Jacob Kibodi talks two touchdown performance and playing in the Superdome
Published: Aug 25, 2024
Duration: 00:05:45
Category: Sports
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so how do you feel about your uh your performance today uh it was good uh got to score touchdowns and uh I mean that was a dream come true you know what I mean being from Louisiana that's a blessing so everybody dream that as a kid doing that in the super doome just I mean you started down the down the road there but you know doing that in the super doome here what did that mean to you everything it's a blessing like that's what you dream of being here you know being a kid from Louisiana so did you have Family Guys definitely my mom my mom's here and my brothers and everything so it was you know exciting a game ball I say you walk yeah what was that experience like well it was my um my first touchdown ball so okay so it wasn't like a game ball after that okay got it got it got it um just how would you describe like your your last couple weeks it seems like you kind of come on strong in practice and everything and then to to turn that into really good production of the game um it's all about getting better you know um just working on the details of like my track on outside Zone and and you know uh just trying to just continue to grow as a player you know what I mean so um I think I did that throughout Camp I just kept on growing as a player so did did you just kind of did it also kind of settle down and maybe maybe feeling like you belonged after definitely definitely definitely I definitely feel like I belong um but just got to keep working um see what happens you know praying for the best but uh yeah just keep working every day um and just for for someone like you was just trying to make it like how how important is it to to put like the good game film out there and have have the two rushing touchdowns just I mean that's is everything you know that's what you know we watch as Saints but also other teams are on the league that's what they watch as well so um you always want to go out there and have a good you know performance so you had the on the first touchdown drive you had four runs three of them were double digit runs what was working for you uh throughout that drive I credit the o line and you know receivers blocking uh and the coaching you know what I'm saying calling the right place have you gotten much time with Kyle hgle man speaking of we just talking about it uh so actually we both were like late additions to the shine bow and um our lockers were right next to us to each other and then we came here and like bro what you know what I mean it was crazy but uh that's my guy you know he did a great job today you know opening up POS and everything so that's my guy what did you think of Spencer's day I mean he's spectacular he's you know full of talent uh y'all saw it out there the throw he made to uh EQ I mean it's crazy you know what I mean so he's full of talent what would he like in the hollow what he like he has a Swagger about him that you know uplifts everybody that's around him so that's that's what I say about him that's the biggest thing you show a bit of a blend today of finesse and then a little bit of power especially on that second touchdown run just with this with this running scheme how do you feel that it kind of elevates what it is that you do in both of those areas uh I mean that's the goal to be like a balance back so showing finesse and power um with speed and then you know and also just just you know offense allows the running backs to be a part of the passing game so um it it allows you to be a complete back you know what I mean so allows you to show all your you know your skills so and speaking of that how much pride do you take in a little bit of pass protection every now and then in the back oh you have to you have to you have if you're a running you have to pass protect to be in the NFL so um we work on that every day so that's that's a big thing is that something you've always kind of made sure was a part of your game or did you have to kind of learn that at some point um I think it's something that all backs have to learn cuz you know growing as a kid you just just want to get the ball and you know go s touchdowns and everything but um you you have to learn how to pass protect where did that reality kind of set in for you uh College definitely definitely in college did you ever get a chance to play in the in the dome in high school or UL or anything like that I didn't in high school um I went to UL and we had two bowl games here and I wasn't able to play in them um it's crazy but you know I played now and you know I told myself you know God you know save this moment for me right now so I'm glad I was able to come out here and have a good kind crazy you had to wait this long like but it was wor it do Jacob what's the rest of the day look like you got your friends and family in town you had two touchdowns a day yall having a dinner to celebrate how how's the rest of the day go for you we're definitely going to uh go probably have dinner and celebrate definitely how do you approach the next couple days as you kind of wait to see how the roster decisions kind of shape up uh I mean it's out of my control now you know mean it's in God's hand so all I can do is pray and hope for the best Jay was there a reserve spot you got tonight I mean like where we going to eat tonight I don't know yet I don't know yet I don't know but we want to eat good though for sure Darin d The Avenue has got know where he's eating um yeah you mentioned how much it was a dream come true to score a touchdown here talking about leaving it in God's hands when it comes to 53 but just for you being from here how much would it mean to make this 53 manov man it means everything uh I mean again I used to be a kid here watching you know like Duce and Reggie and Drew Brees play Mar you know what I mean as a little kid um so now that I'm on the team you know to make the team it would be just you know a dream come true which one of those guys did you model your your game after at that time all of them I'm a big fan of Reggie Bush but also D like the power deuce and you know the Finesse of Reggie um I definitely want to I have both of them so definitely was that cool to be a part of the moment before the game too with like kind of all the local guys definitely definitely that was a cool moment it was you know all the local guys uh it was led by Tyran but you know it was a great experience you checked a lot of experience boxes today didn't you I did I did I did it's awesome apprciate apprciate