2024 US Open Draw Preview and Predictions | Every Men’s Match

hey what's going on guys Jason frosto for tennis and lee.net today I'm doing my round by round match by match picks for the 2024 men's US Open Bracket if you want to see who my picks are for every single match stay tuned it's coming up next all right so here we go right round by round we got Yanik Center Mckenzie McDonald round one right at the top McDonald has not been playing well as of late is a good player strikes really well off both sides forehand and backhand and serves pretty well no incredibly Dynamic weapons right but a good player so obviously I'm taking yanuk here in round one right here then moving down Elliot speri played for the University of Texas did really well in the men's college season this last couple of years qualified through and beat J fona right in the qualifying really good win in that last round of qualities played really well sort of a defensive player by nature but starting to play a little bit more offensive Alex mikkelson 18-year-old young americ American player who's been doing well lately as well so I'm taking mikkelson right here next round we're taking beluchi versus W rinka Stan I believe now what 38 years old been out there forever baluchi younger Italian player we're going to actually take Stan the Man in this opening round here we got Christopher oconnell against Nicholas Jerry Jerry did pretty well earlier in the season hasn't done a lot lately but we're going to take Jerry the seed here in this match our tour fees learn leer Tien Tien left-handed young player plays very very well he been doing really well this year beat fellow YouTuber crusell couple weeks back in a tournament and has been doing really well uh just in a main draw here of a tournament just over the weekend Winston Salem losing to Pablo Kina boosta but looking pretty good in that match fees hasn't done anything particularly crazy in the last few months but solid young player we're taking fees in a tight one right there munar versus Dio right former college player I believe University of Kentucky big guy from Canada 6'7 really really big game I'm going to take Dio here even though I don't think he's super consistent at times munar more of a grinder right but we're going to take Dio in that match Max Purcell against vukic two Aussies going at it right neither one of these guys with particularly crazy results this year I'm going to take vukich in this match then we've got Sono versus Tommy Paul Sono coming off a really good tournament result right just this last weekend here Winston Salem against Tommy Paul Tommy hasn't done anything particularly dominant or crazy this summer but his results throughout the year have been pretty good overall I'm going to take Tommy here but I think Sono can take a set or two and really push him hard sitti versus kokakis cyas outside the top 10 right now one-headed backhand trying to maintain you know a top 10 ranking him and grigor essentially fighting for those one-handed spots for the best players in the world they're the top 10 I'm going to actually take cyas here I do think konaka still really big game right uh some pretty big weapons forehand backhand serve everything's pretty big he might squeak a set out against cityy POS in that match could potentially beat him but I'm going to take Steph Nuno bores right against Coria the Argentine right here this is kind of a tossup match to me I'm going to take bores to win this match then we've got school Kate right against Tero Daniel right Japanese player against the Aussie Daniel always very consistent no major major weapons school Kate a pretty solid player all around I'm taking Daniel in this match we get yakob menik the young player right who did some damage earlier this season against a Alim who has kind of gotten his mojo back a little bit improved his two-handed backhand definitely got his confidence back and had a nice run recently in an event so he's looking pretty strong overall mensik dangerous first round opponent but I'm going to take o Alim with that improved two-handed backhand technique then we've got caboi right who's had a really good summer hardcore run here in some events and then we've got Duckworth on the other side who's always a dangerous opponent but again no major weapons from Duckworth I'm going to take caboi to win that match zizu Bergs against Pavo kotov the Russian right Bergs kotov kind of a tossup match I'm going to take kotov in this one then we've got marzan right against medovich the qualifier and I watched medovich his third round qualifying match he was playing again against Nesh basetti right that was a really good match they wi three sets medovich had a lot of Firepower kind of dominated baseri with his serve and his big Power Boss really wasn't kind of accustomed to that level of power on shots marzan though very very good player this is kind of a tossup match I'm going to take medovich in a tiny upset right there then we've got lovic versus denil medv here Lage with the one-handed backhand we know deil is just really solid on all surfaces but especially hardcourts he can grind he's got the big serve to kind of you know get free points with we're taking meddev here pretty easily and comfortably and we've got two versus Carlos alcarez now alcarez supposedly rolled an ankle and could have potentially injured himself in a practice session just earlier today so I'm not sure exactly what his status is right now if he's completely healthy obviously he rolls through this match pretty easily even with an injury I think he's going through this like three four and two and we got shavala versus vanzan sculp vanz hand sculpt no major weapons hasn't done anything really big this year shopo though really has struggled to try to come back to the tour and do anything and get some big results got that one-hander that can be picked on a little bit forehands a little bit kind of loopy and has that big tilt on it I'm going to actually take Vana xan sculpt to win that match then we've got Diaz aosta versus Hugo gastone right the Frenchman this kind of a toss-up match to me gastone smaller player plays a really crafty game can be very flashy but also erratic in consistent results taking Gas Stone to win this one then we got Jiang right from China against Jack Draper Draper's been in really good form this summer but Jang very dangerous opponent good forehand good backhand good serve everything's pretty good but no major major weapons to blow through you Draper very good can be exposed a little bit on the forehand side he's got a really strong backhand I'm taking Draper here but Jen could definitely give him some trouble too versus Gan I'm taking tobio here pretty comfortably Gan probably a few years away at this point from retirement but still a dangerous player then we got borach chor versus Adrien manarino chorch right always a solid player hasn't really been upside in that top 2025 here in a little while manarino crafty but hasn't done anything recently has that kind of tricky game I'm going to take chorge here in a little bit of a mini upset then we've got Fabio phini versus Thomas mahot who's a very solid player a little risty on the forehand side not a huge fan of that but fognini can be very inconsistent does not move well he's 37 years old now always a really dangerous shot maker but I'm taking mahot in this match and we got coron mutet versus Sebastian Corda who's had a very strong summer CA at an all-time high ranking now inside the top 20 but lost early last week to caranoa granity he came off a good result and had to play that match pretty quickly but I'm going to take cter here to get through damau versus guon right Marcos giron very good opponent uh has a lot of Firepower on both sides small kind of in stature but plays a pretty big game hits through the court you know does a really good job with a serve damau though just a brick wall just chases everything down it's basically going to be gon's Firepower versus demon hour chasing all those balls down and then counter punching I'm taking damau in that match tannan right against Hal from France qualifier Hal getting a little bit older now not an old player who been around for quite a while never necessarily fulfilled full potential and dangerous opponent kind of a tossup I'm going to take halise in the Battle of qualifiers then we got Navone versus mm the one-handed from Germany interesting matchup uh altm can be pretty tricky I think a little more effective on Clay red clay in particular I'm going to take navoni in this match we got Dan Evans versus hatchin off Evans tricky with the one-hander small player a lot of variety though comes over it when he has to hatchin off you know kind of got that funky forehand but has done well consistently for long time I'm going to take hatoff here even though I do think Evans with his backand slice to hatoff's kind of extreme forehand grip could present some trouble just with that slice it could get you know interesting in that match then we've got arnoldi the 30 seed versus spida right the young American player about 5 foot n a smaller guy also has played against Kus cell on his channel my tennis HQ played a practice set z a very good player very counter Punchy very Scrappy good Strokes arnoldi been on fire though been playing well I'm taking the Italian here but I think spida has the chance to push him a little bit I think they might have also played it could be wrong about this earlier this year in Del Rey Beach we have Forbes who won Super Nationals 18 and unders for boys USA Tournament tennis he was the singles Champion against safan right the Russian player with a really big game Forbes good player kind of tall lanky backand might be a little bit short on the back swing sain's got enough weapons here I think to hit through him so I think he's going to win this pretty comfortably three sets we've got Leen from France against Jordan Thompson Thompson kind of revamped his forehand a few years ago turned it into more of a weapon has a lot more kind of you know lag on that side and it's much better shot than it used to be I'm going to take Thompson here also served pretty well a couple weeks ago in a match that I watched him play so Thompson here in four sets or less skate off the qualifier versus herat right herat you know got hurt a little while ago and we thought he was going to be out for the rest of the season but here he is back and he's playing right the last few weeks been playing pretty well overall always a very dangerous opponent forehand solid backhand solid massive serve always leading the stats are at the top of serve quality statistics so we're taking her catch for sure here Casper rude against the qualifier boot a Chinese player right solid player we're taking C ER here in three or four sets at the most then we got Moniz who actually just won the UTS event leading up to the US Open against schwarzman the qualifier so schwartzman's on the tail end obviously of his career is retiring probably pretty soon here but he did get through the qualifying good on Diego getting through the qualifying winning three rounds to get into the main draw no wild card for him in this event and mon Fe right been playing really well he's like 37 or 38 years old but just won that UTS event was a lot of fun to watch always a lot of Firepower really good athlete moves incredibly well I'm going to take M here but sometimes with that super creative style right he gets a little kind of on a walkabout and loses Focus so you never know if takes a set or two maybe there but I'm taking mon I think in four chinsky versus carbas gabay chinsky qualifier right Great Britain carbas bayana very consistent dirt baller we're going to take the Spaniard in this match then we got Shang versus Alexander bublick 27 seed Shang very tough opponent this is a potential upset bublick can have loss of concentration loss of focus when he plays Shang young up incoming player I believe he's still just 19 years old he's had some pretty good results maybe no major weapons to take you down with but bck can be very very erratic mentally and sometimes just doesn't perform up to his ranking or potential so I'm actually going to take Shang in the upset if bck loses his Focus for some reason or gets upset in this match you got Ugo and be right the Frenchman versus Thiago Montero right the Brazilian player I'm taking Umar here although again recent results I haven't seen anything really impressive from Umar recently Dominic Stricker versus komasan right the Argentine player Switzerland young player here on the come up a younger guy who hasn't really had the big breakthrough yet I'm going to take Stricker here we'll see what happens but I'm guessing you know four maybe five sets Albert Ramos violas versus mato bartini in The Italian who we know is extremely dangerous massive serve M massive forehand the back hand's a little bit absent obviously technically but I'm taking him to blow through venis here probably straight sets and then we've got Taylor Fritz against Carabelli right another Argentine player Fritz hasn't done anything crazy lately but big serve big forehand big backhand movement can be suspect but solid and I think he's cruising through there in three sets we've got hogar Runa versus Brandon Nakashima right so we can see that match up right here Nakashima playing very well this summer tends to take a big forehand tilt point the racket forward quite a bit on his forehand kind of that nextg quote unquote forehand but I think it's too much on the forehand side I'm going to take Runa here but Nakashima probably squeaks out one set all right Arthur Kazo versus Keno boa right who's been doing really well Winston Salem very good result there I think finals before retiring against mikkelson I saw a semi-final against larner Tien looked really good there and then he looked good even the previous week I think he upset a highly ranked player in the previous tournament as well so he's looking really good in his comeback Kazo dangerous French creative smaller player but we're taking KOB boosta there nishioka versus Katch manovich nishioka the tricky Lefty from Japan Katch manovich sort of your Workman type player very well-rounded no massive weapons but obviously a very good player so we're taking Katch manovich to win that one then we've got an interesting matchup between the returning Riley pela who's played some summer events this year versus Lorenzo musti who's had a very good season here recently nice little run at Wimbledon musti has kind of that super limp wrist forehand on the forehand side can be exposed against guys with a lot of Firepower opela right what 610 611 gigantic serve that's going to jump up on you really high whether it's a kick or flat serve but hasn't had great results so far this summer I might take if opela can keep his mind the right place I might take opela just pulling a possible upset right there against MTI just depends if he serves him off the court or can win in tiebreakers if opela gets frustrated then he loses the MTI pretty comfortably I'll take the upset though with opela right there then we've got sandolo versus Sebastian offner sandalo solid player forehand backhand serve isn't necessarily a major weapon but he's really really good off the ground really moves well I like offer's game I'm taking sandolo though in three or four sets Andy pericard versus Thomas Cher right Cher very solid on both sides pretty solid serve Andy pericard big serve big forehand a lot of tilt on the forehand might be exposed there backhands pretty strong when he comes over it and it plays pretty well from the back court and moves pretty well this is a potential upset in terms of ranking right now because I think chary is still a higher ranked player but I'm going to take CH to win that match Alexander Mueller versus Adam Walton right uh this is a toss up to me I'm going to take Walton to win this match Rus aori versus verev tough first round forev Rus sori very well-rounded no obvious weaknesses but no massive weapons on any particular stroke everything's just pretty solid everywhere I'm going to take Zev here in a comfortable three or four sets then we've got rublev versus Thiago Sabo wild right rublev been playing pretty well recently uh recent form he's just always kind of dangerous sabboth wild looks like Roger feder even kind of has the smoothness to his game and his forehand like a Roger feder but plays two hands on the backhand side we're taking rubo here in four sets Chris Eubanks versus render KET right this is an interesting match Eubanks after losing his Wimbledon points from 2023 really dropped off in the rankings but has had some decent results here recently he even dropped down I think to the Challenger level recently might might have lost earlier in a challenger pretty early in that event but then ATP events here recently he's won a few rounds in a couple tournaments I'm going to take render knet right there Hugo grineer versus Mitch Krueger Mitch Krueger been around a long time I believe he was a French Open Junior Champion right good solid player nothing particularly massive in his game but he's been out there a long time and he qualified here in straight sets without losing a single set to anybody in his three rounds and had good showing against I think it was one of the Spaniard players davidovich faka I believe they played a couple weeks ago in the main draw of a tournament and Mitch you know pushed him pretty hard so I'm taking Mitch here in a comfortable three or four sets we got fuvi versus yui leka right leka massive game guy looks like a football player American football player fuvi though right also massive guns big strong guy I'm GNA take leka in this match if there's no issues with injury or health in general Sebastian bayz against derei the Italian right bz been struggling a little bit recently with his hardcourt results Italians on the come up dere I'm taking darder here in the upset Bas to me hasn't looked super strong lately Sumit Nagal the Indian player versus Talon Greek Spore right this is an interesting match up Nagal looked pretty good earlier in this year I believe at the Australian Open looked pretty solid greeksport always just kind of a tough out I'm taking greeksport in three or four sets rinky hijikata versus davidovich faka really interesting matchup here hijikata no major big weapons folky just very well-rounded good player strong guy so we're taking davidovich vaka jacet versus dimitrov right Gregor who's had this late career Resurgence bouncing back into the top 10 it's really been based a lot off him using his backhand slice really well in matches and also moving extremely well I'm taking Gregor here comfortably then we've got Ben Shelton versus the retiring Dominic team who got I believe the wild card into the event right Shelton hasn't impressed here lately he's got a ton of points to defend in this event having Semite I believe last year so he's got a lot of pressure on him but I think he's going to get past team with that serve being so deadly and getting so many free points Luca nardy versus Bautista AO who tends to hit a little bit of a flatter ball uh butao can be a very dangerous opponent doesn't play Super heavy with a lot of Top Spin nardy has a very solid game I'm going to take Bautista AO in that match right there we got chevchenko versus Dominic kep for the German who's always a dangerous opponent chevchenko also a very good opponent though big game serve little bit hitchy kept for smooth no major weapons played feder a couple years ago at the French Open I think that was Rogers last match at the French Open where Federer won that match uh so he's good baseliner but I'm taking chevchenko here then we go kovasovic the American right I think he played at the University of Illinois against Francis tifo who had a late surge here making the finals at Cincinnati and then losing to our man yanic Center I'm taking tifo here pretty comfortably kosovich has a good game one-handed backhand I think Francis is going to pick him apart I don't think kovasovic has anything to really do damage with or hurt him with papin here versus Quan South Korean player poin on fire right lately did well in the last event that he played on hard he's looking good he's always had a very big game uh now he's really consistent from the Baseline as well has a little more variety and he's playing a lot better defense than he used to so he's got good offense but he's also starting to move really well from the back of the court and defend well and that's making him tough to deal with I'm taking poer in comfortably there got Martinez versus kasowski the qualifier who came through qual and looked pretty good all through the US Open qualifying tournament I'm going to take kakowski a little bit of an upset there we got jera versus Jan letter stru stru I think is better than his ranking I think he's currently in the like the mid-30 range somewhere around there just outside of being seated in this event stru has a huge game massive forehand big uh serve and a big backand all three Strokes are really good what's missing from his game and he has sorry also a really good neet game so what's missing from his game I think the biggest thing missing is he's not an elite level mover like you might see with jokovic or somebody like that that so I'm taking Stu comfortably here and then we've got the qualifier Radu albot versus Novak jokovic jokovic here is still wearing a knee brace when he's going through his practice sessions there was some talk that he wasn't going to wear it during the open I'm not sure if he's actually going to wear it during the event or not uh he looked great at the Olympics beat alcarez there and kind of had to play at an extremely high level to beat alcarez at the Olympics right got demolished by him at wimon didn't play well there but we're taking Novak comfortably against albot let's move to the next round guys now things are going to start getting a little bit easier here in the second round we've got Center versus Mickelson they played a match a couple weeks ago against each other I can't remember if it was Canada or Cincinnati but I think it was four and five Center pretty tight match overall Michelson still needs more time and needs better movement to be able to beat I believe Center unless Center's off with his shot making or his striking so I'm going to take Center here but I think the sets could be tight it could be like a 44 you know in five situation like it was a couple weeks ago a tight match we've got War rinka versus Jerry Jerry's got a huge game he's a big guy he's been around a really really long time I'm taking him comfortably picking apart Stan as far as Stan not being able to handle that uh that big surve from Jerry on the first ball Jerry coming up and kind of cleaning up the mess getting aggressive so we're taking him in three sets Fe versus the tall guy Dio I think Dio is 6'7 big game I don't think he's consistent enough to be beat somebody like fees just yet so we're taking fees there in four sets vukic versus Tommy Paul vukich good player again no major weapons I think he also played at the University of Illinois I could be wrong about that but I do believe he played college tennis there we're taking Tommy Paul here in three sets cyas versus Nuno bores right taking Steph here comfortably we'll say four sets if he gets a little sloppy Tyro Daniel versus o Alim taking o Alim again form has really come around here in the last 6 months and he's really improved his backhand caboi versus kotov kotov good player movements a little bit you know suspect we're taking Cabo here he's been really good as of late medovich versus denil Medvedev Medvedev one of the best returners in the game medovich Big serve again watched him in qu's play great player I think he's got some backing or some support from Novak jokovic as well but we're taking denil here cuz he can handle a big game with no problem right we've got alcarez versus vanzan sculp vanzan sculp really doesn't have anything to trouble alcarez with forehand isn't a particularly a big weapon for vanaz an sculp I'm taking alcarez here in three sets gastone versus Draper I've got Draper winning that one pretty comfortably tobio versus borach chorich tobio looked really good a couple weeks ago when I watched him play Francis TFO I think up in Canada Lefty you know supposedly a clay quarter in some sense sense but no he looked really good on hard I'm taking tobio here against chorch chch could obviously push him on this surface but Tobi looked pretty darn tough in that match mahat versus Corda mahat is a tough opponent Seb Corda can be sketchy has had a lot of issues with injuries over the last few years and I think that's been the big thing that's held him back but another thing that can be a problem for Corda is his movement is still not quite where it needs to be he's 6' five really big guy I'm going to take him in this match but mahash could certainly knock him off it's potential to beat him in this match damau versus the qualifier helis from France we're taking the demon he is too tough to beat until you get to the late rounds of these events especially three out of five sets naon versus Dan Evans you know a little bit of an upset here right we had Evans coming through right and then naone so I'm going to take Dan Evans in this situation right here and then we've got aroldi versus saffin right we're going to go with aroldi right here take that match Jordan Thompson versus Hubert herat we're going to take her catch comfortably in that match Casper Roode versus gu Miz M dangerous opponent for anybody roode's backhand still not quite up to Snuff as far as the level it needs to be at to get through these later rounds guaranteed on hardcourts versus like clay mon could upset him if he has a great day at the office I'm going to take Casper but look out for M fees to possibly beat him carbas bayana versus Shang I'm going to take Shang to get through to the next round Umar versus Stricker Stricker young player is he ready to make a breakthrough I don't think so just yet um bear is going to take this one bartini versus Fritz really interesting second round match up very dangerous obviously for Taylor I'm going to take Taylor in this one but if he beats bartini it's going to be some really tight sets and I think bartini is going to grab some sets just because of how big his serve and his forehand R Fritz is not the greatest mover so bartini can do a lot of damage with his forehand especially and just kind of one shot Fritz off the court in a lot of situations I think you're going to see a lot of that hogar Runa versus Pablo crano boa Koba looking really good lately potential upset special here I'm taking hoger though in this one in four sets we've got Katch manovich versus Riley opela right picked opela to beat musetti in that first round kind of upset situation I'm going to take Katch manovich here to finish the job and kind of take opela out of this tournament but with Riley serve you just never know so ralo versus CH Battle of the argentines right very good second round matchup we're going to take sandolo to beat this one but looking for CH to uh really push him if that thing goes three four five sets but look for chch very to possibly push him pretty hard Walton versus Alexander Zev is going to cruise probably through this match pretty comfortably he looks really good right now serve forand back in and movement we've got rublev versus rener knet right we're taking rublev here but it could be a tight four Setter Mitch Krueger versus Yuri leka you know it might be time for Mitch to cause an upset leka could be injury prone out there I'm not sure he's such a big kind of bulky guy for tennis we're going to take Krueger in an upset special over leka here darder versus greeksport interesting matchup I'm taking SP to win this one then we got davidovich faka versus grigor demitro right I'm going to go ahead and take demitro to win this one but folky can obviously push him pretty hard to four sets Shelton versus Bautista auu Shelton little streaky not necessarily somebody who can always rely on to win the matches you think he's going to win but I'm going to take Ben to win this match I don't think Bautista G has enough Firepower to to really kind of pressure Ben in this situation then we got o versus Francis TFO I'm taking Francis to win that poin versus kaznowski we're taking poin there and we got stru versus jokovic jokovic has an incredible return of serve and that's what's going to allow him to beat stru in this match but Stu's a tough opponent for anybody I'm taking novic here we'll say the sets three straight sets or maybe four maybe Stu slips out one set those sets are going to be pretty tight let's move on to the next round guys third round right here Center versus Jerry Sherry dangerous opponent yanuk obviously major weapons really improved his movement in the last year or so and that's what's allowed him to make that breakthrough and achieve the number one ranking I'm taking Center here we got fees versus Tommy Paul I'm taking Tommy Paul to win that match sitti versus o aliim potential upset for Steph to lose to Felix here but I'm taking Cy POS in this match we've got caboi versus denil medv Cabo looking very good on hardcourts recently right but I'm taking denil to win this match pretty comfortably next one alcarez versus Jack Draper alaras as long as there's no injury issues from that rolling of that ankle in that practice session earlier today he's taking that match tobio versus Sebastian Corda Corda potentially could get upset here he's cons his results aren't necessarily consistent for me even though he's done well in this summer hardcourt season I haven't seen consistency from him for an entire season but I'm going to take cter here to beat tobio then you got demow versus Evans right we're taking the demon right there arnoldi versus har her catch I think arnoldi can really push her catch in this match but her catch is tough just with his serve quality loan if he serves well you're not getting many looks to break his serve her catch here in three or four Casper Roode versus Shang right I'm probably going out on a pretty big limb here for Casper Roode to lose this match I think Shang has the potential for sure to cause the upset but let's stick with Casper to win that match Umar versus Taylor Fritz I think Fritz home soil US Open right big game I think Fritz takes that one pretty comfy hogar Runa versus Katch manovic hoger has picked up his game here in the last few months gotten a lot better more consistent with results catch manovic no major weapons Runa would have to implode to lose that match and kind of play poorly his level would have to really drop I'm taking Runa in that one sandalo versus Zev Zev very good this year there's a reason he's the four seed right now we're taking Zev there rublev versus you know the qualifier Mitch Krueger getting through to the third round I'm taking rublev to continue through Mitch's run ends really good run for him especially as a guy who's been out there a long time and is now you know I think around 30 years old Greek Spore versus demitro grigor tough allaround consistent athletic explosive weapons moves extremely well taking Demitri off there and three Shelton versus tifo I think Shelton has francis's number in this situation even though Francis made that run to the Cincinnati final francis's backhand can be exploited a little bit to some level kind of has a very short back swing on the backhand side doesn't have very much spin or Pace on the shot it's sort of a shorter flatter shot so I'm taking Ben to win that match in four sets all right then we've got poin right winning the title Masters 1,000 I believe up in Canada and doing a great job there a couple of really tough matches he had to get through but he's playing well and he should have a lot of confidence in his ability against jokovic I'm going to take Novak here I'm saying four sets because poin has a big enough game and the defensive skills to go with that to push Novak here so taking Novak in four let's go to the next round we are in the fourth round kind of getting down to the nitty-gritty Right Center versus Tommy Paul Tommy has what Brad his coach and I know Brad pretty well used to work with him Tommy has what Brad calls the Cobra which is basically kind of this limp wristed forehand and you see it with a lot of players on tour um you know not tons of them but enough of them wear stronger position and if the person that you're playing has enough Firepower that can cause problems for you I think Center's going to give Tommy enough problems on that forehand side to really break that down and then on top of that Tommy on the backhand side as well doesn't have a lot of elasticity on his backhand there's not a lot of spin necessarily on it little stiff so for those two reasons I think Center takes him out in let's say four sets he Center is basically going to break him down off the ground with his you know perfectly clean technique for the most part against Tommy having just kind of little tiny things you can kind of pick apart so we're taking yanic there probably in four cyos Medvedev interesting matchup you know denil tough to beat obviously can Steph come to the net and do some of the things that alcarez has done to meddev to beat him on different surfaces I don't know if Steph is comfortable enough and has a good enough quality slice backhand to give denil enough trouble and if he can finish enough points at the net to give denil trouble for standing so far behind the Baseline so I'm going to take denil here in four sets alcarez versus Corda interesting matchup alcarez I think is more successful at least you know the recent track record by playing on clay and by playing on grass right surfaces that the ball doesn't bounce consistently on I think alaras is more deadly on non-consistent ball type surf Corda better on hard courts I think than any other surface at this point so I think the surface if you're going to beat alcarez on it's going to be a hardc court it's probably not grass and Clay whereas the athleticism that he has this great movement and great reflexes uh and hand eye coordination comes in handy on those bad bouncing surfaces versus a hard court those things won't matter quite as much for him I'm going to take him to beat Corda here but if Corda could move really well this would be a great chance for him to score an upset over a really highly ranked player damau versus her catch her catch again you know serve amazing quality forehand can be a little bit sketch but his hitting that really big lately his backand is just Rock Solid that thing you're really not breaking his backand down it's just so good from the back of the Court uh damau does he have enough weaponry and enough heaviness to beat somebody like her catch at this point maybe that's going to be a really tight matchup I'm going to take huie though just because of that serve then we've got Roode versus Fritz both these guys get through to this round Casper's backhand has improved a lot from a couple years ago was one of the biggest things that caused problems for him when he played nll a couple times ago in the French Open final that backhand breaking down so they spent some time improving the quality of his backhand but I just don't think it's there yet like it's not a weapon it's consistent but it's not a weapon and the aim on it isn't precise enough so I'm going to take Taylor Fritz here in the upset if they both get through this round I think fritzy beats him then we've got Runa vers versus Zev right interesting matchup Runa looking better as of late his forms improved quite a bit but Zev playing really good tennis four seed can't argue with that I'm taking Z in a really good matchup there then we've got rublev versus dimitro right Gregor the question is now that he's a Top 10er Again can grigor make a run and beat a guy in the top seven and get through to the next round of this tournament and then Gregor can beat rublev in this match so I'm taking him there let me get got Shelton versus jokovic which was a huge matchup last year right I think in the semis where I was like man can Ben Shelton get through and beat jokovic does he have the Firepower to get through this guy and especially the serve quality and Novak just sort of did the old hang up the phone right so I'm taking Novak in this matchup again this time let's go to the next round guys we were through to the quarterfinals and I know this is a long videos but hopefully you kind of enjoy the pick by pick analysis we got Center versus denil Medvedev one seed versus five seed denil dangerous for anybody meddev used to own the head-to-head match up against Center but Center seems to have turned that around for the most part we're off a streak of matches where he started to beat denil I think before denil ended up beating him again I'd had to check that record for sure I'm going to take Center here but you never know if the mental pressure of the Scandal that he just kind of went through with the whole positive doping test twice thing whether it was his fault or not some of that stuff can play a factor in how you perform on the court the pressure things that are running through your mind he has a good team around him seems very levelheaded but that could cause a little pressure in this match you just never know in these late stages of a slam I'm going to take Center here but I think this is going to be one heck of a match then we've got alcarez versus herat right alcarez phenomenal player has every single weapon in the book I do think alcarez is Major forehand tilt that he has on the forehand side on a hard court can be a little bit of a problem versus how he gets away with it on clay and grass which sounds interesting but seems to have a little bit of a problem sometimes with that massive forehand tilt on a hardcourt can her catch exploit that does he have big enough shots to do that certainly his serve is big enough but I don't know if his forehand and backhand are big enough to kind of affect that technical limitation that Carlos has I'm going to take Carlos here be an interesting matchup then we got Fritz versus verev right Fritz I'm not sure if he's going to get to the quarters you know it's bracket stuff's pretty tough with some of these different matches that will occur different matchups Z though solid this whole season I think zov gets through here pretty comfortably and beats Fritz just a little bit better with the movement backand super super solid Fritz also very good there but I think Fritz loses this one to of in four sets then we got demitro right versus jokovic and the question is can demitrios variety Disturb jovic's game in any capacity does a variety of shot with the slicing the different positions in the court does that give Novak enough trouble to potentially beat him my answer is no jokovic wins this pretty handily let's go to the semifinals now guys here we go Center versus alcarez man I don't know how you pick this one this is going to be pretty tough to pick I do think alcarez is more susceptible to losing on hard courts than clay and grass whereas athleticism is more of a factor in him winning and losing matches so I'm going to take Center in this match to get to the finals and I think that's going to be one heck of a match it's basically a toss up but I'm taking Center to beat alcarez in the semis and we' got versus jokovic and Zev is one of the matchups for Novak that's uncomfortable and the reason is if jokovic feels when he's playing a player like he has to overhit to beat them he has to hit through them sometimes that's a bit of an issue for Novak of having enough power to hit through someone and Zev can rally all day long and will apply that pressure to you that you do have to kind of hit through them to beat them so I'm going to take jokovic in this match to win but Zev has a legitimate a chance to beat him if Novak kind of crumbles to that and tries to overhit too much but I'm taking Novak to win and then our last match Center versus jokovic we're going one versus two in the finals a lot of times I pick a lot more upsets in these bracket picks but I'm going to stick with this one here Center versus jokovic I don't know Center has enough Firepower and his defense is improved enough where he can beat Novak and force Novak to what I just talked about was ver he can force Novak to overhit and that's going to be issue if Novak feels like Center's defense is too good where he has to try to overhit to beat him and then if Center has enough sauce on his shots he knows he can hit through Novak who's not as fast at his age now of 37 as he was 5 years ago so he knows he has enough Firepower to expose Novak's main weakness which is going to be movement at his age I'm sorry it's just kind of the facts so I'm going to take Center here reluctantly I'm going to take him in four to beat jokovic because I think he's going to be able to expose Novak's movement just enough with his Firepower and I think that's going to be the big difference so center right there make the pick Let's submit our bracket and there we go bracket submitted all right guys that wraps it up for my US Open 2024 men's bracket challenge round by round picks and the winner at the end if you found this video helpful or you feel like you learned something today make sure you hit that like And subscribe button I'm Jason frosto for tennis un leash. net I'll see you next time

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