Published: Aug 25, 2024
Duration: 00:12:07
Category: Sports
Trending searches: magic johnson
what's up everybody welcome back to the live with Brandon blakney podcast I am your host Brandon blakney AKA Brandon Le TV you know I got another Banger for you so kick back relax and come take a ride with me you are now locked into the live with Brandon blakney podcast here is your host Brandon Blakey guys it has been a really really just prosperous year for an Edwards man coming off the Olympics the Young Buck helping Team USA get past France for a gold medal just won his first gold medal and you know he's out here living his life popping bottles hanging with the OG's just on this press tour you know great one of the best characters one of the funniest people in the NBA man constantly trolling um you know he had a great season his best season in the NBA this past year willing the Wolves you know to the Western Conference Finals doing some great things you know making the all NBA team W or NBA Allstar putting the world on notice that he might be the next face of the league arguably the best shooting guard in the league right now and Edwards getting the Jordan comparison punched KD and book out of the playoffs uh you know what I'm saying it was just it was a lot it was it was a lot y'all and I think you know it was was all set up for John Morant to be the next guy and an Edwards has completely taken over and you know he's been very vocal about the game and topics you know that uh he's been on you know he's talking about beating the the ping pong team uh he can throw a 90 M hour fast ball Edwards is a total character man in the National Treasure but he did recently offend one of the ogs of the game arguably a top five player all time Mr Nice Guy Magic Johnson who literally doesn't diss anybody and just loves everybody but Edwards offended this man like seriously offended this man I've never even seen magic be offended before man like this is crazy but Edwards was talking a bit Reckless I don't think it was malicious or anything like that but he was talking a bit Reckless and he ruffled some feathers man Edwards was talking about he was asked you know about past goats past great of the game and you know just his his understanding and his uh interest in 80s 90s basketball back in the day and how the game was played Edwards came out and said I didn't watch it back in the day so I can't speak on it they say it was tougher back then than it is now but I don't think anybody had skill back then that is crazy Michael Jordan was the only one that really had skill you know what I mean so that's why they saw Kobe Bryant they were like oh my God but now everybody has skill that's crazy we are talking about a guy that's in his early 20s so you got to look at the youth but to say that no other player in that era had skill holy AEM Elijah won like holy pistol P 870s 80s 90s wal Frasier like bro the list goes on Larry Bird Isaiah Thomas like the disrespect is crazy now I know it's always the debate between Jordan and uh Lebron and the oldheads always calling this Eros sawt people in this generation say they played against plumbers and mail men and like the debate is crazy but I will say for some reason the only sport that doesn't get better over time with technology apparently and more athletic players in my opinion more skilled I'm not disagreeing with that there there are more skilled players now there was no KD there was no Victor wiama walking around it is different but they will complain about the game getting worse the NFL doesn't do that the MLB doesn't do that like we know babe rof W no damn show honey are you kidding me but in the NBA that is the only thing that's the only League where it's like the '90s were the Pinnacle and nothing else compares to it I feel like an Edwards definitely would have been a great player in that era his build is different athleticism like he would have flourished there are a lot of players in that era that would have flourished today now would every player in this generation be able to play back then heck no would every player in that generation be able to play right now heck no it's just not a thing but anyway so he came out talking crazy and Magic had the fire back at himy Edwards just said the other day that there really wasn't any skilled players in the NBA back in the day outside of Michael Jordan that's what he said right your response to that Irving Magic what what you know I don't never respond to a guy that's never won a championship there not nothing to really say he didn't win a college championship I don't know if he even won a high school Champion so hey man shots fir shots fire we talking about magic who won at every level high school college NBA as a rookie early early on just was a winner has always been a winner maybe one of the one of the greatest winners of all time that we've seen he wins to say magic didn't have skills though is insane bro I mean even if you weren't allowed to see it you got to watch the highlights bro you at least got to watch winning time like that gives you an idea like Showtime no skills an was out of line the young fell was out of line the disrespect could not be tolerated and Magic is in his everg given right to come out and feel how he feels cuz that was this that was a diss bro I don't think it was malicious but that was a dis that's ridiculous bro no skilled players other than Michael Jordan bro magic wasn't having it magic was not having it man at all bro and for magic to come out and check you you know you done messed up Mr Nice Guy Mr loves everybody magic came out and had to set the record straight straight dist said dude did not win in college Georgia was terrible that year has not won in the NBA still got a lot of time though called him out and said he never won a state championship I had to do some research and I do want to see say this Edwards did win a championship a State title in March 2018 where he helped Holy Spirit Preparatory defeat the Heritage School school back in Georgia for the Independent School Association gisa class 38 State title all right he is a state champion he is a gold medalist he is definitely not the winner magic is I mean this isn't even a debate this isn't even a conversation you want to have man when you look at Magic's resume I mean you're looking at a five time D NBA champion three time files MVP three time MVP 12 time Allstar nine time all first team NBA like this is coming from a good place for magic cuz when you have that type of resume you don't have to respond and I want to hear from y'all in the comments do y'all feel like magic should have responded should he have even gave Ant-Man the attention right here should he just flown over it I know he was asked though the question was posed so respecting him I have no nothing bad to say about about magic and him responding he's got every right he's got the resume to back it up he's got the Rings to back it up and after you win one Ant Man you still got four more to catch up with so the disrespect was crazy bro and we've seen it seems like too man it's usually the old heads that are doing the disrespect and the young guys in the league I think do a pretty good job of paying homage but this was outrageous and we know Ant-Man is known to be trolling you know I mean he's not always 100% serious we know know that and it can be taken out of context but I I don't think he meant any disrespect to anybody individually but he definitely ruffled some FEA feathers and that's just a crazy statement to make bro like that is just beyond disrespectful yo I can't believe he said that y'all y'all he really said that though he really said that that is crazy like just talking Reckless you just disrespected generations of players bro of some of the alltime greats that are on the Mount Rushmore of your sport educate yourself pay homage and go back and watch some tape bro you might learn something you might learn something I'm just saying man but magic different breed and you know he Ain having we seen him and Michael Jordan go at it you y'all seen the clip like magic ain't ain't dunking no smoke now and he definitely came out and spoke for a lot of people and I know a lot of the old heads are definitely going to be backing him up but it was boy if you was at the cookout if you was at the barber shop your uncles would have been smack you in the back of the head for saying some nonsense like that I just I can't sign on I love Ant-Man I think he's one of the game's brightest right now shout out to him he's been on a hell of a run one of the greatest tears that we've seen for a player his age right now like he's killing he's killing he's got the league shook a bit he's definitely killing he came out and felt like he was the number one option on Team USA we know that that wasn't true but I like the confidence I like the spunk I like the energy but you can't be disrespecting the goats young Bella come on now uh this will be something we continue to monitor I don't think it's going to turn into a big thing but man they did hey magic magic boy hey he is not playing around though that boy said hey All I Do Is Win Young fella respect it respect me respect my game respect my gangster hey magic not having it bro and I do want to show y this just this Quick Clip cuz LeBron was on his rum too saying you know when he was struggling popping the champagne I thought this was [Music] [Applause] hilarious there yeah [Applause] [Music] say we know you ain't been there young fella hey and a great sport though he a great Sport and hopefully man maybe he'll make a follow-up statement not apologizing but just being like bro I just was unaware and he did start off by saying he didn't really watch so this isn't really like a super educated opinion I'm just being honest but y'all let me know how y'all feel in the comments holler at me talk to me in the comments and let me know that is a wrap for us for all the latest and the greatest make sure you hit that subscribe button stay up to date with the live Brandon Blakey podcast of course I'm your host Brandon Blakey AKA Brandon Le TV until next time we out