4th & 5 Show Returns! Razorback Football 2024 Season Preview | UAPB Showdown in Little Rock

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:37:28 Category: Sports

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oh yeah I can I can feel it in the air right now football season is finally back I want to welcome everyone back to Fourth and five for another season and this one is a special one you know why because now fourth and five is presented by Ortho Arkansas like I said very excited about the partnership we got with them and the things they're going to provide for our show uh when it comes to Orthopedics and Sports they kind of go hand inand not kind of they do we'll talk more about Ortho here in a second but first man Josh it's good to be back my guy man it is great to be back 2024 season the Razer backs are playing football again I'm headed down to Little Rock You know I'm staying at your house you better have a room upstairs for me because I need a place to sleep after the game man we got we got a whole crew coming to town we we'll cross that bridge when we cross that bridge man give me a couch man give me a couch let's do it like we did back in back in college just let me crouch on a couch or a futon or I'll bring a blowup mattress but man I'm EXC hey we got I'm I'm excited DJ you called me you said hey Ortho Arkansas's on board that's some of the best news I've heard uh some of the most skilled Physicians over there that lead the way in everything Orthopedic so thanks to you Ortho Arkansas is involved I'm super excited to have him as well yeah yeah we were able to make that shake and the cool thing about that that opens up the uh reach that we can get as far as travel giving you more content really reaching so many different Avenues and so that's what it's really about it's all for our viewers so once again please subscribe and this is going to be a quick Edition this isn't going to be a full episode we just want to give a little pregame welcome back fourth and five family we are here now obviously it's all about that kickoff uh for the Razer back season opener against uapb here in the capol city War Memorial Stadium it is set for 6:30 they moved it from Saturday to Thursday actually a coach Pitman request giving them a little bit more time to have more rest and prepare for Oklahoma State week two huge game week two we'll briefly mention that here in a second uh but yeah kickoff 6:30 if you can't make it to the game it's all good you can catch that on ESPNU but the party is right here Josh and I want to say feedback from last year of viewers and subscribers watching fourth and five uh we appreciate the love I want to set the record straight though uh Josh and I we are not Razorback football program haters at all if anything we are the furthest from it we love that program and uh sometimes when we give our opinions I think sometimes people confuse well how do I say this Josh you're you're good at your words how do you how you How do you how would you say this well I think sometimes that people just that you know in in the Arkansas you want to cheer for the Razer backs right you want you want to you want to cheer for them you want to say positive things I think in the past uh we've had some tough seasons and when you tell it like it is when you just dissect football for being football sometimes if you're playing bad football it can sound pretty rough um and so the feedback from a lot of people were hey you know you guys are being pretty rough and I I don't want to come across that way we're super excited to see the Razer Backs play uh very good football this season super excited to see Bobby patrino lead the offens this season and I think we're going to see a different result so I I think that all in all uh this season has got a lot of Hope behind it we've we've had some things that have shaken up some key positions that have been fied and I'm excited to see what we're able to do going into the season and this uapb game is going to be the first test yeah I tell you Josh everyone's like dank can DJ why don't you say something nice about I said I'm trying I'm trying my best Josh I just need them to give me something nice to talk about I mean when you're four and eight we're not going to sit here and act like it's all sunshine and rainbows we think viewers like to hear exactly what is going on keeping it real we're going to give credit when credit is due no doubt about it but the product that was on the field last year that's just how it came off and it is what it is and so if you like the content if you like what we got going on continue to follow if not hey power to you you do your thing to each their own that being said Josh um before we kind of get into what we think about uh the offense and the defense and maybe some preseason thoughts like I said very excited about our sponsor this year Ortho Arkansas and so what comes with that some real fourth and five viewers that have been with us for the past couple years you're going to remember this guy named Dr Reynolds we call him Kurt big Kurt we're gonna call him big Kurt year uh he's awesome so knowledgeable loves the Razer backs and he really does give some insight so here's this year hear what you can expect from Big Kirk hey guys Kirk Reynolds at Orth Arkansas uh happy to be back with the DJ uh ready for fourth and five this year uh we're going to try to bring some insight this year on injuries uh both for our Razer back and other college teams here in Arkansas also going to mix things up this year a little bit try to give you some insight on the questionable list for your fantasy football teams maybe a little advice on who to sit who to start uh also going to do a little question and answer for our viewers U those of you who have any kind of muscular skeletal uh hip knee shoulder ankle injuries have some nagging pains shoot us a message we'll pick a few of those each week try to go through them give you some uh advice see if it's something you need to have checked out or not uh so as far as our Razer backs go so far this season we've got a a couple of players that are injured uh cudas our guard has been out uh from what we've heard uh he's got a back uh that's what coach Pitman keeps saying is he's got a back so back injuries can be a multitude of things our most common thing things are just muscle pulls muscle strains make it hard to bend over hard to stand up and you know you could have a slipped disc a ruptured disc a bulging disc a herniated disc those are all basically different names for the same thing that's where the disc in between the two bones squishes out like a jelly donut pinches the nerve typically leads to pain going down the back of the leg can lead to some numbness some tingling some weakness obviously that's a little bit more serious injury could also be something called a pars fracture that's where the bone on the vertebra going between the spine can get a little crack uh and sometimes that can get so significant that if you're looking at the spine from the side that one of the bones wants to shift forward on the other what's called a spondo thesis that can be obviously much more significant and can get severe enough to require surgery so if we can find that identify it early enough then our goal is to let that heal just like any other broken bone and prevent that surgery not sure that's what he's going on got going on but could be any number of things there for his back um we got deignan and Armstrong that are both questionable right now seems like they're just a little banged up you know early in the season uh coming out of summer training and hopefully those guys will be back soon and we haven't heard of any serious injuries there all right there you had it like I said my guy knows the stuff we're going to keep you updated throughout the weeks things you need to know and I know y'all fantasy football fans y' going to love that cuz week to week when they Josh when pick play Fantasy Football when it says question questionable they're like that's right should I should I sit him should I start him should I sit him should I start him he's going to give you a good idea of what you should do so I know a lot of people are interested in that very excited to have Kirk uh back with fourth and five uh well I don't think I don't hold on I don't think there's been one year that I played fantasy football where I have not come in any place but last and I think that if I would have had Kurt over at Ortho he' given me you know tips and tricks on hey look this guy's not going to be starting I mean DJ you've played Fant fantasy football with me I'm scrambling at the last second trying to put my roster together and then come to find out half the guys that I have on my roster are currently injured so if I had Kurt you know helping me organize my roster before we go into game day I think I might have come out with the championship a time or two hey it'd be nice yeah Josh started like three guys who weren't even on the field so uh I got kicked out of my league in fact I got kicked out of my league DJ was there I caused a big fuss they thought I they thought what I did was so bad that it must have been purposeful so they kicked me out of our fantasy Football League uh just due to complete incompetence but unfortunately uh I didn't have Kurt so make change this year you know what followed though they kick my boy out I was out too anyway gives us more time to focus on Fourth and five all right here we go viewers uh what y'all want to know what are the Razer backs going to do this year all right and so we're going to take a quick look offense defense and overall thoughts of what we think is going to happen like I said usually our episodes get close to 45 minutes to an hour this will be very quick and then we're going to have a post game uh show as well with everything that you probably miss while watching the game we're going to break it down and tell you exactly what you need to be looking for heading into Oklahoma State and still water the biggest game no doubt about it setting the tone for the season so that being said Josh let's go ahead and start with this offense um I will say a lot of reasons to be very optimistic on the offensive side of the ball especially with the guy now calling the shots absolutely Ely I mean that was the biggest change coming in the 2024 season you know after coming out of the Season that we had last year so all off season long we have just been anticipating the return of Bobby patrino and the product that he's going to put on the field and I'll tell everybody out there this that I happened to run into him during this offseason and had a chance to chat with them for 1520 minutes and I'm going to tell you right now you know we talked about the old days when he was at Arkansas you know I couple other teammates were there when we got to meet with him you know he he made it very clear he's coming in to run the type of offense that he's used to running when he was previously here at the University of Arkansas he looked at the roster he knows the weapons that he has there I mean this this Ro this current was roster of offensive weapons at receiver has a bunch of Playmakers you've got a lot of length you've got uh Broden who's 67 you've got Tesla who can catch the ball in just about any position you've got speed with Isaiah sangga um you've got guys all over the board you've got some guys coming from Major League Baseball who bring a lot of uh Poise and age and experience yeah in in in the big in the Big Show you know in the major league so these guys that that it's a good it's a good mixture of young and talent and and wisdom and age and I think it's going to play great for that offensive core that that wide receiver core and then you've got the quarterback you know and if you guys go back and look at last season I made a point to say that I thought and I was wrong I thought that he was going to come in here and really appreciate the quarterback that he had on the roster um and I'm going blank on his name right it's called Criswell sorry I thought that he was going to be very appreciative of of walking into a situation uh with Jobe chriswell having the type of arm talent that I believe he had I and it didn't work out he he had his mindset on if I take this Arkansas job here's the quarterback that I'm going to go out and get and bring in and I shouldn't even have doubted him to be honest with you U if if Bobby patrino is going and getting a quarterback and and taking him along with him uh as he took the new job as offense coordinator here he he clearly uh knew what he was doing and had his mind made up and so all we've seen all offseason and during Camp is the fact that uh this guy uh can make plays on his feet he can also throw the football so uh not that you're going to hear anything other than that right during the offseason because who's gonna you know hate on themselves who's going to disclose problem problem areas that the team is having uh but I am still excited to see uh what Bobby patrino is able to do with that but the biggest question mark always comes down to the offensive line because I don't care who you are what coaches calling the plays or what receivers catching the ball and what quarterback is throwing it if you can't get the playoff if you don't have time in the pocket and you don't have that that protection uh in the trenches with the offensive line you're not going to be able to get anything done so that's my take on where we're at and this is going to be the first test at uapb what do you think uh yeah I'll just have a few comments off of the things you said yeah the receiving core is awesome um mention uh we got to mention Andrew Armstrong as well uh very talented receiver big fast and so the size on the outside and with satania um what from what I've heard talking to a few people a lot of people think satania has the speed he's going deep he's going deep coach frino he's going to use him in that slot and you're going to see a lot of shallow routes what that is when you move him in motion he's going to see what's on the defense if there's a man indicator look out they're going to try to get him the ball as much as possible coach have been giving him a ton of Praise uh in the off season so and you know coach coach Pete he ain't going to talk good about you if you ain't got nothing good going on so he's very excited about that um also there's a guy wearing number nine he plays the tight end position his name is lucaz Real Deal um and the thing about Luke he is so talented upside through the roof every time I hear somebody talk about him in Fall camp and even the coaches they say yo he's special that that's High Praise and the thing about Luke with that tight end room his number two his number three they're not that far off they are deep in the tight end room so I expect a lot of 12 Personnel um early in the season to establish the talent that they have in that room so a lot of two tight end sets because with guys like Luke and gum and uh Ty Richards and I believe um hopefully I'm saying that right uh Washington sorry uh man these guys you can put them all over the field and they can do their thing so very excited to see the development there and also too Josh you got to talk about these running backs they got that transfer coming in and um from what I've heard from guys from practice um Jackson he's going to get the ball a lot come week one so you can see the uh run get established you got to go back to when we played uh the cater mounts last year at w Mor Stadium Arkansas blew him out it was fun but Josh I said I'm looking at the tape and we got some issues uh rocket Sanders Captain was supposed to be our guy I think he was held maybe under 50 yards for the whole day the Razer packs barely rushed anything and so they have to establish that running game and that's going to be the true test for the offensive line this year do should we blow this team out no doubt about it Josh but that's all I'm going to be watching is the offensive line versus their D line and if we are getting push off the ball three to four yards almost every play we're going to be in one of those situations I was like last year hey this winning thing's cool but oh it's not looking too good on that offensive line so I think they know that they're going to make that a point they're going to establish the Run throw in a couple run playay actions to maybe get something off of it some bootlegs and nits and then uh I don't think he's going to pull out the Arsenal when it comes to oh that's coach petrino's offense they gonna put in the tape saving for Oklahoma State they don't want to show everything so as far as what you said with Coach patrino man very excited about the offense uh taen green very excited about him we've only heard great things about him at Camp there's one thing that makes me nervous Josh we've heard we've heard coach Pitman say hey he he he he's he he's not just a runner he can throw now he's a quarterback who's going to throw the ball we talked about he's very coachable uh Coach P says when he has to use his legs he can extend plays keeps his eyes downfield his his we're gonna have to wait and see and this was KJ's hurdle I don't think taen is in this one because I think taen is a little bit more coachable and open to new ideas and learning and I think KJ just started drinking his own Kool-Aid thought he was the man and he couldn't tell him nothing now I hat it it is what it is you couldn't tell him nothing and uh even though I think he'll do great in August Mouse on offense but for what we were trying to do here uh it was just a bad fit but I need to see the difference between last year and this year if taen is good at his pre- snap reads we haven't heard much about that usually coach was like oh man he he he knows the game uh he's he's great getting into the right play he he's great at picking up blitzes and making sure the protection is good I haven't heard that one time um and usually if you have a quarterback who excels at that the coaches like to brag about it and so that'll be something we can see week one uh uapb yeah they're going to Blitz they're going to bring the house what if they have nothing to lose and so when we played Western Carolina last year there were so many times Josh I saw safety rotate over the slot receiver who was covered by a DB huge indicator almost all the time pressure is coming a blitz is coming KJ didn't see it one time and gave up a couple sacks now he did his KJ thing was able to elude him but you know that caught up to him later in the year so I would love to see taen green pre-nap getting up to line of scrimmage looking up and kind of backing up and saying whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I I I think that would be very promising to see come out of week one so that's my little spill on the offense let's get to the other side of the ball unless you got something I want yeah I want to touch on something though because you said you you made a good point about what I think patrino is using this uapb game to do yeah Oklahoma State's next week so you're not going to bring out all the you know all the shots here and disclose you know all your secrets because us or Oklahoma state is a is an opponent that you you need to be ready for and it's going to set the tone for the rest of the season so uapb you know is supposed to be a warm-up game you know for LSU for Alabama for Florida uh this is a warm-up game so if we we go in at half and this game is close that's not where we want to be and unfortunately in the past Seasons that's that's what we've seen in these type of games I think that if you're Bobby patrino and his mentality is going to be exactly what you're saying he's going to use this to just set up the foundation of the offense and get these guys warm if you remember back when patrino was here before and the way that he ran his offense we always think of Bobby as this you know you know uh Air Attack high flying you know throwing the football like crazy and that is true he did do that but he was quietly a balanced offensive coordinator we ran the ball a lot think about the runningbacks that we had back in the day with Nile Davis with Dennis Johnson with Ronnie Wingo with DeAnthony Curtis the list goes on he had a stable of running backs he rotated and and they all were really good at their own thing and he found a way to incorporate that uh into the offense to make sure that he had he was using the talent that He had back there to disperse the ball evenly across the field I think that's what you're going to see because he's going to use this game to see what he's got in the stable at the running back position at the wide receiver position you made a good point with Isaiah saanga getting them the ball in space we all think speed go deep but I mean really you want to be able to get them the ball in space uh just so that he can make a move with his Fe because he is a playmaker and then your your talk about uh Luke HW as at tight end he's he's sneakily athletic and if you watch him run his routes often times it's not that he's just blazing fast B pass people uh he knows the defense they're in and he's often times just playing smart football and getting open because the play has been extended and he know where he knows where to go he knows how to sit in holes on zone defense he just finds himself uh mentally putting himself in the right positions on the field all the time that's I mean that's half the battle right so I'm excited to see what we're what we're going to do but I have to agree with you this game is going to be a game where B patrino is coming to establish a foundation of offense and learn a little bit about the team that he has before we move forward we got to talk about something yeah remember this number six number nine 69ine all right M stop chill you're a child go ahead if you gonna say it he names put some respect on their names it's Isaiah SATA not g all right I'm saying this cuz I like him he's one of my guys all right you going SATA and it's Luke has I don't want to hear the HS Luke has all right look look look if you were to give me you know a spell be or or a speech curriculum test right here go watch kk4 news in the morning and watch DJ WIlliams try to pronounce words like AA minin he doesn't know what it is we had to tell him it's Tylenol because he didn't know what a c minin was so before you come at me on Fourth and five somebody tune in to krk and teach this man how to say a the minin he don't know he don't know he takes it every day but he don't know so get off my back first of all take ibuprofen in Adil that record straight and uh two you ain't gonna sit here and tell me if somebody walked around all day and called you Josh I look I've been talk I've been called Josh Thorne my whole life you got a problem with I don't what do you prefer Thor or I'm just saying I'm not correcting anybody if I say it like a little bit off we're Liv in Arkansas man a r k a NS a s I can spell that but I can't pronounce every every name in the book so get off my back yeah yeah get it right get it right so look what do you think this defense has got let's hear [Laughter] it all right here we go defense uh I miss you man I'm glad we're back um all right defensive side of the ball uh this has been the interesting one um a lot of talk has come out at the defensive side of the ball and you hear stuff like this Josh I'd be keeping up with it every day so listen to this this is will blow your mind uh apparently they got so many linebackers they don't even they had to create a new formation just to get them all all on the field there's going to be a new Penny position so they can get four linebackers on the field and I'm thinking when did that happened I thought we had zero linebackers in Spring ball now we got too many we don't even know what to do with uh DBS are apparently so competitive and good that we don't have starters we got standards because they got too many that could be starters so whoever they put in is essentially a starter so they just say no more starters we got standards I be like dang are we that did we get that much better in the offseason um I don't know but we got a lot of popularity in the offseason we're on the pat MCA show we're on ESPN all right so I we'll Circle back around our defensive coach can wrap I love it before I get into why what I think all of that stuff means when you hear it um I will say Travis Williams our defensive coordinator I love him like him I love him a lot seeing the way the kids respond to him seeing his approach a former player who understands what to get out of his players he's been there before and you can tell they relate to him and he empathizes with them and I really do believe he has him sold in or bought in and it takes a special kind of person to be able to do that with young man in the landscape that college football is right now everybody just focusing on their money he's been able to somewhat get around that I could see him potentially being a head coach one day here very soon that he has that type of approach so big shout out to Travis Williams um now do I think some of this is coach talk covering up because for me Josh I don't necessarily like standard starters I want to make sure I know who my starters are I I want guys in Camp who have separated themsel from everyone else to earn that spot and then the people behind them two things will happen they get in their fillings they hit the portal I would say go do your thing or you got guys that were hungry and be like okay if that's the starter I'm gon work every day to go take his spot and that and that's what I would prefer and so um I think they're just in a situation of saying things because they're not really sure where they are defense are the line backers and the reason I think there's so many of them and they had to create a new package is because they are their best players right now I think they have the most depth at linebacker I don't think it means that they're all SEC um first teamers but I just think that's where their best players are on defense so whereas I think they would prefer a DB to step up and be better as a safety um they're like yeah we really need a safety in this position but I'd rather have this guy on the field even though that's not his position because he's just a better player and so I think that's the way they kind of make that work to try to get the best guys on the field um I think it's good that they have enough guys that are talented and able to do both things think of uh like a Jericho Nelson he was a linebacker but he also was kind of that person who could cover a slot receiver cover a running back out of the back field so they got a a lot of guys like that that are very athletic so there goes your secondary thoughts linebacker thoughts we're going to have to wait and see who separates themsel to really kind of for us to give a gauge of who our guys are on defense I still think they're trying to figure that out but we'll know maybe by week two defensive L go ahead I was just gonna say I was just gonna say I like the hype that the coach has provided I like the leadership that the coaches brought if you have a defensive coordinator in my mind like that that's the guy that you want this is the type of defensive coordinator you want you know Arkansas has not had a history in the past 10 years of being a a defensive back school so we need a guy who's going to come in and can kind of create that culture and it seems to be that that's the type of coach that you would want I mean it's still preseason it's still off season um but and how are you going to go into a season without you know uh you know having your chest up and and and believing that you can do it in the way that they presented themselves I as much as I uh want Arkansas DBS to you know perform and be you know kind of a leader uh from a defensive back school in the SEC we just haven't been that so I'm still you know this this game against uapb is going to tell us a lot because uapb may be in a smaller conference but a lot of those guys that go to uapb are still athletes they're going to have a couple one-off guys that are there that can play football especially in those one-on-one matchups so I'm I'm you know the the UAP game is going to give me a little taste of what our DBS can do and then that Oklahoma State game is really going to put them on you know under the spotlight because Oklahoma State's got some athletes over there at receiver but I I'm not I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid because our defensive coordinator because our defensive coordinator can rap and he can hype everybody up because that's that's really cool and I loved it and you know it got it got me hyped too but at the same time if history tells me anything about Arkansas defense the defensive backs have been for a little while the weak point uh at the team and uh I'm excited to see a change I'm hopeful for a change but at the same time I'm not I'm not buying the stock yet I got to see a couple games I'm there too and all offseason Josh I've been seen as a pessimist but the coaches know this and the players know this you got to show me something off season's great practice is great um but when you step in between those lines you got to show me something and if they feel like they don't if they don't like the criticism based off what we've seen last year and they'd be like man I first of all you shouldn't be worried about the noise anyway but if you do hear it I I hope the approach is uh players and coaches on The I know the coaches are like this I know they are players on the team be like all right man let's show them and don't take it personal uh based off last year uh but that being said let's go ah and get to the defensive line and this is a a very interesting position group for me because they would say it's their strength right now Landon Jackson pre-season honors cam ball they're saying man and he's going to be great in the middle uh NFL talent and they got a you know couple guy big guys and they said that's where it's going to be I think I I I'm going to pick my player that I'm going to have they may have a LoveHate relationship with me because it's going to seem like I'm coming at him the one guy Josh that I'm gonna be on this year and then this is a guy I love I love his approach I think he's a legit leader I think the guys gravitate towards him I think he's about his business he approaches the game the right way but am I buying into the hype of he is that dude talking about Landon Jackson and now I know a lot of people like what he's our guy um I'm a little worried sometimes Razer back fans and myself included we get into seeing maybe one play here or there or one game here or there that stands out and that sets the tone for the entire year perfect example Trevor Brazil for the basketball team y all remember that monster dunk ESPN top 10 sports center This Guy's first round top 10 pick you know where was the consistency fell off we kind get in a situation really wasn't what we thought it was we got all hype on that one play and thought he was it I'm not saying wish the best for him I think he's going to do better with Coach Cal uh go back a few years Hudson Clark love the guy and I will say this Hudson if you're watching this I used to be on you all the time you put in the work and I really love where you are now and expecting big things from you this year but back then um I think a lot of Razorback fans oh miss three picks one game he's our guy he's our guy the consistency you know that's what I needed to see I'm a little worried with Landon Jackson against Alabama he had three sacks in that game and everyone said three sacks against Alabama and that's first round Talent right the rest of the season I think maybe two and a half he added to it maybe three and so I just I I need to see more from him and I I say this because I really do think this guy is going this may sound weird I think he's built better for the NFL and I think he'll do better in the NFL he has a very particular SK skill set when you get to the next level they only ask you to focus on just that they don't care about anything else just do what you're good at we got plenty other guys to that can fill in those gaps so I think he'll be a better NFL player so this year is going to be big for him to set the tone on the defensive line um I'm not sure if he's as good as the hype is saying but I really do hope that he proves me wrong um you know cam ball you know as another guy in this situation I want him to show me something you show me something cam and I I I saying Landon and cam I'm I'm picking these two guys out because a lot is on their shoulders it really is because if you aren't strong up front woo you can't get pressure on the quarterback without bringing pressure all the time woo it's going to be very interesting to see so I'm hoping you know week one it is what it is but week two man they really need to step up so I'll be looking for those two and I'm hoping by week four we can get back on Fourth and five and be like DJ already got six sacks already that's right but I'm a little hes I'm going to replay I'm going to replay that clip I'm going to replay that CLI and I will say this one two I want to ask him about his size uh because you know what they got him listed at right now listen to our dline listen to our dline we got a freshman that 6 63 388 plugging up the middle we got uh cam ball cam ball 65 or 65 325 or 335 they got landed 67 280 on the edge Josh man I don't know no no no no I saw I saw landed in person he ain't no 68 he ain't no 67280 he ain't no 6 well I'm look I'm not I'm not actually I'm not actually going against the weight on any of this yeah but what I've what I have found being around sports for however long I've been around it now is that everybody and when I'm saying everybody everybody lies about how tall they are that's just the truth saw Landon and I say I would when I saw 67 280 I was like that dude needs to be in the league yesterday saw him in person I would say he's about 66 270 maybe so that's one inch shorter 10 pounds and that that's big in football uh a big difference between the two so but let me tell you this that the NFL combine always tells the truth it'll tell the truth that's just the reality so the reason I say that is because I think a lot of people are hyped up about how big our defensive line is and said right I saw some clips of Cam ball first of all great hips he he explodes through his Target I love that 335 if he could do that at that weight I'd be like this dude's an issue we need to make sure we keep him on the field as long as possible because he's gonna make plays so I I I will say this Josh I don't feel like as we kind of start wrapping this thing up you know we talked about offense talked about defense and um all these pre-season predictions you hear from all these people I honestly don't believe believe anyone can honestly give a legit opinion about what's going to happen in college football this year outside of the programs the very small amount of programs that returned a lot of the same players and added very good ones there's so much shuffling this transfer portal is insane we have no idea what we're going to see this year on the football field um it's a completely different team and so is every other team so I say this Josh think we're going to learn a lot week one uh being able to see them in person because we'll be looking for the little things and so I won't be able to give a legit opinion of how I think this season is going to go until we before we kick off against Oklahoma state but I I don't think anybody can give a legit opinion till they see at least one game because so much has changed for every single team that's absolutely true I'll have to say this to to my final thoughts on this the SEC is wide open this year Nick San is no longer a coach at Alabama we don't have a clue what we're going to get there I guess we're going to find out was it Nick Sabin or was it Alabama we're going to figure that out this year stop we're gonna learn we're gonna learn I'm not saying I'm just saying hold up hold up just say hold up brother I'm just respect on his name it was all I'm not even trust I'm not even offering I'm not even offering my opinion I just said we will find out we already know we now what I say we already know now what I will say what I will say is you're right about the transfer portal everything is open it's it's absolutely insane I mean we just we just got a 800 yard rusher from Utah this this year so I mean that adds a lot of value to what we have the teams can morph year to year it's not the old college football and the way that it used to be I know a lot of people don't like that but hey this is what we're living in and if we want to win then we got to get with the program you know what I always say and I'm going to wrap it up with this and this is not meant a negative way I'm just stating facts here this is an interesting year because we just brought in Bobby patrino probably the best coach uh in the recent Arkansas history that has been at this program and he came in as offensive coordinator under Sam Pitman who is currently 23 and 25 here at the University of Arkansas so a lot rides on this season I'm hoping and praying that we have a fantastic season because I like Sam Pitman the man but we got to be better than 23 and 25 and this season's got to show it to us so I'm excited to see what we put on the field against UAP yeah and I agree with everything you just said and I I know this without a doubt coach Pitman saying hey it's time to put up or shut up what's it going to be um that's right pieces are in place let's put in the work and we're going to see so like I said I said this was going to be a quick 25 minute 30 minute here we are about 40 minutes in we can't help it man there's so much to talk about this is just a a tip of the cap a preview of what fourth and five is going to bring here this year like I said make sure you stay with us post game as we give you the breakdown analytics we're going to show you game film I'm going to tell you exactly what the coaches are saying I'm going to show you things that you're probably not looking for on the field and we're going to get after it we're going to be at it every single week and we're going to be honest and most importantly we're going to be fair uh good or bad no matter what it is it has gotten Us in some trouble um for sure sometimes uh limited access uh hurting people's feelings people who don't want to talk to us anymore uh but I just don't think that's what it should be about when it comes to giving opinions about a sport that you and me are both very familiar with both have played at the colic level and like I said the things that we say I promise you those coaches are telling them the same thing sometimes it's hard to hear things when it don't go your way and I know that's the truth because I've been there before Josh and I got plenty of tape I could pull up right now of me looking like a a slap no doubt about it like this guy doesn't even belong on the field it's just part of the game it's just about how you respond and being able to take that criticism and uh getting better from it so that's what going to do each and every week we're going to have fun very excited about the new opportunities we're going to have thanks to Ortho Arkansas uh building it up and uh stay tuned because we may have some other Partnerships uh as well very excited about this season as always Josh tell people comment leave questions that we can answer and so it's that time of the year Josh I can't wait for it kick off just right around the corner it's going to be a fun one man yep we'll see you guys at halftime and we'll see you after the game thanks for watching for fourth of five

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