Category: Entertainment
Introduction now welcome to another edition of news from naoo with thor lighning takes and let's get right to the news all right manny's life goal is season 2 we're going to start out with some updates for the acolyte show updates no more acolyte no don't worry they have not announced a reversal on... Read more
Category: Entertainment
You are part of the rebel alliance and a traitor take her away you are part of the rebel alliance and a traitor take her away Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hello my dear friends and welcome back to another star wars video so this is quite a sad one very impromptu the news just broke i'm kind of speechless and just like so many fans still processing this but james o jones the iconic voice actor of darth vader has passed away at the age of 93 we've lost... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey guys what is up this is every from the pto and welcome back to today's channel right here we have a new saber this is the altimar flight series um we have had tremendous success with the md the barck mea light bmf light you know these are very iconic hs and everyone seems to love them and can't... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Why it's time to move on from the acolyte | season 2 update and hopes from manny jacinto hello my dear friends and welcome back to another star wars news update later in the video we do have some important new information for the star wars movie side of things but first i think it's time we close the... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Comment dark vador a-t-il accepté son armure dark vador anakin skywalker c'est le personnage phare de star wars sur cette chaîne j'ai déjà pu analyser le personnage sur toutes les coutures que ce soit les raisons de son basculement ou sur tout un tas d'autres sujets mais s'il y en a bien un que je n'avais... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Now i it's not like dear diary today we went to cloud city and i saw lando kissian you know so the princess diaries you're going to publish these diaries not all yeah except for the nude bits and everything well when i went on the film i really thought that he was i saw him and he looked like a movie... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Más fuerte oigan tenemos engranaje ya podemos transformarnos yo nací lista en serio avance Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Star wars die letzten jedi ist der unterschätzteste star wars film leia film poe und der rest liefert sich einen erbitterten kampf gegen kylo ren und die erste ordnung während rey luke skywalker trifft und ihn zu überzeugen versucht sie zu einer jedi ritterin auszubilden star wars 8 ist keinesfalls... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Ya he visto el segundo episodio de la segunda temporada de los anillos de poder así que en este vídeo analizaré por completo todo cuanto ocurre relacionado con los libros quiero aprovechar que tan solo llevamos dos episodios de análisis para hacer hincapié en esto en que todos mis análisis tanto si... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
People come up to you and say please just say luke i am your father do you get that people coming up to you on the street i i have very little sense of humor my my wife is is trying to tut to me in the sense of humor and she's gone a long way but uh i i um i'm getting tutored in that as well who's tutoring... Read more
Category: Entertainment
What another youtube video talking about star wars you're kidding there's so few of those uh all right so i've made a few videos talking about my thoughts on star wars both in the past and present i've done them on uh you know these videos doug rambles i've done them on nostalgia critic so yeah you... Read more