She insults a veiled woman

Published: Sep 28, 2022 Duration: 00:11:43 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: enfant frappé par sa maitresse
- Excuse me. - Yes? I've been watching you for a while, you're pretty as hell, you have lovely eyes, but... - Why are you doing this? - It's a choice, ma'am. Well yes, but why do you have make this choice anyway? We, here in France, we fought for liberation for women, for rights, for abortion, Before me, for the right to vote, And now look how it is retrogrades all that, as it goes backwards. It has nothing to do ma'am. Low, so you know it's not right to put that on, there are places where you're going to be asked to take it off. Why is it not good? Gotta stop, huh. - Eh ? - You have to stop, ma'am. Well listen to me I have the right to talk to him. And you, your opinion, what do you think? My opinion is that your gloves, which are a little old, They look a bit backward. Your purse it makes a little retrograde too, that's it. After each his own tastes, everyone has their own choices. Oh good ? Bah however it is not old, finally good. But ma'am, there's a lady who's got about the same age as you, she says each her right so... Well yes of course, everyone has their right but why are we being forced to? So. We don't impose anything on you, close your eyes and that's it. Ah yes, close your eyes, close the mouth and then let yourself go, huh! Excuse me but you won't get bored of put you in my place please? Yes because the veiled people, me, it really bothers me. - Sorry ? - I say, veiled people really bother me. Oh good ? Why do you mind ma'am? Because listen, we women my age fought for sexual freedom, for women's liberation, And it pains me a lot to see Madame. - It's not possible, huh. - But you are not veiled, madam? Yes, but you are talking about someone from my country. - Well, I suspect. - Yes that's it. You are right Madam, because people say nothing at all and we accept that there. But we also accept that. What bothers you whether it is veiled or not? Because it's a question of secularism you know it well, we talk about it enough. - Me too it bothers me when you eat pork. - Do you mind when I eat pork? - Yes. - Well, that's something else then! Ah yes that's it, it's the same eh. Ah well, we still have the right to have what you want on your plate. Ah well, we also have the right to dress as you want. Yeah it's true. Madame, she is laughing. It makes me laugh what you say, that's why. Ah, is that what I say that makes you laugh? Me it what makes me laugh is that she has a nose ring. Ah yes, well yes, it does not go together. And you, it doesn't bother you... I am... I don't understand, I don't understand. You just have to respect ma'am. There's just one thing to do, it is to respect. Me, it's something... I can't take it anymore, here it is. Well go. What do you want me to tell you? Stop talking bullshit, please. And not in front of everyone and not in the subway. Worry, worry, you know, anxiety. The worry is a little bit related to bullshit, it seems to me. - You think ? - Yes yes, really, I'm sure madam. - In both ways ! - No no, not both ways. Just think a little bit. Take a step back. Thanks. It makes me sick, that's all I can tell you, it makes me sick. Yes, but it makes you sick because you don't think. 'Cause you don't take a step back, and that's all. Just think. Pause, take a step back. Have a good day. We are going down. - Hello Sir, I am a journalist at France 4. - Yes. This lady is not racist, she is a hidden camera, We wanted to set up this situation to see how people reacted. It shocked you to be the only one to react, that no one comes? No it does not shock me, I think I have aware a little of where we are so there you go. It seems to me quite in tune with the times that people don't react, that they don't think. I don't know, I'm not necessarily for the veil, I'm just against the stigma of a community or a religion, that's it. Now we're going to ask our accomplice, bothered by the veil, to toughen up. Let's see what happens. Anyway, why do you put yourself like that? It's not natural! We're in France, you shouldn't wear that. Bah yes, then religion, religion. We are in France madam, precisely. Well yes, you say nothing, you see you have no arguments. No ma'am, it's a choice, that's all so... You don't have to judge my choice. But I'm not judging, but I find it a shame. Not everyone has the same opinion than you, huh. It's true ? She is free to do whatever she wants. If you are not happy you take your car. Please stop stressing her out. I don't stress her, I talk to her, I try to explain to him. That won't stop him from having a weird religion anyway. It's you who believe it, huh. She's free, huh. In that case, you too are weird. You are weird it's the same thing. You're weird, there you go. You are weird too. If you confront it, you're weird. But what's weird about me? Well you're weird, I don't know. You are weird. Well, I'm in my country. You don't have to tell him that ma'am. And why don't I have to tell him that? Because it doesn't concern you. If you are not happy ma'am buy yourself a car, You do like everyone else, stop stress people out on the subway. - Well, I have a car. - Then take your car. Bug ! If you don't want Africans, Don't come to us too. We you hasn't invited us, huh. When we come to you, we bring you money because we come as a tourist! What are you saying ? What money? You bring money to Africa, you? When you come to us, you come looking for money and welfare and everything. That's all you plundered in Africa that you are using here. You know it ? It's money note that you use here. Alright, here's something else! That's something else. Oh no, what not to hear. If I was her husband, I was going to give you a good slap me. Well he's not there her husband, God only knows where he is, huh. Because we know them, their wives are veiled but they do not hesitate to look at those of others. So what madam so what? I don't understand your, your... I don't understand there. I feel sorry for France! She put on the veil, does that concern you? It concerns me since I see it. If you do not want, you just have to lower your eyes. You won't see it anymore. We're not going anymore take the subway because she is veiled, Because she is this, she is that. She will stay at home. And you've submitted so much that you haven't said anything to me yet, huh? Nothing at all. Are you racist? Oh well, so here's something else, racism now. It's not racism. I have good spoken with gentleman who is all black. What ? So for you a veiled woman is not necessarily an oppressed woman, who is forced to wear the veil? No, she is free. It is freedom of choice. The woman is free, if she is veiled it is because she's free, it's not that we forced her. Are you yourself a victim of racism? It's already arrived, but me, I don't care. I don't care because they can say what they think, But they don't touch me. Miss, you won't mind changing space with me please because... You'd be better off for colors. I don't understand what you are saying. You see, the stolen lady, the good gentleman, I would rather be near this gentleman. Well, switch places. That's what I'm going to do because... You have to buy a car, you are In public transports. Well, that's how it is. - Sorry ? - Close your **** My mouth, okay. My mouth, I open it. No, we don't want to listen to your bullshit. But there are many people who must be thinking the same thing. You should get off the subway. You should go down because there it is not... Well listen, I'm making my way anyway, huh! Bah precisely, if you make the choice, assume. So listen, it pains me you see, We are invaded all the same, it must be admitted. Bah change metro. Well, well, I'm not saying anything, but... No, well, don't say anything, close your ****. We pay to sit, huh. Sorry ? Well, I don't understand anything he's saying, do you understand what he's saying? But why are you looking at me, I'm black, you will get lost if you look at me. No, but anything in 2014. Anything. So far, passengers have taken the defense of the Muslim girl, But you will see in the next sequence that this is not always the case. Sorry. Look at this, we are not at home anymore! Well yes we are no longer at home. Here are the kids now! I am French. You are French ? Since when are you French? And you, Mrs ? Hey, we ask you? Well, you can ask me. I do not have doesn't seem like anything else, it seems to me. It's just racist what you actually say. Well, take it how you want. She didn't do anything to you. Oh well still glad she didn't do anything to me. Good well, I am silent because I can clearly see that eh... Need a train for the French and then one for the veiled ones. If people leave France one of these four mornings, you won't have to wonder why! If it bothers you so much you change car. It will be the same in another car. Well, leave France if it bothers you so much. Oh, that's how it should end, yeah. For true patriots. But she's as patriotic as you are, huh. But she may not even vote! You don't know his life what are you talking about ? And you, you don't know her either? Yes but I defend it, I attack it not like that, in everyone's eyes. You think it's normal what you do ? Oh my, I don't know what's normal anymore. I agree with you ma'am. Do you agree with me, sir? Thanks a lot. I shake your hand, sir. There are people really, they are not sincere, they are all bogus. I can tell you that... I take my hat off to you ma'am. But sir you are serious there in what you say? But of course I'm serious, you are after her madam. Leave her alone. But have you seen how she talks? She is nice lady. She's nice ? Be nice to her anyway. Aggression does nothing. But we are not aggressive, it is she who attacks us. Leave her alone. They want war? You will have it there war one of these four. Yes yes I want war, that's for sure. I have the impression that you are on the verge of tears? Everyday I hear stuff like this, and it shocks me so much. How do you act on a daily basis to fight against them? Well I react like this I don't let this kind of thing pass things, it's inhuman. It bothers me too much. The other day there was a gentleman who... Who sees a black lady driving a taxi, And who goes, "She better drive a camel that one". I do... But, you're crazy to say stuff like that. It's totally racist, how can you say things like that? For my part the... veiled women, For my part, I am against it. I do not agree. Because I am a woman and there has women, themselves who are Muslim, Who fight not to wear the veil, to have the same rights as men. It's stuff you hear a bit like that, everywhere, On TV and everything, and there, suddenly it's... We see this in everyday life so... At first I don't know, finally we don't know too how to react. But the words were... Were so offensive, gratuitous and disproportionate, that there was no... Anyway. You have to respect these people, you have to respect the beliefs, Everyone's decisions must be respected. I think it is important.

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