oh my goodness yeah that so playing that off the wall is tough and I feel like it's it's kind of tough on everybody right now the padding is so hard still that the ball is playing off and it's going far so if you're not if your defense isn't lined up to where one is playing at the wall one's playing pretty far off the wall you're going to end up having a tase it but had that throw been on point burrito would have been out wow wow and in fact coach gso whenever burrito jumped up I laughed a bit because coach gave her a hug and I think the message might have been good job don't do that again yeah because who sent you because she and I didn't see if it was Lorenzo the short stop or maybe the second baseman whoever caught the relay throw made the worst throw to third I think we've ever seen from short center field it had Rollin up the left field line somehow meeting at the circle is over here's Cassidy Pickering first pitch to Pickering in the dirt another good job by Coleman I think they approach here might just be to sit change burito was on time with that pitch and that was coming in maybe 48 Max here's the 1 up High um I gotta okay Travis Davidson great friend of the broadcast pointed out they've got Pickering listed with a 455 average on the scoreboard she's hitting on the season 378 I think they're just giving the stats against right-handed hitters low and away three and0 obviously that is to a very macro audience a very small group that's here in the stadium but I think I think we're only seeing the stats against right-handed pitchers gives you kind of a unique perspective on things 3-0 pitch is in for a strike we got our always first in shout out of the night taken care of because our friends Don and Mar L Pickering already in from Willow Creek Montana Cassidy's grandparents always have us locked in here's the 3-1 ball four so Runners at first and third now with one out and that one out was a rocket to center field two nothing sooner on the two-run triple from Alissa burrito and we're going to have a pitching change and I'm going to tell you something waiters was not waiting she left the circle and walked right towards the first Bas line and she's ready to be done with the Sooners oh I mean there's no coach that came out she's it's almost as if she's just she's done giving taking herself out ining all right warm-ups appear to be completed for Smith did not anticipate making a change this quickly but here we go second appearance of the weekend for Smith she didn't pitch in the Friday game she inherits Runners at first and third and one out here's Kinsey Hansen first pitch to K9 is outside for ball one yeah and so again very macro audience here they have Hansen season average on the scoreboard at 340 she's sitting 4 24 this [Music] year seven home runs for Hansen but hasn't had one since the tech series squeeze bunt is popped up in the air look out burrito get back to the bag she does now off to Second goes Pickering because nobody's covering the bag Hansen asks do I get a sacrifice for that Cassidy pick ring has taken a few chances on the base paths this week in that haven't worked out that one worked out to Perfection all right here's the hot hitting Avery hodj who digs in getting the start at Second Base today first pitch to hjj showed squeeze bunt jumped out of the way but takes a [Music] ball Sooners are traveling for what could be the final time this season we'll see Thursday to head out to Orlando Florida for the series with UCF way outside with a 1-1 pitch it's crazy I feel like the season kind of flew by you know me too I I tell fans that want to find a good Bridge from off seon or from the end of winter into the summer here you go it flies by quickly I mean quickly here's the 1-1 line foul and they're good too which helps quite a bit Sooners looking for their 42nd win of the [Applause] season and to maintain their spot at top the Big 12 they're up two zip but threatening to add more here's the 02 pit or onew pitch to Hodge who pops it foul hjj got the start here last night finished one for two with a run scored and RBI has a modest four game hitting streak going she waits on the one two here it comes low two balls and two strikes good job again by Coleman behind home plate well it looks like my projection of Kansas potentially getting one from Texas is not looking too good in the series finale Texas already up four zip they're in the fifth now make it seven nothing here's the one-w pitch fouled straight back Katie Simmons as I updated the score it just hit a three-run home run Texas has had a six run fifth inning and they lead Kansas 7 nothing here comes the one-w pitch again this Ball's popped into shallow right center field Mar racing out as the second baseman agalar she'll make the catch and that'll do it for the Sooners here we go to the second Oklahoma leads Houston two to nothing along with Destiny mroy on Chris plank today's game is brought to you as always by L's travel stops and our game day sponsor pson tax resolution in accting really fun start to my day I got a chance to hang out with our boss man Kelly Coler from SSP was the first pitch to Tria Coleman is in first a strike we had some distinguished guests that we were showing around and then our buddy Drake dyin our engineer on the radio network brought by the wireless equipment so we can go by and see coach after the game tonight which I guess it might help if I started putting this together so hey we got plenty of time right we have until the end of the game one ball and one [Music] strike Coleman got a first hit of the weekend last night she fouls this one back a ball and two strikes whoever is on the scoreboard today is Lightning McQueen I mean this is look look at this no one ball and two strikes Marina Clinton in the house or Clifton excuse me Swinging a Miss strike three one away kayy Clifton's mom comes walking into our view and I suddenly forget there's a game going on one away and that is the third strike out of the game yeah it's uh it's kind of wild when you think about some of the great memories that were created by that 16 freshman class and then you look up and you're like wow that was 8 years ago crazy first pitch swinging a Miss for Shelby Smith for strike [Applause] one and Kirsten deal four up four down as struck out three of the four this is the kind of game where if Kiren deal she misses with the 01 Up and Away not just for this year but also you know you start thinking about the SEC in 2025 kirston Deal's got to be a Difference Maker there's a ball that's fouled off I know we're only in the top of the second inning with the Sooners up two nothing but what we've seen over the last few outings has been Dynamite she has been pretty good and it's it's crazy that she's only a sophomore she's got a lot of time to develop continue getting better one two as well but his coach gaso told us what does she not have she doesn't have [Laughter] patience a two- ball two strike pitch Theo looks in stares in brings it at home cold strike three right down Lindsay that's four straight strikeouts two of them looking two away here's Brian 2 boy Houston has the look of a team that's ready to get on the bus yeah they came out attacking Friday Saturday's games they came out aggressive we're not seeing too much of that tonight or today excuse me you're turning into me call tonight hey this has been one of those Series where both games in the first two games have been a night can't two fouls off the first pitch he sees strike one and it is a beautiful day I know I'm getting uh into my old man mode whenever one of the first things I'll say during a commercial break is it's just beautiful outside isn't it it's just so how about this weather can to the Texas transfer or second season here at Houston takes the 01 pitch low two nothing Sooners as we play on in the top of the second inning Kirsten deal looking to make it a quick top of the second and she pounds the zone for strike two crowd comes to life claps in unison they want to see a fifth straight kirston deal strike out misses h two balls and two strikes watching Riley Boon out in left field playing well off that left field line shaded towards Right Center is col man as the two2 pitch misses Up and Away three balls and two [Music] strikes Full Count two outs deal looking to avoid Houston getting its first base runner the pitch Ball [Music] Four I want to see her finish there agreed see you're trying to climb the ladder and get that hitter to chase just too far out of the Zone on those I'm not saying this to be mean but Houston has a look of a team that's ready to go and you punch him out there and was the gry line coach said we should be on a bus halfway home first pitch swinging fouled off from Bethany agula on the week for agular she started in both games so far when one for one here on Friday night had one of the three Houston hits the 01 pitch is grounded towards short couple hops jinnings up with it throws the first inning over and the struggles for agilar on the weekend continue she is now just one for four first pitch to Elina Torres is in for a strike as we start the second inning Sooner softball presented by L's travel stops the heart of the highway today's game broadcast brought to you by Pon tax resolution in a county here comes the 01 pitch to Torres she takes it low Alina last night in the sooner 10 to two win hit in the cleanup spot she went 0 for three but scored a run went two for two with a three-run home run here on Friday night tonight four runs baded in here's the 1-1 a little bit out two balls in a strike she is demanding to be in the lineup with the way she's hitting the ball Destiny Martinez she has in really well and it's it's interesting to see hjj and Torres together in the lineup 2-1 pitches high ball three typically see them trying to battle it out for second base but it's good to see Torres kind of make her way through and she's been performing really well she's looked great she's looked great she's been very clutch in timely situations here's the 3-1 pitch all four how about [Applause] that so Torres reaches base and that'll put a runner on first for Bradley Boon Oklahoma Athletics would like to thank the official eat play Stay Partners visard Norman pop Courtyard by Marion Midway Deli nashir and Norman inced visit soonersports.com for more information here's the first pitch to The left-handed hitting Riley Boon as the infield comes in can to enti at first Boon lays down a bun foul where would you be trying to place the ball here with the way that Rollin is defending it at third and Lorenzo at Short looks like they're really on that left side yeah they're pinched they're leaving that middle wide open Moon swings and Pops one into shallow left field racing out as the short stop lenzo and there's one away right idea no Boon's got to find a way to work the dirt you take your legs away when you just send it in the air like that but but they were leaving that Gap wide open she kind of just reached out for a f for an outside pitch that was way off the plate really here's Ella Parker doubled in the first inning and the first pitch is in for a strike saw Ella's dad sporting the anthra site sooner Jersey before the game at least I think I did here's the 1 check swing two balls and no strikes on a pitch Up and Away Parker's second hit of the series LED the game off for the Sooners last multi-hit game came on the final game of the Texas series went two for three in that Sunday tilt here's the 1-1 with Tores at first one away two nothing Sooners big rip swinging a [Applause] Miss she had a six-game hitting streak Encompass that Texas Tech series into Baylor in the midweek against UTA onew she rips this one foul in that six-game hitting streak she had three multi-hit games games and even a five RBI performance against biley she's only a freshman unreal the one-w pitch headed home to Parker hits it hard to short this could be two shovels to Second for one to First nope agular was played so far in the hole at second base towards the first base bag that it took her a second to get there so Lorenzo had to wait up for her to get to the back Parker will reach on the fielders choice and here's tiar she fed out to deep center field her last time [Applause] out here's the first pitch to The sooner Short Stop Miss low we're talking about the continued pursuit of history for Jennings One RBI away from the top six all time in career runs batted in one home run away from the top six in career home runs the one0 misses in him 89 home runs needs one to Tai Stacy nman for sixth on the alltime list and she is sitting at 299 runs baded in here's the 20 pitch little bit out three balls and no strikes I've never had more copies of a team's game notes than I have of Houston thank you Thomas those who like to conserve paper are not happy with me this weekend the three-oh pitch is low ball four and Jennings will get rid of the Evo shield and the ankle protection and head down to first base on what I have is the fourth walk of the [Applause] [Music] game fans happy to see J back in the Box yeah you think and uh again here comes Christen vesley and hope troutwine to kind of slow things down a bit Jay hitting 430 on the season she's at 355 hitter with two away but get this with runners in scoring position Coleman is hitting 464 with 35 runs batted in on the season yeah that's incredible it's amazing to see how good she's been well while this meeting continues in the circle we'll ask if you knew that every dollar you donate to the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation goes directly to research helping Oklahomans and people everywhere live longer healthier lives learn more about Oklahoma's Medical Research Foundation at om rf. org Sooner softball is also brought to you by bram's Ice Cream and Dairy Store Farm Fresh for over 50 years and when you can't be at the game sooner sports TV has you covered on the air and online at soonersports.tv soonersports TV is presenting by our Cornerstone Partners an Heiser Bush and do you health two nothing Sooners conference is over U's got Runners at first and second but two outs trying to avoid a scoreless half inning [Music] here Coleman walked her first time out here's the first pitch to The left-handed hitting J Coleman she reached for one and popped it foul off the net it's wild when you look at the game by game stats for J Coleman just every game it seems like she finds a way to make an impact in some way shape or form here's the 01 pitch reaches again and pokes it foul Jada has played now in 45 of the 46 sooner games this season two for four here on Friday night with a run scored in an RBI she again fouls this one on yeah these stats are crazy yeah it's um she had gone through a a tough spell she was 0 for eight and then got a hit against Tulsa on Tuesday night and then went two for four here on Friday night I think it was actually that stretches a one for 11 for a moment here's the O2 again she hammers one pretty deep to left field but racing back juggling and dropping in his bout rounding third and heading home is jinnings she'll score it's a two-run mistake in left field by bout on a hard hit ball by Jada Coleman and it's four nothing Sooners bout was never comfortable with that for the moment it hit her [Applause] glove but that's got to be an air right yeah for sure I mean that ball she barely even had to move for it that was so Random how that happened just kind of juggling it out of her glove kind of bounced it around a couple times just never could make the play here's Alysa Breo first pitch to The sooner third baseman lone away ball one burrito tripled and drove in two runs her last time up that is the fourth triple for Alysa burito this season you might imagine it smashes her career total here's the one pitch Breo eights takes ball two a little bit out we have seen quite a few triple I feel like over the last couple weeks you hadn't seen a lot from Alissa breedo in her career until this week uh this season and I guess this weekend here's the 2-0 pitch headed home to Breo big hitters count she grounds one softly towards short up with it is Lorenzo throws to First and gets her the inning is over but the Sooners add two unearned four Houston nothing Destiny what did you make of that left field from bout man that was a mistake that you can't really afford with J Coleman in the box but I don't know that was kind of weird how that happened I mean I feel like she was camped right underneath it and it just kind of bounced out of her glove tried to re revive it with her hand and bobbled it there too it was tough first pitch of the third is a bunt charged hard bare handed by burrito throws they get Lorenzo at first oh burito you're smooth one motion picks it with her right hand and throws a strike one away one heck of a play by Breo I love how she just barehanded that you'll see a lot of fielders kind of barehanded and still tap their glove and she was just able to barehand it get rid of it she's got such a strong arm unbelievable here is the left-handed hitting Paige Hy and the first pitch misses low for ball one Dan and Bill are near Dar Oklahoma Kelly Lions is driving on Interstate 22 and Mississippi Williams got a synced up in New Jersey the 01 is a little bit up C Mills sooner Yaya Northwest City Denita higs pra Oklahoma Kevin and Stephanie headed up I35 on to Topeka while listening to the game that's my man Kevin in Kansas swinging a Miss on the 1-1 for strike two I made a nearly horrific mistake on the gift that Kevin gave us I left it in the no in the fridge here and I was afraid when I came back someone was going to snag it still there still there nice thank you Kevin can't wait to try it man here's the one-w pitch up high Zan Jana Rick checking in for North Huntington Pennsylvania N dog's in the house redhead Sooners listening on the Turner Turnpike Pap wheel's in chock tow John is in here in Texas the onew fouled back I learned something about Joe for and how he sinks us up it's not just to listen to the broadcast but as they're going to Hansen might have taken that foul ball off her arm so they're giving her a second to recover here don't play umpire is been generous with the time Kayla Young letting Hansen rebound she's fine Joe not only listens to the radio broadcast to hear us but also to hear what music his daughter Caitlyn fornier are marketing here his play he's got a keen ear and a a Musical musical heart to make sure that she gets the jams right well done Joe onew count here to Hy Lefty Lefty match up she rips it down the right field line foul he loves is in from Stigler John and Robin and AA Joe still is in Gold speed today jaylen's got us in the a while W while grocery shopping in wakeo it's a beautiful beautiful lost start actually going to the store for groceries here's the one two oh that's a good spot just a little bit but off the outer edge three and two CD's got us in hawkley Texas a Aon and Colorado Springs along with Chelsea a Aon here's the 3-2 pitch swing and a miss kirston deal strikeout number five on the day and there's two away how about the Kirsten deal mix of pitches today she is doing so good she's really been able to find the holes in their swings climbing the ladder a little bit really mixing in some good stuff top of the lineup Blair bout first pitch to the left he is grounded to the right side hodj gets it shovels to first T his covering got her that is a quick one two three third Dorado Hills we see you in the parking lot tuned in to Sooner softball Cassidy Pickering leads it off at the bottom of the third inning sooner four Houston nothing today's game presented by Poston tax resolution and accounting and as always our presenting sponsor of Sooner softball is Loves Travel stops as the pitch misses low and Away ball one Carden is now out in left field for Houston so bout out Cen in and left field can't imagine why they would want to make that change as the one pitch misses outside bout will now be the DP got to make those plays Pickering walked in her plate appearance in the first if you're just tuning in boute a two out dropped Fly ball in left field that led to two sooner runs two pitches up high our man Andrew Shepard lets the people know on the PA this weekend here's a three-oh pitch to The left-handed hitting sooner right fielder Cassidy pick ring not even close ball four so I mentioned they're tuned in in the parking lot how about this story our man big wink is listening to the broadcast in his truck across the street with his daughter who wasn't feeling well oh his wife and oldest daughter are here in the stadium watching the again ultimate dad ultimate dad move well I hope she starts to feel better she gets better maybe she can rally and get in here here's Kinsey Hansen first pitch to K9 is low and in ball one Kinsey popped out to first base and we're going to have a trip to the circle here from Tria Coleman Mara's parents Jay and Maggie have us tuned in on the way home from Norman the Carwell are in New Hampshire Mark and Carolyn m and Manford Shan the kitches Miss R has us tuned in in the stadium Joel out in Rogersville paig Cole checking in from Tulsa lean Connie watching in East Texas one ball and no strikes to Kinsey Hansen pitch headed home ground ball back up the middle through into center field it's a base hit Pickering stopped at Second now after it was bobbled in Center she thought about going instead we'll stay there and it's a single by Kinsey Hansen Here Comes Avery hjge but not before we pause 10 seconds for station ID this is Sooner softball from lefi ABC dels a product of Tyler KN powered by Parish Devon official personal injury lawyers of the Oklahoma City Thunder visit pepper winds.com the single by Hansen is the third hit of the game for the Sooners they lead at four zip as Hodge comes to the plate with Runners at first and second and nobody out first pitch shows bunt takes a ball way outside Rollin was charging down the line k 2 as well at first Rollin over at third K two at first hadie gasso at the front of the third base coach's box barks out at instructions towards Avery Hodge open stance for the left-handed hitting second baseman here's the one0 pitch swings and fouls it all so our buddy Shane Sanders had checked in Kevin good Miller with a question how many Runners has U left on base this series well it was 20 in the first two games combined three so far here today one-1 pitch to hodj swinging a Miss boy she really chased one not a good pitch to swing at and Aver's behind on the count one ball and two strikes but to this moment it's me knocking on wood ohou was not struck out this weekend back to the runners left on Sooners have scored 381 runs this season fouled off there on the onew they've left 301 on base this season seems like a relatively High number I mean that's yeah that's a big deal and I mean they have good at bats that's not to to say that all of those should have been scored but I'd say at least half got to get them in here's the onew to Hodge it's in the dirt two balls and two strikes [Applause] four nothing Sooners nobody out Runners at first and second it's a two- two count as hjj Waits the pitch fouled off again mallister is checked in Joseph leadford and mallister I saw my man mayor of Mill Brandon Jack Teresa Moore in Norman the roughs on I35 driving back to belon Texas they've got it synced up in Stigler Caleb and Isaac are listening at Ezra's birthday party in Walters Oklahoma here's the 22 almost hit her and is called strike three well that's the first strike out of a sooner this weekend and it came on a pitch that had painted the inside corner as HJ had stepped into it in nearly caught her but unfortunately for hodj it caught the inside corner one away here's Torres over for one with a walk I mean pardon me only plate appearance is a walk first pitch strike one I think what's become my favorite thing in the third inning shout outs is seeing so many of you that are tuned in when you come to the game thank you so much want to work on getting it where you can have the radio broadcast in The Concourse that's what snacks and now in the Outfield here's the 01 Torres reached for one and fouled it back going two almost almost like there was a hit and run on with the way that she attacked that pitch there was not they need to just put you on the PA you do all the announcing coach gasso would get so mad she would be so and I'd get kicked out of every game for complaining about the umpires here's the o02 Torres pokes it foul down the right field line now that would be some entertainment I had a uh buddy of mine Tyler mccomus said he turned on the car Friday night and he heard he heard when I was angry on the onew pitch and I said the pitch and all I responded with was what are we doing dude that was a rough weekend for the home plan umpires the o02 pitch is hit well and deep her right field but racing over to make the catch in the Gap is Holly tagging and heading to third is Pickering Torres gave it a ride but Holly made the catch just short of the warning track and right field and there's two away for Riley boom who said this generation's music was not made for me when we asked her why she goes with blue sued she's a big Elvis fan listen to it with her Grandpa when she was growing up first and third two outs Hans it at first Pickering it tagged on the Fly ball is standing at third Boon's 0 for one on the day first pitch check swing but that ball caught the lower edge of the zone for strike one shocked Kinsey didn't take advantage of that throw and get herself to second base on that when Pickering tagged from second go going to third we saw the throw come in from Hy and right field all the way to third Kinsey had time here's the 01 pitch to Boon show bunt pulled back just in time a double check with a third base umpire who says no four nothing Sooners two outs let's see if Boon can keep those Deuces Wild on the scoreboard Sooners have scored two every inning so far here's the 1-1 a mile high on the infield can 2 calls off everyone makes the catch and the Sooners make a little mo noise to start the third but go quietly here we go to the fourth Oklahoma 4 Houston nothing along with Destiny mroy I'm Chris plank first scoreless happening for the Sooners here today and Houston will have its two three and four hitters with Kennedy Thomas leading things off over for one with a strike out back to work for Kirsten deal first pitch little bit up ball one only base runner for Houston has been a walk that has can two with two outs in the second inning one ball and no strikes pitch from deal oo a little low two and0 interesting developments in the middle of the pack in the Big 12 this weekend 2 pitch is in for a strike Texas has swept its series from Kansas they won today seven zip but Baylor has won their series over UCF they won their early game today one nothing and they lead in the bottom of the fifth of the third game one- nothing that was the 9:30 a.m. start 2-1 pitch misses low three 9:30 a.m. first pitch we had a couple of 9:30 first pitches but it's been West Coast time 31 is in for a strike three and [Applause] two now that second game by the way still scoreless between UCF and Baylor But Here Comes the 3-2 pitch Line Drive leaping making the catch at short as jinnings one away here's Jasmine Rollin double check this is D1 softballs playing with my mind here they have two different one zero scores for two different games left-handed hitting Jasmine Rollin a strikeout victim in the first she bats here with nobody on and one out first pitch swinging fouls it back out of play that hit off the top of the overhang here at Lovefield feels like fans are getting a little bit more comfortable Lovefield team is the indoor hitting area is I don't ever want to say anything's completed but it they can use it they can use it the 01 is Up and Away in fact this was the first home weekend that both teams were able to take batting practice as keny Hansen's going to jog out and chat with Kirsten deal in the new facility yep in the new facility and here at loves field first time the Sooners took batting practice at Lovefield before a game was Tuesday night in the win over Tulsa before the game I was with distinguished members of the sooner Nation like Kelly Coler and we went down there and we were looking at the indoor and it's the cages are done it's it's really cool May 15th looks to be a date whenever they hope everyone can move in here here's the 1-1 swinging a Miss whatever Hansen said work a ball and two strikes they're thinking all the rooms down there will be done and everything that's the rumor wow at least livable yeah I mean it's beautiful so welld deserved from coach gasso world class softball facility world class facility period one two is up high two and two talking to Jenny love yesterday we were just talking about how much this program has developed over the years and how it's so crazy to see just the changes in going from Reeves field to Marita Hines to now loves field and just all the developments swing and a miss kirston deal strikeout number six strikeouts brought to you by Tinker Federal Credit Union Oklahoma's largest Credit Union 2 away and I think we had a moment where she forgave me too for introducing her as Judy love to somebody my I went into fight or flight as soon as I did that and I looked at her and I'm like I so sorry here's Tria Coleman when you were telling her that story yesterday I said Chris can't sleep at night yeah it's fast strike one my uh my buddy Mike Stewart pastor at First Baptist Church of Washington I was giving him the tour and I'm like and this is the woman that made it all possible Judy love whoops and we all kind of looked at each other the1 pitch is low ball one really cool to see uh Gabe ier and Caroline and the two iur boys here yesterday his first trip that they got to make part of the L's family that made this possible here's the one one to Tria Coleman it's up high yeah Gabe's always been a big softball fan and he was on snack delivery too he was so generous listen I had a new mom that was hungry in here we're not going to mess her around we're going to get you some popcorn appreciate that here's the 2-1 pitch in this Lefty Lefty matchup from deal grounded foul down the first Bas line suers up four zip in the top of the fourth inning four runs on just three hits but the secret weapon for the Sooners today has been the walk Oklahoma has drawn so far today five walks here's the two- two pitch Coleman takes ball three just a little [Music] out so that means on the week now in three games the Sooners hitters have drawn 17 walks in these three games here's a 3-2 to Coleman grounded back to deal what a play throws to First anding over Ella Parker will lead things off first pitch in the bottom of the fourth inning with u up for zip headed home Smith hard hit ball towards short onto the glove of Lorenzo into center field I mean she wanted nothing to do with that hit at all right off the bat she kind of took a couple steps back looked like she was trying to get a read on it but you got to charge in and attack a ball like that I've had unpopular opinion for a couple of innings now I feel like Houston's ready to go home I think that's pretty popular plank here is TR Jennings who has walked scored a run flyed out she is 0 for one first pitch to jinnings it's popped up Shallow left field racing out as Lorenzo the short stop makes the catch quickly back to First is Parker and there's one away mentioned the uh weird day that it was in the Big 12 in the middle of the pack UCF and Baylor were playing two games today as J Coleman digs in here's the first pitch to The sooner center fielder headed home out ball one we'll be on our way to Orlando next week to play UCF much better team at home than they've been on the the road this year Baylor is about to sweep that series those scores were correct they won the Friday game two to one won the first game this morning one nothing as the one0 pitch is headed home from Smith Coleman shows bunt takes B two and Baylor now headed to the seventh inning is three outs away from a sweep make this conference makes sense from about five down well even with what Oklahoma state did last week in in ases that'll shake up the standings a bit feel like standings in all the conferences are kind of crazy right now the 2-0 check swing Coleman takes ball three Oklahoma state is up in the bottom of the third 5 nothing over Texas Tech cowgirls about to sweep that series as three-oh pitch to J Coleman is headed home ball four maybe in the postgame show we'll be able to do some work and figure out exactly what the matchups might look like with only two regular season series left before the Big 12 tournament suor still control its own destiny to win a big 12 title seven games remaining in the regular season first and second for Breo go ahead Destiny no we had one uh pitch L oo called strike on a pitch that looked a little low fun facts come in when we were playing Tulsa that if the Sooners lose all nine now six remaining conference games they would still have less losses than Baylor BYU and Houston if all three don't lose another conference game wow here's the 01 burrito checked her swing on a pitch and they confirmed that she checked her swing on a pitch that was a little bit out Texas Tech has put a couple on the board abor hit a two-run homer that game is now 6-2 in the top of the fourth inning cowgirls lead it the 1-1 to buritto inside ball pops out of the glove of Coleman but rolls slowly out in front of it that OSU bedum series is going to be exciting it's if you got a ticket you better be here and if you don't make sure somebody better tune in somebody yeah not wearing orange gets it here's the 2-1 pitch to breedo low and Away burrito has a triple that was a first inning triple that drove in two runs grounded out to short in the second she bats here with Runners at first and second one out sooner up for zip bottom of the fourth inning Pickering Waits on Deck the 3-1 pitch from Smith brings it home grounded foul past Coach G O that didn't get Co past coach gasso that went in the first entry to The Dugout everyone looks to be okay still learning the field Maya Bland had to do a little dance to get out of the way of that here comes the 3-2 pitch now to breedo will the runners be going they aren't breedo rips it foul down the third Baseline will there be bedm matchups still even though we're in the SEC baseball has confirmed yeah baseball has confirmed they're going to play next year in some midweeks I think they're trying to work it out in basketball I think I don't think I've asked coach casso about it maybe we'll do that next week here's the 3-2 pitch breedo Skies it to Centerfield shallow center field falling fast but racing in to make the catch is Thomas they had they had Coleman doubled off first base if they want it I think Jada thought that Thomas might not get to that she did and she made the catch now that I say Thomas out in center field Houston is actually [Applause] they've shifted into center field here this half Wilkins who is coming to play center so adjust accordingly there's two away for Pickering four nothing Sooners Pickering takes a ball low and [Music] away so Wilkins is in Center Holly is in right C in left infield Remains the Same with Rollin at third Lorenzo at Short agular second can't two at first ow and in ball two to deal or excuse me to Pickering who has made two plate appearances and has walked both times and has been stranded at second both times hit a double and a triple here yesterday has two of the six drawn walks for the Sooners and she takes strike one I don't like that pitch pitch that look like Ball three yeah I don't like that pitch little too up and out Parker's at second Coleman's at first sooner is looking to avoid another goose egg in the Run column this inning two1 way outside ball three Hansen Waits on Deck Smith struggling to find the strike zone here for straight ball walk took Coleman here's the 3-1 pitch to The sooner freshman all four Bas is loaded this might draw a trip to the circle from Hope trout wine indeed it will hope hope came out calling for time and was calling for it from both umpires she had her arms out holding up the dime side into both the home plate umpire and the first base umpire University of Oklahoma and sooner Sports properties would like to thank our concession Partners anheiser Bush Fletcher's original corny dogs Coca-Cola the baked pair Community Coffee Taco Mayo Boomerang Diner schw meat and Uber Eats while the meeting at the Circle continues people of Oklahoma oil and natural gas are on the job 24/7 producing the energy to fuel modern life they're also voluntarily restoring thousands of acres of land over 20,000 orphan Wells today plus contributing Millions to our state schools each year hear all their stories at o.com Myro and long on a soonersports.com kids for information about joining the sooner Junior kids club presented by o& and brought to you in part by Orthodontics exclusively mat and Deon energy face is loaded for Kinsey Hansen what do you think the message was from hope troutwine there Destiny just keep the ball in the yard you've got to be able to let your defense defend this ball keep the ball down I mean with one swing of the bat the the game could be over Pickering at first Coleman at second Parker at third Hansen's one for two four nothing Sooners first pitch K9 takes a strike on the inside corner [Applause] this is also that moment where I will try to speak something into existence we haven't seen Hansen hit a homer in a while last home run came into Friday against Texas Tech here's the 01 pitch low one ball one strike and I feel like a lot of her home runs come in clutch moments well it wouldn't be bad to put this game in run rule territory mark March 15th was Hansen's last home run she'd actually hit him in back-to-back games March 10th and March 15 Iowa State and Texas Tech here's the 1-1 pop foul off The netting right of Home [Music] PL so it's a 14 game homerless streak for Kanan she's behind on the count here one ball and two strikes Bas is loaded two outs the onew from Ken uh to Hansen grounded sharply to third nice play by Rollin throws to First gets her inning over sooner strand the base is loaded we head to the Fifth Fifth Innings brought to you by the house Smith Restaurant Group enjoy great dining experiences at any of our our restaurants visit how smith.com to learn more four nothing Sooners four runs on just three hits but the walks the walks is the first pitch to Shelby Smith is in for strike one Oklahoma as an offense has drawn seven walks today the 01 in for his strike no balls in two strikes but again there is that overarching concern because of what Runners left on base Sooners have stranded eight here today the 02 pitch misses up high one ball two strikes kon's doing a really good job today very impressed couple really good outings in a row now for Kirsten deal here comes the onew grounded sharply towards short Jennings backs up for the big hop makes the play long throw got it one away Shelby Smith is retired she's 0 for two on the game here's Bri canant 2 the only base runner that Houston has had here today was a Brie kantou second inning walk that's it goose eggs everywhere across the scoreboard except that erir category where they've committed two first pitch in for a strike Deal's cooking it's nice to see the pitching rotation kind of work out this weekend with Kelly Maxwell starting us off Friday Saturday using Nicole May and Payton monelli 01 line drive down for a hit right field they'll fake the throw to first and there's the first hit of the game it comes with one out in the fifth and it's Kant 2 who has been not only one of the more consistent cougar performers this season but she is the only cougar to reach base here today here's Bethany agula first pitch a little bit out so you know what happens after you give up your first hit right agilar takes care of you by grounding into like a smooth little 643 Double Play We we'll see a double play here maybe even like a 463 double play hod she hasn't worked her middle play yet po foul off the net she's been pretty good at covering ground up the middle that isend a streak for Kirsten deal of 10 and a third Innings of no hit ball she pitched six no hit Innings against tuls on Tuesday night as the 1-1 misses side two and one four and a third no hit Innings tonight 6 plus 4 in the third so 10 and a third no hit innings for Kiron deal comes to an end with a fifth inning single by bre can 2 and there's one away here's the 2-1 a little bit low three balls in a strike and it was still a pretty good pitcher pitch that kantou got a hold of mhm three balls at a strike swing in a Miss she swung at ball four strike two that's got to make Christen bessley frustrated down in that third base coach's box really good placement right at the eyes it's tough to lay off that final and wakeo Baylor has swept the series from UCF they win both games today one- nothing here's the 3-2 line foul down the right side that is a bit surprising considering that UCF is probably one of the hottest teams in the Big 12 heading into this weekend they had the longest winning streak and Conference play going and they get swept by a team below them in the standings here's the 3-2 pitch cold strike three agalar started to walk down to first base but no says home played umpire Kaylee Young strikeouts this season brought to you by Tinker Federal Credit Union just a very delayed call on that kind of had everybody on their toes very very very delayed call on was on her way seven strike out of the game and it looks like we're going to see our first pinch hitter of the game and for Brooke Lorenzo they're going to go with ktie rppa so Katy Rea here last night got a pinch hit appearance grounded out here's the first pitch to The right-handed hitting senior and it's in for a strike four runs on three hits for the Sooners but as we mentioned seven drawn walks pitch High one ball one strike so far though a one hit gem from Kiron deal has kept Houston at Bay one ball one strike right on the Outer Edge strike too I like that pitch call Kaye young says let's go we're at an hour 37 minutes we should be on a bus halfway home one ball and two strikes with a runner at first and two away four zip sooner lead the pitch from kirston deals fouled back the long longest active winning streak in the Big 12 you know who it belongs to right now Oklahoma State Texas oh nine in a row now for Texas here's the one-w pitch little low sooner is looking to make it five straight after their loss to BYU last week and that would be the second longest winning streak in the Big 12 tied with Oklahoma state if they hold off Texas Tech today here's the 22 Line to Center Field Coleman's got a beat makes the catch inning over Destiny maroy just it seems like the Gap is larger than that for some reason the Sooners heita they need to drop the hammer here first pitch to Avery hodj lays down a bunt was it too hard being charged by Rollin throws to first they got her one away nice play by Rollin Here Comes Torres L's travel stops is the presenting sponsor of Sooner softball Loves Travel stops the heart of the highway and today's game is brought to you by Poston tax resolution and accounting tax problems don't care who you are but we do here's Elena Torres this is the third plate appearance of the game for Torres first pitch a little bit low and away four runs on three hits for the Sooners no runs on a hit two erors for [Music] Houston here's the one to Alina Torres headed home reaches pokes it foul and out of play that hit off the overhang and rolled back a bit good standing room only crowd again today Sunday afternoon here at the best ballpark in all of college softball as the one- one misses outside [Applause] tun what is that section for is that allocated to somebody which one's that the uh where my man Senor OU is sitting is he in there right right to the yeah yeah yeah that is that had been a media overflow seating okay but and now it's empty and to the left of him that's a separate section no yeah it is there's two separate areas there it's a little there's it's kind of an optical illusion and what Destiny is talking about is above the lower bow seating there's like table seating if you will it's like counter space yeah same thing in center field too that's actually two different sweet areas in center field not just four split up Torres grounds one sharply back up the middle Lorenzo backs up on it throws high but Kant stays on the bag for the second out and with two outs in the bottom of the fifth inning here's Riley Boon my goodness the sooner offense has gone stagnant here since the third inning stagnant again no energy I don't feel much coming from The Dugout normally they're a lot louder lot more cheering going on first pitch to Boon a little soft slap nobody's going to get there Boon beats it out that's what you needed Riley Boone just places that perfectly destiny that was perfect just seeing the placement there I feel like she wrote that out that was a script she executed perfectly seeing agular playing a little bit deep for second base but placing that ball right in between Smith and Kant the pitcher in first baseman she had to charge that here's Ella Parker first pitch is low for a ball Parker has been all over the place today despite not being credited with a hit well they did give her a hit good I thought they were going to Ru an error well she let off the game with a double you dummy lead off double scored to run fielder's choice in an E6 so she is one for three with two runs scored and on a hit and run she fouls this one off so yeah first inning double she scored on the RBF two-run triple from burrito reached on a fielder's choice and scored in the second and in the fourth she let off the error that was made by Lorenzo at Short she bats with two outs and the bottom of the fifth inning sooner is up four nothing Boon at first pitch that Ball's hammered deep to Centerfield it's either gone or off the top of the wall they're going to say it's off the top of the wall Parker slides in with a double Boon scores from first it's five nothing Sooners how did that ball stay in the yard my god did it what in the world I mean that hit off the very Tip Top of the fence we're getting a replay of it here I don't know how that stayed in play I think it was a home run where's my man Kyle Davis he usually has a good freeze frame on that well we'll say RBI double for now here is TR Jennings and that's what it'll be as Jennings takes the first pitch for strike one I don't know how that stayed in the yard but it's something the sooner offense desperately needed after going scoreless in the third and the fourth here's the 01 pitch that misses low one and one [Music] five nothing Sooners bottom of the fifth inning Coleman Waits on Deck here's the 1-1 pitch to The sooner short stop it's looped into left field oh what a play racing out by Lorenzo the short stop to make the catch and in the Innings a gim of an afternoon for Kirsten deal sooner is leaded five zip as we head to the sixth along with Destiny maoy I'm Chris plank she'll get the top of the lineup for Houston but how impressed have you been with what kirston deal has done here today I'm very impressed and I'm pumped that she has performed so well in her last two outings really um I think these are the things that coach gasto and Jen roacha need to see from her is can we count on you to be a closer on on the Sunday games um she's performed really well I think she's hitting her spots really well um and just working in her rise ball I think she's getting these hitters fold first pitch swing and a miss strike one this is actually in the lineup where holley's spot was The nine-hole Hitter as the oh one misses a little Up and Away one ball one spot and this is the second time this weekend that we've seen Dumis zquad Dumis who takes swings through strike two which had one of the most unique phonetic spellings I've ever seen in my life capital Z and then qwa what rhymes with claw there's the 22 is that misses Up and Away do miss hitting 133 on the season but in those opportunities she's had as a leadoff hitter she's hitting 300 China be is the third base runner of the game for Houston and she takes ball three High suiters have gone with the same defense throughout Boon in left Coleman in Center Pickering in right with burito at thir jinnings at Short hod at second Torres at first the battery of De en Hansen foul straight back on a good cut on that 3-2 pitch by [Music] Dumis full count [Applause] again here comes the 3-2 pitch from deal swinging a miss it popped out of the glove of Hansen who picks it up throws to First and there's one away there is another strike out and Holly a Hy spot in the lineup is now 0 for two with two k [Music] first pitch fouled back strike one to and another new face in the lineup for the Houston Cougars Amanda Carden getting her first plate appearance comes here with one out in the sixth no balls in a strike this Lefty Lefty matchup low a ball and a strike card in a 200 hitter on the season just four for 20 one ball one strike grounded back to deal nice job again by Kirsten throws to first two away she's been good Fielding her position too I was just getting ready to say that she looks good every opportunity right back at her she's able to make a play and two away for another firsttime plate appearance on the day Wilkins who came in for Thomas defensively last inning first pitch grounded to third backhanded by breedo throws a strike to Torres to end the sixth wow what a play by Alysa burito uh one two three top half of the sixth we head to the bottom of the sixth inning Oklahoma five Houston nothing today's game broadcast is presented by Poston tax resolution and accounting your tax problems don't care who you are but we do this is Sooner softball from learfield introducing waterburger new bacon Steakhouse double with creamy steak sauce crispy fried onions age cheddar and crunchy bacon this is a special occasion Burger but what is a special occasion a day at the park that's special your Friday meeting getting cancelled special uninterrupted alone time spent with your innermost thoughts swirling through your Consciousness sure why not any occasion can be a special location with a bacon Steakhouse double available only at waterburger for a limited time when a power line goes down the safest distance is further than you think power from a down line can travel through trees water and ice and even the ground you don't have to touch the line to get seriously hurt so stay as far away as you can anything power lines or touching can be dangerous including the ground let's live safely together learn more at og.com safetytips Philip 66 and kico are there for those who never stop going like Mike before a first date Ready set go oh no why did I eat spaghetti right before my date with Samantha this sauce is never coming out that's okay this is why you left an hour earlier I'll just run home here's a shirt but wait it's bedazzled where did I even get this yes finally a clean button down really another red light okay parking and running and here's my movie ticket and just in time there go in everything you do Philip 66 and kako are there to fuel all the ways you go go go here we go J Coleman in the bottom of the sixth inning sooner up 5 nothing we'll lead it off and take the first pitch on the inside corner for strike one Jada is 0 for one on the day has walked twice and I mean you think about this this could be a three zip game if you don't have bout drop a ball in left field right now the 01 Coleman who looks like she's been reaching on that Outer Edge all game long swings and fouls it off for strike two soon soft B presented by L's travel stops the heart of the highway today's game is brought to you by Holston tax resolution and a [Applause] counter that's Destiny Maloy I'm Chris plank Kelly is our producer back in the learfield studios and Kristen vesley is walking out with their arms extended to Kaye young I don't know what the problem could be here but seems like there was a re-entry on the lineup card oh okay yeah they're re-entering 44 so they're putting Hy back in the game out in right field no balls and two strikes good catch by vesley as the pitch to Coleman is ripped foul off that Outer Edge again she's chasing Jada Coleman really going after that outside pitch not her best swings no balls and two strikes feel like Kaye young behind the plate has been pretty consistent I don't I don't know that there's a reason for her to reach that far out of the Zone here's the 02 to Coleman almost hits her on a ball that skips and Jay gets to take a little walk one m and two strikes that wind has been constant but not a Difference Maker here today here comes the onew Coleman reaches grounds this one softly back to Smith she'll throw the first and there is one away it just has appeared that Jade has been a little bit off in the batter's box today alisso LED things off in her well in her first plate appearance the day a triple drove in two runs grounded out to short in his second flly out to Center in the fourth she bats here with one out nobody on in the bottom of the sixth inning five nothing Sooners pitch to Burrito little bit out ball one and we're spoiled we yeah you're right J hasn't had you know she just hasn't been Jade alike I feel like very unfair you're right but she's still hitting 422 that's right here's the one pitch to burito takes it outside and we are very spoiled we're looking at Avery Hodge with a 314 batting average being the lowest in the lineup that's still very good two balls and no strikes burito swings and rips it down the third Baseline Fair into the left field Corner rounding first and heading towards second is breedo it's another extra base hit for Alysa breedo her second of the game [Applause] I feel like something's off here because that would normally send some fire Through The Dugout through Burrito on second used to seeing burrito just get loud and throw her arms in the air and just be a lot more excited I don't know what's going on here's Cassidy Pickering three plate appearances three walks and there's strike one fans do not like that no balls in a strike burito at second now here's the pitch to Pickering way outside we mention what's going on in the Big 12 haven't really looked across the country too much Florida has won the series over South Carolina they won that game this morning 7 to six here's a 1-1 pitch to The left-handed hitting Pickering pops it fouled down the left field line slicing out of play we mentioned Texas with a seven zip win over Kansas Arkansas shuts out Alabama a nothing one ball and two strikes pitch clock is at eight Pickering Waits here it comes she takes ball two LSU and Tennessee locked in a good one Tennessee has just taken a two-zip lead in the Box of the sixth inning and that big rubber game in [Music] Knoxville here comes the two two to Pickering way up high ball three UCLA getting ready to start against Stanford going for the sweep in that series over the number three team in the country here's the three two pitch to Pickering allall four Cassidy Pickering four plate appearances four walks and in Kinsey Hansen spot here is Riley Lam on her senior day really good at bats from Pickering too fouling some stuff off and really working through the count making these pitchers work little delay here as as coach gasso inserts Lam into the lineup they're celebrating Riley's senior day here today so you have the Riley Lam posters as we came into the stadium Q lilio was moved into the on Deck Circle coach gasso pointing out how impressed she's been with lilio and now here comes the Houston contingent to slow everything down hope trout wine will walk to the circle Kristen Bley will bring her infield together well it's 5 nothing we're in the bottom of the sixth inning it's Riley Lam's Senior Day calling it no because you're just thinking in I has Oklahoma only hit one home run this weekend is the only home run the Alina Torres home run because they didn't have one yesterday yeah yeah Sooners V just one home run this weekend now the wind has not necessarily been their friend the one by TR Jennings two of them might have been gone I still think the Ella Parker shot was a home run but no one else seems to agree with me on that I will go to the mattresses on that one but it'd be a cool time to see it happen right here coach gasso has told the story the great story many times about how the Sooners reached out to Riley Lam and when she answered the phone she didn't believe it was coach casso who called her that is the best story she kind of started panicking and hyperventilating a little bit but she's been a good piece for the Sooners 350 average for Lam three home runs 20 runs patted in first and second one away back to action the pitch to lum almost hits her ball one nine more stranded for the Sooners today like to bring up negative numbers but that's a little bit concerning one ball and no strikes Lam digs in the pitch strike one right down the middle [Music] [Applause] five runs on six hits for the Sooners Houston has been shut out on just one hit but two cougar airs had led to two sooner runs here's the one-1 to Lam grounded foul I have a problem with the action clock with the way that it is gone here you've got to be in the Batters Box by 10 as a hitter yeah but then the pitcher can just stand there and wait and as long as they get going before one on the action clock they're good this is the first time it's really bothered me I think this year Friday night was rough yeah here's the one-w pitch to Lam ripped foul again down the third Baseline and again this is um what appears to be I really kind of triple stamp the double stamp here it doesn't appear as if they are not Houston isn't using a pitch watch they're going with the old series of numbers here's the one-w pitch to Lam grounded towards third foul again same spot almost every time and to her credit it's almost as if Shelby Smith heard us and she's kind of picked up her Pace a little bit I heard you guys in the booth saying I need to speed up one ball and two [Music] strikes here's the pitch to Riley Lam headed home looped on the infield and it's caught what are you doing Cassidy Pickering gets tagged out for a double plate in the inning weird play to end the bottom half of the sixth inning as we welcome you to the seventh Sooners five Houston nothing the infield popup by Riley Lam was called by the first baseman Kant 2 and I don't know if Pickering either thought there were two outs or heard coach steel over at first say the exact opposite of what she needed to do but with the ball in the air she just kept going to second base and was easily doubled off I'm wondering if she thought it hit the ground I don't know that was that's good maybe maybe it was maybe she thought it he'd hit the ground regardless kirston deal looking to finish off a solid outing here as we go to the seventh five nothing the sooner is lead [Music] Houston Jada Coleman's day is done Riley Boon moves to Center Hannah core is out in left Pickering stays in and right Torres at first hodj at second Jennings at short with breedo at third Lam comes into catch deal will look to wrap it up in the circle and Jasmine Rollin is slated to lead things off here for the Sooners it'll be Rollin teria Coleman and Shelby Smith his Coke Zero sugar the best Coke ever take a taste Coca-Cola official partner of the sooner and OG and E OG and E we energize life so here's the first pitch to Rollin who's 0 for two with two strikeouts five nothing Sooners first pitch low ball one and down to the field for a postgame conversation with head coach Patty gasso would imagine coach a little bit frustrated not with kir one pitch swing in a Miss strike one no she will not be frustrated with Kristen Dale this is a heck of a performance deal looking for her 10th win of the Season 1-1 swinging a m strike too so far credited with eight strikeouts which jives with my scorebook which is a good sign one ball and two strikes the left-handed hitting Rollin weits Deep In The Box way outside on the onew two balls and two [Music] strikes crowd claps Unison missed low on the 22 ball three on a pitch that looked like it might be strike three oh you looking for its 18th win at home against just two losses and their 18th Conference win as well to keep them a game ahead of Texas Full Count pitch popped up right field this one's got some juice at the wall though Pickering circles under it makes the catch and there's one away she got under it and that ball looked like it might carry a little deeper than we first thought off the bat I think the wind kept that one in a little bit here's teria Coleman who's over for two on the day the one time sooner had a hit here last night or only hit of the weekend Houston has just one hit that came in the fifth inning first pitch swinging fouled off Brian 2 walked in the second and then singled in the fifth and that's it no balls in a strike five nothing Sooners top of the seven here's the 01 pitch from deal missed low one and one I'm sure there's probably some a little bit surprised by Oklahoma's inability to truly separate today I don't know what else to say to that you're not alone yeah I know I mean they've had some chances yeah 1-1 grounded Fair down the third basine cut off before it gets to the corner by core what a job by Hannah core who then throws a strike back in to Avery Hodge just the second hit of the game Coleman goes the opposite way and that ball somehow stays Fair on the chalk and here's Shelby Smith that was a really hard hit ball I mean Breo didn't even have time to try to make a play here's the starting pitcher last night came in in relief today Shelby Smith actually has been decent in the circle first pitch low and Away of all the things we haven't talked about through all the walks and all the opportunities that Oklahoma has had Shelby Smith in five and 2/3 has only allowed three runs and one of those is earned there's strike [Applause] one but in five and 2/3 she's thrown 107 pitches and only 60 of those are strikes she has walked six a 1-1 pop foul off the net for strike two crowd stayed around [Applause] today the onew pitch to Smith fouled off again we didn't mention it feel like we did Lam in now behind the plate big story was J Coleman not starting last night but second straight game we haven't seen Sid Sanders at all for the Sooners here's the one-w pitch from deal low two balls and two strikes [Music] Christen vesley stalking that third base coach's box for Houston hope troutwine looks on the sooner champion in the first base coaches box Houston's pitching coach 22 swinging a Miss ninth strike out of the game two away [Applause] yeah without Sydney Sanders we've kind of opened up a little three-way competition on the right side of the field with Hodge and Torres and Sydney Sanders got to find her way back in and hodj and Torres have been pretty competitive first pitch ball away to Bri canant cantou walked in the second singled and was stranded in the fifth as Kirsten deal looks to put a cap on this gym today here's the one0 strike right on the Outer Edge good job by Riley Lam brought it up just a bit a ball and a [Music] strike five nothing Sooners here's the 1-1 pitch from deal swing and a miss I think could be only fitting for kirston deal that the final out of the game is the one matter for Houston she's been unable to retire so far today bri can 2 the crowd claps in unicent the onew up high two balls and two [Applause] strikes five runs on six hits for the Sooners today but they have drawn eight walks the 22 cold strike three what a gem from kirston deal a complete game two hitter 10 strikeouts and Oklahoma sweeps the week in from Houston final score Sooners five cougars nothing