Obituary(s): Alison Carey and Mother Patricia Carey Both Died Weekend of August 25, 2024.
Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 00:04:44
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: alison carey
hi I'm doing this video just to express the sadness that I feel for Mariah in losing her mother and her sister her only sister during the weekend of August 25th 2024 uh losing a family member is always hard even if you have an estranged relationship Mariah had such a relationship ship with her sister uh they were raised in a lower income environment and they were around a lot of people who were well into drugs and a would I'd say a bad lifestyle her sister who was older got involved in this she was involved in drug use and she developed a very heavy drug use history she was also involved in prostitution and she got HIV she wanted help sometimes and she went through various programs to detox get her off drugs but she was unable to follow through she kept relax relaxing and she was really in the moment of the lifestyle that she was living so it was going to be very difficult if not almost impossible to get her out of the drugs and out of the lifestyle that she had lived for so many years her brother Morgan wanted more help from Mariah he wanted more money so that they could pour it into Allison the sister and help her more get her into better hospitals get her better care and so forth I don't think that would have helped there are lots of programs out there that help people who are in the street life and it's really up to them to have the intestinal fortitude to take advantage of the programs and to get off drugs I've seen many people who have great uh amounts of wealth go into programs and still come out abusing drugs and still living the street life well they also develop friends close relationships with people that are in that life and so the chance that Allison was going to leave all of her friends of many many years um all of the places that she had grown close to in her use of drugs and so forth was very low she's been um under the control of pimps I'm sure during her time so all of those people would forever be following Allison and if she connected up with Mariah they would try to enter Mariah's life with the life of her children because Allison would have been a doorway to get them into this new group of people where they could uh spread drugs spread the street lifestyle and ruin the lives of manymore Mariah chose not to do this she wanted nothing to do with that lifestyle she has for all we know kept it clean she's kept her children away from that sort of stuff the only thing we can see is that she um her husband uh the father of her two children might have drug history and a kind of abusive nature towards women in that he has what 11 I don't know how many wives or how many mothers of his children but he certainly doesn't seem to be an upstanding father type but that was the guy Mariah fell in love with but otherwise she's tried to keep her family off the streets and out of the prostitution and drug use and spreading of uh diseases like HIV that her sister got so with deep sadness you know we bless Mariah and we hope that she does well and that she can go on and close this episode of course losing a mother is tragic no one ever gets over losing their mother and she was close to her mother although they did have some estrangements and I'm not exactly sure what that was about but nobody can really judge this family we don't know what was going on we don't know what kinds of discussions they had or what kinds of things were really the barriers to them getting a close relationship so um compassion we have that for Mariah and her family and we certainly hope that everything goes well for her in the latter part of this year and for the rest of her life we hope that her children do well like And subscribe bye