Intro Zep bound weight stall and we GOI weight stall why this is sabotaging your weight loss hi friends I'm Elizabeth ciss of shopping I have lost over 90 PBS on glp one medication over the last 17 full months going on 18 months and on today's episode we're going to talk about weight stalls um I started off on Monaro because of the mararo shortage moved to zet bound because of the zound shortage have now moved to the Zep bound compound tear zpp atide and on today's episode I want to dive in after having having been on a weight stall for weeks and weeks and weeks and viewers kept telling me Elizabeth you haven't lost a weight yet I know boo I'm tracking just like you are what is sabotaging from my experience strength and hope again I'm not a healthcare provider simply my journey along the last 17 full months of hopefully to help encourage and educate from my perspective as a user of gp1 medication and with a really really strong glp1 community of encouraging smart thoughtful counts and countesses and the count of shopping Community let's Dive In why this is sabotaging your weight loss on wovi or if you're on compound or um zound same ball of wax I want to first before I dive into this normalize weight stalls are normal let's say it again weight stalls are normal and I know we come off of this huge Peak a lot of us do and some of us don't because they are hyporesponders and hyporesponders meaning slower losers in terms of weight loss and so if you're in the Hypes category we're going to get to that in a minute but some people come off this huge weight loss like I did I lost over 11 12 pounds in the first week it was nuts a lot of it was water weight poop like there there's a lot like don't judge that book by its cover but a lot of us came off this huge number of weight loss the first few weeks and then things started to shift now having been 17 full months in the last month I would not I did not lose weight for weeks and weeks and weeks and I walk into of things I can control and things I can change and things I can't and the wisdom to know the difference in between that space and for me I can control the food that I eat and my physical activity because the maker of zound Eli Lily tells us in our literature that we need to make permanent Lifestyle Changes on gp1 medication and I'm sure Nova nist says the same thing as this compound and so making these changes I have been actively working out I have been eating healthier I have been doing the controllables that I can do but my body was holding on so tight also there's been some stress I think that that's a part of it too we have a family member who's had colon cancer it's been very stressful in my household and so recognizing that this was my um picture that I took a couple days ago of weight stalls are going to happen and so I want to encourage you like I was encouraging myself and the self talk I was giving myself that this is actually totally normal I'm doing what I can to change it I'm analyzing the things that I can control but also Al the wisdom to know the difference that sometimes biologically weight stalls happen and that we need to normalize that within the gp1 community and I think erroneously we come from these really really high weight losses and that that momentum going down the hill is going to keep going like a snowball and for some people it does but for this Turtle it has not and it's been very frustrating and I say this often in my free encouragement group with thousands and thousands of amazing counts and countesses um which I'll link as well all of my free resources down in the description link below comparison is the thief of joy and if you're comparing to other people's Journey even mine um that will mess with your brain and I have it here too on YouTube I watch that's why people are like oh do you watch so and so in the gp1 community no I do not because it will mess with my mind to start for me to start comparing out and so keeping that comparison of the thief of Joy don't compare out things I can control and things I can't but the main thing for me that I recognized this early on in my journey that was sabotaging me was relying only on the scale as a unit of measurement and what I want to do in today's video is to change the conversation for weight stalls of different units of measurement within that as well um to you need to change that like not just the scale so tip number one photos Tips if you are not taking photos of your journey I need you to where only if you only want to be able to see them you know what I mean I have mine upload to to like to my cloud it's they're just for me I don't share those with my husband or like they're just for me to see the progress and it's been so eye opening like looking at this photo I'm like oh my gosh I look really really different and for me that's motivating that's really really motivating of like this is where I was the scale is not moving but look how far I've come and so I want to encourage you if you've not taken photos too um that's tip number one start taking photos I'm so glad I had them at the beginning of my journey even though I was so embarrassed I would not take photos or if I would I would strategically be like um in 902 and0 when one of the do you guys remember from the '90s 902 and0 uh one of the people was pregnant so they would strategically place big handbags over them while they were pregnant and so I used to do that when I was obese pay like big plants in front of me and then be like geez like so I don't have very many photos and so going through I wish I had when I was morbidly obese more photos to compare back on now and so that's my encouragement for you it's not a vanity thing I think people misinterpret this as oh it's me being vain it's not it's me documenting for myself to be able to look back in the retrospective of oh I am making changes tip one make photos um and by sabotaging yourself if you're only relying on that skill number because a lot can go into that skill number and normalizing weight stalls are going to happen on this weight loss Journey it's going to happen so recognizing that realizing that and rolling on with other Solutions is imperative for me and hopefully for you with this video two um having a an action level plan for me it was walking I love walking Mr Freddy um I could walk one mile hard it was hard it was difficult there being morbidly obese like doing that particularly if it was hot outside was hard for me it was hard for me even just finding pants to wear to go walk like athletic not shorts cuz I don't wear shorts but um athletic pants to fit into work out what like there was a whole mind eery with that and so finding and this is tip two finding an activity level that you can measure that can grow and for me it was easy to do walking one mile around our Loop one Loop is one mile so I could do one Loop or a loop and a half and then two miles and then now three miles and I can do more I just I choose to invest that time into lifting instead so that's my tip number two for you is what Action level can you start tracking progress um is it weight training is it swimming is it one of our group members is tap dancing which makes my heart so happy like taking a dance class and being able to not get winded through like a tap dance sequence finding an activity level to start tracking growth with that because a tracked number will grow and you guys know I have a free tracker for side effects for glp1 medication it's on ciss of it's also linked down in my description click that dot do. more button you may have to click the more button twice to get all of my free links but start tracking um your side effects as always as I always say Goals but more importantly an activity level that you could track specifically of like hey and for me I'm going to talk more about how I track that here in a minute but with those specific activities after my activity level I have been trying because you guys asked me to find a plant protein shake I finally have one that I like to recommend it's the bu Optimizer protein breakthrough love it we'll link it down below you can use the discount code Queen this video is not sponsored by bi optimizers I just love their stuff I found that it's products that are clean and easy and they react really well with my body and I feel really good taking them and it's made a difference um in so many aspects but after walking for me or after physical activity having a protein shake and this I've started a plant-based one because you guys asked me you're like help me find a plant-based a plant-based protein and shake so that's been awesome you can use the discount code Queen it's chocolate but they do have other collagen things that I've been putting in that I'll also link down below too number three setting a goal to go do something physical at the beginning of your glp1 journey for me it's been horseback riding I cannot get on a horse being morbidly obese it wasn't safe for the horse being that weight I could not no one would let me get on a horse maybe a humongous Clydesdale but I don't think so our goal is to go horseback riding as a family my kid um somewhat he rides and he I think he's going to be getting into more competitive riding and so he really loves horses and so for me I'm at the Barn I love horses um I want to get more into that and so that's always been our goal as a family when I started gp1 medication I didn't tell anybody but secretly deep down I was like my activity level and goal that I want to do is to ride horses so number three is pick a goal that you want to do that would be physically so that's different than your activity level activity level for me tip number two was like walking on a daily basis or like every other day this is a goal that maybe it's climbing a mountain maybe it's something physically related that you can do I was just going to say something naughty I'm not going to say it but being with your partner enjoying like there's certain things I'm going to not go down that we're just going to pull that back in my mouth we're not going to go down that thread but having a goal that's physical that you can do that makes you really really happy and excited and motivated and for me it's riding horses I cannot wait to go to a dude ranch we're going to go to a dude ranch we haven't booked it yet the day that I book that I will just weep you guys will hear all about it um but having these other metrics be besides the scale to get excited about because ultimately at the end of the day isn't this about getting our lives back taking mararo W GOI zban ormic uh semi glutide terpp tide isn't it about getting our lives back so why not make our lives the most enriched that they can in a physical way tip number four not Tracking tracking with the scale now you guys know I absolutely have on my Amazon shopping list which is linked down below my scale that I love because there's one app you can have on your phone and it will sync all of these different metrics of data cuz I hate having app clutter you put the one app on your phone and then the scale will sync to that you can have different users so if you and your partner want you can have different users on there you don't need to buy like five scales and then the tape measure is another unit that you can have on here and they're slightly different now I think they they changed the packaging on them but you can use these to measure your arms your thighs your waist your your um hips like someone was measuring their wrist which I thought was really clever I was like oh I love that measuring these different units with a smart tape measure and I used to use a tape measure and you totally can but it's like 20 25 bucks somewhere in that ballp Park um to have it sync to my phone so I don't have paper notebook paper I'm very tactile person but having it in my phone to be able to pull up that data way easier to read they do also have so you have the scale which I'm saying try to get away from that um or use that as some people that's very motivating too but when hitting weight stall it's easy to look back at these and be like oh my gosh look how many inches I've lost that is helpful but they also have the sinking BL pressure cuff to go with it that is also super super helpful and I had it up here they have a food scale that syncs too that you can track your food with I have not uh I bought it I haven't I haven't one of our group members um was talking about it and I need to get more to speed on the food scale component of it it's in the weight scale it's an actual food scale that will sink into your phone too so they've got several options I love these I love these and I love that it's one app on my phone so having a different metric to see your progress very very helpful tip number where were we that was tip number four tip number five pant sizes obviously like keeping track of my pants and then putting my pants when I was this size to the pants when I'm this size having them side by side I'm like oh my word it's say visual representation um I had been keeping each size and then I was like I don't want the Clutter so I think I may have donated all of them so now it's just my first size and then my size now and that's very motivating too so using clothes finding some pants or a dress or a unit of clothes that you can go back to I feel like is very helpful and for me it is I'm like oh my goodness like wow this is so motivating this shirt for example I could not F into it several months ago it was too tight it still is somewhat tight let's just keep it real here it's somewhat tight but um it's less tight which by the way everybody had not everybody some people have been following my Gucci Saga they changed their creative director so thus their sizing has changed it's significantly even smaller than it already was which is crazy anyways just FYI if you're for my Gucci lovers out there the creative director the sample sizing cuts the way that the clothes cut anyways that's a topic for another day let's keep going tip number that was tip number five tip number six Aura data Aura Data so I use the aura ring sometimes do you guys see me wearing it sometimes I don't sometimes I get tired I need to motivate myself and sometimes I just don't want to look at the data or track it but I am in my aura loving era right now because I can see in my phone um sleep my blood pressure not my blood pressure but the beats per minute um but the sleep I think is the most important it tells me my stress levels my recovery levels how my body is feeling on my Amazon shopping list I've got the aura ring listed down there too I highly recommend having one now I used to use a Fitbit but I was allergic I'm not allergic to really anything but the Fitbit bands would cause me to have a weird rash which is why I went to the a ring and you can get them in other colors I have mine in black but you can get them in like gold or silver or rose gold or there's lots of other colors besides this color having that sleep data and more of a broad picture it also tracks fertility too by the way but it's another unit of measurement I can see my steps going back to the walking component I can set activity goals and it tracks in there very very helpful too so that I highly highly recommend tip six tip number seven relying on a family member or friends which can get dicey um but to also give encouragement my husband yesterday I was wearing if you guys saw in the video either it's come out or it's coming out me and like an orangish reddish top I walked by and my husband's like babe like like was cat calling me I was like oh you little mink um but he's like you look really good today like you look you look spelt and I can tell when my husband's not lying but being very generous with his compliments versus being like sincerely and he was being sincerely complimentary and so having family or friends also kind of not that I'm soliciting that but when they do give it it also is a re- reminder of like oh yeah I have moved the needle right it's very very helpful um and along those lines to I want to go back over I didn't say this in the photos I have um started to well last year I did Body Confidence I went to the pool for the first time and I did take some bathing suit photos but I got so embarrassed I never showed them and so and I I don't know maybe I'll show them this year and but this year I I do plan to take some photos of me in my bathing suit we'll see if that comes to FR oan but one of the things I wanted to share if you're wearing shorts bathing suits are somewhat embarrassed about it I'm trying not to be embarrassed I'm trying to embrace my body I'm working with a therapist on this very much CU there's a lot of tapes to unravel and like untangling of unhealthy things that I'm still working on with a therapist to help me on that but I have been loving um it's leg and body makeup dermal blend this is also on my Amazon shopping list too it has SPF 25 it's helpful for if you are doing pictures or you're wearing a particular outfit or if you're using different representations besides a scale having clothing and things like that for me it's a confidence boost and and yes can I airbrush out like the varicose veins and the cellulite and the dimpling and all that this is nice it just makes a nice smooth it's nice and smooth you can get different colors with it too just make sure you're matching um the color shade properly but that is another thing that's been very helpful for me that I wanted to recommend too of if you're going to be going out this summertime now and out a bunch and not wearing like long pants and jeans I still wear jeans most of the time I aspire to get into knots wearing jeans I'm getting there I bought a bunch of shorts from Amazon so we'll see we'll see how that goes um but I wanted to share this video with you because I noticed in my free group which is linked in the description link below people talking about I've been at a weight stall I've been at a weight stall for two weeks and I'm like that's really not like I I I understand the pain of that and I can empathize with that trust me I know more than anybody else understanding being like weeks in and being like what is going on but two weeks even I don't even necessarily think is a weight stall I think getting into four weeks five weeks six weeks and so for some people this is the other big thing and so if you stay till the end you get a little bonus tip I'm at the highest possible dose zound 15 milligrams before the um before I switched to compound because of the zound shortage but I'm at the highest possible dose for compound and for for zound there's nowhere else for me to go if you're finding that you have a weight stall talk to your healthcare provider about titrating up you guys know I'm the first to say and you can see me like so many people have copied my thought process on this from 17 months ago but I'm not titrating up quickly of going at a slower titration I wish I had titrated slower it's a big regret of mine and so my point for you of why I'm saying that is if you are tight trading abolutely so when you do get into these pockets of where it's not two weeks but it's four weeks six weeks or whatever T to your healthcare provider maybe that is the time to tie trate up now I don't have that option at this point I would have tie traed up I'd be like please move me to the next level because the food Chatters back appetite suppression is lessened like it it's not like it once was and so I want to encourage you that if you do have room to go that's where you and your healthcare provider not anyone else like being very clear on that that's a dialogue between you and your healthcare provider um of where you feel comfortable where they feel comfortable and having up-to-date blood panels that is one of the other things I think is a lacking conversation for people is well when was your last blood panel are your blood is all that normal air quote so to speak like are you where you should be and that's what if you haven't had a blood panel done and rais ly talk to your healthcare provider about that too I think that's really important we need to be having ongoing testing dialogue stuff changes you know how many people in my free encouragement group have gotten off blood pressure medication changed their insulin I mean a lot of medication changes as a result of gp1 medication so keeping that in mind too I think is really really important that you need to be up to date on your blood results because you may need to reduce your medication that you're on and maybe that's I don't know like that that's I'm not a healthare provider that's why I'm always punting you back to your healthare provider but but I think it's really really important to be having those dialogues as well and on weight stalls we've talked about this in other videos but staying satiated staying Fuller glp1 medication helps us but having adequate protein which I go back to one of the reasons why I wanted to I was seeking out a plant-based protein because you guys asked me about it and why I'm really loving I'm loving loving loving so all of the things that I talked about all of my free resources and my Amazon uh ZB shopping list linked down in the description link below click that dot dot dot more button two things one your accountability question today not Manana today what are you doing today to move you closer to your goals what is that tell me in the account it's your accountability question tell me in the comments if you don't if you're running or if you're on the treadmill or if you're working out while listening to this video first and foremost fat yourself on the back and give yourself a big high five high five um you have permission not but I would like you to come back later and tell me and then number two our Emoji for today is going to be a scale it's going to be a scale and that tells me people are like why are you do an emoji it's like my bat signal so I know you uh I know that if you've made it this far in my content that means you probably like it so therefore I want to get to know you better because I care so our Emoji of the day is going to be a scale the part two of that is I will pray over you if you don't believe in prayer I'll uplift you in positive thought it's an easy way for me to have an uplifting space too and that that's fun that's fun um sweet friends um I look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow be kind to yourself be kind to others UNC count us of shopping count my blessings cuz life is delicious you're going to push past this weight stall um I am not special I'm really not special and so if I can do it I want to encourage you you can do it too so I look forward to seeing you guys again tomorrow with tomorrow's video be kind yourself be kind others I'm count as of shop and count my blessings because life is delicious love y'all bye